m *:.• ' ' r ' ‘ f * i'-* ^ * ^ r AVEtlAGl^ DAILX dBCULATIOM for tte Bloatb of Moreli, 1M4 5,444 i i —ti>ii> of tiM Audit Bnrooa of Ofoeolottmn. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICP THlffiB VOL. i n ^ NO. 174. (ClaaoUled Adyortlatac MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1934. LEAGUE IS DAZED Where Dillinger Shot Way Out Of Police Trap DILLINGER STILL FREE; BY JAPS WARNING BIG MAN HUNT IS ON World Is ToU That Asia Is FINE CONCERT Desperado Reported Seen in for Asiatics and No Help PROGRAM OVEN Widely Separated Pomts ShooU Be Given to China By Associated Press ^reports that a speeding maichlne Police sought to locate John Dil­ was seen near the city limits with a — Government Has 100 B Y G L E E a ilB linger and other members of his blanketed figure in the rear seat. by Other Nations. gang in St.Paul. J. C. Newman, wounded in the Picked Men Engafed in Lieutenant O. E. Demaray said at tavern battle near Mercer, left the Geneva, April 24.— (A P )—League Ironwood hospital. Other victims, Audience of 500 Persons Ironwood, Mich., that he had been Search— Airplanes Used of Nations circles were dazed today notified of the discovery near Mar- C3arl Christensen, Spider Lake con­ stable, James Morris and John H off­ by Japan’s warning to the world enisco of an automobile believed to FiU High School HaD to man remained, with Morris in criti­ that she will oppose foreign aid to have been used by the fugitives who , — Officers Under Orders China “ under whatever guise” which shot their way out of an ambush of cal condition. abe deems may disturb the peace in officers near Mercer, Wls., last Sun­ Hear Beethoven Group Federal agents confiscated six to Shoot to KiH Eastern Ai^. day night. The warning. Issued yesterday in machine gims, a dozen shot guns a prepared statement by the Tokyo Present Splendid Choral Three women companions of the and rifles and five steel vests to­ government through Consul General outlaws removed from Ekigle River, gether with the luggage left behind Mercer, Wls., April 24.— (AP) -r- Yuchiro Yokoyama, was regarded Numbers. Wis., under heavy guard amd start­ by the fugitives. Through tee wooded wilds of tee as far from reassuring in the pres­ ed to undisclosed destination. North country, freahly white with ent situation in the Far East. In Washington, President Roose­ League representatives say Japan Evidence that one of the trio of velt demanded passage of anti-crime snow, Em army of determined men is reaching out to the Asiatic peo­ The Beethoven Glee Club laat eve­ fugitives who engaged police in a legislation and Assistant U. S. At­ hunted big gEune today— John Dili- torney General Keenan predicted ples and seeking to Inculcate in ning presented its ninth annual con­ gim battle near St Paul, Monday inger. them Japanese ideas and leadership. had been woimded was disclosed in the capture of Dillinger. cert,^ at the High school audltorldm. Crafty as a fox smd ruthless as Defies the League the wolf that some times prowls The club, during the nine years of Japan was pictured here as defy­ the brush-snEu*led timberlEmds of ing the League of Nations in the its existence, has grown from a Picturesquely situated in Eagle River, Wls., here jrou see the placid Little Bohemia Lodge from which Northers Wisconsin, the gunman League’s home where she was pub­ group of fifteen singers to a well John DlUlnger, the Indiana outlaw, and his gangsters shot their way out of a Federal trap, During the from Indiana continued to elude (me licly criticized for her aggression in bidanced club of fifty-nine male battle, in which machine guns and tear gas were used, two men were killed and four injured. of the most extensive man hunta the Manchurian campaign. MORSE GETS 8-20 YEARS the Northlands ever have known. The doctrine of “Asia for Asiatics voices. The audience of 600 persons, who “Dillinger luck’’ was holding; but under the leadership of Japan, act­ fiUed the hall, gave enthusiastic ap­ tee feeling weis strong Eunong tee ing in close collaboration with proval of the program, which proved hunters teat John Dillinger— cop- other Asiatic powers” was enunci­ ON CHARGE OF MURDER LAWYER DESCRIBES klller, bEmk robber, highwayman aad ated in the statement and Yoko­ to be one of great Interest Helge SAMUEL INSULL TELLS Jail fugitive— we« very close to his yama gave the impression here that E. Pearson, leader of the club since Japan is sure of herself in carrying its organization, directed, and L. lEMt stEmd. Burdette Hawiey, accompanist for The government had neEurly 100 out that doctrine. NEEDHAM MURDERS Wall Street Broker Pleads EDITORS DISOISS “ If armaments are sold to one several yearc, again served in that HOW HE FLED GREECE picked men on tee job. Many air­ party in C^iina it will be dangerous," capacity. The guest soloist was planes dropped from tee skies, Yokoyama said in replying to ques­ Elliot Stanley Foote, talented pian­ Gnilty to M anslaughter- bringing reinforcements. ist of Hartford. NEWS PHOTOGRAPHS The Department of Justice men tions concerning the declaration. District Attorney Asserts 'The program presented was as fol­ were under orders to shoot to kill. He added: . ^ Bhckens Hair and Mnstache Death Follows Quarrel in The memory of tee outlaw's latest “ Japan does not object to aid lows: SENATORS LIST victim—a government agent slain as from the League of Nations if it is Sanctus ........................... Schubert Mnrton Mullen as Man Dillinger blasted his way from a well employed, but we will warn John Peel and Then W afts Past Greenwich Village. Service to Start in Fall In the League we do not want it used Praise Ye the Lord.. .Tchaikowsky SILVER HOLDERS tavern neEur here Sunilay night— against the policy of .Japan, which (Old -English Hunting Song Who Operated the Gun. was not calculated to encourage tee officers to tEdce any chances with is a policy of peace.” arranged by Mark Andrews.) Sentinels Guarding His 25 Cities; Pictures to Be New York, April 24.— (A P)—Ar­ tee heavily armed despetado and his Japs Suspicious The Blizzard ........................ Cadman gang of criminals. Thus, with Japan openly sus­ The Club Dedham, M eiss., April 24.— (AP) thur W. Morse, Wall street broker, picious of the new plan of reorgan- Home in Adiens. Sent Over the Wires. Dillinger was believed hidtog Davidsbundler Banks and Corporations Big —Murton Millen today was pointed today WEIS sentenced to a prison teatlon in China, which Dr. Ludwig Nos. 10, 11, 4 ........... Schumann term of eight to twenty years on either In this N orte Woods coun­ Rajchman, the League’s envoy, is out ELS tee mEin who sprayed death try or to have tEdcen refuge to one Etude in A F l a t ...................Chopin his plea of g\illty to mansleughtor bringing back to Geneva, great In- Scherzo in C Sharp M inor.. Chopin Aboard the SS. Exiloaa, April 24 Holders of the White With a machine gun during tee rob­ New York, April 24.—(AP) — of several hideouts he is believed to tetest has been aroused in the meet­ In tee first degree in connection have prepared to tee ’Twin Cities of Elliot Stanley Foote — (A P ) — Bit by Wt, as the 8. S. bery of tee NeedhEun ’Trust company Publishers of te^ Nation’s news­ ing of the League of Nations coun­ on February 2, by District Attorney with tee death of Mrs. Edna Field Mtoneapolla and S t Pant Feasting I W atch................-..Elgar Exilona beam him homeward to Metal, Report Disclosed. papers entered today tee first of cil to which the plan will be sub­ Edmund.R. Dewing in h^ cmenlng Leavett, formerly, of Brookline, 'The casualty list from Sunday I Will lift Up Mine Eyes. .LaFocge tout, dags o f aeaslnMk .of tee Amerl- mitted on May 14. fiaee U s accusers, Samue) Inmill. q'addiess to the jury i» night’s two gun fights retoatoed two TTokoyama, listing the countries-, Song-^Ate-.JoUy Ifoger. qaz^ Newspaper Publishers Associa- The ‘CIuD ^r.Vhas disclorad his dramatic dash Faber murder trial. Judge' 4jfaarl«s Nott, Jr., pro­ deiEd and four wounded, with tea with which Japan would collaborate Washington, April 24.— (A P ) — A tioa. condition of one of tee wounded men Shadow March .............Protheroe for freedom aboard the ancient The district attorney accused nounced sentence & General Ses­ in maintaining peace. Included India list of silver holders furnished tee sions Ctourt. Bearing reports of Improved con­ critical. and the Dutch East Indies as well as Bendemeer’s Stream tramp steamer Maiotls from Athens ditions throughout tee ’country, tee (Old Irish .Melody arranged Senate today by tee ’Treasury dis­ (Oontlniied on ?age Two.) Mrs. Leavett weiS foimd rmcon- 'The belief teat DUltoger may be the Philippines and Siam, but he into the eastern Mediterranean. publishers cEfiled conferences on to one of the twin cities arose after by Walter H. Lewis.) closed chiefly banks and corporar scious on tee floor in Morse’s Mac- explained he referred to them as Extremely reticlent at first, he numerous questions. Including teat the skirmish which three m(m had The Drum .......................... Gibson Dougal Alley apartment in Green­ geographical divisions. gradually has become more talka­ tions as tee big owners of the metal ol tee press in connection with tee yesterday with the three deputy Old King Cole .................. Forsyth wich Village, March 13 last, after He was asked if he regarded tive. and included few individual names NatibnEd Recovery Act. sheriffs in S t Paul park, a suburb The Oub His lips have remained sealed re­ police were cEdled by neighbors who Russia as Asiatic.
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