Peter Hitchens | 256 pages | 21 Jul 2011 | Continuum Publishing Corporation | 9781441195074 | English | New York, United States The Rage Against God: How Led Me to

Religion has and continues to play a key role in a number of conflicts. He walks us through the change in British society from Christian conservative to socialist secular as he The Rage Against God and participated in it. But really, how much do we care how the Bolsheviks differed from Trotskyites at this point? While there are a few places when he lets us see deeply personal moments during his return to the church, mostly it The Rage Against God a description of dueling ideologies, as The Rage Against God in Christian Britain, atheistic , and disintegrating Somalia. Winnipeg Free Press. The supra? Numerous insights on the spiritual degradation of our nation and culture abound, as well as apt commentary on our p : The Rage Against God Part The Rage Against God to his brother, , atheism book, this is also Hitchens testimony, an spiritual autobiography, if you like. Retrieved 28 August Jan 25, Genni rated it liked it Shelves: religion. The book describes Hitchens's journey from atheismfar-left politicsand bohemianismto and The Rage Against Goddetailing the influences on him that led to his conversion. All this comes down to is personal preferences. The England of Peter's youth was depleted from exhausting wars and the loss of its vast empire, and struggling under crippling public debts. What I didn't read were well laid out calls for the believers to question their motives for any level of violence. It's kind of an aimless circling to faith done really without any mem Not good at all. I see the "center" that their faith seems to provide them active exercise of their intelligence and talents; compassion and fellowship; in short, hope for the future. Secularists, especially, will protest that the Enlightenment is overlooked in this sombre world view. This is dangerous thinking and has been proven to not work especially by Peter's journeys. Chapter 5 explores what Hitchens views as the pseudo-religion surrounding Churchill and World War II heroes — a "great cult of noble, patriotic death" [9] whose only equivalent, he claims, was in the Soviet Union. Rather than peddling in the wares of denial, Peter Hitchens would have done better to acknowledge frankly that religion can play a deeply destructive role, but put this into context. What of all this tension between brothers? Hardcoverpages. But Hitchens is right there is a difference between asking for God on your side, and acting like you are God as Stalin, Mao, and Kim-Jong Il have - not as much as he thinks, but a difference nonetheless. Article Author: James D. It should be required reading for any Christian who doesn't like how politics work in America. I don't believe they have any desire to harm the religious, though they certainly seem to fear us. Christians along with all the other groups are The Rage Against God well. I have a feeling this is the beginning of the end. Peter hit it out of the park, or whatever it is you do in cricket. But there is a deeper flaw in Peter The Rage Against God rebuttal of his brother —Peter takes on Christopher on his own premise, and when dealing with a skilled polemicist this is bound to be a losing battle. It is well written, passionate and sincere. While this might be a little less all-embracing, it would form a much stronger argument and, one suspects, an argument much more in keeping with Peter's own beliefs. His repeated references The Rage Against God Soviet brutality reveal that secular ideologies have caused more suffering in recent times than any conflict associated with religion. Hitchens supplies the The Rage Against God, however, and makes it easy to understand the loss. Similarly, his chapter exploring the requirement of faith to establish right and wrong does little to explain why the religious, like the irreligious, so often support hideous acts. The prehistoric, mysterious poetry of the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittis, perhaps a melancholy evening hymn, and the cold, ancient laments and curses of the Psalms, as the unique slow dusk of England gathers outside and inside the echoing, haunted, impossibly old building are extraordinarily potent. I had The Rage Against God chance to hear Peter Hitchens on the radio a few months back and finally picked up the book. We, He, will win. While societal forces are of interest, Peter Hitchens gives little insight into more personal matters. This book was like candy. Error rating book. May The Rage Against God, John rated it really liked it Shelves: christian- studiesbiography-memoir. Get A Copy. I can think of no better pair of books for Christmas reflection. This is a strange book. We are to do the best we can and love everyone. Sort order. But that doesn't mean it's good. Christians are NOT going to win - until Heaven. The Rage Against God

I liked it in some ways, but in other ways it's not very good. Sir Badgerly It is that and more ;- It certainly helps to be familiar with his brother's book, "," but it not entirely necessary. And on a more voyeuristic level—what impact has the disagreement had on their relationship? Not that surprising for a book that focuses on the consequences of atheistic ideology. The destruction or sidelining of religious voices was a key aim of the vilest 20th-century despots. Peter returned to his faith strangly enough at an art museum staring up at the painting of the Last Judgement. That utopianism is actively dangerous. Secularists, especially, The Rage Against God protest that the Enlightenment is overlooked in this sombre world view. Basically, I liked Christopher's over Peter's but not because of flaws in his style. The Rage Against God received a mostly favourable reception in the media. From there, he traces his experience as a journalist in Soviet Moscow, and the critical observations that left him with more questions than answers, and more despair than hope for how to live a meaningful life. I am reexamining the Cristian faith, in large part to my son's friends. Hitchens's perspective as a journalist and former atheist is both personal and powerful. This profound misunderstanding of the nature of the USSR is the key to finding another significant flaw in what is in general his circular argument". Their refusal to accept that others might be as The Rage Against God as they, yet disagree, leads them into many snares. This division, the difference between Prometheus and St Paulthe chasm that divides Shelley from T. Do they hate each other, do they speak, are they friends or mortal enemies? Rather than peddling in the wares of denial, Peter Hitchens would have done better to acknowledge frankly that religion can play a deeply destructive role, but put this into context. The last pages are an intellectual gold mine that lay to waste some of Christopher Hitchens' better-known attempts at discrediting the Christian faith. Also prevalent is, what I am going to start terming, "Christian Pessimism". Again, I expected more from Christopher Hitchens' brother. Dutcher rated it did not like it Shelves: biographynonfictionbad-nonfictionchristian. It should be required The Rage Against God for any Christian who doesn't like how politics work in America. I was aspiring to atheism, going only so far as a sincere agnosticism. This dynamic shapes the book in a way that detracts The Rage Against God it — Peter Hitchens' spiritual journey is more compelling The Rage Against God his critique of the Soviet Union, but the desire to prove his brother wrong hangs over almost every page. He is currently working in Sydney, Australia. It's kind of an aimless circling to faith The Rage Against God really without any memorable input by others. Sort order. Unfortunately, the deficit of restraint can be found not only in his public life but also in his personal life. In the middle, Peter goes through a rapid-fire examination of some of the more famous arguments of the "New Atheists," and while it is interesting I doubt it could change anyone's mind. He understands the mentality because he's a former Trotskyite. However, events like the Crusades were not exclusively foisted upon humanity out of just "religious" motivations. The Rage Against God by Peter Hitchens

For that, the reader should look elsewhere. Maybe the perfection of Camelot really was real and it's all been downhill since. The supra? Both are reactive and committed to upholding truth over political and legislating it. Other Editions Every belief system thinks "If only everyone knew and followed what I know Everyone knows the joke about Agnostics being too cowardly to be Atheists. The few interesting things tend to center around him being a foreign correspondent, but oddly he is much too brief on them. We, He, will win. Rather than sharp prose and crisp intellectual argument, The Rage Against God is primarily a series of reflections, firsthand observations, interesting quotes, and poignant memories that feel at times like the musings of a worldly wise uncle. Here's why this is dangerous and applies to Peter's book: Everyone wants to have their opinion on what's best for the world spread throughout all the globe. Peter exchanged secularist certainties for the Christian sort in the mids. And on a The Rage Against God voyeuristic level—what impact has the disagreement had on their relationship? In a sympathetic review The Rage Against God The GuardianRupert Shortt wrote, "Hitchens does not seek to mount a comprehensive defence of Christianity. On the whole, it is religion's cultured despisers, not Christian apologists, who now display greater shrillness. I had a chance to hear Peter Hitchens on the radio a few months back and finally picked up the book. P eter Hitchens and his brother Christopher, the Trotskyite turned neoconservative fellow traveller, are often compared to Cain and Abel. That utopianism is actively dangerous. He proceeds largely from historical, rather than personal, evidence: here are the fruits of Christianity, and here is what one finds in its absence". He goes on in a later chapter to state that he is only a Christian due to fear, essentially of the unknown. Many of this book's detractors wil A great addition to the current debate between Christianity and atheism, written by the brother of the most notorious atheist of our times. God gave it to Satan for a time. I was more swayed by his observations and "epiphanies" earlier in the book,as opposed to the call for a return to conservative Christianity he declares in the final pages of the book. Jun 08, Jennifer rated it liked it Shelves: books. If nothing else, I expected some kind of unique approach to the faith vs atheism argument. While this might be a little less all-embracing, it would form a much The Rage Against God argument and, one suspects, an argument much more in keeping with Peter's own beliefs. In Chapter 1, Hitchens describes abandoning religion in his youth, and promoting "cruel revolutionary rubbish" as a Trotskyist activist. Peter The Rage Against God to his faith strangly enough at an art museum staring up at the painting of the Last Judgement. Shelves: memoirsnon- fictionspirituality. A great addition to the current debate between Christianity and atheism, written by the brother of the most notorious atheist of our times. Oct The Rage Against God, Brian rated it really liked it Shelves: re-readrefresh-my-spirit. In Chapter 1 he admits that as a youngster he was an atheist because, "I haughtily scorned those adults who, out of alarm, concern, love, or duty, sought to warn or restrain me. Because he is well spoken, well studied, and has a unique contrast to his brother Christopher Hitchens, this book is still worth the read I would not say that if it weren't so short. In short, Peter not only takes the opposite position The Rage Against God Christopher's volume, but does so using a language and style that almost perfectly contrasts with his brother's style. Lewis's potent sneer at The Rage Against God sentimentality--"like a consumptive girl. Hitchens counters the arguments of 'the new atheists,' including his brother, in this compelling book. But that doesn't mean The Rage Against God good. They were me These are really not arguments for religion, but against self-glorification. HardcoverThe Rage Against God.