Professor Sir Kenneth Calman & Lady Ann Calman Chancellor of the University of

May I, on behalf of the General Council Business Committee and the alumni community of the University thank you and express our appreciation of your fourteen years of service as Chancellor of the . Over the years as Chancellor since 2006 you have served the University in a manner which has fully declared and represented the excellence for which the University has been renowned since its foundation in 1451. Whether representing the University at many alumni events, presiding over graduation ceremonies or leading the University at Commemoration Day you with Ann have always been a source of support and encouragement to the University alumni, students and staff. And reading your own story “It started in a cupboard” you become an inspiration to others and a reflection of Glaswegian warmth and welcome showing a quiet and determined dignity no matter the challenging circumstances facing you from time to time.

In your role as Chancellor you have in many ways epitomised the motto of the University seeking the way, guided by truth, advancing life. Your strong interest in the lives of alumni and how life has turned out for each graduate you have encountered wherever and in whatever circumstances you have met them has often been remarked upon and ins part of a wonderful legacy from you and Ann to the University community.

With best wishes for this next stage of your and Ann’s life.

Reverend Stuart D MacQuarrie Convenor, General Council Business Committee