The 5 Towns Jewish Times It Is No Illusion That the Economy Is in a Recession and Our Enemies Pose Real Threats
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$1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 8 NO. 43 15 TAMMUZ 5768 xjbhp ,arp JULY 18, 2008 INSIDE FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK ons ouebh ‘v MindBiz B Y LARRY GORDON Esther Mann, LMSW 21 Visiting Day Hannah Reich Berman 23 Wasn’t Built In A Day The Kiruv Experience I’m in Italy this week to take vacation more exhausted than Rabbi Meir Goldberg 27 a first-person look at some of when I left. the things that I’ve read and The city of Rome repre- Daf Yomi Insights studied about for so long. I sents many things to the Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 30 spent Monday and Tuesday in world. It was once the seat of Rome, the capital of the coun- power for some of history’s Breaking The Luchos try and historically the source most ruthless and murderous P Rabbi Yehudah Prero 67 h o t of a great deal of pain inflicted leaders. Rome bred destroyers o : F l a s h particularly on the Jewish peo- of Israel and those who per- 9 ple. From there it will be on to fected the debauchery associ- 0 The bodies of Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser were returned to Israel in a Florence and Venice. Two ated with a deep and pro- multistage prisoner swap. They were placed in coffins, draped with Israeli days in Rome reminds me of flags, and transported to the Shraga Base, south of Nahariya. why I always come back from Continued on Page 7 See Story, Page 57 SUPREME ARROGANCE HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE The Devolving have been written by an Israeli On Line To Eat Value Of Life Supreme Court justice, so In memory of BY JONATHAN lacking was it in anything bor- BY LARRY GORDON Manhattan. There is certainly Diana Libin, a’h. ROSENBLUM dering on coherent analysis. a plethora of glatt kosher See Page 48 A five-to-four majority of As much fun and as socially restaurants today—more than About one thing Aharon the court ruled that imposi- enjoyable as it may be, I still ever before—for us to enjoy. Barak, former president of the tion by Louisiana of the death find it somewhat unnatural to My inspiration for writing Supreme Court of Israel, is penalty on Patrick Kennedy leave the confines of home to this piece (which was first right: constitutionalism—the for brutally raping his 12- eat dinner in a room filled published in this column last imposition by judges of their year-old stepdaughter and with perhaps hundreds of June) came as I was driving moral intuitions on an unsus- inflicting internal injuries far noisy people. I’m talking about back and forth on Central pecting public—is on the rise too gruesome to describe eating out in some of our Avenue shuttling my kids to everywhere. The opinion of would constitute cruel and finest and most interesting different classes in prepara- Justice Anthony Kennedy of unusual punishment. Accord- restaurants here in the Five tion for their upcoming the U.S. Supreme Court in Towns on Central Avenue or Kennedy v. Louisiana could Continued on Page 9 in Queens, Brooklyn, or Continued on Page 6 OHEL Golf Classic. See Page 43 Baseball By The Sea A Speech To SURPRISE! Remember Another Mother’s Musings B Y STEVEN GENACK B Y PHYLLIS J. L UBIN 1:09:55–1:10:16… Renting a DVD offers many What is it about a surprise advantages that are lost in the that makes us so excited? (I theater. In a theater, you can’t am referring to good surpris- rewind the film, see special es; bad surprises are a topic features, or get the résumés of for another week.) Even as starring actors. In addition, infants, the game of “peek-a- Rabbi Eliezer Feuer and when watching a DVD, you boo” is based on our enjoy- Mr. Richard Altabe at have a time indicator that ment of being surprised or Bayswater breakfast. P h o t gives an exact second-by-sec- even frightened. All my chil- o See Page 68 B y S i m ond time count of the film. dren loved that game! First c h a D a In a recent film, I recorded the quiet “peek-a” part where y C a CANDLE LIGHTING m p the exact time of a scene. It I would cover my eyes, and July 18 – 8:04 PM The Brach’s League Burgers Bar Bears of Simcha Day Camp, began 1 hour, 9 minutes, and then the laughter that erupted July 25 – 7:58 PM led by all-star coach Yisi Langer. See Page 69 Continued on Page 14 Continued on Page 11 2 July 18, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES July 18, 2008 3 4 July 18, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES July 18, 2008 5 HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE Continued from Front Cover Regents exams. My route passed the Burgers Bar restaurant in Cedarhurst sev- eral times, and I noticed that there was a line of people extending out the door and onto the street, ostensibly for the purpose of getting inside to eat some burgers. I would have liked to get on that line, but first it had to subside somewhat. Also, I needed to decide that I wanted to dine on one of those larger-than-life and great-tasting burgers with all the relish you can possibly conjure. I just was not doing it yet because for the most part, I’d stopped eating out since I returned from a trip to Israel in February. You see, before leaving for Israel I was on a diet, and I was doing well on it. While for some reason I am always conscious of the need to lose or at least maintain my weight, I have become increasingly aware of how easy it is to be pulled into the out-of-control spin cycle of overindulgence to the point where nothing fits anymore— which leads to additional associated misery. I knew that sticking to my diet in Israel was going to be nearly impossible. And boy was I ever right. The evening that we arrived, some friends whisked us off to this place on Agripas Street near King George called Mike’s Grill. It’s a large off-the-grill place or, as the Israelis like to call it, al ha’eish. We sat down and, as if on cue, one of the waiters started funneling all kinds of spicy salads onto the table. Then the toasted-garlic and pepper-laden pitas began flowing in our direction, fol- lowed immediately by skewers of chicken, chopped meat, lamb, and—most titillating for the taste buds—excellent chicken livers. Okay, so far so good. You tell yourself that so far it’s mostly high protein—except for the pita. But wait, that feeling of peace is short-lived, because as quick as you can say “pass the hot sauce,” the assortment of fries begins to make its appearance. There were large regular fries, spicy fries, fries with chicken fat poured over them, and so on. All of a sudden we were 5,600 miles away from New York but even further away from any- thing resembling a diet or healthy eating. We tried walking it off that night, but I would have had to walk to Eilat to get rid of it all. Things improved after that, as we only ate one “big meal” per Continued on Page 8 6 July 18, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES FROM THE EDITOR and the Catholic Church could think FEATURES Continued from Front Cover about as they planned an assortment of ways to obliterate Jews and, if possi- found paganism that called for man to ble, even Judaism. Aliyah Chronicle P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 worship and serve nothing but himself. Yet, this is the precise point of all 516-984-0079 And there is also Vatican City, the seat the pomp out here on the streets of Shmuel Katz 45 [email protected] [email protected] of power of the Catholic Church as Rome. Millions stream in and out of embodied by the Pope. St. Peter’s Basilica and the Sistine LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Around The Five Towns 39 Publisher/Editor Managing Editor The ancient edifices and statues that Chapel in search of religious fulfill- YOSSI GORDON, YOCHANAN GORDON dot the city are remnants of that period Sales Managers of militaristic bravado that left waves of Ask The Sensei devastation wherever ancient Rome CHANA ROCHEL ROSS Warren Levi 29 Editorial Assistant raised its ugly stone head. Remnants The pagan leaders SIDI BARON and artifacts along with ruins testifying YAKOV SERLE to the reality of these historical periods Classified Ads 64 JERRY MARKOVITZ are just about everywhere. To a casual and then the leaders Sales Representatives observer Rome is a tribute to the metic- Daf Yomi Insights SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC ulous recording of history or what of Christianity could Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor might be better understood as a “text Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 30 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS message” to 2,000 years in the future. not rest until they Irwin H. Benjamin, Hannah Reich Berman Perhaps most fascinating in Rome is Anessa V. Cohen, Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg Insights On The Torah Toby Klein Greenwald, Michele Herenstein how the ego-driven emperors, after destroyed Jerusalem. Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Miriam Horowitz years of battling and murdering one Rabbi Yanki Tauber 32 Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky another, became allies of the popes Shmuel Katz, Phyllis J.