Mission History Collection at the North American Baptist Conference Heritage Center

Section B: Pamphlets, Brochures, Booklets, Etc.

The following acronyms are used throughout: CBC for Cameroon Baptist Convention, the nation-wide denomination of the NAB-related Baptist churches in Cameroon. NAB for North American Baptist, the supporting churches in North America. Originally known as the German Baptist Churches of North America. In 1942 the name was changed to North American Baptist General Conference. Later “General’ was dropped. CBM for Cameroon Baptist Mission, the legally registered mission organization of the NAB Conference in Cameroon, 1942 ff.

Most of these materials tell about the work of NAB missionaries and CBC ministries but there are also materials from other sources that in various ways relate to mission work. Page sizes are given for many materials since these vary significantly. There are short annotations for most to give something of a publication’s relation to the work of the NAB missionaries and CBC ministries. The order of the materials is alphabetical by last name of author (or publisher when no author named). Publications of the CBC and NAB Conference are grouped together under those headings in order by year of publication since most do not have individual authors named. Almost all materials are in English with a few in German, French, West African Pidgin English, or Cameroonian Douala.

Abangma, S. E. 1971, 3rd ed. Civics for Cameroon Schools. Kumba, Cameroon: Diens P. P. Press. 24 pages (6 x 9 ½ inches). The Civics textbook used in the top two primary school grades of Baptist elementary schools in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Ahidjo, El Hadj A. n.d. [1971]. In Defense of Peace, Justice and Solidarity in International Society. n.p.: Cameroon Government. 74 pages. The speeches of the President of Cameroon given in international settings 1967-1970. Cameroon was generally viewed as an African country that attained independence with almost no bloodshed. Included are pictures of Ahidjo with world leaders, including USA President Nixon at the Washington White House. Ahidjo, El Hadj A. n.d. [1976]. nouvelles perspectives pour la nation. n.p.: Cameroon Government. 69 pages. Anderson, Gerald H., ed. 1998. Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions. Grand Rapids MI: Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Co. Select pages of articles about NAB missionaries Carl Bender, George Dunger, and Paul Gebauer. Ardener, E. W. 1965. Historical Notes on the Scheduled Monuments of West Cameroon. Buea: West Cameroon Government. 16 pages (6 ½ x 9 inches). A noted African scholar describes the 10 Government-declared monuments. Ardener, E.W. 1965. Anmerkungen zur Geschichte der geschuetzten Denkmaeler Weskameruns. Buea: West Cameroon Government Printer. 18 pages. German translation of author’s Historical Notes on the Scheduled Monuments…. Ardner, Shirley G. 1968. Eye-Witnesses to the Annexation of Cameroon 1883–1887. Buea, Cameroon: West Cameroon Government. 88 pages (7 ½ x 9 ½ inches). Summarizes historical accounts of some who saw that important time of transition. Ashu, Comfort Eneke. 1984. Riddles and Folktales for Schools. Limbé, Cameroon: Nooremac Press. 73 pages. Author Ashu, who attended the CBM Baptist Teachers Training School for part of her education, brings together stories and riddles told by Cameroon village story tellers to children in earlier generations as part of their important informal education of those bygone days. Baptist Mission of Germany. 1938. Mienge Ma Bosangi . Neuruppin, Germany: 207 pages (4 x 6 ¼ inches). A Hymnbook in the Doualla language used by various coastal tribal groups of Cameroonian Baptists over many years with translators and/or composers including British Baptist Missionary in the 1860s, NAB Missionary August Steffens in the 1890s, and early Baptist Cameroonians. This Hymnbook was reprinted several times. Bascom, William R. and Paul Gebauer. 1953. Handbook of West African Art. Milwaukee: Bruce Publication Co. 83 pages. NAB Missionary Paul Gebauer authored “Part 2: Art of the British ”. Bederman, Sanford H. 1968. Cameroons Development Corporation [CDC]: Partner in National Growth. Bota, Cameroon: CDC. 80 pages. Cameroonian evangelists and NAB Missionaries organized churches in the coastal plantations run by the CDC. Many of those workers came from the inland Grasslands and away from village influences were thus more open to the Gospel. Bender, C.J. 1932. Beleedi ba Eyal’ Loba. Neuruppin, Germany: Missionsgesellschaft deutschen Baptisten. 57 pages (4 ¾ x 7 ¼ inches) booklet. Billy Graham Center. 1993. Africa before the Great War. Wheaton, IL: Billy Graham Center. 28 pages. Includes 8 photos taken in Cameroon before 1914 with some probably as early as the 1890s. Bogan, Neill. 1986. Art of the Cameroons: Works from the Collection of George D. Henderson. Athens, GA: Lyndon House Art Center. 12 pages. NAB Missionary and Artist Henderson’s Cameroon collections introduced many people to Cameroon. Bonkung, Handerson J. 2006. “No! Never Alone”. Bafoussam, Cameroon: Les Bonnes Affaires. 4-page full color bi-folded leaflet. Cameroonian Baptist and active journalist Bonkung tells his story of never being able to speak after experiencing meningitis. British Information Services. n.d. [1951]. Introducing West Africa. London: British Information Services. 88 pages. Outlines British “indirect rule” concept involving Native Authorities and British District Officers that NAB missionaries interfaced with. Burnley, Gwen E. 1975. “Christ’s Hand in Mine”. Limbé: 7 pages mimeographed. The address given by Mrs. Burnley, a member of the Cameroon National Assembly and daughter of prominent Baptists E.K. and Hannah Martin, at the “10th Passing Out [Graduation] exercises” at Saker Baptist College that was started in 1962 by NAB missionaries and Cameroonian colleagues. .

------Note: Pamphlets, brochures etc. produced by an entity of the Cameroon Baptist Convention are all grouped together here in chronological order with the CBC as the publisher since most have no individual author named.------CBC. 1960 ff. ”Baptist Voice”. Periodical of the Cameroon Baptist Convention described in Section D (Periodical Articles). CBC. 1963. “Saker Baptist College [Dining Hall-Auditorium] Dedication” [program]. 8 pages. June 29, 1963. Includes “A Brief History” and a sketch of the location of the early campus buildings. CBC. 1963. “BTTC [Baptist Teachers Training College] Newsletter”. 4 pages. Nov 18, 1963. Headline: “BTTC Answers Cameroon Call for Additional Teachers; Constructs New Classroom Building”. CBC. 1964. Baptist CBC Handbook: For Use as a Guide for Baptist Churches in Cameroon Baptist Convention. n.p.: mimeographed. 111 pages. Covers 34 topics from “1. Baptist Principles” to “34. Benedictions” plus an Appendix on “Church Building Construction” complete with diagrams of an A-frame building with measurements of the 28 pieces of lumber (excluding doors) needed for a building to hold from 60 up to 200 persons. The Appendix is by a NAB missionary with prior building experience. CBC. 1964. “Ordination Service [program] of Pastor Flavius Martin, B.A., B.Th.”. 12 pages. Aug 2, 1964. Includes a 3-page “Short History of Ebenezer Baptist Church 1869-1964 & her Pastors”. Also a 1-page “Short Biography of Pastor Flavius Martin, B.S., [Sioux Falls College], B.Th. [1964: North American Baptist Seminary, now Sioux Falls Seminary].” CBC. 1965. “Ebenezer Baptist Church, Victoria [now Limbé], West Cameroon 1858-1965“. 3 pages (4 x 6¼ inches) tri-folded leaflet. Includes photo of the church building and Brief History. Ebenezer Church was, and still is, also known as the Down Beach Church because of its location by the small bay that is part of the Atlantic Ocean. CBC. 1966. “Cameroon Baptist Convention List of Churches”. 20-page booklet. CBC. 1966. “SBC [Saker Baptist College] Class of 1966”. 5-page Baccalaureate and 3-page Commencement programs. NAB Missionaries Ruby Saltzman (Principal), George Henderson, Fred Folkerts, and Gary Schroeder participated along with Cameroonians Mr. E.K. Martin the CBM Education Secretary, Baptist Pastors Flavius Martin, Stephen Nteff, and Presbyterian Pastor Fondo. CBC. n.d. [c. 1970]. “Student Policies”. Victoria (now Limbé): Saker Baptist College. 7 pages (8¼ x 13 inches) mimeographed sheets that cover all aspects (Post Office, Visitors, Library, Punishment, etc.) of living at this all-girls residence secondary school. CBC. 1971. “CBC New Life For All News” (Jun 7, Jun 15, Jul, Aug 7). Four 2-sided (8 x 13 inches) fliers. New Life for All was a Cameroon-wide personal evangelism emphasis that the Baptist and Presbyterian churches encouraged. CBC. n.d. [1972]. “Announcing Three Friends for Christ Campaign” 8 pages (6½ x 8½ inches) booklet. One of the activities of the New Life For All program where a person joins with other Christians in a small cell group and each Christian has 3 non-Christian friends they specifically prayed for daily and shared their concern with their, usually weekly, cell group. CBC. 1972. “Announcing the CBC Christian Stewardship Programme”. 3 pages (4¼ x 8¼ inches) tri-folded flier. CBC. 1972. “C.B.C. Christian Stewardship - Study Book I” & “C.B.C. Christian Giving - Study Book II”. Bamenda, Cameroon: Mimeo-Press. 28 page booklet. “… for all…who desire to know God’s will concerning Christian stewardship.” CBC. 1974, Revised. Cameroon Baptist Convention Handbook. 118 pages plus 22-page Appendix booklet with fill-in forms. An update of the very helpful 1964 version for local church lay and staff leaders with such topics as “How to Call a New Pastor”. CBC. 1975. “Baptist Men.” 16 page newsletter. Sept. 30, 1975, Vol. I, No. 2. Contains informative articles such as “On the Way to Yaoundé” about “the challenge to introduce CBC [through local church activities and health clinic] in Cameroon’s national capital city”. Another article, “Calling! The Medical Authority” by NAB Missionary Doctor J. Fluth who had been asked by the CBC to be their first Medical Secretary for the hospitals and clinics ministries recently transferred to the CBC by the NAB-CBM missionaries. CBC. n.d. [1975]. Boys’ Brigade Knot Tying Badge. 24 page lessons booklet. Gives the requirements for earning this Boys’ Brigade (A Christian program similar to Boy Scouts) badge. Some CBC churches sponsored Brigades as a ministry and outreach. CBC. 1977. “B.B.S.S. [Baptist Boys Secondary School] Journal, No. 1, 1977”. Buea, Cameroon: mimeographed, 28 pages. Cameroonian Principal Flavius K. Martin’s opening article explains that this 1-year old school with a capacity enrollment 218 students is on the grounds of the former NAB mission-sponsored Baptist Teachers’ Training School. The Baptist Teachers’ College new location was in Njinkijem. CBC. 1978. “Saker Baptist College” (Fourteenth Board of Governors Minutes, 1978). Limbé, Cameroon: mimeographed, 23 pages. Two Government officials, four CBC leaders, two community leaders, and three NAB missionaries made up this Board. CBC. 1980s. “The Life Abundant Programme [LAP]”. 8-page leaflet. Description of this CBC ministry through basic health centers in remote villages where the local villagers (many from a nearby Baptist church) are trained to give basic initial medical care. CBC. 1989. A History of the Women’s Union of the Cameroon Baptist Convention 19571989. 40 pages (4 x 6¾ inches). CBC. 1990s. “Life Abundant Primary Health Care”. 6 pages (3 ½ x 8 inches) folded leaflet. CBC. n.d. [1990 reprint]. Mienge Ma Bosangi - Hymnbook of the Cameroon Baptist Convention. 207 pages (4 x 6 ¾ inches). See Baptist Mission of Germany for description. CBC. 1991. “Kumbo [Cameroon] Baptist Church 40th Anniversary and Dedication Programme 1949 - 1990”. 10 pages. This church had been established by NAB Missionaries Paul Gebauer and Leslie Chaffee, MD when the nearby buildings that had been occasionally used as a clinic by the British Government were transferred to the CBC to serve as a fully staffed hospital. CBC. 1992. “Training for Service at Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary, Ndu”. 6 pages (4½ x 8¼ inches) tri- folded flier. Includes a brief history of the Seminary started by the CBC in 1947 and other information useful to prospective students. CBC. 1994. “Order of Funeral Service for the Late Dr. Ernest Kofele Martin…” Limbé, Cameroon: 7 pages (5½ x 8¼ inches) bulletin. Cameroonian Martin, a long-time Baptist lay leader, had served as the CBC Education Secretary and then President of the CBC. Included is a fairly detailed history of Martin’s forebears which went back on both sides to Cameroonian kings of the early 1800s. Both sides of his family were early Baptist Christians in the mid 1800s time of Jamaican Baptist Missionary Joseph Merrick in Bimbia and British Baptist Missionary Alfred Saker in Fernando Po (now ) Island and Victoria (now Limbé). CBC. 1997. History: C.B.C. Women’s Union 40th (Ruby) Anniversary, 1957-1997. 44 pages (8 x 11 inches) booklet. CBC. 1998. “An Appeal for Rescue: Belo Field Crisis of the Cameroon Baptist Convention”. 4 pages (8¼ x 11 inches) flier. A description of the situation in Belo when many of the Baptist churches, led by the former CBC Field [Executive Area] Pastor, broke away from the CBC. This Appeal by the remaining CBC Belo churches is for help during their reorganization. CBC. 1999. “Banso Baptist Hospital Celebrates 50 Years of God’s Blessings on 11-12 June, 1999”. Kumbo: Cameroon: Full color 2-sided 8½ x 11 inches (folded into 3 panels) brochure. An invitation with 3 historic and 3 current photos, and proposed plan for a new Out Patient Department building. Included is the invitation letter that was sent out with the brochure. CBC. 1999. Banso Baptist Hospital: Golden Jubilee 50 Years of God’s Blessings (1949 - 1999). Bamenda, Cameroon: Unique Printers. 44 pages (5 ½ x 8 inches) booklet. Besides the complete program outline, there is a brief history of Baptist missions in Cameroon focusing on the medical work. Also included are letters of greetings from North America and comments by Fred Folkerts former CBM Field Secretary for Cameroon as well as the addresses by the then current NAB Missionary Field Director Oryn Meinerts and Cameroonian Professor Tih Pius Muffih, Director of the CBC Health Services. CBC. 1999. “CBC President’s Address to the [CBC] General Session” by Samuel Becke. 5 pages (8½ x 11 inches). Cameroonian Becke, a long-time CBC worker in various leadership roles, gives what is his final formal CBC address. CBC. 2000. Douala CBC Health Centre. “AIDS AIDS!!!” by Daniel Daniel Mboe. 1 page ( 8 ½ x 11 inches) flier. The Assistant Supervisor of Nursing Services at CBC’s Mbingo Baptist Hospital gives “Some facts on AIDS” in this free handout. CBC. n.d. [2000]. “Institutional Goals 2001 to 2005” (CBC Health Board). 34 pages (8¼ x 11¾ inches) spiral-bound booklet. A comprehensive statement of the CBC Health Board’s 5-year goals department-by-department starting with the mission statement: “… to assist in the provision of care to all who need it as an expression of Christian love and as a means of witness in order that they might be brought to God through Jesus Christ…” CBC. n.d. [2000]. “The Ministries of the Cameroon Baptist Convention”. 22 pages (5 ½ x 8 inches) booklet. CBC. 2000. “Baptist High School, Great Soppo Buea Golden Jubilee…” 6 folded pages “Souvenir Programme” with a brief “history of Christian Education on this Soppo-Baptist hill” and 2-page “Welcome Address” delivered by Mr. Tetevi Bodylawson. CBC. 2002. “Project Proposal: Cameroon Baptist Seminary - Kumba”. 33 pages (8¼ x 11¾ inches) spiral-bound booklet. The complete plans including all building specifications and costs for this new CBC Seminary. Shortly after the Seminary was started using an existing elementary school building on this former CBM station while the first floor of the Academic building was built. CBC. 2002. “Saker Times - …Publication by Saker Baptist College”. 44 pages (8 x 10 ¾ inches) booklet. Includes various historical items in this issue celebrating 40 years of this girls secondary school established by 3 NAB Baptist missionaries and 3 Cameroonian colleagues in 1962. Included are essays by current students and a listing of the then 4,700 graduates. CBC. 2002. “Saker Baptist College 1962 - 2002 Ruby Jubilee Celebrations”. 8 (5½ x 8 inches) pages booklet. CBC. 2003. “Mbingo Baptist Hospital 50th Anniversary, 17-18 Jan. 2003”. 48 (5¾ x 8¼ inches) pages booklet. CBC. 2003. “Joseph Merrick Baptist College - Ndu…Celebrates Forty (40) years of Excellence…”. 19 (7 x 10 inches) pages booklet. Include an e-mail from NAB Missionary Ellen Breitkreuz giving her first-hand perspective of the celebration. CBC. n.d. [2004]. Certificate of Local CBC Church Registration. 8½ x 11 inches. CBC. 2004. “Cameroon Baptist Convention 50th Anniversary Celebration Special Invitation”. 8 pages (5½ x 8 inches full-color booklet. CBC. 2004. “Cameroon Baptist Convention 50th Anniversary Brochure”. Bamenda: Unique Printers. 40 (5 ¾ x 8 inches) pages booklet. Includes the 17-page address given by Rev. Charles Tangwa, General Secretary. of the CBC. CBC. n.d. [2005]. “Information Sheet for Medical Students and Volunteers Wishing to Work in Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Board Programs”. 4 pages (8 ½ x 11 inches). CBC. 2007. “C.B.C. Women’s Union Golden Jubilee 50th Anniversary Celebration”. Program: 12 pages (5 ½ x 8 inches) booklet and Special Invitation: 4 pages, (4 x 5 ½ inches) folded card. CBC. 2007. C.B.C. Women’s Union History Book, 1957 - 2007. Nkwen Bamenda: CBC Printing Press. 76 pages (8 x 11inches) booklet. (Compiled by Sophie Woloa). CBC. 2007. “Proposed Centre for Clinical Pastoral Education and Services. Administrative and Dormitory Blocks, Mbingo Baptist Hospital”. CBC Health Board Tech Services. 22 pages (8 x 11 ½ inches) spiral-bound booklet. CBC. 2008. “Three H [Heart Head, Hands] Girls Manual (Guide’s Handbook for Leaders, 50th Anniversary Edition). Bamenda: CBC Women’s Union. 24 pages (6 x 8 ¼ inches). CBC. 2009. “LAP [Life Abundant Programme] and the Church”. CBC / LAP. 8- page booklet. This (and the following 2 booklets) are introductory training booklets for LAP staff of this CBC ministry through basic health centers in remote villages where where the local villagers (many from a nearby Baptist church) are trained to give basic initial medical care. (By David A. Ngoh). CBC. 2009. “LAP Field Supervisor and PHC Nurse”. CBC / LAP. 12- page booklet. (By David A. Ngoh). CBC. 2009. “LAP Spiritual Leader”. CBC Health Board / LAP. 18 pages (5 ¾ x 8 ¼ inches) folded booklet. (By David A. Ngoh).

Cameroon Baptist Alliance. 2006. “Cameroon Baptist Alliance: Official Launching of Activities”. [Program booklet] Limbe, Cameroon: Cameroon Baptist Alliance. 22 pages. Cameroon OIC. n.d. [2000]. “Cameroon OIC (Opportunities Industrialization Centre)”. [Descriptive brochure] Buea, Cameroon: Cameroon OIC. 6 pages (4 x 8 ¼ inches) 2-color, tri-folded brochure. (By S.N.E Becke and Ekena Monono). Casson, C.R. Ltd (Design and Production). 1956. Royal Tour of Nigeria, The. Welwyn Garden City, England: Broadwater Press, The, 32 pages. An impressive full-color booklet about the young Queen Elizabeth’s tour of Nigeria. This caused quite a stir in Cameroon, then attached to Nigeria by the British Government, as traditional Cameroonian leaders and some missionaries were invited to Nigeria to meet the queen then starting her 80 years+ reign. Chilver, E.M. 1966. Zintgraff’s Explorations in Bamenda: Adamawa and the Benue Lands 1889-1892. Buea: Government Printer. 134 pages (7 x 9 ¼ inches) folded booklet. A scholarly description of an early exploration of inland Cameroon that took place when the first NAB missionaries, August and Anna Steffens, were already serving in Coastal Cameroon.. Chilver, E.M. and P.M. Kaberry. 1967. Traditional Bamenda: The Pre-colonial History and Ethnography of the Bamenda Grassfields - Volume I. Buea: Government Printer. 134 pages (6 ½ x 9 ½ inches) glue-bound booklet. Dah, Jonas N. 1989. “Basel Mission in Cameroon, The” in Christensen, Torben and William R. Hutchison. Missionary Ideologies in the Imperialist Era: 1880–1920. (Select chapter) Denmark: Christensens Bogtrykkeri, Bogtrykkergardegarden a-s, Struer. 13 pages. A history of the early work of the Basel Mission in Cameroon, one of the three Protestant missions in Cameroon then. The other Protestant mission was the American Presbyterian in the far south of Cameroon. Dah, Jonas N., ed. 1989. Kangsen, As They Saw Him. Limbe, Cameroon: Memcam Press. 111 pages. The leader of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon with which NAB missionaries were generally on friendly terms. Danker, William J. 1971. Profit for the Lord: Economic Activities in… the Basel Mission Trading Company. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Co. (Select pages). Before the 1914 World War, NAB and Berlin Baptist missionaries cooperated closely with the Basel (Swiss-German) missionaries and at times also ran trading stores to help fund mission programs in Cameroon. Dekar, Paul R. 2001. ”Jamaican and British Baptists in West Africa, 1841-1888”. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada: Baptist World Alliance Heritage and Identity Commission. A scholarly paper by a non-Baptist Cameroon missionary. Dinga, John S. 1974. The Other Cameroonian. Buea, Cameroon: Catholic Printing Press. 55 pages (6 ½ x 9 ¾ inches) folded booklet.

To be Continued…