

The presence of penis in is reduced to arteries that irrigate the reproductive organs a few species in specific taxonomical of the Coturnix japonica males, classifying groups. it as phallus no protrudens. PÉREZ(1974) Typically, two kinds of phallus have describes the Coturnix japonica penis as a been described: the phallus protrudens, an truly copulatory organ. intromittent organ that may be found in the The aim of this note is to give the Ratites, Tinamidae and some description of a penis in a closely related (e.g. Anas and geese), and the phallus no allospecies (JOHNSGARD,l988), the protrudens, which is not considered an European quail Coturnix c. coturnix, This intromittent organ because it is small, organ (fig. 1) is a structure consisting of the characteristic of some Galliformes species ventral lip of the vent, the floor of the like the domestic fowl (Gallus) and the proctodeum and the lateral wall of the domestic turkey (Meleagris) (KING, 1981). urodeum. It is formed by two lateral phallic A third category of phallus, which are bodies and a central one which is practically semi-vestigial (KINc, 1981), have been also inperceptible; in erect conditions, they described in other species, like virtually come together with two lymphatic Phoenicopterus ruber, Platalea leucorodia folds (fig. 2). Therefore, this structure has (GADOW,1887), Otis tarda (GADOW& certain differences both with the phallus of SELENKA,189 1), Crax alector (GERHARD, the genera Gallus and with that of 1933) and Bubalornis albirostris (SUSHKIN, Meleagris, described by KING(1981). 1927). This penis have been observed in 100 Later, COIL & WETHERBEE(1959) males, captured in the field (Alp, Girona imprecisely and incompletely quoted the province, Spain) with the aid of a decoy presence of a non intromittent copulatory throughout the breeding season of the years organ in the Japanese quail Coturnix 1991 to 1994. Observations in situ, were japonica; these researchers were not able to carried out only of those males whose foam observe it in erection, so its size in this gland was developed, in order to ensure the circumstance is still unknown. RENZONI sexual maturity of the individuals. No (1968) indirectly refers to the presence of differences between yearlings and adults phallus in this species when he suggests, were observed; however, males (either without supporting evidence, that the yearlings or adults) maintained in captivity function of the cloaca1 glands may be to conditions throughout the non-breeding produce a lubricating substance for the period, showed a total regression of the phallus of the male. OKAMOTOet al. (1992) penis, being impossible to observe it in such also refer to it when they describe the conditions. l l

Fig. 1. Penis of Cotirrnir c. coturnir.

B 1

Fig. 2. Structure of the penis of Coturnix c. coturnix: a. Partially everted; h. Totally everted; rn.p.b. Median phallic hody; 1.p.h. Lateral phallic hody; 1.f. Lymphatic fold.

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This phallic structure, whose tumescence description of the penis of the European Quail, mechanism is probably lymphatic, is everted Coturnix c. coturnix. This structure, observed in a during erection and has a maximum length sample of 100 males captured in the field (Alp, Girona province, Spain) throughout the breeding of 4-8 mm, yet this dimension may be season of 1991 to 1994, should be classified as exaggerated by the squeezing of the phallus no protrudens due to its short length, between the finger and thumb, and may also structure and a remarkable refression suffered in the vary between individuals. Given its short non-breeding period. The possible function of this organ is bnefly discussed. length, structure and the remarkable regression suffered in the non-breeding Key words: European quail, Coturnix, Phallus, Penis. period, it should be classified as phallus no protrudens. Its symmetrical shape suggests that it is closely related to the most simple REFERENCES phallic forms of the orders Chelonia and Crocodilia (KING,198 1). BIRKHEAD,T. R. & MOLLER,A. P., 1992. Sperm The function of this organ remains competition in birds. Academic Press, London. unknown; it may not be homologous to that COIL, W. H. & WETHERBEE,D. K., 1959. Observations on the cloaca1 gland of the Eurasian of the intromittent penis found in other avian Quail, Coturnix coturnix. Ohio J. of Sci., 59(5): species, in which males place sperm directly 268-270. inside the reproductive tract of females, thus GADOW,H., 1887. Remarks on the cloaca and possibly increasing their probability of copulatory organs of the amniota. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Ser. B, 178: 5-37. paternity (BIRKHEAD& MOLLER,1992) GADOW,H. & SELENKA,E., 1891. Vogel. In: Dr. because spermatozoa have less distance to H.G. Brown's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thzer- cover (MCKINNEYet al., 1984). The length Reichs. Anatomischer Theil, Vol. 6:47-68 (P. of Coturnix c. coturnix phallus, if compared Theil Ed.). Winter, Leipzig. with the 4-8 cm length of the Anas GERHARD,U., 1933. Kloake und Begattungsorgane. In: Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der intromittent phallus, is very short (it should Wirbeltiere Vol 6:37-54 (L. Bolk, E. Goppert, E. be 14-28 mm length, taking into account the Kallius & W. Lubosch, Eds.). Urban und relative size) and does not provide evidence Schwarzenberg, Berlin. about its function; perhaps it may be an JOHNSGARD,P. A., 1988. The Quails, Partrzdges and example of a vestigial organ which has Francolins of the World. Oxford University Press, Oxford. suffered a "regression" pattem. Nevertheless, KING,A. S., 1981. Phallus. In: Form andfunctzon in we consider of interest to make a profound birds. Vol. 2: 107-148 (A. S. King & J. study of its function, since the species has a McLelland, Eds.). Academic Press, London. polygynic mating strategy seriated in time MCKINNEY,F., CHENG,K. & BRUGGERS,D. J., 1984. (RODRÍGUEZ-TEIJEIROet al., 1992) in which Sperm competition in apparently monogamous birds. In: Sperm competitzon and the evolution of sperm competition probably occurs (pers. animal matzng systems.523-540 (R. L. Smith, obs.); the presence of this penis may have an Ed.). Academic Press, London. adaptative function, hitherto unknown. OKAMOTO,T., VALLNERHAUS,B., ROOS, H., WAIBL, H. & KOENIG, M. E., 1992. The arteries supplying the male reproductive organs of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) and ABSTRACT their post-hatching development. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 2(2):127-135. Presence of penis in the European quail, Coturnix c. PÉREZ,F., 174. Coturnicultura. Ed. Científico- coturnix.- The aim of this paper is to give a Médica, Barcelona. RENZONI,A,, 1968. La ghiandola cloacale di European Quail (Coturnix c. cotumix) revealed by Coturnix coturnix japonica. Osservazioni male population density and ratio in Catalonia istologiche, istochimique ed ultrastructurali. Atti (Spain). Gibier Faune Sauvauge, 9: 377-386. Accad. Siena, 17: 151-174. SUSHKIN,P. P., 1927. On the anatomy and RODR~GUEZ-TEIJEIRO,J. D., PUIGCERVER,M. & classification of the weaver-birds. Bull. Amer. GALLEGO,S., 1992. Mating strategy in the Mus. Nat. Hist., 57: 1-32.

Puigcerver, M., Gallego, S., Rodnguez-Teijeiro, J. D. & Rodrigo-Rueda, F. J., 1993-1994. Presence of penis in the European quail Cotumix c. cotumix. Misc. Zool., 17: 288-291.

(Rebut: 21 111 94; Acceptació condicional: 14 VI1 94; Acc. definitiva; 4 X 94)

M. Puigcerver, J. D. Rodríguez-Teijeiro & F. J. Rodrigo-Rueda, Dept. de Biologia Animal (Vertebrats), Fac. de Biologia, Univ. de Barcelona, Avgda. Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona, Espanya (Spain).- S. Gallego, c/ Ricard Güell 1 3" 24 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona), Espanya (Spain). -