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[email protected]. Include the complete mailing address (unit name, street address, and building number) and the number of copies per issue. Don’t forget to email the Editor when your unit moves, deploys, or redeploys to insure continual receipt of the Bulletin. Reprints: Material in this Bulletin in not copyrighted (except where indicated). Content may be reprinted if the MI Professional Bulletin and the authors are credited. Our mailing address: MIPB, USAICoE, Box 2001, Bldg. 51005, Ft. Huachuca, AZ, 85613 Issue photographs and graphics: Courtesy of the U.S. Army and issue authors. Commanding General Purpose: The U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence MG Scott D. Berrier publishes the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin (MIPB) quarterly under the provisions of AR 25-30. MIPB Chief of Staff presents information designed to keep intelligence profes- COL Todd A. Berry sionals informed of current and emerging developments Chief Warrant Officer, MI Corps within the field and provides an open forum in which ideas; CW5 Matthew R. Martin concepts; tactics, techniques, and procedures; historical per- spectives; problems and solutions, etc., can be exchanged Command Sergeant Major, MI Corps and discussed for purposes of professional development. CSM Thomas J. Latter Disclaimer: Views expressed are those of the authors and STAFF: not those of the Department of Defense or its elements. The contents do not necessarily reflect official U.S. Army Editor positions and do not change or supersede information in any Sterilla A. Smith other U.S. Army publications.