
Main New Features

● L ightweight . Not built on native ­system windows. ● M uch bigger set of built­in controls. Trees, image buttons, tabbed panes, sliders, , color choosers, tables, text areas to display HTML or RTF, etc. ● M uch more customizable . Can change border, text alignment, or add image to almost any control. Can customize how minor features are drawn. Can separate internal representation from visual appearance. ● " Pluggable" look and feel. Can change look and feel at runtime, or design own look and feel. ● M any miscellaneous new features . Double­buffering built in, tool tips, dockable tool bars, keyboard accelerators, custom cursors, etc.

A WT/ Tutorial

by John Anvik

This tutorial gives a brief overview of working with AWT and Swing. This is by no means a comprehensive overview of both widget sets, and is restricted to elements used in applets. The reader is encouraged to explore other components of the two widget sets, especially for Swing. As this tutorial is restricted to applets, frames and widgets that are attached to frames (such as menus and dialog boxes) are not covered. A common applet example is used for both the AWT and Swing portions. This is an applet that is used to place either a "For Sale" or a "Wanted" advertisment for a car.


We start with the by creating the applet class. As we will be adding buttons to the applet we implement the ActionListener interface: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; public class AWT extends Applet implements ActionListener {


Next we create declare all the objects that we will be creating for the applet:

private buy, sell; private title, emailLabel, commentsLabel, makeLabel, colourLabel, optionsLabel, yearLabel; private Choice make, year; private seatbelt, radio, roof, doors; private CheckboxGroup colours; private Checkbox red, blue, green, black; private Panel colourPanel, optionsPanel, buttonPanel, commentsPanel, emailPanel, makePanel, imagePanel, yearPanel; private TextArea comments, order; private TextField email;

We now create the applet's init() method which will contain all the instantiation and initialization of the components of the applet:

public void init(){

(Note: All the following statements are added to the init( ) method)

First let us set up the layout of the applet. I chose the GridLayout as it is the simplist, being just a table:

setLayout(new GridLayout(10,0)); We now set the fonts that we will be using in applet:

/* Fonts */ Font titleFont = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,36); Font dataFont = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.ITALIC,18); Font orderFont = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,24);

Next comes the labels for the various elements of the applet:

/* Label */ title = new Label("John's Car Lot",Label.CENTER); title.setFont(titleFont); add(title);

Lets add an image next. Adding images to an applet in AWT is more complicated than in Swing (as we will later see). The easiest way I found to do it is to create a new component (ImagePanel) that can be used to draw the image and then add the new component to the applet like any other AWT widget:

/* Image */ ImagePanel image = new ImagePanel("car.gif"); imagePanel = new Panel(); imagePanel.add(image); add(imagePanel);

Here is the ImagePanel class. Either create it as a seperate class or as an inner class to the AWT applet.:

class ImagePanel extends Canvas { Image i; public ImagePanel(String file){ i = getImage(getCodeBase(),file); MediaTracker m = new MediaTracker(this); m.addImage(i,0); try{ m.waitForID(0); }catch(Exception e){}; setSize(i.getWidth(null),i.getHeight(null)); } public void paint(Graphics g){ g.drawImage(i,0,0,this); } }

Now we will add choice boxes for the make and year of the car:

/* Choice (Combo Boxes) */ make = new Choice(); make.add("Ford"); make.add("Toyota"); make.add("Honda"); make.add("Saturn"); make.add("Mazda"); make.add("Nissan");

makeLabel = new Label("Make: "); makeLabel.setFont(dataFont);

makePanel = new Panel(); makePanel.add(makeLabel); makePanel.add(make);


year = new Choice(); year.add("1999"); year.add("2000"); year.add("2001"); year.add("2002"); year.add("2003");

yearLabel = new Label("Year: "); yearPanel = new Panel(); yearPanel.add(yearLabel); yearPanel.add(year); add(yearPanel);

Next comes the radiobuttons for the colour of the car:

/* radiobuttons */ colours = new CheckboxGroup(); red = new Checkbox("Red",colours,true); blue = new Checkbox("Blue",colours,false); green = new Checkbox("Green",false,colours); black = new Checkbox("Black",false,colours);

colourLabel = new Label("Colour: "); colourLabel.setFont(dataFont);

colourPanel = new Panel(); colourPanel.add(colourLabel); colourPanel.add(red); colourPanel.add(blue); colourPanel.add(green); colourPanel.add(black); add(colourPanel);

Now we will add check boxes for optional elements of the car:

/* Check Boxes */ seatbelt = new Checkbox("Seatbelt",true); radio = new Checkbox("Radio",false); doors = new Checkbox("Doors",false); roof = new Checkbox("Roof",true);

optionsLabel = new Label("Options: "); optionsLabel.setFont(dataFont);

optionsPanel = new Panel(); optionsPanel.add(optionsLabel); optionsPanel.add(seatbelt); optionsPanel.add(radio); optionsPanel.add(roof); optionsPanel.add(doors); add(optionsPanel);

Next comes the text boxes for comments, the email address, and the text of add:

/* Text Boxes and Fields */ comments = new TextArea("",3,40,TextArea.SCROLLBARS_NONE);

commentsLabel = new Label("Comments: "); commentsLabel.setFont(dataFont);

commentsPanel = new Panel(); commentsPanel.add(commentsLabel); commentsPanel.add(comments); add(commentsPanel);

email = new TextField(40);

emailLabel = new Label("Email address: "); emailLabel.setFont(dataFont);

emailPanel = new Panel(); emailPanel.add(emailLabel); emailPanel.add(email); add(emailPanel);

order = new TextArea("",3,40,TextArea.SCROLLBARS_NONE); order.setFont(dataFont); order.setEditable(false); add(order);

Finially we will add the buttons that allow the user to say whether they are looking to buy the specified car, or are selling the specified car:

/* Buttons */ buy = new Button("Buy"); sell = new Button("Sell"); buy.addActionListener(this); sell.addActionListener(this);

buttonPanel = new Panel(); buttonPanel.add(buy); buttonPanel.add(sell); add(buttonPanel);

Now that all the applet components have been added, we need to specify the actions for the two buttons. This is done by specifying the actionPerformed() method:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){


(Note: All the following statements are added to the actionPerformed( ) method)

The first thing to do is figure out which button was pressed by getting the name of the pressed button:

String action = event.getActionCommand();

As we are creating a the text for the advertisment, we must create a String object:

String orderStr = new String();

Now let us extract the information from the make, colour, and year widgets:

Checkbox selectedColour = colours.getSelectedCheckbox(); String colourStr = selectedColour.getLabel(); String makeStr = make.getSelectedItem(); String yearString = year.getSelectedItem();

We now start creating our advertisment text and add the extracted information:

orderStr += "You ";

if(action.equals("Buy")){ orderStr += "have looking for "; }

if(action.equals("Sell")){ orderStr += "are selling "; }

orderStr += "a " + colourStr.toLowerCase() + " " + yearString + " " + " " + makeStr + " with ";

Now we check to see what options have been selected for the car:

if(seatbelt.getState()) orderStr += "seatbelts, "; if(radio.getState()) orderStr += "a radio, "; if(roof.getState()) orderStr += "a roof, "; if(doors.getState()) orderStr += "doors. ";

Depending on if the email address was given and if comments were provided, we add these to the advertisment text:

if(!(comments.getText()).equals("")){ orderStr += "You further commented that \"" + comments.getText() + "\"."; }

if(!(email.getText()).equals("")){ orderStr += "You can be reached at " + email.getText(); }

Finially, we place the advertisment text in the specified box so that the user can see it:


We now have our advertisment applet: Swing

Creating a Swing applet is similar to an AWT applet, expect that the class used is JApplet (a subclass of java.awt.Applet). As many of the Swing components are built out of or on top of AWT components, we need to include some of the AWT packages. Also, as we will also have buttons in the Swing applet, the applet implements the ActionListener interface: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; public class Swing extends JApplet implements ActionListener {


Similar to the AWT applet created previously, we declare all the Swing components that we will be using. A few changes to the previous example are that we will be having a tabbed layout and the year choice box from the AWT example will be a . For the most part, the widget names are the same as in AWT, but with a "J" prefix. Note that java.awt.Choice is now javax.swing.JComboBox and java.awt.CheckBox is now javax.swing.RadioButton in the case of the colour choice, and that some other variables have been added:

private JButton buy, sell, fc; private JLabel title, emailLabel, commentsLabel, makeLabel, colourLabel, optionsLabel, imageLabel, yearLabel; private JComboBox make; private JCheckBox seatbelt, radio, roof, doors; private JRadioButton red, blue, green, black; private ButtonGroup colours; private JPanel addPanel, descPanel, colourPanel, optionsPanel, buttonPanel, commentsPanel, emailPanel, makePanel,yearPanel; private JTextArea comments, order; private JTextField email; private boolean hasSeatbelts, hasRadio, hasRoof, hasDoors; private String colourStr = "Red"; private JSlider year; private JTabbedPane tabs;

Again we start by overridding the init() method:

public void init(){


(Note: All the following statements are added to the init( ) method)

In Swing, to add components to applet, we need to get the container object of the applet:

Container pane = getContentPane();

We initialize the boolean variables that will be used with the car options:

hasSeatbelts = hasRadio = hasRoof = hasDoors = false;

Similar to the AWT example, we create some panels, set the layout (in this case for only one of the panels), and create the font objects that we will use:

/* Panels */ colourPanel = new JPanel(); optionsPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel = new JPanel(); commentsPanel = new JPanel(); emailPanel = new JPanel(); makePanel = new JPanel(); yearPanel = new JPanel(); addPanel = new JPanel(); descPanel = new JPanel();

/* Layout */ addPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(10,0));

/* Fonts */ Font titleFont = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,36); Font dataFont = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.ITALIC,18); Font orderFont = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,24);

Now we start to add the various components, starting with the labels:

/* Labels */ title = new JLabel("John's Car Lot",JLabel.CENTER); title.setFont(titleFont); title.setLocation(0,0); addPanel.add(title);

Remember how we had to create a new component to add an image in the AWT example? Adding an image to a Swing applet is much easier as the JLabel can be created using the image:

ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon("car.gif"); imageLabel = new JLabel(image); addPanel.add(imageLabel);

Next comes the widget for specifying the make of the car. In AWT this was a Choice object, in Swing it is a JComboBox object:

/* Choice/Combo Boxes */ makeLabel = new JLabel("Make: "); makeLabel.setFont(dataFont); make = new JComboBox(); make.addItem("Ford"); make.addItem("Toyota"); make.addItem("Honda"); make.addItem("Saturn"); make.addItem("Mazda"); make.addItem("Nissan"); makePanel.add(makeLabel); makePanel.add(make); addPanel.add(makePanel);

In this applet we are going to change the year component from a to a slider by creating a JSlider object:

/* Slider */ yearLabel = new JLabel("Year: "); yearLabel.setFont(dataFont); year = new JSlider(1999,2003,2001); year.setMajorTickSpacing(2); year.setMinorTickSpacing(1); year.setPaintTicks(true); year.setPaintLabels(true); yearPanel.add(yearLabel); yearPanel.add(year); addPanel.add(yearPanel);

Now add the radiobuttons. In AWT we created radiobuttons by placing in a Checkbox group. In Swing, checkboxes and radiobuttons are seperate components. Also, RadioButton components need to be grouped together in a ButtonGroup to behave properly:

/* radiobuttons */ colours = new ButtonGroup(); ActionListener rlistener = new RadioListener(); red = new JRadioButton("Red",true); blue = new JRadioButton("Blue",false); green = new JRadioButton("Green"); black = new JRadioButton("Black"); red.addActionListener(rlistener); blue.addActionListener(rlistener); green.addActionListener(rlistener); black.addActionListener(rlistener); colours.add(red); colours.add(blue); colours.add(green); colours.add(black); colourPanel.add(colourLabel); colourPanel.add(red); colourPanel.add(blue); colourPanel.add(green); colourPanel.add(black); colourLabel = new JLabel("Colour: "); colourLabel.setFont(dataFont); addPanel.add(colourPanel);

Unlike in AWT where we called a method to find out which radiobutton was on, in Swing we need to specify a radiobutton listener that will set a variable to indicate the state, and add this listener to the radiobuttons. Here is the ActionListener class for these radiobuttons:

class RadioListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { colourStr = e.getActionCommand().toLowerCase(); } }

Now we add the check boxes for the car options:

/* Check Boxes */ ActionListener cblistener = new CheckBoxListener(); seatbelt = new JCheckBox("Seatbelt",true); radio = new JCheckBox("Radio",false); doors = new JCheckBox("Doors",false); roof = new JCheckBox("Roof",true);

seatbelt.addActionListener(cblistener); radio.addActionListener(cblistener); doors.addActionListener(cblistener); roof.addActionListener(cblistener);

optionsPanel.add(optionsLabel); optionsPanel.add(seatbelt); optionsPanel.add(radio); optionsPanel.add(roof); optionsPanel.add(doors); optionsLabel = new JLabel("Options: "); optionsLabel.setFont(dataFont); addPanel.add(emailPanel); addPanel.add(optionsPanel);

Similar to radiobuttons, we need to create and add an ActionListener for the check boxes:

class CheckBoxListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String option = e.getActionCommand(); if(option.equals("Radio")) hasRadio = true; if(option.equals("Seatbelt")) hasSeatbelts = true; if(option.equals("Door")) hasDoors = true; if(option.equals("Roof")) hasRoof = true; } }

Next comes the text boxes and buttons. For the buttons we are going to add to let the user know what each button does:

/* Text Boxes */ email = new JTextField(40); emailPanel.add(emailLabel); emailPanel.add(email); emailLabel = new JLabel("Email address: "); emailLabel.setFont(dataFont);

comments = new JTextArea("",10,20); commentsPanel.add(commentsLabel); commentsPanel.add(comments); commentsLabel = new JLabel("Comments: "); commentsLabel.setFont(dataFont); addPanel.add(commentsPanel);

order = new JTextArea("",10,20); order.setEditable(false); order.setFont(dataFont); order.setEditable(false); order.setLineWrap(true); descPanel.add(order);

/* Buttons */ buy = new JButton("Buy"); sell = new JButton("Sell"); fc = new JButton("Files");

buy.addActionListener(this); buy.setToolTipText("Buy the specified car");

sell.addActionListener(this); sell.setToolTipText("Sell the specified car");

buttonPanel.add(buy); buttonPanel.add(sell); addPanel.add(buttonPanel);

In the AWT example, we had the text for the advertisment placed in textbox under the buttons. In this example, we are going to put the text onto a different screen in the applet. This is accomplished by creating a set of tabs (two of them for this example) that the two panels (addPanel and descPanel) are placed on. The JTabbedPane is then added to the applet pane:

tabs = new JTabbedPane(); tabs.addTab("Create Add",addPanel); tabs.addTab("Advertisment",descPanel); pane.add(tabs);

As with the AWT example, we must specify the actions of the buttons:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){


(Note: All the following statements are added to the actionPerformed( ) method)

This time we are going to have the user confirm that they want to place the advertisment. The JOptionPane component provides a quick and easy way to produce this type of . Depending on if the user is happy with the add, we either go ahead and create the add text, or do nothing:

int confirm = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Do you want to place this add?", "Car Advertisment", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);

if(confirm == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Add has been placed", "Add confirmation", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); }else{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Add has been canceled", "Add cancelation", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; }

The rest of the method is similar to actionPerformed() method we used in the AWT example:

String action = event.getActionCommand(); String orderStr = new String();

String makeStr = (String)make.getSelectedItem();

orderStr += "You ";

if(action.equals("Buy")){ orderStr += "are looking for "; }

if(action.equals("Sell")){ orderStr += "are selling "; }

orderStr += "a " + year.getValue() + " " + colourStr.toLowerCase() + " " + makeStr + " with ";

if(seatbelt.isSelected()) orderStr += "seatbelts, "; if(radio.isSelected()) orderStr += "a radio, "; if(roof.isSelected()) orderStr += "a roof, "; if(doors.isSelected()) orderStr += "doors. ";

if(!(comments.getText()).equals("")){ orderStr += "You further commented that \"" + comments.getText() + "\". "; }

if(!(email.getText()).equals("")){ orderStr += "You can be reached at " + email.getText(); }


We are finially done the Swing version of the applet:


And so ends this overview of AWT and Swing. As you can see, Swing makes it quite trivial to add increased functionality to you applet and makes some tasks which were challanging in AWT easy.

Difference Between AWT and Swing awt was mainly built for internet purpose initially. 1.swing components sits on the top of AWT components and do the wiork. 2.AWT components are called HeavyWeight component and Swings are called ligth weight component. 3.swings components are made in purely java and they are platform independent whereas AWT compoents are platform dependent. 4.we can have different look and feel in Swing whereas this feature is not supported in AWT. 4.Swing has many advanced features like JTabel,Jtabbed pane which is not available in awt.. these are basically the main differences between awt and swing.