SENATE 9135 to Complete Our Task
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1.942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 9135 to complete our task. But ·prayer is not We know that only in moral and physi NOMINATION enough. It may give us the vision, but cal strength and vigilance will safety Executive nomination received by the we must act to put the machinery in or be found. Our security and the peace Senate November 25, 1942: der. Let us profit by the lessons of the of the world will, in a large measure, past. depend upon our own strength. This TEMPORARY PROMOTION IN THE NAVY Victory may be lost by a disastrous · Capt. George H. Fort to be a rear admiral power which destiny has placed in our in the Navy, for temporary service, to rank peace if we do not build a better working hands must be tempered with justice and from the 16th day of May 1942. arrangement now, while we are at war .. helpfulness. It must not, however, be The word "advice" in the Constitution dissipated. This Nation is called unto an must not again be overlooked by the ever-increasing high destiny. Therefore, CONFIRMATIONS Executive after victory. If that shall we must know that His Presence will go Executive nominations confirmed by happen, tragedy on such a tremendous with us in the performance of this job. the Senate November 25, 1942: scale as no man can foresee may once I believe that my resolution, if adopted THE JUDICIARY more befall America and all the world. and put into operation, will aid the Re I am proposing that we plug that hole public in being adequate to meet the DISTRICT ATTORNEY now by my resolution. responsibilities which a suffering, war James A. Bough, to be district attorney for In America the functions of the Sen torn world will impose upon our people the District Court of the Virgin Islands. WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION ate-constitutional functions-must be JUDICIARY NOMINATION CONFIRMED reclaimed in practice in order that the Roy Schroder to be Work Projects admin peoples of the earth and we ourselves Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, when istrator for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Is may be th.c beneficiaries of a job well certain executive nominations were con lands, effective November 24, 1942. done. I mean the Senate must have its firmed earlier in the day, by oversight IN THE NAVY part in producing the treaty, not merely and inadvertence the first nomination on TEMPORARY SERVICE in accepting it. That is what "advice" the Executive Calendar was not con William F. Halsey, Jr., to be an admiral in means. firmed. I ask that that nomination be the Navy, for temporary service, to rank from acted on. November 18, 1942. The recent election is a mandate to us Henry K. Hewitt ·to be vice admiral in the and to the Executive to get together and, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk the Navy, for temporary service, to rank from when victory comes, to do a job worthy will state the nomination. November 17, 1942. of that great hour. The legislative clerk read the nomina PosTMASTERs The peace treaty to be written will tion of James A. Bough to be district at torney for the District Court of the INDIANA determine the course of history for dec Fred W. Mullin, Muncie. ades and perhaps centuries to come. Virgin Islands. We will deal in global matters. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without MASSACHUSETTS destiny of America and of the world will objection, the nomination _is confirmed. Winfield S. Smith, Williamsburg. In a large way be affected by what we do NAVY NOMINATIONS CONFIRMED OKLAHOMA Erwin D. Keys, Earlsboro. or fail to do, and that is all the more Mr. BARKLEY. The same situation reason why "the advice" of the people's exists as to the last two nominations on PENNSYLVANIA representatives should be availed of in the Executive Calendar, and I ask that Marlin W. Dissinger, Campbelltown. the shaping or formation of the treaty Lewis M. Sutton, Camp Hill. of peace. The resolution submitted by they now be confirmed. James Nevant, Farrell. me restates the spirit of the Constitu The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there John L. Clover, Knox. tion in that it calls for cooperation of the objection? The Chair hears none, and William J. Cannon, Lansford. the clerk will state the nominations. Wilbur G. Warner, Lehighton. Senate in the inception stage of the The legislative clerk read the nomina Penrose L. Young, Northampton. treaty. The Foreign Relations Advisory tion of William F. Halsey, Jr., to be Fred Favo, Oakmont. Council, which my resolution would cre Joseph P. Caufield, Verona. ate, would take no power away from the admiral. Senate itself or from the President. It The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without would make the exercise of their powers objection, the nomination i;:; confirmed. more workable. Members of the Council The legislative clerk read the nomina SENATE would consult with the Foreign Rela tion of Henry K. Hewitt to be vice ad tions Committee, exchange ideas with the miral. FRIDAY, NoVEMBER 27, 1942 State Department and President, and ad The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob vise with the Senate leaders, before the jection, the nomination is confirmed. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown treatywas formulated and transmitted to Mr. BARKLEY. I ask unanimous con Harris, D. D., offered the following prayer: th ~:: Senate for rejection or ratification. sent that the President be immediately My proposal needs no legislation. It notified of the confirmations in these Eternal Spirit, who art the center and would provide an additional mechanism three cases. soul of every sphere and yet who doth for legislative and executive constitu The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without dwell also with those of humble and tional action. It would be a vital liaison objection, the President will be notified contrite hearts, Thou art never far from committee between and created by the forthwith. any one of us; but often we are very far Executive and tt 3 Senate. It would make EXECUTIVE MESSAGE REFERRED from Thee. We would make of our for a better working relationship between As in executive session, hearts a shrine, where spirit with spirit the Senate and the Executive, and get The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. may meet. May we be of that company away from the tendency toward inde O'MAHONEY in the chair) laid before e ... e of whom it can be said, ''They looked pendent action. It would result in co Senate a message from the President of unto Him and were radiant; and their operation between independent branches the United St~tes nominating Capt. faces were not ashamed." May a radi of government. George H. Fort to be a rear admiral in ance divine transform and transfigure In presenting this matter again, I am the Navy, for temporary service, to rank the unlovely which mars our motives and thinking of a great nation's responsi from the 16th day of May 1942, which poisons the deep springs of our desires. bility, and the responsibility of every citi was referred to the Committee on Naval Save us from accepting the low stand zen of tl;le Republic, when victory comes. Affairs. ards of the world across which we In human minds we find the basic move. Being in the world, may we not causes for war. We sought once to ADJOURNMENT TO FRIDAY be of it. Deliver us from the cow abolish war by international agreement, Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Sen ardly device of escaping moral decisions the Kellogg-Briand Pact. Our idealism ate adjourn until Friday next at -12 by spinelessly melting into our surround took no account of the basic causes. We o'clock noon. ings. Awaken the hero in our souls. must never overlook them again. In the The motion was agreed to; and (at 1 Bring us to the hour of the one clear call, solution of the world's post-war prob o'clock and 20 minutes p.m.) the Senate and to the "well done" of the Master of lems, there will be ample opportunity for adjourned until Friday, November 27, all good workmen, with life unspoiled action by idealists and by practical men. 1942, at 12 o'clock noon. and with spirit undefeated, having run 9136 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 27 One of the letters presented by Mr. as .a passenger on May 23, 1940, in Venice, the race, finished the course.. and kept Calif., and to appropriate money therefor, the faith. In the ever blessed name of GuFFEY is .as follows: and for other purposes; wit hout amendment IHm who is able to keep us from falling. UNITED FEDERAL CUSTODIAL (Rept. No. 1729); Amen. EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC., H. R. 6545. A bill for the relief of Spencer THE JOURNAL Philadelphia, Pa., November 19, 1942. Meeks; without amendment (Rept. No. 1733); Honorable United States Senate, in Congress H. R. 6558. A bill for the relief of Anne On request of Mr. HILL, and by Assembled, Washington, D. C. Berbig and Alfred E. Berbig, Jr.; without unanimous consent, the reading of the GENTLEMEN : Senate bill 2666, which pro amendment (Rept. No. 1730); Journal of the proceedings of Wednes vides overtime pay for all employees of the H . R. 6619. A bill for the relief of M. Ray day, November 25, 1942, was dispensed Federal Government , is about to be consld Waldron; without amendment (Rept. No. with, and the Journal was approved. ered by the Senate. 1734); This bill with its amendments should give H. R. 6629 . A bill for the relief of the estate MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT the custodial employees some definite com of Paul W. Layman; without amendment A message in writing from the Presi pensation so that they will not meet the (Rept.