UM Gets 12,500 OB Tickets

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UM Gets 12,500 OB Tickets Gobble, Gobble! History off a culture A Bayou blast Thanksgiving revelers now have a choice of turkey, Mosaic: Jewish Life in Florida documents the de­ Despite adverse weather conditions and a hostile home-made or pre-cooked. velopment of a people. crowd, Miami defeated Louisiana State, 44-3. News —page 3 Accent — page 5 Sports —- page 6 Volume 66, Number 24 University of Miami Tuesday. Nov. 22,1988 UM, city frequently UM gets 12,500 OB tickets sideration such aspects as years at odds of continuous season ticket pur­ Allocation for students, season holders and Hurricane Club chase and the number of season tickets in an account. Over-or­ By BARBRA SPALTEN will be available only to Hurri­ Hurricane Club members in order up to four tickets. Other dering is possible if Hurricane University negotiates Associate News Editor cane Club members, season good standing will receive first Hurricane Club members may Club members and season ticket acceptable solutions ticket holders and UM students. priority and membership level order two tickets. holders order their maximum The Orange Bowl Committee, Students with valid 'Cane determines the number of tick­ Regular season ticket holders eligible amount. on Saturday, extended an invi­ Cards who have paid the UM ets which may be ordered. and those on the Family Plan The tickets will be mailed by By AMY ELLIS tation to the University of Mi­ athletic fee are eligible for one Golden Hurricanes, contribu- may apply for two tickets; hold­ Dec. 16, and checks will be re­ A v.i \iunt News Editor ami Hurricanes to meet the Uni­ ticket each. The first 1,500 stu­ ters of $10,000 or more annual­ ers of one season ticket account turned for unfilled orders. versity of Nebraska Cornhus­ dents will be able to purchase ly, may order up to six tickets. may apply for one ticket. The distribution plan was an­ This is the last part in a series kers in the 1989 Orange Bowl tickets at a time and location to Silver Hurricanes, who contrib­ The remaining 1,500 allocat­ nounced from Baton Rouge, La. examining the effects of the Classic to be held Janmuary 2. be announced shortly. ute $5,000 a year, Director's ed tickets will be available for where the Hurricanes beat Lou­ University of Miami on Coral The UM athletic department Another 9,500 tickets will be Club members, who donate the players, who get four each, isiana State University, 44-3. Gables. subsequently announced that divided between Hurricane $2,500 annually, and Coach's University officials, coaches UM defensive end Greg Mark, the school's allotment of 12,500 Club members and season ticket Club members, who contribute and athletic department staff. after the game at LSU, said, Despite the obvious affinity Orange Bowl Classic tickets holders. $1,000 to UM each year, may all Nebraska is also allocated "I'm happy to be playing a team between the University of Miami 12,500 tickets which are expec­ of Nebraska's caliber. We've and local businesses, the interests ted to sell out. All other tickets played Oklahoma the past few of the University and the for the Classic have been sold; years and it's going to be a nice interests of Coral Gables are still the 50,000 available to the pub­ change to play Nebraska." sometimes at odds. lic sold out last week. ' UM beat Nebraska 31-30 in According to Don Anguish, All ticket purchasers must 1984 to win the National Cham­ associate vice president for submit an application to the UM pionship in the Orange Bowl business affairs, this is when the ticket office. Hurricane Club Classic. University must be able to members and season ticket "It's going to be better for us "negotiate an amicable holders will receive applica­ to play a team with a more di­ settlement." tions by mail. All applications verse offensive game plan," "We don't always agree on must be received by Dec. 3. said linebacker Maurice Crum, issues, but we are able to Tickets cost $30 each, plus a $3 refering to the observation that negotiate," Anguish said. "If they handling charge. Nebraska throws more than [the Coral Gables City If orders exceed the allotted Oklahoma, which runs the ball. Commission | make a request and 12,500 tickets, a computer will it's a reasonable request, we determine which accounts will Staff writer Todd Wright con­ cooperate." receive tickets, taking into con­ tributed to this report. According to Coral Gables Code Enforcement Officer Gina (Left) UM Quarterback Steve Walsh releases a Romano, the University and ail other private property owners In pass during' the gamo against Louisiana State the city must comply with zoning University Saturday night. (Below) Head Coach codes and ordinances. For Jimmy Johnson accepts the Orange Bowl Classic example, buildings must meet with "up-keep" standards and be bid from Orange Bowl committee member Pete painted with certain "approved" Williams after the game. colors. Photon by MIKE ROY/Hurricane Stall "The city can cite a commercial building for being in a state of disrepair because that property devaluates all the property around it," Romano said. Romano said two UM buildings were recently cited for disrepair and the University "immediately corrected the problems." According to Anguish, the two buildings were the University's dance studio, located at the corner of San Amaro Drive and Levante Avenue, and the Rainbow Building on the corner of Levante and Sagua Avenues, which is used as a warehouse as well as temporary office space. Anguish said both buildings needed painting. Romano said the city never has problems with the University violating codes but said UM's fraternities are often in violation of city codes. In addition to the houses being in disrepair, Romano said the frats often put up large wooden signs advertising parties. The signs, in addition to beingsafety hazards, Students opt for nontraditional holiday are in violation of city code. "The signs are a hazard to By AMY ELLIS Thanksgiving will be spent in a less traditional way — on ter Methodist and Presbyterian Campus Ministry, the cen­ people walking on the sidewalk," Assistant News Editor campus. ter will provide a full turkey dinner "with all the trim­ Romano said. "If someone got However, these students are finding many alternatives mings" from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday. hurt, the city would be liable." To most people. Thanksgiving is a time for family, to Mom's standard turkey dinner. The dinner, which is also being sponsored by the Whit­ Rich Gauthier, president of friends and home-cooked food. But for many University of Some are choosing to cook their own Thanksgiving ten University Center and University Dining Services, UM's Interfraternity Council, Miami studentswho can't make it home for the holiday, meal. Karen Waters, a sophomore from Texas, and Char- "will be a cut above the standard meal in the dining halls," said the violations often result lene Blaisure, a sophomore from Pennsylvania, are going Sageser said. from a lack of awareness. to dip mushrooms, vegetables and mozzarella sticks into a Sageser said the annual dinner usually serves about "A lot of people just don't beer batter fondue made from a popcorn popper. 500 people. "It's basically for anyone connected with the Universi­ realize they have to get a permit "It's going to be totally untraditional," Waters said. to put a sign up," Gauthier said. Turkey tales ty, but we wouldn't turn anyone away," Sageser said. Both Waters and Blaisure said a trip home for four In addition to 40 turkeys, the menu will feature ham, According to Romano, a UM days would not be worth the expense. fraternity was cited last year for The Miami Hurricane will suspend production sweet potatoes, green beans, salad and assorted desserts. Other students will spend Thanksgiving with the fam­ There will also be kosher turkeys "to meet the dietary re­ painting its house "mustard for the Thanksgiving holiday. The next issue will ilies of friends. yellow" which is not an approved be available Dec. 2. Several other University quirements of Jewish and Muslim students," Sageser said. color. The fraternity, which Janice Cartera, a junior from Baltimore, Maryland, is Also on Thanksgiving, the St. Augustine Catholic functions will be closed for the break. They are: Church will have a mass at 10:30 a.m. and a dinner at noon Gauthier identified as Pi Kappa CLASSES: Officially end 11 p.m. tomorrow having dinner with her best friend's family. Alpha, promptly repainted the in the parish hall. Barbara Humphrey, associate director and resume 8 a.m. Monday. "It's actually her cousin's mother-in-law's house in for the Catholic Campus Ministry, said the dinner is free house white, Romano said. North Miami," Cartera said. Gauthier added that the CAFETERIAS: All University dining halls end of charge and open to anyone in the area, although it is fraternities do not often service with dinner tomorrow and resume with "geared toward the UM students in town for the holiday." encounter difficulties with the breakfast Monday. Students staying on campus Cartera said she hasn't been home for Thanksgiving in city. should make other dining arrangements. the three years she's been at UM. Humphrey said the dinner, which served over 180 peo­ "But what I want to know is WHITTEN UNIVERSITY CENTER: The follow­ "It's not too bad," she said. "I get a lot more work done ple last year, will include 20 turkeys, stuffing, ham, pota­ why, if they are that picky about ing are the hours for the UC, from Thursday to than if I went home and saw all my friends." toes and cranberries.
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