Campus Bike Safety Policies Vary in Effect
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Spartan Daily Monday ktoher 1989 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 Volume 93, No. 31 Campus bike safety policies vary in effect Implementation appears the key Skateboard By Anne Dujmovic .111 problems are Daily stag wnter (1111.11 ',LOC N iS snick enlorced. and SJSU officials have attempted to solve the most students cooperate. cording to Jell terwckli. just `kid stuff safety problems associated with bicyclists and skate- Calitornia State Student Association representative. boarders on campus, but they may unknowingly have As a result. bicycle parking is harder to tind Anne Dujmovic created new problems. around the perimeters 01 campus, lerwekh said. hut Daily staff writer Pedestrians SJSU will no longer have to it is casiet io wall, through campus. The safety problems and propeny worry about being run down by bicyclists and skate- Salet policies at campuses located in urban damage that skateboarders cause seem boarders on campus if everyone cooperates with the areas. such as Sall Francisco State Univeraty and Cal to he rampant on most campuses in the newly instated safety policy, hike ban supporters say. State I os Angeles. aren't enforced hecause mosi slit California State Umversity system. But the success of the policy will depend on dents commute hy car. according to safety officials Anti SJSU is no exception. how strict enfon:ement is and how cooperative slit interviewed The majority of problems are caused dents are, according to student government leaders at Bikes have heen limited to roadways and Iiikc by children from the surrounding com- other California State Universities that have similar path, sintc laq spring at Caitlin-ilia State 1'111kt:1'01%. munity who skate around campus, safety policies. 110110 I, LIM C.II I \ to according to Ric Abeyta. public safety The policy has had "absolutely no effect" at tell it it ss base an effect, said Dan Byrnes. chiet director. Cal donna State llniversity. Long Beach, said Tony a The San Jose City Council adopted Dummar. Associated Students senaior-at-large for 011e ilaS been cited in violation of the policy a city ordinance. effective Nov. 29, the school. so far. he said. 198g, hanning skateboards from any University police officers do not enforce it, she No one has been cited because the policx is not building or structure owned by the city, said. crib irced. said 1)tirren Jones, A.S. director in market including streets. sidewalks, plazas, al- Signs outlining the polity wen: posted because ing and public relations Mr Cal Slide Fullenon. leys. parks and transit malls. university officials wanted to "cover their behinds" is largely because the public satiny department is un 11111NIMINEMI in case .1 lawsuit was brought against the school. derstalted and is occupied w ith iiiore Belore the ban. downtown San Jose Dummai said things. lie said N Ben Weinberg Deity staft photogragner wa.s a haven for zealous youths perfect- VallIplISCS are more adamant than others . int! their street-style skating Silk t' 1 instatement of the policy. more people aft Critics say new hike polic will put clamps tut users in enforcing the restrictions because of past lawsuits fir nding the tram service from the Similar problems were reported by- involving pedestrians inured dunng collisions with Jones said. bicyclists. according to several experts on campus California State University, Fullerton. salety The tram service was made available for altet where the biggest safety problem lies in SJSU's safety policy Atter the University of California at Irvine lost a native trainsponation. at about the time the policy took the neighbortaxid youths who skate- imiltimillion-dollar lawsuit involving a pedestrian hit effect. he said. board on campus. said Dick Byrnes, di- ls hicylist, Cal State Long Beach decided to imple- Skateboards and rollerskates are totally banned from the rector of public safety there. Reliable ment as own safety policy to avoid a similar situa- public transportation and extensise campus. bike paths ate two reasons most students complx ith More injunes are associated with tion, said Dick Slor, Cal State Beach director Bicycles and unicycles can only be ridden the regulations at the on portions of skateboarding youths than with students ot public safety. I 'insersity ot California at Das 7th, 8th, 9th and San Carlos streets. who use the boards for transportation, "It scared ' Slot said. is. act.oiding to 1)as id I tikeinoto-Weerts. k.'04/1- dinator for campus Bikes can only be parked on designated bike racks that will be Bymes said. The university suffered The safety ptilics at California State University., poke installed soon. property damage as a result of their free- Chico. was adopted because ot two bicycle accidents The sole dins 1)avis community Bikes locked to trees or other objects will be impounded. It style skating before skateboards were that resulted in serious ninnies. One person was service Ohs tn. is to cinotve the safety policy. Take- prohibited from campus last spnng. killed, and one was lett pai al s. zed in the separate in- mutt \k'eerts said costs $5 to get a bike rack. cidents, according to Mike Millard, Chico State's di Violators face fines that range from $25 to $30. While bicyclists on campus are rare rector of pail satety I aketinno cots estimated that bicyclists out Daily staff graphic Source: Presidential Directive at California State University. Long Since the robe% was passed about eight years number pedestrians to I at 113. Davis There are Beach, skateboarders are common be- ago it has been very Medi% e preventing such acci- 18.01141 to 20.00o cys lists on ans giseti day. hr said cause of the steep inclines that provide dents. Minard said_ Bicycles are prohibited in- the See P(.1/./CY. back page See PROBLEMS. hack page Ethics Tension up in wake addressed Eye formation of robbery attempt in speech II) Brenda lesku. Daily staff writer lucent I . klde SJSC students vi.ho study in Clark Daily stall writer `I'm petrified. I plan to library are looking over their shoulders The importance of ethics in business atter an attempted armed robbery in the was the locus ot speech ticketed by. bring my boyfriend lihrary last Wednesday law prolessor. businessman and noted A 19 -year-old student v, as repon- along as my ethics adsocate Michael Josephson last edly approached in a stairwell by two Thursthn in the Engineering Center Au- bodyguard from now men who brandished a handgun and a ditorium I 2 -inch hunting knife and asked her for on.' Josephson began by asking the audi- money. according to a University Police ence to fill out surveys stating whether I >gammen' repon. Alice Limas. they had done such things 1/II University police expect to cin:ulate Frightened student exams, he about expenence or pia, a composite drawing ol the suspects on chase term papers. campus this week. UPD Lt. Shannon Once the audience members com- Maloney saitanday pleted their surveys, Josephson fielded Students expressed lear and anxiety he feels security on campus has de- impressions regarding the survey from about the incident and about campus clined. the audience. and seseral people said safety atter the attempted robbery -When I went here you only wor- they questioned whether those surveyed Alice Limas. a 22-year-old commu ned about cnnne if you were outside and had responded. honestly to questions in nications major, studies in the library it was dark." Marlowe said. "Now the poll between Mur and live tmies a week people are exposed to crime indoors and Josephson revealed that "mos' peo- "I'M petrified, I.imas said. "I dunng the middle of the day I think se- ple lie on certain subjects when partici, plan to bring my. boyfnend along as my curity here suf.:Vs.!' paling in surveys, and 111111e t10111 even tsiitly guard from now on. - Ruth Hefter. director of the library, feel had about lying " Brett !Marlowe. 23. lanias' boyf- said the library increased security this -There are a number ot people in riend and a lonner SJS1' student. said See RI)BRER)', hail; page the business world v,ho don't teel had about lying. hecause they believe they will have to face senous C011%CtilleaCe% if they tell the truth." he said. "So they try to justify telling the I ie. Spartan Shops to he idea that most people judge themselves hy their "good intentions" church was 10th St. also buy brought up by. Josephson. As an introduction to this aspect. he posed 11 Aldii Marageni the question: "Why do people believe Daily staff writer they are more ethical than others'''. Spartan Shops Inc approsed plan Fnday to purchase the church at Ithh After several audience members 'The university came and San Fernando streets for some SI I suggested that pride was probably the million in November to us a couple of reason behind people's belief in their The money used to buy the quarter- own ethical superionty. Josephson pro- weeks ago, and we acre lot will come Irom reserve fund. ceeded by stating that some people have saved by Spartan Shops. which operates planned all of this a habit ol taking a good thing they do campus stores and food outlets, officials and "squeezing it out... said out.' ’We may he canng people. and we SM. asked Spartan Shops to make may do good things; hut there are times the purchase after a judge decided two when we may lie. and we try to weeks ago that the land ha.s to be sold 'squeeze out' some gixxl aspects Inim hefore Nov. 9 or he turned over to cred- Ron Duval.