Interfaith Update Interfaith Update Is an Informative Publication Prepared for WJC Affiliates Issue 12, March 2013

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Interfaith Update Interfaith Update Is an Informative Publication Prepared for WJC Affiliates Issue 12, March 2013 INTERFAITH UPDATE Interfaith Update is an informative publication prepared for WJC affiliates Issue 12, March 2013 Editorial Jewish Views on This issue of Interfaith Update was compiled just Religious Freedom after the beginning of year 5772, and we came across the following article around the time of Suk- “Jews have long supported the separation of church kot. It contains more than a reflexion on Sukkot, and state as integral to protecting the religious free- it is a moment of opportunity to meditate about dom of all. In fact, many students of American Jew- the place of religion and nature of faith, a reflexion ish life believe that the struggle to expand the sepa- always needed when are looking for dialogue and ration of church and state in the U.S. is one of the respect with the others. greatest contributions Jews have rendered to the enlargement of American freedom. Neither biblical mandates nor rabbinic rulings completely explain the Jewish community’s strong commitment to religious In this issue freedom and the separation of church and state. Edito Rather, it is historical experience that demonstrates that the Jewish people suffered religious persecution International Jewish Committee in the past when governments were controlled by a on Interreligious Consultations particular religion. As citizens, of course, we accept and respect the laws of the land, including those International Council of Christian and Jews laws that include provisions of which we were and are apprehensive. However, we reaffirm our long- World Council of Churches established position that the principle of the separa- tion of church and state is best for both church and Church of England state and is indispensable to the preservation of the spirit of religious liberty. Through history, we have Russian Orthodox Church learned that both religion and state flourish best when they remain separate. In the United States, Ukrainian Orthodox Church for example, Jews have long been free to pursue our faith and to organize our communal lives, equal un- Religious Freedom der law and in practice, without government inter- ference. America, through its Constitution, created Jerusalem & Holy Land a system of religious liberty that has proven to be generally fair and effective, one that American Jews Jewish-Muslim Relations wish to preserve. Some suggest that government support for religion should be permitted as long as Jewish-Christian-Muslim Relations no religion is favoured over another and no citizen is forced to participate in any particular religion - or Jewish-Christian Relations in any religion at all. However, the weight of evi- dence suggests the forefathers considered and re- Israel & Vatican Relations jected this approach. Even benign, non-coercive en- dorsements of religion make outsiders of those who SSPX and Bishop Richard Williamson are non-adherents of the endorsed faith. A proper interpretation of the Establishment Clause ensures Pius XII that one’s standing in the political community is not affected by one’s standing in the religious commu- Three Faiths Forum nity. Any program that permits religious schools to receive public funds is poor public policy and cer- Tony Blair Faith Foundation tainly invites legal challenges. A central principle of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause is that Miscellanea members of particular faiths, and not the govern- ment, should fund religious institutions. Govern- Press Articles on inter-faith issues ment funding for religious education undermines the First Amendment and harms religious liberty. When Books vouchers are used toward expenses related to re- ligious school education, they become an indirect government funding of sectarian institutions. The World Jewish Congress Interfaith Update • May 2013 • Page 1 increasing religious pluralism in the United States of particular delicacy and will little bear the gentlest beckons American Jews to turn our heritage of re- touch of governmental hand.” Carroll’s lofty view of ligious liberty and church-state separation heritage conscience captures our understanding of our past into a legacy. The Founders aspiration - that reli- and guides our vision of the future. gion should involve a voluntary response and that government should remain neutral toward America’s embrace of religious liberty has produced religion - must be converted into practical reality. the most religiously pluralistic nation in history. The More than 200 years ago, Daniel Carroll of Mary- success of that bold experiment in liberty cannot be land declared that “the rights of conscience are ... denied, but its future is always at risk”. Source: Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism 2013 International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations On 20 March 2013 Betty Ehrenberg WJC US North nominated Betty Ehrenberg, WJC US North Amer- America Executive Director attended the audience ica Executive Director, for the next IJCIC term of with Pope Francis I in Rome with the religious groups Chair to start July 1, 2013. The Nomination will be representing IJCIC together with Professor Lawrence officially ratified at the next meeting on 13 May Schiffman Chairman of IJCIC. 2013. The nomination of Betty Ehrenberg increas- es the WJC and reinforces the interfaith work of On 10 April 2013 IJCIC Nominating Committee the WJC . International Council of Christians and Jews Official website of the organisation: http://www. port on Discussion of the “Israel/Palestine Con- flict” and its impact on Jewish-Christian Dialogue”. The Conselho de Fraternidade Cristão-Judaico, the Brazilian CCJ in February 2013 ended the period On 18 March 2013 the ICCJ Executive Board made a for the coordinating group. The CFJC in 2012 cel- statement on the election of Pope Francis I. http:// ebrated its 50 years. It was founded in 1962 by Camilian PriestFather Calixto Vendrame, by Sister Christian_dialogue.4119.0.html? In this communi- Alda of Notre Dame de Sion and by Hella Moritz of qué ICCJ announced its next conferences in 2014 the Jewish Community of São Paulo, who later, in will be held in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and in 1969, joined the World Jewish Congress working for 2015 in Rome (Italy), as ICCJ is hoping to increase the President Nahum Goldmann. its cooperation with the Holy See and the Catholic In the end of February 2013 ICCJ published a “Re- Church. World Jewish Congress Interfaith Update • March 2013 • Page 2 In mid-March 2013 Ms. Lucia Faltin was elected as 12 years helping to foster the Cambridge-based Chair of the Slovak CCJ. She is vice-President of Centre for the Study of Jewish–Christian Relations the Slovak Government Council on Human Rights, as well as serving on the Executive of International Ethnic Minorities and Gender Equality and she spent Council of Christians and Jews. World Council of Churches The WCC announced the next interfaith course for The description of the next course and the applica- 30 young people: Jews, Christians and Muslims. tion form can be viewed at the WCC official website The course will be in Bossey (Switzerland) in Au- gust 2013. se/article/1634/building-an-interfaith-co-3.html Russian Orthodox Church Church of England In February 2013 Justin Welby, the new Arch- bishop of Canterbury, met with Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. During the meeting the two lead- From 13 to 15 March 2013 Sergey Stepashin, head ers reaffirmed the importance of The Council of of Russia’s Account Chamber, conducted a working Christians and Jews (CCJ); they also conversed visit in the territory of the Palestinian Authority in about the state of the Holy Land with respect to his capacity as chairman of the “Imperial Orthodox Jewish-Christian relationships, with the Archbishop Palestinian Society”. One part of the visit was the affirming the importance of the State of Israel for placing of the foundation stone for a new school the Jewish community in the UK and in the wider in Bethlehem in which the Russian language will world. be taught. news82524/ cfm/2013/2/7/ACNS5307 Ukrainian Orthodox Church On 5 April 2013 the Patriarch Sviatoslav Shev- chuk, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk met with Melkite Greek Catholic Church and other repre- sentative of Christian Churches in Israel, to dis- cuss the possibilities of increasing the presence of UGCC in Israel. Archbishop Welby and Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks at Lambeth Palace Religious Freedom In March 2013 ignoring domestic protests and op- States, the Hungarian parliament voted to amend position from the European Union and the United the nation’s constitution. Many international ob- World Jewish Congress Interfaith Update • March 2013 • Page 3 On 18 March 2013 an article about religious free- dom in Egypt appeared on the Catholic Online website - php?section=Cathcom&id=50174 0n 18 march 2013 Forward published a comment about religious freedom as the new right of families in the western societies (especially in the USA) http:// rebrand-discrimination-as-religiou/?p=all On 21 March 2013 Worthy News published infor- mation about the changes made in Hungary con- servers reported : “the worry of the end of religious cerning the Constitution and in relation to religious freedom as faith groups need parliamentary ap- freedom, proval to be recognized as churches” “Among the hungarian-constitutional-changes-threaten-its- requirements is their collaboration with the state.” religious-freedom Jerusalem and Holy Land the Holy Land. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew said he hoped Pope Francis will meet him in Jerusa- lem next year to mark the 50th anniversary of the famous embrace between their predecessors, Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras.
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