Turning to Tiempo to Leverage Agile The Development Environment

Principles, Construction Mgmt. Software Sup- Architecture: - / plier Increases Feature Updates During Release Web Based Application portal. Cycles Languages: C#, VB.NET, JavaScript AngularJS About the Client The client has created products to fit the needs of everyone involved in the Tools: Azure DevOps, AWS, home-building industry. Builders, suppliers and manufacturers all choose the Surround SCM company’s solutions as the most collaborative platform on the market for manag- ing supply chains, planning projects, forecasting resource needs, and for commu- Technologies: ASP.NET, ASP.NET nicating with clients and across internal and external teams. MVC, SQL Server, .NET Core, ASP.NET Web API, WCF The Challenge: Decrease Code Development Time and Accelerate Testing

To maintain its market-leader status, the client wanted to increase the number of Environment: Development, QA and feature updates that could be deployed to it’s solutions. With each solution follow- UAT ing a three-month release cycle, The client hoped to decrease code development time to accelerate quality-assurance (QA) and user-acceptance (UAT) testing. Doing Concepts: Agile, Scrum so ensures new software features and enhancements do not carry over to the next release cycle and accelerates the time for customers to start leveraging new capabilities.

Case Study | 1 The Solution: Agile Principles and Best Practices Supported by Tiempo Expertise

To solve this challenge, the client turned to Tiempo Development. Tiempo brought in a team of developer and Scrum experts to assist the company with applying Agile two- week sprint development and testing concepts to the software lifecycle. Tiempo also trained the clients developers and testers on coding best practices—including standards, peer review, audit tools, unit testing, test automation, continuous integration, quality measurement, regression testing, distribution tracking, and process predictability. Addi- tional key expertise Tiempo delivered included strategies for code branching, code merging, backlog management, definition-of-done (DoD) parameters, and sprint planning ceremonies.

The Results: Customers Access New Capabilities Faster

As the company’s internal developers and testers have collaborated with Tiempo, communications have flowed smoothly between the teams. Assignment tracking is now streamlined, and developers can Tiempo helped the client code from more detailed definitions pertaining to the requirements of each feature that needs to be added or enhanced. And with QA and UAT testing taking place simultaneously with development during the reduce the 12-week two-week sprints, no software defects occur after code updates go into production—bugs are identified and mitigated during the release cycle software development process.

By applying Agile concepts and best practices, Tiempo helped the client lifecycle for new reduce the 12-week software development lifecycle for new software features down to two-week sprints that include both development and software features testing. The compressed feature development timeline enables the client to now complete six two-week sprints during each release cycle down to two-week for two of their solutions—thus delivering more new customer capabili- ties to market faster. sprints that include The Customer’s View “Tiempo did a great job of converting us to the Agile methodology for both development and software development. They created a manual to help us understand Agile, and instead of trying to convert every process all at once, they testing. took us through a phased approach—where we converted one process at a time. This allowed our development and testing teams to feel comfortable with Agile and to focus on process improvements. We now get more done over the same time period, and we produce higher- quality code.”

About Tiempo Development Tiempo is widely recognized as one of the leading software engineering companies Contact us at: in the US. Using a combination of nearshore engineering resources, high- [email protected] performance teams and relentless focus on client outcomes, Tiempo designs, builds 602-910-4646 and deploys software that makes lives better.

Case Study | 2