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By Literary Names on Grid 0* Eddie Ash Shakespeare. Notre Dame, and Longfellow, North- Indianapolis western, not only literary figures Times Sports arc the among the na- HOOSIERS BENEFIT AT POWWOW tion’s football squads. There’s Hardly at. N. Y. U., a a a Dickens at Yale, Shaw at Brown. Conrad, at New Hamp- EARLY INDIANAPOLIS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1935 Hr) TRIBE DEALS LOOK GOOD PAGE 33 shire and Thackery at Kenuon. 'T'HK bipfgest baseball convention on record played its final Probable Starting Lineups Believed Detroit Bound ‘INDIANA. inning First Baseman Indiana Tunes PVRDFE. Purdue Keys in Dayton, 0., today and the magnates, managers, j Guirl L. E. Antnnini Schrerer FT Del players and others returned to their homes convinced that the tahlbrck L. G Sirto.kr national pastime will show another box office pickup next McQuinn Goes New Offense Bel! C. Krl*o Gridmen With Voss R G Livinrston season in the majority of league cities. Delegates and visitors tVnltman R f Bralfv R. E Dllro occupied three hotels Dayton lobby head- Lofbs at and the of the to Cincinnati for Big Game Gift Q. R Huffman Spirited Rally quarters hotel was packed from morning until midnight. Isbell L. H Anderson 'lKiannon R H Cherry The convention proper was a scheduled three-day affair, Reds Buy Newark Drake F. R Walker Star at Two Sophs May Start in Officials: Referee—Frank Birch, Farl- Boilermakers Taper Off in baseball eager get down business ham. Fmpire—John Sehommrr. hid many men were so to to Dayton: Pirates, Field; Chirato. five-day Phils Back Student Field Judge—H. G. Hedges, Dartmouth. Light Drill Following that early arrivals made it a pow-wow and as a re- Head Linesman—J. J. Uipp. Chicago. sult the Aviator City enjoyed a mild boom. Make Deals. Enthusiasm High. Kickoff, 2 p. m.. Central Standard Time. Pep Session. B O B B B B BY GEORGE KIRKSEY Timet Special "broken in" during the last couple Times Special WADE KILLEFER of the Indianapolis club succeeded in United Press Staff Correspondent BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Nov. 22 - of games, seeing considerable action organization DAYTON, 0., Cin- LAFAYETTE. Ind.. Nov. 22 jumping off to a fine start on the of his 1936 team and Nov. 22.—The shifting of Indiana Univer- at Chicago last week. Anderson, who MANAGER bought Steady Coach Noble Kizer American Association observers admitted that the Hoosiers look the part cinnati Reds today First field, hails sent the Boiler- Baseman sity back candidates during the from Marion, is a similar ex- maker squad through its last drill of pennant contenders on paper. George McQuinn from the ample. Newark International League club last few days of preparation for the of the season on Stuart field Owner Norman A Perry and Road Secretary Dale Miller returned Coach after a week cf today and Catcher Bill Raimondi from annual Purdue tussle on Memorial McMillin, as he completed attack and defense to Indianapolis last nieht, but Chief Killefer remained in Dayton to gridiron experimenting, has decided Purdue the Oakland Pacific Coast League IF" NlMli! Stadium here tomorrow assignments for the thirty-eighth work on a couple of more deals. He will be in Indianapolis over the is a two-to-one better chance win team. The Reds also signed Out- apparently has brought decision to all-important tilt with Indi- week-end, however. tomorrow, principally because of In- rivalry fielder Hub Walker, was with from Coach A. N. tBo) McMillin to ana University tomorrow The Tribe pilot, has lines out for another righthanded hitting out- who diana's injuries and his to at Bloom- the Toledo American Association use Veterans Vernon Huffman and inability ington. fieldpr and a second baseman. He is going on the theory that the fans have sufficient time to smooth an club last year and given permission Hi Wendell W'alker, and Harry Cherry Following the last hard desire to see new faces and already has landed four in Pitcher Bud s**?* jg^vlj offense. Today’s final workout workout to make a deal for himself. silk' and William Anderson, a pair of was of the Tinning, Outfielder Fred Berger, Catcher Jimmy Crandall and Third BBSS? w : liS£ given over to new plays, because if week yesterday in prepara- Hank Severied, veteran catcher- sophomores, in the starting lineup. tion for the Baseman Bob Faucett. ssHßa £& | Indiana is to retain possession of attempt to regain the manager who was with San An- m Although Corbett Davis, ball- Old Oaken Bucket trophy, Coach 17 n XT &r<sr<s>! £53 the Old Oaken Bucket and score the tonio last season, has signed with carrying ace of the Crimson back i Noble 19 Exhibitions Scheduled first win over Purdue in years on Kizer took the squad into the with less support, are: Bob French, the Reds and will act as player- field, again took a long workout at Armory for a huge pep session. It pitchers and catchers will Toledo sports writer, and i the local gridiron, it must have a Ed Shave, manager of one of their farms. the full back post yesterday, the offense, was a campus football farewell report at the Wauchula (Fla.) ; new McMillin states. to St. Paul scribe. Montreal Wins Convention fact he has a badly bruised shoul- 12 seniors who will wear Boiler- spring training camp organized I The Indiana team will go to Mc- on March 8 Hickey the A. A. in the The 1936 convention of the Na- der makes the length of his playing maker moleskins for the time the winter ! Cormick's Creek state park tonight, last and and outfielders of 1901 and it opened first , infieiders its ustisssss&r „ game tional Association of Professional T*\ JHP m 5 saSUI time in the uncertain and has the student body prepares to tomorrow. on March 15. Road Secretary Mil- campaign in 1902. The league has Baseball WWm ; sljH ;as Leagues was awarded to iffiffiKissk %li -1 a prompted McMillin to shift Walker ! take over the campus for the tra- Coach Kizer and other members ler has lined up 19 exhibition games, had four presidents, Hickey, Ed Montreal, rmmm, Canada, here today. into the full back post. | ditional pep session and burial rites of the coaching staff made short all to be played in the South, an Grillo, Joe O'Brien and Tom Chiv- Montreal was the site of the 1930 Kelso’s Toe Is Threat ! for “Old Jawn Purdue,” who will talks. The head mentor declared arrangement that assures the play- ington. Hickey was moved out of meeting. Davis likely will be held in readi- j be burned in effigy and laid to rest that Purdue is physically in good ers will come up to the start of the' office after the 1903 season, but re- Elmer Yoter, formerly of the In- turned to the ness to go in and attempt to ram j as the climax. shape and he urged his men to 1936 championship race in sound position in 1917 and dianapolis Club, was signed as man- the when has been since. ball over a close scoring continue the improvement shown condition. Other games are to be there ager of Scranton in the New York- last week Age has worked Hickey opportunity appears. Failure on when they trounced lowa. added, according to Miller. against Pennsylvania League, and an- three such tries then The rousing boost Last spring in the last few years and that is undoubtedly for the team the Hoosiers were ounced the trade of Second Base- will see Reed Kelso Speed-Away came, however, from handicapped bv rain and floods the only reason advanced for his man attempting to George Ade, in Arthur Hoarde for Pitcher boot a field goal with Purdue alumnus, humorist and real Kentucky, got practice removal. The wear and tear of his evidently If you are out to the little and saw Francis Nelson of Dallas. Hoarde speeding fan, who is action only in five traveling the circuit slowed him recovered kicking leg that has been Speedway golf course with your grid wintering at his exhibition tilts refused to report to Scranton last home in Miami Beach, Fla. before the regular season opened. down. Whether or not the club season. bothering him all fall. clubs in your car, you might He telegraphed: "All Saturday after- owners used good judgment remains The Pirates The selection of Cherry and An- as well turn around and speed The 1936 spring dates follow: be Pittsburgh gave derson in the noon I will be sitting under the March to seen, however. Hickey's knowl- Catcher Earl Grace and Pitcher opening lineup is not back, unless you desire only to 21—St. Paul at Arcadia, edge of baseball, exactly a surprise. Cherry palm trees pulling my daylights out Fla. integrity and Claude Passeau, last year with the was a catch a glance of the inspiring political star Indianapolis school ball for Purdue. After last Saturday’s cunning will be hard to Dcs Moines Western League club, to " prep auto oval. Race track golf of- March 22—St. Paul at Wauchula, match. and after most of the uprising the team can beat any- the Phillies for Todd. -Z Z==£=Z3. _ carrier season ficialdom announced today Fla. n n Catcher A1 on the bench, thing in sight. Go to it, boys, more tt Manager Pie Traynor of the Pir- receiving instructions that the course has closed for March 23—Columbus at Wauchula. TT wouldn’t surprise the baseball money in baseball, but when the after every play power to vou.