• f-. T4"-1T q-zI t"-- TaTT 365-1-Z:175-1" Li al ara OFFICE OF THE U.E.E. MISSION I Floor, near Estate Branch, Education Department Distt. North Lucknow Road, Delhi - 110054 Ph.23810361, 23810647, Tele Fax:-011 23811442 Email:
[email protected] No: - DE.29 (03)/UEEM/OSD/31/2019-20/4506---1 L Date:- V21,1 e\ SANCTION ORDER Subject: A/A & EIS of Rs. 54.105 lac (Rupees Fifty Four Lac Ten Thousand Five Hundred Only) for School Safety Programme under Sub Component - Funds for Quality (LEP, Innovation, Guidance etc) of Major Component - Quality Interventions, in School of DoE & Local Bodies Under Samagra Shiksha for FY- 2019-20. Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction of Secretary (Education)/ Chairman- EC,UEEM of Rs. 54.105 lac (Rupees Fifty Four Lac Ten Thousand Five Hundred Only) for School Safety Programme under Sub Component - Funds for Quality (LEP, Innovation, Guidance etc) of Major Component -Quality Interventions, in School of DoE & Local Bodies Under Samagra Shiksha for FY- 2019-20. This issues with prior approval of the Secretary (Education)/Chairm n-EC,UEEM Delhi. 11 0 (MA ESH DUTT) SECTION OFFICER (ADMN.) No: - DE.29 (03)/UEEM/OSD/31/2019-20/6604 Date:- )211)_111 Copy to:- 1. The DPOs/DDE (District), Directorate of Education, GNCTD 2. J.D (Samagra Shiksha), Delhi. 3. FCA (Samagra Shiksha), with a request to transfer the requisite fund to the Samagra Shiksha Account of concerned schools. 4. P.S to Secretary (Education), GNCT of Delhi. 5. P.A to SPD (Samagra Shiksha), Directorate of Education, Delhi.