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Publications scientifiques reçues ou cataloguées en 2011 au Centre chauves-souris

Scientific publications received or catalogued at the Swiss center in 2011

La direction et la bibliothèque du Centre chauves-souris remercient chaleureusement les auteurs qui ont envoyé leurs publications sur les chauves-souris The management and the library of Swiss Bat Center warmly thank all the authors who sent their bat publications.

ABDURACHMANOVA, N.J. 2009. The bat fauna (Mammalia, Chiroptera) of the Greater Caucasus mountain system. et al. 11-12: 52-70. ACOSTA, L. & AGUANTA, F. 2005. Nota sobre un nuevo registro de murciélago (Lampronycteris brachyotis) para Bolivia. = Note on a new record of the bat Lampronycteris brachyotis for Bolivia. Kempffiana 1(1): 65-69. ACOSTA, L. & AGUANTA, F. 2006. Nota sobre un nuevo registro de murciélago (Lampronycteris brachyotis) para Bollivia. Kempffiana: 65-69. ACOSTA, L. & AGUANTA, F. 2006. Un nuevo aporte en el conocimiento de la dieta de los murciélagos frugivoros artibeus lituratus y a. Jamaicensis. = New contribution on the diet of the frugivorous artibeus literatus and A. Jamaicensis. Kempffiana 2(1): 127-133. ACOSTA, L. & AGUANTA, F. 2006. Lista preliminar de los mamíferos del bosque experimental Elias Meneses, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. = Preliminary list of from the experimental forest Elias Meneses, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Kempffiana 2(1): 144-149. ACOSTA, L. & AZURDUY, H. 2006. Primeras colectas del falso vampiro vampyrum spectrum (phyllostomidae, chiroptera) en el sector sur del bosque seco Chiquitano, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. = First collectings of the false vampire vampyrum spectrum (phyllostomidae, chiroptera) in the south zone of Chiquitano dry forest, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Kempffiana 2(1): 119-126. ACOSTA, L. & VENEGAS, C. 2006. Algunas consideraciones taxonómicas de e H. Macrotus en Bolivia. = Some taxonomic considerations of Histiotus Laephotis and H. Macrotus in Bolivia. Kempffiana 2(1): 109- 115. ACOSTA, L., AZURDUY, H., SANCHEZ, G. & CORTEZ, E. 2006. Primer registro Neoplatymops Mattogrossensis (Viera, 1942) (Chiroptera), En Bolivia. = First record of Neoplatymops Mattogrossensis (Viera, 1942) (Chiroptera), in Bolivia. Kempffiana 2(1): 134-139. ADAMS, R.A. 2009. Of Darwin and Bats. Bat research news 50(4): 87-89. ADEEYO, O. A., CAXTON-MARTINS, A.E., OFUSORI, D.A., ASHAMU, E.A., OMOTOSO, E.O., ODUKOYA, S. A. & YUSUF, U.A. 2008. Comparative histological features of the pancreas in fruit-eating bat (-helvum) and pangolin (Manis tricuspis). Journal of Cell and Biology 2(6): 134-139. AGUIRRE, L.F., VARGAS, A. & SOLARI, S. 2009. Clave de Campo para la identificacion de los murcielagos de Bolivia. Cochabamba, Centro de Estudios en Biología Teórica y Aplicada: 38 p. AHLEN, I. 1986. Var gar nordgränsen för den graskimliga fladdermusen murinus i Sverige. Fauna och Flaura 81: 127-130.

CCO / Publications 2011 1 ALBOV, S.A., KRUSKOP, S.V. & ROSSINA, V.V. 2009. The bats (Chiroptera) of Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve - thirty years later. Plecotus et al. 11-12: 24-31. ALBUJA V., L. & GARDNER, A.L. 2005. A new species of Lonchophylla Thomas (Chiroptera : Phyllostomidae) from Ecuador. Proceedings of the biological society of Washington 118(2): 442-449. ALDRIDGE, H.D.J.N. 1988. Flight kinematics and energetics in the , Myotis lucifugus (Chiroptera: ), with reference to the influence of ground effect. Journal of Zoology, London 216: 507-517. ALHO, C.J.R. & LACHER, T.E. Jr. 1991. Mammalian conservation in the Pantanal of Brazil. In: Mares, M.A. & Schmidly, D.J. [ed]. Latin American mammalogy : history, biodiversity, and conservation. Norman & London, University of Oklahoma Press: 280-294. AMMERMAN, L.K. & HILLIS, D.M. 1992. A molecular test of bat relationships : monophyly or diphyly? Systematic biology 41(2): 222-232. ANDO, K. & ARAI, S. 1992. Neuropeptide Y innervation of cerebral arteries in microchiropteran bats. Zoological science 9: 823-834. ANDRADE, F.A.G., FERNANDES, M.E.B., MARQUES-AQUIAR, S. & LIMA, G.B. 2008. Comparison between the chiropteran fauna from terra firme and mangrove forests on the Bragança peninsula in Pará, Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 43(3): 169-176. ANDRIANAIVOARIVELO, R., RAMILIJAONA, O. & ANDRIAFIDISON, D. 2007. Roussettus Madagascariensis Grandidier 1929 feeding on Dimocarpus Longan in Madagascar. African Bat Conservation News 11: 3-4. [Anonyme]. 1988. Bat conservation : IUCN red list of threatened . Macroderma 4(1): 47-53. [Anonyme]. 1991. Protection des chauves-souris dans les départements du Doubs et de Haute-Saône : trois documents transmis par Denis Morin, concernant la protection des chauves-souris dans la région de Franche-Comté, pourront servir de base pour l’élaboration de nouveaux dossiers, dans d’autres départements. In: Société française d’études et de protection des mammifères. Rencontres nationales “Chauves-souris” (3, 1989, Malesherbes): 45-49. ANWARALI, F.A., SWIER, V.J., SOLARI, S., LARSEN, P.A., KETOL, B., MARNI, W., ELLAGUPILLAY, S., LAKIM, M., ABDULLAH, M.T. & BAKER, R.J. 2008. Using genetics and morphology to examine species diversity of old world bats : Report of a recent collection from Malaysia. Occasional Papers Museum of Texas Tech University (281): 1-28. ARCHER, M.S., GODTHELP, H., HAND, S. & MEGIRIAN, D. 1989. Fossil mammals of Riversleigh, Northwestern Queensland : preliminary overview of biostratigraphy, correlation and environmental change. The Australian zoologist 25(2): 29-65. ARGYLE, E.C. & MASON, M.J. 2008. Middle ear structures of octodon degus (Rodentia : octodontidae), in comparison with those of subterranean caviomorphs. Journal of Mammalogy 89(6): 1447-1455. ARIAS, V., CADENILLAS, R. & PACHECO, V. 2009. Diet of nectarivorous bats from the National Park Cerros de Amotape, Tumbes. = Dieta de murciélagos nectarívoros del Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape, Tumbes. Revista Peruana de Biología 16(2): 187-190. ARLETTAZ, R., GUIBERT, E., LUGON, A., MEDARD, P. & SIERRO, A. 1993. Variability of fur coloration in Savi’s bat savii (Bonaparte, 1837) Bonner zoologische Beiträge 44(3-4): 293-297. ARNDT, R.J. & SCHAETZ, B.A. 2009. Letters to the editor : A tale of two deniers : Nylon versus Polyester Mist Nets. Bat research news 50(3): 47-54. AUGEE, M.L. 1990. Eighth International Bat Research Conference report to council. The Australian zoologist 26(3-4): 168-169. AUGHNEY, T., LANGTON, S. & ROCHE, N. 2009. All Ireland Daubenton’s Bat Waterway : Monitoring Scheme 2006-2008. Irish Wildlife Manuals (42): 68 p. AVENAS, P. & WALTER, H. 2003. Quelques exemples curieux d’étymologie. Arvicola 15(2): 53-54. AZURDUY, H. 2006. Nota sobre la colecta de vampyrum spectrum en el parque nacional Kempff Mercado. = Note on the collecting of vampyrum spectrum in the noel Kempff Mercado nacional park. Kempffiana 2(1): 116-118. AZURDUY, H. & ROJAS, J.M. 2006. Representación quiropterológica (al año 2003), del museo “Noel Kempff Mercado”, Bolivia. Kempffiana: 40-46. BACHANEK, J. 2008. The northern distribution limits of the lesser mouse-eared bat Myotis oxygnathus (Chiroptera : Vespertilionidae) in Central Europe. Acta zoologica cracoviensia 51A(1-2): 59-64. BACHANEK, J. & POSTAWA, T. 2010. Morphological evidence for hybridization in the sister species Myotis myotis and Myotis oxygnathus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the Carpathian Basin. Acta Chiropterologica, 12(2): 439-448.

CCO / Publications 2011 2 BAGGIOLINI, M. & STAHL, J. 1965. Description d’un modèle de piège lumineux pour la capture d’insectes. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft = Bulletin de la Société entomologique suisse 37(3): 181-190. BAILEY, W.J., SLIGHTOM, J.L. & GOODMAN, M. 1991. Rejection of the “flying primate” hypothesis by phylogenetic evidence from the e-Globin gene. Science 256: 86-89. BAIRD, A.B., HILLIS, D.M., PATTON, J.C. & BICKHAM, J.W. 2009. Speciation by monobrachial centric fusions : A test of the model using nuclear DNA sequences from the bat genus . Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 50: 256-267. BAKER, M.D., LACKI, M.J., FALXA, G.A., DROPPELMAN, P.L., SLACK, R.A. & SLANKARD, S.A. 2008. Habitat use of pallid bats in coniferous forests of Northern California. Northwest Science 82(4): 269-275. BAKER, R.H. 1991. The classification of Neotropical mammals : a historical résumé. In: Mares, M.A. & Schmidly, D.J. [ed]. Latin American mammalogy : history, biodiversity, and conservation. Norman & London, University of Oklahoma Press: 7-32. BARATAUD, M. 1991. Etude de l’activité nocturne des chauves-souris par marquage chimioluminescent. In: Société française d’études et de protection des mammifères. Rencontres nationales “Chauves-souris” (3, 1989, Malesherbes): 19-22. BARATAUD, M., GIOSA, P., DISCA, T., LEBLANC, F. & TILLON, L. 2009. Identification et écologie acoustiques des chiroptères de Guyane Française. Rapport mission 2009 Saut Pararé, Kaw : 57 p. BARCLAY, R.M.R. 2000. The Bats of Britain and Ireland : Echolocation calls, sound analyses and species identification. Bat Research News 41(4): 159. BARNARD, S.M. 2008. Milk-replacement formulae : A cautionary note. Bat research news 49(3): 71-74. BARNARD, S.M. 2008. Milk-replacement formulae : A cautionary note. Bat research news 49(3): 71-74. BARNARD, S.M. 2010. Bats in captivity. Vol. 3 : Diet and feeding - environment and housing. Washington, Logos press : XII, 420 p. BARNARD, S.M. 2010. Preface. In : BARNARD, S. M. Bats in captivity. Vol.3 : Diet and feeding - environment and housing. Washington, Logos Press : XI-XII. BARNARD, S.M. 2011. Rearing insects for bat food. In : BARNARD, S. M. Bats in captivity. Vol.3 : Diet and feeding - environment and housing. Washington, Logos Press : 189-210. BARNARD, S.M. 2011. Environment and housing. In : BARNARD, S. M. Bats in captivity. Vol.3 : Diet and feeding - environment and housing. Washington, Logos Press : 357-402. BARNARD, S.M. 2011. Appendix I. In : BARNARD, S. M. Bats in captivity. Vol.3 : Diet and feeding - environment and housing. Washington, Logos Press : 403-408. BARNARD, S.M. 2011. Appendix II. In : BARNARD, S. M. Bats in captivity. Vol.3 : Diet and feeding - environment and housing. Washington, Logos Press : 409-412. BARNARD, S.M. 2011. Appendix III. In : BARNARD, S. M. Bats in captivity. Vol.3 : Diet and feeding - environment and housing. Washington, Logos Press : 413-414. BARNARD, S.M. 2011. Index. In : BARNARD, S. M. Bats in captivity. Vol.3 : Diet and feeding - environment and housing. Washington, Logos Press : 415-420. BARQUEZ, R.M., MARES, M.A. & OJEDA, R.A. 1991. Mammals of Tucuman = Mamiferos de Tucuman. Norman, Oklahoma Museum of Natural History: 282 p. BARTONICKA, T. 2008. Cimex pipistrelli (Heteroptera, Cimicidae) and the dispersal propensity of bats : an experimental study. Parasitol Research 104: 163-168. BARTONICKA, T. & KANUCH, P. 2006. Savi’s pipistrelle (Hypsugo savii): bat species breeding in the Czech Republic (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). = Netopýr Saviuv (Hypsugo savii): druh netopýra v Cesku se množící^(Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Lynx (Praha), n. s. 37: 11-13. BAUER, K. & SPITZENBERGER, F. 1983. Rote Liste seltener und gefährdeter Säugetierarten Österreichs (Mammalia). In: Gepp, J. Rote Liste gefährdeter Tiere Österreichs. Wien, Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Umweltschutz: 43-48. BAUMGARTNER, H. 1983. Enquête sur le statut actuel et la répartition des Chauves-souris en Alsace. Sous terre (22): 2 p. BAURES, J. 1958. L’aventure souterraine. Paris, Albin Michel: 286 p. BAVERSTOCK, G. 1995. A fishing threat to bats. The Australian Bat Society Newsletter 4: 53. BECU, D. 2006. Le Grand Rhinolophe en Champagne-Ardenne : Bilan des connaissances en 2006. Naturale 1: 13- 17.

CCO / Publications 2011 3 BEJCEK, V. 1975. Nález letní kolonie netopýra severního ( nilssoni Keyserling et Blasius, 1893) v Javorníkách = Ein Sommerquartier der Nordfledermaus (Eptesicus nilssoni Keyserling et Blasius, 1893) in Javorníky- Gebirge. Lynx (Praha) n. s. : 17: 7-9. BENNETT, M.B. 1993. Structural modifications involved in the fore- and hind limb grip of some flying foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae). Journal of Zoology, London 229: 237-248. BENZAL, J., DE PAZ, O. & GISBERT, J. 1991. Los murciélagos de la Península Ibérica y Baleares : patrones biogeograficos de su distribución. In: Benzal, J. & De Paz, O. Los murciélagos de España y Portugal. Madrid, Icona : 37-92. BERG, J. 1989. Beobachtungen zu Ökologie und Quartierverhalten des grauen Langohrs Plecotus austriacus (F.) ausserhalb der Wochenstube. In: Heidecke, D. & Stubbe, M. [Eds]. Populationsökologie von Fledermausarten. Teil 2. Halle (Saale), Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg : 223-232. BERNARD, R.T.F. 1980. Reproductive cycles of Miniopterus Schreibersi Natalensis (Kuhl, 1819) and Miniopterus fraterculus Thomas and Schwann, 1906. Annals of the Transvaal Museum = Annale van die Transvaal-Museum 32(3): 55-64. BHATNAGAR, K.P. 2009. Frank Clements Kallen : 1928-2004. Bat research news 50(2): 27-30. BHATNAGAR, K.P., MADHAVAN, A. & KARIM, K.B. 2009. In memoriam : Arkalgud Gopalakrishna : 1922- 2008. Bat research news 50(3): 68-70. BILGIN, R., KARATAS, A., CORAMAN, E., DISOTELL, T. & MORALES, J.C. 2008. Regionally and climatically restricted patterns of distribution of genetic diversity in a migratory bat species, Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology 8(209): 14p. BININDA-EMONDS, O.R.P. & RUSSELL, A.P. 1994. Flight style in bats as predicted from wing morphometry : the effects of specimen preservation. Journal of Zoology, London 234: 275-287. BINKER, G. 1993. Lösungsvorschläge zum Konflikt “Holzschädlingsbekämpfung/Fledermäuse”. Vogel und Umwelt 7: 313-318. BLAINVILLE, H.M.D. de. 1839-64. Ostéographie ou description iconographique comparée du squelette et du système dentaire des mammifères récents et fossiles pour servir de base à la zoologie et à la géologie. Ouvrage accompagné de 323 planches lithographiées ... / par J.C. Werner. Précédé d'une Etude sur la vie et les travaux de M. de Blainville / par M.P. Nicard. Vol. 1, Primatès - Secundatès. Paris, Londres [etc.], J.B. Baillière: CCXXIII, 47, 52, 31, 48, 40, 68, 104, 115 p. BLEHERT, D.S., HICKS, A.C., BEHR, M., UPHOFF METEYER, C., BERLOWSKI-ZIER, B.M., BUCKLES, E.L.,COLEMAN, J.T.H., DARLING, S., GARGAS, A., NIVER, R., OKONIEWSKI, J.C., RUDD, R. & STONE, W.B. 2009. Bat White-Nose Syndrome : An Emerging Fungal Pathogen ? Science 323: 227. BLUMENSCHEIN, J. 1989. Fledermäuse mit „Wohnrecht" auf dem Steyrer Stadtplatz. Öko-L 11(3): 29-32. BOBRINSKOY, N.A. 1944. Opredelitel' mlekopitajušcich SSSR = Mammals of USSR. Moscow, Sovietskaya nauka: 439 p. BOCHKOV, A.V., ZABLUDOVSKAYA, S. & OCONNOR, B.M. 2008. Phylogeny and systematics of the endoparasitic astigmatid ( : Sarcoptiformes) of mammals : families Gastronyssidae, Lemurnyssidae, and Pneumocoptidae. Zootaxa 1951: 1-152. BOHN, K.M., SCHMIDT-FRENCH, B., MA, S.T. & POLLACK, G.D. 2008. Syllable acoustics, temporal patterns, and call composition vary with behavioral context in Mexican free-tailed bats. Journal of Acoustical Society of America 124: 1838-1848. BOIREAU, J. 2011. Etude des terrains de chasse d’une colonie de reproduction de grands rhionolophes Rhinolophus ferruquinum (Schreber, 1774) en Basse-Bretagne (France). Arvicola 19(2): 63. BOLAND, J.I. 2010. Friends of fanihi. Bats 29(4): 8-9. BONACCORSO, F.J. 2010. Ope’ape’a. Bats 29(4): 10-12. BORDES, F., MORAND, S. & GUERRERO, R. 2008. Bat Xy species richness in Neotropical bats : correlations with host ecology and host brain. Oecologia 158: 109-116. BORDIGNON, M.O. 2006. Diet of the fishing bat Noctilio leporinus (Linnaeus) (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in a mangrove area of southern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 23(1): 256-260. BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. 2003. Bats of Vietnam and adjacent territories : an identification manual. Moscou, Biodiversity of Vietnam series: 203 p. BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. 2003. Preface. In: BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. Bats of Vietnam and adjacent territories : an identification manual. Moscou, Biodiversity of Vietnam series: 11-15. BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. 2003. Introduction. In: BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. Bats of Vietnam and adjacent territories : an identification manual. Moscou, Biodiversity of Vietnam series: 15-20.

CCO / Publications 2011 4 BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. 2003. Methods of bat investigation. In: BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. Bats of Vietnam and adjacent territories : an identification manual. Moscou, Biodiversity of Vietnam series: 20-37. BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. 2003. Taxonomic list of vietnamese bats. In: BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. Bats of Vietnam and adjacent territories : an identification manual. Moscou, Biodiversity of Vietnam series: 37-43. BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. 2003. Systematic accounts : order Chiroptera. In: BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. Bats of Vietnam and adjacent territories : an identification manual. Moscou, Biodiversity of Vietnam series: 43-169. BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. 2003. Appendix. In: BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. Bats of Vietnam and adjacent territories : an identification manual. Moscou, Biodiversity of Vietnam series: 169-187. BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. 2003. References. In: BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. Bats of Vietnam and adjacent territories : an identification manual. Moscou, Biodiversity of Vietnam series: 187-195. BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. 2003. Index of names. In: BORISSENKO, A.V. & KRUSKOP, S.V. Bats of Vietnam and adjacent territories : an identification manual. Moscou, Biodiversity of Vietnam series: 195-199. BRACK, V. Jr. 1983. The nonhibernating ecology of bats in Indiana with emphasis on the endangered Indiana bat, Myotis sodalis. Thesis submitted to the faculty of Purdue University : XIV, 279 p. BRACK, V. Jr. 2003. Advantages of infrared thermometers for recording temperatures in caves. Bat Research News 44(2): 62-63. BRACK, V. Jr. [s.d.]. The Indiana bat : Species description and natural history. In : Chandler, W. J. Audubon Wildlife report 1988/1989, San Diego, Academic press inc. : 609-622 BRACK, V. Jr. & DUFFEY, J.A. 2006. Bats of Ravenna Training and logistics site, portage and trumbull Counties, Ohio. The Ohio journal of science 106(5): 186-190. BRACK, V. Jr. & FINNI, G.R. 1987. Mammals of southern Clermont County, Ohio with notes on the food habits of four species of bats. Ohio Journal of science 87(4): 130-133. BRACK, V. Jr. & KING, R.A. 2003. Another unique way for bats to die. Bat Research News 44(1): 32. BRACK, V. Jr. & TWENTE, J.W. 1985. The duration of the period of hibernation of three species of Vespertilionid bats. I. Field studies. Canadian journal of zoology = Revue canadienne de zoologie 63: 2952-2954. BRACK, V. Jr. & WHITAKER, J.O. Jr. 2006. The indiana myotis (Myotis sodalis) on an anthropogenic landscape : Newport chemical depot, Vermillion County, Indiana. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 115(1): 44-52. BRACK, V. Jr., CABLE, T.T. & DRISCOLL, D.E. 1985. Food habits of Urban american kestrels, Falco sparverius. Indiana Academy of Science 94: 607- BRACK, V. Jr., KISER, J.D. & SCHWIERJOHANN, J. 2005. Bats of camp Dawson, West Virginia : relative abundance, habitat use, and periods of activity. Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science 77(2): 6 p. BRANDEBURA, S.C., MEDLIN, R.E Jr. & RISCH, T.S. 2006. New evidence for a maternity colony of the indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) in the Delta of Arkansas. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 60: 169-170. BRÄUTIGAM, A. & ELMQVIST, T. 1990. Conserving Pacific island flying foxes. Oryx 24(2): 81-89. BREUIL, M., BREUIL, A., MASSON, D. & MASSON, C. 1992. Protection des espèces en Guadeloupe : le cas des chauves-souris. Le courrier de la nature 132: 30-36. BRIGHAM, R.M. & PAVEY, C.R. 2000. Australian bats by S. Churchill. Bat Research News 41(3): 72-73. BRINKLØV, S., KALKO, E.K.V. & SURLYKKE, A. 2009. Intense echolocation calls from two ‘whispering’ bats, Artibeus jamaicensis and Macrophyllum macrophyllum (Phyllostomidae). The Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 11-20. BRITZKE, E.R., HICKS, A.C., VON OETTINGEN, S.L. & DARLING, S. 2008. Description of Spring Roost Trees Used by Female Indiana Bats (Myotis sodalis) in the Lake Champlain Valley of Vermont and New York. The American Midland naturalist 155: 181-187. BROOKE, A.P. & TSCHAPKA, M. 2002. Threats from overhunting to the flying fox, tonganus, (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) on Niue Island, South Pacific Ocean. Biological Conservation 103: 343-348. BROUILLARD, Y. 2005. Une Sérotine Eptesicus serotinus récupérée collée contre un ruban adhésif anti-mouches. Naturale 0: 15-16. BROUILLARD, Y. 2005. Note sur la capture d’un Chiroptère par un Faucon pèlerin Falco peregrinus. Naturale 0: 17-18. BROWN, C.R. & BERNARD, R.T.F. 1991. Validation of subcutaneous temperature as a measure of deep body temperature in small bats. Journal of Zoology, London 224: 315-317. BROWN, P.E. 1976. Vocal communication in the , Antrozous pallidus. Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 41(1): 34-54.

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VON, HORÁCEK, I., IBAÑEZ, C., KIEFER, A., KRYSTUFEK, B., MUCEDDA, M., ROER, H., RUEDI, M., RUPRECHT, A.L., RYDELL, J., SCHOBER, W., SPITZENBERGER, F., TAAKE, K.-H., TOPAL, G., TUPINIER, Y., VIERHAUS, H. & ZAHN, A. 2011. Anschriften der Mitarbeiter. In: KRAPP, F. Die Fledermäuse Europas : Ein umfassendes Handbuch zur Biologie, Verbreitung und Bestimmung. Erweiterte Sonderausgabe aus dem Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Wiebelsheim, Aula-Verlag: 603-604. KRAPP, F., NIETHAMMER, J., SCHOBER, W., THIESMEIER, B., AELLEN, V.,BAAGØE, H.J., BOGDANOWICZ, W., BOYE, P., DULIC, B., GAISLER, J., GEBHARD, J., GERELL, R., GUILLEN SERVENT, A., GÜTTINGER, R., HELVERSEN, O. VON, HORÁCEK, I., IBAÑEZ, C., KIEFER, A., KRYSTUFEK, B., MUCEDDA, M., ROER, H., RUEDI, M., RUPRECHT, A.L., RYDELL, J., SCHOBER, W., SPITZENBERGER, F., TAAKE, K.-H., TOPAL, G., TUPINIER, Y., VIERHAUS, H. & ZAHN, A. 2011. Nycterisae-Schlitz- oder Hohlnasen. In: KRAPP, F. Die Fledermäuse Europas : Ein umfassendes Handbuch zur Biologie, Verbreitung und Bestimmung. Erweiterte Sonderausgabe aus dem Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Wiebelsheim, Aula-Verlag: 1145-1146. KRAPP, F., NIETHAMMER, J., SCHOBER, W., THIESMEIER, B., AELLEN, V.,BAAGØE, H.J., BOGDANOWICZ, W., BOYE, P., DULIC, B., GAISLER, J., GEBHARD, J., GERELL, R., GUILLEN SERVENT, A., GÜTTINGER, R., HELVERSEN, O. VON, HORÁCEK, I., IBAÑEZ, C., KIEFER, A., KRYSTUFEK, B., MUCEDDA, M., ROER, H., RUEDI, M., RUPRECHT, A.L., RYDELL, J., SCHOBER, W., SPITZENBERGER, F., TAAKE, K.-H., TOPAL, G., TUPINIER, Y., VIERHAUS, H. & ZAHN, A. 2011. Allgemeine Literatur. In: KRAPP, F. Die Fledermäuse Europas : Ein umfassendes Handbuch zur Biologie, Verbreitung und Bestimmung. Erweiterte Sonderausgabe aus dem Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Wiebelsheim, Aula-Verlag: 1169-1180. 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CCO / Publications 2011 50 2000. Notice to all sbscribers to Bat Research News. Bat Research News 41(3): 97. 2000. News from our readers. Bat Research News 41(4): 151. 2001. Future meetings, symposia and conferences Bats research news 41(2): 82. 2001. Editorial. Bat Research News 42(4): 141. 2002. Books. Bat Research News 43(3): 124-126. 2002. Abstracts of presentations at the 33rd Nort American symposium on bat research. Bat Research News 43(4): 132-196. 2002. Announcements. Bat Research News 43(4): 203. 2002. White-winged vampire captive birth. Bat Research News 43(4): 203. 2002. Winter Lasiurus borealis in Texas. Bat Research News 43(4): 203. 2002. Fall and winter records of Nycteceius humeralis in Texas and Oklahoma. Bat Research News 43(4): 204. 2002. New records of Roussettus aegyptiacus in Iran. Bat Research News 43(4): 204. 2002. News from the University of Ulm, Germany. Bat Research News 43(4): 205-207. 2002. Future meetings. Bat Research News 43(4): 209. 2003. Contents and editor’s comments. Bat Research News 44(1): 1. 2003. Letters to the editor. Bat Research News 44(1): 4. 2003. Abstracts from recent conferences. Bat Research News 44(1): 5-30. 2003. Notes. Bat Research News 44(1): 31. 2003. Announcements. Bat Research News 44(1): 45. 2003. News. Bat Research News 44(1): 46-47. 2003. Future meetings and events. Bat Research News 44(1): 48. 2003. Erratum. Bat Research News 44(2): 82. 2003. Abstracts presented at the 1st bi-annual Western working group conference for management and conservation of bats. Bat Research News 44(3): 97-118. 2003. Future meetings. Bat Research News 44(4): 192. 2004. Announcement - Equipment Grant. Bat Research News 45(2): 85. 2004. Announcement. Bat Research News 45(3): 183. 2004. Letter from the editor. Bat Research News 45(4): 186. 2007. Announcement. Bat Research News 48(2): 93. 2007. Announcement. Bat Research News 48(3): 154. 2007. E-mail addresses of participants at the XIVth IBRC/37th NASBR. Bat Research News 48(4): 326-332. 2008. Announcements, future meetings. Bat research news 49(3): 87. 2008. News and announcement. Bat Research News 49(4): 205. 2008. Future meetings. Bat Research News 49(4): 205. 2009. News and announcement. Bat research news 50(1): 15-17. 2009. Future meetings. Bat research news 50(1): 18. 2009. Annoucements and future meetings. Bat research news 50(2): 43-44. 2009. Advertisements. Bat research news 50(2): 45. 2009. Announcement and future meetings. Bat research news 50(3): 78-79. 2009. Advertisements. Bat research news 50(3): 80. 2010. Bats and wind turbines : A Report to Inform Planning in Sedgemoor. London, The Bat Conservation Trust, European Protected Species in Sedgemoor : 3-32. 2010. News and notes. Bats 28(3): 14-17. 2010. News & notes. Bats 29(4): 13-17. 2011. Congrès européen en Lithuanie en août 2011. Le groupe Chiroptères Corse lance un appel à bénévoles. Mammifères sauvages (61): 25. 2011. Lancement de l’opération “refuges pour les chauves-souris”. Mammifères sauvages (61): 25. 2011. Année de la Chauve-souris 2011-2012. Mammifères sauvages (61): 25. 2011. 15ème Nuit européenne de la Chauve-souris les 27 et 28 août 2011. Mammifères sauvages (61): 25. 2011. Bat faces. Bats 29(1): 12-13. 2011. News and notes. Bats 29(1): 14-17. Septembre / September 2011

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