Second Edition

Church Family,

The Song Book that you are holding is a testament to this fact: we (the pastors at First

Irving) deeply care about singing as a church family! As Christians, we understand that God’s

Word actually commands us to sing (every single Christian). Psalm 66:1-2 says, “Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise!” This tells us so much, but I’d like to point out two things: First, that we must sing, but perhaps more foundational is the second truth – that God is magnificently, unquestionably, and supremely worthy of our songs and praise! As the old hymn says, “How can I keep from singing?!” So, we desired to give you this Song Book as a tool to help facilitate singing among God’s people at

First Irving; a tool that would lead us to praise and glorify God through song.

Our desire is that the songs here would stir your soul to treasure and love God (Father,

Son, & Holy Spirit) increasingly in every season of life, but also we pray that this book would strengthen and encourage your singing! In this book we have tried to select some of the very best songs that our church sings. There are certainly more we could have included (perhaps more to come later!), but these are particularly strong in rich biblical content and seem to have an enduring quality to them. In the spirit of 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, we pray that God would use this Song Book to His glory and as a part of “sanctifying you completely.”

Kurt Bost Worship Pastor

Worship Ministr y Con victions

“Make disciples locally and globally for the glory of God” (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Eph. 4:12)

At First Irving, the Worship Ministry is committed to:

1. Exalting Jesus - We believe a faithful worship ministry magnifies the greatness of God in Jesus Christ (Heb. 1:3; 2 Cor. 4:6) through the power of the Holy Spirit (Worship Matters, Kauflin). This makes our worship distinct from every other religion. It’s what makes us distinctly Christian. This conviction is not some scheme to diminish the Father’s glory or to avoid the Spirit. God’s glory in the Trinity is a shared glory. Thus, to glorify the Son is to glorify the Father and the Spirit. Jesus said in John 12:32 that when He is lifted up (exalted) He will draw all people to himself. So, as we exalt Jesus in our gatherings we get to see, by God’s grace and power alone, people drawn to salvation.

- Practically, this means that we sing a great deal of songs that have the Person and work of Jesus gloriously depicted. So many of our songs will be gospel-centered because it is all we have to boast in as Christians (Gal. 6:14, Phil. 3:7-8). All of our new life has come from Christ’s death in our place on the cross and then His victorious resurrection three days later. For many, the cross is only a symbol of death and defeat, but for followers of Jesus it is our victory and life (1 Cor. 1:23-25)

2. Singing Truth - We believe that to be faithful Christians, we need strong theology all throughout our services. What we say about God really matters – His glory is at stake. Col. 3:2 calls believers to set their minds on things above, not just our emotions. Our desire as a church is to glorify God in all things and this includes our song choices. Beyond this foundational desire, we are called to make disciples. The lyrics we choose to sing as a church will shape our church spiritually. This means that we want to avoid inaccurate, misleading, or unclear lyrics in our songs. To be sure, Jesus in John 4 said that the Father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. Christian worship should be a beautiful balance of right thoughts about God and right affections for God (Matt. 22:37). We must guard against the unhealthy tendency of leaning too far in one direction.

- We believe that right theology is what leads us to the right emotions about God. As fallen sinners, we can easily be swept away by emotion that isn’t grounded in biblical truth (Jer. 17:9). The songs we sing should be rich in biblical truth (2 Tim. 3:16) so that we can feel the right emotions toward God and truly be transformed (Rom. 12:1-2).

- Practically, we approach music pastorally and want to think carefully about themes and specific messages in songs that our people need to hear and sing to prepare them for the service, their week, and ultimately for eternity. So, we will not only sing what tops the Christian music charts. There may be very good songs there, but more fundamentally we want to sing biblically accurate, theologically rich, and gospel-saturated songs. 3. Congregational Singing - We believe biblical praise is vocal and corporate. When you read the Psalms you find that when praise is being described it is referring to being present with the people of God, rather than alone at home. So biblically, the pattern for praise is that it’s out loud (vocal) and corporate so that others can be edified by the testimony in the assembly. Clearly, one of the most significant ways that we praise God today is through singing – and this is the primary way that we praise God in our gatherings at First Irving.

- Colossians 3:16 is such an important verse in the New Testament about corporate singing. In this passage Paul effectively signs up every Christian for the choir! Every Christian is called to lift their voice in song (Even if others have told you differently!) We are collectively edified by each other’s voices in corporate worship. We often don’t realize how important all of our voices are and that all throughout Scripture we are commanded to sing and praise God.

- Practically, when we gather as a church body, we view every Christian present as an active participant, not just a passive spectator. Throughout church history the church regularly assembled to do “the work of the people” (liturgy). This is powerfully seen in Col. 3:16 and Eph. 5:19 as Paul commands every believer (not just leaders and pastors) to let the Word of Christ dwell in them (being filled with the Spirit in Ephesians) and then respond in singing to one another.

- Regularly, we intentionally scale back our stage musicians and worship leaders to encourage congregational singing. We have found that if our music is too loud and over- powering from the stage we can actually discourage the congregation from singing powerfully. In fact, every Sunday we desire that our church’s singing would over-power the band and worship leaders! We also have a very bright sanctuary with large windows all around. We love that we can see and interact with one another in our corporate worship and believe it actually helps us facilitate the picture we see in Col. 3:16 and Eph. 5:19 (“addressing one another” in songs).

4. Covenant Membership – Utilizing Members (not professionals) - We believe covenant members should occupy visible leadership positions within the worship ministry. The way that we see the church in Scripture profoundly shapes this conviction (not just in worship ministry, but all throughout our church). Fundamentally, a church in the New Testament is an assembly (ecclesia) of believers; believers that have gathered to edify one another and participate in the ordinances (Lord’s Supper and Baptism).

- We welcome, hope, and expect non-believers to be present every time we gather as a church. We believe that one of the most powerful evangelistic opportunities that the Lord gives us is our corporate gatherings where non-believers will regularly hear the gospel preached, see the gospel shine through the Lord’s Supper and Baptism, and get to (in part) experience the gospel in our supernatural love for one another (John 13:35).

- Practically, in our church we consider the role of worship leaders and band members a weighty calling. James tells us that “not many of you should be teachers” (3:1) because our judgment will be stricter. We believe worship leaders are teachers – they are weekly putting scripture and theology into the hearts and minds of congregants and often it is the music that people leave remembering most. This is unbelievably weighty!

- Our worship leaders and band members are committed, covenant church members like everyone else. Because they are set on a leadership platform every week, we expect them to be exemplary church members and possess high Christian character. More than that, it is our conviction that every person on stage leading music is fundamentally a worship leader (band members included). Non-believers cannot worship God because they haven’t bowed down to or surrendered to Jesus yet, and they don’t have the Spirit of God within them. Therefore, non-believers fundamentally cannot lead worship.

- Professional musicians (non-church members) may have a place in church music occasionally (special events), but we believe that a stage that is regularly filled with paid professionals (not to mention probably unbelievers) is actually counterintuitive to the gospel message. Too often it can show that we value production and “excellence” over gospel fidelity and character in leadership. To be clear, we do value biblical excellence and quality in worship and seek every opportunity to remove any obstacle that would distract from displaying the glory of Christ through song every week.

5. Unified Worship - We believe in a unified vision of ministry at First Irving. In Titus chapter 2 we see a beautiful picture of multi-generational ministry. Older men and women are to disciple the younger generation, “showing [themselves] in all respects to be a model of good works” to the watching eyes around them. We desire our older members to be present around our younger members in consistent and meaningful ways.

- Practically, in our corporate worship context, we pursue having everyone worshiping together as one body (Neh. 8:1) – rather than separated by time, style or age. We do seek to faithfully make our music contextual, though we do not necessarily cater to any specific generation in our musical worship. God in His great grace has given us many generations of people in our church. Our hope is to, by God’s grace, disciple all of them and prepare them for eternity.

- More than this, we see it as such a benefit to worship alongside multiple generations of people – both the older and younger. We believe it portrays a greater picture of the gospel in that what unites us (Jesus Christ) is so much greater than what could potentially divide us.

- Our music will regularly include both old and new songs. As stated earlier, we feel no pressure to play only what is “current,” instead we want to choose songs that, as Keith Getty says, our people can “grow old with.” Again, we want songs that won’t just get our people through the week (though we certainly want to do that!), but rather prepare our church family to meet Christ in eternity! Contents

Resources Letter from Kurt Bost i Is He Worthy 27 First Irving Worship Convictions ii Jesus Alone 28 Contents v Jesus Is Better 29 Song Themes vi Jesus Paid It All 30 Family Worship Song Suggestions viii Jesus There's No One Like You 31 Let It Be Jesus 32 Songs Let The Nations Be Glad 33 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) 1 Life Defined 34 All Creatures Of Our God And King 2 Lord I Need You 35 All I Have Is Christ 3 Magnificent Marvelous 36 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) 4 Man Of Sorrows 37

Be Thou My Vision 5 May The Peoples Praise You 38 Before The Throne Of God Above 6 My Worth Is Not In What I Own 39 Build My Life 7 Nothing But The Blood 40 Center My Life 8 O Praise The Name (Anástasis) 41 Christ Is Enough 9 Praise to the Lord the Almighty 42 Chris Our Hope in Life and Death 10 Psalm 27 (One Thing) 43 Set Apart 44 Christ Our Treasure 11 Sovereign Over Us 45 Christ The Sure And Steady Anchor 12 Speak O Lord 46 Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery 13 Come Thou Fount 14 The Lord Is My Salvation 47 Grace Greater Than Our Sin 15 The Lord Our God 48 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 16 The Power of the Cross 49 Hallelujah What A Savior 17 The Solid Rock 50 He Will Hold Me Fast 18 There Is A Fountain 51 His Mercy Is More 19 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross 52 Holy Holy Holy (Nicaea) 20 Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me 53 How Deep The Father's Love For Us 21 You Never Change 54 How Great Thou Art 22 Doxology 55

I Lay It All 23 I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) 24

I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130) 25 In Christ Alone 26

S ong Book Themes

The Triune God: Gospel: -The Father -All Creatures Of Our God And King -10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) -All I Have Is Christ -All Creatures Of Our God And King -Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) -Build My Life -Before The Throne Of God Above -Come Thou Fount -Grace Greater Than Our Sin -Great Is Thy Faithfulness -Hallelujah What A Savior -Holy, Holy, Holy -His Mercy Is More -How Deep The Father's Love For Us -How Deep The Father's Love For Us -How Great Thou Art -I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) -Is He Worthy -In Christ Alone -Magnificent Marvelous Matchless Love -Jesus Alone -Praise To The Lord The Almighty -Man Of Sorrows -Psalm 27 (One Thing) -Nothing But The Blood -Sovereign Over Us -The Power Of The Cross -The Lord Is My Salvation -Set Apart -The Lord Our God -You Never Change The Christian Life: -Assurance -The Son -Before The Throne Of God Above -All Creatures Of Our God And King -Christ Our Hope In Life And Death -All I Have Is Christ - Christ Our Treasure -Before The Throne Of God Above -Christ the Sure And Steady Anchor -Build My Life -Grace Greater Than Our Sin -Center My Life -Great Is Thy Faithfulness -Christ Our Hope In Life And Death -He Will Hold Me Fast -Christ Our Treasure -His Mercy Is More -Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery -I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130) -Hallelujah What A Savior -In Christ Alone -Holy, Holy, Holy -Is He Worthy -How Deep The Father's Love For Us -Jesus Paid It All -How Great Thou Art -Lord I Need You -I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) -My Worth Is Not In What I Own -In Christ Alone -Nothing But The Blood -Is He Worthy -The Lord Is My Salvation -Jesus Alone -The Lord Our God -Jesus Is Better -The Solid Rock -Jesus Paid It All -There Is A Fountain -Jesus There's No One Like You -Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me -Magnificent Marvelous Matchless Love -Magnificent Marvelous Matchless Love -Man Of Sorrows -My Worth Is Not In What I Own -Confession -O Praise The Name -Christ Our Treasure -The Lord Is My Salvation -Come Thou Fount -The Power Of The Cross -He Will Hold Me Fast -The Solid Rock -His Mercy Is More -There Is A Fountain -How Deep The Father's Love For Us -When I Survey The Wondrous Cross -I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) -Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me -I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130) -Jesus Alone -The Holy Spirit -Life Defined -All Creatures Of Our God And King -Lord I Need You -Holy, Holy, Holy -Is He Worthy -Life Defined -Magnificent Marvelous Matchless Love -The Lord Is My Salvation

The Christian Life (Cont.): -Dependence/Devotion/Satisfaction -All I Have Is Christ -O Praise The Name -Be Thou My Vision -Praise To The Lord The Almighty -Build My Life -Set Apart -Center My Life -The Lord Is My Salvation -Christ Is Enough -Christ Our Hope In Life And Death -Trust in God -Christ Our Treasure -Build My Life -Come Thou Fount -Christ Is Enough -I Lay It All -Christ Our Hope In Life And Death -I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130) -Christ The Sure And Steady Anchor -In Christ Alone - I Lay It All -Jesus Alone -Is He Worthy -Jesus Is Better -Jesus Is Better -Jesus Paid It All -Life Defined -Jesus There's No One Like You -Sovereign Over Us -Let It Be Jesus -Speak, O Lord -Life Defined -The Solid Rock -Lord I Need You -You Never Change -My Worth Is Not In What I Own -Praise To The Lord The Almighty -The Word of God -Psalm 27 (One Thing) -I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130) -The Lord Our God -Speak, O Lord -When I Survey The Wondrous Cross -The Lord Is My Salvation -Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me -You Never Change Missions: -Build My Life -Desire for God -Is He Worthy -All I Have Is Christ -Let The Nations Be Glad -Be Thou My Vision -May The Peoples Praise You -Center My Life -Christ Our Treasure The Future: -How Deep The Father's Love For Us -Death -Is He Worthy -10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) -Jesus Alone -Christ the Sure And Steady Anchor -Jesus Is Better -Christ Our Hope In Life And Death -Jesus There's No One Like You -In Christ Alone -Psalm 27 (One Thing) -Set Apart -You Never Change -There Is A Fountain

-Suffering/Lament -Glorification/Second Coming/Heaven -Christ the Sure And Steady Anchor -10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) -He Will Hold Me Fast - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) -I Lay It All -Be Thou My Vision -I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130) -Center My Life -Is He Worthy -Christ Our Hope In Life And Death -Let It Be Jesus -Come Thou Fount -Sovereign Over Us -Hallelujah What A Savior -The Lord Our God -He Will Hold Me Fast -The Solid Rock -How Great Thou Art -I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) -Singing Praise -In Christ Alone -10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) -Is He Worthy -All Creatures Of Our God And King -O Praise The Name -Before The Throne Of God Above -The Solid Rock -Build My Life -Come Thou Fount -Judgment -Doxology -All Creatures Of Our God And King -His Mercy Is More -Jesus Paid It All -Holy, Holy, Holy -The Solid Rock -How Great Thou Art -Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me -I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) -Jesus Alone -Jesus Is Better -Jesus There's No One Like You -Man Of Sorrows -My Worth Is Not In What I Own Famil y W orship Song Suggestions

The activity of singing is a wonderfully effective way to connect emotionally with ideas, and even commit them to memory. Because of this, it is extremely important that we sing truth. Is the song teaching you and your family anything about God? Is what it is teaching doctrinally sound? To get you started, we have put together a list of song suggestions from our pastors:

• HIS MERCY IS MORE - verses speak clearly of the gospel and God’s merciful character (p. 19).

• HE WILL HOLD ME FAST - communicates the assurance of salvation clearly, while also being relatable. The idea of “being held” can resonate well with kids (p. 18).

• LORD I NEED YOU - talks of our full dependence on Jesus, with a singable melody (p. 35).

• HOW DEEP THE FATHER’S LOVE FOR US - conveys the love of God in a compelling way, and has a great singable melody for kids (p. 21).

• GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS - theme of God’s faithfulness that teaches the unchanging nature of God, and His unwavering love and compassion for us (p. 16).

• HOLY, HOLY, HOLY - gives a great overview of many of the attributes of God. Also is very singable (p. 20).

• LET THE NATIONS BE GLAD - strong message of God’s love for the nations and His heart for missions (p. 33).

• DOXOLOGY - wonderfully rich & simple song (first published in 1709) that gives praise to the Triune God with a beautiful melody suited for all ages (p. 55). 1

10,000 Reasons (Psalm 103)

Intro A E | B C#m | A E | Ba |

Verse 1 A E B C#m The sun comes up it's a new day dawning A E B C#m It's time to sing Your song again A E B C#m Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me A E Bsus B E Let me be singing when the evening comes

Chorus A E B/F# C#m Bless the Lord O my soul O my soul E Bsus B Worship His Holy name A C#m A B C#m Sing like never before O my soul A E A E A E I'll worship Your Holy name

Verse 2 A E B C#m You're rich in love and You're slow to anger A E B C#m Your name is great and Your heart is kind A E E C#m For all Your goodness I will keep on singing A E Esus B E Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find

Verse 3 A E B C#m And on that day when my strength is failing A E B C#m The end draws near and my time has come A E B C#m Still my soul will sing Your praise unending A E Bsus B E Ten thousand years and then forevermore


All Creatures of Our God and King (Psalm 148; Job 12:7-10)

Verse 1 C Verse 3 All creatures of our God and King C Am All the redeemed washed by His blood Lift up your voice and with us sing Am F Come and rejoice in His great love Oh praise Him Alleluia F C Oh praise Him Alleluia Thou burning sun with golden beam C Am Christ has defeated every sin Thou silver moon with softer gleam Am C C/G Cast all your burdens now on Him Oh praise Him Oh praise Him C C/G C Am G C Oh praise Him Oh praise Him Alleluia alleluia alleluia C Am G C Alleluia alleluia alleluia Verse 2 C Verse 4 Let all things their Creator bless C Am He shall return in pow'r to reign And worship Him in humbleness Am F Heaven and earth will join to say Oh praise Him Alleluia F C Oh praise Him Alleluia Praise praise the Father praise the Son C Am Then who shall fall on bended knee And praise the Spirit Three-in-One Am C C/G All creatures of our God and King Oh praise Him Oh praise Him C C/G C Am G C Oh praise Him Oh praise Him Alleluia alleluia alleluia C Am G C Alleluia alleluia alleluia


All I Have Is Christ (Isaiah 53:4-6; Philippians 1:20-21)

Verse 1 Verse 3 A Bm A Bm I once was lost in darkest night Now Lord I would be Yours alone G Bm G Bm Yet Thought I knew the way And live so all might see Em G Em G The sin that promised joy and life The strength to follow Your commands A D A D Had led me to the grave Could never come from me D/F# G D/F# (Hold) I had no hope that You would own O Father use my ransomed life Em Bm In any way You choose A rebel to Your will D/F# G D/F# G And let my song forever be And if You had not loved me first Bm A Bm A My only boast is You I would refuse You still Bridge Chorus A Bm G A G D A Bm Oh, God, be my everything, be my delight Hallelujah all I have is Christ A Bm G A G Bm A D Be, Jesus, my glory My soul's satisfied Hallelujah Jesus is my life A Bm G A Oh, God, be my everything, be my delight Verse 2 A Bm G A A Bm Be, Jesus, my glory My soul's satisfied But as I ran my hell bound race G Bm Indifferent to the cost Em G You looked upon my helpless state A D And led me to the cross D/F# G And I beheld God’s love displayed Em Bm You suffered in my place D/F# G You bore the wrath reserved for me A Now all I know is grace!


Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (Ephesians 2:8-9; Psalm 44:8)

Verse 1 Verse 3 D G/D D D G/D D A-mazing Grace how sweet the sound The Lord has promised good to me A/D A/D that saved a wretch like me His word my hope secures D D/F# G D D D/F# G D I once was lost but now I am found He will my shield and portion be A/D D A/D D Was blind but now I see As long as life endures

Verse 2 Verse 4 D G/D D D G/D D 'Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear The earth shall soon dissolve like snow A/D A/D And grace my fears relieved The sun forbear to shine D D/F# G D D D/F# G D How precious did that Grace appear But God who called me here below A/D D D A/D D The hour I first believed Will be for-ever mine D A/D D Chorus Will be for-ever mine G D/F# D A/D D My Chains are gone, I’ve been set free You are for-ever mine G/B D/A My God my Savior has ransomed me D/F# G D/F# And like a flood His mercy reigns Em7 A7 D Unending love, Amazing Grace


Be Thou My Vision (Proverbs 5:1; Psalm 73:25)

Intro D Bm G D

Verse 1 Verse 3 D Bm G D D Bm G D Be Thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart Riches I need not, nor man's empty praise, A Bm G A A Bm G A Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art Thou mine inheritance, now and always; Bm D Bm G Bm D Bm G Thou my best thought by day or by night, Thou, and Thou only, first in my heart D Bm G (Intro) D Bm G (Intro) Waking or sleeping, Thy presence, my light High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art

Verse 2 Chorus D Bm A Bm Be Thou my wisdom O God be my everything G D G A and Thou my true word Be my delight A Bm G A A Bm I ever with thee and Thou with me Lord; Be Jesus my glory Bm D Bm G G A Thou my great Father and I Thy true son, My soul satisfied D Bm G (Intro) Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one Verse 4 D Bm G D High King of Heaven, my victory won, A Bm May I reach heaven's joys, F A O bright heaven's Sun; Bm D Bm G Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, D Bm G (Intro) Still be my vision, O Ruler of all


Before the Throne of God Above (Revelation 19:1; Hebrews 4:14)

Intro F Am | G C/E |

Verse 1 Chorus 2 C F C F G C Before the throne of God above, Because the sinless Saviour died, C Em F G Am I have a strong, a perfect plea, my sinful soul is counted free; F F Am F G Bm A great High Priest whose name is "Love," For God, the Just, is satisfied F G C F G Am Who ever lives and pleads for me. to look on him and pardon me. F G C Csus C Chorus 1 to look on him and pardon me. F G C My name is graven on His hands, Bridge F G Am G Am My name is written on His heart; Hallelujah, Hallelujah F G Am F I know that while in heav'n He stands Praise the One F G Am G C no tongue can bid me thence depart. Risen Son of God F G Csus C No tongue can bid me thence depart Verse 3 C F C Verse 2 Behold him there! The risen Lamb, C F C C Em When Satan tempts me to despair, my perfect, spotless Righteousness, C Em F G Am and tells me of the guilt within, the great unchangeable I AM, F G Am F G C upward I look and see Him there the King of glory and of grace! F G C Who made an end to all my sin. Chorus 3 F G C One with Himself I cannot die, F G Am My soul is purchased by His blood; F G Am My life is hid with Christ on high, F G Am with Christ, my Saviour and my God F G C Csus C with Christ, my Saviour and my God


Build My Life (Matthew 7:24-27; Isaiah 28:16)

Intro D G D G

Verse 1 D G Worthy of every song we could ever sing D G Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring D G Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe Bm G We live for You

Verse 2 D G Jesus a name above every other name D G Jesus the only one that could ever save D G Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe Bm G We live for You, we live for You

Chorus G Em D Holy there is no one like You, there is none beside You Bm Open up my eyes in wonder G Em Show me who You are, and fill me with your heart D Bm And lead me in Your love to those around me

Interlude G A Bm D

Bridge G A Bm D I will build my life, upon Your love, it is a firm foundation G A Bm D I will put my trust, in You, oh Lord, and I will not be shaken


Center My Life (Revelation 5:13)

Intro B C#m G#m E B G#m F#

Verse 1 B C#m G#m E B G#m F# Turn my eyes to see you Jesus, in all your glory – Turn my eyes B C#m G#m E B G#m F# Tune my heart to sing in wonder, of how you love me – Tune my heart

Pre Chorus C#m G#m B F# Ohhh, my God, forever You reign C#m G#m F# Here and now, hear the sound of Your Name

Chorus E B G#m F# Jesus...... there is none more beautiful E B G#m F# Than Jesus...... there is none more powerful E B/D# G#m F The risen Christ lifted high, Jesus now be glorified E G#m F# E G#m F# (Intro) Center my life on Your name, center my life on Your name

Verse 2 B C#m G#m E B G#m F# Turn my eyes away from searching for lesser glory – turn my eyes B C#m G#m E B G#m F# Teach my heart with all your wisdom to live for Heaven – teach my heart

Chorus 2 E B G#m F# Jesus...... there is none more beautiful E B G#m F# Than Jesus...... there is none more powerful E B/D# G#m F# The risen Christ lifted high, Jesus now be glorified E B/D# G#m F# The risen Christ lifted high, Jesus now be glorified


Christ Is Enough (1 Corinthians 9:18; 1 Chronicles 29:3)

Verse 1 Em C G D/F# Christ is my reward and all of my devotion Em C Now there's nothing in this world G D/F# That could ever satisfy

Pre-Chorus 1 Bm C Em Through every trial, my soul will sing G/D C Em D No turning back, I've been set free

Chorus G Gsus G Em D Christ is enough for me Christ is enough for me C D Em C D Everything I need is in You Everything I need

Verse 2 Em C G D/F# Christ my all in all The joy of my salvation Em D G D/F# And this hope will never fail Heaven is our home

Bridge G Gsus G2 G I have de-cid - ed to follow Je - sus C Cmaj7 D No turning back, no turn-ing back G Gsus G2 G I have de-cid - ed to follow Je - sus C D G No turning back, no turn-ing back Em C C Em The cross be - fore me, the world behind me C Em D No turning back, No turn - ing back Em C D Em The cross be - fore me, the world behind me C D G No turning back, no turn-ing back


Christ Our Hope In Life And Death

Intro/Turn E | | A | |

Verse 1 Verse 2 E A E E A E What is our hope in life and death What truth can calm the troubled soul A E C#m Bsus-B A E C#m Bsus-B Christ alone Christ alone God is good God is good E B/D# - C#m E B/D# - C#m What is our only confidence Where is His grace and goodness known A E B E A E B E That our souls to Him belong In our great Redeemer's blood G#m C#m G#m C#m What holds our days within His hand Who holds our faith when fears arise F#m E/G# A F#m E/G# A What comes apart from His command Who stands above the stormy trial E B/D# - C#m E B/D# - C#m And what will keep us to the end Who sends the waves that bring us nigh A E B E-Esus-E A E B E-Esus-E The love of Christ in which we stand Unto the shore the Rock of Christ

Chorus 1 Verse 3 C#m A E E A E O sing Hallelujah Into the grave what will we sing B/D# - B C#m A E C#m Bsus-B Our hope springs eternal Christ He lives Christ He lives E/G# A E/G# E B/D# - C#m O sing Hallelujah And what reward will heaven bring A E/G# B A A E B E Now and ever we confess Everlasting life with Him C#m B (Intro) G#m C#m Christ our hope in life and death There we will rise to meet the Lord F#m E/G# A Then sin and death will be destroyed E B/D# - C#m And we will feast in endless joy A E B E-Esus-E When Christ is ours forevermore.


Christ Our Treasure

Verse 1 Turn after Chorus 2 D E F#m A/C# A D Lord our feet have wandered Bridge: F#m E D E All the earth unsatisfied Grace for the guilty help for the needy A D F#m F#m A/C# Drinking from a sea of emptiness Jesus You satisfy our souls E D E has left us dry Strength for the weary hope for the grieving D E D/F# E/G# F#m A/C# So we turn our eyes to Jesus You satisfy our souls D E Chorus Healer of sickness Fountain of goodness A D F#m E F#m A/C# Christ our treasure there is none like You Jesus You satisfy our souls A D F#m E D E Precious Jesus there is none like You Faithful Provider Gracious Redeemer F#m A/C# Verse 2 Jesus You satisfy our souls A D D E Living Water Word of Life Mighty in power awesome in splendor F#m E F#m A/C# You are forever true Jesus You satisfy our souls A D F#m D E Every blessing joy abounding here Author perfecter Keeper Sustainer E F#m A/C# In knowing You Jesus You satisfy our souls D E D/F# E/G# So we fix our eyes on


Christ The Sure and Steady Anchor (Hebrews 6:17-20)

Verse 1 Verse 3 C Am Christ the sure and steady anchor Christ the sure and steady anchor C/B Am G/B C C/B Am G/B C In the fury of the storm Through the floods of unbelief C Am When the winds of doubt blow through me Hopeless somehow O my soul now G/B Am G G7 G/B Am G G7 And my sails have all been torn Lift your eyes to Calvary C/E F2 C/E C/E F2 C/E In the suffering in the sorrow This my ballast of assurance F2 G Am F2 G Am When my sinking hopes are few See His love forever proved F2 G/B Am F2 G/B Am I will hold fast to the an – chor I will hold fast to the an – chor Fmaj7 Gsus C Fmaj7 Gsus C It shall never be removed It shall never be removed

Verse 2 Verse 4 C C Christ the sure and steady anchor Christ the sure and steady anchor C/B Am G/B C C/B Am G/B C While the tempest rages on As we face the wave of death C C When temptation claims the battle When these trials give way to glory G/B Am G G7 G/B Am G G7 And it seems the night has won As we draw our final breath C/E F2 C/E C/E F2 C/E Deeper still then goes the anchor We will cross that great horizon F2 G Am F2 G Am Though I justly stand accused Clouds behind and life secured F2 G/B Am F2 G Am I will hold fast to the an – chor And the calm will be the better Fmaj7 Gsus C Fmaj7 Gsus C It shall never be removed For the storms that we endured C/ E F2 C/E Christ the shore of our salvation F2 G Am Ever faithful ever true F2 G/B Am I will hold fast to the an – chor Fmaj7 Gsus C It shall never be removed


Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery (Colossians 1:15-22)

Intro D G Bm Asus-A

Verse 1 Verse 3 D G Bm G Come behold the wondrous myst'ry Come behold the wondrous myst'ry D A Bm F#m In the dawning of the King Christ the Lord upon the tree Bm Asus G Bm Asus G He the theme of heaven's praises In the stead of ruined sinners G A Dsus-D G A Dsus-D Robed in frail humanity Hangs the Lamb in victory D/F# G D/F# D/F# G D/F# In our longing in our darkness See the price of our redemption Bm Asus G Bm Asus G Now the light of life has come See the Father's plan unfold D G D G Look to Christ who condescended Bringing many sons to glory G A (Intro) G A (Intro) Took on flesh to ransom us Grace unmeasured love untold

Verse 2 Verse 4 D G D G Come behold the wondrous myst'ry Come behold the wondrous myst'ry D A D A He the perfect Son of Man Slain by death the God of life Bm Asus G Bm Asus G In His living in His suff'ring But no grave could e'er restrain Him G A Dsus-D G A Dsus-D Never trace nor stain of sin Praise the Lord He is alive D/F# G D/F# D/F# G D/F# See the true and better Adam What a foretaste of deliv'rance Bm Asus G Bm Asus G Come to save the hell-bound man How unwavering our hope D G D G Christ the great and sure fulfillment Christ in power resurrected G A (Intro) G A (Intro) Of the law in Him we stand As we will be when He comes


Come Thou Fount (1 Peter 1:3; Exodus 33:14)

Intro D A D/F# G A D

Verse 1 Verse 3 D A D A Come thou fount of every blessing O to grace how great a debtor D/F# G A D D/F# G A D Tune my heart to sing thy grace daily I'm constrained to be! Bm A Bm A Streams of mercy never ceasing Let thy grace Lord like a fetter, D/F# G A D D/F# G A D Call for songs of loudest praise bind my wandering heart to thee Bm G D Bm G D Teach me some melodious sonnet Prone to wander Lord I feel it, Bm F#m G Bm Bm F#m G Bm Sung by fla--ming tongues above prone to leave the God I love D A D A Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it Here's my heart, O take and seal it, D/F# G A (Intro) D/F# G A (Intro) Mount of thy redeeming love seal it for thy courts above

Verse 2 Verse 4 D A D A Here I raise my Ebenezer Oh that day when freed from sinning D/F# G A D D/F# G A D Hither by thy help I come I shall see Thy lovely face Bm A Bm A And I hope by thy good pleasure Full arrayed in blood-washed linen D/F# G A D D/F# G A D Safely to arrive at home How I’ll sing Thy sovereign grace Bm G D Bm G D Jesus sought me when a stranger Come, my Lord, no longer tarry Bm F#m G Bm Bm F#m G Bm Wondering from the fold of God Bring Thy pro—mis - es to pass D A D A He, to rescue me from danger For I know Thy pow’r will keep me D/F# G A (Intro) D/F# G A (Intro) Interposed His precious blood Till I’m home with Thee at last


Grace Greater Than Our Sins (Romans 5:20)

Intro Em C G D

Verse 1 Verse 3 G D G G D G Marvelous grace of our loving Lord Dark is the stain that we cannot hide D C G D C G Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt What can avail to wash it away G D G G D G Yonder on Calvary's mount outpoured Look there is flowing a crimson tide Am D C Am D C There where the blood of the Lamb was spilt Whiter than snow you may be today

Chorus 1 G C G Bridge Grace grace God's grace Em C D C G Marvelous, wonderful Grace that will pardon and cleanse within G D Em G C G Is Your love for... is Your love for me Grace grace God's grace C G D Am D (Intro) Grace so.. Glorious Grace that is greater than all our sin

Verse 2 Verse 4 G D G G D G Sin and despair like the sea waves cold Marvelous infinite matchless grace D C G D C G Threaten the soul with infinite loss Freely bestowed on all who believe G D G G D G Grace that is greater yes grace untold You that are longing to see His face Am D C Am D C Points to the refuge the mighty Cross Will you this moment His grace receive


Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Lamentations 3:23; James 1:17)

Intro C C/E | F | Am | F

Verse 1 C F G Csus-C Great is Thy faithfulness O God my Father F C/E D G There is no shadow of turning in Thee G C Am Dm Thou changest not Thy compassions they fail not F C F G C As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be

Chorus G Csus - C Great is Thy faithfulness Am Dm Great is Thy faithfulness G C D G Morning by morning new mercies I see G C G/B Am Dm C/E All I have needed Thy hand hath provided F C F G (Intro) Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me

Verse 2 C F G Csus-C Summer and winter and springtime and harvest F C/E D G Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above G C Am Dm Join with all nature in manifold witness F C F G C To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love

Verse 3 C F G Csus-C Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth F C/E D G Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide G C Am Dm Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow F C F G C Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!


Hallelujah! What a Savior (Psalm 95)

Intro G Em G Em

Verse 1 Verse 3 G Em F G Em F Man of sorrows, what a name Lifted up was He to die C G D C G D For the Son of God who came “It is finished!” was His cry G Em C G Em E Ruined sinners to reclaim Now in heaven He's lifted high G F G/B - C (Intro) G F G/B - C Hallelujah! What a Savior Hallelujah! What a Savior

Verse 2 Verse 4 G Em F G Em F Stand unclean, no one else could When He comes, our Glorious King C G D C G F In my place condemned He stood All his ransomed home to bring G Em C G Em C Now his nearness is my good Then anew this song we’ll sing G D G/B C D (To Chorus) G D G/D - C Hallelujah! What a Savior Hallelujah! What a Savior G D G/D C D (To Chorus) Chorus Hallelujah! What a Savior C G Em Hallelujah, praise to the one C G D Whose blood has pardoned me D G Em Oh what a Savior, Redeemer and King Am Em Dsus-D Your love has rescued me


He Will Hold Me Fast (Jude 24; 2 Thessalonians 3:3)

Intro |Gmaj7 G/B | C2 | Gmaj7 G/B | C2 |

Verse 1 G G/B C D G When I fear my faith will fail Christ will hold me fast G G/B C D G When the tempter would prevail He will hold me fast Em D/F# G C Bm Em I could never keep my hold Through life's fearful path Em D/F# G/B C D G For my love is often cold He must hold me fast

Chorus C D Em He will hold me fast D/F# G He will hold me fast G Am7 C For my Savior loves me so D Gmaj7 He will hold me fast

Verse 2 G G/B C D G Those He saves are His delight Christ will hold me fast G G/B C D G Precious in His holy sight He will hold me fast Em D/F# G C Bm Em He'll not let my soul be lost His Promises shall last Em D/F# G/B C D G Bought by Him at such a cost He will hold me fast

Verse 3 G G/B C D G For my life He bled and died Christ will hold me fast G G/B C D G Justice has been satisfied He will hold me fast Em D/F# G C Bm Em Raised with Him to endless life He will hold me fast Em D/F# G/B C D G Till our faith is turned to sight When He comes at last


His Mercy Is More (1 John 3:1; John 20:23)

Intro E E/G# | A E | B C#m | A B

Verse 1 E (E/G#) A E What love could remember no wrongs we have done B C#m A B Omniscient all knowing He counts not their sum E F#m E/G# A Thrown into a sea without bottom or shore (E/G#)-A E B E Our sins they are many His mercy is more

Chorus (E/G#) A E C#m B A E B Praise the Lo-----rd His mercy is mo----re A E B C#m Stronger than darkness new every morn A E B E Our sins they are many His mercy is more

Verse 2 E (E/G#) A E What patience would wait as we constantly roam B C#m A B What Father so tender is calling us home E F#m E/G# A He welcomes the weakest the vilest the poor (E/G#)-A E B E Our sins they are many His mercy is more

Verse 3 E (E/G#) A E What riches of kindness He lavished on us B C#m A B His blood was the payment His life was the cost E F#m E/G# A We stood 'neath a debt we could never afford (E/G#)-A E B E Our sins they are many His mercy is more


Holy Holy Holy (Nicaea) (Revelation 4; Isaiah 6:1-3)

Intro Am C/E F Am G

Verse 1 Verse 3 C Am G C C Am G C Holy holy holy Holy holy holy F C F C Lord God Almighty Though the darkness hide Thee G Am G G Am G Early in the morning Though the eye of sinful man D G D G Our song shall rise to Thee Thy glory may not see C Am G C C Am G C Holy holy holy Only Thou art holy F C F C Merciful and mighty There is none beside Thee Am C/E F C/E Am C/E F C/E God in three persons Perfect in power Dm G (Intro) Dm G (Intro) Blessed Trinity In love and purity

Verse 2 Verse 4 C Am G C C Am G C Holy holy holy Holy holy holy F C F C All the saints adore Thee Lord God Almighty G Am G G Am G Casting down their golden crowns All Thy works shall praise Thy name D G D G Around the glassy sea In earth and sky and sea C Am G C C Am G C Cherubim and seraphim Holy holy holy F C F C Falling down before Thee Merciful and mighty Am C/E F C/E Am C/E F C/E Which wert and art and God in three persons Dm G (Intro) Dm G (Intro) evermore shalt be Blessed Trinity


How Deep The Fathers Love For Us (Ephesians 2:4-9; Isaiah 53:12)

Intro E A E B

Verse 1 E A E B How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure E A E B E That he should give his only son, to make a wretch his treasure C#m A E B How great the pain of searing loss, the Father turned his face away C#m A E B (Intro) As wounds which mar the chosen one, bring many sons to glory

Turnaround C#m A E

Verse 2 E A E B Behold the man upon a cross, my sin upon his shoulders E A E B E Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffer C#m A E B It was my sin that held him there until it was accomplished C#m A E B (Intro) His dying breath has brought me life; I know that it is finished

Verse 3 E A E B I will not boast in anything: no gifts, no power, no wisdom E A B E But I will boast in Jesus Christ; his death and resurrection C#m A E B Why should I gain from his reward? I cannot give an answer C#m A E B (Intro) But this I know with all my heart: his wounds have paid my ransom


How Great Thou Art (Psalm 93; Psalm 104)

Intro A A/C# D | A A/C# D

Verse 1 A A/C# D O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder, A E D A Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made; E A A/C# D I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, A E D A Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

Chorus E A D A Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, E D A How great Thou art, How great Thou art E F#m D A Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, E D (Intro) How great Thou art, How great Thou art

Verse 2 A A/C# D And when I think that God His son not sparing A E D A Sent Him to die I scarce can take it in E A A/C# D That on the cross my burden gladly bearing A E D A He bled and died to take away my sin

Verse 3 A A/C# D When Christ shall come with shout of acclimation A E D A and take me home what joy shall fill my heart E A A/C# D Then I shall bow in humble adoration A E D A and there proclaim my God how great thou art


I Lay It All (Philippians 4:6-7; 2nd Corinthians 12:9)

Intro ||D F#m7 | E | D F#m7 | E ||

Verse 1 A Bm When troubles come when darkness crowds A D When fortunes fail and loss sur – rounds A Bm My soul is weak but Christ is strong A/C# D And so to Him I leave it all E A/C# D E A/C# D For He Who holds all things Can bear each care I bring

Chorus A F#m E So I lay it all on Je - sus D F#m E Steadfast is the love of Je - sus F#m E/G# Bm C He hears my cry He's faith – ful E D E D I lay it all on Je - sus

Verse 2 A Bm When questions rise when faith wears thin A D When fears comes fast and truth grows dim A Bm The One who saved will not for----sake A/C# D I'll trust His Word and trust His way E A/C# D E A/C# D For He Who bore my blame Can bear each care I name

Bridge D A F#m I am weak You are strong E Jesus come and take it all D F#m E All my cares I cast on You


I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) (Ephesians 2:4-5)

Intro Em C G D

Verse 1 G I stand amazed in the presence C D G of Jesus the Nazarene C G/B and wonder how he could love me C D C A sinner condemned and unclean.

Chorus G How marvelous, How wonderful D And my song shall ever be G Em How marvelous, How wonderful Am G/B D (Intro) Is my saviors love for me

Verse 2 G He took my sin and my sorrows C D G and made them his very own C G/B And bore my burden of Calvary C D C and suffered and died alone

Verse 3 G When with the ransomed in glory C D G His face I at last shall see C G/B T'will be my joy through the ages C D C To sing of His love for me


I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130) (Psalm 130)

Intro G#m F#/A# B B/D# E

Verse 1 Verse 3 G#m F#/A# B G#m F#/A# B Out of the depths I cry to You So put Your hope in God alone B/D# E B/D# E In darkest places I will call Take courage in His power to save G#m F# B/D# E G#m F# B/D# E Incline Your ear to me anew Completely and forever won B/D# F# (Intro) B/D# F# B And hear my cry for mercy Lord By Christ emerging from the grave

Verse 2 Verse 4 G#m F#/A# B G#m F#/A# B Were You to count my sinful ways Now He has come to make a way B/D# E B/D# E How could I come before Your throne And God Himself has paid the price G#m F# B/D# E G#m F# B/D# E Yet full forgiveness meets my gaze That all who trust in Him today B/D# F# B B/D# F# B I stand redeemed by grace alone Find healing in His sacrifice

Chorus 1 Chorus 2 B/D# E B/D# E I will wait for You I will wait for You I will wait for You I will wait for You F# G#m F# G#m On Your word I will rely Through the storm and through the night B/D# E F# B/D# E F# I will wait for You surely wait for You I will wait for You surely wait for You (Intro-Turn) (Intro-Turn) Till my soul is satisfied For Your love is my delight


In Christ Alone (Philippians 3:7-11)

Intro E C#m | B E/G# | A B |

Verse 1 Verse 3 A E C#m B A E C#m B In Christ alone my hope is found There in the ground, His body lay, E/G# A B E E/G# A B E He is my light, my strength, my song Light of the world by darkness slain A E C#m B A E C#m B This cornerstone, this solid ground Then bursting forth, in Glorious day, E/G# A B E E/G# A B E Firm through the fiercest drought and storm up from the grave He rose again E/G# A C#m B E/G# A C#m B What heights of love, what depths of peace And as He stands in victory E/G# A C#m B E/G# A C#m B When fears are stilled when strivings ceased Sins curse has lost its grip on me A E C#m B A E C#m B My comforter, my all in all For I am His and He is mine E/G# A B (Intro) E/G# A B (Intro) Here in the love of Christ I stand bought with the precious blood of Christ

Verse 2 Verse 4 A E C#m B A E C#m B In Christ alone who took on flesh No guilt in life, no fear in death E/G# A B E E/G# A B E Fullness of God in helpless babe This is the power of Christ in me A E C#m B A E C#m B This gift of love and righteousness From life’s first cry, to final breath E/G# A B E E/G# A B E Scorned by the ones He came to save Jesus commands my destiny E/G# A C#m B E/G# A C#m B Til' on that cross as Jesus died No power of hell no scheme of man E/G# A C#m B E/G# A C#m B The wrath of God was satisfied Can ever pluck my from his hand A E C#m B A E C#m B For every sin on Him was laid 'Till He returns or calls me home E/G# A B (Intro) E/G# A B (Intro) Here in the death of Christ I live Here in the Power of Christ I’ll stand


Is He Worthy (Revelation 4:11; Revelation 5:12)

Verse 1 Am - G C/E - F C C Is He worthy Is He wor--thy Do you feel the world is broken? (We do) Am G C/E - F Am Am Of all blessing and honor and glo--ry Do you feel the shadows deepen? (We do) Am G F C Am F F Is He worthy of this? He is But do you know that all the dark won't stop F C Verse 3 the light from getting through? (We do) C C Em Does the Father truly love us (He does) Do you wish that you could see it all Am Am F C Does the Spirit move among us (He does) made new? (We Do) F And does Jesus our Messiah Verse 2 F C C C Hold forever those He loves (He does) Is all creation groaning? (It Is) Em Am Am Does our God intend to dwell Is a new creation coming? (It is) F C F again with us (He does) Is the glory of the Lord F C Chorus 2 To be the light within our midst? (It is) F/A Em From ev'ry people and tribe Is it good that we remind ourselves G/B F C every nation and tongue of this? (It is) C C/E He has made us a kingdom and priests Chorus 1 F F G To God, to reign with the Son Is anyone worthy Is anyone whole Am - G C/E - F Am G F Is He worthy Is He worthy Is anyone able to break the seal and open the Am G C/E - F scroll Of all blessing and honor and glory F G Am - G C/E - F The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave Is He worthy Is He worthy Am G Am G F He is David's Root And the Lamb who died Is He worthy of this F (Chorus 2) C Am F to ransom the slave He is! He is! He is worthy G F / / / C He is worthy He is


Jesus Alone (Galatians 6:14)

Intro C-F-C-F

Verse 1 Verse 3 B B E B My treasure of wisdom, The burden of sin and the power it holds E B G#m all knowledge I hold Would have led me to death G#m A B F B Is folly compared to Jesus alone but for Jesus alone B E B B All of man’s cunning, his mountain of pride The cross, our redemption, G#m F# B E B Crumbles to dust beside Jesus alone where Your love was shown G#m F B Verse 2 We stand now victorious in Jesus alone B E B G#m F# B No wealth that I gather, no riches I own Now our only boast is in Jesus alone G#m F# B Compare to the glory of Jesus alone Bridge B E B F# I will not seek fame, nor earthly throne Hallelujah! Death defeated! G#m F B E B But to know and be known Jesus alone For the grave You’ve overcome F# Chorus Hallelujah! Sin is broken! E E B Our Wisdom, our Righteousness, By the power in Your blood B F# Glory and Grace Glory, glory! Thank You, Jesus! G#m E B You purchased our freedom, All the praise to You alone F# F# You died in our place We will bow down, we will worship, E E B Holy and blameless at Your feet before the throne F# G#m G#m F# E You’ve made us Your own Worthy is Your name E F# B G#m F# B Now our only boast is in Jesus alone Worthy is Your name


Jesus Is Better (Philippians 2:10-11)

Intro C – F – C – F

Verse 1 Bridge C F C F There is no other, so sure and steady In all my sorrows Jesus is better, C F Am F My hope is held in Your hand make my heart believe C F C F When castles crumble, and breath is fleeting In every vict'ry Jesus is better C F Am Am F F make my heart believe Upon this rock I will stand, upon this rock I C F will stand Than any comfort Jesus is better, Am F Chorus make my heart believe F C G Am C F Glory, glory, we have no other king More than all riches Jesus is better, F C G Am F But Jesus Lord of all make my heart believe F C G Am C F We raise the anthem our loudest praises Our souls declaring: Jesus is better, ring Am F F C G make my heart believe We crown Him Lord of all C F Our song eternal: Jesus is better, Verse 2 Am F C F make my heart believe Your kindly rule has shattered and broken C F The curse of sin's tyranny C F My life is hidden 'neath Heaven's shadow C F Your crimson flood covers me, Am F Your crimson flood covers me


Jesus Paid It All (Isaiah 1:18)

Intro B B/D# E2 B/D# C#m7 B/D# E2

Verse 1 Verse 3 B B I hear the Savior say, And when before the throne F# B F# B Thy strength indeed is small I stand in Him complete, G#m7 E2 G#m7 E2 Child of weakness, watch and pray, Jesus died my soul to save B F# B B F# B Find in Me thine all in all my lips shall still repeat

Chorus Bridge B E B/D# F# B Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; O Praise the one who paid my debt G#m E2 Sin had left a crimson stain, And raised this life up from the dead F# (intro) He washed it white as snow O Praise the one who paid my debt

Verse 2 And raised this life up from the dead B B B/D# E2 Lord, now indeed I find O Praise the one who paid my debt F# B B/D# C#m7 B/D# E2 Thy power and Thine alone, And raised this life up from the dead G#m7 E2 B B/D# E2 Can change the leper’s spots O Praise the one who paid my debt B F# B B/D# C#m7 B/D# E2 And melt the heart of stone. And raised this life up from the dead


Jesus There’s No One Like You (Psalm 27:4; Philippians 3:8)

Verse 1 E A There is no song we could sing B A-E To honor the weight of Your glory E A There are no words we could speak B A-E To capture the depth of Your beauty

Chorus 1 A E Jesus there's no one like You C#m B Jesus we love You ever adore You A E Jesus there's no one like You C#m B A Jesus we love You ever adore You Lord

Verse 2 E A There is no sinner beyond B A-E The infinite stretch of Your mercy E A How can we thank You enough B A-E For how You have loved us completely

Bridge E B C#m A E G#m A All we have all we need all we want is You


Let It Be Jesus (Philippians 1:21)

Intro C G/B Em D

Verse 1 Bridge C G/B Em D D Let it be Jesus | The first name that I call Should I ever be abandoned C G/B Em D Em Let it be Jesus | My song inside the storm Should I ever be acclaimed Am D I'll never need another Should I ever be surrounded Em Chorus By the fire and the flame G D C D For me to live is Christ There's a name I will remember G D C Em C For me to live is Christ There's a name I will proclaim G D Em D G D C God I breathe Your name above everything Let it be let it be Jesus C D (Intro) G D C Let it be let it be Jesus Let it be let it be Jesus G/B D (Chorus) Verse 2 Let it be let it be C G/B Em D Let it be Jesus | From the rising of the sun C G/B Em D Let it be Jesus | When all is said and done Am I'll never need another Jesus there's no other


Let The Nations Be Glad (Psalm 67; Psalm 96)

Intro C F C F

Verse 1 Verse 2 C C Let the glory of the Lord forever be our joy Through the ages gone before C G F C May redemption be the theme of our song Through the trial and the sword C C For by grace we have been saved Many saints and martyrs conquered Am C G F And by grace we shall proclaim though they died C G C To the corners of the earth Still we’re holding out the cross F C (to chorus) Am C that Christ has come Crossing ocean suffering loss C G Chorus Shall endure all things to win F C F - G Am F C (to chorus) Let the nations be glad, let the people rejoice the crown of life F C Gsus G For salvation belongs to our God Verse 3 F C C Let the whole earth be filled, As your holy church goes forth, F G Am C with the praises of the Lord in the Holy Spirit’s power F C G C G F For salvation belongs to our God, With the glories of the Gospel to exclaim F G (Intro) C let the nations be glad Now we pray Your kingdom come Am C And we pray Your will be done C G For the honor and the glory F C (to chorus) of Your name


Life Defined (Galatians 2:20; Philippians 1:21; Philippians 1:21 )

Intro G D Em D

Verse 1 Bridge G D Em C D Be my life | I surrender Remember His atoning C C/E D/F# One day is better | with you than all the His body broken for me G C D world Remember his approval D Em C/E D/F# Oh Spirit of life | Help me remember He gave his life to say so C C D That it is my pleasure | To say to you Remember his appealing E/G# F#/A# Chorus 1 My Lord is interceding G C D All I am Remember if you have breath D C/E D/F# My life defined To breathe it out and praise Him Em C By I've been crucified with Christ G/B D The life I live I live by faith Em C In Jesus Christ who lives in me

Verse 2 G D When my heart grows cold Em And my flesh is failing D The Spirit is willing G To point me back to You D For to live is Christ Em And to die is better D Help me remember My song to you


Lord I Need You (Psalm 100; John 6:67-69)

Intro B E B

Verse 1 Bridge B E B E B/D# F# G#m Lord I come I confess So teach my song to rise to You F# G#m F# E G#m B/D# E Bowing here I find my rest When temptation comes my way B E B E B/D# F# G#m And without You I fall apart And when I cannot stand I fall on You B F# E E F# B You're the One that guides my heart Jesus You're my hope and stay E B/D# F# G#m Chorus And when I cannot stand I fall on You B E B F# E F# B E Lord I need You Oh I need You Jesus You're my hope and stay G#m E B F# Every hour I need You B/D# E F# E/G# My one defense my righteousness B F# B Oh God how I need You

Verse 2 B E B Where sin runs deep Your grace is more F# G#m F# E Where grace is found is where You are B E B And where You are Lord I am free B F# E Holiness is Christ in me B E B Where You are Lord I am free F#sus-F# B E Holiness is Christ is me


Magnificent Marvelous (Psalm 136)

Intro C-F

Verse 1 Chorus C G Am F C Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love; How great, how sure; His love endures F G Dm - Am too vast and astounding to tell forever--more. Am F G C (Intro) Forever existing in worlds above, Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love. F G Csus - C now offered and given to all. Verse 3 G Am F C Oh, fountain of beauty eternal; What grace, that You entered our G Am Dm brokenness; the Father, the Spirit, the Son. F G C Dm C/E F You came in the fullness of time Sufficient and endlessly gener--ous, Am Am G C (Intro) How far we had fallen from righteousness, magnificent, marvelous, matchless love. F G Csus - C but not from the mercies of Christ. Verse 2 G Am F C Your cross is our door to redemption; Creation is brimming with thankfulness, G Am Dm F G Your death is our fullness of life. the mountains, exultant they stand; C Dm C/E F Am That day, how forgiveness flowed as a The seasons rejoice in Your faithfulness, flood: F G Csus - C Am G C (Intro) all life is sustained by Your hand. magnificent, marvelous, matchless love. G Am F You crown every meadow with color; Verse 4 G Am Dm G Am F You paint every shade in the sky; United in Your resurrection, C Dm C/E F G Am Dm Each day the dawn wakes as an encore of You lift us to infinite heights Am G C (Intro) C Dm C/E F magnificent, marvelous, matchless love. Could anything sever or take us from Am G C magnificent, marvelous, matchless love


Man of Sorrows (Romans 5:8)

Intro Bm G D G D A

Verse 1 Bm G D Man of sorrows Lamb of God G D Asus - B By His own betrayed Bm G Bm The sin of man and wrath of God G A D Has been on Jesus laid

Chorus Bm G D A Oh that rugged cross my salvation Bm G A Where Your love poured out over me G D A Bm Now my soul cries out hallelujah G A (Intro) Praise and honour unto Thee

Verse 2 CBm G D Silent as He stood accused G D Asus - A Beaten mocked and scorned Bm G Bm Bowing to the Father's will G A D He took a crown of thorns

Verse 3 Bm G D Sent of heaven God's own Son G D Asus - A To purchase and redeem Bm G Bm And reconcile the very ones G A D Who nailed Him to that tree


May The Peoples Praise You (Psalm 67)

Intro D | D | G | G

Verse 1 Verse 4 D D You have called us out of darkest night May the seeds of mercy grow in us G D G D Into Your glorious light For those who have not heard G Bm A G Bm A That we may sing the wonders of May songs of praise build lives of grace G D G D The risen Christ To spread Your Word

Verse 2 Verse 5 D D May our every breath retell the grace This our holy priv'lege to declare G D G D That broke into our strife Your praises and Your name G Bm A G Bm A With boundless love and deepest joy To every nation tribe and tongue G D G D With endless life Your church proclaims

Chorus 1 Bridge G Bm A G A D/F# G May the peoples praise You Holy Holy is the Lord Almighty G A G A D/F# Em Let the nations be glad Worthy worthy is the Lamb who was slain G A G A D/F# G All Your blessing comes Holy Holy is the Lord Almighty D/F# G G A D/F# G That we may praise All creation praise Your glorious Name G D/F# A (Intro) May praise the Name of Jesus

Verse 3 D All the earth is Yours and all within G D Each harvest is Your own G Bm A And from Your hand we give to You G D To make Christ known


My Worth Is Not In What I Own (Romans 5:6-8)

Intro F G F G

Verse 1 Verse 3 C C F C My worth is not in what I own As summer flowers we fade and die C C F C Not in the strength of flesh and bone Fame youth and beauty hurry by C G/B Am G C G/B Bm F C But in the costly wounds of love at the cross But life eternal calls to us at the cross

Verse 2 Verse 4 C F C C F C My worth is not in skill or name I will not boast in wealth or might C F C C F C In win or lose in pride or shame Or human wisdom's fleeting light C G/B Am C G/B Em F But in the blood of Christ that flowed But I will boast in knowing Christ at the B C C At the cross cross

Chorus Verse 5 F G Am C F C (And) I rejoice in my Redeemer Two wonders here that I confess F D G C F C Greatest treasure Wellspring of my soul My worth and my unworthiness F A Em C G/B Am F C (And) I will trust in Him no other My value fixed my ransom paid at the cross F G C My soul is satisfied in Him alone


Nothing But The Blood (Hebrews 12:22-24)

Intro G Em C D G

Verse 1 Verse 3 G Em G Em What can wash away my sin? For my pardon, this I seek C D G C D G Nothing but the blood of Jesus Nothing but the blood of Jesus G Em G Em What can make me whole again? For my cleansing this I plea C D G C D G Nothing but the blood of Jesus Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Chorus Verse 4 G C G Em Oh! precious is the flow This is all my hope and peace Em C C D G That makes me white as snow Nothing but the blood of Jesus G C G Em No other fount I know This is all my righteousness Em C C D G Nothing but the blood of Jesus Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Verse 2 G Em Nothing can for sin atone nothing but the blood of Jesus G Em Naught of good that I have done C D G Nothing but the blood of Jesus


O Praise The Name (Anastasis) (Psalms 66; Psalms 18:49)

Intro A F#m D

Verse 1 Verse 3 A A I cast my mind to Calvary Then on the third at break of dawn E F#m E F#m Where Jesus bled and died for me The Son of heaven rose again D A/C# D A/C# I see His wounds His hands His feet O trampled death where is your sting E A E A My Saviour on that cursed tree The angels roar for Christ the King

Verse 2 Verse 4 A A His body bound and drenched in tears He shall return in robes of white E F#m E F#m They laid Him down in Joseph's tomb The blazing sun shall pierce the night D A/C# D A/C# The entrance sealed by heavy stone And I will rise among the saints E A E A Messiah still and all alone My gaze transfixed on Jesus' face

Chorus A D A O praise the Name of the Lord our God F#m Esus - E O praise His Name forevermore A/C# D F#m For endless days we will sing Your praise D E A Oh Lord oh Lord our God


Praise To The Lord The Almighty (Psalm 150:1-2)

Intro E A C#m B | E A C#m B A

Verse 1 Verse 3 E B E B Praise to the Lord the Almighty Praise to the Lord Who does prosper A B - E A B - E The King of creation Your work and defend you E E B O my soul praise Him Surely His goodness and mercy B A B - E A B - E For He is thy health and salvation will daily attend you E/G# A E/G# A Let all who hear Ponder anew C#m B C#m B now to His temple draw near what the Almighty can do F#m E/G# B - Intro F#m E/G# B - Intro Praise Him in glad adoration If with His love He befriend you

Verse 2 Verse 4 E B E B Praise to the Lord Who o'er all things Praise to the Lord O let all A B - E A B - E So wondrously reigneth That is in me adore Him E B E Shelters you under His wings All that has life and breath A B - E B A B - E And so gently sustaineth Come now with praises before Him E/G# A E/G# A Have you not seen Let the amen C#m B C#m B how all your longings have been sound from His people again F#m E/G# B - Intro F#m E/G# B - Intro Granted in what He ordaineth Gladly forever adore Him

Chorus A B C#m Oh my soul, praise the Lord A Bsus-B Jesus Christ our King! A B C#m Every heart come sing for joy A B (Intro) To Christ the Risen King!


Psalm 27 (One Thing) (Psalm 27)

Intro C/E F Am G

Verse Chorus C/E F F C G Am The Lord is my light One thing I ask, and I will seek Am G F C And my salvation To dwell in the house of the Lord C/E F G And whom shall I fear all my days Am G F C G Whom shall I fear? To gaze upon Your beauty, G Am Verse 2 worship at your feet C/E F F G (Intro) The Lord is my strength Oh, one thing I seek Am G The stronghold of my life Bridge C/E F F C and whom shall I fear Holy fire Abba Father Am G F Am G Whom shall I fear? My Redeemer My delight F C Pre-Chorus Holy holy God almighty Am G/B C F Am G And you said "seek my face" You're the one thing That I desire Am F G Your face oh God I seek


Set Apart (1st Corinthians 2:9-10)

Intro C#m A E B | C#m A E G#m

Verse 1 Verse 2 C#m A C#m A We were once dead Marred by sin We’ve been called to A fellowship so great E B E B Our souls were dark and Stained within To be loved by A God who knows our name C#m A C#m A Our death was sure Your wrath remained We are united In this grace E B E B A debt so great How can it be paid No one divided We stand as one to say

Pre-chorus 1 Pre-chorus 2 C#m A E C#m A E B B But we were washed In the blood of the We were washed In the blood of the lamb lamb C#m A E B C#m A E B Justi-fied in your Righteousness we stand Set apart In your righteousness we stand

Chorus Verse 3 A E B C#m C#m A Glory, honor, Power to your name We fear no foe Even unto death A E B C#m E B Our lives, We give As an offering of praise Though trials have weight And tears there A E B bitterness C#m C#m A Lord we worship you The author of our faith But where is deaths sting? And grave your A B (Intro) victory? In all we do We give glory to you E B We triumph still With Christ our risen King


Sovereign Over Us (Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 73:21-26)

Intro F#m, D, E, A

Verse 1 Verse 2 F#m D F#m D There is strength within the sorrow You are wisdom unimagined, Esus A Esus A There is Beauty in our tears Who could understand your ways F#m D F#m D And you meet us in our mourning Reigning high above the heavens, Esus A Esus A With a love that cast out fears. Reaching down in endless grace

Verse 2 Verse 3 F#m D F#m D You are working in our waiting Youʼre the Lifter of the lowly, Esus A Esus A Sanctifying us Compassionate and kind F#m D F#m D And beyond our understanding You surround and You uphold me, Esus A Esus A Your teaching us to trust And your promises are my delight

Chorus Bridge D A A D Your plans are still to prosper Even what the enemy means for evil E F#m Bm7 You have not forgotten us You turn it for our good D A/C# E E You're with us in the fire and the flood You Turn it for our good and for your glory D A You're Faithful forever Bridge 2 E F#m A D Perfect in love Even in the valley you are faithful D E A Bm7 You are Sovereign Over us You turn it for our good E You Turn it for our good and for your glory


Speak O Lord (1st Corinthians 2:9-10)

Verse 1 Verse 3 D E A D A/C# D E A D A/C# Speak O Lord as we come to you Speak O Lord and renew our minds D A/C# F#m Esus - E D A/C# F#m - E To recieve the food of your Holy Word Help us grasp the height of Your plan for us D E A D A/C# D E A D A/C# Take your truth, plant it deep in us Truths unchanged from the dawn of time D A/C# E A D A/C# E A Shape and fashion us in your likeness That will echo down through eternity E D A/C# D A/C# E D A/C# D A/C# That the light of Christ might be seen today And by grace we'll stand on Your promises E D A/C# F#m E E D A/C# F#m E In our acts of love and our deeds of faith And by faith we'll walk as You walk with us E E A D A E E D A Speak O Lord and fulfil in us Speak O Lord till Your church is built D - A/C# D E - A D A/C# D E - A All your purposes for your glory And the earth is filled with Your glory

Verse 2 D E A D A/C# Teach us Lord full obedience D A/C# F#m Esus - E Holy reverence true humility D E A D - A/C# Test our thoughts and our attitudes D A/C# E A In the radiance of Your purity E D A/C# D A/C# Cause our faith to rise Cause our eyes to see E D A/C# F#m E Your majestic love and authority E E A D A Words of power that can never fail D - A/C# D E - A Let their truth prevail over unbelief


The Lord is My Salvation (Exodus 15:2,11)

Intro B | B | E | E |

Verse 1 Verse 3 G#m E F# G#m E F# The grace of God has reached for me My hope is hidden in the Lord G#m E F# G#m E F# And pulled me from the raging sea He flow'rs each promise of His Word G#m F#/A# B - B/D# E - B/D# G#m F#/A# B - B/D# E - And I am safe on this so--lid ground B/D# C#m F# B When winter fades I know spring will come The Lord is my salva---tion C#m F# B The Lord is my salva---tion Verse 2 G#m E F# Bridge I will not fear when darkness falls E B F# G#m G#m E F# Glory be to God the Fa--ther His strength will help me scale these walls E B F# G#m F#/A# B - B/D# E - B/D# Glory be to God the Son I'll see the dawn of the ri---sing sun E B D#m G#m - F# C#m F# B Glory be to God the Spi----rit The Lord is my salva---tion E F# B The Lord is our salva—tion Chorus F# E B Who is like the Lord our God F# E B/D# Strong to save faithful in love G#m F#/A# B - B/D# E - B/D# My debt is paid and the vic--tory won C#m F# B The Lord is my salvation


The Lord Our God (Deuteronomy 7:9; 2nd Timothy 2:13)

Intro A F# D

Verse 1 Verse 2 A A Promise maker, promise keeper, In the silence, in the waiting, F#m D A F#m D A You finish what You begin still we can know You are good A A Our provision through the desert, All Your plans are for Your glory, F#m D E F#m D A You see it through ‘til the end Yes, we can know You are good F#m D E F#m D A You see it through ‘til the end Yes, we can know You are good

Chorus Bridge A F#m D A The Lord our God is ever faithful We won’t move without You A F#m D F#m Never changing through the ages We won’t move without You A F#m D A F#m D From this darkness You will lead us You’re the light of all and all that we need A F#m D And forever we will say, You’re the Lord Bridge 2 A D E F#m our God Our God reigns, our God reigns F#m E/G# A Forever your kingdom reigns


The Power Of The Cross (Matthew 27:45; 51-54; 2 Corinthians 5:21)

Intro D E A | D E A

Verse 1 Verse 4 D E A A Bm A/C# D E A A Bm A/C# Oh to see the dawn of the darkest day Oh to see my name written in the wounds D A/C# D - E D A/C# D E Christ on the road to Calvary For through Your suff'ring I am free D E A A Bm A/C# D E A A Bm A/C# Tried by sinful men torn and beaten then Death is crushed to death life is mine to live D A/C# E D A/C# E Nailed to a cross of wood Won through Your selfl - ess love

Chorus 1 Chorus 2 A/C# D E A A/C# D E A This the pow'r of the cross This the pow'r of the cross A/C# D E A A/C# D E A Christ became sin for us Son of God slain for us A/C# D B/D# E A/C# D B/D# E Took the blame bore the wrath What a love what a cost D A/C# D E (Intro) D A/C# D E (Intro) We stand forgiven at the cross We stand forgiven at the cross

Verse 2 D E A A Bm A/C# Oh to see the pain written on Your face D A/C# D E Bearing the awesome weight of sin D E A A Bm A/C# Ev'ry bitter thought ev'ry evil deed D A/C# E Crowning Your bloodstained brow

Verse 3 D E A A Bm Now the daylight flees now the ground A/C# beneath D A/C# D E Quakes as its Maker bows His head D E A A Bm A/C# Curtain torn in two dead are raised to life D A/C# E Finished the vic - t'ry - cry


The Solid Rock (Matthew 7:24-25; Psalm 40:2)

Intro E B A B

Verse 1 Verse 3 E B E B My hope is built on nothing less His oath His covenant His blood A B A B Than Jesus' blood and righteousness Support me in the whelming flood E B E B I dare not trust the sweetest frame When all around my soul gives way A B A B But wholly lean on Jesus' name He then is all my hope and stay

Chorus Verse 4 E A E B On Christ the solid Rock I stand When He shall come with trumpet sound E C#m B All other ground is sinking sand A B A B (Intro) O may I then in Him be found All other ground is sinking sand E B Dressed in His righteousness alone Verse 2 A B E B Faultless to stand before the throne When darkness seems to hide His face A B Bridge I rest on His unchanging grace E/G A B E B All my hope is in You In ev’ry high and stormy gale E/G A B A B All my strength is in You My anchor holds within the veil E/G A B All my peace is in You E/G A B All my life in in You


There Is A Fountain (Hebrews 9:22; Isaiah 55:6-7)

Intro A – D – A – D

Verse 1 A D A E There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Emmanuel's veins A D F#m E D And sinners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty stains A D A E Lose all their guilty stains, lose all their guilty stains A D F#m E D And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains

Verse 2 A D A E Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood Shall never lose it's power A D F#m E D 'Til all the ransomed church of God Be saved to sin no more A D A E Be saved to sin no more, be saved to sin no more A D F#m E D 'Til all the ransomed church of God be saved to sin no more

Verse 3 A D A E E'er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supplied A D F#m E D Redeeming love has been my theme And shall be till I die A D A E And shall be till I die, and shall be till I die A D F#m E D Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die


When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (Matthew 27:29; Revelation 4:11)

Verse 1 Verse 3 D Em A D D Em A D When I survey the wondrous cross See from His head His hands His feet D G D A D G D A On which the Prince of glory died Sorrow and love flow mingled down D Em A D D Em A D My richest gain I count but loss Did ever such love and sorrow meet D Bm Em A D D Bm Em A D And pour contempt on all my pride Or thorns compose so rich a crown

Verse 2 Verse 4 D Em A D D Em A D Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Were the whole realm of nature mine D G D A D G D A Save in the death of Christ my God! That were an offering far too small D Em A D D Em A D All the vain things that charm me most Love so amazing so divine D BmEm A D D Bm Em A D I sacrifice them to His blood. Demands my soul my life my all

Chorus D/F# - G D/F# Oh the wonderful cross G D/F# Oh the wonderful cross G bids me come and die Bm Asus A and find that I may truly live

D/F# - G D/F# Oh the wonderful cross G D/F# Oh the wonderful cross G All who gather hear Bm Asus A By grace draw near And bless your name


Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me (Galatians 2:20; Philippians 2:13)

Intro C F C/E F

Verse 1 Verse 3 C F C F What gift of grace is Jesus my redeemer No fate I dread I know I am forgiven C Am G C Am G There is no more for heaven now to give The future sure the price it has been paid C F C F He is my joy my righteousness and freedom For Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon C C My steadfast love And he was raised G Csus - C G Csus - C my deep and boundless peace to overthrow the grave F C F C To this I hold my hope is only Jesus To this I hold my sin has been defeated F C Gsus - G F C Gsus - G For my life is wholly bound to his Jesus now and ever is my plea C Dm C Dm Oh how strange and divine Oh the chains are released C/E F C/E F I can sing all is mine I can sing I am free C/E G C/E G Yet not I but through Christ in me Yet not I but through Christ in me Verse 2 Verse 4 C F C F The night is dark but I am not forsaken With every breath I long to follow Jesus C Am G C Am G For by my side the Saviour he will stay For he has said that he will bring me home C F C F I labour on in weakness and rejoicing And day by day I know he will renew me C C For in my need Until I stand G Csus - C G Csus - C His power is displayed with joy before the throne F C F C To this I hold my Shepherd will defend me To this I hold my hope is only Jesus F C Gsus – G F C Gsus - G Through the deepest valley he will lead All the glory evermore to him C Dm C Dm Oh the night has been won When the race is complete C/E F C/E F and I shall overcome still my lips shall repeat C/E G C/E G Yet not I but through Christ in me Yet not I but through Christ in me 54

You Never Change (Psalm 46; Lamentations 3:22-23)

Intro C#m–A–E–B

Verse 1 Verse 2 C#m A C#m A Oh may I run to no other refuge No other power can break the darkness E E No other rest for my soul No other hand that can save C#m A C#m A Oh may I drink from no other fountain Forever faithful, Your love is stronger E E Where living waters will flow I trust in no other name

Pre Chorus Bridge C#m B A A B Jesus you’re all I need My strength to stand, C#m E Chorus all of my days are in your hand E B A B C#m E You are my life, may You be lif - ted high My light to see Your glory goes before me C#m A A B There is no other like Je - sus Christ My King, You reign E B C#m E A You are my story, You’re my e – verything My rock, and You never change C#m B A B A B You are my glory, my God, and my King No, You never change C#m B (Intro) You are my rock, and You never change


The Doxology (Psalm 117)

E Praise God from whom all Blessings flow E A B Praise Him all creatures here below B A B E Praise Him above, ye heavenly host E A B E Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost A E A - men