BART Strike: Students Traffic, Lines Receive by Jeff Niese Bill Lloyd
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INSIDE: Focus SPORTS 'Coming on Strong' Dance Bigger, faster, Day three of a four-day on stronger series celebrating 25 years of womanhood SJSU dance major New strength and follows in the foot- conditioning 'gum' *Women in sports Page 6 steps of African makes a difference American dancers as assistant coach *Great moments Page 6 Page 6 Page SPARTAN DAILY Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 Volume 109, No. 8 WEDNESDAY September 10, 1997 BART strike: Students traffic, lines receive By Jeff Niese Bill Lloyd. "My attitude is, I've updated eorrespondant been up a lot of nights. There's been a lot of late nights so we're With the BART strike enter- just gonna make it one more ing its third day Tuesday, peo- late night." e-mail ple around the Bay had to suf- Although union demands fer with traffic, lines and frus- haven't been made public, the By Christine M. has tit:itrWlitvis tration. strikers reportedly want annual "I wanted to cry," said SJSU raises of 6.5 percent, 5.5 percent student Elizabeth Britton. three and 5 percent over the Tiltany Matsuyama was a It took Britton 45 minutes to years of a new contract - about little confused when she got the reach Fremont from twice the cost of the litter in t he mail about starting San Leandro $28 million package up a new e-mail account. Monday morning, a they rejected from "I already had one and had- stretch that usually BART management. n't heard about the changes," takes her 15 minutes The unions also the S.IS1' business major said. to travel. But, from want to abolish a "I haven't had a chance yet to the added traffic two-tier wage sys- change my account " caused by the BART tem, in which newer Tile apathy and confusion strike, commute employees are paid may change. however, when she times were abnor- less for the same job. discovers that her old e-mail mally long. BART workers ....count with SLISIT will no On Monday, the are among the high- ,1:.k 1::,ge,r be valid in roughly two first work day affect- est-paid in the ed by the walkout of industry. The changes in student e- 2,600 BART opera- Journeyman main- mad accounts IS 111S1 Otte of tors, mechanics an i station tenance workers earn a base many problems Rhonda Rudd hour was marked agents, rush wage of $48,000 and train oper- had to contend with when she by 15-mile backups. commute ators and station agents make took on the role of S.1;41.7 com- times that were tripled arid $40,900, with overtime boosting puter lab manager several frayed tempers. most checks far above those lev- week."I aro Comes Although BART only els. lie former Inform:0am as far south as Fremont and State Sen. Quentin Kopp, 1 - Sy.apiti, and Computing IISCI doesn't connect Santa Clara San Francisco, said Tuesday deportment was faced with County, MSC student that lie would offer legislation overcrmded computer labs. Marriann Tiilikka said she has making it illegal for public tran- III -tunctemal network systems noticed more congestion down- sit unions to strike. And intiqoated equipment town. Kopp, who chairs the Senate "I wa- Appalled at the "I have definitely noticed Transportation Committee, -III l' I fF111111 WithIll the that parking is a lot harder to said he wants to reverse a 1985 first Ii minutes." litifid said "I find," said the administration of state Supreme Court decision immediately -et out to See what justice major. allowing strikes by public kind of fund': were available to Angered over wages and a employees, except for public illittr.11111 \ Steel, two-tier pay scale, union work- workers. safety Rudd neva it'lldeal With ers walked off the job Sunday. "Public transit workers Ilevlett Packard for discounts Both sides met with Mayor affect public safety, and they eqlopoietit and hotwht an Willie Brown on Tuesday all er- certainly affect the public 20 - that should noon to continue the informal health and welfare," Kopp said. lie-.1.111.ible to students start- discussion he arranged Monday Kopp said common law has tlg \I week" and resumed formed negotia- forbidden strikes by most public IF computer in the lab at 6:30 p.m. in Oakland. tions employees because it is consid- will co.! $.-0100 on the mar- Shortly after 8 p.m., a ered a strike against the people. ket ;rol We pald less than hall spokesman for the Service "The solution is a law pre- t,li;ti,ti tor each module." Rudd Employees International Union venting strikes by public transit 1,,,, I 11. 111,1.1, came out to say the or 'F FF. Local 790 workers, who already have pro- Oblivious to signs of protest over the future of het health Rudd also manatzed to have two sides were making the first no other worker has - displays her mother Scar Pitt F; view!: on Me at Kaltief i 1,0 , , tections Malan. a 200 gigabit,' "juke steps toward a tentative agree civil service protections," Kopp Road in San Jose -.pryer- that %%all (-undone ment. said 111111.4. than MO inch s 44141;41 'Until we get a tentative dep.irtmental servers into one. agreement, we're going to In- Associated Press con- Kaiser Permanente RNs strike The Fill IIrl.tie'lhSI',I' .vSt..111 here," said SEIC spokesman tributed to this report. I. S,11I .111S1. .111' 1 I "The Itikehov will centralize By Vie Rihein, 1,:1111,-1 ramp'', communication, Staff Writer Cl1titti i- the 111-t S\ .ir al potentlaill sdv e t he mover Chronology of the Hit Will (11111.i11 1.11 1 I F,' couple 111111FiriFil of me KART unions, A Hundreds Fit I nform thAit 11111. thousand Jun. 27: Three 01111.1 sdul and Municipal Employees 1 striking back at their emplo% Not -I., Ill ."..11111,1 1 I.11 N.d dr it 55.1 di't where Rudd al t nion Local 790, and Amaliproa er Kaiser Permanent, Hu' Itliov And 1.111 1 ' 55 sots la kIVOr of a strike. the health care mant is 11111 \tillS Are -trikim. ii spondull, 1FF arious stit- Jul. 7: Wilma 60-dby cooling off tinning to reduce the windier the 5,1111 1,11,./.1 memo. dee, ,.empl.litd, :11,0lit the com of registered IIIIrSeS in !lir!! ktio5% tyho I, .1,111,1115 111 ' Aug. 30: offer" hospitals mg their medn al que-t "l .11" 111111' Illiit.rsit:v 1.1,ed 11111 ii .IC1111111! . set Sept. 3: Police This is the third major -1114. striking 11111 - 1,, ,,,,IV liii IF FF1111 In. dim(' Aaeoelatior strike or the CalitotnIA r.ill v concerned ilh44141 I\ 'Piny'', 55 hull In, very con remaining Uwe Nurses ASs1111i11 PM S1111 11,1111t% FFt 11111' 1,1 IF tpcialltiati ,lt Ill Sept. 4: break dams. it I Ile Y11111' V.111 ), .1%,111,1111I 144 14444,111, 1111 1 ..4111 Ailing past problems Sept. 4: U reject contract sear The latest walkout 1.,,c11 -es 1.,111 1111 41.11t1.1.- (11,11 14-- 'Fl tdm- \ ccoriling to the !be strike. on plans for Kaiser to open up 1411.1,011, spoke,inan for thA At 1 11 le now defunct ISC. List %Feat s procedure to Sept. 7: R7' train operators, statism a [WM,' rettional call center in Califortim Norse,- Athol' 1..11,r.t II Iu, walk off the mob. h'.\. 'tit ski' 0,111 See pagt.3 *Svcs: ultv oith San Pranckwa Exploding high-tech industry seeks to employ SJSU students 1114.% SF, Ill I44 I 11 11,14 IS 11 IS 1141 Thousands of stu- Now what? "Most companic, reall% %% ant II, 1.1 \Lou,. -.did here mIld 11111111.1 111011 nI Here in Silicon Valley, infor- to recruit Peck "did Ills lull \I Ion. ...oil that Lockheed WI. tiai .11.1 Is, I,Il , dents hired through mation -age companies are "They know- quotA,. I'll Is - ii 11. b OF tIll Si 'I It.44 5% Oh 5.151' 111111nr sprouting up like trees in places (Ionic prix.tranis 1111, 411 4111114.11 11111111 .111,14.41 I ,,, ' , 1. IF IF, ,.4414 40.111 industry recruiters, 4. and programs to seek where orchards once flourished. These companies retTlill ill 1 hit :-.41114,411 \.i111 - 1,11111 ’ litit lie% hires, and the ;tern- looking several wis In IOW SISt. .4411111 ill, 11141 A111114141 14.1%14,11 '1 Career Center Those companies are for difliFrent ad& pare want has expanded its help And many of them get tion to job postings in the on it thu 11111t1t1111% 111 119 pi tr. IS Ill I mill ptIS reTrUlting l'irOrt$ By Kevin W. Ileeteman shopping for talent at campus Career Center, they StI141111 tI1 the. %,1114' 1,1 ..S ,.1 IliepastCOUple uryearg Stall' Writer Ill. Irene Peck, recruiting ser- send recruiters to campus for \hi F... .I F. F. ockhel.ei Manti ri especially After six years of toiling vices coordinator, said that com- job fairs and on -campus inter tnake toncerted hut I', tFF blue,' ...Aid Ill I I'C, III I. Fl II pcople majonng in electri- away at San Jose State panies known for hiring SJSU views. Many of them post "I Flu ;ind .1111111111 1111, S1 it t mechanical, and aerospace graduate's include Hewlett- their job opportunit% intorma .1t4. 14 1,114441 University, you finally have .1ero-pate firm I Med 111, .111 111.1 vitrilleuring They also st'ek (emit that coveted degree in hand.