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9-27-1996 The iH lltop 9-27-1996 Hilltop Staff

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under attack fullowing By Usa Prince lhe CIA-Crack scandal. Hilltop Staff Writer A9. Howard University is no Mranger 10 the . But last 'Thursday night, leaders from 's organization TEMPO hosting a World Day of Atonement seminar were greeted by barred Students '"' take it off' doors in the ousiness school auditorium. alittle bit of extra cash. "The storie., kept chan_ging. ·we didn't have enougli securny; or our Bl. room request form was invalid because we listed one speaker instead of 1wo;· said David Muhammad, Nation of Islam PULSE campus spokesman. "Dr. [Sieve] Favors (vice president for student New Edition brings it affairs) did not want Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad (NOi on" home" with a new spokesman) to speak on campus." Photo by Jeffery Owens Dr. Favors hail not responcfed 10 NOi ieaders met locked doors on Howard's campus when attend­ album after seven years. the allegations al press time, but Ing a post- seminar. Belinda Watkins, Director of B2. Student Activities, said she would Bevel. World's Day of Atonement petitioned Raymond Archer, dean have had no problem approving International Coordinator and Dr. of student life. Alim Muhammad 10 speak . Abdul Alim Muhammad. According 10 Archer, the "Wilh increased publicily But on the day of the program, Mosque on campus failed to follow BUSINESS surrounding Alim Muhammad, Muhammad said he was informed the proper procedures for allowing different protocols such as by University security 1hat they a figure such as Alim Muhammad Eruptions of Funk cafc: increased security should have been were not allowed in the School of on caml)US. taken. If he had said Alim Business. "David did not properly de.'SCribe llffeehouse opens walk­ Muhammad was coming, I would "The form that I signed had Or. the event on his form 10 the Student have approved it. The issue was not James Bevel on ii and when I talked Activities. He was approved' for ing distance from cam­ the speaker, the issue was he did not 10 David, I asked him if this was the Bevel but not for Alim, and Alim 's list him on the request for 1he speaker he said Bevel was going to name was not mentioned prior 10 pus. B4. facility," Watkins said. be there he did not show me the the posting of fliers, which in the The event. billed as a post­ flier advertising both Dr. Bevel opinion of Student Activities did Million Man March seminar. and Alim Muhammad," said not reflect the request for the Muhammad said the School of Belinda Watkins, director of speaker." Archer said. ,. HEAITH Photo by Alda Muluneh Business auditorium was reserved S1uden1 Activities. ·•1 approved the Bui Dr. Alim Muhammad said .. . Students express growing concem about the safety of the District's and confirmed for Sept. 19 by the request for an event w11b James the program suffered in the end. & water &upply and the need to purchase bottled water. STORY: AS. University Scheduling Office. Bevel. I did not a~prove ii for Bevel "Welost a 101 of people with the Fliers hung for a week and Muhammad. room change and time because the FITNESS announcing the affair wi1h the The forum moved 10 the scheduled speakers, the Rev. James Blackburn Center af1er students 5-NOl,A3. Women have a nonsurgical approach Holocaust Memorial Museum honors NAACP lawyer to speak at to terminating today's opening convocation pregnancy. B6. Black Olympic athletes in exhibit • 10 be the firs By Reginold Royston female head o because of1he racism going on back home," Wiggins said Hilltop Staff Wrtter lhc organiza SPORTS By Aprill Turner The 1-titlcr•led Nazi party anempted 10 use tbc lion's law ilivi Hilltop Staff Writer Games as a stepping stone 10 prove IIS dominance in Howard Universiiy has had a long sion. Acting Academic lhe a1hle1ic and political arenas. But the success of radition of partnership with the She aided in American athletes, particularly African-American AACP Legal Deti:nse Fund, gradu• number of civi Advisor helps athletes Sixty years after they straddled their way 10 victory athletes, crushed any and all Nazi auempts 10 tout racial ting such prominent figures 10 its righ1s case and triumphed over racial discrim ination al the 1936 superiorily. ecutive board as TI1urgood Mar­ fought success with mentoring, Olympic Games in Berlin, African-American nthlc1es Wiggins' lecture also focused on 1he exclusion of hall. fulfy by th and their heroic stories arc being immon:1lized in an Jews from the Games, the proposed U.S. boycou of the Today 1ha1 tradition conlinucs as NAACP such ru tutoring. B7. exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute. Games and the Black press reaction 10 the controversy. ·1s top lawyer, Elaine Jones, speaks Elaine Jones Furman vs To coincide with 1he J 996 Olympie Games in The lecture shed fight on the blaianl racism that al the !29th Convocation ceremony. in I972 A1lanta. the U.S. I lolocausl Memorial Museum is African Americans experienced in both the United The 1965 Aris and Science in which the death penalty was abol fca1uring a traveling exhibil, "The Nazi Olympics States and Germany. lumna was the first Black woman ished in 37 stale.~. In 1989, she join Berlin 1936," wbich explores the political con1rovcrsy For example, African Americans only competed in o graduate from the University of the ranks of numerous fame that surrounded the '36 Games. three sports: lrack and field, boxing and weightlifting. irginia School of Law afler leav­ Howard legal alumni, becoming 1h George Mason University professor David Wiggins Wiggins said many people believed thal African . ng lloward cum laude. first Blacli woman 10 serve on th spoke at the exhibit last week and discussed the role American a1.hlc1cs posscs,<;ed ccnain "innate" physiological Jones later rose through the American Bar Association Board o • Black athletes played in the 1936 Olympic Games. gifts that allowed them 10 excel in certain sports. anks of the National Association Governors . "Th argue that we should have boycoued the &3!11CS or the Advancement of Colored because of Nazi leader Adolph Hitler was hypocntical, See MUSEUM, AS. eoplc during 1he 1970s and 1980s 5" CONVOCATION, A6,

• A2. THE HILLTOP September 21j PUS Homecoming events Operatio yet to be confirmed as Vote Biso opening day nears goes sout of 1he cxecu1ivc staff and the resigning of key commil• tee members. "Rebirth" (C(DDJ11)1U:cfil®'f.9lJl Daniels, director of broadcast media and campus pub­ Homecoming Week Freedom Riders-style lications claims: "What is impcrati,;e is the student I homecoming commillec and the student community to 1 voter registration ~~ «1~ work together." Sunday: Whi le students around campus are gearing up for the The traditional Call to Chapel week of Oct. 20, some are concerned that events are still at Rankin Chapel.Gospel Con­ campaign set for the not confirmed. cert. "The commiuec needs to get their act together and act Carolinas By Janine Harper like professional business people," said Marcus Brown, Monday: Hilltop Staff Writer a junior administration of justice major. '·Put aside all The Mr. and Ms. Howard Pageant. sentcd at the polls how to ha the peuy mailers and put on good show." effect on the politic, ar By Reglnold' Royston Royce Sullivan, a sophomore psychology and music Tuesday: Hilltop Staff Writer them. With fewer than 1hree weeks until Homecoming and major, said she believes the new Homecoming staff can Comedy Show. .. What we really focus on t.1 a staff of two weeks old, the 1996 lineup of performers a\/Oid the same personality connicts that plagued the old lcgc, and the communitic ~nd events for the 1996 Homecoming has yet to be con- Steering Comminee. Wednesday: Howard student leaders and rounding them," Rogers firmed. "Things may come togeth• "Industry and Amateur Show­ ··Colleges arc very accessible ac1ivis1s finalized plans this week At Hilltop press lime. the Home- erbcuer if the Homecoming case.'' there's a lot of brother., o for a volunteer campaign that will coming Comminec was still not Commiuce puts ,110rkers in Up-and-coming artists and music bring the vote to underrcpresent• campus 1hat need to be reac able 10 say whe1her acts had been «..,., • / d ti · posi1ions," Su llivan said. talent from national and local ae1s. well." , ,,e commrt ee nee s 1o ge 1 1eir cd Blacks in Sou1h Carolina finalized or give the names of The new Homecoming Replaces the Rhythm & Poetry While the IIUSA effort to much in the same way the "Free­ signed performers, claiming thal act together and act like profes- siarr, under the direction of Cipher. more students registered to 1he in1eres1ed ar1is1s have no1 been sional business people. Put aside Claggen, has spent the last dom Riders," student activists in the '60s a11cmpted to break down has ne11cd over 2.000 people, signed as of ye1. few weeks making final all the petty matters and put on Thursday: the walls of segregation during cuting the voter education e The Homecoming Commillee tra- preparations for this year's 1-lomecoming Fashion Show. the Civil Rights era. Operation Vote Bison has ditionally keeps this information good shov.i " events, completing mos1 of 1yra Banks will appear on campus more difficult. Operation Vote Bison. in part• from1hepublicuntiljustbcforc1he --Marcus Brown, a junior their plans in record time to give autographs for a fund­ Forums with influential ncrship with the National Coali• start of Homecoming week. administration of j ustice major despite 1he loss of major raiser. cal speaker, hosted b) the stu Vice chairman Kamau Stanford points on their agenda, Stan- tion of Bl ack Voter Participation's Black Youth Vo1e and National government has auractcd fe" refused to comment a~ did Chair• ford said. Friday: dents at a time where Black I Youth Empowerment, will be woman Nicola Claggeu, redirecting Tryouts for 1he Yard Fest Yard Fest with Vibe magaz.ine·s crs contend that an infor ga1hering members of Black stu• al l inquiries to the PR staff of 1he ~------~ and 1he Industry and Arnn• the Vibe Ride trailer on campus. dent governments from Howard, Afric,in-American ,ote ncc.lj Steering Commiuce. teur 1l~cnt shO\, case will be held Saturday and Sunda). •Chaka Khan, R&B show at "Some things arc still in the workings point blank and The Homecoming Steering Committee is looking for night. period," said member of the Steering Commiuce Tre- deejays, dancers, singers and other performers. via Daniels. "We've received a 101 of demos from HO\vard and oul• Friday: I loward Homecoming, which historically draws thou- of-iown talent," S1anford said. vs. North Carolina sand~ of alumni and spectators, is nO\v days before 23 A&T at R.F.K. Stadium. the first scheduled event. Check 0111 the latest i11 HU Homecoming info from the The members of the Homecoming staff have been 1996 Homeco111i11g Steering Commiuee Staff at • Greek Step Show at the D.C. instructed nol to speak to 1he press since the shake-up www.cldc.howard.eduJ~h com ing✓ Armory. of the Executive Homecoming Committee staff earlier this mon1h, which resulted in the firing of 1wo members Nicole Ballinger co111rib111ed 10 this report. •Hip Hop Concert, tentative. Students race toward the sun in energy car competition for engineering school Marshall heard about schools like American pcti1ion ranging from MIT to Ohio State Uni­ By Usa Prince and Georgetown competing in 1he race every versity. All the schools participate in informa­ Hilltop Staff Writer year, he asked why the nation·s larges! Black col­ tional seminars, press conferences and conven­ lege could not get involved. tions to publicize their project. l loward·s solar Pho4o by Alda MUU>Oh Howard students registering to vote at the MTV voter regls .. Chris felt 1hat Howard, being the leading team has already !raveled to press conferences bus. Next week, HUSA plans a freedom ride for voters. A silver bullet races across the de.sert sands. Black university, needed to compete in this pro­ in Indianapolis and Pennsylvania and 10 the The four-wheeled vehicle only needs 10 Mop to gram and encouraged other HBCUs to compete," national convention of 1he National Society of influence the eltcti(m proces, the University of the District of allow its driver 10 re~t; its solar panels power the said David Toler; a senior electrical engineering Black Engineers in Baltimore. ,car. Columbia. Georgetown, Ameri­ specially designed engine for hours wi1hou1 major who works on the car. Ruby Mays, the public relations and marketing • ··11 \ going to take an 1n, can and George Washington Uni­ refueling. A small label on the car's exterior tells Marshall petitioned renowned physicist manager for the 1997 solar vehicle team, is cur­ tional approach where versity for a rally for Black col• ils place of origin - I loward University. Michael Spencer, a professor a1 Howard to work rently meeting wi1h officials and presenting pro• Admini,tration makes them<;c A new project by Howard students in the on the project and he immediately agreed al 1hc posals to different companies for possible spon­ leges in Raleigh, N.C .. Oct. 4 and more a part of process. mste School of Engineering is altcmpting 10 shine the chance to give HU studenL~some time in the sun. sorship. 5. Representatives of Black stu­ ,tudcnh reinventing the " spo1light on His1orically Black Colleges and "This opportunity gives Howard a chance to "The companies have been very receptive and every four years," Skinner Universi1ies' role in the energy sources for the receive corporate as well a~ national publici1y,'' interested in our solar vehicle team," Mays said. dent leadership will join with Operntion Vote Bison is tr) next cen1ury. student leaders from Norlh Car­ Spencer said. "They have a chance to show the "People don't realize that these students arc to recruit a large group of \'Ol olina A&T, Bcnnelt College and A group of 30 students from all schools at the latents of !heir s1udents and faculty." building a car from scra1ch. When you get into teer, to p.1rticipatc in 1hc prot University. have joined to form the Howard Uni­ The Sunraycc project is sponsored by the buying shocks and exhaust pipes, it's gets very South Carolina State University :ind gelling Black, top irticipi: versity Solar Vehicle 11:am, which will compele Departmcnl of Energy, Electronic Data Systems expensive." to protest recent cuts in f11nding to state schools th.ti ore predom­ in South Carolina. in a biennial 1.000 mile cross-country "Sun­ and General Molors. By donating money and Howard's project is a multidisciplincd Buses to take at least 50 inantly Black by state lawmak­ rayce." materials and holding seminars on production approach. The construction of"The Bisun," the area s1udcnts. ho1el accomm ers. The event races single-passenger vehicles cov­ management, these agencies help cul the build­ solar car that will represent Howard in the com­ tions and meals are being ered with solar cells, which turn sunlight into "We control more than we think ing cost of the solar car that can cost from petition next year, will include work from vidcd tor b) both Black Y we do, but we don't act like it," energy, begins June 19 from Indianapolis and $75,000 to $1 million. Howard's Schools of Engineering, Communi­ Voter and National Yo ends June 28 in Denver. When senior Chris For1y-onc schools enter the Solar Vehicle Com- cations, Business and Fine Arts. said Sinclair Skinner, a coordina­ lOr for Operation Vote Bison. ··we Empowerment. have more control over what the lcntativcly one bu, has been 10 leave to meet up with prot Around the Campus University docs, what Congress does. We have the power but we er, in North Carolina. don't actualize it:· Three others arc scheduled Selling up registration booths lea,e from D.C. at 7 p.m Frida night and head straight to Rod Class of 2000 ranks among highest " at D.C. nightclubs and area forums as well as being present hill, South Carolina for the . for such events as 1his summer's ond phase of Operation \' Greek Festival in Philadelphia, Bison's southern journey: to Along with a fresh coat of paint and renovations on campus this Fall, Howard's latest edition to the freshman class of 2000 brings the Black Family Reunion Day ister voters in conservative S Carolina Republican Strom 111 with it high honors among previous generations of students. and the MTV music awards, Operation Vote Bison has tried to man's dis1rict where Block , The 1,297-mcmber freshmen body, up 20 percent from last year's dismal enrollment of 1,085 ranks among the highest SJX:r scores participation is lowest in t received by an incoming class in Howard's 129-year history.. achieve the greater goal of informing voters about their role country. The average class score was 939 on last year's format or 1,043 on the College Board's newly revised exam. This is a marked SJX:r in the political procc~s. "All eyes arc on D.C., cspec· increase from last year's average score of 903. This lates1 effort in North and ly now that it's election ye "Some of the top students in the country arc attracted to Howard because of the excellence of the academic program here," said South Carolina will complete a Skinner said. "When a studcnll President H. Patrick Swygert. week's worth of voter rcgis1ration South Carolina looks at us, he' "They see the traditional strengths of our core curriculum as well as the renewed vigor that is evident in our investment in new drives and awarenes..~ campaigns. saying 'They have to know w s going on in D.C.' There's research and technology." The National Council of Black Mayors organized the effort and much we have access to here The class also includes 96 National Achievement Scholars, compared to last year's 44 - an increase which will probably make so many people arc dcpcnden1 Howard the number one institution in the country in attracting the much soughl-after National Achievement Scholars. has designated Oct. 1-7 as Black Youth Vote Week. us. We hold the keys to a lot There are also two National Merit Finalists in the freshman class this year. National coordinator for Black we take ii for granted.'. Youth Vote, Dennis Rogers. said HU ranked 19th as ' Best Buy' that getting college Mudents to St11de11:s interested i11 join· A host of accolades has been levied on the University as it welcomes the Class of 2000 this year, earning a top ranking in Money spearhead vo1er participation is the campaign to Norrh a magazine's recent annual "Best College Buy" issue. Howard earned a rank of 191h on the list of top schools in the natio n, mov­ vital to mobilizing the vole across South Ct1roli11a contact N Et1mes for Opcratio11 Vou· Bi ing up from the 38th spot last year. the nation. 01 806-7007 or De1111is Ro September's issue of Money ranks colleges and universities around the nation for value o n the basis of cost and academic qual­ Through partnerships with stu­ dent unions around the country, of the Nt11io11al Coalition ity. Rogers said studcn1s can show Blllck Vo1er Participation those historically undcrrepre- 659--1949. September 27, 1996 THE HILLTOP A3 PUS PLUS Poor facilities at Undergraduate Library upset students, University pro1nises action

I By Karine Mehu produce copies or produce the Oing, they jus1 don'I maintain 1he lent among Howard University Hilllop Staff Wri1cr image of 1ex1 on screen. machines." studenls. "Because so many arc out of During a meeting bc1ween 1hc "I go to The Library of Congress Undergraduate Library officials order, when it's packed in here I newly implemented contractor and and Martin Lu1her King Jr. finally answered 1hc call placed can·1 do my work," junior market­ library officials. Chelton Johnson, Library," Sophomore Ledra Jones 11111111lls ago by 1hc students regard­ ing major Brian Coleman said. head technician of the Undcrgrad ­ said. "I shouldn't have 10 do that i:g faulty equipment, bu1 many Many library workers share lhe uate Library was asked to com­ to complele any assignmen1s." in:dcnlS arc Slill fed up. feelings of the student~. ment on 1he matter. "Hopefully lhe new systems will -we are 1rying 10 make service ·'My co-workers and I all feel "Well, we arc now in the process be available for use soon," Sopho­ ■ore efficienl," said Audrey 1hat 1he machines should be or ob1aining new machines," John­ more biology major Arnell Jack­ Tilompson, senior supervisor of replaced," Library Assis1an1 son said. "A Canon microprinter son said. "I'll be glad to finally serials in the Undergraduate Penny Jones said. " It's hard with laser printing and universal stay at Howard to research my libnr~ "We have purchased three enough 10 find 1he materials and cartridges are being ins1allcd right assignments." D(W microfilm readers and more then 1h e machines don'1 even Photo by Karino Mehu now. This will allow a s1udent to As she walked away from anolh­ Ill ctpcc1 cd." work." Despite the tentative 24-hour library schedule, students say the switch from microfilm 10 micro­ cr out of order sign Jones lament­ Farihc pas1 1wo weeks. three of Many s1uden1s, like 1he Garrison Undergraduate Library must continue efforts to upgrade. fiche easier and quicker." ed, "Why is the library like this? !.,Jr Sterling On-line Database twins. arc used 101he lack of avail­ Some s1udcn1s sland behind 1he Is it because we arc a His1orica l­ Compu1ers have been ou1 of order. able resources in the Undergradu­ poli1ical science major Lamont "The University jusl doesn't take Univcr,i1y·s ac1ions. ly Black College? No, i1's because fo