HSK Hungarian Studies Review Vol. XXXVIII, Nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall, 2011) Special Volume: Hungary and North America: Links and Interactions 1850-2010 Edited and introduced by Nándor Dreisziger Hungarian Studies Review SPONSORS: HUNGARIAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION OF CANADA , HUNGARIAN STUDIES ASSOC. (USA), and the NATIONAL SZÉCHÉNYI LIBRARY, BUDAPEST VOL. 38, NOS. 1-2 (SPRING-FALL 2011) EDITOR: N.F. DREISZIGER, emeritus, Royal Military College o f Canada EDITORIAL ADVISERS: OLIVER A. I. BOTAR (University of Manitoba) GEORGE BISZTRAY (emeritus, University of Toronto) ZOLTAN FEJOS (Museum of Ethnography, Budapest) GEZA JESZENSZKY (emeritus, Corvinus University, Budapest) ISTVAN MONOK (University of Szeged) THOMAS SAKMYSTER (emeritus, University of Cincinnati) AGATHA SCHWARTZ (University of Ottawa) STEPHEN BELA VARDY (Duquesne University) All correspondence should be addressed to: N. Dreisziger, 904-1000 King St. West, Kingston ON K7M 8H3 Canada. E-mail:
[email protected] Articles appearing in the HSR are indexed in: HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS and, AMERICA: HISTORY AND LIFE. Copyright 8 (2011) the Hungarian Studies Review. ISSN 0713-8083 (print, replacing 0317-204X); ISSN 1705-8422 (online) Subscriptions: Institutional subscriptions are $35.00. Membership in either of the two Hun garian Studies Associations includes a subscription. Please see: www.hungarianstudies.org and www.hungarianstudies.info . The Hungarian Studies Review is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes articles and book reviews relating to Hungary and Hungarians. Opinions expressed in the HSR are those of the individual authors and may not reflect the views of the journal’s editor or editorial board. The journal’s past volumes are available on the internet at: http://epa.oszk.hu/00000/00010 and also at http://www.matarka.hu/szam list.php?fsz= 1273 Current and most recent volumes can be found on the EBSCO website: http://www.ebscohost.com/.