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Cyclone Turns to Waterspout Onlomland

Cyclone Turns to Waterspout Onlomland


MET PBBSS RUN THE WEATHER. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION ' OF THE EVENING HFRALR Partly cloudy tonight and Wed­ for the month of July, 1926. nesday. Somewhat cooler Wednes­ 4,872 antbeattr Ifralii day. CO

VOt. XU V., NO. 271. Clwriflni AdrertiBlng on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1926. :(TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS

DANCE, SAYS DOCTOR, U. S. Confers With Italy PLANS CATACOMBS TO CUBE STAM3IERING LOCAL DYEING COOUDGE W ill TO HOUSE LIBBABT HOLD 1, TO TAKE CYCLONE TURNS London, Aug. 17.— The fam­ London, Aug. 17.— Ballroom dancing is an effective cure for ous Bodleian Library at Oxford stammering, according to H. St. SHOPS AVO D Q ) NOT YIELD TO which is growing at the rate of 2 OTHERS, FOR TO WATERSPOUT John Ramsey, in charge of the 25,000 volumes a year and speech clinic at Guy’s hospital. which now contains 9,500,000 By teaching rhythm, such as in volumes, will have reached its ONLOMLAND the trot, waltz or tango, the BYIKHAU K.C.DffiANDS capacity in a decade, according H E U M CRIME doctor says the stammerer is to Sir Michael Sadler, master of helped to a proper pronuncia­ University College. tion of his words. Sadler has drawn up a num­ Four Near at Hand When Gives Formal Notice That ber of plans for enlargement, Mazer, “ Jungle” Chief, For­ Solid Water Twister Works one of which provides for the construction of miles of cata­ Havoc at Glen Cove and She Sent Coat and Scarf Hands-Off Policy Toward combs underneath the, library mally Oiarged With Mur- ‘ GREEN’ TO BUILD building. to Philadelphia— Murder Mexico WII Not Be ^ ----- ■ - der-rU. S. Attorney Fore­ Sea Cliff— Jumps Over SCHOOL ADDITION N. Y. from Jersey. Inquiry Runs to Detail. Abandoned. BAN ON FILM OF tells Clean-np of Mystery.

White Pine Camp, N. Y., Aug. 17. New York, Aug. 17.— One dead, Four Mill Tax Laid at Meet- Somerville, N. J., Aug. 17.— Tes­ Canton, 0., Aug. 17.— Louis timony that a coat and scarf which — The United States will malnt?ln KITCHENER HOAX five Injured and property damage Mazer, alleged murderer of Don R. were sent to Philadelphia to be a hands-off policy Insofar as tha estimated at more than a million Mellett, editor of the Canton Daily iug But No Action Taken dyed by Mrs. Frances S. Hall, dispute between the Catholic church dollars Is the toll of a cyclone which News, and declared by authorities widow of the slain clergyman, and the Mexican government is con­ tore through a portion of northern British Home Office Prevents to be the owner of the "ivory-hand­ on Consolidation. might have contained bloodstains cerned. The appeals of the Knights New Jersey last evening, jumped led” revolver, that was used in the which could not be noticed because of Columbus In this country and over New York city and turned Into Showing of Pictures That assassination, today will he asked of the nature of the fabric, was Two of the leading statesmen of the world get together for a friendly others for intervention will have to a waterspout at Glen Cove and Sea Harmony reigns again in the by District Attorney A. E. Bern- given today at the Hall-Mills mur­ visit and no one knows what important agreements. This photograph be denied. Clift, Long Island. The twister Green school district and the gath­ ders investigation hearing by steen, of Cleveland, to tell every­ was rushed back to the United States after Secretary of the Treasury This was made known officially Power Had Made. Charles Collins, detective, who thing he knows In connection with sucked up the waters of Hemp­ ering clouds of battle on the ques­ Mellon’s visit to Rome. Left to right, Premier Mussolini, Secretary today by President Coolidge’s worked on the original probe. stead harbor and hurled a 150-foot tion of consolidation were dissipat­ spokesman. Neither international the crime. Collins was a Middlesex county Mellon, Count "Volpi, Italian finance minister. ed last night when by a unanimous law nor existing treaty rights give London, Aug. 17.— The stir While officials were speeding to wave against Glen Cove and Sea detectivi in 1922, at the time the this government authority to in­ Cleveland with the warrant, it was Cliff, smashing yachts and houses vote the last session of the adjourn­ murders were committed. caused throughout the British na­ learned that two other arrests on ed school meeting decided to ap­ He tuiU Senator Alexander Simp­ terfere in r purely domestic ques­ tion hy what is becoming known as and felling 500 trees. tion, the Coolidge spokesman said, Leaving widespread destructjon propriate $35,000 for the purpose son, special prosecutor, that on VALENTINO RALLIES BIG STORM BALKS the "Kitchener hoax” was not September 20, 1922, he had been and the administration regards the In Its wake, the twister lost Its of building a four-room addition to church-state conflict as absolutely abated much today by the disap- the school. A tax of four mills sent to Philadelphia to check up on force after striking the Long Island personal to Mexico. ps\irance of Frank Po.wer, pen towns and continued along the collectible September 1, was also a brown or tan coat and scarf which Mrs. Hall had sent to that AFTER GOOD NIGHT LILLIAN IN CH AN N E Protect Property Bights name of Arthur V. Freeman, Brit­ northern shore to the eastern end levied by a unanimous vote. The American government will of the island, where it lost Itself at Much Discussion city to be dyed black. ish writer, who is held responsible Perhaps Not Noticed. confine itself to efforts to protect sea. Considerable argument for and American property rights in Mexi­ for the hoax. against consolidation preceded the Collins testified that he had Smashes Bungalows. questioned the proprietor of the Not Out of Danger Bnt co, it was stated. This fight— wag­ Follov^ing the official announce­ Although J. P. Morgan’s Corsair Miss Cannon’s Tug Quits So ment by the government yester­ (Continued on Page 3.) dyeing establishment. The pro­ ed against certain provisions of the and other yachts at Glen Cove es­ prietor had said that there appear­ Mexican constitution— is not new day that an examination of the caped the waterspout, many smaller ed to be no blood stains on the coat There's No Cause for Un­ Try Fails— English Typist however. coffin in which Power had brought boats were smashed to pieces as a and scarf when it was received for As a result of the protracted cor­ here from Norway, and which he series of huge waves roared toward GET TWO SUSPECIS cleaning but that it was possible due Anxiety, Say Doctors. respondence between Washington had widely announced contained the shore, growing in height until that the articles bore such stains Has to Give Up Try. and Mexico City, Mexico has made the body of a British officer whom the spout extended 150 feet to­ which would be unnoticeable be­ large concessions to American 1"- he believed to be that of Lord ward the heavens. Illuminated by cause of the nature of the fabric. terests, it was made known, but Kitchener of Khartoum, revealed blinding flashes of lightning. ON ‘BREAK’ CHARGE The proprietor said also, accord­ New York, Aug. 17.— Rudolph Cape Gris Nez, Prance., Ah~. 17. there still remain a number of im­ that the coffin was a packing case The gigantic wave then crashed ing to Collins, that it was the first Valentino was apparently rallying portant questions to be settled. which did not and never had con­ down on a bungalow colony on the — '‘ "Other woman swimmer failed time he had been given work to do from his critical illness today. At­ Every effort will be made? to gain tained a human body. Power Is­ shore, flattening buildings, washing today In her attempt to negotiate an equitable settlement of these re­ sued a statement to the press say­ by Mrs. Hall. tending physicians announced that out roads and smashing trees and Man Who Applied for Joh A conference between Simpson the treacherous waters of T'o Eng­ maining problems-;-all revolving ing he was "very much surprised telegraph poles. The towns were and Inspector Underwood delayed he had spent a restful night at lish Channel. Lillian Cannon, around the workings of the so-call­ to read the result of the opening of plunged into darkness as power the opening of the Investigation Polyclinic hospital and that there '"lean girl swimmer from Balti­ ed land laws, which this govern­ the coffin,” and wished that he had lines were severed. on Police Is Arrested hy ment holds to be confiscatory. somewhat today. Collins was the had been no developments that more, was forced to ackno'w’ - 'j a been present. As the twister passed over New Objects to “Thlrty-Threeing” Was "In Country” first to be heard but the W(Juld warrant undue anxiety. York City, David Goldfarb, a paint­ Sergeant Crockett. second witness called. The first defeat when overwhelmed with a The United States also objects to He said Scotland Yard officials er, was struck by a stray bolt of witness called was Dr. T. J. Leahy, Valentino, who had been reported heavy wind, rain and electrical the thirty-third article of the Mexi­ had told him thfit he would not be lightning. He toppled from a senior coroner of Somerset county as very ill following a double opera­ storm which made her further pro­ can constitution which gives the wanted at the examination of the Lonis Mazer third-story window to the street, at the time of the murders. Dr. government of the so^ithern repub­ contents of the coffin, and accord­ dying instantly. Ernest Henry of 232 Spring tion on Sunday for gastric ulcer gress Impossible and rendered the Leahy did not respond. lic authority to expel any alien. ingly, he had kept an apointment first degree charges were not ex­ Damage in j^^w Jersey street, who has previously applied and appendicitis, Is not regarded as accompanying tag "Alsace” un­ The room was crowded this out of-dmrgerT lidWever. Many protests have been made by in the country. pected until Friday. The cyclone coming out of the for a position on the Manchester morning. Many of the spectators’ manageable. The tug captain re­ Ambassador Sheffeld, it was said, Today Power was not In evi­ west, resembled a streak of black His comfortable night is under­ Evidence that is accumulating police force, was arrested last night brought lunches. stood to have exceeded the hopes of fused to continue the crossing in against “ thlrty-threelng,” but not dence. But Lord Broome, son of rapidly, however, may force the and white smoke as it struck north­ Willie Light Hearted. always with success. the present Earl Kitchener, an­ ern New Jersey at 7:25 o ’. with a 15-year-old hoy on the his doctors whose ominous bulletins the of the storm. hands of Investigators and bring "W illie” Stevens and Henry Car- Thus far, President Coolidge has nounced that his family would take Rain which accompanied the twist­ charge of breaking into the can­ since the dual operation Sunday In Face of Storm about arrests before then, it was pender, charged with the murders have caused his friends grave alarm. Miss Cannon was taken from the been informed of only one concrete steps to prevent the exhibition of said. er flooded the streets. In Ridge­ teen at Globe Hollow and stealing a of the Rev. Dr. Hall, entered the instance in which American church field the cyclone demolished the Norma Talmadge, the famous water at 3:30 o’clock this morning. a film which Power had made Ripping Up Mystery carton of cigarettes. The arrests room in jocular mood. Both were movie star, called at the hospital The storm was threatening whyn property has been seized as a re­ showing the movement of the cof­ Morsemere Community church and smiling and Stevens waved his sult of President Calles’ order ex­ Action dormant for a month in tore off the roofs of several build­ were made by Sergeant John this morning but Valentino was she took off from here on her from Norway to London. hand gaily to acquaintances scat­ pelling alien churchmen. The com­ At this juncture the home cfflce the Mellett murder, is now ripping ings. Crockett who investigated the asleep and she said she would come scheduled time of 12:48 o’clock. At its way through a wall of mystery tered about the room. back in the afternoon..She was ac­ 2:25, after she had covered a dis­ plaint on property in question was stepped in, requesting the film From Ridgefield the twister break. The earlier stages of the hear­ lodged with the American embassy and political and social entangle­ streaked through Ridgefield park, companied by her husband, Joseph tance of three miles, tie ,^torm company V* withhold exhibition of Canteen Closed ing today were punctuated by and Sheffield has made representa­ ments, and before the week ends Perth Amboy, Morsemere and Pali­ M. Schenck, chairman of the board broke, but the plucky girl refused the film. The coVpany agreed to The robbery took place yesterday sharp clashes between Prosecutor tions to the Mexican government at least two other men are expected sades Park, directly across the of the United Artists, Inc. to give up her attempt. do so. afternoon after Lifeguard Fred Mc­ Simpson and Robert H. McCarter, During the next hour she pro­ and has received assurances the Possible Solution. to stand charged with murder, first Hudson from New York, snapping Schenck revealed to reporters degree. Cormick had left. Rain had spoiled chief of defense counsel. gressed another mile with the matter will be adjusted. A possible inkling to the scheme off trees and telegraph poles and that Valentino’s death would mean They now face^ according to of­ the day for swimming so the bath­ As soon as Collins took the stand a loss to his company c between (greatest difficrUy, and consented of the hoax may be found in the lifting roofs. Transportation fa­ McCarter contended that the report ficials conducting the inquiry, a cilities were Pj^ralyzed and roads house and canteen were closed at 4 $3,000,000 and $4,000,000- to be taken aboard the tug only NIP LEAGUE REVOLT fact that very early yesterday o'clock. Henry and his companion of Collins’ finding at the dyeing es­ when the captain refused to take morning an abortive attempt was mass of evidence in the crime that blocked by wreckage. tablishment in Philadelphia was Newspaper men who had been startled America. Hops Over Big City had been at the pool that afternoon maintaining a "death watch” at the the responsibility for proceeding Wide Mexican War Plot Laid to made by t'wo men to break into the and were still there when the life­ immaterial. any further, as the tug was fast mortuary where the. supposed Kit­ * Mazer, according to evidence A catastrophe was narrowly "Mr. Pfeiffer opened the door to hospital since the screen star was Religious Order. gathered by Joseph R. Roach, Chi­ averted when a bolt of lightning guard left. stricken were ordered out of the beepming unmanageable in the chener coffin lay. They were seen McCormick returned about 8 this questioning by asking County cago attorney for Ora Slater, Cin­ struck an oil tank in the Standard hospital shortly before noon. Hospi­ heavy seas. Mexico City, Aug. 17.— Follow­ and fled. It Is believed that they o’clock last night to see If there Detective David yesterday whether cinnati detective, and by federal Oil Company’s plant, caus­ there were any stain* on the tal officials said they regretted hav­ Aboard the tug were Wideman, ing the arrest yesterday of General may have Intended to open the were any swimmers In the pool and Miss Cannon’s own trainer; Burg­ coffin and leave the Impression that authorities at Cleveland, is alleged ing a fire which firemen managed scarf,’’ said Prosecutor Simpson. ing to take this action bnt that the Enrique Estrada, former Secretary to have brought Pat McDermott opened the door to the bath house. ess, Ghrtrude Ederle’s trainer; the body* had been stolen, thus per­ to extinguish. The prosecutor then examined routine of the institution had been of War for Mexico, and 174 men and Steve Kascholk,' Informer be­ He found that the wire which en­ Wolfe, Helmy, the Egyptian swim­ fecting' the deception or at least The twister hopped over New Collins. disturbed since Valentino’s Illness. at San Diego, Cal., charged with ing held here, to Canton from Mas- York and twenty minutes later closes the canteen had been ripped Large numbers of persons, includ­ mer; Mme. Sion and the German, plotting the overthrow of the Mex­ preventing Its exposure. off at the bottom and that a carton “What did you report to Mr. tillon about a week before the mur­ struck the Long Island towns, des­ David?” ing many young girls, have tried to Kemmerich, the latter three all ican government, it was announced der. troying at least a mile of water of cigarettes had been taken. He see him. channel aspirants. here today that government agents notified the police and Sergeant "I was Informed by the cleaner,” Warrants for the “ pay-off” man front. said Collins, "that a tan coat and Miss Cannon announced that she had uncovered a widespread revo­ and an alleged "trisger-man” arel Residents of the stricken areas Crockett was detailed to work cn will make another attempt to swim lutionary plot, and had arrested woolen scarf were sent there to be NOTED BRITISH PUBLISHER NEW TORRENT expected Friday. Meantime, other were hard at work today repairing the case. dyed. I asked if there were any the channel, starting either next fifty men and women in connection | Saw Two Boys FOUND DEAD' BY BULLET warrants charging several with their shattered homes. In some marks on the clothing. I was told Friday or SVurday, early In the with the conspiracy. complicity may be issued. Lifeguard McCormick told the mornin,g. FOLLOWER OF SHOWERS cases their belongings were washed the coat and scarf were carefully The seditious plot, which had Duplicated by Kascholk. or blown a mile away. sergeant of the two boys who had ^ I.ondon, Aug. 17.—Sir Howard examined. There were no marks. English Girl Balked ramifications lu six states, as well Mazer, the affidavit for whose been there that afternoon and a I was also told that In a woolen Spicer, K. Q. E., a director of the Dover, Eng., Aug. 17.— Mercedes search was started for them.’ They United Newspapers, Dubilshers of Elm City Gets Cloudburst arrest was signed by Michael Gleitze, the English typist who had (Continued on Pdge 2.) Glenn, Indiana detective, working were arrested within a short time (Continued on Page 2.) th. Dally Chronicle, and well- planned to start on an attempt to Effect, With Much Damage, and are being held for action by kno'vrn as the editor- of several with Joseph R. Roach, was first im­ swim the English Channel at six After Honrs of Rain. plicated by Steve Kascholk, inform­ 2 WOMEN, 2 BOYS, GIRL Probation Officer Edward C. Elliott magazines, was found dead in a o’clock this morning, was fc?rced to Entrance was gained to the bat'i hotel last night, death apparently er, who developed “ cold feet” In the abandon tBe attempt because of DOUBT CONFESSION OF alleged plot ,after he claims, he LONG LOST IN WOODS house through the wire which en­ having come from a bullet wound. the storm which is raging over the New Haven, Aug. 17.— Damage closes a portion of the wall under NATIONS OPPOSE U. S. Relatives said that Sir Howard that may toU l $100,000 was .-ione was hired to attack Mellett. 'When the news of the murder the eaves of the building. To climb had been suffering from influenza. (Continued on page 2) TH IS‘VURDERESS” during the night hy a fain storm to the roof was easy because of the COURT RESERVATIONS that, after eight hours of intermit­ reached Kascholk in Cleveland, he Rescued After 15 Wet, Hungry canopy framework which extends tent showers, suddenly developed consulted an attorney and then came to Canton, where he told Hours from Wilderness of the length of the shed at a height of Believed That Tenn., Woman Into a cloudburst. Street pavements about seven feet. The wire was Germany the Sole Gainer were ripped, up and washed away, Ora Slater, Cincinnati detective in Massachusetts Border. Entry of America in World Shoulders Killing of Child to charge of the Stark county inquiry, ripped off and the younger hoy street cars were disabled, wire ser­ made the entrance while his com­ Tribunal Likely to Be Re­ Husband. a story which gave life to the pres­ Douglas, Mass., Aug. 17.— ^Lost vice’ interrupted by water in man­ panion watched. jected After Conference. By Proposal of Sen. Borah ent action in the case. la the dense woods on the Massa- holes and. falling tree limbs, and Of the carton of cigarettes that Greenville, Tenn., Aug. 17.— Mrs. cellars of stores were flooded where Threatened Attorney chusetts-Connectlcut line for nearly Geneva, Aug. 17.— The entry of Alma Tipton, her husband, Rob­ fifteen hours, drenched by rain and was stolen, Sergeant Crockett re­ surface water sewers laid fifty The , Canton Daily News today covered six packages. The younger the United States Into the World Washington, Aug, 17.— Senators ert, are in jail here on charges of years aso were Inadequate lor the says Mazer is reported to have vis­ hungry, two mothers, two boys and Court with reservations seem un­ “ But It Is- i^‘?;nt that we would murder in connection with tha kill­ a girl were rescued at dawn today boy said that he had climbed the William E. Borah's suggestion to lose all our debts, including those burden of'water. ited the homq of Attorney Norman building while Henry watched and likely, it was learned at the secre­ Georges Clenienceau. ex-premier of ing of little Novella Winkle, pretty A rainfall of one Inch in less than E. Clark, former Canton police by George Chandler, 65, wood chop­ tariat of the League of Nations to­ already funded, amounting to a 13-year-old orphan girl who made per. , had given the older boy three France, that a solution for the debt good many billions qf dollars. fifteen minutes, causing the -chief court prosecutor, within th? past packages of cigarettes for watching. day. problem might be found in the can­ her home with the couple, at their damage, was the heaviest downpour two weeks and threatened to put As a posse of one hundred scoured Twenty-five nations have already cellation of all reparations as well "W e would merely lose all the farmhouse. the woods. Chandler took a lone for the time in twenty-five years. the young attorney “ where he will accepted the invitation of the as the debts has fallen on deaf ears money the treasury loaned abroad Mrs. Tipton confessed that she Only once before in the history of. never talk again” if he did not course with a lantern over a trail, League to meet In Geneva in Sep­ so far as the United States treasury during the war, in return for hacked the child’s head from her calling out In the wilderness until the weather bureau office has this “ keep quiet” as to the activities of tember to examine' the proposed Is concerned. France, England, Italy and Belgium body with an axe “ because I hare amount been exceeded in fifteen the Canton vice ring. he was finally heard. LAST RITES TODAY United States reservations and a Borah’s suggestion was contained sacrificing all their claims aaginst always wanted to kill somebody to The lost ones, Mrs. Louis Cha- minutes. In 1901 New Haven ex­ Will “ Rock Ohio” majority of these nations have in­ in a reply to the open letter which Germany tor the destruction see what it was like.” Cleveland, O., Aug. 17.— “ Sensa­ bot, 30, her sons Joseph, 10, and wrought by the war. perienced a fall of 1.06 inches in timated that they will oppose them. the "Tiger" addressed to President Doubt of the woman’s story was that time. The total rainfall in eight tional disclosures that . will rock Lonis, 12, Mrs. Helen Chabot, 45, FORC,G.R.VINAL Coolidge, in which he appealed for "Who would gain besides Ger­ reflected in the action of the grand hours du.-lng the storm was 2.14 the state of Ohio,” were promised of Fall River, a sister-in-law of American ganerosity to France in jury, which promptly indicted both Mrs. Louis Chabot, and her daugh­ many? No one. Obviously neither inches. today by United States District At­ Middletown, Aug. 17.— Funeral the way of forgiving the $4,000,- France nor England could gain any Mrs. Tipton and her husband for torney, A. E. Berqpteen when he ter Lillian, 10, were found beneath 000,000 that France owes the treas­ the murder. Officers believe Mrs. i tree. services for Charles G. R. 'Vlnal, HOWARD TO SPEAK ON ury. thing • much by sacrificing their questions Louis Mazer, Canton former secretary of state In Con­ claims. And we' certainly would Tipton may have confessed the “ Jungle”- lord about the killing of Dispatches from abremd have In­ necticut and prominent member of gain nothing "By abandoning some crime to shield her husband. ACCUSED AS MURDER • Don R. Mellett, publisher of the dicated that Borah’s proposal Is be­ &- the state bar, were held here this VIRGINIA DARE BIRTHDAY twelve billions of dollars. Germany The body of the little girl was dis­ IS "TAKEN FOR A BIDE Canton News, of which crime Maz­ TODAY’S CONTRIBUTIONS ing taken seriously and it is appre­ alone would beeflt by any such ar­ covered in a potato bin in a cellar afternoon. hended that Borah may propose er to^ay stands accused. ■ Honorary bearers were Judge I rangement." of the Tipton farmhouse. TO KIDDIES’ FUND. legislation when Congress meets In Cleveland, Aug. 17.— The bullet- When we get through with Maz­ Frahk D. Haines, of Portland; Maneto, Roanoke Island, N. C., December. If he does the proposal riddled l^dy of Philip Catalano, 37 er w.e will have the goods on every Jennie B. Wind .. To the argument advanced by >'••••. $ 10.00 Judge Donald A. Warner, of Salis­ Aug. 17.— Two nations today pre­ will have a cool reception at the was found at Richmond and Club- member of the cowardly clique that A Friend ...... those in fa'vor of the plan that it > • • .T* • 4.48 bury, and Judge Silas A. Robinson, pared to commemorate Jointly the Treasury. would be an aid to world trade and BRITISH MINERS MOVE side roads, Lyndhurst village early plannid the assassination,” the dy­ Thomas Ferguson •1* • • 5.00 Judge S. Harris Waner; State’s At­ birth here 339 years ago of 'Vir­ This was made clear today when a powerful tonic to sick currencies today. Catalano was utaler $20,- namic district attorney declared. Luigi P o l a ...... 2.00 torney Ernest A. Inglis. M. Eugene ginia Dare, America's first white a high Treasury official furnished and depressed economic conditions TO END COAL STRIKE 000 bond pending a hearing tomor­ "W e are going to clean up this case Thomas Gordon .. 2.00 Culver, Howard H. Warner and child, and the lost colony. the following opinion: abroad, the Treasury replied that row in police court on a charge of if we have to arrest every man, Freda B. Dean . . , 2.00 Daniel W. Chase, of Middletown. Sir Esme Howard, British am­ "Germany alone would benefit America’s foreign trade is now in killing Pat Clofia, 31, on August 2 woman and child in Canton.” Anna B. Hansen , 2.00 bassador to the United States, will by any such proposal. • a flourishing and prosperous condl- London, Aug. 17.— ^The miners’ last. Murder Warrant TREASURY BALANCE arrive early tomorrow morning with "The United States gets virtually tiop. conference in session here today in­ Police expressed the belief that Mazer was arrested here late yes­ Previously received ....$224.50 his official party on the revenue no reparations from Germany now, structed the executive to open ne­ Catalana was slain in revenge, terday by fed(5hal agents on a li­ Washington, Aug. 17.— Treasury cutter Apache,- At noon he will so the effect of that cancellation “Impracticable,” was the Treas­ gotiations with, the operators and having undoubtedly been taken quor charge and last night a mur- ury’s summation of the Borah pfo- Total . . . .^ . w a ...... $251.98 balance as of'Aug. 14: $177,158,- deliver the only address of the sim­ would be negligible so far as we the government. In an effort to end “for a ride” hy friends of his vic- — '' -*■ < posaU 932.40. ple celebration. are concerned. the coal strike.. tim. f OonUnnea on 8.1. J^CHBSTBR EVENING HBRAED, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, IVZ^L PAGEJIW qf a session in the Senate chamber of fiyYI WAD VFTFRUN CHENEY NURSE TO WED HOLD 1, TO TAKE 2, . COOUDGE WILL NOT the announced purpose of Installing v l f l l * iTA H FACES DEATH CHAIR ABOUT TOWN an electoral college in accordance LOCAL STOCKS with the constitution. This run^p HAD R E A T IV B HERE The regular meeting of the Xit- FORMER LOCAL DOCTOR IN M E U m CRIME YIQJ) TO L C. A P ^ meeting waa attended by 117 depu­ dies’ Gatholio Benevolent society ties, who proceeded to elect a FOR POISON BOOZE president and vice-president. will be held In the basement of St. (Continued from page 11 James Ivors, of East Hampton, (Fnmlabed b f Pntnam A Oo^ (Coutlnned from page 1.) Appeal to Court 6 Central Row. Hartford, Conn.) James's church this evening at eight Miss Mary Haslam of Cheney Fought Under Farragut in o’clock. In the federal district, was dis­ The president of the Senate or­ Bid Ask Brothers Medical Department has der warrant was sworn out against dered the rump meeting to vacate h^obile Bay. Aetna Cas & Sur . ..785 800 Just announced her engagement to him at Canton. covered through an exhaustivo Charged With Selling Uqnor Mr. and Mrs. James Breen of search of the houses and living the Senate i\amher and President Aetna L i f e ...... 660 670 Doctor Prank Q. PedlCy of New Mazer was In the Cuyahoga Coun­ Calles was asked to send troops to East ’ Hampton, Aug. 17.— An­ Alton street have returned from'a York. Doctor Pedley was formerly quarters of some of those arrested. Automobile ...... 300 ty Jail, held Incommunicado, while expel them. The rump meeting, other Civil War veteran’s name waa motor trip through the ' CatsklU on Cheney Brothers Medical staff Papers and documents thus found Conn. General . . . . .1650 1725 Bernsteen marshaled all hls re­ however, put Its program through erased today from the rapidly de­ 700 That KiDed 46 People; mountains. for a period of about two years and disclosed full, details of the plot, creasing list of survivors of tbe Htfd. Steam Boiler . .675 sources to obtain a confession. with a rush and with lo^d “ vivas!" is well known to the employees of enabling the government to take great conflict between the North Hartford Fire ...... 510 620 It was expected that Carl Studer The dissident:? were Just leaving 575 Miss Christine McMenemy to the company. He Is at present con­ the necessary precautionary meas­ and South with the death of James Phoenix . 565 Chemist’s Bhinder. another Canton “ Jungle” king, the Senate chanmbers when tbe 1205 1225 spending a few days in Merrow, the nected with the Medical Depart­ ures to frustrate the conspiracy. Ivers. one of the oldest residents ol T ravelers...... who to In the county Jail here on troops arrived. guest of Mrs. Ira Wilcox. ment of Columbia University, en­ liquor conspiracy changes, would ReUgions Policy Condemned. this place. Mr. Ivers had lived her* PnbUo Utnity Stocks. Labastido Isquierdo, who was Conn. Power Co. . ..300 810 By PAUL HARRISON. gaged in Industrial Researoh. Miss also be cross-exadilned. Among the papers seised ® lor over sixty years. Death occurred 112 Buffalo, N. y., Aug. 17.— Once Although the season passed Haslam has been with Cheney Maser Breaks Down revolutionary manifesto signed by elected as president of the rump this morning at St. Francis hospital Conn LP 7 pc pfd . 108 meeting. Is a closei friend of Gener- . .302 307 James' C. Volke was a bootlegger, months agd, Mrs. Walter F. Lewis Brothers for two years In the Maser broke down and wept to­ General Antonio Vaiquei and Colo­ in Hartford following a major oper­ Hfd E L com ... nels Agaplto Vasques and Joe de la er Obregon, which is regarded as Hfd Gas com ...... 68 70 and a gobd one. The whlte-apron- of Vine street, has SJkster lilies capacity of Visiting 14urse. day when he learned he stood ac­ ation two weeks ago. Mr. Ivers held Pona. Tbe manifesto contained a significant. Many of the coall- So N E Tel Co . . . ..147 153 ed gentry of the Buffalo speakeasies blooming in her flower garden. Both Miss Haslam and Doctor cused of the murder of Don R. ‘Mel the honor of having served on both call to arms and a disclaimer of Itlonists claim they have the sup­ Georgia. Arkansas and Texas have ily to say "It’s Voelker’s” to This is considered quite unusual for Pedley have made a great many lett. land and sea In the Civil War. H« \lannfactnrlng Stocks. assuage any doubts of their pa­ the month of August. friends In Msnchester who will be He was brought Into the United allegiance to the Calles govern­ port of General Obregon. fought with Admiral Farragut is Am. Hardware...... 81 trons-. His name carried ouch interested and glad to learn of this States District Attornqy A. B. ment. It bitterly criticized the Varying legal opinions on the the Battle of Mobile Bay. American Silver . . . . 25 prestige that other Jobbers borrow­ Lady Roberts Lodge, Daughters announcement and extend to them Bemsteen’s office at JLl o’clock by government’s religious policy. claims of the two bodies as to va­ Mr. Ivers is survived by hls wife, Acme Wire com...... 12 ed It as a guarantee of their fiery of St. George, will hold their regu­ sincere well wishes. United States Marshal George General Vasquez and Colonels lidity were expressed today. Mrs. Mary Ivars, who lives here and BIgelow-Htfd. pfd. ..100 products. lar meeting In Tinker hall tomor­ Stauffer. He was handcuffed. He de la Pona and Vasquez are not ac­ The coalitionists have communi­ by several children, most ol whom Bigelow Hfd com .... 75 Now Voelker faces death In the row evening at eight o’clock. had no intimation he faced so ser­ tive military officers, having been cated with the supreme court, no­ reside In Manchester. Those living dropped from the rolls of the army In Manchester are lour daughters: Bristol Brass...... — electric chair. He is charged with LOCAL DYEING SHOPS ious a chargp. tifying that body of the action they Collins Co. - ...... 145 first degree murder for partial re­ Mr. and Mrs. David Mullen of After the dlstrlch attorney asked last December IS. have taken, and asking an opinion Mrs. D. J. Moriarty, of Florence Chiefs of operatlona were desig­ Colt Fire A r m s ...... 27%' sponsibility for the wave of poison Knox street with their two daugh­ him a few queslioris concerning the as to tbe legality of their body. street, Mrs. Annie O’Connell, ol nated In the manifesto to take Eagle L o c k ...... 96 liquor which swept away forty-six ters, Hazel and Mildred, have gone AVOIDED BY MRS. HALL operations of liquor ring at Cambridge street, Mrs. Francli charge of the revolutionary move­ Pafnlr Bearing...... 85 lives in Canada and western New to Pleasant View for two weeks. Canton, he leaned toward Mazer Hanley, of. Hudson street, and MIsi Full'r Br’sh Class A A 52 York. ' ment In the states of Puebla. NEW BRITAIN STEAM Julia A. Ivers, of 38 Florence (OoBtinued from page 1) and said: Moroles, Mlcboacan, Jalisco and street; and one son, George Ivers, Hart & Cooley ...... 170 190 An Unheard of Penalty. Mrs. Robert Walkley and small "You are charged with the mur­ Int. Sll. pfd...... 104 108 It is unheard of to demand the son of South Farms are visiting Chlahuahua, as well as in the fed­ of Cambridge street. He also leavoi scarf there might be bloodstains der of Don R. Mellett." BLAST MAY KILL 3 a daughter, Mrs. John Walsh, ol Landers Frary & Cl . .90 92 death penalty for bootlegging. Mrs. Walkley’s parents, Mr. and Mazer gasped with amasement eral district. Voelker did not plot the deaths of but they wouldn’t show up.” Lay Plots to League. New Haven and two sons, Charles Jewell Belting pfd. .. 80 Mrs. W. M. Chace of Main street. when he heard the charge against more than two score persons whom Many Dyeing Ag;encles. Police say these designations Ivers, of Bridgeport and B. P. Ivers New Brit. Mach. pfd.110 him., and then he broke down. Niles Bt. Pd. N. Stock 20 he had never seen. Nor did he JULIUS MARON. Tbe next man on the stand was were dictated- by the League for | UjSWpinfT Vapor in Factory of St. Albans, Vermont. cause the deaths while engaged in Detective David, who testified that While he was heaving with sobs, Religious Defense, which is con­ Critically Injures Trio of Mr. Ivers is also survived by North & J n d d ...... 24 Julius Maron, 86, of 77 Laurel hls parents, Mr. and Mrs. David the commission of a felony. Boot­ at the time tbe coat and scarf were ducting the boycott. three grandchildren, one of whom J R Montgomery pfd. — street, died late last night at the Workers, Blows Out Door. legging Is not a felony, and for that sent to Philadelphia there were Mazer, entered the district attor­ Americans arriving today from lives In Manchester. She is Miss Ar* J R Montgomery com. — Memorial hospital after a brief Ill­ ney’s office and went to hls side. Peck, Stow & Wilcox 21 matter, transportation and sale of at least four agencies of. dyeing es­ Laredo report that their passenger New Britain, Aug. 17.— Three lyne Moriarty, daughter of Mr. and wood alcohol are not even illegal. ness i with kidney trouble. He bad tablishments within eight blocks of Trio in Tears train was searched at the border Mrs. D. J. Moriarty, of Florenci .Russell Mfg. Co...... 50 been In the hospital since August victims of escaping steam, taken Stanley Works com. . 81 All In all, the charge looked tbe Hall home. "■Louis, what’s the matter?" with the utmost thoroughness. The street. 2. Mr. Maron was a loomflxer at they asked. from a local manufacturing plant Smyth Mfg. C^. . ; ^ . 37 5 slightly ridiculous when It first David identified a pair of gold floors and walla of every car were early today, were in extremely cri­ Funeral arrangements are In­ Torrington...... \ 68 was placed. Voelker’s attorneys Cheney Brothers and was well rimmed eye glasses as those which "They say I killed him,” re­ sounded, the carpets torn up, and complete but the burial will bo la known. He worked in the White sponded Mazer, hls voice trembling tical condition in New Britain Underwood ...... 54 laughed, talked of it as a bluff. But had been found carefully placed on everything_ ------which conceivably could I hospital this afternoon and were East Hampton. Union Mfg. Co...... 27 District Attorney Guy B. Moore has Weaving department. Dr. Hall’s nose. with sobs, but hardly raised above Mr. Maron is survived by his wife harbor arms, ammunition or other expected to live. They are Whitlock Coil Pipe . . — found a certain clause in the homi­ David said there was no finger a whisper. contraband was examined and re- pr^nk Rund, 50, Raymond Thlede, U. S. Envelope pfd. .106 cide law and precedent, both of who was formerly Miss Eva M. mark on the glasses and it has al­ “ Oh, n o!” cried Mrs. Maser, and OAKLAND, CAL, THUG Thornton, of 411 Main street, two examined. 21, and John Paquln, 32. William Bonds. which, he says, will apply to the ways been a question in his mind if then she and her husband wept. Male passengers entering the ^ watchman, barely escap- Htfd. Elec. Lgt. 7’s .262 267 Voelker case. sons, Clarence G. and Russell T., the spots were blood spots or Bernsteen, Stauffer, Ora Slater, country t^ e closely questioned re- his mother, Mrs. Ferdinand Scbu- East. Conn. Pow. B’s . 99 It seems, according to New York specks made by files who had been Judge H. C. Pontius, and Attorney garding their mission and business standing at the entrance of a KILLS FOURTH WOMAK Conn, L. P. 5 % ’s .. .108% 109% Bfatutes, that the killing of a hu­ bell of Middletown, two sisters, drinking blood from the wound. Joseph Roach then withdrew to the 116 Mrs. Henry Milldr, of Middletown, marshal’s office for a conference. In Mexico. ^ i chamber In which the men were Conn. L & P 7’s . . . .114 man being Is murder in the first de­ The detective then Identified the Clerics to F l^ t Ou. i working, Pierson was knocked Oakland, Cal., Aug. 17.— "Th« 106 and Mrs. Gustave Helnts of New Carl Studer,. "lord” of the Can­ B’dpt. Hyd. 5’s ...... 104% gree when it is committed "by an blood-stained clothing which had The religious * down by a door that the escaping strangler” h%s claimed hls fourth act Imminently dangerous to Britain. been removed from Hall's body. ton "Jungle,” held bn a liquor no signs of abating. The leaders g(.ggjjj binges and was Mr. Maron was a member of the charge, was brought Into the mar­ victim In the Bay district. others, and evincing a depraved A pair of cuff links were missing. of the Episcopate, “ « « « “ « ""“ J " unable to get out . until the steam* The latest crime of a mysterious shal’s office where the conference mind, regardless of human life, al­ Odd Fellows’ lodge. He said that Mrs. Hall had applied tbs' leadership of Archbishop Mora .igg-grt awav maniac was revealed when the body though without premeditated de­ The funeral will probably bo held for the cuff links, which she said was In progress. There he was y Del Rio have decided to conUnue j investigation is under way to Thursday afternoon at 2.30 at the of Mrs. Mary C. Mlsbet was found New York Stocks sign to effect the death of any in­ were keepsakes, but that her appli­ confronted with Mazer. their fight In opposition to the re- gaugg gj the accident, last night In a vacant apartment dividual.’’ home of his mother-in-law at 411 cation had been denied. From behind the locked doors liglous regulations. ______Main street. Burial will be in tbe of her home. A towel had bees For Instance. In 1924, there was The scarf which had been found came shouts of "I didn’t!” Reports ONCE MERCHANTS NOW knotted around her. throat. East cemetery. spread over Mrs. Hills’ face also and "It’s aille!” and other Impas- High Low 2 P. M. a strike in Buffalo. One Mike Jer tbe bishop of Yucatan charges that IN PRISON FOR ARSON It is believed that Mrs. Mlsbet, Am Sug ref 73% 72 72 natowskl, striker, tried to do his was missing, the witness said. On sloned remarks, the churches there have been turn­ an apartment bouse proprietor, part In Intimidating the hated CARD OP THANKS. Am Tel & Tel 145% 144%' 145 cross examination Pfeiffer content­ Third Man Surrenders. ed over to committees composed of Bridgeport, Aug. 17.— Moe Cas­ was killed while showing a vacant "scabs^’ by firing a revolver In the • Tbe family of the late Mrs. Louis Andrew Pretzky of Canton, the Anaconda .... 51 49% 49% ed himself with bringing out the enemies of the Church and there­ per and Harris Feinberg of Brook­ room to a prospective tenant. All district where the strikebreakers Chartler ackowledges with grateful third man for whom a federal war­ Am Smelting 151% 147%' 147% fact that the glasses had ’ een fore Fe has Issued orders that the lyn, N. Y., who once owned the F, four of the strangler’s victims lived. A bullet entered a house appreciation tbe many acts of kind­ American Loc 105% 104% 104% broken after they were found, but rant charging llkuor conspiracy was faithful shall not pray In the & (i. Cloak and Suit Co., store here were brutally attacked before they and killed a woman. ness and sympathy shown them by that David did not know how they- Issued late yesterday walked Into churches but shall pray in the open Am Car Fdy . 102% 101% 101% were taken to Wethersfield today were slain. Mike did not try to kill the wom­ their neighbors and friends during the feder?il building here today and — an act which may be construed Atchison .... 149% 147 147 were broken. by Sheriff Simeon E. Pease to start an; he never even saw her. He their bereavement. They deeiro No Inquest Ordered gave himself up to United States as contrary to the religious regula­ Balt & Ohio 104%' 102% 103 their sentences of two to five years WINDOW SMASHERS GET 49% 47% 47% fired only to frighten. Yet he was In this manner to express to al •rhe next witness was Dr. William Marshal Stauffer. Pretzky will be tions. Beth Stl “ B" in states prison. The men were 18,000 OEMS IN BROOKLYN Butte Sup . .. . 10%' 10% 10% sentenced to death and the verdict their heartfelt thanks, including H. 'Long, county physician at the questioned Immediately, according Separate Plots was aflBrmed by the court of ap- convicted of arson in connection Chill Cop . . . 34% 34% 34% Hose Company, No. 1, M. ?• time of . the murders. He described to word from the conference cham­ The alleged Insurrectionary plan, New York, Aug. 17.— Two men 108% with the fire In their store In No Cons Gas N Y 110% 108% P0GlIs« Memorial Lodge, K. of P.. the Mas the wounds on the bodies- Long told ber. of General Estrada and the revolu- today stole diamonds valued at Col Fuel-Iron. 46 44% 44% "The Voelker case is directly ter Horse Shoers’ Assn, Local 77 the court that he had given a per tlonair'plordtoc^^^^^^ Mexico I 1^24, and appealed to the 146 similar to that of Jernatowski," and others for the. beautiful floral City were separate plots and had Supreme court, which last week up- $8,000 from the Jewelry store win­ Ches & Ohio 149% 146 mit for removal of the body of Dr. dow of Robert Littleton. Brooklyn. . 76% 76% 76% says Moore. AMBRICAN WOMEN HURT no connection. It jras stated today. | sentences. Cruc Steel . . . tributes. ______Hall to Middlesex county, and that The men arrived In an automobile. Can Pacific .. 165% 164 164 "An Intent to kill Is not a neces­ tbe body had then been buried, al­ IN FRENCH ROAD CRASH A statement issued at tbe presl- 'r a r v w a k it*! 33% 33% 33% sary element under the statute. KIDDIE REVUE dentlal palace on behalf of Presl- SLEEPS IN B A R N ,^A K E S One hurled a brick wrapped in s Erie ...... though be never bad given a burial paper through the plate glass shov Erie 1st . . . , , 43% 42% 42% Voelker sold liquor that caused Paris, Aug. 17.— Miss Frances dent Calles declared that the plot S.MOKB8, B.4RN GONE permit. window and thp other seized the Gen Asphalt . . 77% 75% 75% death. We will show that Voelker In a shofT time now the State An autopsy was performed ten Harcourt of Somerville, Mass-i an of “ General Estrada and a group j Canaan. Aug. 17.— Frank 91% knew, when he sold that liquor, employee of the American embasay tray of gems. The bandits escap­ General Elec 93% 91% theater’s first kiddle revue will be days later, be said. When asked of reactionaries” has been known Lott. 43, of Bridgeport, no occupa­ 210 205% 205% that it was deadly poisonous. That presented. Dally rehearsals Mve here, waa badly Injured and her ed. General Mot why an Inquest never wac held, he to Mexican officials for some time. tion, la held by the New Canaan 76% 75% 75% he sold it with reckless indifference made the dance and song numbers mother, Mrs. Effie Harcourt and Gr North pfd said that was up to tbe prosecutor, "The Mexican authorities were police charged with setting tire to 111 Central 124% 123% 123% of the consequences is evidence almost perfect. Tbe youngsters gO Miss Mary Fish of Eau Claire, Wls. who had not ordered one. fully informed of the conspiracy a barn on the property of the Com­ Kenn Cop . 57% 56% 56% enough of a depraved midd. through their pirtB like profes- were slightly Injured when an au­ "I handed my notes on tbe entire and were awaiting arrival of the munity school house here on Sun- HILLSIDE INN 1 136 136 136 "I feel confident that we will se­ sionals. Manchester tbeater-gc^rs tomobile In which they were driv­ case to the prosecutor,” he declar­ rebels In Mexican territory,” said doy night. ^According to the police On Bolton State Road. y 89% 89% 89% cure a conviction.” will be greatly surprised when they ing overturned near Rouen, the statement. ed, "and awaited his call. It never Lott was sleeping in the barn and Always n delightful eating place. .Marine pr . . , . 29% 29% 29% A member of defense counsel, see the children perform. came.” Miss Harcourt’s Injuries includ­ Spilt in Depnties 23% 23% during the night threw away a Regnlar Dinners and a la carte Motor Wheel . .23% Bernard B. Swartz, says: The revue will carry a story Denies Loss of Record. ed a broken arm. Mrs. Harcourt The Mexican Chamber of Depu- 161% 161% service. Norfolk West 165 "Th,e entire case, if It ever comes theme through it, and will not be After describing the bullet and Miss Fish each suffered con­ 162 162 trial on this charge, will hinge Nat Lead . .. . 168% to merely a set of songs and dances wounds, and the cut through Mrs tusions of the face. groups of deputies meeting in sep- . j Phone 891-12. W. Gesecke 75%' 75% about the question of whether e ____ Nor Pacific . . 77% The scenic and lighting effects wil Mills’ throat, Dr. Long denied that arate places, each establishing it-1 ^ ’ N Y Central 139% 136% 136% Voelker knew that the alcohol he add to tbe effectiveness, A large any of bis records were lost, and STABS HIS DAUGHTER, self as an electoral college with N y, N H & H 46% 45%' 46% sold was poisonous. I am sure company of youngsters are In tbe t h e n l e a p s t o DE.ATH the strong possibility that two 65 described the identification of the Penn ...... 55 54% that he did not know this. cast, and will give tbe show all the chambers will be formed, each one Pierce Ar ,. .. 31% 29% 30% The Chemist’s Mistake. bodies by Undertaker Hubbard and appearances of an elaborate vaude^ Willie Stevens, wfio looked at the New York, Aug. IT.— After claiming to be tbe legal chamber. Pressed Stl . . 42% 41% 41% "Voelker sent a sample of his stabbing his daughter, Angelina 58% ville bill. body of Dr, Hall and said, "That’s Two hundred deputies, belong TODAY Rep Ir & Stl .. 61% 58% shipment to laboratories for an A definite announcement con Fide. 23, in the neck and breast 94% 94% him.” Ing to the alliance of socialist par Reading .. . . 96 analysis. A chemist started the cernlng the days on which the re­ with a knife early today, Angelo Chi. R ISL 7 P 62% 60 60% test, leaving some of the alcohol The bodies bad been disturbed ties, gathered in the Chamber of & Tomorrow vue will be staged will appear in an Fide sprang to the open window Deputies, under the protection of Sou Pacific . . 107% 106 106 in a tube. He then went to lunch after the killing. Dr. Long said, as Bo Railway . . 121% 120% 120% early Issue of next week’s Herald. no two people could have been mur­ and hurled himself to the ground federal troops, and created elector­ and later called his partner, asking four floors below. He Is not ex­ STATg St. Paul . . . . . 12% 12% 12% him to look at the test, and If it dered In that position. ^ al machinery to consider the claims Studebaker . . 55% 54% 54% LABOR SAVING MACHINERY Raymond Schneider, the youth pected to live. The girl was not of rival candidates for seats in the AILEEN PRINGLE and BEN LYON in was not discolored to mark it 0. K. SUBJECT OP KTWANIS Un Pacific . . 157% 156 156% iBy some mistake, the alcohol was who, with Pearl Babmer, found tbe seriously injured. chamber. U S Rubber . . 61% 59% 60% The regular noonday luncheon of bodies, was tbe next witness. He Francisco Carransa, leader of the j passed." the Manchester Ktwanls club will U S Steel . . 159% 155% 156% ! The prosecution, | however, described tbe position of the bod- TRADE BALANCE OFFSET. oppoaitlon group, a coalition of U S Stl pr ., . 128 128 128 be held tomorrow at 12:15 at the iMj^ and said that Dr. Hall’s face regional parties, issued a call for charges that Voelker was present Hotel Sheridan. Edwin Jlllson of Westlnghous e 69% 68% 69% when the test was made and that -was covered by a bat. while Mrs Washington, Aug. 17.— Ameri­ West Union . 146% 146% 146% the stuff was shown to contain 93.9 the Lunt-Jlllson Machinery com­ Mills' was covered by her scarf. ca’s unfavorable trade balance for pany will do the honors this week. per cent, wood alcohol. He was then excused and the the first seven months of 1926, due Attorney Swartz speaking again: His subject will be "Compact Labor bearing adjourned Induced Prices until October ness of more than 100 years, St. nal trouble. State ExbOdts; Fruita and Vegetables;j Sittlnd R porn.^ room with i Sitting Room.2double bedrooms privafc bath.CzDersonsl with private bat^^is 4 p erso^ Peter’s church at "Van CortlandvlUe Beet and Hooey; Flower Show, Fann) - - . ^ 2, was reopened and reded.icated re­ RED MONEY FOR MINERS. 3 Other High ClaM Bouts Single* K.oom% cently .During tbe Revolution the Moscow, Aug. 17.— The Soviet Bfachiaery; Navy and M a ^ church waa used as a military hos­ Trade Union Council has sent an Popular Prices • • • • 75c, 51.50, $3. pital and there Seth Pomeroy, a Other $200,000 to England for the ■ general, died and waa hnrfed in the aid of the striking British , coal .[II JilZlli churchyard In an unmarked fiava. miners. 9

( •


committee said that he had been burn’s place in the Andover station BANKRUPTCY PETITIONS. ^able to get a hearing with the as telegraph operator. Interesting Court Trial WARD CHENEY TELLS TOLLAND ONLY$30 TODAY t^wn school board on this matter The leader of the Christian En­ New Haven, Auj. 17.— V o li^ tecause most of the members of deavor meeting Sunday evening tary. petitions in bankruptcy filed'in Tolland Grange, P. of H., No. 51, Kliat body were out of town. Side- will be Herbert Thompson, Sr., the United States District court In “ House of Clocks ” OF STYLE FAaO RS will meet Tuesday evening, August FORfODS’ CAMP vitalks were discussed but nothing topic for discussion being “ Blbl*' today: Jacob Versky, Torringtoh i7 ; ^wlth"’Mr. and Mrs. Hiram P. definite was done. The original Teachings About Prayer.” The mu­ grocer, liabilities $2,120, assebs Loverin in Vernon. Mr. and Mrs* ^mmittee was reappointed to sic will be in charge of Mrs. R. $245; Frank Russell. Waterbury Loverin still hold their membership handle this matter. Kneeland Jones of Bolton. factory worker, liabilities $1,47$ I An Inteimptlon here. no assets; Hairy Slepcow, New Amid Ticking of Timepieces Then someone came into the Beauty, Modernity and Several from here are expecting Kiwaoiaiis Decide to Extend Seven radio beacons have been ven, leather goods,, liabilities $36,'- { room and said: to attend the camp meeting at Wil- established on the Great Lakes. 733, assets $33,674. I “ There’s a Studebaker with of Danielson is a officials in Bolton are not on to guest at the home of his mother, j (Continued from page l l clock was 250 years old but that it eyes of today. Its very nature their jobs. It is simply that the pro­ Mrs. Flora Luce, and is to have a had been “ dead” for several years. ceedings are decidely interesting. precludes any suggestion of an at­ vote. First on the program of Sage-31llcn & (To. two weeks’ vacation from gypsy, The rest of the clocks were ticking tempt to reproduce the past. The speakers came John Jensen of the ^ 2-7171 INC. 2-7171 loudly and every now and then they scouting. ' building committee who reported great character of modernism lies Mr. and Mrs. H. Frank Spurr of would strike. in its closeness to actual life, on the findings of that body and WTIC TO BROADCAST Boston, Mass., Mrs. William To- Stove As a Seat announced that the building could Hartford though taking inspiration from the majan and Miss Frances Tomajan The reporter in the meantime had past and speculating keenly, upon be erected for $30,000. leaving two of Worcester, Mass., are among the seated himself upon a stove and was HOME CANNING TALKS rooms to be finished when the need the future. We have today then late arrivals at the Steele House. viewing the situation with eager in­ for them became evident. He said this modern feeling in painting, Mrs. Abial Metcalf of Skunkau- Specials For All Day Wednesday terest. It was the only seat avail­ sculpture and music, in architecture that the rr„oms could be completed able. On one side of the room, maug with relatives motored to Will Start Next Week— Miss and in color and design. The Ex­ Niantlc Sunday the guests of Mr. at a cost of $1,500 and made a which was dimly lighted by a lamp, position at Paris last summer gave motion that the district decide to was a small table which stood Sands to Be in Charge; and Mrs. Fred Metcalf. a striking example of the prevailing Mr. and Mrs. D. Wheeler and build. against the wall. The table cloth The Program. unity of the modern spirit in all In Consolidation little daughter and Mias A. G. Big- 1800 Pairs Of ^ had been pushed back. A few papers Frank H. Anderson spoke for fields and in many countries. low of Hartford were guests Satur­ and a bottle of ink were on it. Two WTIC, the Travelers broadcast “ The style creators of today must consolidation for a few minutes empty chairs, one at each end of the ing station, will carry a series of day of friends. but Charles Steele took Issue with have an intimate contact, outside Miss Josephine Green of New table, awaited the judge and the him. saying that if the Green dis- radio talks on Home Canning, be­ of their own looms and studios, York City has joined her parents, prosecutor. ginning Wednesday evening, Aug­ trict became a part of the Ninth, with the stage, the sports, the mu­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Wella at Meadow AIL-SILK STOCKINGS The Judge Arrives ust 25. This announcement is the workin*?: man would have a sic, the literature, and the society Crest for a few weeks. Presently the judge came into made by the Hartford County Farm of the world, in order that they may hard time paying carfare for his the room and took his seat at one Bureau whose Home Demonstration truly reflect in their work the spirit children ’ who would attend the side of the table. He was Justice cf Agent, Miss Olea M. Sands, will per­ of the world they live in.” THREE VEHICLES MEET, schools in the South End. Mr. Jen­ 7 9 c Pair Peace Connors, clean-shaven and sonally make these talks from sen took the floor again and oppos­ wearing an ordinary dark coat, blue WTIC. ed Mr. Anderson’s argument on the shirt and necktie. His smooth, red Miss Sands will give a series of BIKE RACES THURSDAY ONE SUGHTLY HURT ground that he was a Ninth dis­ face and thick black eyebrows made four talks on Wednesday evenings, trict man who had recently moved him attractive. He wore glasses. For 7.50 standard time. The dates are to the Green. . , , , „ 2 Pairs for $1.50 over a half hour. Judge Connors sat August 25, September 1, 3 and 15. AT THE VELODROME Two autos and a lumber wagon He said that it had taken the at the table waiting for the prose­ According to Miss Sands, the inter­ figured in a queer accident on East Green district about 100 years to Big Wednesday Special'! j cutor. GraaJ Juror “ Collie” Maine est in Home Canning both by Center street late yesterday after­ get away from the vpry was in an adjoining room preparing Beautiful Stockings of pure thread silk from top to toe. Though thoy are sold s s i country and suburban women has Hartford, Aug 17.—Two motor- noon. The driver of the horse Mr. Anderson advocated and that u the casts with the two state police­ increased decidedly during the past drawn vehicle was thrown to the the Green* ever did consolidate, it irregulars, the imperfections can scarcely be found. men from the Stafford barracks and paced champions and a youthful few years. During the war the rider, who is fast mounting to the ground but was not seriously in­ would be forever under obligation Flesh, nude, parchment, moonlight, white, and many other wanted shades. You’ll Deputy Sheriff Allison Frink, of Farm Bureau in co-operation with jured. Neither the horses, the want several pairs. Andover. top, will meet in a special event at to the Ninth district. state and federal agencies carried wagon nor the autos were damaged. “ We would be giving up our Enter the Grand Juror • the Hartford V'elodrome Thursday Sizes to 10. on extensive work in teaching peo­ night. All of the parties concerned in rights bv consolidating,” he said. At 7:45 Grand Juror Maine came ple how to conserve food by can­ the mixup were traveling west. Al­ 9Ui District Crowded into the room, carrying a handful The champions are Robert Gras- ning. After the war. many worn sin of Switzerland, who holds the fred Larson was driving a truck James H. Johfiston, former se­ of papers. He was garbed in tha en gave up home canning but ap­ ■world’s title; and George Chapman owned by the Manchester Lumber lectman and police commissioner, 300 natural farmer style: wore a blue parently at present the number who of Newark, who is the American Co. George Gammons, of this spoke against consolidation, saying . shirt with sleevs uprolled and a are canning is increasing, as the champion. town, also was behind the wagon that the schools in the Ninth dis­ blue tie with red stripes. He also Farm Bureau is receiving many re­ The youth is Victor Hopkins of with his car and behind him in turn wore glasses. There was no calling trict were already crowded and quests for information regarding Davenport, Iowa whof, recently pro­ was John Vallance of 17 Spruce that the overflow from the Green Rayon Bloomers the court to order like in city methods and new practices. jected into the competition for the street, Hartford. courts. Instead Judge Connors and could not be accommodated there. These ten minute weekly radio American title, is piling up points Motorcycle Officer Rudolph Wir- He mentioned that the annual Prosecutor Maine held a brief con­ talks on canning will cover the im­ in an amazing manner, making him talla who investigated the accident fab and then decided to try the Ninth district meeting had appoint­ 89c Pair portant items to remember in suc­ a real contender for the American learned that Vallance was about to ed a committee to look into the :ase of Bernette W. Cummings, cessful home canning. Miss Sands crown despite his tardy start. pass the lumber wagon. Gammons Well tailored Bloomers, of first quality rayon. In medium sizes. Colors are Manchester milk dealer, first. new school site. is planning to answer questions re­ They will clash in ten-mile heats, thought he would do the same thing At this point Wayland Straughan flesh, peach, white and orchid. Proceedings were momentarily ceived, during her radio talk on the winner to capture two heats, at the same time. The Vallance halted when Judge Maine’s pencil and Alf Goulett, who directs the got up and said that this was ^ a September 15. In addition, the and Gammons cars Collided and in darn good town for appropriating dropped to the floor. He lighted a Hartford County Farm Bureau of­ destinies of the local track, said to­ turn both bumped into the lumber match and looked under the table fice, at 308 Church street, has on day that a prize of $1,000 will be but very slow In paying.” wagon and Larson was thrown John Reinartz spoke for consol­ but could not find it. One of the hand for free distribution authori­ hung up for the victor, making this S3k Blouses from his seat. idation on the ground that it would spectate rs delved into his pocket tative bulletins on canning that one of the outstanding motor-paced No arrests were made. and offered the judge another pen­ givp directions, time schedules, etc. events of the year. culminate in a better Manchester. cil. Then the trial started. These will be sent to any people All three have ridden here and Hoir.s Opinion $1.00 The Cliarge who request a copy. are known as outstanding pace fol­ BIG PARTIES PLANNED Ed'ward J. Holl, who is a large Cummings was charged with The schedule arranged by Miss lowers. Hopkins and Grassln had a property holder in the Green dis­ A limited assortment of smart silk blouses that have been much higher in price. reckless driving. He was defended Sands for these radio talks follows: thrilling duel at the Velodrome two trict, cautioned the meeting agn’ ust Printed and plain colored silks. Some extra sizes included. by ex-judge Robert E. Carney, of August 25 (7.50 p. m., standard weeks ago when Hopkins finally AT THE RAINBOW INN being drawn into the malestrom of Manchester. It was the first time time): Improved Practices in rode past the Swiss star to win. a big school system wlthou' fir«t Cummings had ever been in police In that race. Just as Hopkins was investigating the consequence of Home Canning. Evidently Frank Pinney’s “ Rain­ court in his life. He had been taken Sept. 1 (Same time): How to dashing past Grassin in the closing such a. -move. ( He amended John Hand Made Slips into custody by the state police for stages, he lost his pace and lost so bow Inn” which is the beautiful Jensen’s motion for ■ $3Q,Q00 to Properly Can Vegetables; Especially transformation from what was coasting down Bolton Hill last Corn and Beans. much ground that it seemed he $35,000 and it was passed unani- week a’ the time of the big acci­ could not overhaul Grassin, but once the old New England - Hotel Sept. 8 (Same time): Jelly Mak­ In Bolton, is filling a longfelt want mously. • , „ „ dent when two trucks went off op­ ing: What, How and Why. Grassin, too, lost his pace ahd in On. a .question by Willard B. Rope- the final sprint the youngster from in this section. Already Pinney $1.19 posite sides of the highway into a Sept. 15. (Same time): Success­ ers. moderator of the meeting. swamp- Iowa hit the finish tape first. has received requests for dates on Treasurer Harold Alvord said that Soft batiste slips, finished,with embroidery and drawn work. ful Pickle Recipes used in Hart­ which many clubs and associafions Phone Interrupts Chapman has been out of the the bank would not loan money on ford County. may hold dinners and outings*at B— rrrrrrrrr! The telephone was game for a while, taking a much- the action of this meeting but was It is expected that many women, needed rest. The American cham­ the new dining and dancing place. ringing. both city and country resldentc, of the opinion that a regular meet­ Someone, answered it. A Manches­ pion had been .following too gruel­ The Hartford Advertising Club Voile Step-Ins will take advantage of this oppor­ ling a schedule and reached a point will hold a big meeting at the ing on eall won’,’ have to occur be­ ter party was making inquiry as to tunity offered by WTIC and the fore a loan could be arranged with whether court had started yet and where he had to go to the sidelines. Rainbow soon, eating a fine chick­ Hartford County Farm Bureau to This layoff has brought him back en dini%?r, aiid adjourning to the the bank. whether there was any room for hear the > latest information, on Four MtU Tax them. to the right spot physically and he dance hall for entertainment and 50c Home Canning. is in condition to make a stout de­ dancing. The grand list of the Green dis­ “ Who is it, man, woman, or Last spring the Hartford County fense of his title against Jaeger trict under the h^w valuation Is Step-ins of figured voile and striped material. child?", interrupted the prosecutor, Other clubs that will soon gath­ Farm Bureau carried a series of Hopkins and the others who are er for a meeting there are the now more than $2,000,000, it was “ If it is a woman, we’ll squeeze her agricultural and home making talks threatening the throne. said by John Jensen, and on this a in somewhere.” Manchester City Club, two of the from WTIC that received much fa­ This 'week’s ^ e e t at the Velo­ Hartford insurance social clubs, a tax of 4 mills would raise better CURTAIN REMNANTS “LUCKY DAY” APRONS Then the court swung into action vorable comment and were greatly drome will be on a more elaborate than $6,000. The 4 mill tax was again. Judge Carney’s plea was Rockville and 'Willimantic organi­ appreciated. scale than any yet held and Alf zation. advocated by Treasurer Alvord and 19c Yard 19c Each successful. Justice Connors said Goulet will have an interesting an­ was passed by, a ununlraous vote. that in view of the fact it was Cum­ Pinney’ s place not only serves Remnants of curtain materials in Dainty aprons stamped in simplex pat- THE PHONE-A-«‘IE SHOP nouncement to make in a day or chicken dinners and luncheons at It was voted to allow the build­ mings in court he two. ing committee to continue to func­ lengths from 2 to 7 yards. terns for “ lazy daisy” embroidery. For- would be lenient. He suspended all times, but Is open for private J. F. Bailey, who has been chef , The Grassin-Hopkins-Chapman parties in the dance hall at any tion. This is composed of Frank Drapery Department. merly $1.00 and $1.25. judgment on payment of costs. at the Manchester Public Market event will supplant the “ golden- Bowen. John Jensen, Harry Eng­ Xe.vt Case! time that regular dances are not' Art Department. delicatessen department, has left wheel” motor-paced race slated for being held. Wednesday, Thurs­ land, Peter Wind, Thomas Smythe A Willimantic driver was the Wm. Podrove’s employ to enter last week and called off because of day and Saturday are public dance ;and Sam Prentice. next to face trial. He told the cou ; .rain. business for himself at 117 1-2 nights at the hall. Other nights The^ queation of . transportation he was in a hurry to get home. Spruce street, where he will open are : open for private affairs. The was brought up before the meeting Someone suggested he night go to the Phone-a-Ple Shop tomorrow. SURERISE FAREWELL. layout is so arranged that private adjourned and John Jensen of that jail Instead of home. One or the The idea is a new one for this parties can have diuuers and en­ THE BASEMENT STORE state policemen said this and chuck­ town. As its name indicates it will About 20 o{ the friends of Miss tertainment without interfering led as he did. The crowd chuckled be 8 pie shop, catering to house­ Eugenia Haverly of Henry street with those who desire to drop in too. However, in view of his record, keepers who have only to phone gathered at her home last evening for dinner'or luncheon. the Willimantic man was allowed their orders and have the pies de­ to give her a farewell party. She WE SPECIALIZE Sensational Values In Bathiiig Suits leniencey as in the case of Cum­ livered, fresh and warm, at their will enter Long Island College‘hos­ mings. ^LARRIAGE f>P BORIS AND doors. pital to train for nursing in Sep­ GIOVANNA ARRANGED. IN EXAMINING EYES AND Then another case was heard and Mr. Bailey is an experienced tember. Lonijon. Aug. 17.— ^The Matro- FITTING GLASSES. $ 3 .9 8 it resulted the same. ’Then there practical baker who prides -himself , Games, dancing and comic sketch­ .PQlitkn iitephan of Bulgaria has an- $ 1 .9 8 was a recess while the judge and es were enjoyed. The Misses Dor­ in putting out the best product'that- >noqnced tl^t King Boris and Prin­ Featuring. the famous Seal. Rib the prosecutor figured the costs of highest grade materials will pro­ othy Staye and Helen Swanson cess Oioyanna of Italy have reached All-worsted bathing suits in a good court on the cases already tried so duce. He will also specialize on gave an exhibition of the Charles­ an agreement and their engagement selection of sizes and colors. Swimming Suit, all wowtedi ^ Ab ' they might go home. It amounted doughnuts «nd cakes of the better ton. "Vocal sojps were rendisred will shortly be announqed opdally', Walter Oliver wanted colors, good lunge of j.. sizes. to $16.05 in each case. One man Formerly priced to $3.98. kind. His announcement appears on by Faith Falloyr" and Ruth MortonJ according to a Central News dis­ Optometrist. Formerly priced to $6.98..^ ^- v stepped forward to pay his bill and the last page of today’s Herald. A buffet lunch wgs served. patch from'Soflai. mb said: Miss HaVerly was presented with Princess Gio'vanna will join, the 915: M I S t So; M^chester. "How about throwing off the Men of Babylonia carried walk­ a black leather traveling' bag and' Greek Cktbolie church, the dis- Hours: a. nuloSp. m. niekfl it I pay cash?*'. ing sticks. a'gbldpieca.



clous denatured alcohol. “ Let ’em The offensive American Is the ^ I N IKantl|»atnr let It alone or take the conse­ American by adoptloni his head quences,” Is the Taber solution. No turned by a little financial success, Eitftting Utralb monkey business about that. his training in Americanism super­ 100 lb. Leonard Clean- ficial. When he gets back into the 75 lb. Leonard Polar PUBMSHRO BT Then all you have to do, after able with Armstrong environment from which he or his King with white porce­ THB HBRALU PRINTING CO. that, is to deport all the alienjjoo't- New York, Aug. 17.— The "gold cork insulating, has 3 Foandod by Blwood 8. Ela leggers, jail all the citizen ones and peasant parents sprung, he simply brick” salesman has never disap­ lain lining, 3 door front Midiyi Oct. 1. 1881 does not know how to act— and so peared from the Manhattan scene. doors (front icer type) put everybody who buys bootleg icer type with 3 wire iJtb. Every Evening Exceot Sundays and he acts like an ass, a cad and a He still does a flourishing busi­ with 4 wire shelves— Holidays booze in jail too. Simple, direct, ness, having merely changed his shelves. (4 in stock). Entered at the Post omce at Man­ candid stuff. Cheers for Taber as braggart. white porcelain lining. chester as Second Class Mall Matter. wares. ri I a straight thinker. His latest stock in trade is the Regular $45.00 ...... (3 in stock). Regular SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall HOAX. “ Russian crown jewels.” tlx dollars a year; sixty ^nts a Straight thinking, is like straight It is utterly Impossible for th e. These have been on sale at vari- I il |g§ and squalid a thing as to suggest of Europe. Porcelain Lined with 3 111' 1 Street and 42nd Street entrance of all over the sidewalk. 140 )b. Leonard Clean- Grand Central Station. sheer lunacy. It lacked every ele­ The 'underworld knows Sammy wire shelves. Three '•International News Service has the Sometimes, however, a good, as “ the Ox” because of his size. He able, 4 door front icer ment of the ingenuity that some­ door front icer type. (2 exclusive rights to use for republlca- sturdy, even paced walker, walking had a glib story of how the jewels style with 5 wire shelves. tioii In any (onn all news dispatches times palliates, while Itcdoes not ex­ credited to It or not otherwise credit­ in the dark, can and does walk came Into his possession, just as in stock). Regular $52. ed In this paper. It la also exclusively cuse, the practical joke on the pub­ the "gold brick” man of yesterday White porcelain lining. entitled to use for repuhlicatlon all right bang off the dock and Into the local or undated news published lic. • It toyed with sentiments had a smooth and convincing deep water. Sometimes a straight “ line.” One of his deals, which (2 in stock). Regular herjin.” sacred to the heart of a nation. thinker, with no light for his recently came to light, showed that $33.75 $108.00 ...... It was crass, incredibly stupid, lack­ TUESDAY. AUG. 17, 1926. thoughts, can and does think hiita- for the small sum of $1200 he had ing in any redeeming quality. agreed to give up a dozen of the self into the most utterly wrong The most charitable view to take gems. ^ R O .«) SPEED. conclusions imaginable Analyses of these and most sim­ $69.50 i7ea’ at all how is that its author, having thought If Superintendent Hurley of the Taber has no ilar “ sidewalk jewelry” showed wiPli too long and steadily on one baf­ 100 lb. Leonard Polar State Police makes .good on his many people he would thus sum­ them to be mere paste worth a- fling subject, had suffered a serious dime or so. King with white porce­ threat to arrest slow moving mo­ marily dispose of either by death • • ♦ mental lesion. lain lining. Three door torists for impeding traffic he will or jailing. It is highly probable Another favorite of the modern It is doubtful whether any of the a 75 lb. Baldwin White be displaying courage possibly in that if he did get rid of all those he gold-bricker is the peddling of front icer with 4 wire so-called great hoaxes perpetrated Porcelain lined; thtee excess of wisdom. The right— so cavalierly dismisses, he would “ smuggled articles." shelves. (7 in stock). on publics within recorded time Sometimes it is “ furs smuggled And now the final the legal right— of an automobile find that his friends of the Grange door front icer type with ever had a sane, valid cause— in from Russia” and, again, it is driver to run his car at a rate of would experience a terrific shrink­ European perfume and, again, Regular $53.50 .. 3 wire shelves. (1 in whether there has not always been speed conforming to his own ideas age in the demand for farm pro­ rare tapestries. Invariably the stock). Regular $55.00. a mental twist back of them. But of safety and comfort may just pos­ ducts. Probably a good half of modern gold-brick gent affects the nothing, in all the lot, ever ap­ appearance of a sailor and pretends $35. sibly prove to be an Inherent one that industrial population which proached this Kitchener episode in to be “ carefully watched.” Which Semi-Annual Sale In default of any statute requiring constitute the market for the stuff mean? that the deal must be quick­ $36.50 sheer imbecility. ^ him to turn up any particular that Grangers raise would be re­ ly and quietly consummated. That It will utterly ruin the per­ amount of mileage per hour; and moved from the list of purchasers, son or persons responsible for It The other night a three-card the procedure announced by Super­ either by being buried or by being 100 lb. Leonard Gray goes without saying. It Is sure monte game was found in success­ C learance intendent Hurley as impending incarcerated in ^places where the ful operation not ten jumps from Porcelain Lined with 4 to bring its own punishment. “ The might conceivably be fruitful of food consumption is on an exceed­ Times Square and police broke up' 100 lb. Baldwin three man who put over the Kitchener wire shelves. Front successful actions at law by persons ingly restricted scale as to variety an old-fashioned “ shell game” door front icer with hoax” will probably lead about as flourishing in a vacant lot on 34th icer type with three apprehended, on the ground of and grade, even as to quantity. white porcelain lining comfortable an existence hereafter Street. doors. (6 in stock). false arrest. As the head of an organization 4> ♦ • of Refrigerators as Hale’s “ Man Without a Coun­ and four shelves. (1 in Unquestionably it is a highly which is, naturally, seeking the And the street beggars, jn spite Regular $70.00 .. stock). Regular $68.50. aggravating thing for a long line prosperity of its members, we try.” of all that the “ wise guys” have 1 VERY Refrigerator must go before the end of this It is not well to be a liar and not been told unbelievable har­ of automobiles on a much traveled should say that Mr. Taber had well to be a fool. But when One vests. month! We don’t want to carry over a single one. highway to be held up by a “ road thought himself overboard. A ragged and apparently crip­ combines the two in the Nth degree $44. Prices have been reduced so as to clear out every $39.75 loafer.” And inasmuch as the pled mendicant, picked up by the he becomes a forlorn and wretched one. This is the final clearance. Only a limited num­ principle of the greatest good to the O, TEMPORA. police a few days ago had $12,000 For thirty years Pittsfield, Mass., creature. in currency hidden about his per­ ber of each model remains. Quantities are given with greatest number ought to apply on son. Under one arm, in a little the roads as elsewhere, there seems has been, fighting a losing battle bag was $3000 in $100 bills. each description. Select your refrigerator tonight and to be little justification for the ac­ with the trend of the times. That The case of the Brooklyn beggar 75 lb. Leonard Clean- enjoy it for the balance of the summer. 75 lb. Alaska Cork In­ tion of the unreasonably slow driv­ length of time ago it was probably who motors to and from his able with Armstrong sulated with white por­ the most hide bound community in Stewarts "work” is now historic but recently er. If he can’t or dare not drive a rival popped up. . pressed cork insulating, celain lining. Three New England, dominated by the WASHINGTON 30 lb. Leonard Polar King Top Icer with white enamel at a reasonable pace he should A particularly disreputable look­ white porcelain lined, 3 door front icer type with keep off the much-traveled ways. little group of brahmin blue-stock­ ing specimen was picked up on lining and one wire shelf. Regular $14.98 (6 in stock) lE T T E B S three shelves. (2 in But neither impatience on the part ings whose families had bossed the Fifth Avenue by a 'policeman just shelves, front icer. (3 as business seemed to be getting of other motorists nor violation of town and steered it in the way of By Charles P. Stewart in stock). Regular $69. stock). Regular $75.00. Washington, Aug. 17.— To Dr. C. good. $9.98 simple fairness provides very safe stiff necked conversatism for gen­ “ Don’t call the patrol!” he erations. Then the outside began H. Parker there’s nothing so very grounds for placing a citizen under humorous in the supposedly funny begged of the officer. 75 lb. Leonard Polar King three door front icer; white to percolate in. Strangers came. But the copper pulled him to­ $44.75 $44.50 arrest. pictures one occasionally sees of a enamel lined with 3 wire shelves. (17 in stock). Reg­ The General Electric hit it like a missionary or a castaway sailor ward the call box. Also it is not to be denied that “ Hey, have a heart. Gimme a there is argument on the side of tidal wave, bringing in terrible out- about to be eaten up by cannibals. ular $33,00 ...... He had such an experience once minute, will you? Come around the “ loafer.” He might, possibly, landers who had never heard of and he says he’s prepared to go the corner and I’ll drive us to the put his case this way: Emerson, swarms of raucous crea­ bail that it isn’t a bit amusing— station.” $22.50 And. sure enough, just around 75 lb. Leonard Clean- 165 lb. Alaska Cork “ I drive my car at eighteen miles tures utterly irreverant of Pitts­ except possibly to the cannibals. Dr. Parker probably knows more the corner was parked a coupe in able with cork insulat­ Insulated with white an hour. I hold up faster drivers field culture. And ever since then which the beggar went from section 100 lb. Leonard Polar King three door front icer with about the South Sea islands than ing. Three door front enameled exterior, white and so am regarded as a pest by the the old timers have had a simply any other w'nite man living. For 31 to section. In the floor of the car white enamel lining and 4 wire shelves. (6 in stock). fellow who wants to drive twenty- dreadful time, trying to keep Pitts­ years he has lived in that part of was found a well tailored suit. The icer type with white por­ porcelain interior. Front beggar also uked the car as a ward­ Regular $36.50 ...... • five as much as by the fellow who field even relatively nice. the world and now, after a short celain interior. 4 shelves. icer with four doors and visit in this country, he and his robe room. wants to drive forty. Well, elim­ But they have never given up. — GILBERT SWAN. four wire shelves. (2 in wife are going back to die there Regular inate me and what happens? The They have kept on fighting for a when their time comes. ' (2 in stock). $23.69 stock). Regular $111.50. man who drives/at twenty-two be­ restoration of 1885. It is said $76.00 ...... comes the slow-coach. It is he, that they sell more stovepipe hats The doctor is a graduate of the fTI'l Other refrigerators in white enamel and gray porce­ in Pittsfield than in Chicago and it Seventh Day Adventists’ College of and not I any longer, who blocks Medical Evangelists, at Loma Lin­ $49.50 lain exteriors, and miscellaneous lots, specially priced. $65.75 the way. The faster drivers, not has even been alleged, probably* da (Call. having me to curse, will curse him. without truth, that there is still a I The College of Medical E^-- They loved the praise of men Eliminate him. Then the twenty- market there for bustles. I ists argues li’^e this: more than the praise of god.— Joh:i A South Sea island cannibal falls 13:43. five mile driver, being the slowest Some of this determination sticks sick. The other cannibals, untrain­ fellow, is holding up the thirty, to the ribs of the police. Despite ed in medicine, don’t know what Those who nfre greedy of praise WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. thirty-five and forty mile birds. the topsyturveydom of the age, to do for him. prove that they are poor in merit. Chase the twenty-five mile chap off there are old stagers on the Pitts­ Along comes a good doctor and — Plutarch. cures him. FURNITURE, FLOOR COVERINGS, PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS the road and the thirty-mile car is field force who have never lowered The canni’oals, presumably, are jetting in the way of the faster the lily white flag that the first grateful. At any rate, they have drivers. And so on. Pittsfield cop raised back in the sense enough not to kill and eat “ There will always be somebody forgotten days of the nineteenth their doctor. He’s the only one they’ve got and nobodv knows how holding up the line, so long as there century— the mental standard of soon somebody else will need to be are those in the line wlm want to go Pittsfield purity. Hence the edict cured by him. faster than the cars ahead— and that no girl shall appear on a Pitts­ Thus the missionary— the doctor this would be the case if the whole field street hereafter in knickers. turns out to be a missionary— gains time enough to convert his pati­ But You Cannot Make It Drink works, were tearing over the coun­ We scent trouble ahead for Pitts­ that the Eskimos alone demand ents. , BY ARTHUR N. PACK try at fifty miles an hour; somebody field tradition and Pittsfield cops. That’s the way Dr. Parker more than can be supplied. They President, American Nature Assn. greatly prize it for winter garments worked it. would kick because the line wasn’t It looks like a showdown were com­ There is a large, muscular fur- because, unlike other furs, breath 1 ing— a knockdown and dragout be­ making sixty.” In his many years in the South covered animal, once abundant in does not congeal upon it, even in This question of speed on the tween the manners of the eighties Sea islands !;e had a great many- our northern wildernesses whom,j cold atmosphere, highway is an intensely puzzling and the liberties of the flapper of tight squeaks for his life, but the strange to relate, few but natural­ ists can correctly name on sight. one. Also it has many sides. We the twenties. And we can blame tightest, he says, was three decades and a twelve month ago, when he This is the wolverine, which Dr. very muph doubt whether even the well guess who is going to get landed on his first island. Hornaday classes high in his “ one genius and experience of a police­ licked. The natives were even more can­ hundred per cent table” of intelli­ DAILY POEM man is quite equal to the complete nibalistic then than they are today. gent animals. For all his slug­ gish movement and ungally appear­ solution of it. It would seem to THOSE “ A.MERICAXS.” They still entertain a great fond­ ness for "long pig.” which is culi­ ance, there is no animal which can GREEN CORN be subject for action by an especial­ Fanny Hurst, who has had ex­ nary cannlbalese for “ human outwit a human more readily than ly competent legislative committee, periences enough to be pretty fair­ flesh.” But most of the natives now the wolverine. Say, bring on the butter, an’ \ Observation of the wolverine by| after exhaustive hearings, and so ly hard boiled, has come back from have learned that it is simply Im­ bring on the salt. To pleasure that’s scientists tends to support the for the crystalization of the findings Europe in disgust, driven out by possible to eat one’s doctor and comin please don’t put a halt. Our i) have him too. But the tribe that theory that there was a time, ages lire ’er all smackin’ ; our eyes shin­ A into statute law. It certainly is very shame for her fellow citizens past, when it could run and leap captured this missionary didn’t in’ bright— we’re gonua have oteen not going to be satisfactorily solved who swarm there this summer and with the agility of its brothers of realize. corn tonight. by autocratic and entirely illegal ac­ do not know how to behave. the marten fewily. But time has ■ Yea, mother’s been shoppln’. Her evolved In this creature a strong tion ef a state police superintendent “ The man from this country Is a They pounced oa the doctor as a judgment i- rare. When buyin’ up dainty morsel, produced a big ket­ distaste for hurry, and the desire — and he had best not undertake to level headed citizen,” she says, “ un­ groc’ries. I’ll tell ya, «he’s theie. tle and began to paw their prison­ to obtain by cunning and brute She knows what’s the wrong stuff execute the measure he threatens til he gets to Europe. Then he strength what formerly required er over to find out how tough he and, too, what’s the .’ight— we’re unless he has a keen appetite for becomes a true Babbit. It is for was and decide on the best way of skill and speed. gonna have green corn tonight. •=iv, trouble. cooking him. Like the bear, the wolverine’s this reason that there is iso much “ They kindled a fire .under the . This time ^of the yea.* always food consists of animals and insects, brings the Lesire for something that 5® feeling in France against Ameri­ kettle,” relates Dr. Parke* “ and and 80 great in his appetite, and so STRAIGHT OVERBO.ARD. cans. That’s the reason I am re­ were leading me to the sacrificial boils o’er ; pippin’ hot fire. They’re sharp is he in stalking his prey, that put on the pans, and they’ve turned V We have always had a great deal turning to this country now.” altar, preparatory to taking my life. he has rightly earned the name of “ But I opened my medicine kit on the light— were gonna have of admiration for a straight think­ Miss Hurst might hare gone a "glutton.” green coru tonight. and began applying healing salves The den of the wolverine Is usual­ er. The chap whose mind goes A bid to dine out, I wu..' given to­ little further and indulged In a cer­ to sores on their bodies. ly well hidden in a sheltered hollo*? 1-0. smack to a conclusion without wav­ tain measure of explanation of this Cannibals lead such a rough life day. And Jid I accept it? I would In the ground, or under rocks. have, but, say. fer me to be m.ssln’ ering or wabblin"g or hesitating is and know so little about sanitation Nests of leaves are made, and the phenomenon, so often remarked that plenty of things, like Infected just wouldn’t be right— we're gon­ at least a more comfortable person within the last year and particular­ litters, containing from two to four na have green corn tonight. wounds, boils,/’ scrofula and as­ young are born in June or July. to get along with than the one sorted ailments are numerous ly this summer. It Is that probably Here they are kept until late in the whose processes you cannot keep not one in ten of these so-called among them. “When they learned the virtue summer, protected by their mother track of, who distrusts his own Americans and actual American in my medicine,” adds the doctor, with all the ferocity of a mother words before he gets them out and citizens is much more than halt a “ they changed their minds about boar. They are fully grown when Is liable to change “ no” into “ n-not generation removed______from European _ _ eating me. I stayed with them a one year old. The full grown wolverine Is yet” after he has started it. origin it'is not, in the vast'm a-1 taught them the Gos­ pel. about the size of a fox; but is very So there is much that is admir­ jority of cases, the person who has thickset and muscular. The coat It was on this day that St. Liber- able about the smash-bang conclu­ a genuine American background, The doctor is fluent in 16 New, of both sexes is... usually ...of a deep atus, abbot, and seven monks were killed for their faith after months sions of Louis J. Taber, master of\ who makes a nuisance of himself Guinea, New Hebrides and Solo- blackish-brown, with bands of chestnut from the shoulders to of torture by the Arians. tU^-Natlonal Orange, in his dealings mon Island dialects and has re­ in Europe with bad manners and duced some of them to writing. the tail and the throat and chest . This is the blrth|iay of Julia 7? with the prohibition question. Mr. lack of tact, but either the son of He’s an adopted member of sev­ are spotted with yellowish white. Marlowe, actress. Taber has no patience with Presi­ Immigrants, born in this country eral tribes. The wolverine is so bunted for The Klondike in h e Yukon terri­ tory is celeb ratine Jllscovery day. dent Coolidge's idea that perhaps 'Within a very few years of the his rich coat that he is well-nigh New phonograph Is fn improye- being wiped off of tbe continent. we ought not to poison off halt the parents’ arrival ,or a person who ment. But it isn’t perfect. '!l|^ darn The skins find their way into civ- One is born w ery minute, but population .-With stilly more pemi- himMll q^ne to ^ e i i c a as a child. |thing will play after |hid^ht, • Hilised markets, mar in aipite of the factliauadruj^t8;Wi ' s .' ■* , • ' V ■ " ■S.'’i ' - F ^


Where Annual M eetings Are Held Mr. jsnd Mrs. Fred Smith of Miss Alice Talcott of New York North Adams, Mass., were week­ City has been visiting at her home TALCOnVILlE end guests of Mrs. Smith’s sister, here for' several days. Mrs. J. Edmund Bradley. Mr. and . Mbs. Charles Kihgtor QNaTHE A IR. Mrs. Ruby LaDoit o f New Haven There were forty-three children and family of Stafford Springs and •was the week-end guest of her sis-j in the Primary Department^ of the j Miss Mae Herre of New Britaie Eutern Standard Time. < >WTAG (268), WGR (319), WWJ ter, Mrs. John Frazier. \ Sunday School on Sunday morning. I were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Arthur Gardner, a former resi­ 6 p. m. (353), WTM (589), WFI (395), The pulpit for morning worship i Thomas Kington. WCAE (461), WEEI (476), KSD dent of this place, has resigned his was occupied by Rev. H. A. Coblldge i WBAL (246) Baltimore— Sand­ (545). position at Max Pollack’s silk milli of Union. I man Cirole; orchestra. WIP (508) Philadelphia— Movie at Groton and secured another with Mrs. John Kendlish of Stamford! Sugar from corn is now commer­ WGHP (270) Detroit— Concert. broadcast; dance music. the Lydall & Foulds paper mill at is visiting her sister, Mrs. Johni cially possible. WREO (28B) Lansln*. Mich.— WCX (517)" Detroit— Orchestra. Manchester. Mr. Gardner expects Prentice. j Dinner music. ^ WHO (528) Des Moines— Four­ to move his family to Manchester Miss Margaret Waterman ofi WGN (303) Chicago— Stocks; teenth cavalry band. shortly. Manchester is visiting at the home; Dr. Fred F. Bushnell musical. KYW (636) Chicago— Classical. Mr. and Mrs, John .Prentice and of Miss Dorothy Wood. W b Z (333) Springfield, Mass. — * 10 P. M. family were the week-end guests of The Golden Rule club will hold VLTEKINAKIAN Trio; orchestra; baseball results. WBBM (226) Chicago—Variety relatives at Stamford, Conn. their regular meeting in the church 494 East Gunter Street, WLS (346) Chicago— Stocks; hour. Mrs. Olin Beebe and Miss Caro­ parlors on Friday evening at 7.30 Manchester Green. sports; organ; orchestra. line Beebe are spending a week’s WGN (303) Chicago— Sam ’n p. m. The hostesses for the eve­ Office Hoars: 7 to 8 P. M. WWJ (863) Detroit— Concert. Henry; variety. , vacation at the Wlllimantic Camp ning will be Mrs. Albert Beebe and TEI.EFHONB 1847. OKCL (367) Toronto— Musical. KN': (337) Los Angeles— Va­ Grounds. Miss Florence Pinney. WJJD (370) Mooseheart, 111. — riety. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. BennCtt Dinner concert. KGO (361) Oakland, Cal.— Va­ are spending a week at the home of WRNV (375) New York- riety. Mrs. Bennett’s parents, Mr> and Sports; commerce; musical. WJJD. (370) Mooseheart, 111.— Mrs. Olln Beebe. WTAM (389) Cleveland— Thea­ 0 1“ P R ^ 1* O ter program. KTHS (375) Hot Springs, Ark. WMAQ (447) Chicago— Organ; — Sports: road bulletin; dance orchestra; scores. music. WJZ (455) New York-Variety. WTAM (389) Cleveland — WEAF (492) New York— Vocal; Studio. French conrse. WCX (51,7) Detroit— Orchestra. WCCO (416) St. Paul-Mlnne- Sour Stomach KYW (536) Chicago— Orches­ apolis — Musical Izaak Walton tra. League. WTAG (545) Worcester, Mass.— WKRC (422) Cincinnati— Organ. “Phillips Milk of Magnesia” Orchestra; baseball scores. KPO (428) San Francisco— Or­ chestra. ■ Better than Soda WBAL (246*) "Baltimore— Or­ WQJ (447) Chicago— Orchestra. When vacation separates chestra. KFI (467) Los Angeles—-Or­ Entrance to Camp grounds at Wlllimantic where the annual sessions of religious workers are being husband and •wife* each is chestra. Instead of soda hereafter take a WGHB (266) Clearwater, F l a .- held this week. little “ Phillips Milk of Magnesia” in anxious about the other's Orchestra. w o e (484) Davenport, la.— Musical. water any time for indigestion or health and happiness. WGHP (270) Detroit— Farm sour, acid, gassy stomach, and re­ A quick and intimate ivay market; news. KGW (491) Portland, Ore.— I Saturday afternoon, August 21 GREEK AGITATORS SEIZED. Children’s program weather mar­ lief will come instantly. to be reassured is by tele­ WCAU (278) Philadelphia— Vo­ I which is field day for the Norwich For fifty years genuine "Phillips cal and instrumental. kets; sports. BIG CHANGES SEEN district men and their friends. Dr. Athens, Aug. 17— M. Kafandaris, phone. WIP (408) Philadelphia—Or­ Milk of Magnesia” has been pre­ WJAR (306) Providence, R. I.— Gornall of Michigan will give the militant leader of the Progressive- scribed by physicians because it Variety. chestra. address to which the ladies are in­ Liberuls, was arrested today WCX (517) Detroit— Red Apple overcomes three times as much acid WLS (345) Chicago— Variety. AT CAMP GROUNDS vited. Afterward a program of charged with inciting the army in the stomach as a saturated solu­ CKCL (357) Toronto— Studio. Club. tennis, baseball, volley ball and against the present government. WOAW (526) Omaha— Studio. tion of bicarbonate of soda, leaving WDAF (366) Kansas City— other sports will be conducted by The mayor of Piraeus also was the stomach sweet and free from "School of the Air.” 11 P. M. the recreation committee and placed under arrest, as were several WORD (275) Chicago— Variety. all gases. It neutralizes acid fer­ WRNY (375y New York-Musi­ awards made the winners. In the ofllcers -of provincial garrisons, mentations in the bowels and gent­ cal. KNX (337) Los Angeles— Varie­ Driveways Improved, Shrub­ evening Signor Marfo Capelli, the charged with supporting M. Kafan­ ty. ly urges the souring waste from WLW (422) Cincinnati— Varie­ great tenor just back from a tour daris. the system without purging. Be­ KGO (361) Oakland, Calif.— of Europe will sing and Dr. Philip ty. Vocal and instrumental. bery Planted; Program for sides, it is more pleasant to take WQJ (447) Chicago— Dinner L. Frick will give his popular ad­ than soda. Insist upon “ Phillips.” concert. WTAM (38898) Cleveland— Or­ dress on “ Nightingale Island.” THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND chestra. PERFECTLY. Twenty-five cent and fifty cent bot­ WRC (469) Washington— Or- Coming Week. Campmeeting Sunday, August 22 "Yoii call these safety matches!” tles, any drugstore. "Milk of Mag­ I TELEPHONE COMPANY eheitra; one-act piay. WKRC (422) Cincinnati— Musi­ will open with a feast of song and shouted the. customer to the store­ cal. nesia” has been the U. S. Regis­ WEAF (492) New York—Musi­ fellowship led by Rev. F. G. Baker. keeper. , “ Why, none of them will tered Trade Mark of The Charles B ' BELL SYSTEM cal. KPO (428) San Francisco — Dr. Frick will preach in the morn­ strike.*’ Studio. Local people who have visited H. Phillips Chenfical Co. and its On* PA ies * One S}fdem - Unlttnal Settle* cal. To WCSH (256), WLIB (303), ing at 10:30. Dr. G. H. Spencer “ Well, isn't that safe enough for predecessor Charles H. Phillips WQJ (4 ft ) Chicago— Orchestra. the Willimantio. campgrounds this WJAR (306), WGR (319), WWJ of Boston will preach in the after­ you^” *—-Vikingen, Oslo. since 1875.— Adv. (353), WTAM (389), WFI (395), KFI (467) Los Angeles— Quar­ summer note tha*- *hey have been noon at two o ’clock and Dr. Rees WCCO (416),WCAE (461), WEEI tet. made attractive with new shrub­ at 7:30 P. M. Signor Capelli will (476), w o e (484). KSD (545). KGW (491) Portland—Educa­ sing at all services. tional program. bery. The driveways have been WIP (508) Philadelphia— Dance improved, considerable painting music. 12 P. M. KGO (361) Oakland,. Calif.— has been done and at the entrance WJR (517) Detroit— Old-time is a new gate extending a cordial dance orchestra. Filgrims Hour. KPO (428) San Francisco — welcome to all entering the camp­ WOAW (526) Omaha— Instru­ grounds and a friendly invitation WAPPING mental; market reports; orchestra. Studio. WQJ (447) Chicago— Orchestra. to come again to those who are KYW (536) Chicago— Music leaving. Miss Eva Heritage, daughter of KFI (467) Los Angeles— Vocal 8 P. M. Already reservations have been Thomas J. Heritage of Wapping Here are fhe L U C K Y and instrumental. ?9 WBBM (226) Chicago— Melody made by people from Massachu­ who has been confined at the Nor­ hour. WFAA (476) Dallas, Tex.— Or­ wich hospital for the past two chestra. setts and Rhode Island. The board­ WBAL (246) Baltimore— Con­ ing house for meals opeved Satur­ j'ears, was able to spend the week­ cert. 1 A. M- day and people desiring rooms may end with her relatives here. WGHP (270) • Detroit— Child­ KNX (337) Los Angeles—Or­ write or telephone the caretaker, Mr. and Mrs. \\'i)bur C. Hilhs chestra. ren’s Half Hour; studio program. S. L. Geer. Everyone, Irrespective and Marlon Otis mot.ired to Sonth- WCAU (278) Philadelphia— Mu­ WDAF (366) Kansas City— Fro­ of creed is cordially invited to at­ winners sical varieties. wiek, Mass, last Sunday returning lic. tend ^nd share the pro,gram every hy the way of Granby. East Granby KDKA (309) Pittsburgh— Sac­ KHJ (405) Los Angeles— Dance day they car be present. red concert. and callin.g at the cid New G ite music. Y esterdf the Women’s Mission­ Prifon. * CNRA (322) Moncton, Can.— KPO (428) San Francisco—Or­ ary socletie.". held their field day. Harry P. Files fiom Boston, o f d i e S o c ONYM o t OR-O i l c o n t e s t Variety. chestra. Dr. Charles Barto n't New Haven KOA (322) Denver— Stocks; WQJ (447) Chicago— Orchestra.. Mass, spent the week-end with his spoke for the home end Mias Flor­ family here. markets; dinner coniert. KFI (467) Los Angeles— Radio ence Nicho’ - of India, t'^e foreign A F T E R due deliberation of the contest letters, the Standard Oil WBZ (333) Springfield, Mass.— club. field. The State W C. T. U. med­ ‘ judson Files who has been suf­ Vocal; orchestra. KGW (491) Portland, Ore.— al contest was to be held this"af­ fering for the past week with ear Company of New Y ork takes great pleasure in publishing the WLS (345) Chicago— Variety. Dance music. ternoon in the tabernacle. trouble went to all ear specialist of WJJD (370) Mooseheart, 111.— Tomorrow afternoon Dr. R. E. Hartford on Monday afternoon. names of the winners. The “Lucky 79” who received the $2,500 are Music by children. Gornall of Micb’ gan will speak on Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan left WGY (379) Schenectady— Musi­ world service and Bishop W. F. Monday by auto for a week’s vaca­ cal. AUGUST FURNACE FIRE tion to Myrtle Bech. to be most heartily congratulated. They worked hard for their prizes. BURNS SHORE COTTAGE Anderson will preach in the even­ WLW (422) Cincinnati— Orches­ ing. Mrs. Lawrence Arnold and i tra: minstrels. Interderoininational day Friday daughter Marjorie, who have been WMAQ (447) Chicago— aVriety. Milford, Aug. 17.— Fire caused And those thousands of other friends and customers who gave voice damage of several l^undred dollars afternoon and evening is expected spending a few days with her WJZ (455) New York— Variety. to bring large numbers of other mother, Mrs. H. P. Files, returned WRC (469) Washington—Varie­ last night in the cottage owned and to the praises of Socony Motor Oil, as occupied by Mrs. Ella Goodspeed at communions to the campgrounds, to her home in Broad Brook last ty. and hundreds of men are expected Sunday. • ^ OTHER PRIZE WEAF (492) New York— "Ever- Bayview on the shore when flames well as many good suggestions, are to be ready Hour.” To WTAG (268), from a furnace ignited a pile of WGN (303). WJAR (306), WGR shingles in the cellar. The furnace WINNERS greatly commended. The task of judging, (319), WSAI (3’26), WWJ (353), fire was started to dry out the house. WTAM (389), WFI (395), WCCO The ^Awards: was indeed difficult. The winners are: (416), WCAE (461), WEEI (476) M. J.m e. G. Hope fS. Ralph A. Holbrook w oe (484), KSD (545). 118 H l.b l.iid Piece Bea con F alls. C on n . WIP (508) Philadelphia— Con­ BreaUyn, N. Y. K. Edmond A. Weiss 1st P rize, Old Japan respected the monkey 31. Freak P. Spauldin. a So. Cherry Street $ 1 ,0 0 0 cert. as one of the servants of Koshin, 77 Park St.. Rutland, Vt. PouShkeepsle, N. 'V. Good Used Cars 32. Clarence W . Wilaon H. A. Grant WJR (517) Detroit— Concert. . S7. Lillian Swarts God of Roads. 37 Cedar Street 95 Faxon St.,Nesrt«i,M sM . Hillside Place, Rye, N . Y# KYW (536) Chicago— Classical. Fitchbur., Mesa. M. Alfred T. Meson O P. M. In Guaranteed First Class Mechanical Condition. 33. Mabel S. Been 135 Sooth Street Merrick, L. I.. N. T . Pittsfield. Meee. 2nd P rize, $ 5 0 0 3rd P rize, $ 2 5 0 WBAL (246) Baltimore— Or­ 1925 Ford Coupe— like n e w ...... $350 34. Paul A. Oehme H. G. Lecktln —»/// 33 Milton Street Canaan, Vt. chestra. Worcester. Maaa. John A. Terrell Leonard J. Hoa^ 1921 Ford Sedan ...... $100 M. PhUlD W. Anaen WSOE (246) Milwaukee— Build­ 35. G. H. Dunn 3.7 Kerritan Avenn. 283 Springdale Avenue C. M. M. U. S. Navy 1920 Liberty Touring ...... $100 44 Broad St.. Boaton, Maia. Union aty . N. J. ing and Loan talk. i 34. Jahn V.-Ruaecll Meriden, C^nnectient U. S. S. Lawrence (250) 35 Wellinftton Street F. RelMmann _ e/o Postmuter,'_New Yoiic WCAU (278) Philadelphia— Or­ 1922 Chevrolet T ouring...... $100 Sprlntf eld, Maaa. Wcet Potat. N. T . chestra. 1925 Hudson Coach ...... $775 37. John W . SchuU *2 , Della Clark W'SM (283) Nashville— Musical. 4 Walnut Grore Place Bueklrfc, N . T . 4th P rize, $ 1 0 0 Sth P rize, $ 1 0 0 1926 Oldsmobile de luxe C oach...... $850 Troy, N; Y. t * . Alfred W . LlUey WBZ (333) Springfield, Mass. I 3*. Cheriee B. Hewrer 321 Wsehlnfitetr Street 1923 Dodge Touring ...... $250 Hudaon View Gard«a Leckport, N. Y. E. Belknap, Jr. John G. H. Muehlke — Variety. TO-NIGHT I83rd St. It PInoburat Are. 44. Wintam C. Jarrls 603 North Broadway 521 Tuekahoe Rond KFAB (341) Lincoln, Neb.— U. 1922 Durant T ouring...... $200 New York City Brown Street 3*. Edmond S. Fish Fort FaUfleid. Maine Y'onkers, N. Y . Tnekahoe, N. Y . of Nebraska prog.ram. Cadillac T ou rin g...... $150 Auburn, Maaa. 0 , Mrs. Grace M . Stephenson 44. John M. Mathetoa University a t Texas Library WCPD (345) Zlor Hill, 111.— Vo- Columbia Touring ...... $150 Its Butler Are. A ustlri, 2'exaa 6th P rize, $ 2 5 7th P rize, $ 2 5 c-1 an^

- 3- :j.-r:j

PAGE SIX MAN<2IESTER^E^I^G"HER^'D;TUESDAY, AUGUST 17,1926. .1 -. ♦ • <& Sketches by Redner, Synopsis by Braucher Chan^ in Rates POE’S STORIES: The Masque of the Red^Death (1) For Herald Oassified Advertising On and after June 1, 1926, the following rates for Classified Advertising will be in effect: All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found and similar advertising on Cl^sified Page: First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). Minimum Charge 30 Cents. Repeat insertions (running every day), 5 cents a line. THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. An additional charge of 25 cents will be made for advertisements charged and billed. ■ jU ilpiyS&I h v b w (t V - ______. With this c'otnpz^y he retired to the seclusion of The “ Red Death,'V a fatal and hiddpus peatil^nce,! The prince’s domin­ FOR SALE TO RENT But the Prince Pros-t ions half depiopulated, he one of his castle-abbeys. It was a magnificent struc­ had swept the country. Blood was its TOpre were called .in a thousand ture, surrounded by a wall, with gates of iron. The FOR SALE—Seasoned hard wood, FOR RENT—Two excel.ent office sudden pains and dizziness, followed by Weeding at pero - remained happy/ stove length. J7.50 per two horse load rooms over Post Office. May be rent­ one of the few in the land light - hearted friends knights welded the bolts of the gates and bid defiance of SO cu ft. H. G. Bidwell. 134 Union ed singly. $20. per month or to­ the pores. Then came death. Scarlet staips upon the gether. $36. per month. Apply a. the who remained undaunted from among the knights to contagion, letting the rest of the world take care of street. ______face and body marked the victim and shut him out Manchester Trust Co. by the frightful peril. and dames of his court. itself. They prepared to enjoy life. (Continued) FOR SALE—Front room suite, din­ from sympathy of his fellows. . ^ .. ^------■ ------ing room suite, bed room suite, gas FOR RENT—Completely refinished y ;------stove, rugs and odd pieces, ISO five room bungalow on West Side, For Eldridge street. particulars phone 671. , FOR S.\LE—One Ford Coupe. 1025 FOR RENT—Six room tenement, all model, good mechanical condition, improvements. Adults preferred. In­ Saving Millions new tires. Also one Remington cash quire at 13 Wadsworth street. register. Both good buys for cash. Ap­ ply 735 Mai- street. Tel. l?o3^______TO RENT—Five room tenement, gas and hot air furnace. Seven min­ ^ © 1 9 2 6 f o r s a l e —Early apples, red utes from mills, $26. 30 Essex street. BV »strachans and yellow uansjiar^t, Telephone 12S7-13 or l-iOO. good for cooking or eating. !’.6 Main streeL over sianches- drug store and apply it at home as H a rtford ...... 55 6: .474; “ Why wash windows on both plorers arriving by every airplane. in cellar, oak floors and trim, fire­ ter Plambli g and Supply store. .358 sides?” explained Jimp when he place. silver light fixtures. Make me directed you will quickly notice an Waterbury ...... 4$ 7 Well, this huge mess of ice sat Pittsfield 38 7 .336 could talk. “ If you wash them on in offer. Call Arthur A. Knofla. TeL FOR RkIN'1'—Tenement of four nice improvement which will continue around the north pole for a few mil­ 782-2, 875 Main. rooms on Keeney CourL Apply to until the veins and bunches are re­ Xational Leagm the Inside, then the guests Inside the lion years, and then it got restless. .Manchester Public MarkeL Pittsburgh...... 63 4 . .575 hotel can see out. can't they?” Perhaps it Just naturally had a FOR SALE—Holl street — dandy duced to normal. St. Louis ...... 63 5 .558 ••yes.’' replied his breathless audi hankering to go south for the win­ new 10 room flaL Well built and t FOR RENT—Two desirable office Moone’s Emerald Oil has brought place you'd be proud to own. Price Cincinnati...... 63 , 5 .553 ence. ter. Perhaps It got some'llterature roonia Apply to Mr. Padrove. Man­ much comfort to worried people all recently he slipped upon a banana right, small amount down. Terms. chester Public MarkeL Phone. 10. C h icago...... 5.8 5 : .518 “ And If you leave the outsides from Florida. Or, rhaybe the pole Arthur A. Knofla. TeL 782-2. 875 Main over the country; is one of the peel and was killed.” wonderful discoveries of recent New York ...... ;. 57 ' 5 I .513 landing upon his head with which he dirty, people standing on the outside cats b2came. troublesome. StreeL TO RENT—Five room flaL William ■ .478 "Too bad,” said Jfmp. “ Bet you KanehL Telephone 1776. years and anyone who is disappoint­ B rooklyn...... 56' 6 I had been thinking. of the hotel can't see in. can they?” Anyway, this ice started south. It a million dollars 1 can go over the MORTGAGES ed with its use can have their Boston ...... ;46 6 I ,411 Pearl and Detective Gum dashed in •'No.” exclaimed his host of ad­ didn't Just hop up and rush away in falls and corns out without a TO RENT—5 room flaL all modem Philadelphia 4?'; 6 ; ..389 from the'kitchen. Jimp was stretch­ the heat of the day. It moved b.y improvements. Second floor at 11 money refunded, ^orth En)i Phar­ mirers. scratch.” We can invest your money in first American Lea^e ed out upon the floor, unconscious. "Then. let's just wash them on the easy stages. One year it would class mortgages, if you need a mort Ford street, near Center. A. Kirsch- macy. So. Manchester agents Mag- “That’s a bet.” said/he guide, pull­ sieper, 18 Ford streeL New York ...... 74 44 .627 Mrs. Gum was bending over him, the Inside. Think of the great saving. move a foot, and then it would sit ing a million dollars out of his gage call us. TeL 782-2. Arthur A. nell Drug Co., sell lots of it.— Adv, back down and rest a few years. Knofla. 875 Main. Cle'veland ...... 65 52.’ .556 old she-devil. No more shades. No more curtains.” pocket. He had received a great Philadelphia...... 62 54 .534 "You did this.” screamed Pearl, The cheers of the crowd rang from There wasn't any hurry. many tips' that day. WANTED Then, too, any progress was TO RENT Detroit ...... 60 56 .517 taking out after Mrs. Gum. The pinnacle to peak as the Kentuckians • • • Washington ...... 59 56 '.513 two raced down the street and Into tossed their hats into the air and barred by mountain ranges and other (Jimp goes over Niagara Falls to­ TYPEWRITERS bumps. When It met one of these WANTED — Helpers on Broalleaf Ohic&§o 5? 58 .496 the woods. stamped about in joyful glee. morrow. Will he make it? i’ou’ll FOR RENT—North End. flat second mountain ranges, the glacier, which floor. 4 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, tobacco. Apply Frank Hartl, Taylor All makes. Sold, rented, ex­ St„ Louis 50 . 66 .431 Here Mrs. Gum’s training as a de­ The^ managier paid Jimp a million just have, to wait and see. Perhaps gas. $22. O. E. Powell, 226 Wood- street, Talcottville or telephone Man­ dollars for the idea. He and his dear is what it was, would stop and argue he does. Perhaps he doesn’t. But chester 1404-2. Boston ^'38 78 .325 tective stood her in good stead. She bridge street. changed and overhauled. was of the clinging vine type, so she wife left for Niagara Falls. A band the question. he is determined to make a try. "Move,” said the glacier. "Move TO RENT—Modern 5 room flat, WANTED — Experienced men to GAMES TODAY- climbed a tree. Pearl passed her by, escorted them to the train. They Pearl can’t stop him. Jimp’s Hfo September first. 22 Roosevelt street. work on tobacco farm. A. Johnson, Special Discounts to Students. thinking she was poison ivy. were happy once more. on." and his last milljon dollars are at » "I won't," said the mountain. “ 1 . , Telephone 980-2. Adams street, Buckland. Telephone Many clinging vines are poison Ivy. • • • 1707. Ea^tetn Lekaae been sitting here nigh onto ten mil- j Hours later, when Pearl gave up Geologists have pieced together FOR RENT—September 15, five Hartford at Albany. I lion years, arid 1 don’t Intend to (To Be Continued) room lower fiat, 82 Chestnut streeL WAN'TED—Two gentlemen to ropm Waterbury at Budgeptort ' the search and returned to the hotel. the history of Niagara Falls and the Telephone 2070. and board at 169 Main streeL Pittsfield at Springfield, TO RENT—6 room tenemenL also WANTED—Gardens to plow, ashes Otherd not scbedqldd^ in Germany will receive coats o'. four room tenement. Inquire 234 Oik removed, will buy old bens or poultry. Kemp’s Music House American le- LOST Pumps for All Purposes. Rex . Win ter Ep,dosnres. elrable location, 27 Winter stroeL Jobbing Real Estate liB$aran«e -^. LOST—^Friday evening, tortoise I TO RBNT—Five ropm t nement. all aheU f laaaea in case in Teo. Cent store HIGHLAND PARK P. 0. Improtrementa. Inqoira at J,0 'Cottag* attaet'to.Oak- Please leave at MANCHESTER EVENING HERAE D, TDESDA^g, AUGUST 17,1926. PAGE SETOSJ Colored Boys To Oppose Shamrocks This Evenin<

crack, but I am confident 1 can PSEY CONFIDENT him.’ Connley Has Umpired BROWNS-RED SOX CARDINALS WIN Dempsey has a hard programllCrack Hartford Baseball Nine which he Is following' every day. H E Il WHIP TUNNEY Starting with five to eight miles of SPUT INBOSTON ON HARD HrmNG road work with his sparring part­ Should Attract Big Gatherini For Nearly Thirty Years ners in tha morning, he follows with Saratoga Springs, N. T., Ang. 17. a light breakfast and a short rest — Jack Dempsey, In training at period after which he rows a heavy they like a fast hall. TherefoK ta> ' Tommy Luther’s White Sulphur (BY BILLT EVANS) boat five miles on the lake. A light .night will Shaw whet])er Psentiei Brother Against Brother Hack WBson Gets 2 Homers; Springs camp here Is confident of lunch and another rest period, Visitors Rank High and Haye can keep sufficient control of hit COURTS TO ARGUE the outcome of his projected battle' brings him to his dally workout In speed to silence the hats of thl Tommy Connolly, dean of the with Gene Tunney. American League staff of umpires, Botfomley Singles With the ring. Punching the bag, skip­ Splendid Record; "Can­ Colored Stars. A ffa ir^ White Sox and “I’m sure the license ■will be ping rope and shadow boxing is The Hartford team has woi has been calling balls and strikes granted and that we will fight In for ■well nigh 30 years. He says he augmented with ten rounds of box­ something like 21 out of 26 gamal this state,” he said today, “just as ing with his various partners. This nonball” Strong Likely this season so It is eas^to under- Is good for 10 years more. Tigers Tie. Bases Loaded. sure as I am that I wil still he Connolly came program Is followed In all kinds of stand that the Shamrocks are tacki champion when the fight Is over. Of weather. ling no setup. Tonight will not lx to the American coarse, Tunney Is a hard nut to Choice for Mound Duty; League in 1901, Rickard Won’t Take Legal CARDS 5. CUBS 4 The champion Is particularly for­ the first time the Negroes have BROWNS 6-1, BED SOX 7-1 tunate In the supply of sparring played before a Manchester audl* one year after Ebevenow, s s ...... 8 1 2 1 1 0 partners who are with him here. Be­ ence and it might be said right her« President Johnson Boston, Aug. 17.— After Van Gil­ St. Louis. Aug. 17.— Although Haines, p ...... 3 1 1 0 1 0 Prentice for Manchester. had launched the Action, But Expects Com- his rival. Hack Wilson, took the Reinhart, z s ...... 0 1 0 0 0 0 sides Ray Thompson, the boy who that the colored beys have never ysl \ der of the Browns had held the Red baa twice fought Tunney and knows failed to deli^r the gooda. When 11 organization. He lead In the race for homo run 30 5 10 27 8 0 Sox to four hits, beating them six the ’s style and punch­ If big Joe Prentice Is in his best comes to ball tossing, they are al. has beep with it mish Will. to one. Slim Harrlsa squelched St. honors in the National League by Ckleaso e'ver since and is AB. R H. PO. A. B. ing system upon which Tunney re­ form tonight, the Shamrocks ought most in a class by themsel^ves. And Louis seven to one In a seven In­ clouting his seventeenth and eigh­ Adams, 2b, ss ...... 4 0 1 4 S 0 now rounding out teenth homers, Sunny Jim Bottom- lies for his knockouts, there is big to make things interesting tor the in funmakihg, they stand head and * ning affair. A case of fratricide Heatbcote, rf .. ♦ •rn 4 2 2 5 2 0 Bill Tate, the giant Negro con­ invading Colored Stars of Hartford heels above all the other teams in his 25th year of marked the second game when Alex ley delivered a single with the bases Stephenson, If ...... 4 0 1 0 0 0 service. (BY DAVIS J. WALSH) loaded In the ninth which enabled ■vyilson, c f ...... 4 2 2 5 0 0 queror of Harry Wills.- In the tilt scheduled for the Com­ the state. Their comic performances'* Gaston. Red Sox catcher, came to Grimm,- lb ...... 4 0 1 9 1 0 When Tommy the Cardinals to down the Cubs, The Jamaica Kid, colored light munity grounds. For Prentice is no and queer tactics always MM l bat with the bases full and jarred Freigau, 3 b ...... 4 0 1 2 2 0 heavyweigljt. Is expected here some ^ Connolly walks on New York, Aug. 17.— Tex Rick­ five to four. The Rod Birds now Schreiber, s s ...... 3 0 0 0 3 0 slouch when It comes to the hurling hea^vlly wUh the fans. J hi^ brother, Milton, pitching for the time this week and will he another the ball field he wears a most seri­ ard and that two to one majority trail the Pirates by only a game and Tolson, X X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 art. On the contrary, he is quite a Burke, of Rockville 'will be a1 Brownies, with a triple that sewed Gonzales, c 4 0 1110 factor in the work of getting Demp­ puzzle when in true form. He has ous expression. It is re.'illy only a in the State Athletic Commission a half. shortstop for the Shamrocks to­ up the game. Osborn, p ...... 2 0 0 0 1 0 sey ready for Tunney. speed galore and better yet, he has night. The Windy City man is w;aJl mask of what is underneath, for will make a final and ulti­ (Flint Game) St. lionla Jones, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Connolly has a keen sense of humor mate effort to force the Dempsey- St. lionla AB. R. H. PO. A. E, Beck, 2b ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dempsey, although carrying some a fine change of pace into which he known in local baseball clrc;)e8 and and often smiles, all reports to the Tunney match— seemingly an ample AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Blades, If ...... 2 1 0 6 0 0 Kaufmann, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 excess weight, is .confident of being injects his fine assortment of is a player of no little ability. He helping of fistic castor oil— ■well Rice, c f ...... 5 2 3 1 0 0 Southworth, rf 4 1 8 6 0 0 Kelly, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 down to around i98 for the bout. curves. Tonight it will be just a should prove a valuable addition to contrary. Sisler, lb ...... t 0 1 10 0 0 H afey, « ...... A Piercy, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Since joining the American down the protesting gullet of the i Williams, If ...... t 0 0 6 0 0 Hornsby, 2b ... Mllstead, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Besides his sparring partners and case of trying to outwit the heady the Shamrocks’ innerworks and League staff, Connolly has seen license committee today and, fail­ .Miller, rf ...... 3 2 2 1 0 0 Bottomley, lb . Gene Normile, his business mana­ colored boys. For they have the should help do away with some *1 ing this, will throw up their hands, McManus, 2b 5 2 3 i 4 0 L. Bell. 8b 86 4 9 26 14 0 ger, his wife, Estelle Taylor Demp­ reputation of being a group of the errors which have been made. hundreds cf players come and go. Hargrave, C..7....5 0 3 5 0 0 Douthlt. cf St. Louis ...... 000 040 001— 5 As a matter of fact there isn’t an throw down their arms and surren­ Qerber, ss ...... 5 0 2 0 2 0 O’Farrell, c Chicago ...... 001 100 020— 4 sey, Is here with him. heavy hitters— and, what’s more. He is also a good hitter. < active player still in service who der to the will of the great minori­ Robertson, 3b.<...4 0 1 0 1 0 whs a member of the organization ty of two. They may have the law Van Gi.lder, p ...... 4 0 0 0 2 0 when Tommy made his debut. on the pair of them before night­ 39 6 15 27 9 0 Villaia Doesn’t Laugh fall. Boston At least, Rickard hinted darkly , AB. R. H. PO. A. E. A propos of the belief that Con-' Tobin, rf • 4 0 0 3 0 0 nolly never smiles is an interesting of court proceedings this morning, Rigney, ss .ak'8 0 0 1 1 0 yarn. I happened to listen in on the as he discussed more In sorrow than Jacobson, cf 0 1 0 0 0 in anger, the decision of the com­ Todt, lb ...... 4 1 1 15 0 0 dialogue. Regan, 2 b *.TV...... -•• l 34 0 0 2 6 0 Now in baseball the umpire is mittee last night, whereby Jack Shaner, If ....v.-..^ 2 0 1 3 0 0 generally regarded as a very neces­ Dempsey definitely was denied a Haney, 3b ...... 3 0 0.0 6 0 license until such time as h^-signi- Gaston, c ...... 3 0 1 4 2 0 sary evil. He really is never missed Wiltse, p ...... 2 0 0 0 2 1 until he fails to show up, making it fies his willingness to accept Harry Rosenthal, Z...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperative that the players handle Wills— and none other— as a pro-- tveizer, p fessional equal. the game. 29 1 4 27 17 2 Over two billion There is no applause for the um­ Rickard will not take legal steps St. Louis 001 000 802— 6 pire no matter how perfectly he may himself. He took pains to make that Boston .. 010 000 000--1 point clear. The State Athletic com­ (Second Game) do his work. The crowd tolerates St. Lonla him when his rulings .r.eet ■with ap­ mission, it was Insinuated, would be AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 5t n o \ e c J a m onth! proval, but groans and jeers when the aggressor, if any. Rice, c f . 0 0 1 0 0 vhls decisions fail to please. Action Today Sisler, lb ...... * 3 0 0 7 1 0 M'illiams. f ...... 8 0 2 0 0 0 \ \ Recently while walking off the “ The commission will take some Miller, rf ...... 3 0 2 3 0 0 field with Connelly after a double- action at its meeting today,’ the Schangr, c ______3 0 0 2 2 0 header at Boston, a wise-cracking promoter said. “ I probably ■will at­ Robertson, 3b ...... 3 0 1 1 2 1 —ho'w dot you explain it? tend the meeting but, as far as I am Gerber, ss ...... 3 0 1 3 3 0 fan, who apparently didn’t like the M. Gaston, P ...... 3 0 0 1 2 0 serious expression that Connolly concerned, the match will not leave wore throughout the two games, re­ New York; neither will I take fur­ 27 1 7 18 10 1 Boaton marked: ther steps to keep it here. All I can AB. R. H. PO. A. E. \ “ Don’t you ever smile, Connolly?” say at this time is that the commis­ Tobin, rf ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 Whereupon,- Connolly looking the sion probably will vote to take the Rigrney, ss ...... 3 1 3 1 2 0 license committee into court to Jacobson. cf ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 fan squarely in the eye and wearing Rosenthal, If ...... 2 2 1 1 0 0 an even more severe expression, re­ show cause why Dempsey should Reg^an, 2b ...... 3 I 1 2 8 0 plied: not be granted a license.” Todt, lb ...... 1 1 0 l i 0 0 In brief, Rickard is maintaining Haney, 3b 1 1 1 2 0 “ Did yon ever see the villain in A. Gaston. c ...... 3 1 1 3 0 0 the play do any laughing?” a you-got-me-into-this— now-get- Harrlss, p ...... 3 0 0 0 6 1 The crowd roared and it’s no me-out attitude toward the commis­ sion, and if I know the man, he 24 7 s 21 13 1 breach of confidence to say that St. Louis . 000 000 1— 1 Connolly chuckled at the discom­ is not popping off without definite Boston .. . ,043 000 —7 fiture of the fan over the retort assurances from Commissioner courteous; not, however, until we George E. Brower, who invited the TIGERS 0, WHITE SOX 0 got under the stand away from the Dempsey-Tunney engagement on Detroit, Ang. 17.— Detroit and view of the crowd. here from Chicago. If further ac­ the White Sox battled to a scoreless Less Inside Ball tion is taken today, Brower will tie for the second successive day. Connolly, who has seen baseball take it. Lyons and Gibson yielded 3 bits In from every angle from the days of A lawyer himself, he has the 10 innings. ^ il- Ihe Baltimore Orioles’ marvel team opinion of State Attorney Ottinger CUcaao AB. R. H. PO. A. E. lo the present, time, doesn’t think to sustain him in his idea that the ^^osUl, ef ...... 3 2 3 there is as much Inside baseball license committee was not within Morehart, 2b ...... 3 Sheely, lb ...... 3 7 played today as there was 15 or 20 I its legal rights in denying a license Falk. If ...... 1 years back. I to a man who already had been Harris, I f ...... 3 He attributes the falling oft of I given official absolution by the gov- Barrett.r f ...... 4 Ihe so-called Inside stuff ^o the live- j erning body of boxing in this state, Hunnefipld, ss ...... 3 Kamni, 3b ...... 3 ly ball, the popular demand for} However, time and not the rights of Crouse, c ...... 3 more batting, a decline in pitching i free-born Americans happens to be Ryons, p ...... 2 and the custom of every batter tak the big factor at this moment. 23 0 3 30 : i 2 Ing a healthy swing. With the scheduled date of the D etroit Connolly’s opinion is that better fight less than a month away, it A R R. H. PO. A. R. pitching made for tighi, baseball. In was obvious that, if nothing 1 ap- N'eun, lb ...... 4 0 1 10 0 0 Manush, cf ., ., close score games a one or two-run pened to alter the situation today, 4 0 0 4 0 0 Fotherglll, If 4 0 1 4 0 0 margin means considerable. To at­ or at least within the current week, Heilmann, rf ., 4 0 0 1 0 0 tain such a lead, clubs would resort the enterprise will gently but firm­ Gehringer, 2b 4 0 1 3 o 0 O'Rourke, 3b ., 2 0 0 2 i 0 to all forms of strategy in the old ly breathe its last. Tavener, ss ... o days. 3 0, 0 3 0 Rickard might postpone the in­ .Manion, c .... 2 0 0 4 0 0 W’orklng for one run calls for Bassler, c .... 1 0 0 0 0 t evitable by setting his clock back Gibson, p ...... smart stuff, while getting them in to September 23 but if he had to 3 0 0 0 3 0 Blue, X ...... 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 clusters largely results from brute wait for action until the next com­ W ingo, XX ..., . 1 0 0 0 0 0 force. mittee meeting on August 28, he Cobb, XXX .... .1 0 0 0 0 0 Favors Uniform Parks might just as well take a short, — — ~ — —~ . -- la- S3 0 3 30 9 0 Connolly doesn’t favor the sug­ suappy dive into the East River, 000 000 000 0--0 gestion that the pitching distance for he will be all wet, anyhow. Be­ 1 000 000 000 0-- 0 be shortened in an e 'ort to increase sides, the Messrs, Phelan and Wear the effectiveness o. the fwirlers. made it quite clear last night that His old pal, Hanb O’Day, dean of no mere importunity, be it ever so the National League staff and once eloqueni, can soften them on this SPORT CHAITER a great pitcher, leans to that ■'dew­ point point. Cutting the distance five feet Weather conditions permitting, Reversals the Shamrocks will line up against In Hank's opinion would throw the They were so vehement, in fact, the fast Colored Stars of Hartford handicap on the batsman. that Phelan forgot that, while he tonight at the Community ball One thing Connolly would like to was Insisting upon Wills’ name on grounds. The darkles from over the N atural tobacco taste aeo before he retires from active the contract, he had less than a river have a really clAssy aggrega­ service, is uniform ball parks. In week before declared that any name tion. They have been making quite the answer! other words the outfield distance would do, mine, your’s or Joe a noise recently In semi-pro circles, that’s ivould be the same everywhere, with Windmills’. And while they were re­ and should give the Shamrocks ali ample room for the outfielders to versing themselves on this point, they can do, to trim them. It has TS a difference hard to put into words— cover plenty of ground. they went right ahead reading from not been announced who will pitch but it takes no expert to ta ste i t . There is nothing more thrilling the minutes of the commission for the Shamrocks, but Dan Smith I than a sensational catch in the out­ meetings in tacit complaint that may get the assignment. He started Character; natural tobacco character, natu^ field, yet at many parks such plays 'that body had gone into reverse on against the Wicos of Springfield »re few and far between because of the subject of Harry Wills, Sunday, but it wasn’t his day. ral good taste—get that in a dgarette and khe greatly curtailed outfield space. There are three points distinctly you get everything! humorous about the entire proposi­ A rather busy week faces the FIVE WO.MEN SHARE IN tion. The first >is that the commis­ Shamrocks. Tonight they face the For four consecutive years. Chesterfield TENNIS PROBABILITIES sion has a perfect right to reverse Hartford Colored Stars; tomorrow, New York, Aug. 17.— With the itself, provided a majority vote is the Aetna Fire Insurance team at has remained America’s fastest'growing first round nearly completed for taken. The second is that Harry the Community grounds; Friday dgarette; over two billion arc smoked per Ihe thlrty-nirio annual women’s na- Wills, over whose Interests all these they play the All Rockvilles in the lional singles championship tourna­ men have come to war, couldn’t Windy City; Saturday they will montL Do men want natural tobacco ment at Forest Hills, the title ap­ meet Dempsey in New York under aagin face the fast Wicos of Spring- taste? T h e record speaks for itself I pears to lie between Mrs. Molla any circumstances. The third is that field; and Sunday, the Groton team Mallory and either Miss Elizabeth all of them know It. at Hickey’s Grove. Ryan, Miss Mary K. Browne, Miss Eleanor Goss or Mrs. Alfred H. Horseshoe pitching is becoming Chapin, Jr. All these favorites won C. 6 . A A NINE PLAYS quite a popular sport with Man­ Iheir opening matches in straight chester sport, lovers. “ Punk”- Lam- *et?, except Miss Ryan who drew a precht and “ Bill” Leggett have bye. The entire second round will ROCKVILLE TOMORROW copped most of the honors thus far. be played this afternoon. But they had best look to their Miss Helen Wills, the present laurels. There are several other champion, is enroute to California Tomorrow evening Cheney local fellows who are good at toss­ koday with her mother. Brothers’ baseball nine will travel ing the horseshoe who are deter­ to Rockville where it will oppose mined to stop Lamprecht and Leg­ CHINK C.IRBY M.AY STAY the J. J. Regan Manufacturing gett. Qiesteifield ALONE WTTH PIRATES Company outfit at the Fair C l O j Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 17.— The Grounds. This will be the third LEADING LEAGUE HITTERS belief that Max Carey, deposed cap- ^^eting^this^season between the Nationid League lain, may remain with the Pitts- two " clubs. Manchester * won the Hargrave, Reds ...... « ... ,885 burgh Pii*ates, was expressed on all first 11 to 1 and then played a 6 Stephenson, Cubs ...... 364 sides here today prior to the meet- j to 6 tie in Rockville a few weeks Bressler, Reds ...... 353 Ing of John A. Heydler, president ago. Traynor, Pirates ...... 348 Df the National League, with Pirate Guido Giorgettl will do mound Herman, Dodgers ...... 343 officials and the three players dis- duty for the silk workers and Leader a year ago today: Horns­ •harged recently for alleged Insub- “ Mike” Zwick will be on the receiv­ by, Cardinals,..398. „ jrdination. ing end. American League Such popularity In Carey’s fourteen years in or- Sunday afternoon Cheney Broth­ Fothergill, Tigers ...... ,388 (.'inized baseball, no charge of any ers will play a return game in Taft- Ruth, Yankees...... 381 must be deserved bind has been preferred against ville. ’ / Manush, T ig e r s ...... ,377 him before the attempt of the three Goslln, Senators ...... 371 players to keep Fred Clarke, assis­ The finest thing about having Burns, Ind ian s...... 369 tant manager, off the Pirates a long summer is it can’t be win­ Leader a year ago today: Speak­ LieoBTT 8? M mui T obacco Co. bench. ter until summer is over. er, Indians, .387* I


dent of some big business In town r®i926 hero came to you and asked for a loan. You knew that his credit was THE BEAUTY DOCTOR .OMAN'S DAV ^ 4EIGH BC«S ’ W IVES INUI good. Would you refuse him a loan If you know that ho took a drink B Y N IN O N . ErtNEST .LYNN, ailthor.of JTHE YELLOW STUB occasionally In defiance of the pro­ necessary," Blodgett It’s just as well you didn’t mark "Absolutely hibition law ?" - ABROAD b e g in h e r e to d a s him up. As It Is I think we’ve got stated loudly. Blodgett colored. “ I hardly see the "And In telling the defendant that By ALLENS SUMNER. < One enters a shop, points at th( - him licked. I know we have. I’ll parallel," he said with an attempt JOHN and FAV MILBURN his character was not all that It Rome Italy. — A great catacyls- object desired, and the clerk wrltet give him the darndest hiding In court at cold dignity. buy a home when their baby should be you were merely giving mic tragedy has occurred unto the down the price. Thank goodness girl is bom and the advertising that you ever saw anybody get.” "I want you to answer the ques­ for the near-universal use of the "Good!” John set his mouth grim­ him very frankly your reason, as a authcir, gentle reader, here in the agency in which John is part­ banker, why you could not consider tion." city where slumber the togaed arable numeral. ner and copy writer lands a new ly. VI m ight." Some few mishaps will happen. "You say,” Paul went on, "that his application?’f gents of old! contract. Among tlieir acquaint­ All because I am not mistress of One, for Instance, may get wiener* 0) ances* are— ___ many tongues. when pointing to that on the menu N O EL and \’E R A B O Y D ,, card which looks like chicken. But whose marriage is strictly "m od­ The tale runneth thus! Pansy ^erring Pretzel and I then a hot dog by any other nama ern.” will taste* as good PAT and M ARL4N FORBES, V having gazed upon the colosseum, s-,'^ -.-.t and seen the prisons where the Do not scorn the little books on who liave three children and salt at most any book store which whose domestic life is unhappy martyred Christiana lay, having wept at the graves of Keats and tell.you how to ask for what you because of Pat's roving ten­ want and how to get it in any lan­ dencies. Previous chapters told Shelley, and grown clammy in the *.*• guage! And don’t take the pro­ how: gruesome bone-strewn labyrinths John was fascinated on meet­ .. of the catacombs, decided that the nunciation marks too . seriously! ing N ELIi ORME, of ■ whom I time had come when the life cul­ All Europe knows these little book* Forbes hints that she is having ■ tural should be refreshed by that as a mother knows her erring trouble with her husband. V one and only spree known to wom­ child! * 5 N. V. s\ Fay took JUDITH, the baby, ankind as a shampoo, cut and curl! The little Rollo abroad merely } points to that line In French 01 to Washington to visit her .v-'f' parents, and during her ab­ •4 V*" 4XS: Our dark-orbed pension porter Italian or Esperanto or Yiddish sence John "ran around” a got our meaning (or seemed to) which says “ from what end, please, good deal, mostly with Pat and offered to write for us in his does the train go?” and the same- Forbes. When Fay returned native tongue a message to a cer­ in-every-tongue beckoning hand an­ gossip had retailed some of his tain "colffeurer pour dames” which swers: actions and sharp quarrels fol­ he guaranteed, would result in our And the words one picks up In a lowed, one of which drove iiim coming forth “multo hello.” week! We laugh, now, at those "out on a tear.” Fay, learning He wrote. We went. We gave rank amateurs who must use the he had been out with other w ^ the note to a beaming, genuflecting books, and we ask prices and pay men, threatened to leave him if hairdresser. our bills in native tongue like old it was repeated. birds! John finds that people are All unwitting of the fate about talking about him, and N.'VT to befall me, I was prepared for tha shearer, with much tissue pa­ v e l v e t e e n JACKETS GR.VHAM, his partner, charges "The defendant had sufficient provocation to knock his block off, if the court will his actions are damaging the per and scalloped toweling tucked A velveteen jacket worn over a firm's reputation. John later, by forgive the slang.” under my chins. The snip-snip of straight dress of crepe de chine In accident, meets Nell Orme at the the shears began and continued harmonizing shade makes an ideal ‘Exactly. That was the only rea- "You might. Then you admit that | Boyds’. He resolves not to see you gave him no cause whatsoever right merrily whilst I was en­ sport coetume for early fall. son." In his case you would be breaking a | her again, realizing that she is to make those remarks?” ^ grossed In my two weeks old home “Object,” put In Davidson. rule and extending credit to a man | carrying him ofif his feet, but see "N one whatev'er— unless asking newspaper. And so It proceeded. The Judge, with a bad character. Is that true?" | VOILE LINGERIE her he does, and the day comes What beheld my gentle gaze for a loan could be construed as a prematurely old-looking young "N ot necessarily,” Blodgett said in | CONDITION— Badly shaped fingernails. when he madly takes her in his cause.” exasperation. | when I suddenly gazed into the A new, fine voile hns appeared tfl man, with shell rim glasses and bald DIAGNOSIS— This is indicative of plain neglect Either you bite mirror? None less than what once arms. Hardly, Oh. the fellow hasn’t head, could hardly repress the smile Davidson laughed sarcastically. He = meet the demand -or a soft cotton Fay, learning of it, goes your nails, a practice which you should break by the exercise of your much of a leg to stand on. He’s that occasionally rose to his fips. proceeded then to pin Blodgett down j was me, but now was but half me. lingerie material. It is trimmed through with her threat. She just the sort of person, however, But Davidson, when he got hold of to an Instance of the “ will power, or you are careless about manicuring them. The other half was a bare and with simple lace or hemstitching. leaves him, talcing Judith with who thinks he’s entitled to most of Blodgett, figuratively tore the man revels” he had accused John of hold- \ TREATMENT— Do not cut your nails with a scissors. Instead, file naked ostrich egg; in other woada, her. John finds that his world the privileges In this world. There­ from limb to limb. ing In his house, and Blodgett, my own scalp as bare of any hir­ has tumbled about his ears. He them into a rounded point. Soak the fingertips in soapy water and rub fore he’s trying to order the law “Did you tell the defendant," he sweating, could not deliver. sute adornment as a toadstool Is closes up the house and takes an a little vaseline or cuticle cream at the base of each. nail. Then with ai'ound.” asked, "that his character was bad?” “ Never mind,” Davidson reminded bare of lace ruffles. apartment. Later he tries to He should have lived In the days " I told him It was not all it should him once. “ You’ve plenty of time. your orange stick, press back the cuticle, but do not dig into the flesh. I howled, I walled. I moaned negotiate a personal loan at his You’re responsible for hailing the de­ of Cotton Mather and witch-burn be.” If you keep it pressed back, you will not find it necessary to cut the and shrieked. It seems that the BAYER ASPIRIN bank, gets in an argument with ing,” John remarked. "W h a t a love­ “Thai’s equivalent, Isn’t it, to say­ fendant In court. You’ve surely got gracious porter had ordered that I H EN R Y BLODGETT, and, when cuticle, which you are apt to do inexpertly. With a polishing cream or ly figure he would have made at the ing it was bad?” time to see It through.” be clipped, and clipped I was. the other makes a reference to “I have business to transact,” powder on your buffet, give them a polish. Do not train your nails to When Caesar gazed upon the his wife leaWng him, John head of an Inquisition!” “I suppose so.” "And had anyone else ever told Blodgett told him. an exaggerated point,' or stain them a brilliant Vermillion, If you wish Rubicon he could either go on or smacks him. Later that day he ”A sort of super-reformer, eh?” “Well, It can wait. You’ve said PR O ieSA FE you that -he had a bad character?” go back. So now, I could either is served with a warrant for "Exactly. And custodian of the to be considered a person of fastidious taste. "I t was hardly necessary to be some pretty grave things about my remain half-shaven or whole- assault and battery. neighborhood’s morals.” told. I can observe things for my­ client in open court. For one thing, shaven. I chose the latter. I had Take without Fear as Told • • • you made the statement that his wife NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY self." been taught in n.y childhood “ when (The names and altnatlona In this Davidson tried unsuccessfully to “Oh! You set yourself up as Judge had left him. Implying that she was a task Is once begun, never leave story are flctltlons.) get the charge against John nolled, and jury, do you? You know, of never coming back. As a matter of It till It’s done.” I decided that In “Bayer” Package CHAPTER XLVni but Blodgett seemed to be a person course, the difference between char­ fact, you wanted to think that, didn’t the spectacle of one neat bald os­ of influence and the police prose­ you? You were only guessing, Hei* OwfOVeqy: m ean," John, with a blank acter and reputation?” trich egg would shock the populace cutor threw up his hands in disgust. Blodgett said the two amounted weren’t you?” ; X look, asked the .officer,. "you less than a hybrid object half-egg "The most vindictive bird I ever saw to pretty much the same thing. " I ’m not so thick that I can’t see in my life!” he exclaimed to Paul. and half-nanny goat. mean I’m arrested?” "Noi at all," said Davidson, shak beneath the surface of things,” re­ A “We’ll have to go through with It, "That's right. This fellow Henry Ing a finger at him. “ Charapter Is marked Blodgett. “I know they SLEEP, BLESSED ^LEEP g>been calling for you for the last I’m afraid. He thinks he's going I purchased, to the accompani­ what Is in a man; reputation Is quarreled.” hour.” p a y e r Blodgett swore out a warrant. Says to send Mllburn to the rock pile for T ment of my sobs, two clusters of what he 1s known by. A banker, Did you ever quarrel with your I grumbled a little as I slipped you attacked him without provoca­ about 30 days—he’d like to make It "Come ou Judy,” said Jerry, as red-gold curls, having always for instance, can have the reputa­ own wife?” my feet into my house slippers and life, 1 guess.” Ha smiled ruefully. Joan came away from the phone. yearned for red hair, but never tion In his office.” tion of being a miser and skinflint Of course not.” And at this threw a kimona over my shoulders. "1 tried to show him that If Milburn “ You two girls, both of you, must hitherto owning a shaven pate on John laughed mirthlessly. "Well, and still not have the traits In bis statement a loud guffaw rang When I got near enough to shut had any provocation at all he’d be get a good night’s rest, for it looks which to hang it. The skillful this is good. Come here, Briggs." character." through the little courtroom. off the insistent clamor of the tele­ laughed out of court-rbut no use. Well, I congratulate your wife," to me as though you are going to hair dresser created some effective The little artist, glad of a word “I was satisfied," Blodgett stated phone bell I heard Joan’s voice 1 suppose I'll have to do the best 1 said Davidson, and another laugh have a long, hard day tomorrow.” little hooks of courtplaster which grimly, “ that his character was not through the receiver i,aying: n o t o f f e d from this moody emp\oyer of his, can, but I know you’re going to give went up. “You’ve made charges Sometimes I think ot is most for­ he attached neatly to my ear tops, substantial enough to warrant our "W ill you please gel Miss Dean to hastened over. " I ’m under arrest, me a licking.” against this man that you can’t sub­ tunate that we poor moitals cannot to which the curls were pinned, extending him any considerable A rather unusual way for a prose­ stantiate. It seems to me he has see ahead of us twenty-four hours. come to the phone?” whence they coyly •wave in the Briggs, for slapping a man In the credit." cutor to talk, John thought, when pretty good grounds to bring suit Although Jerry wanted to talk ‘This is Judy, Joan,’ I answered, breezej face who Insulted me. Can you beat "And where was his character the. Paul told him. "N ot at all,” David­ against you for defamation of char­ ■with me and would have lingered “ but I am only half awake. I didn’t I w4ar my hat indoors and out. bad? W hat do you know about this it?” Ho laughed again. son assured him. "He doesn’t like acter, Your honor," he went on, even after he had stopped the car go to sleep for a long while after I I explain that I am afraid I will be Unless you see the "Bayer Cross’* defendant that makes him any worse Briggs said seriously, “You’d bet­ to handle a weak case. It doesn’t addressing the court, “ I think you at the curb in front of Mamie’s went to bed.” stricken by the sun’s hot rays if I on package or on tablets you ara than you are?” / ter get hold of a lawjer. It might look good for him when he’s beaten,” will agree that 1 have established house for u little while, I told him "Well, listen, dear,” fehe answer­ not getting the genuine Bayef "H e drinks." said Blodgett, "and take it off. mean trouble for you. The trial—if it could actually be beyond a doubt that this man enter­ that I was too tired to be decent to ed, "I am sure what I have to say They say that my tresses will Aspirin proved safe by millions and it is against the law to drink.” "W here's Graham?” John asked. dignified by that title— was little tained a personal prejudice against will wake you up. You know those prescribed by physicians over twen* " I see. Did you ever see him take anyone, which was the truth. After soon grow out. But I have doubts. Briggs told him Graham had gone more than a joke. The prosecutor the defendant that he Is malicious I left Joan and I knew the day was letters 1 had gotten from Bud and If the artist will draw a picture of ty-five years for a drink?” out. "Y o u ’d better not say anything did the best he could, but his heart and careless In the way he talks had not opened. Well, the special Colds Headache "N o, but I ’ve seen him come home over I was so tired I didn’t want to a nice purple egg plant, you will to him about this. You know how was not in his work. Neuritis Lumbago in an intoxicated condition.” about him. open my mouth or crook a finger. delivery one said that he was going see exactly how I look. The pur­ he Is." "Your honor, no man is safe these Toothache Rheumatism The whole case, as Davidson point­ "How many times?” Fortunately, both Mamie and her to town, and he will be here this ple represents sunburn, and the un­ John seemed to be considering It. days when wolves of the type of this Neuralgia Pain. Pain ed out, hinged on what was to be "W ell, just once, that I remember, mother were out as I dragged my­ morning.’” trimmed egg plant Is the rest of "Guess j’ou're right,” he said finally. man sitting here go around circulat­ Each unbroken "Bayer” package considered legitimate provocation to He was with another man. It was self up the stairs, and pulling off me. "Still. I thought It would be quite ing evil and malicious reports about contains proven directions. Handy strike onother man. The prosecutor about 2 o’clock In the morning, and m.y clothes dropped into bed. TOMORROW — Jody Gets What culture a girl does get with a treat for Nat. Will you try to other people’s character. Mr. Mil­ boxes of twelve tablets cost few staunchly maintained that the plain­ he made a loud speech on his front Mamie tapped on my door when Thrill. travel! get Paul Davidson on the phone?” burn Is charged with assault and cents. Druggists also sell bottle* tiff had been struck In the face as lawn.” she came, and as I did not answer I "Right.” Briggs sprang into ac­ battery, merely because he slapped ho was seated In his office chair— The judge had to rap for order knew that she thought I was asleep. This Is Just a shining example of of 24 and 100. tion. the face of a man who had grossly all because the defendant had been “And In your opinion that was But I lay awake for a long time the value of speaking many Insulted him. 1 maintain that Is Can't Lose It turned down on his application for proof conclusive that he was Intoxi­ tongues. Seriously, however, if Paul was over within half an hour. why a man is equipped with natural wondering what my next ad'venture a loan. Unprovoked assault, he cated? A man doesn't make speeches you know not one word of any­ He had gone first to police court, it weapons, to defend himself against would be. termed it. on his front lawn unless he thing but your native speech, do seemed, to attend to a few of the attacks on his person and on his The moonlight made a great With Blodgett In the witness drunk?" preliminaries. name. The defendant had sufficient patch of silver across the floor, just not be afraid to stray from the chair, he drew out the details of "Milburn never denied It,” Blod Quaker Oats "N ow what’s the trouble?” He provocation to knock his block off. in front of my bed- It seemed to home garden. A trip into many John’s visit. gett said. smiled on John In a friendly way. If the court will forgive the slang, make a path out of the window lands emphasizes above all other "Did you ever ask him?”- Paul John told him. " I ’m only sorry,” “And It is necessary. Isn't It, Mr. and I think Mr. Milburn exercised clear up to the sky. things the comparative needless­ went on. stands hy^ he added, "that I didn't break his Blodgett,” the prosecutor asked, admirable restraint In merely slap­ Was it a good omen, I wonder? ness of language. One talks with "that good character be pretty defi­ "N o .” face for him. The dirty—’’ , ping his face.” Should I go with Joan to Europe, I hands everywhere. "Hold on, now, hold on,” Paul cau­ nitely established If a man wants to “I see. Now then, let me ask you another question. Suppose the presl-1 (To Be Continued) asked myself? Or should I remain you through tioned him. "D on ’t worry, John : negotiate a personal loan?" at home and marry Jerry? I was X IllllllinilUlllllllIIlllllillllliltlllilflU^^ trying to answer those questions when I evidently fell asleep from the morning of country but love of community? pure fatigue. For the first thing I I have read with interest the knew was a feeling of surprise that Home Page Editorials history of the Murray family In a where the moonlight had made a That’s why millions start recent magazine. They live In silver path there was now a flood GodcI Nature (t' Family Life Pennsylvania town. There are of golden sunshine. their da3fs in this way I lay quite still. I could not a t v twenty four in all, counting sons daughters, and in-laws. They are gather my thoughts together. My o feel right through the morn­ Lost In Shuffle consciousness seemed to waver, but ing, you must ha've well-bal­ a unit. T anced, complete food at bre<^ast by Olive Roberts Barton. 'Hie chiidren have been educated at last came a knocking on my door, Hoosewivet now enjoy or at least I became more fully 7 At most other meals—that is, at and come back; all have had a freedom. luncheon and at dinner—you usually Good llealt^i^ hand in a very successful merchan awake, for I also distinguished a From the work of by­ get that kmd of food. What Is the matter with famil­ dizing business. It is unique and bell ringing in the hall and Mamie’s With a bell lastened to this dog- T hi*5 is the first of a series offor there Is very little exchange of gone days, But at breakfast the great dietary ies? Is the family spirit passing unusual to read of such a family voice calling: three articles dealing with the 1 the water there with fresh water, head umbrella handle, losing it be­ Sal«A« made with good mistake is most often made—a hur­ In most of the Great Lakes, an as the old neighborhood spirit is There may be a precious item to "Wake up, Judy. I know that comes hard. The head is a vanity Bine Ribbon, spread of contagion at bathing telephone' is for you. Someone has ried m e^ often badly chosen. beaclvcs. For NEA Service and The unfavorable wind will often wash passing? Are 'we turning into a preserve here. Sa've their dme, and win nation of hermits? Is everybody Mrs. Murray says she does her case. Thus Quaker Oats,’ containing Herald, by Dr- M. Mctzeubauni of the sewage from the large intercept­ high praise. 16% protein, food’s great tissue ing sewers in the direction of the specializing so intensely In his own disciplining’ before her children are Cleveland, a nationally famous spe- After that they are builder, 58% carbohydrate, its great rialist, tells of the dangers and sug­ beaches, often necessitating closing life that he has no time left for a year old. energy element, plus all-unportant of the.beaches by the local health either community—or family— or companions. AN EFFECTIVE WRINKLE gests pi-ecautions for yoi.r safety. The home Is their club. From ■vitamines and the “bulk" that makes authorities. Chicago protects its group living of any sort? ■ KO D AK S laxatives seldom needed, is the die­ the time they are' able to walk own beaches by sending its sewage Old Home Week wasn’t such a tetic nrge of the world today. j r.Y DR. fil. METZEXBAFM the time they are able to talk, they REMOVER-AT LAST! WriU/orfirte lUetp* . down the Mississippi River. bad thing! The clan spirit of Book. CaUndar and I It is food that “ stands by" you; E.xpert Opinion have a common bond! Cookinii tMM tabu to Every summer season, with its Scotland, the county loyalty of Ire­ It has been conclusively demon­ throngh the morning. Food that An American engineer, who was land, the tribal traditions of the strated that a simple home-made Riehard IMIinaiHi^iw. should start every breakfast in your; "dog days” and crowded public studying the sewage disposal sys­ Indians, seem to have left no prog­ Loni laland 01^71*. V. bathing beaches an,d pools, brings Tarkroot paste, applied to the face, home. tems in Germany, was asked “ How eny in this land of the free. COAT DRESSES will very quickly eliminate wrin­ KODAK Don’t deny yonrself the natnral Epidemicjs of Infection the nation do the cities in America dispose of over. Now on top of that one cannot kles, worry, care and age marks. stimulation this rich food offers, j their sewage?” fail to observe the slow disintegra­ Coat dresses of twill are schedul­ Y'ou need only mix a spoonful each HELLMANFTS Eye, ear, nose and throat troubles He answered. “ They empty it in­ Time Is Here Get Quaker Oats todaqr. Grocers and skin eruptions reach a high tion of family bonds. Brothers ed for fall. These are slightly blous­ of Powdered Tarkroot and lemon have two kinds: Quick Quaker^ to lakes and rivers, then bathe in it r ...... and scatter; sisters also seek ed in the back, but have a straight juice, spread this over your face, Take pictures now BLUE RIBBON peak during the hot months, mostly and then take some of it back in which cooks in 3 to S minutes, andi due to the carelessness of a few careers and take up their abode front line, broken only by a belt or i then sit down before your mirror and keep forever the Quaker Oats. their drinking water.” separately and away from home in girdle. The facings are of soft-col­ and watch the unwelcome lines dis­ M a y o n n a is e persons in the crowds of bathers. Revolting as that may sound, it is happy days of fun and It is a serious problem from the order to have a greater freedom ored chiffons and crepe de chines. appear. In less than fifteen min­ scarcely an overstatement. Many for their special development. utes your face will be as smooth frolic. standpoint of the health of the com­ American cities, in other ways al­ munity. Often, too the community It is not given to the observer to and firm as a young girl’s! Baggi­ RQDAKS most the last w'ord in sanitation, judge whether or not this is as it LOUNGING ROBES ness will also melt away— youthful Itself is at fault, perhaps in laxity have not yet learned to protect $5.00 to $30. of enforcement of restriction, per­ should he, but we cannot help feel­ contour will be restored. It’s sim­ their bathers- Long lounging robes of heavy ply wonderful how this harmless Be Sure Your Milk haps In the construction of the ing that true %,atriotism has Its . BROW NIES beaches. Dangers lurks in every nourishment and sustenance first black satin have vivid tufted bor­ mixture works. minor InfecWon. An apalllng num­ and foremost in a love of place. ders of orange or peacock blue or The result, after the mixture Is ...... $2. to $15. IS PASTEURIZED FUR-TRIMMED Mothers are not to blame, If emerald. These heavy borders give washed off the face, Is Infinitely ber of contageous disease cases Is Buy Your Kodak directly traceable each year to tlie anyone Is to blame at all. Most a graceful swing to the hem. Sleeves better than from the most skillful — Especially daring the iwimming places. Ne.w fall coats are heavily fur- mothers are an-^ous to do what is are long and flowing. face massage. And the cost 18 AT Breakwater a Menace trimmed down the front. best not only for their children blit trifling— less than three cents pw HdT WEATHER SHADED COSTUOfES treatment. Any druggist can sup­ Many bathing beaches, even those for the community. I’m Inclined MILK ply Powdered Tarkroot in original It the ocean, are often partially iiro- FEATHER BOAS a bit to believe that men are patri­ i ^ F S package. So there’s no excuse now lected by breakwaters or In shal­ otic because they love a fight. Two or three shades of the same J. H. HEWITT Paris is excited over the feather Women are dqeply, conscientiously color are an Interesting feature of for any woman looking so old, hag­ low bays or Inlets. This prevents the 40 HoU S t Tel. 2056. Reaches from being washed away boa, which has appeared at many patriotic because they have a more smart French street frocks. Browns gard or care « orn. and bieges are especially lovely in »nd renders the bathers rather safe. smart garden parties. In two or deeply rooted love— first, the fam­ TARKROOT Sut in these partially protected three shades of feathers, tied with ily as a unit, next the community In combination with burnt orange or which they lire. And what la lore rniU ~ , \ ^acest ^ Us stagnant Biatehinsr Telvet r ib b o n - . . . — . —- ---- ______.,11 II ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17,1926. PAGE NINE

F t M ^ ^ FANNY s e ^ SENSE AND nonsense GAS BUGGIES or HEM AND AMY—Hem Might Try the Rods By Frank I*M DONE W ITH, EVERYBODY IN T 0W l i ^HE NEEDN’T THINK THATS / C A R F A R E 1 ! I THAT CAR ISNT > , _ M E R E L Y /ALEC SMART, C KNEW THAT BUT , H E c a n w a l k I N T O , ' ^ Q U I T E A YOU TALK AS IF PAID FO R,SILLY. WHAT DO ^ANSWERING THE sYO U. W ELL, NOW , ' t h i s t o w n a n d DISTANCE. C l W E R E A AND WHEN ALEC YOU m e a n *. lo u r O F VOUMEiFi i O T A B I G ^W H ERE, YOUR , DEALER. ALEC ^WITH A LOT IMPORTED CREDIT, AM ONG CAR I f it is a tustrate excuse for never try­ ‘ F A K E . H B 8^ v , HAND IN GLOVE IF I HAVE TO /CERTAIN LY PIPED HUNT HIM TO OF RASH VOWSJ C A R F O R ! OTHER THINGS, ^ON A TROM BONE, ing it agaip. BEAT IT W ITH' „ (W ITH HIM . I TH E M ONEY TOO.] /THOUGHT HE THE ENDS OF YOU'D BETTER ^ , T O L O O /f .TR A ILS ALONG JUDGING BY THE N O M I S T A K E ^ ACTED PECULIAR THE EARTH.. CONSIDER FIRST A T f \FTER HIM .. PARADE HE'S The dandelion, it seems, has been ABOUT.^THAT. F R O M T H E W HERE YOU'LL STARTED. a more popular subject for poetic START. ,GET ALL TH E inspiration than is generally real­ CARFARE. ized. A local physician quotes a song by Carrie Jacobs Bond: The violet lingers in her eye,, The roses on her cheek. The cherries on her lips With hearts play bide and seek. But the fairest of the blossoms which her mUny charms dis­ close. Is the funny little dandelion blos­ i)' som on her nose.

Favorite Sayings of Famous Folks: o m .- The flivver owner: “ Wouldn’t r// that jar you?” By Percy Crosby Faint lady ne'er won fair hubby. The radio orator: ‘TU tell the SKIPPY world.” The murderer: “Well, I’ll be hanged.” lOMAT FOE ? I €cr MELUGENCE TESTS The judge: “Pine.” The flapper: “ No one haa any­ ANomER ere cefr- thing on me.” A QUIZ OX THE ARTS. The telephone girl: “ I got your If you’re a lover of music and number.” the other arts, try yourself on The sausage-maker: “ Dog-gone.” these questions. They include The fisherman: “ I’ll drop a line.” movies and popular music, too, to The author: “ All write." test your intelligence. You may The'seamstress: “ Darn It.” compare your answers with the correct ones on another page and In these modern times It may be see how you stand. an earthquake, or just the Charles­ ton.

Some men wouldn’t trade the privilege of taking off their shoes after supper for a membership in the best club In town.

A Scotchman keeps the Sabbath and anything else he can get hold of.

Women governors aren’t rare. Every man has one if he is married. A Coupla Bull-Heads by Swan It is more blessed to give than ?ALE$MAN $AM to receive bills.

About one hand of strip poker would send most flappers home in a barrel.

Cause and Effect. He rose with great alacrity— To offer her his seat; ’Twas a question whether she or he Should stand upon his feet.

1. Who is this ma«? The trouble with war is that It 2. Who was the composer of never kills the people It ought to. "Carmen?” 3. Who started the Stone “ Not another drop after this Mountain Memorial? . one,” said the drunk as he fell from 4. Whose work is "The Think­ the end of the pier. er” ? 5. What nationality is Raquel “ Paw?” Meller? “ Now what?” 6. What Shakespearean play “ Why didn’t Noah swat both flies has been produced in modern when be bad such a good chance?” dress? “ You go to bed, young man.” 7. Who is Fiq Ziegfeld? 8. What is Charlie Chaplin There’s one thing about divorce, called in Europe? it does keep marriageable men in One for Pop to Answer by Blossez 9. Who is the composer of circulation. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS "Mother Machree” ? 10. Who directed the filming of Being hard-boiled is better than "Way Down East” ? being half-baked.

“ Mandy, what fo’ yo’ goin’ in dat beauty parlor?” LITTLE JOE “ Go ’long, Bib Boy, Ah’s goin’ to git me a permanent straight.” , It DoeSM’r MAKG (MUCH D (FF£R eA (ce Florida is a great fruit country, — How MUCH STR0q&TV but the easiest picking is suckers. ' i W v e g o t ; i f y o u o i ^ l y useiT To our. “ Follow the Swallow” is the fa­ vorite fox trot of the dry agents.

The trouble with our music Is It originates in New York where every one is in such a hurry.

A couple ought to be real sure, ’Ere wedding bliss is tried. ’Cause when you buy a license, no Mistakes are rectified.

She put some rouge upon her lips. That’s proper, so It Is. WASHINGTON TUBBS U Mickey (himself) McCxuire by Fontaine Fos But then she kissed her sweetheart and by Crane The stuff Is now on his. MPMMa ! 6 u r 1WI6

H o'T ! AIHT 60H /4A MOVK « X S6H. \ JUST , \»\eK'CRN v e fe \s w 'Toh/n , MiCRg *ra.u ^


Cut Out the Pieces, Paste Them Together Correctly, Color the Sketch, and Fill in the Missing Word. By HAL COCHRAN ......

G o A C R 0 6 G T>lfS AMD BRING A K I D fA tK M B \ f o K M A t i C V f^i g h t H£R£ V u -u r n e T £uM GOgG P o v I n ! " " J n ______^

• / —

u . ^ A Ngw g o t ! AH HE CAM


Along the streams and 'neath the ground This little fellow can be found. His line skin brings Nice furry things. Of mud th e ------builds a mounds yeyyrigHt, ItW, llil MGh TUESDAY, AUGUOT 17, lW «i

PAGE TEN jKanrli^Bt^r 3£wttUts

Miss Jessie McVey of Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. Chdrles J. Strlck* Mr. and Mrs. James Aitken and CARNIVAL NIGHT Ohio, is the guest of Miss Mary Mc- land of Main street are touring family of Pawtucket, R. I. and Mr. MANYLOCALFANS ] With Menemy. Miss McVey is an instruc­ through the White Mountains.' and Mrs.. Rosa Lewis of Pearl street Bill Tasillo’s Orchestra tor at Ohlo-Wesleyan University, this town, are spending the week­ i TO GO TO mODROME Delaware, Ohio, where Miss McHen- Mrs. Emma Potter of Milford, end at the Turkington cottage at ON SALE TONIGHT AT 7 O’CLOCK at the emy has been teaching the past few formerly of Manchester, is visiting Coventry Lake. RAINBOW years. Mrs. Julia Sheridan of Park street Many Manfftiester fistic tans are Special Purchase and renewing acquaintances with expected to go to the Hartford Tomorrow Night William B. Lincoln of Woonsock­ friends in town. Mrs. Potter now SURPRISE PARTY Velodrome this evening to see the et, R. I. has been in town renewing spends her winters in Mount Dora, classy boxing bill which has been Admission, 50 cents. acQuaitances. Older residents of Florida and her summers in Mil­ Mrs. Carl Carlson of Ridge arranged by Matchmaker George Manchester Green will recall that ford. street was the guest of honor at a Mulligan of the Connecticut A. C. New, Blonde Pouch Mr. Lincoln formerly conducted the surprise party given at the home of The bouts were scheduled to take general store there. Rev. Joseph Cooper of the South Mrs. Clarence Hanna of West Cen­ place last night but rain caused a ABOUT TOWN Methodist church and Rev. Freder­ ter street last evening. Twenty five postponement until this evening Bags $4.98 South Manchester Camp. No. ick C. Allen of Second Congrega­ of her friends were present and The headliner wi}l be a 1-2- Leonard J. Rlchman has return­ 9280, Modern Woodmen of Ameri­ tional church are members of the spent an enjoyable evening. A round setto between Eddie Lord ot Smart .! New ! Good looking, blonde pouch ed Irom an enjoyable automobile ca, will hold its regular meeting in faculty of the annual summer school lunch was served by the hostess 'Waterhury and Red Chapman of bags of genuine morocco, cowhide, goat and calf. trip covering 1,400 miles through Tinker hall at 8 o’clock this even­ now being conducted by the Connec­ and Mrs. Carlson received from her Boston, claimant of the wcrld’s Some are trimmed with lizard. Limited number northern New York and a portion of ing. well wishers a leather bag and a featherweight title. The boxers ticut Council of Religious Educa­ to sell. Tonight only at $4.98. Wonderful value! Canada. He enjoyed some wonderful tion at Storrs. This Is the eighth gold piece. weighed in at 128 pounds. There Mrs. Harold F. Bidwell and her Mr. and Mrs. Carlson and family bass fishing in Lake Ontario off year in which the council has offer­ will be three other high class bouts younger son, of Chestnut street, are leaving this week for New Bri­ Main Floor. Cape Vincent, N. Y. His story would ed an intensive course' in training on the card. left today for a visit in Worcester, tain where Mr. Carlson is now em indicate that bass are more plenti­ for leadership in Protestant church­ ployed. ful there than in Connecticut lakes. Mass. es. More than fifty are In attend­ ance at the school which continues PLAYGROUND NOTES. Miss Priscilla Crosby has return­ Andrew Crawford of Paterson, throughout this week. Rev. Fred­ ed from a six weeks' course at the N. J.'who has been here on a visit erick C. Allen will deliver an ad­ Russell and Thom were winners VREDUCnON summer school of the University of with relatives, has returned to his dress at the Thursday evening ser­ Vermont at Burlington. She will home. at tlfb East Side yesterday after­ Preserving i^ds Make vice. On AU TINWARE spend the next few days at Hemlock noon in the horseshoe pitching tour­ Lodge, Lake Pocotopaug. The Women of Mooseheart Le­ nament there. They defeated Mc­ Forty American Legion memhera and ENAMELWARE gion will hold their regular meet­ Cormick and Stone by 21 to 17. For the Next 3 Days. Funeral services for John H. Wil. ing tomorrow evening at the Lin­ attended the outing held Sunday at McCormick and Stone won from Hams who died recently in Califor­ coln school kindergarten at eight the Oasis club in Hockannm. The Massaro and Morrow in the semi­ nia will be held tomorrow morning o’clock. A large attendance of the greater portion of the day was spent finals and the winners ot the meet the Task Much Easier at 8:15 from the home of his sister- members is hoped for. In hall playing, volley ball and defeated Georgettl and Lagjo. in-law, Mrs. P. F. Hannon, 137 other sports. Osano catered for A paddle tennis tournament is Main street, and from St. Jame’s the roast chicken dinner at 4.30 Irving F. Campbell Depot being conducted at the West Side W. E. Hibbard church, of which he was formerly which was greatly enjoyed by all. Square grocer, has recently com­ this week among the boys. About a member, at nine o’clock. Burial During the meal a number of the 14 teams are entered. 282 North Main Street Nothing can ever equid will be in St. James’ cemetery. Mrs. pleted a new cottage on a farm in members were called upon for William arrived with the body yes­ Tolland purchased by him this sum­ speeches, among them being Cap­ the flavor of homemndd mer. His family is already living In terday and will make her homej tain Herbert Bissell of Company G, 3S3{SS3890«3890SX5aC963J3J3«3«3aSS«3CXSi5J3«3CSOC3«XX3S3S3«JC5«3^^ here with her sister. Mrs. Hannon. 1 It and will remain until falL_____ who described in detail his experi­ preserve? and when you ences In the movies, particularly ?96XXX36306X96X36XXXXX^^ “ The Battle of Nlantlc.’’ Captain see these new appliances Pentland followed. Commander Harry Maldment and Vice Com­ Here^s a New One you will decide to give the mander David Heatley were others who spoke. Don’t Bake Pies At Home, Just family a treat.

There will he a baby clinic at the Memorial hospital annex tomorrow Kettles, jars, rubbers, afternoon at 3 P. M. Dr. Boyd will Phone-A-Pie be in charge. knives, and every possible and have it delivered at your door, fresh and warm. Miss Mildred Aitken of Bank invention that has been street will spend the next two Our pies are strictly home made, from the very made in the last few years Last Call on Our Fine weeks in Pawtucket, R. I. and New best ingredients. We are’sure you’ll like them. Bedford, Mass. We make and season pies to your special order. 0 / for the saving of time and Wash Stuffs at Sweep­ There will he no dancing at All Fresh Fruit Pies in Season. effort has been asscmWfd “ The Rainbow” , Finney’s new ■ dance palace on Bolton Hill to­ OPENING DAY SPECIAL here and priced very reas­ night, but there will be a “ Carni­ y val Night” there tomorrow with LARGE SIZE FRESH APPLE PIES .... .28c onably. ’ ing Price Reductions Bill Tasillo’s orchestra furnishing the music. Hereafter there will be Delivered at your door. LOVELY MATERIALS in Exquisite Colorings and dancing for the public only • on Wednesday, Thursday and Satur­ Designs That Are Now Offered At Such Drastic Mark day nights, with mixed dancing Downs It Will Be Quick SeUing. Make It a Point to Thursdays. For Making Jelly Other Canning Come Early for First Choice. t Phone 349 Jelly Strainer S e t s ...... $1.25 Mr. and Mrs. John Pomrlnce and Jelly B a g s ...... 25c daughter of Nantlcoke, Pa. are vis­ Necessities 36 Inch Rayon Alpaca iting Mrs. Ada Anderson of Center Jelly G lasses...... 50c doz. in varied array of stripes and figures with good choice street. Jelly M oulds...... 50c doz. Col Pac Canners...... $3.25 Parowax ...... 12c box in colorings. Regular price is 75c. Phone-A-Pie Shop Holds 6 jars. Clearance Price 49c yard. Heavy Tin Canners...... $3.98 i 117‘/i Spruce Street J. F. Bailey, Prop. Rubber Rings Holds 7 jars. Good Luck Rubbers, Gray Enamel Canners...... $3.25 40 Inch Figured Voiles 10c doz., 3 for 25c Holds 7 jars. of the best quality in pretty figure and fioral patterns. Fitz-em-all Rubbers, Canning R a ck s...... 50c At regular price it was 89c. We Extend 10c doz., 3 for 25c Paring Knives (stainless) ...... 25c Clearance Price 69c yard. To Our Many Customers and Kold Prosso Rubbers ...... 20c doz. Wood Spoons...... 10c to 25c Flower Lovers Stands 120 hours of continuous Aluminum Preserving Kettles, An Invitation boiling. $1.65 to $3.50 36 Inch Silk Mixed Crepes Chopping B ow ls...... 25c to 75c Very nice in colors and designs. Regularly priced at to Vigilance Jar Tops Chopping Knives ...... ; .50c 89c to $1.25 yard, now offered you at our Visit Our Gladioli Farm Economy Jar T ops ------39c doz. Olcott’s Com Creamers and Slicers, Clearance Price 69c yard. Genuine Mason T o p s ...... 35c doz. 25c Most of our varieties will be Ball Ideal T o p s ...... 25c doz. Stone Crocks with Cover, 69c to $3.85 in full bloom from August 14th to August 28th. Imported English Crepes Housefumishing Dept -Basement. A few pieces of a weight suitable for present or Fall wear. Sold regularly at $1.59. The Murphy Clearance Price 50c yard. Gladioli Farm CAREFUL bank’s first consider- South Coventry, Conn. Do You Need Fruit Jars or Kegs? adoa is the safety o f its depositors. 40 Inch Regular 50c and 59c Voiles Look for the Sign. Fancy figured, including Normandy Voiles in many fig­ As a financial pilot it must steer a safe All Moderately Priced in the Self-Serve Grocery ures and colorings. Better select at course, alert to sense danger, and \ Clearance Price 39c yard. ever ready ta protect with its experi­ ence and knowledge. Fruit Jars Kegs Parafin Lined. 36 Inch Broadcloth Ball Ideal J a r ...... 2 quart $1.39 Tins institution offers you the safeguards o f ...... $ 1 .6 9 A nice material for girls’ school frocks, great choice of GLADIOLUS Ball Ideal J a r ...... q u p t 99c 5 gallon ...... its service and counsel in all financial matters...... $2.19 patterns and colorings. Regular price 59c. Ball Ideal J a r ...... pint 85c 10 gallon ...... Visitors are cordially invited Ball Ideal J a r ...... half pint 88c 15 gallon ...... $2.39 Clearance Price 35c yard. to inspect our gardens, now fill Ball Mason J a r ...... 2 quart $1.15 20 gallon ...... $2.95 ed with blooms of many varie Mancbester Trust Co. Ball Mason J a r ...... q u ^ 83c 25 gallon ...... $3.30 Imported Dotted Swiss ties. South Manchester, Conn. Ball Mason J a r ...... pint 78c 30 gallon ...... $3.40 Orders for bulbs now being Member The Federal Reserve System Ball Mason J a r ...... half pint 69c 50 gallon ...... $4.75 Hand tied dots. Regular 75c grade, going at taken. and 39c yard. Cut Flowers, 50c per dozen. American Bankers Association Woodland Gardens 236 Woodland Street Manchester, Ct.

r/ATYOURiSERV|CEr PHpMB Only 3 Days GOOD THINGS TO CAT . s o i l T H ^Mf\ h CHCS TER ‘ CONN_ V' More! l^L L THE WORLDS For YOU to Buy the $10.00 For Wednesday A STAC6 — There was a row at the home on Thermax Oven Cooker Sundi^ and Gudaitls was placed The Meat Department suggests: An the world's a stage—but POUCE COURT under arrest. JudgeXJqhnsou was LADIES! A TeiRder Sirloin Steak convinced that the charge of Intox­ the Koal Kids never play ication would not ’’hold water” Many of you wear shoes A Rump Pot Roast For Only $7.95 William Gudaitls who was “ apart.” . They’re always to­ and therefore discharged Qudaitis. with covered wooden heels. — or 95 cents Down. $1.00 a Month. brought into the Manchester police Stanley Dambroskl of Buckland court yesterday morning on the It has been difficult to repair A Juicy, Tender Rib Roast of Beef. gether— at your service. Let was arrested Inst night by Officer Take advantage of this offer and buy a COOKER charge of Intoxication and whose Galllgher at Depot Square on the them nicely. (These Sirloin Steaks are cut from heavy Pinehurst them keep your coal bin filled TONIGHT. Don’t wait and be sorry. case was. continued until this morn­ charge of Intoxication. At the po­ The O’Sullivan rubber heel Beef and will more than give satisfaction. ing, was discharged by Judge John­ lice station it was necessary to call people now make a rubber heel with our quality fuel that will A real COOKER for hot weather cooking. son. . . CORN FLAKES ...... 9c pkg. in a doctor to give him medical aid. especially for this purpose. give you a steady comfortable Gudaitls lives In the Homestead In court this morning he was found PINEHURST HAMBURG ...... 25c lb. Park section of the town. Accord­ guilty and a fine of $10 and costs I put them on. heat. We’ll deliver one ton or ing to the testimony of the; inter­ Chopped so that all the juice is retained. was imposed. The man had no preter:. there Is a “ star boarder” in money and he had to go to jail. SELWITZ Very fine French type Pink Meat Cantaloupes. > ten. Tha Manchester the family and because of this fact things have go-/s wrong. Mrs. The Shoe Repair Man. Yellow Com —> Lima Beans. Gudaitls has a half Interest In the RBO NOTES. 6 Pearl St. Selwits Block BEETS ...... 5c a bunch home and her boarder has the The boccie hall tournament G. R Willis & Son, Inc. Electric Co. other halt. The husband has noth- which has bean planned for the Early delivery leaves the store at 8:00 o’clock. 1b4( to say In the home. The couple East Side playground will start to­ Manchester, A nnmher ot Please’phone your drder before 7:45. Mason SuppIiOs. 861 Main St. Tel. 1700 So. Manchester have four children and they have morrow night there. This game are entered. now agreed to Mparate. Mrs. Gud- is an Italian affair and Is played E Main BtresI Fhonn BQ IaltlB $aklnB tka ehUdrsn. widely ^ . natlvat-Ot XUdy

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