FOLIA ENTOMOLOGICA HUNGARICA ROVARTANI KÖZLEMÉNYEK Volume 72 2011 pp. 17−30 Redescription of Phylloxerina populi (del Guercio) (Hemiptera: Phylloxeroidea) with notes on other aphids of Hungary G. RIPKA Central Agricultural Office, Directorate of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri-environment, Department of Pest Management Development and Coordination, H-1118 Budapest, Budaörsi út 141–145, Hungary. E-mail:
[email protected] – Phylloxerina populi (DEL GUERCIO, 1900) was collected from Populus × canes- cens and Populus alba, and is redescribed and illustrated. On P. × canescens this species pro- duces wax and lives in bark crevices, on branches under the scales of dead females of Chionaspis salicis (LINNAEUS, 1758), and in the edge of wounds. On P. alba it was found in woody bud and stem galls caused by Aceria populi (NALEPA, 1890). Differential diagnosis is provided to the three Phylloxerina species known from Hungary. Amphorophora gei (BÖRNER, 1939) and Phylloxera foaae BÖRNER, 1909 are new species for the fauna of Hun- gary. New faunistic data on some aphid taxa from this country are given. With 25 figures. – Phylloxeridae, Phylloxerina, morphology, gray poplar, white poplar, Hun- gary. INTRODUCTION The superfamily Phylloxeroidea (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha) con- tains two extant families of aphids, the Phylloxeridae and Adelgidae. The family Phylloxeridae includes 7 genera, viz. Acanthochermes KOLLAR, 1848, Aphanostigma BÖRNER, 1909, Foaiella BÖRNER, 1909, Moritziella BÖRNER, 1908, Phylloxera BOYER DE FONSCOLOMBE, 1834, Phylloxerina BÖRNER, 1908 and Viteus SHIMER, 1867. According to the last comprehensive books on Folia ent. hung. 72, 2011 18 G. Ripka tree- and shrub-dwelling aphids a total of 1 Acanthochermes,2Aphanostigma, 1 Foaiella,2Moritziella, about 60 Phylloxera,8Phylloxerina and 1 Viteus species live on the families Fagaceae, Juglandaceae, Nyssaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae and Vitaceae (BLACKMAN &EASTOP 1994, 2006).