Museum Victoria Science Reports 12: 1–31 (2010)

ISSN 1833-0290

Key to genera of larvae of Australian (Diptera)

CHRIS P. MADDEN 28 Kingswood Crescent, Lockleys, South Australia 5032, Australia; email: [email protected]

Abstract Madden, C.P. 2010. Key to genera of larvae of Australian Chironomidae (Diptera). Museum Victoria Science Reports 12: 1–31. A key is presented to aquatic chironomid larvae of Australia. Characters used to separate each genus are generally visible under a dissecting microscope which removes the need to routinely mount larvae to enable identification. Over ninety taxa are keyed, including some undescribed but distinctive taxa recognized by chironomid workers in Australia. This key will supplement other publications and enable identification beyond subfamily during biomonitoring and ecological sampling.

Key Words Chironomidae, Australia, larvae, key, genus, identification guide

Introduction ABRS grant to develop a Lucid key for the whole of Australia, of which this dichotomous key is a by-product.

This key had its genesis when I was a student at the The aim of this key is to supplement the keys of Cranston University of Adelaide in the late 1980s. One of my (1996, 2000) which rely on the mounting of larvae and pupae supervisors, Phil Suter, provided me with a key to identify, to identify genera of the Chironomidae of Australia. I cannot mostly to the level of genus, chironomid larvae from the better the pupal key of Cranston. The translucent nature of Adelaide region, developed from the keys of Jon Martin, pupal skins means that the key can be successfully used to which were published in the Australian Society for identify whole pupae or exuviae without the need for Limnology newsletter (Martin 1974, 1975). Most characters permanent mounting. However, Cranston’s larval key could be observed without the need to mount larvae on generally uses internal characters that require clearing and microslides. References from the northern hemisphere were mounting of larvae to view characters and use the key. The also consulted and so some names were inappropriate, even if aim of this key is to allow identification to genus without the the taxa were distinctive. The first version of what became need for routine mounting of larvae. Peter Cranston’s AWT Taxonomic Workshop key (Cranston, This key aims to provide shortcuts to allow identification to 1996) was produced around this time, so I was able to use this genus by using characters visible on the whole (using to check identifications by mounting larvae. The next chapter a good quality microscope) and therefore reduce the need for of development happened when I was employed at the mounting of larvae for routine identification to genus. The Australian Water Quality Centre (AWQC) in Adelaide to lofty aim at the start of the project was to allow the work for the Monitoring River Health Initiative, which identification of all recognized genera or equivalent taxa in developed the Ausrivas methods. The Ausrivas program Australia without the need for mounting. It has not been sampled many parts of South Australia (SA) where possible to achieve this in all cases, notably in the macroinvertebrate collecting had not been carried out before, , and there are some couplets where there is still so many new taxa were collected that did not fit Phil Suter’s the need for a temporary mount in glycerol to separate taxa. key. In SA we identified taxa past family level with available I have used the code names for undescribed taxa from keys, so I was able to take a month or so to compare the new Cranston (1996) where they are easily recognised and I had specimens and match others to drawings in Peter Cranston’s specimens available to photograph. Some of these have been key. This resulted in a more robust key with names as correct formally described since publication of that key and I have as they could be at the time. New staff were taught to use the used the formal names where they exist, while listing the key and we realised it was possible to routinely identify most codename as well. There are also a couple of voucher codes chironomids to genus without the need for mounting. As the used by Don Edward for taxa he has recognised in Western Ausrivas project drew to a close, the biomonitoring group at Australia. AWQC took on consulting work that meant we were One further aim of this key is to get ecologists and groups identifying specimens from other parts of Australia. As the carrying out biomonitoring programs to look past sub-family most familiar with Chironomidae, I was given the task of level when identifying Chironomidae (hopefully nobody is identifying them. I used the SA key as a starting point and still in the Dark Ages and leaves identifications at family soon realised that the common taxa were all included and that level!). There are nearly 100 genera listed in this key, which others could easily be added in new couplets. So it became can provide an enormous amount of ecological information apparent that a key using whole larval characteristics may be when identified. In my experience, apart from high quality possible for the whole of Australia. The final chapter has sites with natural vegetation, when diversity at genus level is happened since I became a consultant and was awarded an considered, the family Chironomidae are usually more diverse Madden, C.P. than most orders, including the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera This key sometimes uses characters that are secondary and and Trichoptera combined. not diagnostic for a genus so I would urge the user to confirm identification by mounting representative larvae from a group Some operating requirements. I have used an Olympus SZX- of specimens until confident with the use of the key and 12 with a 7 to 90 zoom and a 1x objective lens when viewing recognition of the characters used. When collecting and larvae and all characters can be recognized below the viewing larvae please be aware of mature larvae that are maximum magnification. Photographs were taken by the about to pupate (recognised by the swollen thorax, e.g. author using an Automontage camera system on a Zeiss Figures 23, 63 and 65). These specimens can be invaluable as microscope at the University of Adelaide, apart from those an aid to identification because they exhibit both larval and taken using the Automontage at DEC in Perth. Some pupal characters, such as thoracic respiratory horns and photographs were taken by Ros St Clair of the Victorian EPA abdominal setal patterns, and can allow the recognition of a and Peter Cranston of the University of California, Davis genus that is more distinctive in the pupal stage e.g. using their own Automontage systems. Botryocladius. A pupa that still has a larval skin attached can An assumed knowledge of chironomid larval morphology is be used in a similar manner to recognise taxa. not included a guide as this can be obtained from the webpage Collection and observation of mature larvae and pupae with for the Electronic Guide to the Chironomidae of Australia attached larval skins is also a valuable method for linking life ( stages of taxa with few collected specimens.

Key to genera of larvae of Australian Chironomidae

1 Eye spot single and round or kidney-shaped (Figure 1) or if eyespot appears double then procercus prominent (Figure 2) ...... 2

Eye spot single and complex or more than one eye spot (Figure 3) or if eyespot appears single then procercus absent (Figure 4) ...... 28

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 4. Gymnometriocnemus (Don Edward V45)

2 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

2(1) Head usually long, or if short, eye kidney-shaped (Figure 5), avoid capture by moving backwards when alive ...... (Tanypodinae) 3

Head short (Figure 6) ...... 19

Figure 5.

Figure 6.

3(2) Lateral fringe present (Figure 7), dorsomentum distinct and toothed (Figure 8) ...... 4

Lateral fringe absent (but some body setae may be present), dorsomentum indistinct, not toothed ...... 11

Figure 7. Clinotanypus Figure 8. Apsectrotanypus

4(3) Head with large gape (Figure 9), sharply wedge-shaped in lateral view ...... Coelopynia

Head without large gape (Figure 8) ...... 5

Figure 9. Coelopynia

5(4) Head conical shape (Figure 10), eyes on ventral surface of head, large larvae up to 15 mm, distribution Murray drainage and north ...... Clinotanypus

Head not conical, eyes on lateral edge of head ...... 6

Figure 10. Clinotanypus

3 Madden, C.P.

6(5) Teeth on dorsomentum arranged in a line (Figure 11) ...... 7

Teeth on dorsomentum arranged in two lines ascending either side of prementum (Figures 8, 12) ...... 8

Figure 11. Fittkauimyia Figure 12. Procladius

7(6) Head almost rectangular when viewed dorsally or ventrally (Figure 11) ...... Fittkauimyia

Head tapering towards front when viewed dorsally or ventrally (Figure 13) ...... Tanypus

Figure 13. Tanypus Photo and text on right by Peter Cranston

8(6) Head and body usually pale, ligula teeth black, in contrast to the head colour (Figure 14) ...... 9

Head usually brown or golden coloured, ligula the same colour as head ...... 10

` Figure 14. Procladius Figure 15. Djalmabatista (from Cranston 1996)

9(8) Antenna with long blade that extends beyond end of antennal segments (Figure 15) ...... Djalmabatista

Antenna with blade no longer than antennal segments ...... Procladius

4 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

10(8) Dorsomentum with 7 teeth on each side, head width to length ratio about 0.7, only reported from south-western WA and south-eastern SA, may be restricted to swamps and lakes ...... Alotanypus

Dorsomentum with 5 teeth on each side (Figure 8), head width to length ratio about 0.9, common in flowing waters in south- eastern and south-western Australia ...... Apsectrotanypus Mounting may be required to separate larvae. Alotanypus has a distinctive ligula with curved inner teeth.

11(3) Two dark simple claws on posterior prolegs (Figure 16), large larvae up to 11mm ...... Ablabesmyia

Claws on posterior prolegs all the same colour, if dark claws present pectinate or bifid (temporary mount) ...... 12

Figure 16. Ablabesmyia

12(11) Anal tubules as long as posterior prolegs (Figure 17), mature specimens no longer than 3 mm, flowing clean water habitat ...... Nilotanypus

Mature larvae larger than 3 mm ...... 13

Figure 17. Nilotanypus Photos and text by Peter Cranston

13(12) Setae on all body segments (Figure 18) ...... Thienemannimyia

Setae, if present, only on ventral surface of segments (Figure 19) ...... 14

Figure 18. Thienemannimyia

5 Madden, C.P.

14(13) Ventral setae on thorax and abdomen (Figure 19, 20) ...... 15

No ventral setae on thorax and abdomen ...... 17

Figure 19. Monopelopia Figure 20. Australopelopia

15(14) Head darker at rear than at front, dorsal apotome suture line obvious (Figures 20, 21) ...... Australopelopia

Head all the same colour, dorsal apotome line not obvious ...... 16

Figure 21. Australopelopia Figure 22. ?Telmatopelopia

16(15) Head rounded on dorsal side in lateral view (Figure 19) ...... Monopelopia

Head more rectangular in shape with blunt end at front of head (Figure 22) ...... ?Telmatopelopia Mounting may be required to separate genera. Monopelopia has a brown second antennal segment and the star charts are very different.

17(14) Head rectangular in lateral and ventral view (Figure 23) ...... Zavrelimyia

Head not rectangular in lateral view ...... 18

Figure 23. Zavrelimyia

6 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

18(17) When viewed ventrally, head widest at about mid-point (Figure 24) ...... Paramerina

When viewed ventrally head widest at base, head pale (Figure 25)...... Larsia

Figure 24. Paramerina Figure 25. Larsia

There will be specimens of Tanypodinae that do not fit any couplet in this key. I illustrate one in Figure 26, Genus C. This specimen shows the value of examining larvae about to pupate, as the structure of the distinctive pupal thoracic horn is evident on the larval thorax and allows identification purely based on this character. Among the taxa for which I did not have specimens are Pentaneurini Genus A, Pentaneurini Genus B, Pentaneurini Genus D, Pentaneurini Genus E, Pentaneurini ST1 and ?Hayesomyia. All but ?Hayesomyia are illustated as larvae in Cranston 1996 and can be keyed by mounting using that reference. Other taxa also probably occur in Australia that are not recorded in Cranston or any other current publication.

Figure 26. Pentaneurini Genus C

19(2) Habitat marine rockpools, procercus absent but setae present, antennae very short (Figure 27) ...... Telmatogetoninae (only genus )

Freshwater habitat ...... 20

Figure 27. Telmatogeton

20(19) Larvae very small (1.5 to 2 mm), head very short, procercus very long, body covered with setae so that silt often adheres to it (Figure 28) ...... (Aphroteniinae) 21

Body smooth, mature larvae larger than 1.5 to 2 mm ...... 23

Figure 28. Aphroteniella

7 Madden, C.P.

21(20) Head greater than 15% of body length, body smooth (these characters are based on non-Australian species, Australian larvae not known) ...... Paraphrotenia

Head about 10% of body length, body covered with papillae and feathered setae ...... 22

22(21) Body with feathered setae that are easy to see when viewed laterally, some appearing darker than body colour (Figure 29) ...... Aphrotenia

Body setae not feathered (Figure 28) ...... Aphroteniella

Figure 29. Aphrotenia

23(20) Dark collar at back of head, procercus and antennae small (Figure 30) ...... Diamesinae (only genus Paraheptagyia)

Procercus usually bulbous and long, antennae often long and prominent ...... (Podonominae) 24

Figure 30. Paraheptagyia

24(23) Antennae attached towards centre of head and greater than half head length, sutures obvious on head, anal prolegs very long with dark hooks, procercus bulbous with very short setae, anal tubules longer than procercus ...... Podonomopsis

Antennae much less than half head length ...... 25

Figure 31. Podonomopsis

25(24) Only found in seeps on granite outcrops (Figure 32) ...... Austrochlus (was Archaeochlus)

Found in riverine habitats ...... 26

Figure 32. Austrochlus

8 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

Figure 33. Podochlus

26(25) Spines on last abdominal segment (Figure 33) ...... Podochlus

No spines on last abdominal segment ...... 27

27(26) Short, dark procercus, about same length as anal tubules, body setae present, dense fine setae on posterior proleg (Figure 34) ...... Podonomus?

Procercus much longer than anal tubules, no body setae, pale head, (Figure 35) ...... Parochlus

The first part of couplet 27 is based on a single specimen and I am not certain that the genus assignment is correct. I will be very glad of more specimens that resemble the figure 34.

Figure 34. Podonomus?

Figure 35. Parochlus

28(1) One eye-spot shaped like a comma (Figure 36), single eyespot (Figure 4) or two eye spots of different sizes (Figure 37) ...... (Orthocladiinae) 29

Two or three eye-spots that are similar sizes, usually arranged in a vertical line, in some cases eyes spots may be joined (Figure 38), ventromental plates obvious (Figure 39), larvae pink to red coloured in life ...... (Chironominae) 56

9 Madden, C.P.

Figure 36. Botryocladius Figure 37. Cricotopus

Figure 38. Cladopelma, Microtendipes and Cryptochironomus

Figure 39. ventromental plates of Kiefferulus and Paraborniella

29(28) Marine habitat (no figures available) ...... Clunio

In inland water habitats ...... 30

30(29) No procercus present (but setae at site sometimes), anal prolegs reduced or absent ...... 31

Procercus present with tuft of setae and anal prolegs long ...... 34

31(30) Mentum with two central teeth extended forward (Figure 40) ...... 32

Mentum without two central teeth extended forward (Figure 41) ...... 33

Figure 40. Figure 41.

10 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

32(31) Hooks below mentum (Figure 42), sclerotized ring dorsally on anal segment, antennae short ...... Genus wood miner (Don Edward V43)

No hooks below mentum, no sclerotised ring on anal segment, antennae long (Figure 43) ...... Don Edward V15

Figure 42. Genus wood miner Don Edward V43

Figure 43. Don Edward V15

33(31) This singlet is a catch all for a group of genera that I am unable to separate reliably at the moment in a dichotomous key. Characteristics that may be useful are the degree of reduction of the prolegs and associated hooks and the length and shape of antennal segments and antennal blade. Genera included are Gymnometriocnemus, Bryophaenocladius, Camptocladius, Pseudosmittia, Semiocladius, Smittia and Allotrissocladius and possibly others. There are coded species recognised in WA, some of which probably belong to the above genera. Ecology of taxa varies. Many are semi-terrestrial and occur on the wet edges of water bodies. I have collected Gymnometriocnemus and Bryophaenocladius from true aquatic situations and some of the WA species have been collected from temporary water bodies. Semiocladius is reported from estuarine sections of the Clyde River in NSW by Cranston and Dimitriadis, 2005. I have identified Pseudosmittia in Great Artesian Basin springs. Some larvae are illustrated below to help identify the form of the larvae and it is hoped that separation will be possible in a later version of this key.

Figure 44. Bryophaenocladius

Figure 45. Gymnometriocnemus (Don Edward V44), see also Figure 4

11 Madden, C.P.

Figure 46. Pseudosmittia

34(31) Two separate eye-spots (Figure 37, 47) ...... 35

One eye-spot ...... 36

35(34) Body covered in setae (Figure 47) ...... Genus Australia I have only one specimen of this taxon to photograph (species B in Cranston, 1996). Other specimens I have seen (species A and D) had the body setae but I do not recall if they all had a double eyespot.

Body not covered in setae ...... Cricotopus (in part)

Figure 47. Genus Australia

36(34) Antennae greater than half head length (Figure 48, 49) ...... 37

Antennae less than half head length ...... 40

37(36) Antennae greater than 2X head length (Figure 48), if antennae missing can use length of head capsule, and lack of dark patch at rear (Figure 49) ...... Corynoneura

Antennae no longer than head ...... 38

Figure 48. Corynonuera Figure 49.

12 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

38(37) Antennae with second segment dark (Figure 50) ...... Thienemanniella

No antennal segment dark ...... 39

Figure 50. Thienemanniella

39(38) Antennae as long as head, second antennal segment not completely sclerotised (Figure 51) ...... Stictocladius

All antennal segments sclerotised, procercus attached to rounded extension of final abdominal segment (Figure 52) ...... SO4

Figure 51. Stictocladius

Figure 52. SO4

40(36) Lateral fringe of two pairs of setae per segment (Figure 53, 54) ...... 41

No lateral fringe but dorsal and ventral setae may be present ...... 42

41(40) Lateral setae as long as body segments (Figure 53) ...... Paralimnophyes

Lateral setae half as long as body segments ...... Limnophyes

The character of the setae length is from Cranston, 1996. I am not certain it will work in all cases as I have seen Paralimnophyes with short setae. There are two body types of this genus present, one with dark head and purple body colouration and the other paler. The first type lives in fresher, small streams in general and the latter is quite tolerant of elevated salinity and can be the dominant orthoclad in saline streams (also collected in GAB springs). I have found Limnophyes to be quite rarely collected and most specimens for this couplet will be Paralimnophyes. If in doubt, mount larvae. Paralimnophyes has four inner teeth on the mandible and Limnophyes only three.

13 Madden, C.P.

Figure 53. Paralimnophyes

Figure 54. Limnophyes

42(40) Dorsal and ventral setae present (Figure 55, 56) ...... 43

No long setae on body ...... 44

43(42) Anal tubules long, head long, ventromental plates large (Figure 55, temporary mount to see this clearly) ...... Rheocricotopus

Anal tubules not long, short head (Figure 56, see Cranston, 2009)...... Anzacladius (was SO3)

Figure 55. Rheocricotopus

Figure 56. Anzacladius

14 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

44(42) Head dark, pale area around eyespots, strong pre-apical seta on procercus (Figure 57) ...... Eukiefferiella

Head pale, if head dark, no strong seta on procercus ...... 45

Figure 57. Eukiefferiella

45(44) Spots at base of mentum, usually long green body (Figure 58) ...... Parametriocnemus

No spots at base of mentum ...... 46

Figure 58. Parametriocnemus

46(45) Anal tubules much longer than prolegs, pale head, ventromental plates obvious (Figure 59) ...... 47

Anal tubules shorter than anal prolegs ...... 48

Figure 59. Nanocladius

47(46) Ventromental plates much wider than mentum (Figure 59)...... Nanocladius

Ventromental plates not as wide as mentum ...... “Psectrocladius” This genus is keyed here based on the features in Cranston, 1996. The name applied in that publication is not correct and the taxon still awaits formal description. I have not seen any larvae to confirm characters.

48(46) Ectoparasitic on Ephemeroptera (Figure 60), small head on swollen body ...... Symbiocladius

Free living larvae ...... 49

Figure 60. Symbiocladius pupa on a leptophlebiid mayfly

15 Madden, C.P.

49(48) Depression on top of head, large lauterborn organs obvious on antennae (Figure 61) ...... Echinocladius (was MO3)

No depression on top of head ...... 50

Figure 61. Echinocladius

50(49) Pale stripe laterally across top of head (Figure 62) ...... Pirara

No pale lateral stripe on top of head ...... 51

Figure 62. Pirara

51(50) Anterior prolegs fused, sutures on head obvious, back of head dark with notch, long anal pro-legs, procercus attached to end of abdominal segment, anal tubules long, body with bluish colouration (Figure 63) ...... Cardiocladius

Not as above, procercus attached to top of anal segment ...... 52

Figure 63. Cardiocladius

16 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

52(51) Long body, usually with thoracic marbling (Figure 64), first two antennal segments of equal length (for most common species), median tooth of mentum single ...... Parakiefferiella

Not as above, if body has thoracic marbling then median mentum tooth bifid ...... 53

Figure 64. Parakiefferiella Photo left by Ros St Clair, photo right by Peter Cranston

53(52) Thorax marbled (Figures 36, 65), median teeth of mentum usually bifid, setae under lateral edges of mentum can be seen by mounting, thoracic horn distinctive if pre-pupa collected ...... Botryocladius

Thorax not marbled ...... 54

Figure 65. Botryocladius

54(53) Long body (about 20x head), raised ridge at front of head, anal tubules pointed, anal prolegs short, anal proleg claws and procercus brown (Figure 66) ...... Austrobrillia

Shorter body (about 10x head length), no ridge on head, procercus not coloured, mentum triangular ...... 55

Figure 66. Austrobrillia

55(54) Lateral setae at segment joints tufted (Figure 67) ...... Cricotopus

Lateral setae at segment joints single (Figure 68) ...... Paratrichocladius This character may be distinguished more clearly by a temporary mount in glycerol

17 Madden, C.P.

Figure 67. Cricotopus

Figure 68. Paratrichocladius

There are several other Orthocladiinae genera in Cranston (1996) that I do not know as whole larvae (MO1, MO2, MO5, SO1, SO2, SO5 etc. These can be identified after mounting by using the key in that publication.

56(28) Anal segment with raised lobes and procercus long, blade obvious on antenna, eyespots sometimes joined or lower spot can be slightly smaller, head often retracted into thorax (Figure 69) ...... Pseudochironomini Riethia

Not with above combination of characters ...... 57 A second genus of Pseudochironomini, Megacentron, has been recorded in Australia but I have not seen any larvae.

Figure 69. Riethia

57(56) Antennal pedestals prominent, lauterborn organs usually obvious or on long stalks, lateral setae at abdominal segment joints (Figure 70), ventromental plates broad ...... (Tanytarsini) 58

No lateral setae at joints, lauterborn organs usually small, ventromental plates variable ...... (Chironomini) 65

Figure 70. Tanytarsini lateral setae and antennal structure

58(57) Living in habitat consisting of thin water film flowing over vertical rock face (hygropetric zone, see Cranston, 1996 and 1998 for descriptions) ...... Neozavrelia

Not limited to hygropetric habitat ...... 59

18 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

59(58) Inhabiting marine habitats, coastal lakes or seagrass meadows ...... Pontomyia

Not in marine habitats (but see note below on Tanytarsus barbitarsis in salt lakes) ...... 60

Figure 71. Tanytarsus barbitarsis

60(59) Lauterborn organ stalks very long (Figure 72), usually protruding beyond end of antenna (exception Tanytarsus barbitarsis that lives in saline habitats, Figure 71, 73), antennae often much longer than head, median teeth of mentum pale .... Tanytarsus

Lauterborn organ stalks not protruding beyond end of antenna, antennae less than head length ...... 61

Figure 72. Tanytarsus

Figure 73. Tanytarsus barbitarsis

61(60) Living in portable case made of sand grains (Figure 74) ...... 62

Not living in portable case (but may live in sessile tube covered in various materials) ...... 63

62(61) Palmate process on antennal pedestal, southern distribution, case curved (Figure 74) ...... Stempellina

No palmate process, northern distribution, case straight (Figure 75) ...... Stempellinella

19 Madden, C.P.

Figure 74. Stempellina Figure 75. Stempellinella

63(61) Lauterborn organs held above bent antennae (Figure 76) ...... Cladotanytarsus

Not as above ...... 64

Figure 76. Cladotanytarsus

64(63) Pointed anal tubules (Figure 77), case nondescript, antennal blade obvious, lauterborn organs usually also, lotic or lentic habitats ...... Paratanytarsus

Rounded anal tubules, case with arms for building capture net (Figure 78), antennal blade and lauterborn organs not obvious, rheophilic ...... Rheotanytarsus

Figure 77. Paratanytarsus

Figure 78. Rheotanytarsus

20 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

65(57) One or two pairs of ventral tubules present on abdominal segment 8 (Figure 79) ...... 66

No ventral tubules present ...... 68

66(65) Two pairs of ventral tubules in most cases (occasionally only one, in one species none), lateral tubules present on segment 7 in some species (Figure 79), distal edge of frontal apotome convex between antennal bases (Figure 79) ...... Chironomus

One pair of ventral tubules, no lateral tubules, distal edge of frontal apotome flat or concave (Figures 80, 81) ...... 67

Figure 79. Chironomus

67(66) Ventral tubules long, at least as long as segment 8, anal tubules large, more than half as long as prolegs (Figure 80), distal edge of frontal apotome strongly concave between antennal bases (Figure 80), more than 2 teeth on premandible (Figure 80), in one species feeding fans attached to labrum ...... Kiefferulus

Ventral tubules only half as long as segment 8, anal tubules smaller (Figure 81), distal edge of frontal apotome straight or slightly concave between antennal bases, median mentum tooth large and projecting forward (Figure 81) ...... Dicrotendipes (in part)

Figure 80. Kiefferulus (photo bottom right by Ros St Clair)

68(65) Large tooth in centre of mentum, fan-shaped ventromental plates, some species may have three eye spots ...... Dicrotendipes (in part)

Central tooth of mentum similar in size to others or bifid or trifid ...... 69

21 Madden, C.P.

Figure 81. Dicrotendipes

69(68) Head bean-shaped (Figure 82) i.e. ventral surface of head concave, small larvae max length 5mm ...... Nilothauma

Head not bean-shaped ...... 70

Figure 82 .Nilothauma

70(69) Eyespots touching (Figures 83, 84, 85, 86) ...... 71

Eyespots well separated ...... 74

71(70) Larvae in case (Figure 83), antennae longer than head, lateral tubules present if larva taken out of case...... Zavreliella

Larva not in case, antennae shorter than head, no lateral tubules ...... 72

Figure 83. Zavreliella

22 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

72(71) Median teeth of mentum paired and taller than first laterals or all teeth of mentum approximately even (Figure 84)...... Polypedilum (in part)

Median teeth of mentum not as above ...... 73

Figure 84. Polypedilum

73(72) Anal tubules rounded (Figure 85), usually living in granite rock pools and other temporary habitats ...... Paraborniella

Anal tubules pointed (Figure 86), median teeth of mentum paler than the other teeth, not restricted to temporary habitats ...... Microtendipes

Figure 85. Paraborniella

Figure 86. Microtendipes

74(70) Three eyespots, antennae at least one third head length, head pale, teeth of mentum all fairly even in size (Figure 87) ...... Parachironomus

Two eyespots, antennae variable ...... 75

23 Madden, C.P.

Figure 87. Parachironomus

75(74) Head flattened, anal tubules long (Figures 88, 89) ...... Harrisius and Stenochironomus (mount to separate using antennal character of Cranston, 1996: no reliable character to separate whole larvae as yet)

Head not flattened, anal tubules no longer than anal prolegs ...... 76

Figure 88. Harrisius

Figure 89. Stenochironomus

76(75) Labral brush present (developed to various degrees, Figure 90), lower eyespot often larger than upper, head narrowed when viewed dorsally ...... Xenochironomus

No labral brush present, eyespots same size ...... 77

Figure 90. Xenochironomus

24 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

77(76) First lateral teeth tallest on mentum (Figure 91), larval habitat wood-mining ...... Xylochironomus This taxon is keyed here based on the description in Cranston (2006), no larvae available. Was “Unknown Genus K1” in Cranston (1996)

First lateral teeth not tallest, not wood-mining ...... 78

Figure 91. Xylochironomus Photo and caption by Peter Cranston

78(77) Paired median teeth on mentum that are taller than first lateral teeth (Figure 84, 92), second laterals same height as median teeth ...... 79

Median teeth not paired or same height as first laterals ...... 80

79(78) Antennae with 5 segments ...... Polypedilum (in part)

Antennae with 6 segments ...... Imparipecten Mounting required to see this difference. Polypedilum nubifer and P. watsoni key out here. Imparipecten larvae illustrated in Figure 92. No larvae available to author.

Figure 92. Imparipecten Photos and captions by Peter Cranston

80(79) Eyespots in same vertical plane ...... 81

Eyespots in oblique line i.e. upper eyespot closer to front of head than lower eyespot (Figures 101 to 110) ...... 88

81(80) Anal tubules long and constricted (Figure 93), northern and central Australia distribution ...... Conochironomus

Anal tubules not constricted ...... 82

Figure 93. Conochironomus

25 Madden, C.P.

82(81) Maxillary palp with brush of setae (Figure 94), ventromental plates wide and narrow and meeting at centre of mentum ...... Axarus

No brush of setae, ventromental plates not meeting in middle ...... 83

Figure 94. Axarus

83(82) Sclerotised plates on ventral surface of thoracic segments (Figure 95) ...... “TCC333” This taxon most likely belongs in Xenochironomus but rearing is required to associate other life stages.

No sclerotised plates on ventral thorax ...... 84

Figure 95. “TCC333”

84(83) Teeth on mentum not darkly pigmented, similar colour to rest of head capsule (Figure 96), median teeth paler than other teeth, usually 4 even median teeth, anal setae shorter than last segment ...... 85

Teeth on mentum much darker than head capsule, gula area of ventral head capsule darkened (Figure 98), lateral group of 3 teeth on mentum raised compared to other teeth, anal setae longer than last body segment and anal prolegs combined ...... 86

85(84) Antennae approximately one quarter head length (Figure 96) ...... Paratendipes

Antennae approximately half head length (Figure 97) ...... Skusella

Figure 96. Paratendipes

Figure 97. Skusella

26 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

86(84) Median tooth of mentum double (Figure 98) ...... Cladopelma

Median tooth trifid or single ...... 87

Figure 98. Cladopelma Top left photo and caption by Peter Cranston

87(86) Median tooth of mentum trifid (Figure 99) ...... Microchironomus

Median tooth of mentum single and broad (Figure 100) ...... Paracladopelma (in part)

Figure 99. Microchironomus

Figure 100. Paracladopelma M3

27 Madden, C.P.

88(80) All teeth of mentum evenly sized and coloured (character not illustrated) ...... Stictochironomus

Teeth of mentum of different sizes or different colours ...... 89

Figure 101. Stictochironomus left: S. fluviatile, right: S. illawarra

89(88) Mentum concave, central tooth clear in contrast to rest of teeth, ventromental plates obvious laterally on head (Figure 102) ...... Cryptochironomus

Mentum convex or central tooth not clear and contrasting ...... 90

Figure 102. Cryptochironomus

90(89) Centre of mentum with cleft (Figure 103) ...... Fissimentum

Centre of mentum without cleft ...... 91

Figure 103. Fissmentum Top left photo and caption by Peter Cranston

28 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

91(90) Terminal antennal segment fine and hair like, teeth of mentum pale (Figure 104) ...... Unknown Genus K2

Terminal antennal segment not fine and hair like ...... 92

Figure 104. Unknown Genus K2

92(91) Procercus setae half body length, tropical Australia (Figure 105, see also description in Cranston, 1999) ...... Anuncotendipes

Procercus setae not half body length ...... 93

Figure 105. Anuncotendipes Photos, drawing and captions by Peter Cranston

93(92) Central tooth of mentum broad, as broad as lateral teeth on one side of mentum, antennae less than half head length (Figure 106)...... 94

Central tooth of mentum not as broad as combined lateral teeth, antennae half head length or more (Figure 108) ...... 95

94(93) Premandible hooked, ventromental plates smooth on front margin and inner edge reaches to edge of broad central tooth, mandible with little sign of inner teeth (mounting required, characters illustrated in Cranston, 1996) ...... Harnischia

Premandible not as hooked, ventromental plates crenulate on front margin, inner edge of ventromental plates reaches no further than second tooth from edge of mentum, mandible with obvious inner teeth (mounting required, characters illustrated in Cranston, 1996) ...... Paracladopelma M1

Figure 106. Harnischia

29 Madden, C.P.

Figure 107. Paracladopelma M1

95(93) Mandibular palps almost as long as antennae (Figure 108), larvae very long, anal prolegs about ten times as long as basal width ...... Robackia

Mandibular palps much shorter than antennae, anal prolegs less than ten times as long as basal width ...... 95

Figure 108. Robackia

96(95) Anal prolegs about four times as long as basal width, at least twice as long as anal tubules, mentum convex (Figure 109) ...... Paracladopelma (in part)

Anal prolegs less than four times as long as basal width, not much longer than anal tubules, mentum concave (Figure 110) ...... Demicryptochironomus

Figure 109. Paracladopelma

30 Key to the larvae of Australian Chironomidae

Figure 110 Demicryptochironomus

Acknowledgements References

Phil Suter for resurrecting the aquatic macroinvertebrate Cranston, P.S. (1996) Identification Guide to the Chironomidae of taxonomic workshops under the umbrella of the New South Wales. AWT Identification Guide Number 1. Australian Research Information Network (TRIN). ABRS for two grants Water Technologies Pty Ltd, West Ryde, Australia. to produce a Lucid key to Australian chironomid larvae and to Cranston, P.S. (1998) The Australian species of Neozavrelia allow this key to be written from the information gathered for Goetghebuer (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanytarsini) Australian that project. Jon Martin and Phil Suter (and many others) for Journal of Entomology 37: 107-112. their pioneering work in chironomid identification, especially when local knowledge was somewhat lacking. Peter Cranston, P.S. (1999) Two unusual Chironomini (Diptera: Cranston, for the provision of much advice over many years, Chironomidae) from Australian rainforest streams: One new genus and the offer of much more during the construction of this and a neotropical genus new for the region. Australian Journal of key. However, due to my own poor organization, I ran out of Entomology 38: 291-299. time to take full advantage of this generous offer. Therefore, Cranston, P.S. (2000) Electronic Guide to the Chironomidae of all errors and inconsistencies in this publication are entirely of Australia. my own doing. Peter also provided a copy of his draft key to world genera to help with generic concepts and illustrations. Cranston, P.S. (2006) A new genus and species of Chironominae Peter Goonan for agreeing to allow me a month to produce a (Diptera: Chironomidae) with wood-mining larvae. Australian chironomid key for the SA Ausrivas program. The University Journal of Entomology 45: 227-234. of Adelaide for the use of Automontage™ (Andy Austin and John Jennings) and students for instruction in its use (Nick Cranston, P.S. (2009) A new genus of trans-Tasman : Stevens and Claire Stephens). Adrian Pinder for the use of Anzacladius gen. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Australian Journal of Entomology 48:130-139 Automontage™ at the Department of Environment and Conservation in Perth and for loan of specimens. Don Cranston, P.S. and Dimitriadis, S. (2005) Semiocladius Sublette and Edward for a very productive day of discussion regarding Wirth: taxonomy and ecology of an estuarine midge (Diptera: undescribed taxa from Western Australia. Also for loan of Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Australian Journal of Entomology voucher specimens to photograph. Richard Marchant for the 44: 252-256. loan of specimens from Museum of Victoria. Many other people for provision of specimens from monitoring work, Martin, J. (1974) Key to the genera of Australian Tanypodinae larvae among them Paul McEvoy, Darryl Nielsen, Nick Graham and (Diptera: Chironomidae). Australian Society for Limnology Newsletter 12(2): 12-13. Brian Timms. Martin, J. (1975) Key to the larvae of Australian genera of Chironomini (Diptera: Chironomidae). Australian Society for Limnology Newsletter 13(1): 21-33.