List of Language Authorities The language authorities listed on the following five pages are recognized by the Ministry of Education for certification purposes. Language Language Mailing Address Tel./Fax/Email Coordinator Athabascan Yinka Dene Language Institute Marlene Erickson, T: (250) 562-2131, ext 5460 646 Stoney Creek Road Director E:
[email protected] Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A1 Coast Salish First Nations Education Marion Harry T: (250) 830-2330 School District 72 (Campbell F: (250) 830-2329 River) 425 Pinecrest Rd. Campbell River, BC V9W 3P2 Dane-zaa Shona Nelson Shona Nelson T: (250) 785-0612 c/o Treaty 8 Tribal Association F: (250) 785-2021 10233 100th Ave E:
[email protected] Fort St. John, BC V1J 1Y8 Dene Fort Nelson First Nation Kathi Dickie T: (250) 774-7257 Language Authority F: (250) 774-7260 2026 Kennay-Yah Road E:
[email protected] RR1 Mile 295 Alaska Hwy Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 Gitxsanimx Gitxsan Language Authority Sadie Harris T: (250) 842-6222 Box 155 F: (250) 842-6288 Hazelton, BC V0J 1Y0 E:
[email protected] Halq'emeylem Mr. Joe Hall, Executive Director Joe Hall, T: (604) 858-3366 Community Development Executive Director F: (604) 824-5226 Sto:lo Nation Bldg. #1, 7201 Vedder Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 4G5 Heiltsuk Bella Bella Community School Elizabeth Brown T: (250) 957-2396 Society F: (250) 957-2455 General Delivery Waglisla, BC V0T 1Z0 Ministry of Education Teacher Regulation Branch Mailing Address: Telephone: 604 660-6060 400-2025 West Broadway Toll Free: 1 800 555-3684 Vancouver BC V6J 1Z6 Facsimile: 604 775-4859 List of Language Authorities Page 2 Language Language Mailing Address Tel./Fax/Email Coordinator Hul’qumi’num’ Cowichan Tribes Chuck Seymour, T: (250) 715-1022 (Cowichan Dialect) Quw'utsun Syuw'entst Lelum' Coordinator F: (250) 715-1023 5744 Allenby Road Duncan, BC V9L 5J1 Hul'qumi'num Snuneymux First Nation Nancy Seward T: (250) 740-2300 (Snuneymux c/o Nancy Seward F: (250) 753-3492 Dialect) Education Department Coordinator 668 Centre Street Nanaimo, BC V9R 4Z4 Huu ay aht Ms.