

Supersymmetry and Quantum

P. Marcos Crichigno Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, Prince Consort Rd., London, SW7 2AZ, U.K. and Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, Science Park 904, Postbus 94485, 1090 GL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The interplay between and classical and quantum computation is discussed. First, it is shown that the problem of the Witten index of 2 quantum mechanical systems is #P-complete and therefore intractable. Then, the notions ofN supersymmetry ≤ in the space of qubits and supersymmetric quantum circuits are introduced and some of their properties discussed. In particular, it is shown that these define a nontrivial subclass of quantum with robustness properties typical of supersymmetric systems. Concrete examples, including the supersymmetric SYK model and fermion hard-core models are discussed. Some applications and open questions are suggested.

Introduction. Finding the ground states of a physi- of qubits, we then define the notion of supersymmetric cal system is hard. This is true not only in a practical quantum circuits, and use these to quantum al- sense but also in a formal, computational, sense. A pro- gorithms associated to certain supersymmetric physical totypical example is that of a classical spin-glass system observables. for which the problem of finding the ground state is NP- The intuition from the physics of supersymmetric sys- hard [1]. Similarly, finding the ground state of a quantum tems is that this should define a nontrivial subclass Hamiltonian is QMA-hard [2, 3]. This implies, in particu- of quantum algorithms, with advantageous properties lar, that there is no efficient for finding ground (e.g., invariance under certain deformations) over non- states, assuming standard conjectures in computational supersymmetric ones, and which capture highly non- theory. A of deep connections be- trivial problems of both physical as well as mathematical tween the theory of and sta- interest. As we discuss, this intuition bears out. tistical mechanics systems have been pointed out in, e.g., We emphasize that this definition of supersymmetry [4–8]. holds for any system of qubits and does not require Supersymmetry is a relating bosonic and supersymmetry to be realized at a fundamental level in fermionic states of a system. Supersymmetric systems nature. In particular, any of a quan- are often more amenable to analysis and various ana- tum can be made supersymmetric in this sense. lytic and exact results are possible. Indeed, the ground states–or some of their properties–can be found analyti- = 2 quantum mechanics. The Hilbert space of N cally in various nontrivial supersymmetric systems. This any quantum mechanical theory can be decomposed as raises the question of the computational complexity asso- = B F where each factor refers to the subspace of H H ⊕H ciated to the ground states of supersymmetric systems. bosonic and fermionic states. These are distinguished by Although many exact results are known in specific su- the operator ( 1)F , acting as +1 on bosonic states and − persymmetric systems, we show that the ground state as 1 on fermionic states. By definition, in a theory with − problem for supersymmetric theories remains computa- = 2 supersymmetry there exists a complex Grassmann N tionally hard. operator , sending states in B into states in F and Q H H Supersymmetry was first proposed as a possible sym- vice versa, and satisfying the [9–12], metry of relativistic quantum field theory. However, its 2 2 H = , † , = ( †) = 0 , (1) arXiv:2011.01239v2 [quant-ph] 25 May 2021 applications extend to a number of areas in {Q Q } Q Q including, most famously, Morse theory, mirror symme- where H is the Hamiltonian of the system and try, and generalized complex . ( 1)F , = 0. One says an operator is bosonic or In this letter, we focus on supersymmetric quantum fermionic{ − Q} if it commutes or anticommutes with ( 1)F , mechanics [9–12] and bring the attention to the inter- respectively. The supercharge is thus a fermionic opera-− play between supersymmetry and the theory of quantum tor and the Hamiltonian bosonic. It follows directly from computation. As we discuss, a natural setting for incor- (1) that the spectrum of supersymmetric systems is pos- porating supersymmetry in quantum computation is the itive semidefinite, E 0, and that a state Ω has E = 0 ≥ | i fermionic model of quantum computation [13, 14]. Defin- iff Ω = † Ω = 0. All such states, which may be ing supersymmetry operators in the fermionic model, one bosonicQ | i or fermionic,Q | i are called supersymmetric ground can then map these to qubit space via a standard spin- states. A crucial property of states with E > 0 is that 1 2 Jordan-Wigner transformation or its generalizations. they are paired: for every such bosonic state there is a Having defined the action of supersymmetry in the space corresponding fermionic state with the same energy. This

1 2 is not necessarily the case for supersymmetric ground This can be of as the insertion of operators in states. In fact, a quantity of particular interest is the the Euclidean path integral of the theory, with periodic Witten index, defined as the difference in the number boundary conditions for fermions along a compactified of bosonic and fermionic supersymmetric ground states Euclidean time direction τ = it. An important property [12]: of the observables (5) and (6) is that they are invariant under exact deformations, B F F nE=0 nE=0 = Tr ( 1) , (2) H I ≡ − − k k + k , (7) where in the last one uses the fact that states O → O E with E > 0 are paired and thus do not contribute to as can be easily checked. For the former, this follows the trace. The Witten index gives a lower bound on the from properties of the supersymmetric ground state total number of supersymmetric ground states via the and, for the latter, from cyclicity of the trace. Thus, B F these observables are sensitive only to the cohomology inequality nE=0 + nE=0 . In particular, if = 0 the system must have supersymmetric≥ |I| ground states.I 6 class of supersymmetric operators. These robustness 2 properties will be relevant to our discussion of quantum Since = 0, supersymmetry defines the Z2-graded complexQ of vector spaces, computation below.

F B F B Computational complexity of supersymmetric systems. : Q Q Q , (3) H −→H −→H −→H Let us briefly review relevant concepts of complexity the- and the Euler characteristic of C coincides with the Wit- ory (see, e.g., [15, 16]). The P is the class ten index. It is this topological nature of the Witten of decision problems (with a “yes/no” answer) which can index that makes it a robust quantity and, in some situ- be solved by a deterministic in polyno- ations, easily calculable. mial time. The class NP is the class of decision problems Computing general physical observables in supersym- for which the problem instances which give “yes” can be metric systems can be as formidable a task as in non- checked in time. The complexity class #P supersymmetric systems. However, there are a subset is the set of counting problems associated to decision of physical observables, “supersymmetric observables,” problems in NP. For example, whereas the problem of which have special properties and can often be computed deciding if a boolean formula has a satisfying instance exactly, the Witten index being an example. These relate is a problem in NP, the problem of counting how many to an important set of operators called supersymmetric, satisfying instances it has is a problem in #P. A problem or -closed, operators. A bosonic operator is -closed H is said to be #P-hard if it is at least as hard as any if Q O Q problem in #P or, more precisely, if any problem in #P can be reduced to H in polynomial time. A problem is [ , ] = 0 . (4) said to be #P-complete if it is #P-hard and belongs to Q O the class #P. Among these, -exact operators are defined as those Q The Witten index (2) can sometimes be computed ex- which can be written as = , Ψ0 , for some fermionic E {Q } actly and with little dynamical information. In particu- Ψ0. By nilpotency, all -exact operators are -closed. lar, supersymmetry ensures that the contribution of all Not all -closed operators,Q however, are necessarilyQ - Q Q states with E > 0 in the trace in (2) cancel out and exact; whether or not this is the case is determined by thus the index can be computed with no knowledge of the -cohomology of operators. Two supersymmetric Q the supersymmetric ground states themselves. Further- operators and 0 are said to be in the same cohomol- O O more, under certain conditions the index is invariant un- ogy class if 0 = + . The analogous definitions hold der small, supersymmetric, deformations of the system for fermionicO -closedO E and exact operators, exchanging Q [12] which can sometimes be exploited to bring the sys- commutators and anticommutators. tem to a weakly coupled point, where the Witten index An important set of physical observables is given by can be efficiently computed in . Al- the correlation of supersymmetric operators in though this is often the case in specific supersymmetric a supersymmetric ground state: systems, we show next there can be no efficient algorithm for computing the Witten index for generic supersymmet- Ω (t ) (t ) Ω , (5) hO1 ···OniΩ ≡ h | O1 1 ···On n | i ric systems, assuming standard conjectures in computa- tional complexity. where the ti are insertion points in Lorentzian time t R, and can be expressed by a standard path integral. ∈ For the purposes of studying the complexity of the Another set of observables is given by a refined or gen- problem we consider the Hilbert space to be spanned by a subset of N-bit strings n , , n H, that this sub- eralized Witten index (2), obtained by the insertion of | 1 ··· N i supersymmetric operators into the trace: set is determined by a polynomial number of constrains among the ni, and that the supercharge is a k-local func- F ZP[ 1 , , n] Tr ( 1) 1(τ1) n(τn) . (6) tion on . Then, one can prove the following Theorem: O ··· O ≡ H − O ···O H   3

Theorem 1. Given a quantum mechanical system with the ansatz, 2 N a finite-dimensional Hilbert space (C )⊗ and H ⊆ N ≤ 2 supersymmetry, specified by a polynomial number of = a† Bi(a, a†) , † = B†(a, a†) ai , (11) Q i Q i i i constraints and a 6-local supercharge , the problem of X X computing the Witten index is #P-complete.Q where the Bi are a set of bosonic operators built out of (See the Supplemental Material for a proof.) This im- the creation/annihilation operators. Nilpotency requires plies, in particular, that finding ground states of super- 2 = a†B (a, a†) a†B (a, a†) = 0 . (12) symmetric systems is intractable. Q i i j j i,j Having discussed a consequence of the theory of X computation in supersymmetric systems we now discuss Different solutions to this constraint amount to different some consequences of supersymmetry in the theory of realizations of supersymmetry on a system of N fermions. quantum computation. There are various interesting explicit models including the fermion hard-core model of [17], relevant to the study Supersymmetry in qubit space. The Hilbert space of of the or independence complex, and the super- N qubits comes with a natural Z2-grading, given by symmetric SYK model [18], relevant to holography. (See strings with an even and odd number of 1’s. The basic ob- the Supplemental Material for more details and another servation we make here is that these can be consistently method for constructing and classifying explicit super- identified with “bosonic” and “fermionic” subspaces, - charge representations.) For now, we keep the discussion spectively, with +1 and 1 parity under ( 1)F with F − − general and do not specify the choice of supercharge or the Hamming weight. In general, we consider a Hilbert . Now, applying (10) we have 2 N space (C )⊗ and define = 2 supersymmetry in H H ⊆ N the space of qubits as a nilpotent map acting on i i = σ Ki† Bi , † = Bi† Kiσ+ , (13) Q H Q − Q and sending states with even parity into odd parity and i i vice versa. X X One way to construct a map is to recall that the where Bi = Bi(Kσ+, σ K). This defines the action of Q = 2 supersymmetry on− the space of qubits. Hilbert space of N qubits is isomorphic to the Hilbert N space of N (spinless) fermions, which is exploited in the Note that the supersymmetry operators (13) could fermionic model of quantum computation [13, 14]. In have been defined directly in the space of qubits, with this model one considers N vertices of a graph G, each no reference to the fermionic model. Thus, although of which can be occupied by 0 or 1 spinless fermions. the fermionic system does not play a fundamental role, it provides a setting where supersymmetry is naturally A fermion at vertex i is created by an operator ai† and annihilated by ai, satisfying defined.

ai, aj† = δij , i, j 1,...,N , (8) Supersymmetric circuits. Let us call a circuit U { } ∈ { } bosonic if it preserves the parity of the state it acts on, and all other anticommutators vanishing. The 2N - [( 1)F ,U] = 0, and fermionic if it flips it, ( 1)F ,U = − { − } dimensional Fock space is constructed by acting with cre- 0. The notions of closedness and exactness in Fock space ation operators on the vacuum state with no fermions, translate directly into the corresponding notions in qubit 0 0 , and is in one-to-one correspondence with the space. We define a bosonic supersymmetric quantum cir- | ··· if space of N qubits: cuit as a bosonic quantum circuit US, which is closed with respect to the supercharge , i.e., n1 nN Q n n (a†) (a† ) 0 0 . (9) | 1 ··· N iq ↔ 1 ··· N | ··· if [ ,US] = 0 . (14) Operators in qubit space are obtained from operators in Q 1 A fermionic supersymmetric circuit is similarly a Fock space via a spin- 2 Jordan-Wigner transformation, fermionic circuit satisfying ,U = 0. An obvious {Q S} i i example of a bosonic supersymmetric circuit is time evo- ai Ki σ+ , ai† σ Ki† , (10) → → − lution by the supersymmetric Hamiltonian, as US = 1 it , † where σ = 2 (σx iσy) and the Ki are non-local op- e− {Q Q } commutes with (and also with † in this erators,± which depend± on the graph. In the case of a special case) and with ( 1)QF . Note the compositionQ i 1 ni − 1d graph Ki = j−=1( 1) (see, e.g., [14] and refer- of supersymmetric circuits by is ences therein for generalizations).− The first example of supersymmetric. In fact, it is straightforward to see a system of spinlessQ fermions on a graph with = 2 that, for a given , the collection of supersymmetric supersymmetry was constructed by Nicolai [9], inN which circuits form a .Q Similarly, we call a qubit state the supercharges are cubic functions of the creation and -closed if s q = 0 and a supersymmetric ground annihilation operators. As a generalization, we consider Qstate if it isQ closed | i with respect to both supercharges, 44

0 H H 00 HH HH || i ||| ii

⇢ FF ⌦ US + ⇢ H (( 1)1) ((UUSS++ )) || i E H EE

FIG. 1. The Hadamard test for a supersymmetric circuit. If FIG.FIG. 2. 2. The The trace trace estimation estimation algorithm algorithm for for the the generalized generalized FIG. 1. The Hadamard test for a supersymmetric circuit. If FIG. 2. The trace estimationF algorithm for the generalized the input states are supersymmetric ground states ⌦ ,thede-,thede- Witten index Tr ( 1)FF U . The average outcome of the an- the input states are supersymmetric ground states ⌦Ω ,thede-, the de- WittenWitten index index Tr Tr (( 1)1) UUSS ... The The The average average average outcome outcome outcome of of of the the the an- an- an- formationformation does not a↵ect the outcomes of the ancilla|||| ii qubit S formationformation does not aaffect↵ect the outcomes of the ancilla qubit cillacilla qubit qubit is is insensitive insensitive− to to exact exact deformations deformations .... E ⇥⇥ ⇤⇤ EE providedprovided E== ,,,, Ψ ....   E EE {Q{Q }} withwithcombination== ,,, of unitaries,forforfor some some some as... This This Thisin [14], is is is shown shown shown and then schematically schematically schematically apply the itit ,, † EE {Q{Q }} (1) (n) e it{Q ,Q †} commutes with (and also with † inin this this (1)(1) ((n)) e Ω{Q{QqQQ=}} commutes† Ω q = 0. with From(and now onalso we with drop†† thein sub- this inininalgorithm Fig. Fig. Fig. 1. 1. 1. More More More above generally, generally, generally, to each term. for for forUUSS ==UUS UUS aaprod-aprod- prod- Q | i Q | i QQF QQ S ······ S specialspecialscript q case), case) with and and the with with ( ( 1)1)F... Note Note Notethat all the the the states composition composition composition refer to uctuctTo of of supersymmetricrun supersymmetric this algorithm circuits circuits the the the supersymmetric outcome outcome··· probability probability ground ofofqubit supersymmetric supersymmetric states. circuits circuits by by matrix matrix multiplication multiplication is is isisisstates una una una↵↵ectedectedΩ must by by an an be exact exact either deformation deformation known in of ofadvance any any of of the the or cir- cir- be (k) (k) supersymmetric.Thus, for a given In supercharge fact, it is straightforward, Eq. (14) imposes to see a (|(k))i ((k)) (((kk))) supersymmetric. In fact, it is straightforward to see cuits,cuits,prepared.UUS However,UUS ++ since... That That That the is, is, is, question such such such deformations deformations deformations of whether do do do a Q S !! S EE that,that,constraint for for a a on given given the class,,, the the the of collectionquantum collection collection circuits of of of supersymmetric supersymmetric supersymmetric we consider. notnotsystem propagate, propagate, has! supersymmetric as as long longE as as each each ground circuit circuit states is is supersymmetric. supersymmetric. to begin with QQ circuitscircuitsThe next form form question a a group. group. is which Similarly, Similarly, states we we we allow call call a asa qubit qubit inputs state state into ThisThisis hard, is is the the we first first would example example like of of“robustness” to “robustness” design an of of algorithm supersymmet- supersymmet- that -closed if s = 0 and a supersymmetric ground supersymmetric-closed-closed if if ss q circuits.== 0 0 and and Here a a we supersymmetric supersymmetric let the supersymmet- ground ground ricricgives quantum quantum us information circuits. circuits. on If If possible one one is is interested interested supersymmetric in in computing computing ground QQ Q|Q|iiq statestateric observables if if it it is is closed closed reviewed with with respectabove respect guide to to both both us, supercharges,which supercharges, suggest correlationcorrelationstates. functions functions of of operators operators ,,, not not not necessarily necessarily necessarily uni- uni- uni- ⌦ = ⌦ = 0. From now on we drop the sub- OO two⌦ naturalq = †† “modes”⌦ q = 0. of Fromcomputation. now on we drop the sub- tarytary as as in in (5), (5), one one can can expand expand each each operator operator into into a a linear linear Q|Q| iiq QQ ||| iiq scriptscript qq,,, with with with the the the understanding understanding understanding that that that all all all states states states refer refer refer to to to combinationcombinationThe generalized of of unitaries, unitaries, Witten as as index in in [14], [14], algorithm. and and then thenThe apply apply second the the qubitqubitThe states. states. supersymmetric Hadamard test. The first mode algorithmalgorithmmode of computation, above above to to each each suggested term. term. by the refined Witten ofThus,Thus, computation, for for a a given given suggested supercharge supercharge by the,,,correlation Eq. Eq. Eq. (15) (15) (15) imposes imposes imposes function a a a indexToTo run (6),run isthis this to allow algorithm algorithm for mixed the the statessupersymmetric supersymmetric and take this ground ground to be QQ constraintconstraint(5), is to on takeon the the as class class input of of supersymmetricquantum quantum circuits circuits ground we we consider. consider. states statesstatesthe maximally⌦⌦ mustmust mixed be be either either state, known knownρ = in inI advance advance/ dim or. or This be be pre- pre- has || ii H H H TheTheand next calculatenext question question matrix is is which which elements states states of U we weS. allow allow The standardas as inputs inputs tech- into into pared.pared.the advantage| Since Sincei an an that important important there is and andno need hard hard to question question prepare is is supersym- whether whether supersymmetricsupersymmetricnique for estimating circuits. circuits. matrix Here Here elements we we let let the the is thesupersymmet- supersymmet- Hadamard aametric given given ground system system states. has has supersymmetric supersymmetric ground ground states states to to rictest observables [19] which, reviewed given a state aboves guideand a us, unitary which matrix suggestU, beginThe with, standard we would method like for instead calculating to design the trace an algorithm of a uni- ric observables reviewed above| i guide us, which suggest begin with, we would like instead to design an algorithm twoestimates naturals “modes”U s . The of computation. procedure consists of adding an thattary matrix gives us acting information on M qubits on possible is trace supersymmetric estimation [20]. two naturalh | “modes”| i of computation. that gives us information on possible supersymmetric ancilla qubit initialized to 0 , then Hadamarded to + , groundThis is states. basically the same as the Hadamard test above | i | i ground states. andTheThe used supersymmetric supersymmetric as a control qubit Hadamard Hadamard for unitary test. test. evolutionTheThe first first modeof mode the except that, rather than inputing a pure state s , the in- | i ofofstate computation, computation,s by the suggestedcircuit suggestedU. by by Finally, the the correlation correlation the ancilla function function qubit is putThe is ρ generalized. This is known Witten as index the one-clean-qubit algorithm. The model second of | i The generalizedH Witten index algorithm. The second (5),(5),Hadamarded is is to to take take one as as more input input time supersymmetric supersymmetric and measured ground ground in the states states com- modemodequantum of of computation, computation, computation [20].suggested suggested One then by by the theapplies refined refined a controlled Witten Witten putational basis. Applying this to a supersymmetric cir- andand calculate calculate matrix matrix elements elements of ofUUSS... The The The standard standard standard tech- tech- tech- indexindexindexunitary (6), (6), (6), evolution is is is to to to allow allow allow of for for forthe mixed mixed mixed density states states states matrix, and and and takeρ take take this this thisUρ to to toU be be be†, cuit in a supersymmetric ground state, the probability of H → H niquenique for for estimating estimating matrix matrix elements elements is is the the Hadamard Hadamard thetheand maximally maximally measures the mixed mixed “clean” state, state, ancilla⇢⇢ == qubit.II //dimdim Applying... This This This this has has has to HH F HH HH testtestmeasuring [18] [18] which, which,0 in given given the aancilla a state state qubitss andand is a a unitary unitary matrix matrixUU,,, thethea circuit advantage advantage of the that that form there thereU is is= no no ( need need1) U to toS, prepare prepare the probability supersym- supersym- of | i ||| ii − estimatesestimates ss UU ss ... The The The procedure procedure procedure consists consists consists of of of adding adding adding an an an metricmetricmeasuring ground ground0 states.in states. the ancilla qubit is given by hh ||| ||| ii 1 | i ancillaancilla qubit qubit initialized initializedp(0) = (1 to to +00 Re,,, then then thenΩ U Hadamarded HadamardedS HadamardedΩ ) . to to to (15)++ ,,, TheThe standard standard method method for for calculating calculating the the trace trace of of a a uni- uni- 2 ||| ii h | | i ||| ii 1 1 F andand used used as as a a control control qubit qubit for for unitary unitary evolution evolution of of the the tarytary matrix matrixp(0) = acting acting1 + on onMMRequbitsqubits Tr is is( trace trace1) U estimation estimationS , [19]. [19].(17) Repeated measurements of the ancilla qubit then leads 2 2M H − statestate ss byby the the circuit circuit UU... Finally, Finally, Finally, the the the ancilla ancilla ancilla qubit qubit qubit is is is ThisThis is is basically basically the the same same as as the the Hadamard Hadamard test test above above ||| ii HadamardedHadamardedto an estimate one one of more more Re Ω time timeUS and andΩ . measured measured (The imaginary in in the the com- com- part except that, rather than inputing a pure state s ,the h | | i exceptand repeated that, rather measurement than inputing of the ancillaa pure qubit state approxi-|s i,the,the putationalis obtained basis. by changing Applying the this initial to a statesupersymmetric of the ancilla.) cir- input is the maximally mixed state, ⇢ = III .Thisis|| i putational basis. Applying this to a supersymmetric cir- inputinputmates is is the the the generalized maximally maximally Witten mixed mixed index.state, state, ⇢ We= refer2MM.Thisis.Thisis to this as What is particular about the supersymmetric setting is HH 2 cuitcuit in in a a supersymmetric supersymmetric ground ground state, state, the the probability probability of of knownknownthe generalized as as the the one-clean-qubit one-clean-qubit quantum Witten model model machine of of quantum quantum. Once compu- compu- again, that the robustness property of supersymmetric systems measuringmeasuring 00 ininin the the the ancilla ancilla ancilla qubit qubit qubit is is is tationtationwe note [19]. [19]. that One One the then then outcome applies applies probability a a controlled controlled (17) unitary unitary is unaffected evolu- evolu- translates|| directly| ii into a corresponding property of the tiontionby theof of the the exact density density deformation matrix, matrix,⇢⇢ (16)UU (see⇢⇢ UU† Fig.†,,, and and and 2). measures measures measures More quantum circuit. Namely,11 the outcome probability (15) the “clean” ancilla qubit. ApplyingHH !! HH this to a circuit of pp(0)(0) = = (1(1 + + Re Re ⌦⌦ UUSS ⌦⌦ ))... (16)(16) thegenerally, “clean” for ancillaUS a qubit. product Applying of supersymmetric this to a circuit circuits of is unaffected by a deformation22 hh of||| the||| circuitii of the form FF thethe form form outcomesUU =(=( are1)1) unaffectedUUSS,,, the the the probability probability probability by an exact of of of deformation measuring measuring measuring 00 of || ii ininin the the the ancilla ancilla ancilla qubit qubit qubit is is is given given given by by by F | i RepeatedRepeated measurements measurementsUS of ofU the theS + ancilla ancilla, qubit qubit then then leads leads(16) each circuit. If one is interested in Tr [( 1) ] with → E not necessarily unitary one may expandH − asO sum of toto an an estimate estimate of of Re Re ⌦⌦ UUSS ⌦⌦ ... (The (The (The imaginary imaginary imaginary part part part 1 1 with = , Ψ for somehh ||| Ψ| (see|| ii Fig. 1). More generally, O p(0) = 1 1+ 1 Re Tr ( 1)FF U O, (18) isisis obtained obtained obtained by by by changing changing changing the the the initial initial initial state state state of of of the the the ancilla.) ancilla.) ancilla.) unitaryp(0) supersymmetric = 1+ M Re matrices. Tr ( 1) USS ,, (18) E {Q(1) } (n) 22 22M HH Whatfor US is= particularUS US abouta product the supersymmetric of supersymmetric setting cir- is ✓✓ ◆◆ What is particular··· about the supersymmetric setting is ⇥⇥ ⇤⇤ thatthatcuits the the the robustness robustness outcome probability property property of of is supersymmetric supersymmetric unaffected byan systems systems exact andandAnother repeated repeated interesting measurement measurement property of of the the arises ancilla ancilla when qubit qubit the approxi- approxi- circuit (k) (k) (k) is closed with respect to both supercharges. Consider translatestranslatesdeformation directly directly of any into into of the a a corresponding corresponding circuits, US property propertyUS + of of the the. matesmates the the generalized generalized Witten Witten index. index. We We refer refer to to this this as as → E ˆ ˆ quantumquantumThis is the circuit. circuit. first example Namely, Namely, of the“robustness” the outcome outcome probabilityof probability supersymmet- (16) (16) thethe generalizedgeneralized supersymmetric quantum quantum circuit Witten WittenUS = machine machineUSU ,.. with. Once Once Once [ , again, again, again,US] = ˆ iRe E Q isric una quantum↵ected by circuits. a deformation If one is of interested the circuit in of computing the form we[ † note, US]that = 0 and theU outcomee probabilityE . Then, one (18) can is check una↵ected that isis una una↵ected by a deformation of the circuit of the form weQ note that the outcomeE ≡ probability (18) is una↵ected correlation functions of operators , not necessarily uni- byby the the exact exact deformation deformation (17) (17) (see (see Fig. Fig. 2). 2). More More O F ˆ F ˆ tary as in (5), one canU expandU each+ , operator into a linear(17) generally,Tr for (U 1)a productUS U = of Tr supersymmetric( 1) US . circuits(18) USS !USS+ E,, (17) generally, forH U−SS a productE of supersymmetricH − circuits ! E h i h i 5

tion to the role of supersymmetry in quantum computa- 0 H H can lead to further insights into the physics of supersym- | i tion and more broadly, a subject metric black holes or AdS2 holography (see [22, 23] for reviews).much underexplored. Although the exact generalized Witten index F i Re ⇢ ( 1) UˆS e E is known, and thus there is no need for an algorithm, this H result may serve to the performance of quan- The author thanks Jan de Boer, Chris Cade, Irina Kos- i Re tum , perhaps along the lines of similar tests FIG. 3. The unitary circuit e i ReE can be dropped from the titsyna, Kareljan Schoutens, and Ronald de Wolf for dis- FIG. 3. The unitary circuit e E can be dropped from the based on the Jones polynomial on IBM Q devices [24]. algorithm, without aaffecting↵ecting the measured outcomes, provided cussions. This work was supported by Nederlandse Or- ˆ A second rich class of examples is provided by the the input state ⇢ρ isis the the maximally maximally mixed mixed state state and and [ [ ,,US ]=] = ganisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) via H Q ˆ Q fermionic hard-core models of [25]. The Hilbert space [[ †,,US ]=0.] = 0. a Vidi grant and is also part of the Delta ITP consortium, Q for these models is in one-to-one correspondence with a program of the NWO that is funded by the Dutch Min- independent sets of G and the Witten index equals istry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), and by the outcomes are una↵ected by an exact deformation of the Euler characteristic of the independence complex Thus, circuits of the form of U can be completely re- the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research Council grant 724659 each circuit [20]. If one is interestedE in Tr [( 1)F ] of G (see the proof of Theorem 1 in the Supplemental moved from such quantum algorithms (see Fig. 3). Massive-Cosmo ERC-2016-COG and the STFC grant with not necessarily unitary one may expandH Oas Material for more details). The Witten index is known It is important to note that the algorithm just ST/T000791/1. sum ofO unitary supersymmetric matrices. O in the case of a 1d graph [25] and for some simple described provides only an approximation to the (gener- 2d graphs, e.g., [26, 27], which may also be used as alized) Witten index and not an exact result which, as Another interesting property arises when the circuit benchmarks. However, there is no known result for a implied by Theorem 1, is intractable even for a quantum is closed with respect to both supercharges. Consider generic graph. In fact, this is expected as the problem of computer. Indeed, for the trace estimation algorithm the supersymmetric circuit US = UˆSU ,with[ , UˆS]= computing[1] F. 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