Kenyan ministers confirmed killed in plane crash 09:16, June 11, 2008

Kenyan Roads Minister and Home Affairs Assistant Minister were killed in a plane crash on Tuesday in west .

The two were among four people killed in the crash involving a Cessna 210 light aircraft in Kanjogoo area in District.

Prime Minister 's spokesman, Salim Lone, said 56-year-old Kones and Laboso, 47, were on the plane. "Police are confirming that all aboard died," he said.

Kones was appointed to the cabinet as part of a power-sharing deal after disputed elections last December.

A man examines the wreckage of the crashed plane in west Kenya on Tuesday, June 10, 2008. Kenyan Roads Minister Kipkalya Kones and Home Affairs Assistant Minister Lorna Laboso were confirmed killed in the plane crash. Police spokesman Erick Kiraithe said a white pilot and a security guard were also on board the aircraft when it crashed into a small hill in the Enoosupkia Forest near Masai Mara.

Weather conditions were reportedly poor at the time of the crash. "The plane crashed into an unoccupied house and all the four people died," Kiraithe said.

The plane, which was heading for , crashed at about 3 p.m. local time (1200 GMT) after taking off from the Wilson Airport in .

"We are probing the cause of the crash," Kiraithe added.

Kenyan President said he received the news of the aircraft crash with sadness and also confirmed that Kenneth Kiprono Bett, a personal assistant to the minister and the pilot, Schner-Christopher, were also onboard.

"The plane, a Cessna 210, left Wilson Airport at 2.18 p.m (1118GMT) today headed for Kericho with four people on board. The plane crashed at Kajong'a in Nairagie-Engare area. The wreckage has been found and there are no survivors," Kibaki said.

"It is with deep sorrow and grief that I send my condolences to the families of Hon. Kones, Hon. Laboso, Police Officer, Kenneth Bett and the Pilot, Schner-Christopher. I wish them God's grace during this trying moment," Kibaki said.

"Our country has lost leaders of immense potential at their prime age and with a promising future. Let us all remain united at this moment of sorrow as a nation. All flags should be flown at half-mast until burial," the president added.

Kones and Laboso were travelling in the light aircraft to the roads minister's constituency in Kericho when the plane went down.

Kones was an Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Member of Parliament while Laboso - - a first-time legislator -- represented Sotik on an ODM ticket.

The deaths of the two ministers came just one day before by-elections which will be conducted in five constituencies: Embakasi, Kilgoris, Ainamoi, Wajir North and Emuhaya.
