RE'port POST OFFICE and R~Relegraph
1877. VICTORIA. RE'PORT UPON THE AFFAllS OF THE POST OFFICE AND r~rELEGRAPH Fon TIlE YEAR 1876 .. PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF P AHLIAMENT BY HIS EXCELLENCY'S COMMAND. o tall :aut~otitll: JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. No.8. , t. APPROXIlILATE COST OF REPORT. £ s. d. PreJlnraUon-Not given. hinting (875 copies) ", 891:> 0 '\ ," 1 " i • \ I ~-. On the fst --4pril "The·' Post Office Amendment .A~t: ~876'." came into operation. This Act authorizes the ·issue of Post Cards to PQst .petween places in Victoria at the rate .of one penny each, under regulations, approved of by the Governor in CounciL , ' " . There is also a clause in this Act exempting coasting and intercolonial sailing vessels from'notifying proposed til1lei)fdepalture from ports in Victoria, as required by section 39 of The Poi.t Office Statute 1896. " . :'. " ':' , ~, .' ',' , It cannot be 'state~ with certainty how far the measure relating to post cards has affected the revenue, but 'there is i:eason to be1ieve" that the increase' on letters :ind .packets' would. hay~' b,een greater than it has beeJ?, not been for the in.tro ductIOn of post .. cards, and that the: letters p,nd ipackets ,displ~ced would ~ave realIzed an amount ~qual to t?at rec~iy~(tfo,Fpost, cards. .' '. , .Durmg the nme inonths,ended 31st December 1876, 695,761 post cal'ds, of ~he val~e of'£2,899, were issued to the public, and during the same period the ~ncrease 111 the Issue of pOl?tage stamps fell below the average mcrease of the pr~vious five "}rears;a'l1q., tQ.e"Immber of private inland letters and packets passing through the post appears by the returns to have been similarly affec~ed.
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