Book V Satyagraha
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BOOK V SATYAGRAHA ERA CHAPTER XXII INDEPENDENCE AND SALT SATYAGRAHA INDEPENDENCE GOAL "India has been ruined economically. The revenue derived from our people is out of all propor THE Congress at Calcutta had given ultimatum tion to our income. Our average income is seven to the British Government. Dominion pice (less than two pence) per day, and of the heavy- Status was to be conceded by December taxes we pay 20% are raised from the Land Revenue 31st, 1929. Otherwise complete indepen derived from the peasantry, and 3% from the Salt dence was to be the goal of the Congress. The year Tax, which falls most heavily on the poor. of 1929 had been a year of waiting. The Congress met at Lahore on the banks of the Ravi in an atmos "Villages industries, such as hand-spinning, phere of revolutionary fervour and expectations. have been destroyed, leaving the peasantry idle for At midnighr on December 31st, as the new year was at least four months in the year, and dulling their ushered in, the flag of Purna Swaraj was unfurled. intellect for want of handicrafts, and nothing has Complete independence was adopted as the goal and been substituted, as in other countries, for the crafts the A. I. C. C. was authorised "whenever it deems thus destroyed. fit to launch upon a programme of Civil Disobedience including non-payment of taxes." "Customs and currency have been so mani pulated as to heap further burdens on the peasantry. British manufactured goods constitute the bulk of INDEPENDENCE PLEDGE our imports. Customs duties betray clear partiality for British manufactures, and revenue from them is On January 26, 1930 was celebrated all over used not fo lessen the burden on the masses but for India the first independence day, when in towns and sustaining a highly extravagant administration. Still villages all over the country, huge mass meetings of more arbitrary has been the manipulation of exchange men and women read the Declaration : ratio which has resulted in millions being drained away from the country. "We believe that it is the inalienable right of the Indian people, as of any other people, to have "Politically, India's status has never been so freedom and to enjoy the fruits of their toil and have reduced as under the British regime. No reforms necessities of life, so that they may have full have given real political power to the people. The opportunities of growth. We believe also that if any tallest of us have to bend before foreign authority. Government deprives a people of these rights and The rights of free expression of opinion and free oppresses them, the people have a further right to association have been denied to us, and many of our alter it or to abolish it. The British Government in countrymen are compelled to live in exile abroad and India has not only deprived the Indian people of cannot return to their homes. All administrative their freedom but has based itself on the exploitation talent is killed and the masses have to be satisfied of the masses, and has ruined India economically, with petty village offices and clerkships. politically, culturally and spiritually. We believe therefore that India must sever the British connec "Culturally, the system of education has torn tion and attain Purna Swaraj or Complete Indepen us from our moorings and our training has made us dence, hug the very chains that bind us. 208 TO THE GATES OF LIBERTY "Spiritually, compulsory disarmament has made Military expenditure by half, protective Tariff on us unmanly* and the presence of an alien army of foreign cloth, relaxation of the Arms Act for self- occupation, employed with deadly effect to crush in defence and abolition of Salt Tax. us the spirit of resistance, has made us think that we cannot look after ourselves or put up a defence against foreign aggression, or even defend our homes SALT SATYAGRAHA and families from the attacks of thieves, robbers and miscreants. It soon became known that Salt Tax was to be chosen for direct action campaign. This, when it -"We hold it to be a crime against man and God started, appeared fantastic and ridiculous to the to submit any longer to a rule that has caused this Moderates and the Government. But soon the four-fold disaster to our country. We recognise, country was ablaze with the mighty movement that however, that the most effective way of gaining our is remembered with pride. "In it one might have freedom is not through violence. We will, therefore, said, the progress of a thousand years was encom prepare ourselves by withdrawing, so far as we can, passed within the events of a year." all voluntary association from the British Govern ment, and will prepare for Civil Disobedience, includ Gandhiji was to start on Dandi March to take ing non-payment of taxes. We are convinced that possession of the salt deposits of the Government if we can but withdraw our voluntary help and stop Salt Depot in the sea shore. Before starting this payment of taxes without doing violence, even under march, Gandhiji, sent a letter to the Viceroy appris provocation the end of this inhuman rule is assured. ing him of his plan. This letter, sent through We, therefore, hereby solemnly resolve to carry out Mr. Reginald Reynolds an Englishman Ashramite, the Congress instructions issued from time to time gave a tale of India's ruination, poverty and serfdom for the purpose of establishing Purna Swaraj." under the British Raj, and demanded redress on the lines of the 11 points. If, however, no redress came, Independence day celebrations revealed the pent "On the 11th day of this month I shall proceed, up feelings, enthusiasm and readiness of the people with such co-workers of the Ashram as I can take, for sacrifice. The smouldering fire was to be re to disregard the provisions of the Salt Laws. I kindled and a mighty effort made against the world's regard this tax to be the most iniquitous of all from mightiest empire by a new popular upsurge even the poor man's standpoint. As the Independence though without the use of arms. At this time arrests movement is essentially for the poorest in the land, and prosecutions had already begun all over the the beginning will be made with this evil. The country. In the Meerut Conspiracy case, started in wonder is that we have submitted to the cruel mono the previous year, of the 32 accused, all but one had poly for so long. It is, I know, open to you to been committed to Sessions. Subhas was already in frustrate my design by arresting- me. I hope that Jail. The Working Committee met in February at there will be tens of thousands ready, in a disciplined Sabarmathi and authorised Gandhiji and his followers- manner, to take up the work after me, and, in the in-faith to start Civil Disobedience and the A. I. C. C. act of disobeying the Salt Act, to lay themselves open shortly after endorsed this decision. to the penalties of a Law that should never have disfigured the Statute Book." GANDHIJI'S 11 POINTS The Viceroy's reply to this ultimatum came back quickly, and was unequivocal. His Excellency ex It was not yet clear what would be the pro pressed his regret that Mr. Gandhi should have been gramme of action. Gandhiji's strategy was not clear "Contemplating a course of action which was clearly even to his closest associates. But the country had bound to involve violation of the Law and danger to unbounded faith in Gandhiji's leadership. Earlier he the public peace." had made his 11-point demand on the Viceroy and had offered inspite of everything that had happened, Gandhiji wrote, "On bended knees I asked for to call off Civil Disobedience. These points included bread and received the stone instead. The English total prohibition, reduction of Rupee ratio to Is. Ad., Nation responds only to force, and I am not surprised reduction of Land Revenue by half, reduction of all by the Viceregal reply. The only public peace the SATYAGRAHA ERA 209 Nation knows is the peace of the public prison. general. Gandhiji preached his old Gospel along India is a vast prison-house. I repudiate this the route. Khaddar, abstinence from drink and (British) Law and regard it as my sacred duty to removal of untouchability were the three favourite break the mournful monotony of compulsory peace themes, but he also enjoined that all should join the that is choking the heart of the Nation for want of Satyagrahis. During the march he declared that he free vent." would either die on the way or else keep away from the Ashram until Swaraj was won. Gandhiji's march lasted 24 days. They had traversed a distance of SARDAR VALLABHBHAI PREPARES THE WAY 200 miles. All along he was emphasising that the The Dandi March thus became inevitable. march was a pilgrimage, a period of penance not to Vallabhbhai, the Sardar of Bardoli went before his be spent in feteing and feasting. master to prepare the villagers on the route which Gandhiji was to follow. Vallabhbhai's speeches to On the morning of April 5th, Gandhiji reached the people of Gujrat were characteristic of his matter- Dandi. Soon after the morning prayers, Gandhiji of-fact eloquence and created a soul-stirring effect: and his volunteers proceeded to break the Salt Law by picking up the salt lying on the seashore. "Give up your wedding festivities", said he, "aImmediatel y after this Gandhiji issued a press state people at war with a mighty Government cannot ment : "Now that the technical or ceremonial breach afford to indulge in these pastimes.