STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF BAY AREA TRANSIT OPERATORS OF SUMMARY BAY STATISTICAL Fiscal Years 2005-06 Through 2009-10 STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF BAY AREA TRANSIT OPERATORS June 2011 I Fiscal Years 2005-06 to 2009-10 Fiscal Years StatSumm CVR_2010.indd 1 6/8/11 2:26 PM Statistical Summary of Bay Area Transit Operators Fiscal Years 2005–06 through 2009–10 June 2011 Prepared by Metropolitan Transportation Commission Programming & Allocations Section Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter 101 Eighth Street Oakland, CA 94607 Tel 510.817.5700 TDD/TTY 510.817.5769 Fax 510.817.5848 Email
[email protected] Web Table of Contents 2 Introduction 4 Bay Area System — Statistical Summary Totals 6 Bay Area System — Regional Totals 8 Bay Area System — Performance by Operator Comparative Charts 11 Bay Area System — Total Transit Vehicle Fleet Operator Information 12 AC Transit (Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District) 16 ACE (Altamont Commuter Express) 20 Alameda Ferry Services 24 BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit District) 28 Benicia Breeze 32 Caltrain (Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board) 36 County Connection (Central Contra Costa Transit Authority) 40 Fairfield/Suisun Transit System 44 Golden Gate Transit (Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District) 50 Healdsburg Transit 54 LAVTA (Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority/Wheels) 58 Muni (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency) 66 Petaluma Transit 70 Pleasanton Paratransit 74 Rio Vista Delta Breeze 78 SamTrans (San Mateo County Transit District) 82 Santa Rosa CityBus 86 Sonoma County Transit