Sovereign Defaults and Debt Restructurings: Historical Overview
Sovereign Defaults and Debt Restructurings: 1 Historical Overview Debt crises and defaults by sovereigns—city-states, kingdoms, and empires—are as old as sovereign borrowing itself. The first recorded default goes back at least to the fourth century B.C., when ten out of thirteen Greek municipalities in the Attic Maritime Association de- faulted on loans from the Delos Temple (Winkler 1933). Most fiscal crises of European antiquity, however, seem to have been resolved through ‘‘currency debasement’’—namely, inflations or devaluations— rather than debt restructurings. Defaults cum debt restructurings picked up in the modern era, beginning with defaults in France, Spain, and Portugal in the mid-sixteenth centuries. Other European states fol- lowed in the seventeenth century, including Prussia in 1683, though France and Spain remained the leading defaulters, with a total of eight defaults and six defaults, respectively, between the sixteenth and the end of the eighteenth centuries (Reinhart, Rogoff, and Savastano 2003). Only in the nineteenth century, however, did debt crises, defaults, and debt restructurings—defined as changes in the originally envis- aged debt service payments, either after a default or under the threat of default—explode in terms of both numbers and geographical inci- dence. This was the by-product of increasing cross-border debt flows, newly independent governments, and the development of modern fi- nancial markets. In what follows, we begin with an overview of the main default and debt restructuring episodes of the last two hundred years.1 We next turn to the history of how debt crises were resolved. We end with a brief review of the creditor experience with sovereign debt since the 1850s.
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