An Overview of Global Insolvency Regimes Mark Broude, Hervé Diogo Amengual, Frank Grell, John Houghton and Jake Redway, Latham & Watkins LLP
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31 An Overview of Global Insolvency Regimes Mark Broude, Hervé Diogo Amengual, Frank Grell, John Houghton and Jake Redway, Latham & Watkins LLP INTRODUCTION equitable as possible. The main goals of Chapter 11 are to: 1) Rehabilitate financially viable businesses – preserving The insolvency regime or regimes that may be applicable to a operations and saving jobs particular borrower will often be a pivotal issue in work-out or 2) Ensure equality of distribution of value of the insolvent restructuring transactions, even where the transaction is company among the insolvent debtor’s similarly-situated intended to be out of court.The applicable laws will determine creditors when, for example, the directors' duties might change from 3) Maximise the value of assets and distributions to creditors being owed to the shareholders to the general body of credi- 4) Provide discharge from indebtedness and a “fresh start” to tors, and will often determine the point at which insolvency the debtor practitioners can look back at the antecedent transactions in an 5) Provide the debtor with time and ability to restructure bal- attempt to unwind them under the applicable insolvency laws. ance sheet and business They will also provide the backdrop for any negotiations, as the constituencies will measure any proposed recovery against These goals point out the primary reasons why a Chapter 11 the possible results from an in-court insolvency proceeding. case is substantially different from a case under chapter 7. In Furthermore, as more and more cross-border financing trans- a case under chapter 7 the debtor’s pre-petition management actions are being created, understanding the interplay between is replaced by a chapter 7 trustee whose sole purpose is not multiple insolvency regimes, and how one jurisdiction may the preservation of the debtor as a going concern but rather give effect to an insolvency proceeding commenced in anoth- the liquidation of the debtor’s assets for the highest price and er jurisdiction, will become increasingly important to the the distribution of the proceeds of sale in strict conformity negotiating dynamics in any attempt to craft an out-of-court with the absolute priority rule. Chapter 7 cases generally resolution to a "stressed" or "distressed" situation. involve businesses that have already ceased operations, and thus where there is no going concern value to preserve. Owing to internationalisation and the vast differences between insolvency regimes throughout jurisdictions, an Petitions and Automatic Stays overview of each of the regimes will now be provided for cer- In the US, a bankruptcy case is commenced by filing a peti- tain key markets throughout Europe and Asia Pacific. The tion, which is a form document listing estimates of the U.S is taken as a starting point, with a detailed look at debtor’s assets and liabilities and indicating its intention to Chapter 11 and Chapter 15. reorganise (Chapter 11) or liquidate (Chapter 7). Petitions can be either voluntary or involuntary. As soon as the volun- 1. THE UNITED STATES tary petition is filed, or an order for relief on an involuntary petition is entered, an automatic stay is in place. CHAPTER 11 OVERVIEW An automatic stay in the US Bankruptcy Code is a nation- Introduction to Chapter 11 wide injunction which comes into effect automatically and Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code was created with the instantly upon the filing of the petition or entry of the order intention of making the corporate reorganisation process as for relief, as the case may be, without regard to affected par- This article was first published in The Guide to Distressed Debt and Turnaround Investing by Private Equity International 32 The Guide to Distressed Debt & Turnaround Investing ties’ notice of bankruptcy filing or opportunity to contest the and thereby achieve the greatest return practicable for all con- imposition of the stay. The purpose of an automatic stay is to stituencies within the bounds of the absolute priority rule. provide a breathing spell for the Debtor in Possession (DIP), so that the DIP and other parties in interest have time to work out United States Trustee: is an arm of the US Department of the debtor’s financial problems and negotiate a plan of action. It Justice which oversees the conduct of bankruptcy cases. The also serves as a buffer from creditors, whose actions could other- US Trustee is responsible for the administration of most wise potentially destroy the debtor in the creditors’ scramble for bankruptcy cases. The US Trustee system was developed to relief. ensure that bankruptcy judges were freed from holding any administrative responsibilities for the debtor.The US Trustee The automatic stay applies to all of the debtor’s property and possesses standing to be heard as a party of interest and creditors, no matter where they are located. As a practical mat- enjoys broad immunity for acts taken in its official capacity. ter, it is difficult to enforce the automatic stay (or the US Bankruptcy Court’s jurisdiction generally) against a creditor that Chapter 11 Trustee: appointed in cases of major fraud or mis- does not do business, or otherwise have a presence, in the US. management. There is no automatic appointment of a Where a stay of actions by creditors who have no trustee in a Chapter 11 case. If appointed, the trustee may connection with the United States is important for a debtor, operate the debtor’s business during the pending Chapter 11 commencing an additional insolvency proceeding in the appro- case. Unless a creditor or other party in interest can show that priate jurisdiction may be required. In most situations involving there has been fraud, gross mismanagement or other malfea- such creditors, however, debtors frequently seek some authority sance, management will usually remain in place. from the bankruptcy court to pay foreign creditors (or at least those with no connection with the United States in the ordinary Official Committees: it is the norm for a committee of unse- course of their business). cured creditors to be formed during Chapter 11 cases. Such committees are typically composed of the seven unsecured Parties in Interest creditors with the largest unsecured claims who are willing to The US Bankruptcy Code has a very broad definition of “parties serve. The committee has fiduciary duties to all unsecured in interest”, who are the parties that have a right to be heard in creditors, but not to the other constituencies in the case. The a Chapter 11 case. Generally, any creditor (whether the credi- US Trustee may appoint as many additional committees as it tor’s claim is fixed, contingent on a future event, disputed or deems appropriate to assure adequate representation of cred- undisputed) and any stockholder (referred to in the Bankruptcy itors or of equity secure holders. In addition, a court may Code as an “equity security holder”) has a right to be heard by (though this is not frequent) direct the United States Trustee the bankruptcy court. Nevertheless, individual creditors or to appoint an official committee of equity holders or of shareholders generally will only come to court or negotiate with another constituency that the court determines to merit rep- the debtor on issues affecting them specifically. The rest of the resentation through an official committee. An official com- time, they will rely on the major players in the case to represent mittee has broad negotiating powers on behalf of the credi- the various constituencies. tor or shareholder body it is appointed to represent. Each official committee is generally empowered to employ, at the The major players in a Chapter 11 case are: expense of the debtor estate, accountants, lawyers and other Debtor in Possession (DIP): the debtor itself has fiduciary duties professionals to perform services for the committee. These to all of its creditors and shareholders. The DIP is supposed to professional advisors must meet a stringent standard of “dis- take those actions it believes will maximise the value of the estate interestedness” in order to serve on the matter. For instance, An Overview of Global Insolvency Regimes 33 to meet this standard, the advisor must not be a creditor of lease out of the ordinary course requires court approval, which is the debtor, meaning that claims for fees to be paid before a sought by motion, usually on at least 20 days’ notice. case is settled would disqualify the advisor from service. Cash Collateral Agent Bank(s)/Steering Committee: a secured bank group that Cash collateral is defined as the cash and cash equivalents in generally does not constitute an “official” committee. The possession of the estate, including any proceeds, product, off- Agent bank and a handful of other banks with large stakes spring, rents or profits of the estate, but solely to the extent that in the credit will usually negotiate on behalf of the entire such cash or equivalents are subject to a valid, perfected security group of creditors and, although they cannot bind the entire interest. A DIP or a Trustee is limited in its use of cash collat- group, they can help build consensus. The bank group rep- eral. It cannot use cash as collateral unless the secured creditor resents only the interests of its members; it does not have consents or the Bankruptcy Court authorises its use on the any obligations to other creditor constituencies. grounds that “adequate protection” is provided. Judicial System: The US has two levels of judicial oversight The Chapter 11 Claims Process for Chapter 11 cases, the US Bankruptcy Court and the There are two types of claims that can be filed under Chapter District Court or Bankruptcy Appellate Panel. The 11: secured claims and unsecured claims.