The Righteous Spirit of the Notorious R.B.G (Ruth Bader Ginsberg- Supreme Court Justice) Urgently Summons the Inter-World Mystic Spirit of P.M.G (Praying Mantis Girl) to Immediately Overturn Encino Motorcars LLC v. Hector Navarro, et al. Decided April 7, 2018.

On September 18, 2020 United States Associate Justice for the United States Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, passed away with family at her side. R.B.G. proved to be a tireless advocate of women’s rights, equal protection, civil liberties, gender equality and the protection of the workers’ rights to fair labor practices and protections. Justice Ginsberg’s dissent in the Encino Motorcars revealed her understanding of the inequities of the current labor forces’ compensation formulas, but was not able to articulate specifically and relevantly the duties, obligations and responsibilities of the Automotive Dealership Service Advisors’ Skilled Labor Classification. The service advisor at a franchised automotive dealership has exactly the same function as your head nurse in your local hospital emergency room. The head nurses, with so much necessary familiarity with medical procedures and standards, support, assist and monitor the doctors and the viability of the numerous departments and variable subunits. The skilled, trained and devoted nurse professionals are also the front line defenders of the patients’ rights to knowledgeable, capable, accurate and effective medical care. So often it is the nurses that detect, reveal and expose the wrongful, negligent or inadequate care persons receive. Nurses are not doctors, because they have not desired, received or completed the additional training necessary and required to be qualified as the doctor. The doctor, hopefully looking after your best interests, is the person in charge and responsible for your care. When you are in the hospital, does the doctor control your treatment and care based upon your best interests, or does the doctor have to deny, delay or avoid certain treatments based upon the administrations’ directives, often absent of medical knowledge?

The nurse and doctor relationship is present in two distinct and separate settings and environments. The first environment is the hospital. This facility is crucial for a community because a central location for emergency services and care is necessary for our continued health and survival efforts. The hospital is also required as a location for so many of our health services, with scheduled surgeries and other efforts to maintain our health standards and lifestyles. Medical services often require ever changing expensive equipment, treatments, training and continued monitoring and adjustments in treatment and rehabilitation. Regional hospitals often service a multitude of communities to mitigate costs and streamline efficiencies in daily operations and accessibility. The second environment consists of all of the medical centers, laboratories, and medical practices and services performed outside the hospital settings. A skilled and registered nurse is a special asset to the community because often the nurse is the first point of contact when a medical situation occurs. The nurses support the doctors and the patients simultaneously. Frequently the nurses have 80% of the patients’ contact, with the doctors having approximately 20%. The doctors require the nurses’ assistance to continuously monitor the patients’ care and interests. Our care requires the efforts of both parties working in unison for the same desired effect. In America there presently is a demand and a belief that health care is somehow a “Human Right” that the government is obligated to provide and must provide. This belief is unequivocally and absolutely inaccurate and untrue based upon reality. Government cannot provide anything. Governments can regulate and promote all sorts of things. Health care requires people to invest the time, effort, focus and cost to study, work and develop these medical skills sets. Wishing and demanding medical services requires someone qualified to perform these tasks. Who and where are these people supposed to come from to perform these skills? Are you willing, capable and able to commit to the rigorous requirements to acquire these skill sets, just to have someone else demand you help them. The patient has the right to your services, does not feel obligated to compensate you for your services, wants another entity, whether insurance or the community, to pay you? Skills need people, absolutely and positively. All the nice technology and data is so impressive and inspiring to look at, but it is without ANY VALUE if the person inspecting it is not familiar with some necessarily basic principal that was learned through hands on personal experience. Way too many persons come bearing written and digitalized certifications that look nice on paper. When time comes for them to perform, they can’t. This jeopardizes the task, safety, additional parts and supply costs, pressures on co-workers working with incompetent and negative teammates.

The automotive industry has always used the vehicle sales numbers as a key contributing factor to establish a country’s GDP as related to economic health, stability and promise. How many units sold and at what price and most importantly, when. When a product is produced, ready to sell, and finally sold, there is closure and finality. All parties to the transaction can then be paid out and focus on the next deal. As times change and manufacturers and dealers looked for other income streams, the business records revealed what everyone in the industry is aware. The business is the service department. And the continued influx of monies for today for the sale of service (labor) needs of the future. What has happened is the automotive repair mechanics have left the industry and are not being replaced. The dealerships and manufacturers have refused to pay prevailing wages and have colluded to suppress wages and any forms of organized objections. The service advisors are the gatekeepers, guardians and whistleblowers by necessity. Growing up my parents advised us that if we were to exchange our labor for an hourly rate, we must make sure that our skill sets have some form of certification. This is absolutely necessary to prevent future labor market collapses because specialists and certified employees cannot be replaced just because of nepotisms, immigrant or special friend or subsequent owners. I Am Still Here

(This poem is a common refrain shared when mourning a Death)

Death has taken me from this world, and though we are apart, I am still near. All that we meant to each other remains true, in trust and faith, have no fear. Keep me always close to your heart! For I leave with you what no one can steal, a treasure chest of precious, happy memories: the tender, love-filled moments we shared, as well as the challenging times that brought us closer together.

When you are in need, speak to me, call my name. I will come to you with wisdom and light, to fill your soul with peace, and to guide you in the pathways that lead to life forever with our Loving God, World and Earth. I also offer you this sacred promise: when I am home in God’s, the World’s and Earth’s embrace, whenever you call on me, I will still be present to you, for neither death nor grave can break the bonds of Love that we on earth once knew.

Point of Origin

All human life is first identified as where the individual was born. Birthplace, where, when and to whom. At this very first moment in time, we are equal in that we are alive. I am currently writing this at 1:45am on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, which is the 245th anniversary of the United States Marine Corp, formed by our Continental Congress in 1775. Our 2020 United States Presidential Election was one week ago, and now it appears as though Joe Biden and Pamela Harris will be the President and Vice Presidential choice for America. My country, America, is just 244 years old, is presently the superpower of the world, with only 4% of the world’s population. America has been honored with great wealth and prosperity for so many for such a short episode in the period of civilization that I find it completely mind boggling. Our Constitution is only 4 pages long, and yet it is the blueprint for the first time in history a nation has had the nerve and audacity to believe the people, ordinary citizenry, are willing, capable and able to self-rule themselves within the global world of unlimited variations of beliefs, actions and values. The reason we have been able to stand so tall in the World is because we are a Nation of immigrants. And almost all are motivated by the desire, hope and participation for the OPPORTUNITY to build and create our own legacies for ourselves, families and global neighbors. And to many, this is only possible when the world accepts that there must be some form of Deity that controls and dictates our fate. It must be God’s will, and therefore this occurrence, whatever it is, good or bad, must be a part of the Gods’ plan. But if so, which God? Are there more than one? How do we know this, or that? Trust your instincts? Read a lot? Watch a lot? Pray a lot? But if someone does not believe in a God, or your God, or their God, does their opinion matter? Could they be denied life for not agreeing with you? Or with me?

I have been very fortunate to have been born to the parents I had. Both are dead and gone now, and I continue to strive daily to give my best to contribute to my country, and the World, that peace, sustainability and prosperity is at hand across the globe. Never in the history of civilization has every corner of the earth been able to be reached and contacted at almost a moment’s notice. We have the technology to see via satellite almost anywhere. And now we have the power to kill anywhere with an anonymous drone strike without telling anyone or getting anyone’s permission. Problem solved, they’re dead, let’s move on. Everything will be ok. There’s plenty for everyone. Don’t worry, we are America, and we are always righteous. Really?

The problem is not the American people. It is the politicians, corporate raiders, European aristocrats, and international bankers. And unfortunately the courts in America offer no refuge, solace or direction towards truth that a free society requires. America has endured our own Civil War, and appears headed straight on into another Civil War. The anger, resentment, distrust and refusal to even desire any attempts for any meaningful or productive dialogue or debate has been exhausted in the last several years. Rampant futility for meaningful change has been the norm because the citizens and all inhabitants have become painfully aware far too many politicians have betrayed their moral and legal duty to represent their constituents and the Republic as a whole. I have been actively monitoring and documenting America’s freedom journey for the last forty years. The World is on the brink of social collapse everywhere, and yet if ANYONE will just listen and read what I have collected, the true light of peace and purpose can be realized globally.

Inspiration and Purpose

The fundamental principal of the values, basis and standards for the United States of America is our collective directive to abide by the principals held invaluable in the application, maintenance and preservation of our Constitution. Our Republic can only be protected and maintained by the balance of powers as shared within our three branches of government, the Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The Legislative makes the laws, Executive carries out the law, and Judicial evaluates the laws. All departments are aware of their scope and boundaries of responsibilities. For our society to operate properly and thrive, the checks and balances between each branch require constant vigilance and oversight of the People to insure our representatives are operating within their requisite authorities. The basic formula consists of the Legislative and Executive to operate with a shared objective for creating laws and enforcing these laws. The reason this method is superior to any other form of Government is because we have the mechanisms of influence to elect, monitor and remove anyone from their positions if needed. The often apparently obvious desire and purpose of most elected officials is to maintain their employment, with hopeful continued re-elections. A critical element is the elected officials’ ability to maintain favor with their constituents, as represented by the voters. But the inherent danger of our system is the allure of politicians aligning themselves within an Identity, group or party that protects their employment. Present circumstances unequivocally demonstrate and prove their egregious self-serving actions are not just disadvantageous to the People, but destroying unapologetically so many of our civil rights, equal protections and due process guarantees. At least these politicians do not discriminate. These politicians’ treasonous acts assault citizens, immigrants, the incarcerated, and visitors.

History, time and current events reveal with absolute certainty America is on the brink of the “Point of no return.” We as a Nation will be unable to put Pandora back into her box if we don’t stand up NOW. There are so many examples and proofs of the deterioration of our society and our leadership that I will just mention two at this point here. The first is self-abolition of any responsible debate, discussion or review of any issue by EITHER political party. Neither the Republicans nor Democrats will even consider any forms of compromise from their demand agendas and polarized positions. The deadlock and paralysis of our Nation’s interests and responsibilities is undeniable, self-encouraged, and presently unchangeable. The law requires deadlines are met, and our politicians’ intentional blockades force the courts to resolve the issues in their place. The Courts have become America’s new Legislative body by default because of the malfeasance and criminally intentional negligent and dereliction of their oaths and duty to their offices. The Courts lack the resources, capabilities and understandings of all of the intentional and unintentional effects of these issues. Issues, which by design and necessity would require the objective presentation, analysis and review of proposed legislation for robust examinations and considerations.

The second extremely pressing and urgent danger being forced upon all citizens, occupants, visitors and inhabitants is the absolutely unconstitutional false imprisonment, denial of ability to gather, operate our businesses, gatherings in our communities and freedoms to associate as we choose. The citizens have no ability or recourse to assert our grievances against these vicious, autocratic, arbitrary and capricious thefts of our lost freedoms. Our numerous government entities on all levels are now imposing communistic and dictatorial restrictions ruining the livelihoods, businesses, family relationships and careers. Compliance and submission to the State is being guaranteed by indiscriminate heavy fines, facility closures, relationship forfeitures, and preferred and special waivers and allowances bequeathed to the States’ preferred business and social elites. Our ability to exercise our rights has been unconscionably prevented because of the chilling effect any resistance to State mandates will be brought to bear upon the individual.

BREAKING NEWS NOW--- IS AWAKE---GOING INTO BLACK---RED NO MORE!!! IT’S 3:33AM, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2021 ---3PEEZ---COMPLAINT/CAUSE/CORRCTION If you keep doing everything for someone, it does not take long for them not to be able to do anything for themselves. Growing pains are supposed to hurt. We can turn this World on its Head. No violence needed. The greatest warriors, will capture adversaries, then demonstrate Mercy, letting them live, and rehabilitate them!!!


I am so tired of watching this world go to hell in a hand basket. I can only speak for myself. Well ok, not really. I must speask for those who can’t, or are unable to, but MUST be protected. That is life, all life, those that are coming into this World, and those who have already left. Where they went, shit, I don’t know. Oh you do? So you speak for God? Read it somewhere? Who wrote it? I’m not sure. I wasn’t there? And you were? So you heard? Really, your way? I don’t believe. Not from you. For just myself!!! So what’s my point? Black Ink Baby!!!!

Black Ink Incorporated was the fictional company that one of my two best men from my first wedding in 1994 came up with while in college at California State University of Sacramento. Being in the black means you don’t have DEBT. When you have debt, you are enslaved. In the new world, where we don’t survive off the land, you need to formulate alliances to maximize the worlds’ resources for sustainability. Which requires recruitment and training for competent replacements for your continued ability to ENJOY your life. But it’s 4:03 in the morning, and I’m tired so I’ll get right to the point. This World’s Workbook turned out so well, I can’t believe it. Honest. Never thought I could get this far, and never would have been able to without the never-ending encouragement, support and butt’kicking Miguel Millan gave me. Beautiful tough love. Family did it to me also. Because that’s what I needed. To the point.

I have been what every source of authority fears the most. Lying in wait. (Lawyers, you know this element. Standard for 1st degree ). But waiting for what? The dirty EXPLOITERS!!

Unfortunately I screwed up the paragraph spacing, so I’m gonna have to ignore the format and roll with the words. Gonna do what I can with what I’ve got. Probably sounding little stupid now, but that’s nothing new. So here I go, and have to give it my best shot. Tomorrow isn’t promised for anyone, me included. So if I don’t wake up, here’s my two cents worth. What I’ve protected is the information President Donald Trump and Mexicos’ President requested of me . Praying Mantis Girl Plan

There is a familiar saying that money doesn’t matter, it’s the intangible things in life that have the real value. For the humans I know, met and represent, money is a tool, not the end goal. I believe what most human beings desire is an opportunity to create a legacy for themselves, families, friends and others at large. Honor, trust, love, fidelity, loyalty, integrity, truthfulness and purpose to leave this World in a better place than when we found it. Whether we reproduce or not. Of course I will push for my freedom. But I wouldn’t be able to truly enjoy it if you over there weren’t free also. So simply put, the decades long war on drugs has been a farce. Cartels, gangs, low life’s, undesirables and persons of that nature need to be stopped. But what about all those pharmaceutical companies that had record profits as they caused thousands of deaths while over prescribing oxycodone that caused so much addition, destroying lives and families everywhere. Their executives and lawyers have said sorry, and silly them, ,must have just been an oversight. Won’t happen again. They promised us. But it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. Now the old saying, “In God we Trust, all others pay cash”, couldn’t be more true. The other truth is a murder has no statue of limitations. And of course, if you haven’t gotten a chance to know me, you don’t know what I’ve been up too. I haven’t hidden anything. Quite the contrary. I’ve been screaming for quite a while, and it’s time for action on the solution. Because time is perishable, and the devil is at the gate, you all are gonna get the condensed version.

The automotive industry is so important because it is the basis for human freedoms. The necessities of life are reportedly food, shelter and clothing. But that is to survive. To be actually free, we must have the right, and the access to, travel. The laws of Nature are reportedly adapt, migrate, or die. Hang on there. Die? Not us. As I understand that Moses guy said “Let my people go.” And I can dig that from him, as history reports. But I side with the millennials and the dreamers. We been here awhile, have set roots in our shitty looking neighborhoods(to you). We’re kinda fond of our sufferings. There are no atheists in the foxholes. And I’ve found there’s no atheists’ living on the streets here in Richmond. And now there’s 40 million Americans without employment, and growing. So let’s fix it. But let me be crystal clear. The point of origin is right here in Richmond, California. Richmond is a growing. Page 19—Miguel’s page. will represent our sales division. We will be using our own currency, as we should have been back when Lincoln was president. Then Kennedy got killed for his attempt to insure America cut itself loose from the European dynasty bullshit. Lets discuss this history lesson. Executive Order 11110 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Executive Order 11110 was issued by U.S. President John F. Kennedy on June 4, 1963. This executive order amended Executive Order 10289 (dated September 17, 1951)[1] by delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the president's authority to issue silver certificates under the Thomas Amendment of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended by the Gold Reserve Act. The order allowed the Secretary to issue silver certificates, if any were needed, during the transition period under President Kennedy's plan to eliminate Silver Certificates and use Federal Reserve Notes.[2]


 1Background  2Public Law 88-36  3Text of Executive Order  4Revocation  5JFK assassination theory  6See also  7References  8External links

Background[edit] On November 28, 1961, President Kennedy halted sales of silver by the Treasury Department. Increasing demand for silver as an industrial metal had led to an increase in the market price of silver above the United States government's fixed price. This led to a decline in the government's excess silver reserves by over 80% during 1961. Kennedy also called upon Congress to phase out silver certificates in favor of Federal Reserve notes which, according to the Associated Press at that time, were still backed by gold.[3][4] Kennedy repeated his calls for Congress to act on several occasions, including his 1963 Economic Report, where he wrote:[5] I again urge a revision in our silver policy to reflect the status of silver as a metal for which there is an expanding industrial demand. Except for its use in coins, silver serves no useful monetary function. In 1961, at my direction, sales of silver were suspended by the Secretary of the Treasury. As further steps, I recommend repeal of those Acts that oblige the Treasury to support the price of silver; and repeal of the special 50-percent tax on transfers of interest in silver and authorization for the Federal Reserve System to issue notes in denominations of $1, so as to make possible the gradual withdrawal of silver certificates from circulation and the use of the silver thus released for coinage purposes. I urge the Congress to take prompt action on these recommended changes.

Public Law 88-36[edit] The House of Representatives took up the president's request early in 1963,[6] and passed HR 5389 on April 10, 1963, by a vote of 251 to 122.[7][8] The Senate passed the bill on May 23, by a vote of 68 to 10.[9][10] Kennedy signed the bill into law on June 4, 1963 and, on the same day, signed an executive order (11110) authorizing the Treasury Secretary to continue printing silver certificates during the transition period.[11][12] The act, which became Public Law 88-36 (77 Stat. 54), repealed the Silver Purchase Act of 1934 and related laws, repealed a tax on silver transfers, and authorized the Federal Reserve to issue one- and two-dollar bills, in addition to the notes they were already issuing.[13] The Silver Purchase Act had authorized and required the Secretary of the Treasury to buy silver and issue silver certificates. With its repeal, the President needed to delegate to the Treasury Secretary the President's own authority under the Agricultural Adjustment Act.[14]

Text of Executive Order[edit] President Kennedy's Executive Order (E.O.) 11110 modified the pre-existing Executive Order 10289 issued by U.S. President Harry S. Truman on September 17, 1951, and stated the following:[15] The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby designated and empowered to perform the following-described functions of the President without the approval, ratification, or other action of the President... E.O. 10289 then lists tasks (a) through (h) which the Secretary may now do without instruction from the President. None of the powers assigned to the Treasury in E.O. 10289 relate to money or to monetary policy. President Kennedy's E.O. 11110, in its entirety, follows: SECTION 1. Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19 [sic], 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended -- (a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph (j): "(j) The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of May 12, 1933, as amended (31 U.S.C. 821 (b)), to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denominations of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption," and (b) By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof. SEC. 2. The amendment made by this Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as if said amendments had not been made. JOHN F. KENNEDY THE WHITE HOUSE, June 4, 1963 And let’s include this one:

Editorial Reviews Review G. Edward Griffin is to be commended for this splendid work. At first glance The Creature from Jekyll Island is a huge book. While this may be daunting to some, once the book is actually started, it flows smoothly and reads quickly. There are so many fascinating tidbits of information here that the reader won't even be concerned about the size of the book. The title refers to the formation of the Federal Reserve System, which occurred at a secret meeting at Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1910. It was at this meeting, as Griffin relates, that the "Money Trust", composed of the richest and most powerful bankers in the world, along with a U.S. Senator, wrote the proposal to launch the Federal Reserve System (which Griffin calls a banking cartel) to control the financial system so that the bankers will always come out on top. The biggest problem in modern banking, according to Griffin, is and has always been the creation of fiat money. Fiat money is money that is "declared" money by the government. It is not backed by anything but promises and deceit. All societies were sound financially when they used gold or silver to back their currency. When the bankers finally get their way and install fiat money, the result is inflation and boom and bust cycles. Griffin gives numerous examples of this, such as repeated failures by American colonies and European states in using fiat money. The purpose of fiat money is so that the government can spend more then they take in through taxes. Without writing reams on this book, it is sufficient to say that this is a must read for anyone who is interested in learning how the money system operates. Griffin gives comprehensive accounts of how the Fed creates money, and how this affects everyday life. I would have to say these sections are better than Murray Rothbard's book, The Case Against the Fed, because Griffin gives himself more room for explanation. Griffin does believe in the conspiratorial view of history, and he believes that the bankers are working in concert with such groups as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission to bring about a socialist-world system in which an elite composed of intellectuals and bankers will rule over the entire planet. Griffin even spends a chapter outlining how this system could come about, and the consequent results of this socialist system. These chapters are a bit unsettling, but even if you aren't interested in this worldview, you can still learn much about the economy from this book. Recommended --By Jeffrey Leach on July 29, 2001

This book, while slightly marred by the occasional conspiracy theory, is a great account of one of the most important real life conspiracies of our time. It is well researched with plenty of footnotes for anyone who wants to look more deeply. It tells the real story of how bankers have lured politicians with easy money and ended up in control of most of the world. Whether or not they can keep up our (or rather, their) sleight-of-hand monetary system forever, the important thing is the power these bankers wield that should not be theirs. This book should be required reading. And by all means do your own research. Topics covered: founding of the Federal Reserve, war mongering, bail-outs, boom-bust cycles, the J.P.Morgans and Rothschilds of the world, the history of central banking in the United States, and most fascinating: how the money system really works in this country. Despite its lack of perfection, this book is by far the most relevant and interesting thing I have read about economics in a long time. It is written in terms that anyone can understand, which will immediately rule out the kind of reader who is impressed by a lot of technical jargon that supposedly demonstrates an author's mastery of the subject while only serving to confuse laymen (and experts too). --By A Customer on October 30, 1999

This book, while slightly marred by the occasional conspiracy theory, is a great account of one of the most important real life conspiracies of our time. It is well researched with plenty of footnotes for anyone who wants to look more deeply. It tells the real story of how bankers have lured politicians with easy money and ended up in control of most of the world. Whether or not they can keep up our (or rather, their) sleight-of-hand monetary system forever, the important thing is the power these bankers wield that should not be theirs. This book should be required reading. And by all means do your own research. Topics covered: founding of the Federal Reserve, war mongering, bail-outs, boom-bust cycles, the J.P.Morgans and Rothschilds of the world, the history of central banking in the United States, and most fascinating: how the money system really works in this country. Despite its lack of perfection, this book is by far the most relevant and interesting thing I have read about economics in a long time. It is written in terms that anyone can understand, which will immediately rule out the kind of reader who is impressed by a lot of technical jargon that supposedly demonstrates an author's mastery of the subject while only serving to confuse laymen (and experts too). --By A Customer on October 30, 1999

About the Author Mr. Griffin is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where he majored in speech and communications. He is a recipient of the Telly Award for excellence in television production. He is the founder of the Cancer Cure Foundation and has served on the board of directors of the National Health Federation and the International Association of Cancer Victims and Friends. He is a Contributing Editor for The New American magazine, president of American Media and founder of the Reality Zone.

Product details  Publisher : American Media; 5th edition (September 11, 2010)  Language: : English  Paperback : 608 pages  ISBN-10 : 091298645X  ISBN-13 : 978-0912986456  Item Weight : 2.15 pounds  Dimensions : 6 x 1.26 x 9 inches  Best Sellers Rank: #7,256 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) o #9 in Banks & Banking (Books) o #10 in Economic Policy o #10 in Economic Policy & Development (Books)  Customer Reviews: 4.8 out of 5 stars 2,035 ratings Start reading The Creature from Jekyll Island on your Kindle in under a minute.

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FollowBiography G. EDWARD GRIFFIN is a writer, documentary film producer, and Founder of Freedom Force International. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand.

He has dealt with such diverse subjects as archaeology and ancient Earth history, the Federal Reserve System and international banking, terrorism, internal subversion, the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations.

His better-known works include The Creature from Jekyll Island, World without Cancer, The Discovery of Noah’s Ark, Moles in High Places, The Open Gates of Troy, No Place to Hide, The Capitalist Conspiracy, More Deadly than War, The Grand Design, The Great Prison Break, and The Fearful Master.

Ed is a graduate of the University of Michigan where he majored in speech and communications. He is a recipient of the coveted Telly Award for excellence in television production, the creator of the Reality Zone Audio Archives, Publisher of Need to Know News, and is President of American Media, a publishing and video production company in Southern California.

He has served on the board of directors of The National Health Federation and The International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends and is Founder and President of The Cancer Cure Foundation. He is the Founder of Freedom Force International and creator of Red Pill University, Red-Pill Expos, and Rabbit-Hole Expeditions. The mission of these Red-Pill and Rabbit-Hole endeavors is far more serious than they may sound. It is to popularize a global coalition for the victory of individualism over collectivism and liberty over tyranny.

And how about this one:

Stop disrespecting the FBI--

FBI San Francisco History Early 1900s The FBI opened an office in San Francisco during its earliest days as an organization, and one has been in continuous operation ever since. The first known special agent in charge was E.M. Blanford in 1911.

During these early years, the San Francisco Division handled many important matters for the Bureau, including some of its most significant national security cases. In 1916, for instance, San Francisco agents investigated German Consul General Franz Bopp and his assistants—as well as a number of Indian-born residents—for violating the Neutrality Act and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. In what became known as the Hindu Conspiracy case, German nationals sought to help Indian nationals plan, fund, and carry out an uprising against British colonial rule in India. Bopp and his fellow Germans were convicted in January 1917 and were later interned as alien enemies when the U.S. declared war on Germany in April 1917.

In August 1920, San Francisco was named one of nine divisional headquarters in the Bureau, with administrative charge over a number of other field offices in the western United States.

Thanks to expanded federal legislation, the transportation of stolen cars across state lines became an important responsibility of the division and the rest of the Bureau in the 1920s, as did kidnapping in 1932. The division later played a key role in solving an extortion case following the kidnapping of three-year-old Marc de Tristan Jr., the son of Count and Countess de Tristan. One month after the boy had been safely recovered, an attempt was made to extort money from the family, threatening harm to the child. Special agents investigated and obtained a confession from a man named Raymond Parker.

Early San Francisco Field Office building 1940s The onset of World War II led to a significant increase in the responsibilities of the San Francisco Division. The great majority of its cases during this time involved counterespionage and domestic security issues; agents, for example, monitored the activities of Japanese language students possibly engaged in espionage and of German Consular Officer Fritz Wiedemann, who was suspected of being an intelligence officer.

The division also worked closely with local industry to protect factories from sabotage, helping set up appropriate security measures and protocols. It also coordinated with other federal agencies to monitor and uncover spies operating in this country and to gather intelligence on foreign espionage activities.

Even before the war was over, San Francisco agents began noticing an increase in Soviet espionage. At the end of the war, the division began to reprioritize its counterintelligence work by tracking Soviet consular officials and the Communist Political Association (later the U.S. Communist Party) and its connection to Soviet intelligence in the Bureau’s Comintern Apparatus case.

Despite the strong focus on national security, interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicles, violations of the Selective Service Act, anti-trust matters, and many other violations were of significant concern to San Francisco in the post-war period.

By 1949, the San Francisco Division covered the entire Northern Judicial District of California, an area of 73,274 square miles with an estimated population of nearly four million people. Its territory included 41 of the 58 counties of the state of California, plus Yosemite National Park. In addition to its office in the city of San Francisco, the division operated a total of 21 satellite offices, or resident agencies, including in Alameda, Berkeley, Carmel, Chico, Eureka, Hayward, Kentfield, Marysville, Modesto, Oakland, Palo Alto, Redding, Richmond, Sacramento, Salinas, San Jose, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, Stockton, Vallejo, and Walnut Creek.

1950s With the onset of the Cold War, the 1950s were a busy time for the San Francisco Division. A number of high-priority espionage and domestic security cases led to the apprehension of several foreign agents. The division, for example, investigated communist labor leader Harry Bridges and nuclear physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer in what became major cases. In the latter investigation, the FBI discovered evidence that called into question the veracity of Oppenheimer’s statements about his ties to communism and led to his security clearance being revoked by the Atomic Energy Board. The Bureau did not find evidence that Oppenheimer had betrayed American nuclear secrets to the Soviets, and evidence suggests that he cut his ties to communist influences when approached by people who encouraged him to spy.

At the same time, the division continued its work to investigate and deter crime. In one case, a San Jose man went on a crime spree—stealing cars, robbing banks, and ultimately killing two people. San Francisco Special Agent C. Darwin Marron persuaded the man’s mother to help catch him. When Marron returned to town, his mother told the FBI, and the man was arrested two days later. The killer ultimately confessed to the crimes.

Another case—investigated in conjunction with the FBI’s Los Angeles Division—focused on numerous thefts from McClellan Air Force Base in Sacramento (a separate case was opened in that city in 1967). Seven subjects were indicted on charges of bribery, theft of government property, and conspiracy. By April 1959, all seven had either pled guilty or were convicted at trial.

Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay in 1932 1960s By the end of 1960, the San Francisco Division had 270 special agents and 155 clerks on board and was handling nearly 4,700 cases. The division still worked on espionage and domestic security cases, but major crime investigations were growing in importance.

In 1962, the division became involved in one of the most famous prison break investigations in U.S. history when three inmates at Alcatraz pulled off an elaborate escape. As part of their plan, the three men fashioned dummy heads, a homemade drill, makeshift life preservers, and a rubber raft built out of more than 50 stolen raincoats. Investigators reconstructed their meticulous plot, but to this day we don’t know where the men are or whether they survived their passage across the cold waters of the Pacific that surrounded Alcatraz. Other fugitives weren’t so successful. In 1961, San Francisco agents captured an impostor attorney who called himself Daniel Jackson Oliver Wendell Homes Morgan. Another fugitive, Arthur Vernon Watson, was apprehended without incident in a heavily crowded bus terminal. The dangerous fugitive was a habitual criminal, convicted earlier of second degree murder. In November 1963, working with agents from Atlanta, the division tracked down Top Ten Fugitive John B. Everhart—who was wanted for murder—while he was painting a house in San Francisco. The following year, it captured two more Top Ten fugitives—murder suspect John Robert Bailey and bank robber George Zavada.

The division also assisted in the investigation into the May 7, 1964 crash of Pacific Air Flight 773 that killed 44 people. Investigators recovered the gun at the crash site near San Ramon and were able to identify the suspect, Francisco Gonzalez, who had stormed the cockpit and shot the pilot and first officer. The Bureau also helped to identify the victims.

By the end of 1960s, the San Francisco Division employed 270 agents and 155 clerks and was handling nearly 4,700 cases.

1970s During the turbulent 1970s, domestic terrorism became a key focus of the San Francisco Division, which was instrumental in investigating such groups as the Symbionese Liberation Army and the New Dawn.

One of the most famous cases in U.S. history—the kidnapping of newspaper heiress —took place in San Francisco in February 1974. Two months later, Hearst emerged during a local bank robbery, apparently working as a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army, the domestic terrorist group that had kidnapped her. After a massive search led by the San Francisco Division, Hearst was located and arrested by San Francisco agents in September 1975 and convicted of bank robbery. She was later pardoned by President Carter.

Meanwhile, San Francisco personnel kept working to protect the country from foreign espionage. The division handled several major spy cases during the 1970s. In 1977, for example, Christopher John Boyce was arrested in California and Andrew D. Lee in Mexico on charges arising from their involvement in Soviet espionage. A few months later, Park Tong Sun (also known as Tongsun Park) was indicted on 36 felony counts in an influence-buying conspiracy that involved several South Korean intelligence officers.

In November 1978, the San Francisco Division helped investigate the tragic mass suicide at Jonestown in Guyana, South America, including the murder of California Congressman Leo Ryan. Jim Jones, the leader of the cult-like settlement, was found dead as well after ordering his followers to drink a cyanide-laced drink. San Francisco investigators helped unravel the chain of events and make the case against Jones’ associate Larry Layton, who was ultimately convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

Patty Hearst

Ted Kaczynski 1980s and 1990s During the 1980s, government-wide efforts against espionage and foreign intrigue quickened in the Bureau and the San Francisco Division. In 1983, San Francisco agents arrested James Durward Harper, Jr., who was charged with providing classified documents to Polish intelligence beginning in 1975. The next year, investigators arrested Jerry Whitworth for feeding naval cryptographic secrets to John Walker, who sold them to the Soviet Union for many years. And in 1986, an Air Force clerk/airman named Bruce D. Ott was arrested and charged with attempting to pass national defense information to undercover San Francisco agents posing as Soviets. Ott was found guilty and sentenced to 25 years in prison.

One of the most important cases that the division contributed to during the 1980s and 1990s was the search for the elusive “Unabomber”—ultimately identified as Ted Kaczynski—who killed three and injured two dozen from 1978 until his capture in 1996. Three of Kaczynski’s bombs targeted victims in San Francisco—two professors and one graduate student of the University of California, Berkeley—and FBI investigators correctly assumed that Kaczynski had ties to the Bay area (he had been a professor at Berkeley). For many years, the San Francisco Division led the multi-agency “UNABOM” Task Force investigation. Kaczynski was arrested by the FBI in his secluded Montana cabin in April 1996 after his brother recognized writings that the bomber had asked to be published in The New York Times and The Washington Post in September 1995. Kaczynski was ultimately sentenced to life in prison.

The division also investigated the 1984 murder of Taiwanese journalist Henry Liu in a suburb of San Francisco. The case resulted in the conviction in Taiwan of several members of the United Bamboo gang—a violent Asian criminal enterprise—as well as one conviction in California. The United States later held the government of Taiwan responsible for the slaying. The FBI’s case also led to several spin-off investigations of high-ranking crime bosses and corrupt officials in Taiwan.

After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the FBI in San Francisco and nationwide began to focus more of its attention on domestic crime issues. For its part, the division started dismantling many underground crime networks and clamping down on white- collar crime. In 1994, for example, the division began investigating an upstart San Francisco company called Golden Ada that specialized in cutting and polishing rough diamonds from Russia. The expanding multi-agency case—which grew to include Russian law enforcement—revealed that the company had orchestrated a scheme to defraud the Russian government out of some $170 million in diamonds and other valuables through illegal agreements with other companies. Several individuals pled guilty or were convicted in the case, including in Moscow.

One of the most successful cases was “Operation Bytes Dust,” a multi-agency investigation into an international heroin trafficking ring that began in December 1994. Thanks to a confidential informant, we learned that the ring was importing the narcotic into San Francisco, Boston, and Toronto from Thailand and Vietnam. The expanding investigation revealed that the enterprise was responsible for an unprecedented crime wave across the country during the mid-90s. In addition to drug trafficking, the organization was involved in murder, kidnapping, alien smuggling, home invasion and business robberies, extortion, credit card fraud, firearms trafficking, and the exporting of stolen luxury vehicles to Asia. The most lucrative of these activities were takeover-type armed robberies of computer companies, during which employees were bound, gagged, and held at gunpoint while computer chips and related products were stolen. In April 1996, 24 principal suspects were arrested in eight states and charged with racketeering , robbery, drug trafficking, and other offenses. Additional indictments followed, resulting in some 200 more arrests. In June 2000, the four leaders of this criminal enterprise were convicted. Post-9/11 After the attacks of 9/11, the San Francisco Division responded by lending its personnel and resources to the unfolding investigation. One of the hijacked planes—United Flight 93—was actually scheduled to fly to San Francisco before it crashed into a field in rural Pennsylvania. The division sent a number of its Evidence Response Team experts to New York to work at the scene of the World Trade Center. Members of its Hazardous Materials Response Team traveled to the East Coast to support the anthrax investigation in October 2001. Soon after the attacks, the San Francisco Division also warned the California governor of credible terrorist threats against the Golden Gate Bridge.

At the same time, the division made significant operational changes like the rest of the FBI as a result of its new overriding mandate to prevent terrorist attacks. It quickly doubled the number of agents working terrorism matters, strengthened its San Francisco Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), and added terrorism squads in Oakland and San Jose. To boost its intelligence capabilities, the division integrated the California Anti-Terrorism Information Center into the San Francisco JTTF to provide law enforcement agencies in the state with timely and valuable intelligence relating to terrorism. In 2003, the San Francisco Division also created a Field Intelligence Group to bolster its ability to share information and take proactive steps against both national security and criminal threats.

The division’s growing capabilities were put to use in tracking the activities of international terrorists both here and abroad. In one case, the San Francisco JTTF and partner agencies gathered evidence that led to the 2007 indictment of two brothers for providing material support to global terrorists. One brother was arrested; the other remains a fugitive, most likely in the Philippines.

In 2002, the law finally caught up with the last Symbionese Liberation Army fugitive, James Kilgore, when he was arrested in and extradited to San Francisco. He was convicted of second-degree murder in 2003 and federal passport and explosives charges in 2004.

In 2003, San Francisco agents began investigating an animal rights extremist named Daniel Andreas San Diego, who allegedly bombed two area office buildings and went into hiding. In April 2009, San Diego was added to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list—the first domestic terrorist to be added to that list.

The division has continued to address criminal threats as well, targeting such violent street gangs as Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13; identifying corrupt public figures like Ed Jew of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, who pled guilty in 2008 to extorting local small businesses; helping to investigate a massive price-fixing scheme involving LCD panels; and participating in the probe of steroids in Major League Baseball. San Francisco investigators have also led a number of white-collar crime cases, including major corporate fraud investigations. The San Francisco Division remains committed to protecting the people and defending the nation while upholding the rule of law and the civil liberties of all.

And finally these guys—I know, not good for a lot of reasons. Just need new management-We the people. We will be changing their uniforms. Consistent with and

Human Smuggling HSI


   

ICE is the lead U.S. law enforcement agency responsible for fighting human smuggling and human trafficking.

Human smuggling is the importation of people into a country via the deliberate evasion of immigration laws. This includes bringing illegal aliens into a country, as well as the unlawful transportation and harboring of aliens already in a country illegally. Some smuggling situations may involve murder, rape and assault.

ICE has embarked on an ambitious strategy to dismantle organized human smuggling networks:

 First, ICE pursues intelligence-driven investigations to target large-scale smuggling organizations regardless of where they operate. Particular emphasis is placed on smuggling rings that pose a national security risk, jeopardize lives or engage in violence, abuse, hostage-taking or extortion.  Second, ICE coordinates with partners at U.S. Customs and Border Protection to ensure aggressive investigation and prosecution of smuggling cases along the border.  Third, ICE targets all links in the smuggling chain, beyond the immediate smugglers. For example, ICE seeks to target the overseas recruiters and organizers, the fraudulent document vendors, and the transportation and employment networks that benefit from alien smuggling within the United States.

 Finally, ICE will pursue legislation to increase penalties against organized smugglers and provide additional criminal offenses to better address spotters who assist criminals with smuggling aliens and contraband.


I admire Oprah. Under the seat, look. You get a free book. Or something cool. So I’m gonna take her idea, and bump it up. This is for all of us working stiffs on the front lines that everyone agrees is an essential worker. First responders, nurses, doctors, big company stores. Walmart/Costco/Amazon/Facebook/Twitter/Netflix/Uber/Lyft etc. So 20% of our Dow Jones is these tech companies whose revenue is generated from advertising. Quick money. Fast money for investors. But the real unsung heroes are the auto/truck/boat/plane mechanics. Let’s close down the center of the country, and focus like Europe does on the port cities. So we can get fast tourist dollars, and everyone else can fend for themselves. Run up your credit cards. It doesn’t matter. When you max out, just get another card. Trust these politicians. Oh hell no!!!

We here in Richmond don’t roll that way. But before Joe gets outta here and onto next assignment, we have to clean up our own house first.

Mayor Tom Butts, you are so done. Going to prison you BITCH. See city hall letter. Let me check if I can grab it from my computer.

From: Joe Toth To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 04:01:23 PM PDT Subject: Save Point Molate-Richmond Community News

Good Morning Richmond City Council,

I've recently read and digested the First Edition-September 2020 Richmond Community News publication delivered through our United States Post Office here in the lovely, hard working and beautiful city of Richmond, California. While reminding you that you have been elected as our representatives through the due process of our laws, I must emphasize you are NOT above it. I haven't spoken to any of you yet, although I sent an email to Councilman Eduardo Martinez recently. I also left him a phone message explaining the disgust, concern and alarm at how our Mayor, Tom Butts, willfully, knowingly and intentionally ignited racial and social tension with his inappropriate assertion of a "Defund the Police" message at the recent city Council Meeting. This is a very complicated issue, and emotions run high by all. There appears to be sides taken out of reflex to polarized political party positions, which can only remain shouting points, No thought towards addressing, debating and working towards viable and realistic actions to improve the dilemma. And as unfortunately as I feared, got no response at all. This is the curse of Humanity. Not being HEARD, Not to be confused with herd, as in being livestock and corralled into compliant groups. Grouping for what reason and for what purpose? Who decides? Actually you people!! Our elected politicians.

My first rule is not to judge someone else's objectionable action until I've been able to hear the other's point of view that will hopefully explain and justify their decision. And this process is always time sensitive, as most things in life are for us. But silence, and your silence, is still a loud and clear answer. I find myself unable to differential between you don't give a Damn, or are working on it, or will get back to me later. I am left guessing, and trying to determine what my next steps will be to achieve my goal in opening an honest debate regarding any and all merits. But this issue has come up, because Mayor Tom Butts brought it up, and now we have to deal with what Butts started. Like yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater, Before we can move on to so many of the other extremely important issues we must consider and address, Butts has to be stopped. I am not writing to criticize or belittle any of you, but to offer my support and services to help you meet you legal obligations, and maybe comfort your consciousness. Us constituents may appear disinterested and negligent in our efforts to help you run this city, but that could not be further than the truth. With all the fear and isolation being imposed upon the citizenry, and your Governmental theft of our Constitutional First Amendment Right to Gather, we have been muzzled and silenced beyond human endurance. I appreciate all councilpersons' efforts because I assume they are acting with their best intentions, and trying their best. That being said, it isn't good enough, and I believe you should all know it. So what's my point? We've got your backs, other Council Persons. Mayor Butts is our intended target. So I recommend you step aside and let him answer for his actions. Stand with him, go down also. It's your call. You'll wear it.

I can only speak for myself, but I focus on trying to speak up for those unable, unwilling or prevented from speaking for themselves. I am in the process of coming forward and revealing my history and story as a consumer advocate exposing massive ongoing fraudulent sales and service practices of almost all new car automotive dealerships, manufacturers and their local Teamsters Unions. This fraud is local, state wide, national and international. I've already initiated conversations with several Bay Area legal firms regarding their representation for the consumers rights I have been protecting. In the old days, we would hire attorneys to protect us. Now we have to protect my/our attorneys. But I must stay that action briefly because Mayor Tom Butts MUST BE STOPPED NOW!!! And he will be, and I know this because I've already started our response nationally. Albeit not publicly. Truth has an uncanny ability to always leak out of the confines of secrecy. Transparency is the most effective disinfectant.

The core present and URGENT issue is the current danger Mayor Tom Butts has audaciously, defiantly and publicly declared regarding the preservation of Richmond's Point Molate. The advantage of print media is that it is tangible and doesn't require a host. It can be spread by just passing the information around. No energy, fuel or internet connection required. And we decide which articles to read, verses being spoon fed our information subject to the algorithms designed and devised by others. This first edition of Richmond Community News is amazing considering how well thought out, investigated, and presented. The courageous efforts of the writers is admirable. But the truth is scary. For those who haven't read this issue, get it NOW. Mr. Jim Hanson clearly demonstrated and proved his expertise on the criminality of Mayor Butt's actions. And Mr. Norman La Force has proven to be a relentless advocate and watchdog for the interests of the public and community as a whole. Attorney Mr. La Force is a true credit to his profession, when there are so few. But in spite of their noble efforts, it appears our Mayor Butts is UNSTOPPABLE!!

This is Richmond, California. Not Portland or other cities that gather somewhat lawfully during the day and then followed with Anarchists in the cover of darkness destroying communities and walking away. We gather peacefully and non destructively. Our message is one of love and discussion. We have the ideas and solutions, but can't get anyone's attention. Mr. Norman La Force, through great danger to himself because he dared to speak out, continues to do all he can with our Court system to prevent Mayor Butts unrelenting theft of public property. Not surprisingly, the Court involved in the last round of litigation refused to grant the ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY injunction controlling the Point Molates development by known and exposed criminal elements. It has been left to "THE PEOPLE" to step in and boldly prevent our CRIMINAL Mayor's scheme. Mayor Butts has taken on the effigy of that terrible police officer that took the life of Mr. George Floyd. When viewing the disgusting video showing clearly the despicable and heartless stare of that murderous officer, the blatant image of his confidence of his act was demonistic. That officer shares a kindred spirit with our Mayor Butt. Both must be brought to Justice now, here on Earth. Butts is our problem, but not for much longer. Point Molates must be saved. Here's how we are planning our next action.

Our citizens' group is not asking permission from anyone in authority vested with the maintenance or control of Ferry Point in Richmond to assemble peacefully on Sunday, September 20, 2020 at 11:00am Rather we are now and in writing politely informing the authorities we will be gathering peacefully and exercising reasonable social distancing standards for all for our collective safety. But we also are still free persons of America, and we have the responsibility and control to legally accept our assumption of risk regarding our endeavors. We are planning musicians and food available to enjoy together. We will have a display and be able to explain and discuss our solution, and look forward to incorporating our guests' views and perspectives in the whistleblower cause of action. I have co-authored our "Worlds' Workbook", which describes our solution to leveling the playing field for all of America's inhabitants' "Pursuit of Happiness". Simply put, we are launching two separate businesses based upon a new software program that is designed to assist and enable users to make realistic and applicable decisions for their interests. There are many software compliance management and customer relations management systems available. Those systems emphasize various and numerous customer management programs that focus on the sellers of goods and services ability to contact and present their wares to the public. It's based upon sales to customers. Where ours is unique is that it is customer based and provides the consumer, and citizens and inhabitants of the local area, a method to assist and protect them with their interests. The mantra of the old world is "Let the buyer beware". Our new world mantra is "Let the seller beware." In the past most revenue has been accomplished by the sales of "goods", which are tangible. These contracts for goods can be ascertained at some point for some value. Because these contracts are related to physical items, some value can always be determined and any breaching of the underlying contract can be established by concrete, visible and physical standards. Sales of services contracts are extremely complicated because the acceptable performance of the party performing the service is subjective in nature. Service contracts are inherently problematic because performance may include redoing the said contracted service because of someone's perceived discontent of getting their benefit of the bargain.

The first decision making software program is identified as This is the software program that will allow persons to make sales offers with confidence that each party is getting the benefits of their bargains. Applies to contract for the sales of goods. But the most important feature is as it applies to the service industry. The service industry involves every and any skilled labor position. From hotel workers, to physicians and attorneys. It's fine to contract with an entity to perform a service, such as painting your house, or diagnosing your sick child's condition. But who is the person that is actually performing the task and what are the assurances and guarantees that that person is performing competently? If two parties agree to do something together, there is a pretty strong likelihood they can work out any misunderstandings. When someone else sets up your jobs for you, but you do not have a say or input into the details of the agreement, trouble will almost always follow due to just normal human misunderstandings. Happens all the time in humans' daily dealings. When it controls and determines your income, or source of livelihood, these disagreements can have catastrophic significance. Put bluntly, when another doesn't perform as they agreed to, what are you, and what can you, do about it? Get an authority, or lawyer to have them act as they are required to do, but refuse to do. They just won't participate. A 3rd party is brought in to enforce the agreement.

The second feature of the identification of a 3rd party is the possible natural result of the contact of two parties. In the most basic situation, man and woman perform mating act, and this time results in a pregnancy. The child is now the 3rd party of the contact between those 2 persons. Now that a baby has come into the picture, who is responsible for the health, safety and development during all growing stages before that human being is able to stand on their own, protect and provide for themselves? If it is your child, it's your responsibility. If it's not your child, it's not your responsibility? Really? So you stand by and watch that human being fend for themselves? I hope your response is no, but yes, you can legally walk by and ignore it(a human being). Thankfully so many of us would not do that. As long as we have a choice, and the means, we do. We have jobs and means of employment opportunities. A level playing field. And a say in our destinies. Some persons in America and elsewhere think America is so big and such a super power and the wealthiest nation in the world that it is surprising a person still has to work. Isn't there enough for everybody? Our middle class is gone, and tens of millions out of work at this moment. Well, in America we also have to work for our Country's economy to operate. But the biggest difference is in America we can chose our professions and careers and live the lives we want for ourselves. We can decide how we want to work, for ourselves in our own businesses, or for another as an employee. With certain employment protections and guarantees. Now with the new gig economy, everything is in chaos and flux. No certainty for hardly anyone. The new normal has become secure employment is only available with a state or federal government entity. If it is city employment, generally ok, unless your city goes bankrupt. Then all bets are off. The unique benefit of is the system is applicable to al contracts, and the security of all the transactions, for privacy, billing and personal information can be protected and monitored. is for sales opportunities, with an identifiable brand. a 3rdpb is any and all human beings. Race, gender, political identifiers, religions etc does not matter. Just a human being performing a task with competence and skill. Almost all businesses and relationships involve the 3 categories of sales, parts and service. Too many times sales sells something, then walks avail. If there is a problem with the item, no concern on who will service the item, or what parts will be utilized. represents the parts and service sections of the normal business model. DMR stands for dealership and manufacturers review. It represents quality control, to insure what someone does is complete and done correctly. Hopefully the first time. Generally established through industry standards. will reflect the labor force that consists of those who chose to be an employee. While that means security for most, for how long? That's why Unions were such an integral portion of the prosperity our Country has been able to generate it the past. Yet the quest for getting items at the cheapest price doesn't mean it is the best thing to purchase. What other features, values and benefits does it offer? Comparing apples and oranges isn't accurate. When you are not familiar with the item purchased, now the most critical component is being able to TRUST, and verify. Just one generation ago our parents had numerous children, averaging about four kids in the families. Then my generation, I'm 60 years old, down to two as an average. And this younger generation is now feeling hopeless and defeated, and many are deciding not to even have children, with the fear and concern of bringing another child into this cruel and uncertain world environment. That may appear reasonable and realistic, but completely false and destructive for the continuation of the human species. The unfortunate narrative is there is nothing we can do to change things, and this appears to be our lot and destiny. Be resigned to accept it and make the best of it. Be thankful for what little you have, cause at least we have something. WRONG----WRONG---WRONG!!!

That is not good enough. And it is completely incorrect. Based upon the information at hand, it seems plausible at first blush. While the nuclear family has changed, due to a number of factors, such as super high divorce rates approaching 70%, astronomical cost of living increases, excessive government regulations and the financial manipulation of each economy throughout the world. it is troubling. The family make up has changed significantly, but so has so many other things that will balance out. But in time? Winter months are coming right around the corner. Elections in November. But in the mean time, so many people are suffering. When I was growing up and while the family was driving and observed a homeless person, the narrative was "But for the grace of God, that could be me." Didn't realize the significance and power of that thought. It couldn't happen to me!! Ah, yes it can, and it is. But you would be completely correct in saying to me, you could have avoided your present state if you did things differently. And your correct. All I would have needed to do was to sell out my soul, look the other way, and watch as Todd King and his co-conspirators with the Hendricks Automotive Group, AutoNation, and so many other dealership groups continue to lie, cheat and defraud the consumers, while smiling and saying just trust us. The lower class, regardless of race, sex, gender preference or political inclination is the same. We can now be found littering the streets, while now parked in vehicles with our children suffering besides us. Watching you successful types cruise by comfortably in your shiny Teslas, which of course have be subsidized grossly from the lower class. The information stares us in the face, but too many chose to deny it, won't accept our findings, completely disregard it, or don't care at all because they are still ok. Presently, but not for long if we don't do SOMETHING. But what? Anyone got any suggestions? Well, how about a solution!!

Unions, like families, are messy but serve a very important purpose. Security. Faith in the membership. We'll get through it together. But not by the same old way, by the same old people. We are putting together a new hybrid union that is necessary and urgent to establish. At least share with each other and inform each other there is tremendous Hope. Families are being transformed, and our Unions must be transformed. Rather than our welders, plumbers, health care workers etc being assigned to our local unions, they must be transformed into a National representation. And not controlled by Government. We the people will do it. And you know where it is going to start?

Richmond----Richmond---Richmond. Our city has a very proud heritage. If you've ever had a chance to see the Rosie the Riveter museum history shows our population was at 10,000 people. And once Kaiser got their government contract during World War II, our population jumped to 100,000 people in just one year. Think of the magnitude of that growth. Richmond has an extremely high percentage of skilled craftsmen, mechanics, builders and that necessary element that knows how to fix, modify and repair things. If it doesn't work nowadays, just throw it away and buy a replacement. Like our older cars and people. But just because your done with your car or family member, doesn't mean there isn't value or service left in them. Just not fitting into your plans. So let them rot away. And I say, ok. I'll step in and can get some more use out of them. Your junk is OUR treasure. In reality, many of the disposables on the street I find to be more honorary than my associates in the fine suits. I believe it was a Greek philosopher Socrates who said, "An unexamined life is not worth living.". I understand that to mean until your hit upside the head with a suffering that life throws at you, you are unable to appreciate you do have a purpose it life. Sales is good, but service is where the souls lives.

Of course this is way longer than I expected, and I do value other peoples' time. The world is on edge right now, but the answers are right in front of us. Throw away your attachment to any and all political parties. and are neutral. our purpose is to get involved and step between warring fractions and try to bring peace and understanding to anyone in conflict. We have a mascot for our brands, called Praying Mantis Girl, or PMG. This mythical figure's purpose is to be a sounding board for intervention to any and all feeling isolated, distrusted, unloved and just not themselves and low on Hope. The future appears very bleak.. But not anymore.

Thank you Mayor Butts. You have personally made our job very easy. You are going to be made an example for the whole world to see. Americans, and any who happen to be on American soil, enjoy the inheritance of a can do attitude that always has been, and always will be, able to rise to the occasion. It goes from the Earth. Too much blood has already been spilled everywhere on Earth. The Bezo's and oligarchs appear to be in the driver's seat. That's temporary. The tide is turning. But in the meantime..

Our local parks have been closed for the Covid-19 scare and the current fires. Smoke everywhere. People displaced and running for their lives and security. Forced. from their neighborhoods and searching for brief sanctuary. Yet our representatives, in their infinite wisdom, close and order away human beings, families, mothers and grandmothers, children in diapers, from seeking the basic necessity of running water and toilet facilities for simplest human dignity. Much less for health and safety of the environment. While Butts is enjoying his warm and comfortable castle, thousands hide on the streets each night. Hoping not to be shooed away. Temporary resources are somewhat available. But that's for the short term. What is the Hope for the long run?

That's what we'll be showing everyone on September 20, 2020. Hope to see you there. We're peaceful. but we're not leaving. This is OUR land, and this is your land. From sea to shining sea. who wants to be part of the new Richmond. It starts with the soon to be drafted citizens arrest of Mayor Tom Butts.

On a political note, which I try to stay neutral and objective with, i watched both the Democratic and Republican conventions. Each side seems pretty steadfast in their views. When I saw Trump, he painted a very scary future for America. But he said 1 thing that I need all of your help with as you can. The President of our United States of America if we need help, just call him. Ok Commander in Chief, I am calling you on your word. If it means anything. We in Richmond are not just calling out, WE ARE SCREAMING. Contact and I am not a leader, but I am an Advisor. That's my specialty. We have the start of the answers needed.

May the Gods Bless the World and America!!!

Richmond Strong.. And for our youths' future. Let's get busy...

With Respect, Promise and Purpose,

Joseph Anthony Toth, JD (Never passed the State Bar--So What--I have learned to represent others by not being part of the legal establishment. i haven't had the opportunity to be spoiled by Group Think. I represent everyone, and foolishly myself also. Against the advise of council, you will find me. I don't need someone to speak for me. Actually, I do. Can ya get the Donald's ear for me?)

Added-10-10-2020 The World's Workbook describes the Peoples' Evidence that must be received and recorded. To stop or avoid the fight, delay the fight. Conflict Resolution Number One-- Postpone The November 3, 2020 election until July 4, 2021. will be able to guarantee trustworthy election results. All media claims violence after November 3. 2020. Whichever side? wins, there will be violence, abhors violence and has the solution. Everyone shall stand down now!!

It is what is is. I’m frickin tired. Good night.

.Darn—forgot main quick points:

We will be setting up a community support complex in every county in every state in the USA. This center will be open 24/7/365 and feature primarily our own automotive dealership center with REAL FACTORY TRAINED Technicians. We will handle all the financing ourselves on all cars sold. The manufacturers, unions, dealerships have been colluding for decades to prevent training for vehicle repairs. There are latterly no available technicians to fix any of these vehicles. And yet these companies and so many banks keep selling bogus extended service contracts fraudulently because they KNOW the contracts they sell are unable to be fulfilled because they have no technicians. We’ll correct. Wells Fargo, your out of the vehicle financing business. Period, Warren Buffet, nice guy. But you conspired to destroy the serevice advisor position as a watchdog, and rendered us indentured servants. You dumb asses. I save everything, and this isn’t my first rodeo. You will hang with the Automotive groups. BMW, oh nice car. Do you know how you can tell the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? The porcupines have the PRICKS on the outside. You every work on one of these? Flat rate times? Nope, your gonna be paying time and materials. Those service contracts you guys have been selling for years were well carved out exceptions that enabled you to circumvent the regular regulations all the little shops had to comply with.

Now there’s gonna be some form of new Union for gig workers? Really!! Well my Union will be receiving immunity and sharing all those labor negotiations you’ve had over the last 40 years. Management well represented by top national law firms. Our union had some cool old car guys that were techs and trying their best. Hello Todd King, remember me? Yep, your on tape. Nice and clear. Can’t wait to let the world here you. Oh, I don’t need a media outlet. We have our own world wide avenue of news reports. We own it. We have all the evidence we need. We don’t need a court date. We will be presenting all the things you have said and done transparently. Your done!! And you sold your dealership to Cargyl or something? Did you guys disclose I’ve been hanging in the wings and just watching and waiting to grab you by your short Hairs?

Investors—your gonna want to get on board with us early, while we are still looking for foundational clients. You are encouraged to apply, but must pass stringent review process first.

Just to make sure EVERYONE knows what’s coming up. I need to discuss with you persons what your interests, hopes, dreams and commitment level you are willing to contribute. We will be able to provide sopme form of employment so you can support yourselves for the next 84 years. The National Retail Federation has a basis that measures a Product Life Cycle. Neat, but people have a general 84 year life cycle. That’s a long time. So I break this down to 7X12=84. We will be having 2 types of main long term loans. 7 year loans for products and 12 year loans for services. We’ll fund ourselves.

Therefore we will be creating our own loan packages, or menu has you Aristocrats and Oligarchs attorneys like to promise. It’s in the book. We will self-insure ourselves and selfrepresent ourselves for the labor markets. We will allow beta testing in a limited manner and way at various markets across the country. We’ll have secure markets. Each county seat will have our own VPN(virtual private network) for security. Just a couple years ago we were all warned, advised and told never to share our cookies. Now we must to do anything. If a person does not have a phone, or computer, they’re stuck. Not anymore.

For you attorneys, history is not on your side. On so much of my writings I continually declare I am following my obligations and destiny to protect others. When I was younger it was illegal for attorneys to advertise. The ambulance chasers have gotten disgusting. Roundup—talk power, PG&E, pick any big outfit and just keep bangdering. So your claims for intentional infliction of emotional distress, pain and suffering will no longer be admissible. Back to California. Thanks for abandoning all the colleges and universities. All this Covid 19 and beyond is scary when we listen to your constant threats of fear and danger. It is so nice that gavie, you prick, think you have the authority to tell us what to do. You work for us, or at least used too. There’s a recall going on over here. Trying to get up to the legal number to put on the ballot. Sorry Charlie, takes too long. I’ll do my best to prevent the people that you love and respect so much. Remember, their your friends and buddies. But only as long as you’re giving them our monies. Yes, from the poor. And as much as we dog the Frenchies, for laying down and whoring out Paris in WW2, the resistance were bad asses. And in the first renaissance, the Peoples’ voice was shouted through the guillotine. Did you see in the news what is happening to Pelosi’s house in Pacific Heights? Everyone is reachable. I’ve got your back. But check the website. I represent everyone that’s had enough. Have you read the book “American Nations” by Colin Woodard? Have you read 1984 by George Orwell? I don’t care that you boned your best friend’s gal. Sex doesn’t mean shit to me. And I’ll not invoke any God stuff. He is responsible for heavenly stuff. We the people here on earth are for JUSTICE now.

And someone reached out and advised Trump to pardon that gal on death row that killed the mom and cut out her baby and took off. I hope you do My President Trump. Because although I can never condone killing, especially a pregnant mom, cause they’re worth two lives, I suspect in her traumatized mind, her intention appears based upon a desire to protect that child. She didn’t kill the kid. Let’s please let her stick around so we can learn something about us as a species to learn how she got like this. Since we’re on the subject, let me add something else. will immediately, if not sooner, imbed in every planned parenthood and let each and every one of these gals know its perfectly fine to have the baby. Bring it to term. We’ll cover your nutrition and help you raize it till 18. And afterwards, We will be able to cover you from cradle to grave. If dad’s around, cool. If not, no worries. I am the twice divorced proud father of two, and the self-appointed stepfather to all of mankind. I’m gonna say we don’t need Amazon to get us any packages faster. We have number one, the United States Post Office. Gonna rename our front line carriers the pony express, like in the ol;d days. Getting mail to the person. No proxy bs.

Presently if you’re a government employee your retirement is pretty much guaranteed. Our Nations money is always good. Wait a second, but we don’t have our own bank? We use the Federal reserve, which sounds legit. But they’re thieving bastards that think they are above the law and don’t have to share their books. Why shouldn’t they believe that. They have run that game for years. Well, course these youngsters(under 40 years old) can be fooled. They’re impressionable and don’t want a hand me down world from their parents. And guess what. We’re not giving them the reigns like this. I am identified by so many as a piece of shit honky baby boomer dumbass. Well boneheads, sounds great to me. You made your fatal mistake. YOU UNDERESTIMATED me. I’m just a little guy. But I have some really great friends. And our friends are the families we choose.

You say go through channels and reach out to my Congressman? Ok—check this—

Facebook Live Town Hall Tomorrow Following the Impeachment Inquiry Vote3 Yahoo/Sent

Congressman Mark DeSaulnier

Dear Mr. Toth: Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will vote on a resolution that outlines how the impeachment inquiry will continue so the American people will be able to hear the facts for themselves in public hearings. By doing so, we will be entering the next phase of the inquiry. As an original sponsor of this resolution, I know how important it is that the American public be able to participate with us in this next stage. In addition to the regular updates we provide through Facebook and Twitter, t

Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 3:07 PM

Joe Toth

To:Congressman Mark DeSaulnier

Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 9:22 PM

Good Evening Marc,

I already met you at your recent town hall circus meeting at De Anza High School, in a Richmond, California on a Thursday night that was supposed to be about Immigration. But when I got there it was all about impeachment. You Politicians are mostly a bunch of lying F---s. To be crystal clear, cause I met you and shook your hand, I would not let you blow me, no matter how much money you offered or begged.

You said to a citizen bitching about taxes and not listening to the people that you were only required to not lie was when you were "Under Oath." You said laughingly somethimg to the nature that "all the rest of the times were Politicians, of course we have to lie. We work with the lobbyists and know what's best."

Of course the millennials sucked that down. But the generation X'ers and next don't see it that way.

Anyway, see you at the meeting.

Peace and Love Always,

Joseph Anthony Toth.

"the Scorpio Catholic"


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On Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 03:07:40 PM PDT, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier wrote:

Dear Mr. Toth:

Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will vote on a resolution that outlines how the impeachment inquiry will continue so the American people will be able to hear the facts for themselves in public hearings. By doing so, we will be entering the next phase of the inquiry. As an original sponsor of this resolution, I know how important it is that the American public be able to participate with us in this next stage.

In addition to the regular updates we provide through Facebook and Twitter, tomorrow directly following the impeachment inquiry vote I will be live on Facebook taking your questions.

Please tune in tomorrow, Thursday (10/31) at 11:00 a.m. PT, for a special Facebook Live Town Hall on the impeachment inquiry vote and other news of the day. Click below to share your questions on our event page in advance using #AskMark.

We hope you can join the conversation, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Mark DeSaulnier Member of Congress

Unsubscribe Privacy Policy

Joe Toth

To:[email protected],[email protected]

Sat, Aug 8, 2020 at 9:31 PM

Never heard from

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----- Forwarded Message -----

From: Joe Toth

To: Congressman Mark DeSaulnier

Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 09:22:38 PM PDT

Subject: Re: Facebook Live Town Hall Tomorrow Following the Impeachment Inquiry Vote

Good Evening Marc,

I already met you at your recent town hall circus meeting at De Anza High School, in a Richmond, California on a Thursday night that was supposed to be about Immigration. But when I got there it was all about impeachment. You Politicians are mostly a bunch of lying F---s. To be crystal clear, cause I met you and shook your hand, I would not let you blow me, no matter how much money you offered or begged.

You said to a citizen bitching about taxes and not listening to the people that you were only required to not lie was when you were "Under Oath." You said laughingly somethimg to the nature that "all the rest of the times were Politicians, of course we have to lie. We work with the lobbyists and know what's best."

Of course the millennials sucked that down. But the generation X'ers and next don't see it that way.

Anyway, see you at the meeting.

Peace and Love Always,

Joseph Anthony Toth.

"the Scorpio Catholic"


On Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 03:07:40 PM PDT, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier wrote:

Dear Mr. Toth:

Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will vote on a resolution that outlines how the impeachment inquiry will continue so the American people will be able to hear the facts for themselves in public hearings. By doing so, we will be entering the next phase of the inquiry. As an original sponsor of this resolution, I know how important it is that the American public be able to participate with us in this next stage.

In addition to the regular updates we provide through Facebook and Twitter, tomorrow directly following the impeachment inquiry vote I will be live on Facebook taking your questions.

Please tune in tomorrow, Thursday (10/31) at 11:00 a.m. PT, for a special Facebook Live Town Hall on the impeachment inquiry vote and other news of the day. Click below to share your questions on our event page in advance using #AskMark.

We hope you can join the conversation, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.



You piece of shit. After your speal that night I stayed to talk to you about my concern that your email said the subject was regarding immigration, but when we showed up, it was all about impeachment. The big burly Mexican American citizen very politely and respectfully informed you he was having the most difficult time continuing his businesses, landscaping, and supporting numerous families and community events and activities. He stated the way California is going, from both sides of the border, civil unrest is almost a certainty. I saw and heard you say, cause I was within 6 feet of you, very callously, frlipantly and matter of fact. “Well, we survived the first Civil War, and we’ll survive this next one.” He and I were shocked and in disbelief. Deny it? How you going on record today. Hope you get this info. If you stand for Biden and Harris today, I recommend you get with someone and scram to your Cartel buddies somewhere else. I have more respect for the Cartels than I do for You. Everyone, you damn well better start thinking about what and who you are shooting your mouth off to and about. Have I not made myself clear? Defame someone in my presence, and they are not there to defend themselves. And I know it? I will knock you upside the head. Don’t worry. I don’t believe in cheap shots. I’ll clearly let you know what I’m going to do.

This is getting kind of fun. Standing up and speaking out gives me a stiffy. Who’s next?

Joe Toth

To:[email protected]

Cc:[email protected]

Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 5:15 PM

Sorry you guys. Didn't couple the messages. Joe Toth

The fraud is provable and I have the copies they actually signed.


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----- Forwarded Message -----

From: Joe Toth To: [email protected]

Sent: ‎Wednesday‎,‎‎July‎‎10‎,‎‎2019‎‎04‎:‎36‎:‎56‎‎PM‎‎PDT

Subject: Honda of Oakland Consumer Fraud Wrapped in a Bow-Prepared by Attorney Without Papers-

Good Afternoon Mr. Peele,

I'm hoping you remember me, but you probably don't. It has been a couple years. You meet so many people. I have always felt honored helping you and your wife at Honda of Oakland, California on Broadway. I met you and you shared your story with "Killing the Messenger." As happens in the auto repair industry, there is a lot of incompetence, fraud and deception. What I recall about being most impressed with our couple interactions was that we were both a little cautious about trusting each other. I'm the guy that went to law school at night and worked full time in the auto industry for the last 40 years. I attended John F. Kennedy University in Pleasant Hill and earned my Juris Doctorate, but never passed the California State Bar Exam. In fairness, I've only tried three times.

Your the stud that wrote that very dangerous investigative report on the assignation of journalist Chauncey Bailey. We shared our frustrations with the failures of the system and the authorities that are responsible for protecting our Citizens Rights and our Consumer Rights. But any time any consumer or citizen issue of real importance comes up, the stories get squashed and buried.

Well, I better get back to my focus. I of course got fired and destroyed by my former employer, Honda of Oakland. Two of the owners, Todd King and Conley Byrnes. The system is stacked. But I have documented everything, have all records and can prove the dealership group PSC is cheating customers. I'm not a disgruntled employee, I'm reporting massive fraud and can't wait to share with you.

Best way to reach me is text or call 510-709-8055.

Look forward to reconnecting.

Great story with David Snyder on Sunday. I'd like to meet him also. Between the three of us, we can make a difference, I'm a single man and self employed as Uber driver at 59 years old. I can bring some pretty heavy heat with my attitude and persistence.

But absolutely always must be non violent!!

Hope to Talk Soon,

Joseph A. Toth

My Safety Concern: I definitely wanted to CC: Oakland Honda et al, but am concerned I could place myself in jeopardy. I suspect I will be prosecuted or at least charged and arrested for what I am giving you because I am going deep. I've also already sent certified mail evidence. Although diagnosed bipolar, which dealership knew about, abused me and fired me because of false allegations of Racism and Homophobia. To silence me, they defame my honor and mess with my head. So as a safety precaution I'm sending this to Mr. John L. Burris, Attorney at Law. I've been to his office twice and dropped a file showing the fraud to one of the younger assistants there. No names, just polite Mr. Green Shirt. Last will and testament and dying declaration if it goes that way. I sure as hell hope not, but oh well!!

Please President Trump, Protect My Family If They Come That Way-But Most Importantly, protect this Republic-This Standing is Relevant Immediately for the US. Supreme Court

1) While studying at law school, we were presented with coming up with a definition of what the LAW is—30 students-Night School-Average age 32- We were broken into 6 groups of 5—given 35 minutes for each group to connect heads and come up with 1 definition per group. Lot of excitement and stimulating challenge. Some really good thoughts. Often contained rules, behaviors, justice and things of that nature. The professor, a retired Los Angeles district attorney, with 10,000 cases under his belt, dismissed all of them, much to our dismay. His quote was verbatim “The law is whatever you have the audacity to assert and the persuasiveness to prevail.” And I loudly protested, BULLSHIT-JUSTICE must have a voice. He said that’s up to the Gods. Here on earth, it’s the ALMIGHTY buck. Basically, run the clock. Bleed them dry. Keep coming up with arguments. Extend the battle. (Why is it a battle? I thought just a disagreement we need clarified).

2)In the record it shows I never signed off on the Toth v. Toyota et all, which is also Autonation facility. I went through all the bs getting preceduaral ok to bring the action. Retalatory termination for threating dealership, dealership group. Got fired from Hayward Toyota for calling out factory field rep Paul Bloomdahl. Was able to get another advisor job at another close by Dublin Toyota dealership month later. Was doing great, but after 1 month that same factory representative, Paul Bloomdahl was visiting Dublin dealership. Both dealerships in same zone. Paul say me in the shop talking with techs. I said hello, really didn’t care about Paul. I had moved on. Paul goes to lunch with Service director as customary. They come back. 15 minutes later my service director calls me in his office. Says a customer getting an oil change, right in the middle of our normal lunch rush period, wasn’t hgappy cause it took 15 minutes longer than he expected. So I was fired on the spot. That’s the car business. And that’s back when it was good.

2) During this action, which I had to go to arbitration on because of the broiler plate language required via the industry standard application, I was able to be drilled by opposing counsel’s high ranking law partner from San Diego for 2 days. I represented myself by this time. Not my dream, but I was on my own. The Mac Daddy whammo is during this grilling by this Prick Frank Cronin of Snell & Wilmer LLP, Plaza Tower, 600 Anton Blvd. Suite 1400, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626-7689 1-714-427-7000 I had put together 40 pages of business record documents proving unequivocally that although the written requirements not to change a customer’s address to avoid a survey being sent to the customer was against policy and could lead to termination, we were REQUIRED BY MANAGEMENT to change addresses. Remember, the manager’s income and livelihood required favorable surveys. Classic say one thing, but do what we tell you. Cronin was cocky, and rightfully so. I’m a little ashamed I was crying at times during the 2 day interrogation. But the good news is the pecker Frank allowed into evidence and stipulated by documents as authentic. The reason this is so important is that this KEY evidence has already been recognized by the Court, AND ALL DEFENDANTS, to be true. Of course is was, and still is. The point is if the issue before the Court is a matter of the rule of law, the Court can decide this. But if it is a question of fact, then the trial is required. So since I never signed off on the arbitration and subsequent appeal process, the claim has not been closed out. And under the doctrine of the fruit of the poisonous tree, anything on issue after that point in time is admissible. My case was with the Superior Court, but I had to go through arbitration because of the boilerplate language. The Superior Court judge was fantastic. I was able to explain the situation that my purpose for this action was to protect the rights and interests of the automotive consumers, and the public at large due to public policy principals and the interstate commerce ramifications. The judge was amazing. He was so aware of my concern and commitment to justice and others, and aware I spoke truth, that he just locked in on me with the utmost respect and admiration. He apologized emphatically as he had to rule to send this to arbitration. That’s where lost causes of justice gets swept under the rug. He really praised me and my efforts, but understood in real world legal system, I didn’t have a shot in Hell. Then Frankie Poo stipulated and allowed by clumsy evidence in. So Cool. I’ve been waiting for this crack. And that was finally on December 23, 2010. So for the last 10 years I’ve just been reviewing newspaper articles and other public accounts of automotive and constitutional frauds and saved them up. I have about 3200 different news articles and a cargo van full of evidence I just been preserving for the next day in Court the People are entitled to. 3) The next example I have that establishes my standing to represent the people is this most recent termination from Honda of Oakland, Honda of North America, and my local East Bay Automotive Machinist Union #1546, 10260 Macarthur Blvd. Oakland, Ca. 94605 1-510-638-6705. My Union reps tried as hard as they could. But a couple of prior technicians that migrated to the Union are completely outmatched. Management has the top tier labor law firms verse some tired technicians for the people and the Union. I was the shop steward representing the advisors during negotiations with management. I filed my first grievance against Honda of Oakland for wage theft, hostile work environment (another advisor came behind me and put his hand on my shoulder and pushed down aggressively while I was on the phone with a customer and threatened me not to steal a customer up from him on an older model vehicle that I wrote as a real nice customer pay repair. Chris felt it was his up. I was stuck on the phone with my customer, so I wasn’t able to turn it time to punch him out. He thumped me, then slithered away. Of course as soon as I was able to complete my customer contact, I went to him requesting a clarification of his threat of “You’ll never do that again to me!” Upon discussion he realized he was completely incorrect and was wrong. No apology and he reminded me he’s from Georgia, has done time in prison, and I just better watch my actions. Course Chris is a lying thief to the customers, but has great fraudulent sales practices that result in some of the best dollar numbers. I reported to management, and was blown off. I like and respect this manager, and always will. He had to go along with the front office. I was advised not to make a deal out of it. Not a good idea to tell me to let something as important as threatening a co-worker just goes by. I could have, but someone has to stand up to bullies and thieves. Chris gives real criminals a bad name. I’ve grown a little, so I refrained from meeting him out back and resolving the old school way. I really, really wanted to though. You’re going to drop the criminal card out there and I’m supposed to shake in my boots? Don’t be silly. I respect my boss, so I just went the legal route with the grievance. I let my boss know if Chris apologized to me, I’d let it go. He didn’t, so I didn’t either. Now the issue is in management’s lap. I filed the grievance April 20, 2017. My complaint was for wage theft because management held the position the advisors union guarantee of $4400.00 a month was subject to a sales quota that we were required to meet each month. This Union store was and is perceived as a favorable position because even though an advisor average in the area was $6500.00 a month, that would be at a non-union facility. The Union membership meant at least you could provide for your family, with 4 days a wek. With 3 days off we could have the flexibility of making up for the difference doing something else with the 3 days off. Management held firm we would earn the $4400.00, but only if we met our quotas. Our contract guaranteed the $4400.00 for 4 days a week schedule. Management held a new position that for us to earn the $4400.00, we would have to meet this quota based upon sales quotas, regardless of how many days we had to work. Whether it took us 4 days, 5 days or even 6 days, it was the advisor’s responsibility to work as long as needed to meet that figure. In commission sales there are all sorts of factors that will enable management to string the advisors along. Hiring excessive number of advisors, and let them fight it out amongst themselves. Change the pay plan, which is done every 6 months, and always be able to arrange overlapping schedules. Then a main consideration is so often an advisor is off on a day and another advisor has to follow and clean up after the advisor who often did an inadequate job. Often we would have to spend a couple hours doing all the requisite paperwork documenting and processing repairs and service contract company processes. You would not be compensated for the time and energy handling another’s work. And you were not available to initiate any sales tickets while you were tied up doing someone else’s’ work. During this period I was often at odds with management because we would have to spend so much time and energy handling another’s problems. My grievance also asserted that management created a hostile work environment. Management was aggressively delaying any form of resolution regarding the hostility of our work environment and the massive fraud that everyone had to engage in to “make our numbers”. The technicians were required to present repairs to customers under the guise the repairs were absolutely necessary and required to get done, that same day. And the repairs being recommended were not needed at all. But we were forced to comply, or loose our employment. And if we received any somewhat negative surveys from the customer, whether we were the cause of their discontent or not, we would not only lose any so called Bonus, we would be subject to termination. I subsequently strained my back and was scheduled off for a couple days. When I returned with my doctor’s note with a slightly limited duty, I was refused to go back to work. I was placed on disability, even though my restrictions were a mere formality related to my regular duties. During this time I reiterated numerous times I can work fine. Management used me as an example for the other advisors not to rock the boat. I never was a disgruntled employee. Just an unrelenting customer and co-worker advocate. 4) During my time on disability, in which my income now was transferred to our State disability program, I pleaded with the Union to let me work with the Union to correct this ongoing fraud. I let my representative know I have an open case from 2010 and we can now proceed to rectify managements fraudulent sales and employee practices. I had heard of the Encino name from another advisor. When I discussed with my union representatives, I was tld that case was years ago and not applicable. I never pulled up mself because I had no reason to distrust them. Remember, these are my Union brothers and we’re on the same page. Or so I thought. This does not change the fact that Encino Motors was actually current and directly on point. 5) Now I’ve been pretty open and let all my personal and private information out here for the World to see. This is not about me, although it is a good part of my story. But I NEVER could have gotten my stuff together to this level without the absolutely fantastic support, encouragement and influence of Miguel Millan from Mexico. Miguel has seen firsthand how Mexico has been shredded from these same Global Corporations have ravaged their beautiful country. With Mexico and USA united we can start cleaning out these socialist bastards from destroying so many lives, and the environment simultaneously. 6) and will be a global force to recognize the lower income classes. The only color these European Bastards give a damn about is the GREEN$$$$. The constant hostility the media continues to stir and arouse for all of us, and against all of us is so well documented. The perception that a Union will protect your job is completely false. You will be terminated, shamed, defamed and disregarded as quickly as they can do it and get away with it. The American Nations book clearly shows how our politicians and judges are bought and paid for repeatedly. What is happening in Washington DC today is priceless. I had to wait till today because when a hunter or warrior is facing an apparent insurmountable enemy, you must take a very measured and precise approach. Unfortunately I have had to wait till now because I needed to wait until everyone was forced to take a stand and declare where they stand. The word is coming out now.

Please call Senator Rand Paul at 1-202-224-4343

Senator Corey Booker 1-202-224-3224

Congressman Jim Jordan 1-202-225-2676

Kpix 5 san Francisco—cowards!!!—you’re in the book—1-415-765-8601- Thanks for hanging up on me. Not going away----Just getting started—

I’m outta time-gotta do what I can with what I have and who I am.

My 3.5 hour self directed video may help—It’s for President Trump

Biden—your mentally tired—not qualified

Pamela—Really???—How many peoples’ lives and families have you destroyed with your 3 strikes human rights violations will soon occupy a 10th seat at the US Supreme Court—we the people-