From Glory to Glory The monthly newsletter of the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church

Fr. Joseph Strzelecki, Parish Priest September 2020

St. Photini the Cypriot 1755 Des Peres Road Town & Country, MO 63131-1405 n the village of Agios Andronikos of Yialousa in the , there Phone: 314-966-2255 I is the cave where Saint Photini the Cypriot, who in is known as Saint Kitchen: 314-966-6720 Fotou, lived an ascetic life and who is one of the most beloved saints of the Web Site: region. When the residents of the village discovered the cave, they declared

Saint Fotou as patron saint of the village and built a church in her honor under Office Manager: Diane Sieckmann Archbishop Chrysanthos (1767-1810), in the 18th century. Email: [email protected] Every year on the eve of the feast of Saint Fotou, which is on August 2nd, thousands of faithful from across the Karpas but also from other parts of Cyprus Office Assistant RoseMarie Harpole filled the village of Agios Andronikos where they made temporary huts and [email protected] began one of the biggest festivals of the island, with plenty of songs, dances, food and drink. The village of Agios Andronikos was until 1964 a mixed village

and thus the Turkish Cypriot residents also participated and celebrated at the festival together with the . Important Dates

September 1 Ecclesiastical New Year

September 8 Nativity of the Theotokos

September 14 Elevation of the Holy Cross

September 17 Holy Martyr Sophia and her three daughters

September 20 Great Martyr Efstathios Despite the love that people from the Karpas have for Saint Fotou, there is no information about her life, her origin, and the time she lived. What is known September 23 about her is based on tradition and the historian Leontios Machairas. Conception of St. John the Baptist Tradition says also that Saint Fotou performed miracles even when she was alive. When she died, she was buried by faithful and devout Christians. In her tomb which was discovered by divine revelation, the following words were September 26 written: "Photini, Virgin Bride of Christ. Falling Asleep of This divine revelation took place during the 15th century as the historian St. John the Theologin Leontios Macheras states. He writes in his "Chronikon" the following:

“By the Karpas peninsula at the village of Agios Andronikos, there was found a little while ago by God's revelation, the tomb of Saint Photini, and her cave is below the earth. It has a Holy Altar and a place of worship and has Holy Water which runs very deep in depth, and with each new moon the top of the water

2020 Parish Council turns into ice and afterwards people lift it off and it starts melting into small particles as thin as dust. The blind take Fr. Joseph Strzelecki, Parish Priest Scott Thompson, President, Gus Harris, Vice President these small particles and rub them on their eyes and the Elefteria Marcou, Secretary, James Cawood, Treasurer blind get well and can see." Peter Regopoulos, Assistant Treasurer Saint Fotou in particular is believed to cure diseases of Daniel Gantner, Maria Afentoullis Humphrey, Amy Kirkou the eyes. Her tomb is underground and is carved with 23 Pam Martin, Samia Rabie, Greg Simos, Eugenia Kardaris, steps and the holy water is deep in the cave. After Tom Stamos, Nick Tsoubanos, Tonis Zafiropoulos becoming refugees, the residents of Agios Andronikos carried the bones of Saint Fotou to the free areas of Cyprus Pastoral Ministries Committees and placed them in the newly built church of the Apostle Acolytes Friday Luncheon Andrew at the Kolossi refugee settlement in Limassol. The John Nicholas Art Liyeos well with the holy water is said to have dried up since the Adult Orthodox Christians Greek Festival (18 years +): Greg Simos, Art Liyeos Turkish settlement of in 1974. Diane Sieckmann Phase III From 1974 until 2003, the Church of Saint Fotou at the Bible Study Fr. Joseph Strzelecki village of Agios Andronikos which you can see in the pic- Fr. Daniel Morton Planned Giving Committee tures, was used by the Turks as a stable for sheep after first Bookstore Amy Johnson being desecrated and pillaged. Christos Tsiaklides Publicity Committee Diakonissa Kristen Vogt Chanters Rentals & Contracts Thomas Carroll Helena Brown Dr. Steve Leon Vision/Long Range Choir Planning Stephanie Saunders Scott Thompson Church Tours Finance Janice Hazeltine James Cawood Greek School Pete Regopoulos Savas Kyramarios Cemetery Greek Dancers Diane Sieckmann Kyklos & Armonia Call-a-Ride (Uber) Stella Afentoullis Jim Hoekel Ta Paidakia, Neo Kyma Insurance Aliki Malek Carol Marshall GOYA (9th -12th Grade) IT/Phone/Internet Alki & Mike Case Steve Sarris Greeters Maintenance/Facilities Mary Pitliangas, Kelli Baer Art Liyeos JOY (K - 4th Grade) Personnel Apolytikion in the First Tone Scott Thompson Boast of Karya and ornament of Cyprus, and the strength of Jr. GOYA (5th - 8th Gus Harris the sick, recovering those with defective sight, who with Grades) Special Events faith run to your divine temple, glorious one, always grant- Tom Stamos ing healings to your servants, that we may cry out with Kafenio Stewardship Art Liyeos Michael Afentoullis thanks, Photini Venerable Bride of Christ and comely vir- Hope (infant - 5 years) Health Committee gin: Glory to Him Who glorified you, glory to Him Who Christos & Rachel Laurie Zafiropoulos crowned you, glory to Him Who works through you all Tsiaklides Hellenic Events manner of healings. Orthodox Faith & Life: Bill Simos Dr. Farid & Anna Sadaka Recycling Philoptochos Carol Marshall Flora Dimitriou, President Youth Protection We all receive God’s blessing equally. But some of us, Prison Ministry Soula Marcou receiving God’s fire, that is His word, become soft like Bill Goranitis Going on vacation? Won’t beeswax, while the others like clay become hard as Sunday School be here on Sunday? stone. And if we do not want Him, He does not force Diane Sieckmann Consider using the mobile any of us, but like the sun He sends His rays and Vacation Church Camp app Give Plus to still con- illuminates the whole world, and he who wants to see Anna Sadaka tribute with an offering or Women’s Book Study Him sees Him, whereas the one who does not want to stewardship. It’s safe and see Him is not forced by Him. And no one is Presvytera Laura Morton secure. Young Adult Ministry responsible for the privation of light except the one who (YAL) (18-35 years) does not want to have it. James Murphy St Peter of Damascus


Stewardship Corner readings. In fact, the Greek Archdiocese has made it easy. You can download their app “Daily Readings”. hink back to December 31, 2019 making a toast to the Can’t get much easier than that. T New Year. Would you ever have imagined then that In addition to my work on our parish stewardship today we would be navigating through this pandemic with committee, I am a member of the Metropolis stewardship all the restrictions that come with it. committee with is made up of a least one representative Fast forward to today. How has all of this effected your from each parish in the Metropolis all working toward the life, your employment, your relationships with family and same goal of improving stewardship programs at the friends and your relationship with the Church? No doubt parish level. Meeting others with similar situations and there have been changes. how they deal with it can be enlightening. It is very Let’s talk about the last one, our relationship with helpful to hear and discuss with others what works and Christ and His Church. How are we keeping up our what doesn’t throughout the Metropolis. Stewardship has connection with Christ? We know, the church requires our been so successful in some parishes that they are able to active participation, we don’t just sit back and let thinks cover all expenses without festivals and fundraisers. Any happen. Our salvation is on us. But how can we do that money from festivals is used special expenses or other effectively with the restrictions? ministers. That is our goal, that is goal of every parish. One good thing to come out of the pandemic is that it We can’t do it without you. has given us time to think about what we are doing. We want to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Previously, we would wake up and decide to come to Parish Council and our entire community, to express our church. Now, we have to plan to come to church. We are most sincere thanks for your continued stewardship now literally remember to add to church to our busy during this pandemic when things are so unusual. Your schedules. We have to call the church office to make a continued support insures that regardless how long these reservation to attend service and when we do attend shutdowns and special circumstances last, our services, we enter and depart from certain doors, many Assumption Church and its ministries will continue areas of the building are restricted, we wear a mask, we Our stewardship committee led by Michael physical distance from each other, we don’t venerate icons Afentoullis is always happy to hear your concerns and with a kiss, to name a few. suggestions. We are also happy to have you serve on the The good news is we can still come to church, we can Stewardship Committee. Please do not hesitate to contact light candles and say a pray, we can venerate the icons with either Michael or myself. a bow, we can greet each other with a wave, a smile, which we can see in each other’s eyes, even though our faces are “If I do not feel a sense of joy in God’s creation, if covered with a mask, a smile lights up the face, we can I forget to offer the world back to God with thank- have a conversation just a little more distanced than before. fulness, I have advanced very little upon the Way, I Our church has been passing down traditions (both big have not yet learnt to be truly human.” “T” and little “t”), for a long time. We become set in our Bishop Kallistos Ware, The Orthodox Way ways and when change comes we are forced to “recalculate” like our phone GPS app. We have to make Yours in Christ some choices because we are no longer on automatic. Tony Zafiropoulos Attending the divine services in church is still the optimal choice but often due to health reasons, medical advice or fear we often aren’t able to attend the services. So how do we actively participate? Remember active participation is required on our part. Until you are able to attend services in person, technology can be your friend. Our IT committee of Steve Sarris and myself have added a video live stream of all the services. You can now watch the services on, which requires a computer, a smart phone or TV with internet access. If you don’t know how to do this, please contact me, I can help. Yes it is different watching online rather then being there. I watch the online services not to become immersed like when I am there, but to help me pray, to hear the hymns, to see the priest, chanters and altar services and prepare for the days that I am not in church – it helps me offset the dry spell of no church service. We can contact our friends and church family to see how they are doing or if they need anything. We can also change some habits to continue our spiritual faith and improve it. We can pray in our homes with our family, we can read the Scripture and daily


Οσία Φωτεινή η Κυπρία τουρκική μετά την τουρκική εισβολή, ένεκα της Ανάμεσα στο πλήθος των όσιακών μορφών, που με βεβήλωσης του χώρου από τους Τούρκους. τους ασκητικούς ιδρώτες, τα ρεύματα των δακρύων της κατανύξεως και τους λοιπούς θεοφιλείς καμάτους Εξαιτίας των ποικίλων ιστορικών της Κύπρου τους, άρδευσαν και άγιασαν, απ' άκρη σ' άκρη, την περιστάσεων, ο τάφος της Οσίας προφανώς φιλάγια της Κύπρου γη, είναι γνωστή και μία μικρή καλύφθηκε (ίσως κατά την αιρετική παπικό- σε αριθμό ομάδα Αγίων γυναικών. Ξεχωριστή θέση Ενετοκρατία η την αλλόθρησκη Τουρκοκρατία) προς μεταξύ τους, με μια παγκύπρια τιμή και ακτινοβολία, αποφυγή σύλησης του ιερού της λειψάνου, και με τα κατέχει αναμφίβολα η Αγία Φωτεινή η Καρπασίτιδα, χρόνια και πάλιν λησμονήθηκε. Για δεύτερη φορά η γνωστή στον λαό και ως Αγία Φωτού. Έζησε κατά ανευρέθη επί αρχιεπισκόπου Κύπρου Σιλβέστρου την πρώιμη μάλλον βυζαντινή εποχή, αλλά δυστυχώς (1718-1733) από τον τότε επιστάτη της Μονής της δεν γνωρίζουμε σήμερα τα σχετικά με τον βίο της. Οσίας, οικονόμο Άνθιμο. Επιθυμώντας δηλαδή αυτός Σύμφωνα με τοπική παράδοση, η φωτώνυμη αυτή να ευρυχωρήσει το σπήλαιο, έσκαψε προς τα δυτικά, Οσία καταγόταν από την αρχαία πόλη του όπου βρήκε ξανά τον τάφο και το ιερό λείψανο της Καρπασίου. Αυτό που είναι με βεβαιότητα γνωστό, Αγίας, πάνω στο οποίο υπήρχε μαρμάρινος σταυρός, είναι ότι διήλθε τον ασκητικό της βίο σ' ένα που έφερε την επιγραφή· «Φωτεινή οσία, νύμφη ευρύχωρο λαξευτό υπόγειο σπήλαιο μέσα στο Χριστού». σημερινό χωριό Άγιος Ανδρόνικος Καρπασίας. Το ασκητήριο-σπήλαιο της Αγίας Φωτεινής δεν Τούτο υπήρξε και πάλιν έργο της θείας Προνοίας, για αποτελεί μεμονωμένο χώρο ή γεγονός, αλλά τη στήριξη του Τουρκοκρατουμένου και εντάσσεται σε σύμπλεγμα ασκητηρίων της ευρύτερης δεινοπαθούντος πιστού λαού της Κύπρου. Αφού εκεί περιοχής. Εκεί αγωνίσθηκε ασκητικά η Οσία, με ειδοποιήθηκε τότε σχετικά ο αρχιεπίσκοπος νηστεία, αγρυπνία, προσευχή, αγνότητα, Σίλβεστρος, πρόσταξε και ασφάλισαν το άγιο λείψανο ταπεινοφροσύνη, υπομονή και τις άλλες ευαγγελικές μέσα στον τάφο. Αργότερα ανακομίσθησαν από εκεί αρετές, με τις οποίες κατέστη πάμφωτο σκεύος Θεού, τα ιερά αυτά λείψανα, κατά δε το 1974 δοχείο των χαρισμάτων του Αγίου Πνεύματος, μετακομίσθηκαν στην ιερά αρχιεπισκοπή φωτοφόρα και φωτόμορφη. Κατάμεστη λοιπόν των Κύπρου.Ναοί επ' ονόματι της Αγίας Φωτεινής καρπών της αγιότητας, κοιμήθηκε εν Κυρίω και βρίσκονται και σε άλλα μέρη της Κύπρου, αλλά δεν τάφηκε στο ασκητήριό της. Ο τάφος της, που είναι γνωστό εάν ετιμάτο εκεί αρχικά η Κυπρία Οσία, βρίσκεται στο δυτικό μέρος του σπηλαίου, παρέμεινε η Καρπασίτιδα ή η ομώνυμη Μεγαλομάρτυς, η για αιώνες αγνοημένος. Για πρώτη φορά εντοπίσθηκε Σαμαρείτιδα. Πιθανώτατα όμως στους παλαιούς ναούς μετά από θεία αποκάλυψη κατά το πρώτο μισό του στην Αμμόχωστο και τον Γερόλακκο να ετιμάτο η 15ου αιώνα, σύμφωνα με τη σύγχρονη μαρτυρία του Κυπρία Φωτεινή, όπως και στο (μεταγενεστέρως γνωστού Κυπρίου μεσαιωνικού χρονογράφου τουρκοκυπριακό) χωριό Φώττα (ή Φότα), που αρχικά Λεοντίου Μαχαιρά. εκαλείτο Αγία Φωτεινή, μετονομάσθηκε δε έτσι από τους Τουρκοκυπρίους. Παλαιότερη γνωστή φορητή Τούτο ήταν ασφαλώς οικονομία Θεού, για να εικόνα της Οσίας είναι μία του έτους 1811, έργο του παρηγορήσει τους υπόδουλους τότε Κυπρίους από τα γνωστού ζωγράφου ιερομόναχου Λαυρεντίου, που δεινά της παπικής Φραγκοκρατίας, και να τους κλάπηκε κατά την εισβολή από τους Τούρκους και στηρίξει στην Ορθόδοξη πίστη. Έκτοτε η Αγία πωλήθηκε στην Ευρώπη. Αυτή, όπως και οι Φωτεινή, και μέχρι τις μέρες μας, ενεργεί πλείστα σωζόμενες νεώτερες εικόνες, παριστούν την Αγία με όσα θαύματα σ' αυτούς που με πίστη προσέρχονται μοναχική ενδυμασία και να φέρει στο δεξί της χέρι και προσεύχονται σ' αυτήν. Κατ' εξαίρεση έλαβε, Σταυρό. κατά την επωνυμία της, τη Χάρη της θεραπείας των ποικίλων οφθαλμικών παθήσεων, μάλιστα των Η μνήμη της Αγίας Φωτεινής εορτάζεται στις 2 τυφλώσεων, χορηγώντας άφθονα τις ιάσεις με το Αυγούστου. νερό του αγιάσματός της. Τό πηγάδι του περιωνύμου αυτού αγιάσματος στέρεψε το 1974, μετά την Για την αντιγραφή: Δημήτρης Κάγκαρης


Happy Church New Year The Apostles’ Fast can vary in length. It begins on the By Fr. Joseph Huneycutt Monday after All Saints Sunday (the first Sunday after Pentecost) and ends with the feast on June 29. Each parish also celebrates its "altar feast" on the day set aside for its

patron saint, feast, or name.

The wall calendars that most parishes make available

each fall include many of the daily saints and readings for

the year. Also, most people have their own patron saint —

or "nameday" — to remember, as well as other favorite and

family saints’ days.

Why not start the new ecclesiastical year off right?

Mark your personal calendar with the feasts, fasts, and

saints days of the Church. Make a resolution to participate

in the liturgical cycle of the Church. Unlike mundane New

Year's resolutions, marking your calendar, keeping the ake yours acceptable to the Lord! feasts and fasts, and embarking for a new life within the an- It seems odd saying "Happy New Year" in M nual life of the Church, is a wonderful way to sanctify time. September, but that’s when the Church marks Her annual Let’s all join together in making this an “acceptable year of beginning. September 1 is, for the Church, the first day of the Lord!” a New Year. A pious tradition of the Church holds that Happy New Year! Jesus of Nazareth began preaching the good news of His mission on September 1st. When our Lord entered the Synagogue, He was given the book of the Prophet Isaiah to read, and He opened it and found the place where it is written: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. And he closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant, and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. And he began to say to them, "Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing" (Luke 4:18- 21). Tradition also holds that it was during the month of September that the Hebrews entered the promised land. And, the custom of beginning a new year with autumn was Assumption Greek common in Biblical and Mediterranean lands because the Orthodox Church summer harvest was completed, the crops were stored, and it was a time when people began preparing for a new Greek Festival agricultural cycle. It was an appropriate time for a new beginning. This is evident in the services for the New Year Curb Side as the Church beseeches God for fair weather, seasonable Pick-Up Event rains, and an abundance of the fruits of the earth. As we begin this new year it should be noted that the church calendar is loaded with important events, October 16 - especially the 12 great feasts, the four fasts, and Pascha. October 18, 2020 Also, each day of the church year is set aside to honor saints; many of whom died on that particular date. Similar to our personal calendars where we mark the earthly Online order only birthdays of family and friends, the Church remembers the saints on their "heavenly birthday" — the day they passed from this life to Paradise. Liturgically, the church year begins and ends with the Mother of God. The first great feast of the year, September 8, honors her birth; the last great feast of the More information year, August 15, remembers her falling asleep. Between these two great feasts the Church marks 10 other major to follow Feasts and Pascha, the Feast of Feasts. The dates for Palm Sunday, Pascha, Ascension, and Pentecost vary each year. 5

The Universal Exaltation of the Precious In order to discern on which of the three crosses the Savior was crucified, Patriarch Macarius alternately touched the and Life-Giving Cross Commemorated on September 14 crosses to a corpse. When the Cross of the Lord touched the dead one, he came to life. Having beheld the raising of the he Elevation of the Venerable and Life-Creating dead man, everyone was convinced that the Life-Creating Cross of the Lord: The pagan Roman emperors tried T Cross was found. to completely eradicate from human memory the holy Christians came in a huge throng to venerate the Holy places where our Lord Jesus Christ suffered and was Cross, beseeching Saint Macarius to elevate the Cross, so resurrected for mankind. The Emperor Hadrian (117-138) that even those far off might reverently contemplate it. Then gave orders to cover over the ground of Golgotha and the the Patriarch and other spiritual leaders raised up the Holy Sepulchre of the Lord, and to build a temple of the pagan Cross, and the people, saying “Lord have mercy,” reverently goddess Venus and a statue of Jupiter. prostrated before the Venerable Wood. This solemn event Pagans gathered at this occurred in the year 326. place and offered sacrifice to During the discovery of the Life-Creating Cross another idols there. Eventually after 300 miracle took place: a grievously sick woman, beneath the years, by Divine Providence, shadow of the Holy Cross, was healed instantly. The elder the great Christian sacred Jude and other Jews there believed in Christ and accepted remains, the Sepulchre of the Holy Baptism. Jude received the name Cyriacus and Lord and the Life-Creating afterwards was consecrated Bishop of Jerusalem. During the Cross were again discovered reign of Julian the Apostate (361-363) he accepted a and opened for veneration. This martyr’s death for Christ (see October 28). took place under the Emperor The holy empress Helen journeyed to the holy places Constantine the Great (306- connected with the earthly life of the Savior, building more 337) after his victory in the than 80 churches, at Bethlehem the birthplace of Christ, and year 312 over Maxentius, ruler on the Mount of Olives where the Lord ascended to Heaven, of the Western part of the and at Gethsemane where the Savior prayed before His Roman empire, and over Licinius, ruler of its Eastern part. sufferings and where the Mother of God was buried after In the year 323 Constantine became the sole ruler of the her death. vast Roman Empire. In 313 he had issued the Edict of Saint Helen took part of the Life-Creating Wood and Milan, by which the Christian religion was legalized and nails with her to Constantinople. The holy emperor the persecutions against Christians in the Western half of Constantine gave orders to build at Jerusalem a majestic and the empire were stopped. The ruler Licinius, although he spacious church in honor of the Resurrection of Christ, also had signed the Edict of Milan to oblige Constantine, still fanatically continued the persecutions against Christians. including under its roof the Life-Giving Tomb of the Lord and Golgotha. The temple was constructed in about ten Only after his conclusive defeat did the 313 Edict of Milan years. Saint Helen did not survive until the dedication of the extend also to the Eastern part of the empire. The Holy temple, she died in the year 327. The church was Equal of the Apostles Emperor Constantine, having gained consecrated on September 13, 335. On the following day, victory over his enemies in three wars with God’s September 14, the festal celebration of the Exaltation of the assistance, had seen in the heavens the Sign of the Cross, Venerable and Life-Creating Cross was established. and written beneath: “By this you shall conquer.” Another event connected to the Cross of the Lord is Ardently desiring to find the Cross on which our Lord remembered also on this day: its return to Jerusalem from Jesus Christ was crucified, Saint Constantine sent his Persia after a fourteen year captivity. During the reign of the mother, the pious Empress Helen (May 21), to Jerusalem, Byzantine emperor Phocas (602-610) the Persian emperor providing her with a letter to Saint Macarius, Patriarch of Khozroes II in a war against the Greeks defeated the Greek Jerusalem. army, plundered Jerusalem and captured both the Although the holy empress Helen was already in her Life-Creating Cross of the Lord and the Holy Patriarch declining years, she set about completing the task with Zachariah (609-633). enthusiasm. The empress gave orders to destroy the pagan The Cross remained in Persia for fourteen years and temple and the statues in Jerusalem. Searching for the only under the emperor Heraclius (610-641), who with the Life-Creating Cross, she made inquiry of Christians and help of God defeated Khozroes and concluded peace with Jews, but for a long time her search remained his successor and son Syroes, was the Cross of the Lord unsuccessful. returned to the Christians. Finally, they directed her to a certain elderly Hebrew With great solemnity the Life-creating Cross was by the name of Jude who stated that the Cross was buried transferred to Jerusalem. Emperor Heraclius in imperial where the temple of Venus stood. They demolished the crown and royal purple carried the Cross of Christ into the pagan temple and, after praying, they began to excavate temple of the Resurrection. With the emperor went Patriarch the ground. Soon the Tomb of the Lord was uncovered. Zacharios. At the gates by which they ascended Golgotha, Not far from it were three crosses, a board with the the emperor suddenly stopped and was not able to proceed inscription ordered by Pilate, and four nails which had farther. The holy Patriarch explained to the emperor that an pierced the Lord’s Body (March 6). angel of the Lord was blocking his way. The emperor was

6 told to remove his royal trappings and to walk barefoot, What Happened to the Two Crosses of the since He Who bore the Cross for the salvation of the world . from sin had made His way to Golgotha in all humility. Thieves Crucified with Christ Then Heraclius donned plain garb, and without further According to early Christian historians, the two hindrance, carried the Cross of Christ into the church. crosses of the thieves crucified next to Christ were In a sermon on the Exaltation of the Cross, Saint Andrew discovered at the same time Saint Helen discovered the of Crete (July 4) says: “The Cross is exalted, and True Cross. Some say the True Cross was distinguished everything true gathers together, the Cross is exalted, and from the other two crosses by the sign with the inscription the city makes solemn, and the people celebrate the feast”. that read “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews,” also known in Latin as the “titulus,” placed over the head of universal-exaltation-of-the-precious-and-life-giving-cross Jesus on the True Cross at the orders of Pontius Pilate. Others say this inscription was tossed away from the three crosses upon their discovery and that the True Cross was distinguished, or perhaps confirmed, by one of two miracles.

Non-Condemnation In confession ,we often say: “I don’t have any spe- cial sins...they’re normal…” And among them is condemnation, which is a heavy sin. We consider it ‘normal.” Condemnation is a spiritual disaster. According to one source, a dead man was placed on Non-condemnation was laid at the foundation of the the True Cross, which restored him to life, while another podvig of all those who have succeeded spiritually. The source says that a woman of rank in Jerusalem with an Desert Fathers tried to cultivate the virtue of non- incurable disease was cured when the True Cross touched condemnation. They condemned no one; they were very her. Despite these two crosses not being the True Cross of afraid to condemn. St John Climacus says: “A monk Christ, they were not discarded, but were seen as who does not condemn goes to another monk’s cell and significant relics from the Gospel history of the Passion of sees it dirty and cluttered. And what does he say? Ah, Christ, since Christ was mocked by one thief while the this brother is engaged in spiritual work, and he has no other thief for his faith was granted by Christ entrance time for himself. Then he goes to another’s cell, and with Him into Paradise. there it’s clean and everything is tidy. He thinks: This These two crosses brother has the same purity within as he has in his cell.” therefore were brought to Con- He didn’t condemn either of them. But we, in our stantinople and Emperor Con- carelessness, could have condemned both. stantine the Great had them Christ very wisely said: Judge not, and ye shall not placed below the Porphyry be judged (Lk. 6:37). And we easily lose non- Column in the Forum of Con- condemnation and often justify ourselves: “I said it out stantine, on which a statue of of love!” It’s not love! The great ascetic St. Isaac the Emperor Syrian says: “On the day when you open your mouth Constantine stood, and which and condemn your brother, all the good you have done was considered the center of will be lost.” So strong! IF we are attentive to ourselves, the city. Over the centuries the we will see the fruits of non-condemnation. column contained other relics, Not-condemnation, prayer and purity of heart are such as a portion of the True the foundation upon which spiritual work is built. Cross, nails from the True Archimandrite Pavlos of Mt. Sinai Cross, baskets from the multi- plication of bread, a vase of holy oil used to anoint the feet of Jesus, Noah’s axe handle, the rock from which water sprang at the command of Moses, and other things, making the column sa- cred in the eyes of the Roman population. two-crosses-of-thieves.html#more


What you should know about COVID19 Who are at greatest risks for Covid 19? *>70 years of age (Highest risk group) Dear Friends: *60-70 year olds (higher risk than general population) As a physician, I am asked about Covid frequently. Should *People with HTN or heart disease I be concerned? *People with Diabetes; especially if the blood sugar is very YES! high Signs and Symptoms of Covid 19: *People with lung disease *Dry cough ( most common symptom) *People with kidney problems *Fever (above 38C or 100.4F; usually occurs 5 days after *People who vape or use electronic cigarettes heavy being infected) smokers *Shortness of breath, breathing fast and/or hard *Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation *Malaise or body aches therapy *Fatigue or tiredness, weakness *Patients with HIV *Loss of taste and/or smell (usually first symptom; *Transplant recipients occurring 3-4 days after being infected) *Infants and pregnant mothers *Skin rash (appears like red dots on the skin, 20-40 % of Covid patients have skin rashes) What can we do to prevent ourselves from catching Covid 19? Who should worry about it? Everyone. *Assume everyone has Covid, even if they appear healthy. About 40 % of people who are infected develop no *Wear a mask - Most Important. At all times especially symptoms. indoors and outdoors (if close to others) Unfortunately if you are asymptomatic, you can spread it *Practice social distancing ( > 6 feet or 2 meters from one to others without realizing it. The other 60% are infectious another) before they develop symptoms. *Wash our hands (wash with soap for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer with 70% alcohol) If you have any symptoms or you have been close to *Use bleach or Clorox wipes on surfaces if touched by someone with Covid 19; get tested for Covid. others. Incubation period from being infected to having symptoms is usually 4-7 days. There has been one case documented Can we beat Covid? Definitely. as long as 27 days. Most health care providers feel 99% of But we must: infected people develop symptoms within 2 weeks.That is ALWAYS WEAR A MASK why quarantines of 2 weeks are implemented on foreign WASH OR SANITIZE YOUR HANDS travel. PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING

Timeline of Infection CLEAN SURFACES WITH BLEACH *Infected with virus (day 0) AVOID GATHERINGS *You start becoming infectious and can infect others (usually 2-3 days later) We all want to celebrate. We want to have BBQs, birthday *Loss of taste occurs first (occurs 3-4 days after infection) parties, graduations, names-day with friends and family. *Covid test can detect virus (three days after being We want to hug them, take pictures with our masks down infected) with our friends and extended family (cousins, nephews, *Fever 1-2 days later ( 4-7 days after infection) nieces, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc). We should not. We *The other symptoms usually occur with fever but not can get sick or get them sick. We can stay in touch with always. family and friends by phone or video.

In Severe Cases If you have any questions call me on my cell (636)578- *Symptoms become severe (difficulty breathing, rapid 4445 or home (636) 519-0719. breathing) and need to go to the ER (day 5) *Require ICU (day 9) Thomas Stamos, MD *People who are in the ICU stay there from 5 to 40 days. *Patients may appear fine one minute but can quickly deteriorate and become gravely ill in a matter of 3-6 hours. *Many who were severely affected by Covid do not readily recover. They are tired, fatigued, or short of breaths weeks to months after recovery. *7 double lung transplants have occurred because of Covid 19. Six in China, one in Austria, two in Chicago, and one in Florida. *I am hopeful for the development of an effective vaccine. *At best, expect a vaccine to be available in January 2021.


Aγαπητοι φιλοι, Ποιος ειναι σε μεγαλυτερο κινδυνο για το Κορωνοιο; Ως γιατρος,με ρωτουν συχνα για τον Κορωνοιο "Πρεπει Ανω 70 ετων (Υψηλοτερο κινδυνο) ν’ανησυχουμε;” 60-70 χρονων (Υψηλο κινδυνο) ΝΑΙ Ανθρωποι με * Υπερταση η καρδιακη νοσο *Σακχαρο,ιδιαιτερα οταν ειναι υψηλο Σημεια και συμπτωματα του Κορονοιου¨ *Ασθενεια πνευμονων •Ξηρος βηχας (το πιο συχνο συμπτωμα) *Νεφρικη νοσος •Πυρετος (ανω 38 βαθμους C η 100 βαθμους F *Vape η χρηση ηλεκτρονικων τσιγαρων •Δυσκολια αναπνοης/δυσπνοια *Βαρυ καπνισμα •Δυσφορια η σωματικοι πονοι *καρκινοπαθεις που κανουν •Κουραση,αδυναμια χημειοθεραπεια η ακτινοβολια •Ελλειψη γευσης, οσμης (συνηθως το πρωτο συμπτωμα *HIV παρουσιαζεται 3-4 μερες απο τη στιγμη μολυνσης *Μεταμοσχευση •Εξανθημα (κοκκινες κουκιδες στο δερμα 20-40% απο τους *Μωρα και εγκυες μητερες ασθενεις Ti μπορουμε να κανουμε; Ποιος πρεπει ν’ανησυχει; ΟΛΟΙ ΜΑΣ *Να υποθετουμε οτι ολοι εχουν το Κορωνοιο,ακομα και Γυρω στους 40% απο τους ανθρωπους που εχουν αν φαινονται υγιεις. προσβληθει απο τον Κορωνοιο ΔΕΝ εκδηλωνουν *Να φοραμε τη μασκα συνεχως ,ιδιαιτερα στους ΚΑΝΕΝΑ συμπτωμα! Δυστυχως ,και αυτοι μπορουν να το εσωτερικους χωρους και εξωτερικους (αν ειμαστε κοντα ο μεταδωσουν σε αλλους,χωρις να το ξερουν! ενας με τον αλλον). Οι αλλοι 60% ειναι κολλητικοι πριν εκδηλωσουν *Κραταμε αποσταση ( >6 ποδια η 2 μετρα απο τους συμπτωματα. αλλους) Εαν εχετε καποιο συμπτωμα η επαφη με καποιον που εχει *Πλενουμε τα χερια μας(με σαπουνι και νερο τον Κορωνοιο,κανετε το ΤΕΣΤ! τουλαχιστον για 30 δευτερολεπτα η μαντηλακι με 70% Ο χρονος επωασης ειναι συνηθως 4-7 μερες.Οι αλκοολη περισσοτεροι γιατροι πιστευουν οτι 99% απο τους *Στις επιφανειες που ακουμπησαν αλλοι χρησιμοποιουμε προσβεβλημενους δειχνουν συμπτωματα μεσα σε 2 χλωρινη η χλωρικο μαντηλακι. εβδομαδες.Γι' αυτο το λογο συνιστουν καραντινα για 2 εβδομαδες μετα απο ταξιδι σε αλλη χωρα. ΜΠΟΡΟΥΜΕ να νικησουμε το Κορωνοιο; Χρονοδιαγραμμα της λοιμωξης ΒΕΒΑΙΩΣ Μολυνση με τον Κορωνοιο ( ΜΕΡΑ 0) Αρχη μεταδοσης του ιου σε αλλους ( συνηθως 2-3 μερες Ολοι μας θελουμε να γιορτασουμε τα γενεθλια,τις μετα) αποφοιτησεις,γαμους και ονομαστικες γιορτες με τους Απωλεια της γευσης η οσμης πρωτα ( 3-4 μερες μετα) φιλους μας και τις οικογενειες μας.Ομως,για να Το τεστ μπορει να ειναι θετικο μετα απο 3 μερες ξεπερασουμε τη πανδημια του Κορωνοιου,θα πρεπει Πυρετος 1-2 μερες αργοτερα (4-7 μερες απο την λοιμωξη ΟΛΟΙ να σκεφτομαστε πρωτα την ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ μας! Τ’αλλα συμπτωματα παρουσιαζονται με πυρετο αλλα οχι παντα. Αν εχετε ερωτησεις η ανησυχιες παρτε με τηλεφωνο (636) 578-4445 Σοβαρες περιπτωσεις Thomas Stamos, MD Οταν τα συμπτωματα χειροτερευουν (δυσπνοια) πρεπει να πανε στα επειγοντα στο νοσοκομειο.(ΜΕΡΑ 5) Η μεταφραση εγινε απο την Ευγενια Καρδαρη DDS Στην εντατικη μοναδα (μερα 9) Οι ασθενεις μπορει να μεινουν στην Εντατικη μοναδα απο 5 εως 40 μερες. Οι ασθενεις μπορει να φαινονται μια χαρα και ξαφνικα να χειροτερεψουν μεχρι θανατου μεσα σε 6 ωρες. Πολλοι που εχουν προσβληθει σοβαρα απο τον Κορωνοιο ΔΕΝ αναρρωσαν γρηγορα.Ενοιωθαν κουρασμενοι ,εξαντλημενοι η με λαχανιασμενοι ανακτηση για πολλες εβδομαδες και μηνες μετα την αναρρωση. 10 περιστατικα διπλης μεταμοσχευση πνευμονων εχουν καταγραφει παγκοσμιως εξαιτιας του Κορωνοιου. 6 στη Κινα,1 στην Αυστρια,2 στο Σικαγο,και 1 στη Φλωριδα.

Ελπιζω να βρεθει γρηγορα ενα αποτελεσματικο εμβολιο.Το συντομοτερο που μπορει να συμβει ειναι Ιανουαριος 2021.


Taking on the Little Things wolf. We add to our prayers humility, self-denial, godly Fr. Daniel Morton delivered on Sunday August 16, 2020 sorrow, remembering the day of our death, and the terrible day of Judgment. When we start practicing these things, n the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy little by little, the heart begins to become light, open up, I Spirit. Amen. Today is the 10th Sunday after Pentecost. and your body starts to share in the purity of heart you It’s the Sunday of the healing of the demon-possessed boy. acquire. We begin to experience freedom from evil The Gospel today tells us about the love of God for thoughts. We begin to experience freedom from bad habits. mankind. With God’s help, we have ears to hear, and add Again, St. Gregory Palamas says this. Strive as hard as you to that, the eyes of the heart we need to see, Then, you’re can to ensure that your inner labor is according to God’s doubly-blessed. We see God’s love, in the face of unbelief will, and you will be able to conquer the outward passions. in the boy’s father, the Jewish leaders, and even the So, after Jesus healed the boy, His disciples come to Him wavering of the disciples. That’s what sin does to us. But privately and ask why could we not cast it out? Jesus said with God, all things are possible. Everything is easy for to them, because of your unbelief. This kind does not come Him. Still, He addresses their unbelief. O faithless and out except by prayer and fasting. There you have it. Jesus perverse generation, how long shall I be with you. Jesus said it; I didn’t. Prayer and fasting are essential parts of the rebukes the demon and casts it out. The boy is healed spiritual life. If we don’t pray, if we don’t fast, then it isn’t instantly and the crowd marvels. This is a wonderful story. very likely we’ll be able to cast out demons. Moreover, Let’s start with first things first. we’re going to struggle to have victory over sinful habits. We all want to move beyond our weakened faith, So let’s focus on something that’s in our power to do. Let’s sometimes the unbelief we struggle with. We’d love to be work at cutting off and putting to death the thoughts about so strong in faith so that we could cast out demons. But it’s sinful things that lead us into sin. That’s a God-pleasing never a good idea to get the cart in front of the horse. Let’s undertaking. start where we are. If you don’t have the power to cast out Combine that with a little prayer and fasting. Fasting demons, do not desire it. As St. Gregory Palamas says opens the door to virtue. We acquire grace through driving out demons is not required of us, and even if we voluntary humility and self-denial. Don’t minimize the were able to drive them away it would be no advantage to little voluntary efforts on your part. Voluntary fasting is us, if we lived carelessly. He’s right. It’s more important just like the Lord’s voluntary passion. Through your for us to chase away other things from our heart, to rid voluntary struggle to put off sin, you receive in return the ourselves of passions like arrogance, anger, hatred, love of God, grace and power, the forgiveness of your sins, self-will, gossip, or despondency than it is to cast out and you inherit eternal life. So, your voluntary effort is a demons. To clean the heart of passions is the greater big deal! miracle. This is within our power to do. Casting out But start close to home, Start with the thoughts or demons may not be. Let’s take first things first. St Gregory behaviors that you easily fall into. Identify one or two at says we must cleanse the inner energy which dwells in our the top of the list. Talk to your priest. Maybe come to soul. Jesus made that clear when he said out of the heart confession. Undertake works of repentance – whatever it proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, takes to break the cycle. Work at ripping up that terrible thefts, and greed. weed growing in your heart by the roots. Whatever it takes, The Lord speaks about cleaning the inside of the cup, don’t let it grow anymore! This is the Godly work of and then the whole cup will be clean. The cup that the Lord becoming a saint. talks about is your deep heart. We have to live a pure life in Here is your challenge for the week both body and soul. Yes, we must refrain from engaging in At least once each day this week, when a bad thought sinful acts with the body. We start with that. But we don’t comes into your mind, make a conscious effort, a choice, to stop there. The life of the Church teaches us how to dig do the opposite of the impulse: love instead of hate, share down deep and clean out the heart so that it can be instead of being selfish, defend instead of gossiping. Do completely pure. Doing that is of much more benefit for us this out of love for Christ. Who knows? Over time, you here and now, as well as in the hereafter, than it is to have may acquire the ability to cast out demons. Glory to You, O power over demons. So let’s start with desiring something Christ our God and our Hope, glory to You. In the name of that’s within our power to obtain. Who knows what may the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. happen then? Cleaning the inside of the cup is hard work. Even if a Ego says: "Once everything falls into person isn’t actively engaged in a bodily act of a sin, the place, I will find peace." very same sin can still be actively at work in the mind and the heart. Sadly, we all know that’s true. Thoughts of doing Spirit says, "Find peace and everything evil, thoughts of gossip, anger, or judging a brother have to will fall into place." be put to death by cutting them off, stopping them. This is called repentance. It leads to purity of heart. The fathers say we do this with prayer and watchfulness, constantly standing guard so that we don’t get caught in the trap of going our own way, doing our own thing, wandering away from the Church, and become the prey of the invisible


Dear Metropolis of Chicago Philoptochos Sisters; Philoptochos Corner The Assumption Ladies Philoptochos Society All three of us are so excited to be hosting our 1st ever Virtual Luncheon on Saturday September 19, 2020. Our

Well here we are, it is September! We are getting theme this year is ‘Scatter Kindness.’ This theme says it all closer to the end of 2020 which I know most people are that WE are the ladies who scatter kindness to each other looking forward to. Currently, I took off the first quarter of and to those in need. We plan to live stream our event and the 2020-2021 school year. In July I took a temp position at our goal is to have you join us with your church group or a bank to keep me busy and I am loving it. I could not take from your home. the down time anymore. I will reevaluate where I am each school quarter as it comes up. What has me really excited this month is the Here are a few quotes we’d like to share: Metropolis Annual Fundraiser on Saturday, September 19, 2020. I am so happy to be one of the Tri-Chairs of this “Kindness is having the ability to speak with love, listen event. The event is usually a luncheon but of course with with patience and act with compassion.” -RAKtivisit the Corona Virus that has changed. We had to reimagine it, so we simply turned it into a Virtual Fundraiser. Which to “Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make be honest has been harder to plan than an actual lunch with a difference. They bless the one who receives them and 350-400 guests. If it is possible for the Metropolis Board to get together, we will live stream part of the event. I will let you, the giver.” -Barbara De Angelis you know next month how it went. The event ticket price is $25; there are 6 raffle tickets, 3 for $25/$10 each; and there With these thoughts we hope YOU will help us make this is also an opportunity to make an additional donation. If event a success. Our goal is to raise $30,000 and we cannot you are a Philoptochos member you will be receiving an do it without you. Please save the date Saturday, invitation in the mail. There is no reason to delay sending September 19, 2020, Noon – 1:30pm. back your donation card, RSVP quickly since you already know you will not be attending in person! This is the only fundraiser that the Metropolis Philoptochos has and we Whether you gather your ladies at church or have a group really need your support! Any donation would be greatly at your home it is with your generosity that we will be able appreciated. If you have any questions, please let me know. to help benefit: Chapter News: The Board continues to meet monthly via ZOOM meetings. If you know of anyone who needs any help, please let me know. Metropolis & National News: * #Masks Matter Initiative - We are close to having 7600 masks made and distributed in our Metropolis. Our goal is to make and distribute 10,000 masks by the end of the year. Check out the National Philoptochos Facebook page to see the #MasksMatter posts. The Metropolis Philoptochos Philanthropic Endeavors September National Commitment: Hellenic College Holy Cross - Scholarship Fund Exaltation of the Holy Cross: Provides tuition scholarships to worthy We will be sending out updates to be shared with your students. chapter regarding event. Thank you in advance for your Retired Clergy and Widowed Presvyteres Benevolent Fund- Provides financial support to retired clergy and widowed support. Presvyteres. With sisterly agape, Marilynn Jemas, Flora Dimitriou and Vonnie Karafotias Evelyn’s House – BJC Hospice: I keep in contact with the staff. They are grateful for our continued support.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Flora Dimitriou Philoptochos President [email protected] 636-795-4602





Parish News August 9 Baptisms 3 year Judge Ellis Gregory, husband of Shirley Gregory Congratulations Να ζήσει 40 day Dimitrios Andonopulos, brother of Gus Antonopoulos

7 year Elizabeth (Betty) Harris, mother of Gus Harris Congratulations to Dan & Christian (Niswonger) Kelly on 31 year Nicholas Harris, father of Gus Harris the baptism of their daughter, Chloe, on July 27, 2020. Chole’s godmother is Julia Niswonger. August 16 7 year Anna Koclanes, godmother of Laurie (Tony) Zafiropoulos Funerals 12 year Nicolas Koclanes, godfather of Laurie (Tony) Memory Eternal Zafiropoulos Αἰωνία ἡ μνήμη 11 year Kyriaki Zafiropoulos, mother of Tony (Laurie) Zafiropoulos 26 year Vasilios Zafiropoulos, father of Tony (Laurie) Zafiropoulos Our sympathies to the family of Dimitrios Andonopoulos, who fell asleep in the Lord on July 1, 2020 in Sydney, August 17 Australia. He was buried on July 25, 2020, in his home 27 year Stacy Zavradinos, daughter of Jim Zavradinos and village of Neochorion, Aitoloarkadania, Greece, in the Anna Zavradions region of Missolonghi & Agrinio in western Greece. He is the brother of Gus (Georgia) Antonopoulos. August 23 40 day Panagiotis “Pete” Pelekanos, wife of Dimitra Our sympathies to the family of Michael Sidiropouos who Pelekanos fell asleep in the Lord in Greece on August 11, 2020. August 30 Our sympathies to the family of George Krtios, who fell 6 month Willa Dean Cocorinis, Fr. Joseph’s Aunt asleep in the Lord on August 13, 2020 at the age of 70 in Katerini, Greece. He is the brother of Georgia Pardalos. September 6 2 years Van Evangelopoulos, son of Sophia Our sympathies to the family of John Fellis who fell Evangelopoulos asleep in the Lord on August 21, 2020. John is the cousin 3 years Angeliki Karagiannis, mother of Gus, Nick and Ari of Fr. Joseph Strzelecki. Karagiannis

Our sympathies to the family Joseph I. Chapo who passed September 23 away on August 21, 2020. He is the father of Toots 30 years Mary Zavradinos, mother of Jim Zavradios (Anna) Zavradinos.

Donors Needed In Our Prayers Nora (Elaine) Bangert, Seraphima Henderson Icon of St. Euphemia the Great Martyr $35 Thekla (Rebecca) Kagaris, Dean Kases, George Lambos

If you would like to donate any of the items listed, please Call the church office 314-966-2255.

Important Please inform Fr. Joseph immediately when you or any *Newsletter Reminder* member of your family is sick or hospitalized, so that Please remember if you have something to go in the appropriate prayer and visitation may be scheduled. Hospi- newsletter, please submit by the 5th of the month all tals do not notify clergy of patients even if you list yourself articles to as a Church member. [email protected]


The Eternal Kingdom Paul’s words “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then Few saints have been blessed with a vision of heaven while face to face (ICo 12:12). Worship is not a solitary act. still in this life. Isiah saw heaven (Is 6:-18), as did Ezekiel Rather it is the Bride of Christ, the one Church - those on (Ezk 1:1-28), and the apostle John saw a new heaven - earth joining with those in heaven - giving thanks to our God’s eternal kingdom revealed as a city (Rev 21: 1-22:5) God and King, who has made us citizens of His When we read these passages, we note an abundance of magnificent domain. mystical, apocalyptic imagery. But the strong similarities The apostle John writes, “Beloved, now we are children between these passages suggests an inspired consistency of of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we should be, reporting on the visions. The living creatures, the light, the but we know that when He is reveled, we shall be like Him, cherubic beings, the throne, and the Glory of the Lord all for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this work together to unveil a Kingdom of celestial majesty and hope in Him purifies himself just as he is pure” (1Jn 3:2-3) splendor. Orthodox Study Bible, page 1744 While confessing with the prophet Isaiah and the apos- tle Pal that “eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have en- Internet Orthodoxy tered into the hear of man the things which God has pre- pared for those who love Him” (1Co2:9), we nonetheless Check our Father Andrew Moulton’s new blog: find, taking the Scriptures as a whole, that certain things new Orthodox quote can be said about the eternal Kingdom. every day, plus labels to look up quotes on topics of 1 The saints who inhabit God’s Kingdom live in active interest and links to each book on Amazon. fulfillment of his eternal plan. In the Kingdom, humanity becomes all it is meant to be. There is nothing at all in It is a blessing to read the lives of the saints and the scrip- Scripture to suggest that eternal life means people passively ture readins for each day. This can be easily accomplished afloat on huge white clouds strumming harps unto the ages on the OCA website. For the saints: of ages., and for the scripture readings: Originally created to inhabit Paradise, our first parents chose to sin against God and were expelled from the garden. The Kingdom of God was closed to mankind (Gn. 3:24). But God in His love called His creation back to Himself, speaking to us through the law and the prophets Spiritual Reading and ultimately through His incarnate Son. Through new life in Jesus Christ, we are brought back by God’s mercy into The Diary of a Russian Priest is not really a diary at all, the new creation, His everlasting Kingdom. As kings and but an essentially random collection of short passages priests we will reign with Him forever (Rev 1:6). on spiritual subjects, written by Father Alexander 2 We experience a foretaste of the Kingdom in the Elchaninov, a brilliant and spiritually gifted Russian Orthodox priest, who as a young man fled Communism Church. The very first words of the Divine Liturgy spoken and served the Russian emigre community in France until by the priest are ,”Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and his death in 1934. Father Alexander was especially known of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto for his ability to communicate the real meaning of ages of ages.” The Church at worship enters or ascends to Orthodoxy to young people, but this book holds appeal for the heavenly Kingdom. For it is in the Church that we are all. Its format makes it easy reading for those who have a seated “together in the heavenly places in Christ few moments of time here and there -- But be warned, it Jesus’ (Eph 2:6) and are raised to “where Christ is, sitting can be engrossing! at the right hand of God” (Col 2:1)

In worship we join the heavenly hosts - the saints and Prayer: Encounter with the Living God is a collection of the angels - in giving praise to our God. As the body of 32 short talks given on Russian television after the “fall of Christ, we participate with that “great cloud of Communism” by Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev. These witnesses” (Heb 12:1) surrounding us as we come to “the excellent vignettes cover many aspects of the developing throne of God” (Heb 12:2). We come liturgically “to the life of prayer, answering most questions commonly asked city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an by Christians. innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to The Mystical Marriage is a series of talks given by Archi- God the Judge of all” (Heb 12:22, 23). With this heavenly mandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra. In them he unfolds vision, the Orthodox Church each Sunday remembers not the meaning of verses from St. Maximos the Confessor’s only those in the parish but “all those who in faith have Centuries of Love, which describe for us how to go about gone on before us to their rest.” learning to Love God as we are truly called to do. It is 3 Knowledge of the Kingdom motivates us to live in now available in English on complete devotion to Christ. In his life, we have a foretaste of the Kingdom that inspires us to seek its fullness. In





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From the Orthodox Study Bible 22 But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. 24 And the nations of those who are saved shall walk in the light of it, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor onto it. 25 Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26 And they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it. 27 But there shall by means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination,

or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

21:22 There is no temple in the old sense in the New Jerusalem (Jn 4:21). Its temple is the presence of God in all (v. 22; 1Co 15:28, Col 3:11; 1Pt 2:4-10) The Church itself is the temple. 21:23-27 The OT prophecies concerning the glorification of Jerusalem are fulfilled in the eternal Kingdom (see Is 60). Created light is unnecessary. For the everlasting Uncreated Light will illumine all (Ps 25:10) with true and clear vision to see things as they really are. The true Light, the Light of the world (Jn 8:12), was incarnate (jn 1:9), and even while on earth He shone with Uncreated Light (Mk 9:2-8; 2Pt 1:16-18). As prophesied, all the earth will stream to the Holy City to honor it (Is 55:5; Jer 16:19-21; Tb 13:13; see also 1En 10:21; 48:4-5)

For Consideration Victory over anger is one of the greatest victories of a soldier of Christ. We generally become angry either at those we wish to turn back from sin, or at those who slander us. However, in doing so we forget that anger is a mortal sin, and in desiring the salvation of others we lose our own, according to the words of St. Macarius. Anger against our enemies is usu- ally tied to another evil impulse, the desire for revenge. St. Eupsychius so overcame the passion of anger in himself, that before his death, he gave one portion of his great estate to the poor and another portion to his slanderers, because of whom he was being tortured and slain. He considered his slanderers as his benefactors. St. John Chrysostom writes: "Let us clip the wings of anger, and evil will not rise high. Anger is an evil sickness that can destroy our souls…. Anger is a terrible fire which devours everything…. If an angry man could see himself at the moment of his anger, he would need no other counsel not to become angry--because there is nothing more unpleasant than an angry face." Abba Ammon confessed of himself: "I spent fourteen years in Scetis, praying to God day and night, to give me victory over anger."