Volume 39 Issue 8 November 2012

Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati Editor: Carol Hershenson P.O. Box 0226, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45221-0226, U.S.A. Assistant Editors: P. Tyler Haas and http://classics.uc.edu/nestor Charlotte Lakeotes [email protected]

COMMUNICATIONS Calls for Papers On 30 November 2012 abstracts (250 words maximum) are due for a conference entitled Island, mainland, coastland & hinterland: ceramic perspectives on connectivity in the ancient Mediterranean, to be held at the University of Amsterdam on 1-2 February 2013. Abstracts should be sent to [email protected]. Further information and registration forms are available at http://npap.nl. Theoretically informed papers embracing (but not restricted to) the following themes are invited: The relationship between geographical setting, ceramic assemblages and degree of connectivity between different communities The role geographical and/or socio-political entities such as ‘hinterland’ or ‘colony’ play in interpreting ceramic assemblages How can we interpret stylistic or technological ceramic ‘hybrids’ with respect to the movement of people, artefacts and ideas? Can we identify in the ceramic record deliberate participation within or rejection/resistance to wider socio-cultural phenomena?

On 15 December 2012 member-organized session proposals are due for the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meetings (ASOR 2013), to be held in Baltimore, MD on 20-23 November 2013. On 15 February 2013, or 1 March with an administrative fee, abstract submissions are due. On 15 August 2013 messages of intention are due for participation in the Projects on Parade poster session. Further information and all forms are available at http://www.asor.org.

On 1 February 2013 titles and abstracts (150 words maximum) are due for the Theoretical Archaeology Group - (TAG-Turkey Meeting), to be held at Ege University, Izmir on 9-10 May 2013. Papers can be presented in Turkish or English. Titles and abstracts should be sent to [email protected]. Suggested themes include: History of archaeology, development of archaeology in Turkey Current state of archaeological practice in Turkey Settlement, Environment and Landscape archaeology GIS applications in archaeology Origins of social inequality, complex societies and the state Gender Archaeology Theories in archaeology Methods in archaeology Nestor 39:8 192 November 2012

Cultural heritage management and NGO’s Archaeology and education Archaeology, mass media and popular culture State and politics of archaeology Ethnoarchaeology Epistemology and ethics in archaeology Philosophy of history and archaeology

On 3 January 2013 applications and abstracts are due for an international conference entitled Mene, Tekel, Peres – The Development Of Metrology And Space Perception In Prehistory, to be held at the Institute of Archaeology, University of Wroclaw on 8-10 May 2013. The conference languages are English, German, and Polish. Abstracts and registration forms should be sent to [email protected].

Future Lectures and Conferences On 17-19 December 2012 the 34th Annual Conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG 2012): Live Archaeology will be held in Liverpool. Further information is available at http://www.liv.ac.uk/sace/livetag/index.htm. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include: K. Soar, “The clothes make the (wo)man: gender, performance and clothing in Minoan ” D. M. Smith, “Complex Network Phenomena at the Final Neolithic-Early Helladic transition” S. O’Brien “Problems of Identifying ‘States’ in the LBA Greek mainland” I. Moutafi “Bones, Theory and Human Practices: a view from the Aegean” C. A. Moreno, “Landscape and environmental management from a Postcollapse perspective: the case of Mycenaean Boeotia” Μ. Georgiadis, “Cretan peak sanctuaries revisited: The case of Leska on Kythera”

On 3-6 January 2013 the 114th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America will be held in Seattle, WA. Further information is available at the AIA website at http://www.archaeological.org/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include: A. Stamos, C. Maggidis, and G. Tsokas, “Rediscovering Gla: The 2011 Geophysical and Mapping Survey of the Mycenaean Citadel” C. Kearns, P. Gerard-Little, T. Urban, K. Fisher, and S. Manning, “A Tale of Two – Late Cypriot – Cities? Geophysical Approaches to Late Bronze Age Urbanism on ” J. L. Davis, “Introduction: The Early Cycladic Gap: How and Why It Came to Be” C. Broodbank, “Mind the ‘Gap’: about Change in Early Cycladic Island Societies from a Comparative Perspective Thinking” D. J. Pullen, “Bridging the Gaps Among the Small Worlds of the EBA Aegean” T. M. Brogan, “Re-examining Rutter’s ‘EC III Gap’ from the Perspective of Crete: A Regional Approach to Relative Chronology, Networks, and Complexity in the Later Prepalatial Period” O. Kouka, “Against the Gaps: The Early Bronze Age and the Beginnings of the Middle Bronze Age in the North and East Aegean/Western Anatolia” M. H. Wiener, “Gaps, Destructions, and Migrations in the Bronze Age: Causes and Consequences” W. D. Gilstrap, P. M. Day, V. Kilikoglou, N. S. Müller, E. Kardamaki, K. Kaza, Y. Lolos, C. Marabea, and A. Papadimitriou, “Production and Consumption of Late Mycenaean Pottery from Kanakia, Salamis, and Attica: an Integrated Analytical Approach” Nestor 39:8 193 November 2012

P. M Day, K. Douni, A. Hein, V. Kilikoglou, M. Relaki, and O. Kakavoyianni, “Analyze That! Style and Composition in the Early Helladic II Ceramics from the Health Center Excavations at Koropi, Attica” C. Burke Davies, P. M. Day, D. Pullen, J. Wiseman, A. Theodorou-Mavrommatidi, A. Kossyva, and A. Papadimitriou, “Crafting Choices: Early Helladic Ceramic Production and Consumption in Corinthia and the Argolid, ” D. A. Trusty, “A Petrographic Study of Late Helladic Cooking Pots from the Corinthia” E. Kiriatzi, W. Gauss, G. Klebinder-Gauss, M. Georgakopoulou, A. Pentedeka, B. Lis, M. Lindblom, and J. Morrison, “In and Out of the Stream: Investigating Cycles of Development and Recession of a Specialized Potting Center on Aegina” G. Price, J. Krigbaum, and K. Shelton, “Bronze Age Economy: Isotopic Contributions to Resource Management at Petsas House” R. H. Tykot, C. Leccese, K. Parker, G. Kamenov, K. Lafrenz Samuel, and C. Pulak, “Analysis of Ivory from the Uluburun Shipwreck and Late Bronze Age Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean” P. Cook, “Spatial Distribution of Mycenaean (LH) Sites and Proximity to Arable Land in the Nemea Valley, Greece” R. P. Shears and D. J. Fallu, “In Artifacts We Trust: Geological Forces and Their Effect on the Integrity of Geospatial Artifact Relationships at the Lower Town Excavation of Mycenae” M. Galaty, L. Bejko, S. Galicki, Z Tafilica, and S. Deskaj, “The Projekti Arkeologjikë i Shkodrës (PASH), Interim Report, 2010-2012” S. Lima, “Prehistory without Borders: Rethinking the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age in Southern Albania and Northern Greece” M. G. Clinton, “Transitional Spaces in Pre- and Proto-Palatial Minoan Tomb Architecture” E. M. Bonney, “Evidence for Regional Traditions in the Construction of the Tholoi on Prepalatial Crete” D. Kringas, “Gournia Revisited: Study of the Ceramic Evidence from the early 20th Century H. Boyd Hawes Excavation at the Prehistoric Settlement of Gournia (East Crete)” N. Becker, “The Golden Signet Rings of Minoan Crete: Form, Function, and Social Significance of a Bronze Age Prestige Object” J. F. Leon, “Uncorralling the Economy: Crete through the Eyes of the Minoan Shepherd” E. Galligan, “Early Helladic II Decorated Hearths: Function and Iconography” M. Kramer-Hajos, “Ships and Chariots as Evidence for Ideological Manipulation during LH IIIA-B” A. P. Chapin, “Internationalization in the Room of the Fresco at Mycenae” R. D. Fitzsimons, “Laying the Foundations for Mycenaean State Formation: Late Helladic Tomb Construction as a Measure of Socio-Political Complexity in the Bronze Age Argolid” S. C. Murray, “New Darkness on a Dark Age: Early Iron Age Greece by the Numbers” C. Diogo de Souza, “Argive Geometric Pottery: some remarks on chronological issues from new funerary evidence” L. Gagne, “New Kids on the Block: Identifying the Work of Novice Potters in Middle Bronze Age Cyprus” K. Daly, S. Larson, A. Charami, P. Kalamara, and V. Aravantinos, “Excavation in Thebes, Boiotia, Greece: Results of Work On and Near the Ismenion Hill 2011-2012” B. Burke, B. Burns, and A. Charami, “Eastern Boeotia Archaeological Project 2012: Excavations at Ancient Eleon” A. Van de Moortel and P. Karkanas, “Micromorphological Analysis of Sediments at the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Site of Mitrou, East Lokris: Patterns of Floor Construction and Maintenance” Nestor 39:8 194 November 2012

R. Storli and Z. Tankosic, “The Norwegian Archaeological Survey in the Karystia (NASK): Preliminary Results of the First Field Season (2012)” L. A. Kvapil, “Terraces and the Organization of Agricultural Production at Late Bronze Age Korphos-Kalamianos” J. Gulizioj, “A Preliminary Examination of the Miniature Vessels from the Bronze Age Site of Iklaina” J. Hruby and J. Glaubius, “Mud, from Huts to Palaces” P. Karkanas, F. Berna, W. Gauss, and D. Fallu, “Microstratigraphic study of a Middle Bronze Age updraft pottery kiln, Kolonna site, Aegina Island, Greece” G. Tsartsidou, “Flora and people at the Palaeolithic cave of Theopetra, Thessaly, Greece” H. Tomas, “Voices behind Linear A tablets” R. A. K. Smith, “Two New Neopalatial Pottery Deposits from the Minoan Palace at Gournia” K. Chalikias and Y. Papadatos, “Exploring Mountainscapes: The Rediscovery and Excavation of a Neopalatial Rural Building Complex at the Site of Gaidourophas, Ierapetra, East Crete” C. Knappett, A. Livarda, H. Orengo, N. Momigliano, and C. Bank, “Palaikastro: Palace, Town, and Landscape in Bronze Age East Crete” J. S. Soles and C. Davaras, “2012 Greek-American Excavation at Mochlos, Crete” J. Driessen, “The Incentives of Minoan Urbanism” Y. Rowan, “Evidence for South Levantine Long Distance Interactions During the Fourth Millennium B.C.” E. Braun, “Egyptians, Argonauts of the Eastern Mediterranean in the Fourth Millennium?” T. Carter, “Of Hunters, Drinkers, Knappers, and Jewellers: Common Traditions in the Fourth Millennium B.C.” K. Nowicki, “Crete in the Second Half of the Fourth Millennium B.C.: The End or the Beginning?” J. D. Muhly, “Eastern Mediterranean Metallurgy in the Final Neolithic/Late Chalcolithic: Crete Enters the International World” S. Todaro, “The Destruction of Phaistos III and the Beginning of the Early Minoan Culture in Southern Crete: New Data for an Old Problem” R. B. Koehl, “Migrations to Crete in the Fourth Millennium: the Case for the Ghassulians” G. Artin, “The Fourth Millennium B.C. in Northern Levant: Commercial and Cultural Exchanges”

Past Lectures and Conferences On 18 October 2012 the Theoretical Archaeology Seminar in Athens entitled “ʽSocial Complexityʼ in Archaeology” was held at the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens. Led by D. Smith and S. o’ Brien, this seminar explored the potential and the limitations of new approaches to ‘social complexity’, using the societies of the Late Bronze Age in the Aegean as its evidential base. Further information is available at http://archtheory.wordpress.com/.

On 11 November 2012 H. Andrikou delivered a lecture to the Mycenaean Seminar in Athens entitled “Palatial and Post-Palatial Thebes: A look through the excavation of the Linear B archive at Pelopidou St.”

On 20 November 2012 A. Sampson delivered a lecture to the Aegean Seminar in Zagreb entitled “Mesolitihic and Neolithic Aegean: The Early Prehistory.” Further information is available from Helena Tomas at [email protected]. Nestor 39:8 195 November 2012

On 23-25 November 2013 an international conference entitled The Distribution of Technological Knowledge in the Production of Ancient Mediterranean Pottery will be held at the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Athens. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: A. Hein and S. Prillwitz, “Kilns and Firing Technology in the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age: Evidence from Tiryns and Comparable Kiln Sites” I. Berg, “Skill and Learning Networks: Acquisition, Maintenance, and Transmission of Technological Knowledge in Bronze Age Aegean” A. Killebrew, “Early Philistine Aegean-Style Pottery Technology: Implications for the Transmission of Technical Knowledge during the Late Bronze – Early Iron Age Transition in the Eastern Mediterranean” A. Jacobs, “Plain Ware Technology: Mass Production and Regionalism in Late Bronze Age Cyprus” W. Gauß, E. Kiriatzi, and M. Lindblom, “Ceramic Technology Transfer in the Middle and Early Late Bronze Age at Kolonna, Kythera, and Lerna” J. B. Rutter, “Ceramic Technology in Rapid Transition: The Evidence from Settlement Deposits of the Shaft Grave Era at Tsoungiza (Corinthia)” M. Choleva, B. Lis, and Š. Rückl, “Mobility in the Bronze Age Aegean: The Case of Aeginetan Potters” E. Kiriatzi, “Technological Transfer and Craftspeople Mobility in Late Bronze Age Mediterranean: Beyond the Distinction of Local or Imported ‘Mycenaean’ Pottery” S. Strack, “The Post-palatial World of Potting: Regional Responses to Changing Social Frameworks” E. Borgna and S. T. Levi, “Handmade and Plain Wares in Late Bronze Age Italy and the Aegean: A Comparative Evaluation of their Technology, Modes of Production, and Social Contexts”

Electronic News and Notices Archaeological research concerning Minoan and/or Greek Kommos in the southwestern Mesara in Crete can be carried out on line through the University of Toronto Robarts website at https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/handle/1807/3004. The same records, and more, are available by visiting the archives themselves at the University of Toronto, Archives in the Robarts Library, by appointment. Contact: Harold Averill, Assistant University Archivist (416) 978-7884; [email protected].

BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations used in this issue:

Ephraim Stern Volume Aviram, Joseph, Amnon Ben-Tor, Israel Eph’al, §20121578 Seymour Gitin, and Ronny Reich, eds. 2009. Ephraim Stern Volume. ErIsr 29, Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society. ISBN 978-965-221-073- 9. Nestor 39:8 196 November 2012

Amnon Ben-Tor Volume Aviram, Joseph, Seymour Gitin, Amihai Mazar, Nadav §20121579 Na’aman, Ephraim Stern, and Sharon Zuckerman, eds. 2011. Amnon Ben-Tor Volume. ErIsr 30, Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society. ISBN 978-965-221-084-5.

Ramesses III Cline, Eric H. and David O'Connor, eds. 2012. Ramesses §20121590 III. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 978-0472-11760-4.

Insights into Hittite History Genz, Hermann and Dirk Paul Mielke, eds. 2011. §20121613 and Archaeology Insights into Hittite History and Archaeology. Colloquia Antiqua 2, Leuven: Peeters. ISBN 978- 90-429-2136-8.

Der Orient und die Anfänge Matthäus, Hartmut, Norbert Oettinger, and Stephan §20121660 Europas Schröder, eds. 2011. Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. Kulturelle Beziehungen von der Späten Bronzezeit bis zur Frühen Eisenzeit. Philippika. Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen 42, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 978-3-447- 06414-9.

A Companion to Greek Ogden, Daniel, ed. 2007. A Companion to Greek §20121674 Religion Religion. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 978-1- 4051-2054-8 and ISBN 1-4051-2054-1. ausgegraben! Pruvot, Chantal Martin, Karl Reber, and Thierry §20121685 Theurillat, eds. 2010. ausgegraben! Schweizer Archäologen erforschen die griechische Stadt Eretria. Eine Ausstellung der Schweizerischen Archäologischen Schule in Griechenland in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig. Basel and Gollion: Verlag Schwabe AG and Infolio Éditions. ISBN 978-3- 7965-2670-1 (Verlag Schwabe) and ISBN 978-2- 88474-403-4 (Infolio éditions).

Euboea and Athens Rupp, David W. and Jonathan E. Tomlinson, eds. 2011. §20121690 Euboea and Athens: Proceedings of a Colloquium in Memory of Malcolm B. Wallace, Athens 26-27 June 2009. Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece. Publications de l’Institut canadien en Grèce 6, Athens: The Canadian Institute in Greece. ISBN 978-0-9737979-1-6. Nestor 39:8 197 November 2012

Back to the Beginning Schoep, Ilse, Peter Tomkins, and Jan Driessen, eds. §20121696 2012. Back to the Beginning: Reassessing Social and Political Complexity on Crete during the Early and Middle Bronze Age. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-1-84217-431-9.

Material Connections in the van Dommelen, Peter and A. Bernard Knapp, eds. §20121714 Ancient Mediterranean 2010. Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean: Mobility, Materiality and Mediterranean Identities. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-58668-9 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-415-58669-6 (paperback), and ISBN 978-0-203-84211-9 (e-book).

ARTICLES AND BOOKS Other abbreviations used by Nestor conform to the standard of the American Journal of Archaeology (http://www.ajaonline.org/):

Ammerman, Albert J., Pavlos Flourentzos, and Jay S. Noller 2009. “Excavation at the §20121576 site of Pigi-Agios Andronikos in Stroumpi (Pafos).” RDAC: 17–38. (Greek abstract, p. 38.)

Antonaccio, Carla M. and Sheila Dillon, eds. 2011. The Past is Present: The Kempner §20121577 Collection of Classical Antiquities at the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University. Durham: Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University. ISBN 0-9780938989-35-6.

Aviram, Joseph, Amnon Ben-Tor, Israel Eph’al, Seymour Gitin, and Ronny Reich, eds. §20121578 2009. Ephraim Stern Volume. ErIsr 29, Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society. ISBN 978-965-221-073-9.

Aviram, Joseph, Seymour Gitin, Amihai Mazar, Nadav Na’aman, Ephraim Stern, and §20121579 Sharon Zuckerman, eds. 2011. Amnon Ben-Tor Volume. ErIsr 30, Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society. ISBN 978-965-221-084-5.

Bar-Yosef Mayer, Daniella E., Burçin Aşkım Gümüş, and Yeşim İslamoğlu 2010. §20121580 “Fossil Hunting in the Neolithic: Shells from the Taurus Mountains at Çatalhöyük, Turkey.” Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 25.3: 375–392. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1002/gea.20311/asset/20311_ftp.pdf ?v=1&t=h9pqhx2z&s=41c208dd6385b20d3a1171e65f2e51a1d7d0ea3b (Abstract, p. 375.) Nestor 39:8 198 November 2012

Betancourt, Philip P. 2012. “Trade and Interconnections in Lasithi between EM II §20121581 and MM I, the Evidence from the Ayios Charalambos Cave.” Pp. 184–194 in Back to the Beginning.

Bettelli, Marco 2011. “Interaction and acculturation: the Aegean and the Central §20121582 Mediterranean in the Late Bronze Age.” Pp. 109–126 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. (With plates 18–22.)

Bombardieri, Luca, Domenico Fossataro, Oliva Menozzi, and Anna Margherita §20121583 Jasink 2009. “The Kouris Valley Survey Project: 2008 Preliminary Report.” RDAC: 117–129. (Greek abstract, p. 129.)

Bombardieri, Luca, Oliva Menozzi, Domenico Fossataro, and Anna Margherita §20121584 Jasink 2009. “Preliminary excavations at Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou.” RDAC: 131–162. (Greek abstract, p. 162.)

Buchholz, Hans-Günter 2011. “Der Apollon Alasiotas von Tamassos in archaischer §20121585 Zeit und Alašija im 2. vorchristlichen Jahrtausend.” Pp. 73–100 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. (With plates 10–17.)

Budja, Mihael 2008. “La Néolithisation du Sud-Est de l’Europe: de la dispersion des §20121586 chromosomes Y aux figurines en terre cuite et l’événement climatique de 8.200 cal. BP.” ÉtBalk 15. La préhistoire du Sud-Est européen: traditions et innovations: 177–207.

Chotalishvili, Lela 2010–2011. “Minoan sa-ra2 and Mycenaean Texts.” Phasis 13–14: §20121587 155–162.

Çinardali-Karaaslan, Nazli 2012. “The East Mediterranean Late Bronze Age Glass §20121588 Trade within the Context of the Panaztepe Finds.” OJA 31.2: 121-141. (Summary, p. 121.)

Clarke, Joanne 2009. “Excavations at Kalavasos-Kokkinogia, 2004 to 2007.” RDAC: §20121589 39–57. (Greek abstract, p. 57.)

Cline, Eric H. and David O'Connor, eds. 2012. Ramesses III. Ann Arbor: University of §20121590 Michigan Press. ISBN 978-0472-11760-4.

Cline, Eric H. and David O'Connor 2012. “The Sea Peoples.” Pp. 180-208 in Ramesses §20121591 III. (Bibliography, pp. 447-507.)

Coldstream, John Nicolas 2011. “Far-flung Phoenicians bearing early Greek §20121592 pottery?” Pp. 177-184 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. Nestor 39:8 199 November 2012

Cole, Susan Guettel 2007. “Finding Dionysus.” Pp. 327–341 in A Companion to Greek §20121593 Religion. (Bibliography, pp. 439–476.)

Crewe, Lindy 2009. “Tomb 1 (1956) at and the Middle-Late Cypriot §20121594 transition in the .” RDAC: 89–115. (Greek abstract, p. 115.)

Crewe, Lindy 2012. “Beyond Copper: Commodities and Values in Middle Bronze §20121595 Cypro-Levantine Exchanges.” OJA 31.3: 225-243. (Summary, p. 225.)

Cross, Malcolm 2011. The Creativity of Crete: City States and the Foundations of the §20121596 Modern World. Oxford: Signal Books. ISBN 978-1-904955-95-5.

Cullen, Tracey, Lauren Talalay, and Žarko Tankosić 2011. “The Emerging Prehistory §20121597 of Southern Euboea.” Pp. 29-51 in Euboea and Athens.

Cultraro, Massimo and Mario Torelli 2009. “Status femminile e calzature.” Ostraka §20121598 18.1: 175-192.

Czebreszuk, Janusz 2011. Bursztyn w kulturze mykeńskiej: Zarys problematyki §20121599 badawczej. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie. ISBN 978-83-7177-740-0. (English summary, “Amber in Mycenaean culture,” pp. 272-280.)

Demand, Nancy H. 2011. The Mediterranean Context of Early Greek History. §20121600 Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4051-5551-9 (hardcover), ISBN 9781444342338 (ePDFs), ISBN 9781444342369 (Wiley Online Library), and ISBN 9781444342345 (ePub).

Doğan-Alparslan, Meltem and Metin Alparslan 2011. “Wohnsitze und Hauptstädte §20121601 der hethitischen Könige.” IstMitt 61: 85-103. (German, Turkish, and English abstracts, p. 99.)

Dothan, Trude and Alexandra S. Drenka 2009. “Incised Scapulae from a Cultic §20121602 Assemblage at Philistine Ekron.” Pp. 105-114 in Ephraim Stern Volume. (Article in Hebrew; English abstract, p. 286*.)

Dowden, Ken 2007. “Olympian Gods, Olympian Pantheon.” Pp. 41–55 in A §20121603 Companion to Greek Religion. (Bibliography, pp. 439–476.)

Driessen, Jan 2012. “A Matrilocal House Society in Pre- and Protopalatial Crete?” §20121604 Pp. 358–383 in Back to the Beginning. Nestor 39:8 200 November 2012

Dunn, Stuart 2011. “Poor Relatives or Favorite Uncles? Cyberinfrastructure and §20121605 Web 2.0: A Critical Comparison for Archaeological Research.” Pp. 95-117 in Archaeology 2.0: New Approaches to Communication and Collaboration, eds. Kansa, Eric C., Sarah Whitcher Kansa, and Ethan Watrall. Cotsen Digital Archaeology 1, Los Angeles: Regents of the University of California. ISBN 978-1- 931745-85-7 and ISBN 1-931745-85-4. http://escholarship.org/uc/item/1r6137tb#page-111

Dusar, Bert, Gert Verstraeten, Koen D’Haen, Johan Bakker, Eva Kaptijn, and Marc §20121606 Waelkens 2012. “Sensitivity of the Eastern Mediterranean geomorphic system towards environmental change during the Late Holocene: a chronological perspective.” Journal of Quaternary Science 27.4: 371–382. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.1555/full (Abstract, p. 371.)

Ekroth, Gunnel 2007. “Heroes and Hero-Cults.” Pp. 100–114 in A Companion to §20121607 Greek Religion. (Bibliography, pp. 439–476.)

Elefanti, Paraskevi 2008. “Le concept de spécialisation en technologie lithique et les §20121608 stratégies de mobilité des chasseurs-cueilleurs du Paléolithique supérieur en Grèce.” ÉtBalk 15. La préhistoire du Sud-Est européen: traditions et innovations: 55–80.

Felton, D. 2007. “The Dead.” Pp. 86–99 in A Companion to Greek Religion. §20121609 (Bibliography, pp. 439–476.)

Galaty, Michael L. and Ols Lafe 2008. “Le peuplement préhistorique du littoral §20121610 albanais.” ÉtBalk 15. La préhistoire du Sud-Est européen: traditions et innovations: 257–272.

Géczi, János 2011. The Rose and its Symbols in Mediterranean Antiquity. Tübingen: §20121611 Narr Francke Attempto Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8233-6710-9.

Genz, Hermann 2011. “Foreign Contacts of the Hittites.” Pp. 301-331 in Insights into §20121612 Hittite History and Archaeology.

Genz, Hermann and Dirk Paul Mielke, eds. 2011. Insights into Hittite History and §20121613 Archaeology. Colloquia Antiqua 2, Leuven: Peeters. ISBN 978-90-429-2136-8.

Gheorghiu, Dragos and George Children, eds. 2011. Experiments with Past §20121614 Materialities. BAR-IS 2302, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-1-4073-0879-1.

Gilboa, Ayelet 2009. “Stratum VI at Megiddo and the ‘Northern Sea People §20121615 Phenomenon.’” Pp. 82-91 in Ephraim Stern Volume. (Article in Hebrew; English abstract, p. 285*.) Nestor 39:8 201 November 2012

Gill, David W. J. 2010. “Amenhotep III, Mycenae and the Laurion.” Pp. 22–35 in §20121616 Ergasteria: Works Presented to John Ellis Jones on his 80th Birthday, ed. Sekunda, Nicholas. Seria Monograficzna “Akanthina” 4, Gdańsk: Akanthina. ISBN 978-83- 929798-0-7.

Gjipali, Ilir 2009–2010. “Vendbanime të reja në Pellgun e Delvinës dhe në Bregdetin §20121617 Jon. New sites in southwest Albania.” Iliria 34: 201–221.

Gkiasta, Marina 2010. “Social identities, materiality and connectivity in Early §20121618 Bronze Age Crete.” Pp. 85–105 in Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean.

Göbel, Janina and Tanja Zech, eds. 2011. Exportschlager – Kultureller Austausch, §20121619 wirtschaftliche Beziehungen und transnationale Entwicklungen in der antiken Welt. Humboldts Studentische Konferenz der Altertumswissenschaften 2009. Quellen und Forschungen zur Antiken Welt 57, München: Herbert Utz Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8316-4037-9.

Günel, Sevinç 2011. “Ein Terrakotta-Modell aus Çine-Tepecik.” IstMitt 61: 7-20. §20121620 (German, Turkish, and English abstracts, pp. 16-18.)

Gurova, Maria 2008. “Outillages lithiques préhistoriques de Bulgarie et la question §20121621 du ‘fossile directeur.’” ÉtBalk 15. La préhistoire du Sud-Est européen: traditions et innovations: 161–175.

Haider, Peter W. 2012. “The Aegean and Anatolia.” Pp. 151-160 in Ramesses III. §20121622 (Bibliography, pp. 447-507.)

Hayne, Jeremy 2010. “Entangled identities on Iron Age Sardinia?” Pp. 147–169 in §20121623 Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean.

Hertel, Dieter 2011. “Das vorklassische Pergamon und sein Siedlungsprofil.” IstMitt §20121624 61: 21-84. (German, Turkish, and English abstracts, pp. 83-84.)

Iacovou, Maria, Jennifer Webb, Edgar Peltenburg, and David Frankel 2008. “Chypre: §20121625 des premières communautés néolithiques à l’émergence de l’urbanisme.” ÉtBalk 15. La préhistoire du Sud-Est européen: traditions et innovations: 275– 293.

Janes, Sarah 2010. “Negotiating island interactions: Cyprus, the Aegean and the §20121626 Levant in the Late Bronze to Early Iron Ages.” Pp. 127–146 in Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean. Nestor 39:8 202 November 2012

Jones, Bernice R. 2011. “The Minoan Double V-Necked Dress.” Pp. 75-79 in §20121627 Experiments with Past Materialities, eds. Gheorghiu, Dragos and George Children. BAR-IS 2302, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-1-4073-0879-1.

Jost, Madeleine 2007. “The Religious System in Arcadia.” Pp. 264–279 in A §20121628 Companion to Greek Religion. (Bibliography, pp. 439–476.)

Jusseret, Simon 2010. “Socializing Geoarchaeology: Insights from Bourdieu’s §20121629 Theory of Practice Applied to Neolithic and Bronze Age Crete.” Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 25.6: 675–708. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/gea.20329/full (Abstract, p. 675.)

Kaczanowska, Małgorzata, Janusz K. Kozłowski, and Adamantios Sampson 2008. §20121630 “Le Mésolithique du bassin égéen.” ÉtBalk 15. La préhistoire du Sud-Est européen: traditions et innovations: 83-99.

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Karageorghis, Vassos 2010. Ancient Cypriote Art in the Leto and Costakis Severis §20121635 Collection. Second ed. Nicosia: The Anastasios G. Leventis Foundation. ISBN 978-9963-560-90-5.

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Karkanas, Panagiotis, Kosmas Pavlopoulos, Katerina Kouli, Maria Ntinou, Georgia §20121637 Tsartsidou, Yorgos Facorellis, and Theodora Tsourou 2011. “Palaeoenvironments and Site Formation Processes at the Neolithic Lakeside Settlement of Dispilio, Kastoria, Northern Greece.” Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 26.1: 83–117. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/gea.20338/full (Abstract, p. 83.)

King, Philip J. 2009. “Wenamun Docks at Dor.” Pp. 70*-77* in Ephraim Stern Volume. §20121638

Klengel, Horst 2011. “History of the Hittites.” Pp. 31-46 in Insights into Hittite §20121639 History and Archaeology.

Knapp, A. Bernard and Peter van Dommelen 2010. “Material connections: mobility, §20121640 materiality and Mediterranean identities.” Pp. 1–18 in Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean.

Knappett, Carl 2012. “A Regional Network Approach to Protopalatial Complexity.” §20121641 Pp. 384–402 in Back to the Beginning.

Kõiv, Mait 2011. “The socio-political development of the Dark Age Greece: A §20121642 comparative view.” Pp. 153–191 in Identities and Societies in the Ancient East– Mediterranean Regions: Comparative Approaches. Henning Graf Reventlow Memorial Volume, ed. Kämmerer, Thomas R. Acta Antiqua Mediterranea et Orientalia 1; AOAT 390.1, Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86835-062-3.

Kostoglou, Maria 2010. “Iron, connectivity and local identities in the Iron Age to §20121643 Classical Mediterranean.” Pp. 170–189 in Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean.

Kotsakis, Kostas 2008. “Communautés en transition: la Macédoine grecque du VIIe §20121644 au Ie mil. av. J.-C.” ÉtBalk 15. La préhistoire du Sud-Est européen: traditions et innovations: 229–255.

Krahtopoulou, Athanasia and Charles Frederick 2008. “The Stratigraphic §20121645 Implications of Long-Term Terrace Agriculture in Dynamic Landscapes: Polycyclic Terracing from Kythera Island, Greece.” Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 23.4: 550–585. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1002/gea.20231/asset/20231_ftp.pdf ?v=1&t=h9pqsomn&s=00fe54876f34c341c86bdb6b04f1dfe68c0ae555 (Abstract, p. 550.)

Laneri, Nicola 2011. Archeologia della morte. Bussole 429, Roma: Carocci editore. §20121646 ISBN 978-88-430-6100-6. Nestor 39:8 204 November 2012

Larson, Jennifer 2007. “A Land Full of Gods: Nature Deities in Greek Religion.” Pp. §20121647 56–70 in A Companion to Greek Religion. (Bibliography, pp. 439–476.)

Latacz, Joachim 2011. “Strukturiertes Gedächtnis. Zur Überlieferung der Troia- §20121648 Geschichte durch die ‘Dunklen Jahrhunderte.’” Pp. 135–166 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas.

Legarra Herrero, Borja 2012. “The Construction, Destruction and Non-construction §20121649 of Hierarchies in the Funerary Record of Prepalatial Crete.” Pp. 325–357 in Back to the Beginning.

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Lorenz, Jürgen and Ingo Schrakamp 2011. “Hittite Military and Warfare.” Pp. 125- §20121651 151 in Insights into Hittite History and Archaeology.

Love, Serena 2012. “The Geoarchaeology of Mudbricks in Architecture: A §20121652 Methodological Study from Çatalhöyük, Turkey.” Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 27.2: 140-156. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/gea.21401/full (Abstract, p. 140.)

Luce, Jean-Marc 2011. "”From miniature objects to giant ones: the process of §20121653 defunctionalisation in sanctuaries and graves in Iron Age Greece.” Pallas. Revue d’études antiques 86: The Gods of Small Things: 53–73. (French and English abstracts, “Des miniatures aux objets géants: le processus de défonctionalisation dans les sanctuaires et les tombes en Grèce à l’Âge du fer,” pp. 336-337.)

Mac Sweeney, Naoíse 2011. Community Identity and Archaeology. Dynamic §20121654 Communities at Aphrodisias and Beycesultan. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. ISBN 978-0-472-11786-4 (hardback) and ISBN 978-0-472- 02765-1 (e-book).

Macdonald, Colin F. 2012. “Palatial : the Early Years.” Pp. 81–113 in Back to §20121655 the Beginning.

Maeir, Aren M. and Louise A. Hitchcock 2011. “Absence Makes the Hearth Grow §20121656 Fonder: Searching for the Origins of the Philistine Hearth.” Pp. 46*-64* in Amnon Ben-Tor Volume.

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Master, Daniel 2009. “The Renewal of Trade at Iron Age I Ashkelon.” Pp. 111*-122* §20121659 in Ephraim Stern Volume.

Matthäus, Hartmut, Norbert Oettinger, and Stephan Schröder, eds. 2011. Der Orient §20121660 und die Anfänge Europas. Kulturelle Beziehungen von der Späten Bronzezeit bis zur Frühen Eisenzeit. Philippika. Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen 42, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 978-3-447-06414-9.

McCarthey, Andrew P., Ben Blakeman, Mat Dalton, Lisa Graham, Ian Hill, and §20121661 Graham Ritchie 2009. “The Prasteio-Mesorotsos Archaeological Expedition: First Preliminary Report of the 2008 Survey.” RDAC: 59–88. (Greek abstract, p. 73.)

McCartney, Carole, Paul Croft, Sturt W. Manning, and Sandra Rosendahl 2009. §20121662 “Preliminary Report on the 2008 EENC Excavations at Agia Varvara- Asprokremmos and Regional Field Survey.” RDAC: 1–16. (Greek abstract, p. 16.)

Menzies, Gavin 2011. The Lost Empire of Atlantis: History’s Greatest Mystery §20121663 Revealed. New York: William Morrow. ISBN 978-0-06-204948-3.

Merrillees, Robert 2009. “The Implications of Materials Analysis for the Levantine §20121664 Origin of Cylinder Seals from Late Bronze Age Cyprus.” Pp. 123*-135* in Ephraim Stern Volume.

Militello, Pietro 2012. “Emerging Authority: A Functional Analysis of the MM II §20121665 Settlement of Phaistos.” Pp. 236–272 in Back to the Beginning.

Moréro, Élise 2011. “Transferts techniques en Méditerranée orientale. L’exemple de §20121666 la fabrication des vases de pierre à l’âge du Bronze.” Syria 88: 207–224. (French, English, and Arabic abstracts, p. 207.)

Müller Celka, Sylvie 2010. “Ein Töpferofen.” P. 54 in ausgegraben! §20121667

Müller Celka, Sylvie 2010. “Vor der Stadtgründung.” Pp. 51–55 and 86–88 in §20121668 ausgegraben! Nestor 39:8 206 November 2012

Müller, Kathrin 2011. “Studien zum innerkretischen Handel am Beispiel der §20121669 spätminoischen Stadtanlage von Gournia.” Pp. 347–368 in Exportschlager – Kultureller Austausch, wirtschaftliche Beziehungen und transnationale Entwicklungen in der antiken Welt. Humboldts Studentische Konferenz der Altertumswissenschaften 2009, eds. Göbel, Janina and Tanja Zech. Quellen und Forschungen zur Antiken Welt 57, München: Herbert Utz Verlag. ISBN 978-3- 8316-4037-9.

Nagy, Gregory 2010. Homer the Preclassic. Sather Classical Lectures 67, Berkeley: §20121670 University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-25692-7.

Noegel, Scott B. 2007. “Greek Religion and the Ancient Near East.” Pp. 21–37 in A §20121671 Companion to Greek Religion. (Bibliography, pp. 439–476.)

O'Connor, David 2012. “The Mortuary Temple of Ranesses III at Medinet Habu.” Pp. §20121672 209-270 in Ramesses III. (Bibliography, pp. 447-507.)

Oettinger, Norbert 2011. “Invasion und Assimilation von Griechen in Kilikien. §20121673 Konsequenzen aus den Berichten über Mopsos/Muksas.” Pp. 127–133 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas.

Ogden, Daniel, ed. 2007. A Companion to Greek Religion. Blackwell Companions to §20121674 the Ancient World. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4051-2054-8 and ISBN 1-4051-2054-1.

Özdoğan, Mehmet 2008. “Le début du mode de vie néolithique en Thrace orientale: §20121675 une perspective anatolienne.” ÉtBalk 15. La préhistoire du Sud-Est européen: traditions et innovations: 145–158.

Palaima, Thomas G. 2011. “Euboea, Athens, Thebes and Kadmos: The Implications §20121676 of the Linear B References.” Pp. 53-75 in Euboea and Athens.

Panagiotopoulos, Diamantis 2011. “‘Bunte Barbaren’. Zu den thebanischen §20121677 Fremdvölkerdarstellungen und ihren historischen Voraussetzungen.” Pp. 31–47 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. (With plates 6–9.)

Papalardo, Eleonora 2011. “Itinerant iconographies: the case of the bronze pateras §20121678 with scene of procession.” Pp. 229–240 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. (With plates 36–40.)

Papini, Massimiliano 2011. Città sepolte e rovine nel mondo greco e romano. Bari: §20121679 Editori Laterza. ISBN 978-88-420-9512-5. Nestor 39:8 207 November 2012

Payot, Jean-Pierre 2010. La guerre des ruines. Paris: Choiseul Éditions. ISBN 978-2- §20121680 36159-002-4.

Pesditschek, Martina 2009. Barbar, Kreter, Arier: Leben und Werk des Althistorikers §20121681 Fritz Schachermeyr. Volumes 1 and 2. Saarbrücken: Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften. ISBN 978-3-8381-0602-1 (volume 1) and ISBN 978-3- 8381-0641-0 (volume 2).

Plath, Robert 2011. “Kulturbeziehungen in der mykenischen Zeit auf der Grundlage §20121682 der Linear-B-Texte.” Pp. 101–107 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas.

Poursat, Jean-Claude 2012. “The Emergence of Elite Groups at Protopalatial Malia. §20121683 A Biography of Quartier Mu.” Pp. 177–183 in Back to the Beginning.

Pruckner, Katharina 2011. “Keramik als Exportgut – Äginetische Gefäße der §20121684 Schachtgräberzeit und ihre Verbreitung in der Ägäis.” Pp. 324–346 in Exportschlager – Kultureller Austausch, wirtschaftliche Beziehungen und transnationale Entwicklungen in der antiken Welt. Humboldts Studentische Konferenz der Altertumswissenschaften 2009, eds. Göbel, Janina and Tanja Zech. Quellen und Forschungen zur Antiken Welt 57, München: Herbert Utz Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8316-4037-9.

Pruvot, Chantal Martin, Karl Reber, and Thierry Theurillat, eds. 2010. ausgegraben! §20121685 Schweizer Archäologen erforschen die griechische Stadt Eretria. Eine Ausstellung der Schweizerischen Archäologischen Schule in Griechenland in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig. Basel and Gollion: Verlag Schwabe AG and Infolio Éditions. ISBN 978-3-7965-2670-1 (Verlag Schwabe) and ISBN 978-2-88474-403-4 (Infolio éditions).

Ramis, Damià 2010. “From colonisation to habitation: early cultural adaptations in §20121686 the Balearic Bronze Age.” Pp. 64–84 in Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean.

Recke, Matthias 2011. “Pamphylien zwischen Ost und West. Die Ausgrabungen von §20121687 Perge als Fallbeispiel.” Pp. 167–176 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. (With plates 23–29.)

Reese, David S. 2009. “On Incised Scapulae and Tridacna.” Pp. 188*-193* in §20121688 Ephraim Stern Volume.

Relaki, Maria 2012. “The Social Arenas of Tradition. Investigating Collective and §20121689 Individual Social Strategies in the Prepalatial and Protopalatial Mesara.” Pp. 290–324 in Back to the Beginning. Nestor 39:8 208 November 2012

Rupp, David W. and Jonathan E. Tomlinson, eds. 2011. Euboea and Athens: §20121690 Proceedings of a Colloquium in Memory of Malcolm B. Wallace, Athens 26-27 June 2009. Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece. Publications de l’Institut canadien en Grèce 6, Athens: The Canadian Institute in Greece. ISBN 978-0- 9737979-1-6.

Russell, Anthony 2010. “Foreign materials, islander mobility and elite identity in §20121691 Late Bronze Age Sardinia.” Pp. 106–126 in Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean.

Sader, Helene 2011. “Phoenicia and the Mediterranean: New Evidence from Recent §20121692 Excavation in Lebanon.” Pp. 15–29 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. (With plates 2–5.)

Sbonias, Kostas 2012. “Regional Elite-Groups and the Production and Consumption §20121693 of Seals in the Prepalatial period. A Case-Study of the Asterousia Region.” Pp. 273–289 in Back to the Beginning.

Schoep, Ilse 2012. “Bridging the divide between the ‘Prepalatial’ and the §20121694 ‘Protopalatial’ periods?” Pp. 403–428 in Back to the Beginning.

Schoep, Ilse and Peter Tomkins 2012. “Back to the Beginning for the Early and §20121695 Middle Bronze Age on Crete.” Pp. 1–31 in Back to the Beginning.

Schoep, Ilse, Peter Tomkins, and Jan Driessen, eds. 2012. Back to the Beginning: §20121696 Reassessing Social and Political Complexity on Crete during the Early and Middle Bronze Age. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books. ISBN 978-1-84217-431-9.

Sekunda, Nicholas, ed. 2010. Ergasteria: Works Presented to John Ellis Jones on his §20121697 80th Birthday. Seria Monograficzna “Akanthina” 4, Gdańsk: Akanthina. ISBN 978-83-929798-0-7.

Shai, Itzhaq 2011. “Was Circumcision Practiced in Philistia in the Iron Age II?” Pp. §20121698 413-418 in Amnon Ben-Tor Volume. (Article in Hebrew; English abstract, p. 158*.)

Sherratt, Susan 2011. “The history of East Mediterranean and Aegean interaction: §20121699 some when, how and why questions.” Pp. 3–13 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. (With plate 1.) Nestor 39:8 209 November 2012

Siart, Christoph 2010. Geomorphologisch-geoarchäologische Untersuchungen im §20121700 Umfeld der minoischen Villa von Zominthos. Eine Beitrag zur Erforschung der holozänen Landschaftsgeschichte Zentralkretas. Heidelberger Geographische Arbeiten 130, Heidelberg: Geographischen Instituts der Universität Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-88570-130-9.

Siegelová, Jana and Hidetoshi Tsumoto 2011. “Metals and Metallurgy in Hittite §20121701 Anatolia.” Pp. 275-300 in Insights into Hittite History and Archaeology.

Singer, Itamar 2009. “The Luwian-Phoenician Bilingual from Çineköy and its §20121702 Historical Implications.” Pp. 147-152 in Ephraim Stern Volume. (Article in Hebrew; English abstract, p. 287*.)

Singer, Itamar 2011. “Schiffe nach Lukka: Eine Deutung des Briefpaares RS 94.2530 §20121703 und RS 94.2523.” Pp. 49–72 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas.

Soter, Steven and Dora Katsonopoulou 2011. “Submergence and Uplift of §20121704 Settlements in the Area of Helike, Greece, from the Early Bronze Age to Late Antiquity.” Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 26.4: 584–610. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/gea.20366/full (Abstract, p. 584.)

Spagnoli, Federica 2010. Cooking Pots as an Indicator of Cultural Relations Between §20121705 Levantine Peoples in Late Bronze and Iron Ages. Origins, diffusion and typological development of cooking ware in Levantine and Cypriot repertoires (14th–7th centuries BC). Quaderni di Archeologia Fenicio-Punica 4, Roma: Missione archeologica a Mozia. ISBN 88-88438-08-4.

Stager, Lawrence E. 2009. “A Pictorial Potsherd from Ashkelon Depicting a §20121706 Philistine Ship.” Pp. 209*-215* in Ephraim Stern Volume.

Stern, Ephraim 2011. “Ivory and Bone Objects from the Tel Dor Excavations.” Pp. §20121707 405-412 in Amnon Ben-Tor Volume. (Article in Hebrew; English abstract, pp. 156*-157*.)

Thomopoulos, Elaine 2012. The History of Greece. The Greenwood Histories of the §20121708 Modern Nations. Santa Barbara: Greenwood. ISBN 978-0-313-37511-8 and e- ISBN 978-0-313-37512-5.

Todaro, Simona 2012. “Craft Production and Social Practices at Prepalatial §20121709 Phaistos: the Background to the First ‘Palace.’” Pp. 195–235 in Back to the Beginning. Nestor 39:8 210 November 2012

Tomkins, Peter 2012. “Behind the Horizon: Reconsidering the Genesis and Function §20121710 of the ‘First Palace’ at Knossos (Final Neolithic IV–Middle Minoan IB).” Pp. 32– 80 in Back to the Beginning.

Toumazou, Michael K., P. Nick Kardulias, and Derek B. Counts, eds. 2011. Crossroads §20121711 and Boundaries: The Archaeology of Past and Present in the Malloura Valley, Cyprus. AASOR 65, Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research. ISBN 978-0- 89757-086-2.

Tourloukis, Evangelos 2010. The Early and Middle Pleistocene Archaeological Record §20121712 of Greece: Current Status and Future Prospects. Archaeological Studies Leiden University 23, Leiden: Leiden University Press. ISBN 978-90-8728-106-9 and e- ISBN 978-94-0060-026-3. (English and Dutch abstracts, pp. 249–252.) van den Hout, Theo P. J. 2011. “The Written Legacy of the Hittites.” Pp. 47-84 in §20121713 Insights into Hittite History and Archaeology. van Dommelen, Peter and A. Bernard Knapp, eds. 2010. Material Connections in the §20121714 Ancient Mediterranean: Mobility, Materiality and Mediterranean Identities. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-58668-9 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-415-58669-6 (paperback), and ISBN 978-0-203-84211-9 (e-book).

Warren, Peter 2012. “‘Back to the Beginning’ – An Overview.” Pp. 429–435 in Back §20121715 to the Beginning.

Weinstein, James M. 2012. “Egypt and the Levant in the Reign of Ramesses III.” Pp. §20121716 160-180 in Ramesses III. (Bibliography, pp. 447-507.)

Weißl, Michael 2011. “Die großen ionischen Heiligtümer an der Grenze Lydiens.” §20121717 Pp. 201–228 in Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas. (With plates 34–35.)

Welwei, Karl-Wilhelm 2011. Griechische Geschichte: Von den Anfängen bis zum §20121718 Beginn des Hellenismus. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh. ISBN 978-3-506- 77306-7.

Whitelaw, Todd 2012. “The Urbanisation of Prehistoric Crete: Settlement §20121719 Perspectives on Minoan State Formation.” Pp. 114–176 in Back to the Beginning.

Whitley, James 2010. “Eteocretans and Eteo-britons: The Intellectual Prehistory of §20121720 the Minoans.” Pp. 36–43 in Ergasteria: Works Presented to John Ellis Jones on his 80th Birthday, ed. Sekunda, Nicholas. Seria Monograficzna “Akanthina” 4, Gdańsk: Akanthina. ISBN 978-83-929798-0-7. Nestor 39:8 211 November 2012

Wickens, Jere 2011. “Survey of the Bouros-Kastri Peninsula in the Southern §20121721 Karystia, Euboea.” Pp. 77-93 in Euboea and Athens.

Woudhuizen, Fred C. 2010–2011. “Geography of Southwest Anatolia: Notes to §20121722 Gander 2010. A Review Article.” Talanta 42–43: 235–240.

Wünsche, Raimund and Matthias Steinhart, eds. 2010. Schmuck der Antike. §20121723 Ausgewählte Werke der Staatlichen Antikensammlungen München. Forschungen der Staatlichen Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek 3, Lindenberg im Allgäu: Kunstverlag Josef Fink. ISBN 978-3-89870-655-1.

Yasur-Landau, Assaf 2009. “In Search for the Origin of the Philistine Bird Motif.” Pp. §20121724 231-241 in Ephraim Stern Volume. (Article in Hebrew; English abstract, p. 290*.)

Ziffer, Irit 2011. “Diminished Sanctuaries for Grassroots Piety - the Case of the Cult §20121725 Stands from the Repository Pit at Yavneh.” Pp. 380-396 in Amnon Ben-Tor Volume. (Article in Hebrew; English abstract, p. 156*.)


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Colburn, Cynthia S. and Maura K. Heyn, eds. 2008. Reading a Dynamic Canvas: §20121735 Adornment in the Ancient Mediterranean World [§20081302]. (Cleland, Liza, BMCR 2009.01.30 (2009)). http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2009/2009-01-30.html

Collins, Billie Jean, Mary R. Bachvarova, and Ian C. Rutherford, eds. 2008. Anatolian §20121736 Interfaces: Hittites, Greeks and Their Neighbours. Proceedings of an International Conference on Cross-Cultural Interaction, September 17-19, 2004, Emory University, Atlanta, GA [§20090652]. (Burke, Brendan, BMCR 2009.12.14 (2009)). http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2009/2009-12-14.html

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