Water Supply and Sanitation Initial Environmental Examination- Tranche -2 for North Sindh Urban Services Corporation Ltd

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Water Supply and Sanitation Initial Environmental Examination- Tranche -2 for North Sindh Urban Services Corporation Ltd Initial Environmental Examination Pakistan: Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program (SCIP) Water Supply and Sanitation Initial Environmental Examination- Tranche -2 for North Sindh Urban Services Corporation ltd. Prepared by North Sindh Urban Services Corporation Limited for the Asian Development Bank. Initial Environmental Examination PAK: Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program Water Supply and Sanitation Initial Environmental Examination- Tranche -2 for North Sindh Urban Services Corporation ltd. North Sindh Urban Services Corporation This report has been submitted to ADB by the Government of Sindh and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s public communications policy (2005). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. 10/19/08 Page 2 of 117 10/19/08 Page 3 of 117 CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 8 A. Overview 8 B. The Investment Program 9 C. Environmental Regulatory Compliance 9 D. Environmental Category of Water and Wastewater Sector Subproject 10 E. Objectives and Scope of IEE 10 F. Report Structure 12 II. DESCRIPTION OF WATER SECTOR SUBPROJECTS 12 A. Water Supply in Sukkur and New Sukkur 12 B. Water Supply in Rohri 14 C. Water Supply in Khairpur 14 D. Rohri Sewerage and Drainage 15 E. Khairpur Sewerage and Drainage 16 F. Ghotki Sewerage Project 16 G. Larkana Sewerage Project 16 H Shikarpur Sewerage Project 16 I: Small Capital Works Projects 16 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF NORTHERN SINDH 22 A. Seismic Intensity 22 B. Topography and Soil 22 C. Hydrology and Water Resources. 22 D. Climate 23 E. Demography 23 F. Water Supply & Sewerage 24 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION 29 A. Screening of Environmental Impacts 29 B. Design Related Impacts 31 C. Construction Related Impacts 33 D. Operational Impacts 37 E. Beneficial Effects 38 V. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 39 A. Identification of Stakeholders and Methodology 39 B. Consultations’ Summary 39 C. Discussion Summary 39 D. Future Consultation 40 VI. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 40 A. Institutional Arrangements 40 B. Complaints and Grievances Redress 41 C. Environmental Review and Approval 41 D. Environmental Management Plan 42 E. Monitoring and Evaluation 43 F. Training in EMP Implementation 45 VII. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 52 VIII. CONCLUSIONS 53 A. Development Activities requiring Asbestos Management 96 10/19/08 Page 4 of 117 B. Requirement for Asbestos Management 97 C. Responsibilities / Authorities of Various Agencies 98 D. Asbestos Control Procedures 101 A. Removal of Asbestos Cement Pipes (ACP) 105 A. Containment Materials 108 B. Wetting Agent and Lock Down 108 C. Lifting Gear & Ladders 108 D. Respirators (dust mask) 109 E. Protective Clothing 109 10/19/08 Page 5 of 117 FIGURES Figure 1: WSS Subprojects in Sukkur ......................................................................... 17 Figure 2: WSS Subprojects in Rohri ............................................................................18 Figure 3: WSS Subprojects in Khairpur ...................................................................... 21 Figure 4: Monitoring Report Format ............................................................................ 46 TABLES Table 1: Seasonal Characteristics of Climate of the Project Area ............................ 28 Table 2: Screening of Environmental Issues .............................................................. 29 Table 3: Environmental Monitoring Plan for Tranche 1 WSS Subprojects .............. 47 Table 4: Summary of Estimated Costs for EMP Implementation .............................. 48 Table 5: Operations Phase Environmental Monitoring Plan ..................................... 48 Table 6: Pakistan Drinking Water Quality Standards (Draft) ..................................... 51 10/19/08 Page 6 of 117 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank DCO District Coordination Officer EARF Environmental Assessment and Review Framework EDO Executive District Officer EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan EPA Environmental Protection Agency GoP Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan GoS Government of Sindh IA Implementing Agency IEE Initial Environmental Examination LARF Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework LARP Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan M&E Monitoring and evaluation MFF Multi-tranche Financing Facility NEQS National Environmental Quality Standards NGO Non-Governmental Organization NOX Oxides of Nitrogen NSUSC North Sindh Urban Services Corporation OHT Overhead tank P&DD Planning and Development Department Pak-EPA Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency PSC Program Steering Committee PSU Program Support Unit ROW Right of Way SC Safeguards Cell SCIP Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program SEPA Sindh Environmental Protection Agency SO2 Sulphur Dioxide SR Sensitive Receiver SWM Solid Waste Management TA Technical Assistance USC Urban Services Corporation WDM Water Distribution Main WSS Water Supply and Sanitation Sector WEIGHTS AND MEASURES dB(A) Decibel (A-weighted) ft Feet/Foot km kilometre m meter m3 cubic meter m2 square meter mgd million [imperial] gallons per day s seconds LAWS AND REGULATIONS IEE-EIA Regulations 2000 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Initial Environmental Examination and Environmental impact Assessment Regulations 2000 PEPA 1997 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 SLGO 2001 Sindh Local Government Ordinance 2001 10/19/08 Page 7 of 117 I. INTRODUCTION 1. The Government of Pakistan (the Government) has requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to provide a multitranche financing facility (MFF or the Facility) to facilitate investments to support the proposed Sindh Cities Improvement Investment Program (SCIP or the Investment Program). The Investment Program will implement a number of subprojects within seven components including (i) support to institutional reform and development; (ii) waste supply and wastewater management; and (iii) solid waste management. 2. This Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) presents the environmental assessments of the water supply and wastewater management sector subprojects in Tranche 2 of the MFF. This IEE has been carried out to ensure that the potential adverse environmental impacts are appropriately addressed in line with ADB’s Environmental Policy (2009) and Environmental Assessment Guidelines (2003). This IEE has also been prepared to meet the requirements of the Government for environmental assessment. 3. This IEE is submitted to ADB by North Sindh Urban Services Corporation (NSUSC) on behalf of the Government of Sindh (GoS) Planning and Development Department (P&DD)1 and this report will be submitted for information/review to the Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) as required by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997, as regulated. A. Overview 4. The ultimate objective of the water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector subprojects of the Investment Program is to improve the supply of potable water and improve wastewater management to the residents of 8 cities in North Sindh. The Investment Program aims to improve the quality, coverage and reliability of potable water supply in the most cost- effective manner. 5. To achieve these objectives, an integrated, long-term package of investments and support programs have been developed. In the water supply sector, the subprojects included under the second tranche will comprise sub projects in 8 towns building on tranche 1 priority investment and on going Master Planning exercise and Mapping studies (i) the second stage of a rolling program of Distribution Network Improvement Programs (DNIPs) in specific supply zones to provide 24/7 supply in all cluster towns with supply networks, commencing with additional 9 DNI zones in Sukkur City (3), New Sukkur (1), Rohri (2) and Khairpur (3); (ii) rehabilitation of one existing water treatment plant of 6 MGD & intake works, source works and distribution systems for Rohri; (iii) rehabilitation of two existing treatment plants of 18 MGD and 6 MGD respectively at Numaish and Bunder Road Water Treatment Plant with ring mains and distributions system for Sukkur and New Sukkur and reservoir capacity enhancement , transmission and distribution networks for Khairpur and Jocobabad ; and (iv) Larkana, Shikarpur , Jocobabad and Ghotki improvement of existing sewerage system, disposal stations and force mains along with improvement of waste stabilization ponds. All these interventions are designed to improve the quality, coverage and reliability of potable water supplies and improved sewerage and drainage system of cities in the most cost-effective manner. 1 the responsibility for future subprojects is undertaken by North Sindh Urban Services Corporation (NSUSC). 10/19/08 Page 8 of 117 6. An IEE is required for all MFF subprojects under ADB and the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of the IEE aims to mitigate all the reasonably foreseeable impacts. The EMP must be updated later before construction starts and reviewed periodically as the project proceeds in order to take account of any unanticipated impacts for the Tranche 2 subprojects. A detailed environmental assessment and review framework (EARF) procedure has been prepared that must be followed as required by ADB for all the subprojects in future tranches. B. The Investment Program 7. The Investment Program aims at facilitating sustainable urban development by assisting government efforts to improve basic urban infrastructure and services in Sindh Province. The Investment
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