The information contained in this document is the property of ATPCO. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means; mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ATPCO. Under the law, copying includes translating into another language or format. Legal action will be taken against any infringement

Copyright ©2009 by Tariff Publishing Company All rights reserved.



In publication of documents such as, but not limited to, file formats, data application, examples of application, meeting summaries, meeting agendas, and other working documents, for itinerary and service taxes, ATPCO in no way intends by example or data application to provide interpretation for any tax legislation. Any examples and data application published are solely for the use of subscribers to understand the technical processing steps applicable to the data provided by ATPCO. It is the sole responsibility of the subscriber to and user of this information to verify that the correct interpretation has been applied

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1.0 OVERVIEW ...... 1 1.1 DATA REQUIREMENTS ...... 4 1.2 BASIC PROCESSING OVERVIEW ...... 6 2.0 DEFINITIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS ...... 7 2.1 DEFINITIONS ...... 7 2.2 ASSUMPTIONS ...... 12 2.2.1 Concurrence ...... 12 2.2.2 Relationship between “Tax Included” Tag and Tax Records ...... 13 2.2.3 Data Matching ...... 15 2.2.4 Public vs. Private Data...... 16 2.2.5 Processing Match Fields with Unknown Inputs ...... 17 2.2.6 No One Tax Applies More Than Once on the Same Sector ...... 20 3.0 DETAILED FIELD PROCESSING ...... 22 4.0 PROCESSING ...... 31 4.1 APPLICATION OF DATA FOR RECORD X1 ...... 48 4.1.1 Record Type (bytes 1-2)...... 48 4.1.2 Nation (bytes 3-4) ...... 48 4.1.3 Tax Code (bytes 5-6) ...... 49 4.1.4 Tax Type (bytes 7-9) ...... 50 4.1.5 Tax Remittance Identifier (byte 10) ...... 51 4.1.6 Tax Point Tag (byte 11) ...... 51 4.1.7 Percent/Flat Tag (byte 12) ...... 53 4.1.8 Sequence Number (bytes 17-23) ...... 54 4.1.9 Taxable Unit Tags (bytes 24-33) ...... 55 4.1.10 Calculation Order (byte 35) ...... 58 4.1.11 Sale Dates (bytes 36-47) ...... 59 4.1.12 Date Application Tag (byte 48) ...... 61 4.1.13 Travel Dates – First/Last (bytes 49-60)...... 62 4.1.14 Tax Carrier (bytes 61-63) ...... 65 4.1.15 Carrier Application Table No. 190 (bytes 64-71) ...... 66 4.1.16 Return to Origin (byte 72) ...... 67 4.1.17 Passenger Type Code Table No. 169 (bytes 73-80)...... 69

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4.1.18 Geography Fields (bytes 81-200) ...... 76 Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) ...... 78 Point of Sale (bytes 82-90) ...... 80 Security Table No. 183 (bytes 91-98) ...... 82 Point of Ticketing – Geographic Specification (bytes 100-108) ...... 83 Point of Delivery – Geographic Specification (bytes 109-117) ...... 84 Journey Geographic Specification (bytes 119-155) ...... 85 Tax Point Geographic Specification (bytes 156-218) ...... 93 Stopover Specifications (bytes 208-218) ...... 134 4.1.19 Service and Table Application Tag (byte 219) ...... 148 4.1.20 Service and Baggage Table No. 168 (bytes 220-227) ...... 157 4.1.21 Carrier/Flight Application Table No. 186 (bytes 228-243) – Tables 1 & 2 ...... 164 4.1.22 Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 244) ...... 167 4.1.23 Sector Detail Table No. 167 (bytes 245-252) ...... 169 4.1.24 Ticket Value Application (byte 263) ...... 180 4.1.25 Ticket Value Minimum (bytes 264-274) ...... 181 4.1.26 Ticket Value Maximum (bytes 275-285) ...... 182 4.1.27 Ticket Value Currency/Decimal (bytes 286– 289) ...... 183 4.1.28 Currency of Sale (bytes 290-292) ...... 184 4.1.29 Paid by 3rd Party Tag (byte 293) ...... 185 4.1.30 RATD Date (bytes 294-297) ...... 186 4.1.31 Historic Sale Effective Dates (bytes 307-318) ...... 187 4.1.32 Historic Travel Effective and Discontinue Date (bytes 319-330) ...... 188 4.1.33 Tax (bytes 331-400) ...... 189 Specified Tax (bytes 331-345) ...... 190 Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) ...... 191 Minimum Tax (bytes 353-363) ...... 193 Maximum Tax (bytes 364-374) ...... 194 Min Max Tax Currency (bytes 375-378) ...... 195 VAT Inclusive Indicator (byte 379) ...... 196 Tax Applies to Tag (byte 380) ...... 197 Tax Application Limit (byte 381) ...... 204 Net Remit Application Tag (byte 382) ...... 210 Tax Rounding Unit (Byte 384) ...... 211 Tax Rounding Direction (Byte 385) ...... 212 Alternate Tax Rule Reference Tag (byte 386) ...... 213 Text Table No. 164 (bytes 387-394) ...... 215 Tax Processing Application Tag (bytes 395-396) ...... 216 Tax Matching Application Tag (bytes 397-398) ...... 217 Output Type Indicator (byte 399) ...... 218 Exempt Tag (byte 400) ...... 219

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Record X1 provides information for industry as well as airline instructed taxes and charges (the distinction between taxes and charges is only made for itinerary taxes and there is no impact on automated processing – and service fee taxes are not categorized as such) for airline transportation and airline service fees. Industry taxes are controlled primarily by a generic industry instruction. Industry tax data can be supplied by International Airline Transport Association (IATA), for America (A4A) and Air Transport Association of Canada (ATAC), as well as other industry bodies which are qualified to supply tax data. These include, but are not limited to, the Arab Air Carriers Organization (AACO), the African Airlines Association (AFRAA), the Asociacion Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Transporte Aéreo (ALTA), the European Regional Airlines Association (ERA), the Association of European Airlines (AEA), the China Air Transport Association (CATA), and the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA). Carrier exceptions can be instructed and/or coded by the tax carrier (the carrier liable to pay the tax). In addition, the tax carrier can choose to opt out of the generic instruction by coding a tax carrier specific instruction for the same tax. All exceptions to the generic tax rule will be coded within the Record X1. The ATPCO Tax Record X1 will contain all of the information required to support automated tax pricing for all airlines.

This document details the data application for Tax Record X1 only. The 100 Series Tables used in this record are Tax Record 3s. When the data application for the 100 Series Table does not exist, use the data application for the corresponding 900 Series Tables. Exception: The data application for Zone Table 178 is the same as data application for Zone Table 978, except any three letter alpha code in the Table 178 will always be processed as an code and not as a city code).

For purposes of matching this record, no distinction is made between a Tax, a Fee, or a Charge, and no reference is made to ‘TFC’ (tax, fee, charge). All reference in this document concerns matching to a ‘Tax Code’ (defined in Section 2.1).

All reference to fees or service fees in this document are in the context of the ATPCO Service Fees product, in other words Records S1-S2 (Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Fees), S4 (Ticketing Fees), S5-S8 (Optional Services and Baggage).

Outbound subscription files for the Tax Product will be generated and distributed on the same schedule as International Fare Subscriptions (currently hourly).

Record X1 can be used to determine the taxes to be assessed on an itinerary or service being priced and can also be used in post-sale validation of applicable taxes. For all processing (pricing and post-sale validation) except interline billing and settlement, Output Type

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Indicator (byte 399; see see page 218) must = T (TTBS only), B (Both RATD and TTBS), or N (neither TTBS or RATD). For post- sale validation involving interline billing and settlement, only sequences where Output Type Indicator (byte 399) = B (Both RATD and TTBS) or R (RATD only) may be used in processing.

Sequences in which Output Type Indicator (byte 399) = B (Both RATD and TTBS) or R (RATD Only) must also have an associated RATD date (bytes 294-297; see page 186) which determines which sequence to use based on the month of billing.

The data applications for Table 167 (Sector Detail), Table 168 (Service and Baggage Table), and Table 169 (Passenger Type Code), are documented separately from the Record X1 Data Application.

The Tax Rules product X1 will not incorporate any tax rules and values associated to US Passenger Facilities Charges (XF). The product will contain rules for the US Segment Fee (ZP), but will not contain any details on absorption rules for the US Segment Fee. Processing for US PFC (XF) data in its entirety and for US Segment Fee (ZP) taxation absorption data is intended to be contained in the existing ATPCO products supporting these functions, and is completely out of scope for the Record X1 and X2.

There are seven records in the Passenger Facilities Charges System (PFC/ZP) subscriptions:

Passenger Facilities Charge Essential Air Service Co-terminal Equipment type exemption Collection Method Carrier Absorption/Exception to Carrier Absorption US Tax Segment Absorption

ATPCO intends to continue to distribute all records in the PFC product in the current format until such time as all subscribers have migrated to the new ATPCO Automated Tax Subscriptions product. The scheduling for subscriptions of the PFC and ZP data product will be aligned to the subscriptions schedule of the tax product (i.e. the same as international subscriptions) for customers of the ATPCO Tax Subscription product.

Co-terminal points are currently captured within the ATPCO PFC product, which only applies to US co-terminal points. The existing co-terminal record in the PFC product will be used to determine One Way and Round Trip requirements for XF tax in the U.S.

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The following fields are available within the co-terminal record:

Airport/City Effective and Discontinue Dates Co-terminal Points (as defined in the ATPCO PFC Product co-terminal record) Segment Date and Time of Update

When Tax Point Tag ≠ Change Fee (byte 33 ≠ X), record X1 data applies to originally priced itineraries or services only. Data application for involuntary or voluntary reroutes, reissues, exchanges, and refunds of taxes is yet to be defined. When Tax Point Tag = Change Fee (byte 33 = X), record X1 data applies only to voluntary itinerary change transactions (reissues/exchanges) to which a change fee applies, and applies only to the determination of tax on that change fee.

The ATPCO Tax Collection and Distribution product will include data for both ticketed taxes (currently contained in the IATA TTBSTT) and for non-ticketed taxes (currently contained in the IATA TTBSNT). It is noted that the information for non-ticketed taxes will only be as good as is sourced to IATA or ATPCO and is not currently complete in the IATA repository. This data should be used for information purposes as it is incomplete, and as such is processed at the subscriber’s own risk.

As there is no IATA-allocated ticketing code for non-ticket taxes, ATPCO will assign the following:

Nation Nation of legislation setting the tax Tax Code Nation of legislation setting the tax Tax Type Manually allocated distinct number for that tax code, from 100 and up (i.e. not 001-099)

Non-ticket taxes are collected at other points than the sale of the passenger itinerary or the service. These taxes can be identified within the Record X2 when the Accountable Document Tax Tag (byte 33) is set to ‘U’. Examples of non-ticket taxes are those collected at on departure from a given country or airport, and thus are not pre-purchased by the passenger, and therefore are also not shown on the passenger sales document.

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1.1 Data Requirements

It is a fundamental assumption to tax pricing that all information in the passenger transaction, whether it is in the , the Miscellaneous Document, the PNR, agent/user input, or a combination of all of these sources, needs to be known.

The types of taxable unit are as follows:

1 = Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Fees 2 = Ticketing Fee 3 = Optional Services – Flight Related 4 = Optional Services – Ticket Related 5 = Optional Services – Merchandise 6 = Optional Services – Fare Related 7 = Baggage Charges 8 = Tax on Tax 9 = Itinerary (also known as tax applied to the fare) 10 = Change fee

In order to validate Record X1, it may be required to know the following - this list is not exhaustive:

Information Requirements General Information The Tax Point All Nation geography (ISO Country Codes) within the passenger transaction Whether the Tax Point is Sale, Issue, Departure, Arrival, or Delivery Taxable Unit Tag Tax Carrier All codes related to the service being priced e.g. Tax Code, Service Fee Sub Code Date of issuance of the accountable document (ET/EMD/other) The Validating Carrier for the accountable document (ET/EMD/other) The ticket type (Ticket, EMD, PTA, XSB) Point of Sale and Point of Ticketing The ISO Currency of Sale Whether the accountable document was paid by a 3rd Party

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Information Requirements Ticketed Itinerary Information (Passenger Ticket) The input passenger type code Input PTC details such as age and geographic restrictions The ticket value (fare before taxes) and each fare component value If the transaction is a voluntary itinerary change, the assessed change fee value All ticketed/unticketed points in the itinerary All dates of travel in the itinerary Journey and individual sector detail – ticketed and unticketed points, stops, connections The point and dates of journey commencement, turnaround, and destination Fare Basis Ticket Designator, Fare Type, Tariff, Fare Owner Carrier, and Rule for each fare component on the itinerary Public vs. Private Fares (Negotiated) status for each sector and fare component The departure point and subsequent point (may be next unticketed, ticketed, connection or stopover) for the tax point in relation to the itinerary The arrival point and prior point (may be previous unticketed, ticketed, or stop) for the tax point in relation to the itinerary Whether the tax point is a stopover, as determined by time or other coded factors All stopovers and connections in the itinerary/service, whether ticketed or unticketed The domestic/international status of each sector on the itinerary/service Flight details (carrier and marketing carrier flight number, cabin, RBD, equipment code) for all flown sectors on the itinerary/service Miscellaneous Document Information The input Passenger Type Code (PTC) Input PTC details such as age and geographic restrictions The Miscellaneous Document value (fee before taxes) and each fee component value Reason for Issuance Code and Sub Code as applicable Point of Delivery of the service Reason for Issuance Code and Sub Code as applicable All dates of usage in the service itinerary All ticketed/unticketed points in the service itinerary Service itinerary and individual service sector detail – ticketed and unticketed points, stops, connections The point and dates of service commencement, turnaround, and destination The departure point and subsequent point (may be next unticketed, ticketed, connection or stopover) for the tax point in relation to the service The arrival point and prior point (may be previous unticketed, ticketed, or stop) for the tax point in relation to the service

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1.2 Basic Processing Overview

Validation of Record X1 takes place after itinerary pricing is complete (for Tax Points for ‘Tax on Tax’ itinerary taxes) or pricing for the service (for service fee taxes). (Tag 8) must be processed last Record X1 processing will start by determining all Tax Points and the Taxable into the Record X1 Units, and then deriving the Taxable Unit Tag

Processing within the Record X1 should attempt to match for each of these Tax Points.

Taxable Units will be aggregated according to the following rules: For each Tax Point, attempt to match Record X1 for a unique Tax Code and Sale, All Depart and Arrive Tax Type combination. Itinerary Is there a match? Fuel and Insurance Optional Services (related to sectors) Baggage YES NO Sale only Ticketing Fees Optional Services (not related to sectors)

Delivery Optional Services (not related to sectors)

Each individual charge Tax on Tax

No tax applies for the Tax Code and Apply the rule. For the same Tax Tax Type combination. For the same Point, continue processing with a Taxable Unit, continue processing to different Tax Code/Tax Type another Record X1 with a different combination. Tax Code/Tax Type combination.

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2.1 Definitions Term Definition Note that any terms not found within these definitions will be contained within the ATPCO Glossary of Terms. Also note that terms found both herein and in the ATPCO Glossary of Terms may have different definitions in each document, and the definitions in this document are those to be used when processing Record X1. Accountable Document The document issued for accounting and receipt purposes to the passenger purchasing the transportation or service. Includes Electronic Tickets, Electronic Miscellaneous Documents, and other miscellaneous documents. Base Fare The amount that appears in the “fare” portion of the Fare field on the ticket. This amount excludes amounts in any other fields on the ticket. For tickets issued where the Fare field contains values IT, BT, or BULK, the Base Fare is assumed to be the total amount paid by the passenger (before service fees) minus all ticketed Taxes, Fees, and Charges. Base Fee Each individually priced Fee amount for the type of fee charged before taxes have been applied. These are all ticketed in different ways:

Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Fees: amount identified as YQ or YR in the Tax/Fee/Charge field on the ticket Ticketing Fees: amount identified as OB in the Carrier Fees data element in the electronic ticket Optional Services: Coupon value and Fare Amount on the Miscellaneous Document Baggage Charges: Coupon value and Fare Amount on the Miscellaneous Document Tax on Tax: IATA code in the Tax/Fee/Charge field on the ticket Buffer Zone in Canada and Mexico that are not more than 225 miles from the nearest point in the Continental United States. Change of gauge A change of that occurs without a change in the flight number. Connection Any intermediate point on an itinerary not defined as a Stopover (see definition of Stopover).

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Term Definition Continuous Journey A term applicable only to Canadian taxation. When a city is visited twice on the itinerary and the second visit is a stopover, a new continuous journey is deemed to begin.

For example, YYZ ORD YVR YYZ is deemed to be one continuous journey.

For example, YYZ ORD YYZ (stop at YYZ) YVR YYZ is deemed to be two continuous journeys – YYZ ORD YYZ and YYZ YVR YYZ.

A round trip continuous journey is deemed to occur when the city at the start of the continuous journey is revisited as a stopover (or the journey destination).

A one way continuous journey is deemed to occur when the city at the start of the continuous journey is not revisited as a stopover (or the journey destination). Domestic A journey, portion of travel, flight, or sector in which all ticketed and unticketed points have the same country code. For the purposes of this definition, country codes RU and XU are considered the same country code. Travel between a nation and its territory not possessing its own IATA Country Code is domestic. Where conflicts in country codes exist between ATPCO directories and IATA directory of nations, the IATA directory of nations will be used. For example, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, which are Country US in ATPCO directories, are PR and VI in IATA directories.

A domestic fare is a fare whose origin and destination points have the same country code. A domestic point is a point that has the same country code as the point(s) it is being compared to. The code that appears in the Fare Basis Ticket Designator field of the ticket. Fee Break Points The start and end points of a fee component. The points in the service itinerary matching to the start and end points of • Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Fees: Record S1 Sector/Portion Geo Spec – Loc 1/Loc 2 or • Flight-related Option Service Fees: Record S7 Geo Spec – Loc 1/Loc 2 or • Baggage Fees Record S7 Geo Spec – Loc 1/Loc 2 Fee Component The portion of a service itinerary between two consecutive Fee Break Points Fee Owner Carrier The airline owning the record for the applied fee upon which a tax is being assessed.

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Term Definition Interline Tax The tax is interlineable if the operating carrier of the sector or service is liable to pay the tax collected by the validating carrier. International A journey, portion of travel, flight, or sector in which all ticketed and unticketed points do not have the same country code. For the purposes of this definition, country codes RU and XU are considered the same country code. Where conflicts in country codes exist between ATPCO directories and IATA directory of nations, the IATA directory of nations will be preferred. For example, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, which are Country US in ATPCO directories, are PR and VI in IATA directories. Note that: • Travel between US and Canada is international. • Travel between countries in Scandinavia is international • Travel between countries within the European Union is international • Travel between a nation and its territory possessing its own IATA Country Code is international

An international point is a point that does not have the same country code as the point(s) it is being compared to. Journey Destination Ultimate stopping place of the journey as shown on the ticket, also known as the last ticketed point in the journey. Journey Turnaround The furthest stopover or fare break point on the journey measured from journey origin as determined by indicators in the good for passage area. This does not apply to One Way journeys. If there are multiple candidates for journey turnaround (e.g. equidistant points or the same point appearing more than once on the itinerary), the first candidate will be taken as the point of turnaround. For international journeys, the Journey Turnaround must be outside the country of origin. Stopover Specifications (bytes 208-218) are ignored when determining Journey Turnaround. NOTE: Determination of whether a point is a stopover or fare break point for the purposes of determining journey turnaround is based on the designation in the fare calculation. In the case of plus ups which may apply higher intermediate fares, the ticketed fare break points in the fare calculation area (and not the designated plus up points) will be deemed to be the fare break points. Marketing Carrier The carrier code that will appear on the flight coupon of the ticket (different from operating carrier for code share). The Marketing Carrier may be a primary and/or secondary carrier of the fare component.

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Term Definition Nation An ISO Country code which must be a geographic location relating to the passenger transaction for the tax record to apply. Northern Portion of the An area defined by the US Internal Revenue Service as “the area lying west of the 30th meridian Western Hemisphere west of Greenwich, east of the international dateline, and north of the equator, but not including any foreign country which is a country of South America” Operating Carrier The carrier actually providing flight service (e.g. not necessarily shown on the ticket) Sales Tax A tax which is listed by the IATA TTBS as non-interlineable. Sector A portion of a journey covered by a single flight coupon. A sector may include an intermediate “unticketed” point. Service Anything provided or sold by or on behalf of a carrier on which a tax may be levied by means of X1 data. Services are categorized by Taxable Unit. For example, fuel fees and carrier-imposed fees are part of taxable unit Carrier-Imposed Fees. Form of payment fees and requested service fees are part of taxable unit Ticketing Tees. Pet in hold fees and inflight entertainment fees are part of taxable unit Optional Service – Flight Related fees. Argentine gross receipts tax and Canada airport improvement fee are part of taxable unit Tax on Tax. Transportation (fares) are part of taxable unit Itinerary. Service Type Code A code identifying the service for which a tax may be assessed. This code is made up of a generic “tax” (service) code and a more specific sub-code to further define the service. Exception: transporation/itinerary is a service, but has no service type code. Stopover • The journey/service origin point or • the journey/service destination point or • the end points of surface sectors where the points on either side are in different cities or • any intermediate ticketed point on the itinerary at which scheduled departure from the point is more than 24 hours after scheduled arrival at the point, subject to modification or further definition by the Stopover Specifications fields (bytes 208-218). Fare calculation, good for passage indicators (X/O), and presence/absence of stopover charge are not relevant to this definition. Tax Break Points The points that matched to Tax Point Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) and Tax Point Loc 2 (bytes 171- 179) in the X1 sequence being validated.

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Term Definition Tax Carrier The airline setting the level of any taxes due on the tax point. This is further defined in the Data Application for the Tax Record X1. In general, the tax carrier for a sales tax will be the validating carrier of the accountable document. The tax carrier for a use tax will be the marketing, operating, or service delivering carrier. Tax Code The IATA assigned code for the tax to be applied to the unit. Where no IATA code is available, ATPCO will assign the country code of the tax jurisdiction setting the tax rules. Tax Component The portion of a passenger or service itinerary between two consecutive Tax Break Points Tax on Tax A tax which is charged on an official Tax, Fee, or Charge. These are generally percentage taxes which are levied on top of transportation taxes, and as such must be calculated after all other tax calculation on the itinerary/service is completed. Tax Point The point of sale, departure, arrival, or service delivery. Tax Type Each Tax Code will be assigned a Tax Type, a number from 001 to ZZZ, which allows for the same Tax Code to be used for distinct business purposes. As a coding convention, each business application of the tax – for example US Ticket Tax (Code US) – will be assigned one tax type (e.g. 001). The US International Transportation Tax (also Code US) would need to be assigned a unique tax type (e.g. 002) because the business application is different. Tax Point Tag Indicates whether the tax is levied on a sale, a departure (out of a point), an arrival (into a point), or the delivery of a service. Taxable Unit The monetary amount assessed for, or applicable to, a unit of travel, service, or tax that is defined by the Taxable Unit Tag and other match fields in the X1 record.

Taxable Unit Tag Each Taxable Unit is assigned a taxable unit tag, to represent the type of tax point which is being processed in the Record X1. Use Tax A tax which is listed in the IATA TTBS as interlineable. Validate When used in this document to describe how to process the data, the term “validate” means to compare. For example, “validate the data against the sector being processed” means to compare the data against the sector being processed.

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2.2 Assumptions

2.2.1 Concurrence

This product has an assumed concurrence by all airlines (note that this is not limited to ATPCO customer airlines) for all taxes which are applicable to itineraries. Any airline which does not want an applicable itinerary tax to be charged must instruct IATA/ATPCO, and a carrier exception entry must be updated in the Record X1. Standard IATA coding will be generic for itinerary taxes, and so all carrier exceptions will be instructed initially through ATPCO, IATA, A4A, or ATAC. Any carrier exception which is not accepted by IATA as a generic instruction will be coded by ATPCO with a restriction to the carrier providing the instruction. Application can be to the selling carrier, the marketing carrier, or the fee owner carrier.

Generic instructions for itinerary taxes which are approved by IATA will be coded as ‘YY’ data – meaning that the data has been sourced by IATA. Generic instructions which are not approved by IATA Taxation but are approved by a recognized trade organization (e.g. A4A, ATAC, Local IATA office) will be coded as ‘ZZ’ data. No other generic instructions will be accepted. Any carrier exceptions which are not approved by IATA or a recognized trade association will be coded with a specific entry for that carrier code in the Tax Carrier field. Data will be submitted to IATA in conjunction with ATPCO coding to determine whether the Record X1 is to be coded as YY, ZZ or carrier exception data.

Itinerary tax data which is coded as ‘ZZ’ (recognized trade associations) is intended to be temporary and as such should be replaced in time by an IATA approved ‘YY’ generic data sequence.

There is no assumed concurrence for taxes which are applicable to services (i.e. not itinerary tax data). These must be instructed by the carrier owning the service. Any carrier wishing to use the same rules for taxes on their own services will need to instruct ATPCO to code a separate set of rules relating to that carrier. Carrier provided data for taxes on services will all be coded with reference to the specific carrier code in the Tax Carrier field. Data for tax on services will never be coded as ‘YY’ or ‘ZZ’ data because it will never be considered to be generic. If the same rules apply to multiple carriers, multiple sequence sets will be coded and copied from one carrier to another.

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2.2.2 Relationship between “Tax Included” Tag and Tax Records

ATPCO Service Fee records allow for the carrier owning the fee to instruct whether tax is included or excluded from the filed amount. The relative positions of these fields are as follows:

Service Record Description Byte Location Values Carrier-Imposed S1 Tax Included: Specifies whether or not the fee 276 X = Includes Tax (YQ/YR) Fees includes tax Blank = Does not include tax Ticketing Fees S4 232 Optional Services S7 Tax Application: Specifies if the service fee 312 X = Fee amounts are inclusive of amounts in the currency table 170 are inclusive applicable taxes of applicable taxes Blank = Fee amounts do not include applicable taxes

When the service is instructed to ATPCO with data indicating that tax is included in the instructed amount for the service, processing will not attempt to match taxes on that service as a taxable unit – the taxable unit already includes the tax amount. Downline processing will require processing of the taxable unit to back out the tax value from the service fee amount for revenue accounting and remittance purposes.

When the service is instructed to ATPCO with data indicating that tax in not included in the instructed amount for the service, processing must attempt to match to a Record X1 for the service and the Tax Carrier who owns the instructed record for the service.

For example, YQ of 50.00 is filed by carrier XX applicable to LON - NYC (sold in LON), excluding tax Processing must attempt to match taxes with the following criteria to this taxable unit:

Nation Codes of US and/or GB (all countries involved in the journey/transaction) Tax Carrier = XX or the Validating Carrier of the ticket (will be contained in the same sequence set if a validating carrier exception)

If processing does not match to any record, or processing matches to an exemption (Exemption Tag = ‘X’), no tax is applicable to the YQ charge of 50.00 If processing matches to a Record X1 with an applicable rate or percentage, processing will apply the tax instruction to the YQ charge of 50.00

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If the service is to be treated – for tax processing purposes – exactly as if it were an itinerary (i.e. carrier instructs that exactly the same rules apply to itinerary and service), then the record X1 will contain Alternate Rule Reference Tag (byte 386) = 2, which instructs processing to treat the service as an itinerary taxable unit for matching purposes.

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2.2.3 Data Matching

There are three general outcomes when processing the Record X1:

(1) If processing cannot resolve to an applicable Record X1 for the tax carrier for the tax point being processed, then there is no tax applicable for that tax point for the given Tax Code and Type (2) If processing matches to all of the criteria in a Record X1 and the instruction is to exempt the tax, no tax applies (3) If processing matches to all of the criteria in a Record X1 and the instruction is to apply the tax, tax must be calculated according to the instruction in the record (except in the scenarios described in Section 2.2.6).

Once processing resolves to an applicable Record X1, the tax specified in the record applies to the transaction according to the tax data coded in bytes 331-400.

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2.2.4 Public vs. Private Data

All tax data is assumed to be public and the same data will be sent to any subscriber to the ATPCO Tax Subscription product. There is no restriction on ATPCO data distribution, or on the locations in which the subscriber allows the data to be displayed and priced. In this regard, all carrier-instructed exceptions will be coded as public data.

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2.2.5 Processing Match Fields with Unknown Inputs

There will be occasions when systems will process itineraries against the Record X1 data where the required match data is unknown. In most cases, a match cannot be made to any restrictive data within the Record X1. Unknown data can only be matched to blank entries in that particular field in the Record X1 resulting in the generic instruction being applied.

For example:

The Security Table (bytes 91-98) in the Record X1 requires a specific pseudo-city code for a match to occur.

The pseudo-city code is unknown to the pricing system.

The Record X1 containing the specific pseudo-city code cannot be matched, and the next (more generic) sequence will be attempted for match purposes (assuming a blank pseudo-city code requirement i.e. no restrictions). This is to avoid matching under any circumstances to a specific exemption when it may not be applicable, leaving the carrier with an unfunded liability.

There are some exceptions to the above rule:

The following is a list of match data elements and how processing should behave in the event of unknown data:

Field Name Match / Action Processing in Event Data is Unknown Sale Dates Match Assume that sale date is the date of the pricing request Travel Date Application Tag Match Optimistic not unrealistic processing as described in Section 4 Travel Dates Match Carrier Application Table No. 190 Match No match the sequence or match to blank Return to Origin Match Passenger Type Table No 169 Match When the residency and/or nationality associated to the itinerary or service is not known, nationality and residency is assumed to be the same as the country of sale. If the input PTC is unknown and requires a match, the PTC of the fare is used. For all other fields in the table, if the data is unknown, assume a no match. Ticketed Point Tag Match No match the sequence or match to blank only.

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Field Name Match / Action Processing in Event Data is Unknown Point of Sale – Geographic Match Specification Security Table No. 183 Match Point of Ticketing – Geographic Match Specification Point of Delivery – Geographic Match Specification Journey Geo Spec – Indicator Match Journey Geo Spec – Loc 1/Loc 2 Match Journey Geo Spec – Journey Includes Match Journey Geo Spec – Travel Wholly Match Within Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Adjacent Match International/Domestic Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Transfer Match Type Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Stopover Match Tag Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Match Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Match International/Domestic Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Match Comparison Tax Point Geo Spec - Loc 2 Stopover Match Tag Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Match Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 3 Match Tax Point Geo Spec – Stopover Time Match Tag Tax Point Geo Spec – Stopover Time Match Unit Tax Point Geo Spec – Connection Match Tags Service and Baggage Application Tag Match

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Field Name Match / Action Processing in Event Data is Unknown Service and Baggage Table No.168 Match Carrier/Flight Table No. 186 Match Carrier/Flight Table No. 186 Match Sector Detail Application Tag Match Sector Detail Table No. 167 Match Ticket Value Application Match Ticket Value Minimum Match Ticket Value Maximum Match Currency of Sale Match Paid by 3rd Party Tag Match

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2.2.6 No One Tax Applies More Than Once on the Same Sector

A departure or arrival tax with the same Nation, Tax Code and Tax Type will not be assessed more than once on the same sector. When multiple matches are made the following logic will apply:

If And Then Within one transaction all the following Ignore all such matches to the X1 conditions are met: Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D sequences except the one whose Tax Point • a match is made to at least two X1 Loc 1 appears before all the others in the sequences that have the same Nation, Tax itinerary. code, and Tax type

Ignore all such matches to the X1 • the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2 is the sequences except the one whose Tax Point same in all cases Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A Loc 1 appears after all the others in the

itinerary. • all such matches result in the assessment of

a non-zero tax amount

Example 1

Ticketed itinerary: PDX-FAI-ANC-SEA All US/US/003 sequences contain Tax Point (byte 11) = D. US/US/003 sequences 0217500 and 0380000 contain non-zero tax amounts or percentages.

In the absence of this system assumption: • Assume a match would be made to US/US/003 sequence 0217500, with the point matching to Tax Point Loc 1 = FAI and Tax Point Loc 2 = SEA • Assume a match would be made to US/US/003 sequence 0380000, with the point matching to Tax Point Loc 1 = ANC and Tax Point Loc 2 = SEA

Although a match would otherwise be made to the two US/US/003 sequences in the same transaction with the points matching to Tax Point Loc 2 = SEA in both X1 sequences, no match is made to US/US/003 sequence 038000 because, in that sequence, that sequence’s point matching to Tax Point 1 (ANC) appears in the itinerary later than the point matching to Tax Point 1 in US/US/003 sequence 0217500 (FAI).

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Example 2

Ticketed itinerary: VVV-YYY-ZZZ All XX/XX/001 sequences contain Tax Point (byte 11) = A. XX/XX/001 sequences 111111 and 222222 contain nonzero tax amounts or percentages.

In the absence of this system assumption: • Assume a match would be made to XX/XX/001 sequence 222222, with the point matching to Tax Point Loc 1 = ZZZ and Tax Point Loc 2 = VVV • Assume a match would be made to XX/XX/001 sequence 111111, with the point matching to Tax Point Loc 1 = YYY and Tax Point Loc 2 = VVV

Although a match would otherwise be made to the two XX/XX/001 sequences in the same transaction with the points matching to Tax Point Loc 2 = VVV in both X1 sequences, no match is made to XX/XX/001 sequence 111111 because, in that sequence that sequence’s point matching to Tax Point 1 (YYY) appears in the itinerary earlier than the point matching to Tax Point 1 in XX/XX/001 sequence 222222 (ZZZ).

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Byte Location Match / Action Definition / Processing Bytes 1-2 Key Match Indicates the Record Number for which the data is formatted. Record Type Bytes 3-4 Key Match Specifies an ISO Country Code which must be related to the passenger Nation itinerary, either as a point of sale, point of issuance, point of departure, point of arrival, or point of delivery. Bytes 5-6 Key Match/ Specifies the Tax Code applicable to this record. Tax Code Action Bytes 7-9 Key Match/ A reference number between 001 and ZZZ used to distinguish different Tax Type Action taxes which use the same Tax Code but have more than one data application. Byte 10 Key Match Indicates whether the tax is a Sales Tax (and therefore generally remitted by Tax Remittance ID the validating carrier) or a Use Tax (and therefore generally remitted by the delivering or transporting carrier). Byte 11 Key Match/ Action Specifies whether the tax applies to sale (i.e. once per itinerary), departure, Tax Point Tag arrival, or delivery. Byte 12 Key Match/ Action Defines whether the tax being applied is a percentage or a flat amount. Percent/Flat Tag Bytes 13-16 FILLER Bytes 17-23 Key Match/ Specifies the order in which the records must be processed within each Sequence Number Action unique data key. Byte 24-33 Match Specifies the service to which the record applies (e.g. Carrier-Imposed Taxable Unit Tag (YQ/YR) Fees, Ticketing Fee etc.). Bytes 34 FILLER Byte 35 Action Specifies the order in which the tax is to be calculated relative to other taxes Calculation Order applicable to the transaction. Bytes 36-47 Match Specify the first and last sale dates for which the data in this record applies. Sale Dates These are the maintenance dates for this record.

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Byte Location Match / Action Definition / Processing Byte 48 Match Indicates whether the first and last travel dates apply to journey Travel Date Application commencement or to departure from (departure tax) or arrival into (arrival Tag tax) the tax point. Bytes 49-60 Match Specify the first and last travel dates for the record. The application of travel Travel Dates dates for matching varies based on the Travel Date Application Tag. Bytes 61-63 Action The carrier instructing the tax record. Industry data will be coded with the Tax Carrier value YY for IATA, ZZ for Trade Organization approved, or the specific 2- byte carrier code for carrier specific instructions. Bytes 64-71 Match A number referring to a table that specifies to which validating carriers the Carrier Application Table Record X1 applies. The data in this record only applies if one of these No. 190 carriers is the validating carrier. Byte 72 Match Specifies whether the data in this record only applies when travel on the Return to Origin journey does or does not return to the journey origin. Bytes 73-80 Match A number referring to a table that specifies to which passenger types the Passenger Type Table No Record X1 applies. The data in this record only applies of one of these 169 passenger types (and associated details) matches to the applicable itinerary. Byte 81 Match Specifies whether the geographic data in this sequence applies to ticketed Ticketed Point Tag points only, or to all ticketed and unticketed points Bytes 82-90 Match Specifies that the data in this record only applies when the ticket is sold in a Point of Sale – specific geographic location. Geographic Specification Bytes 91-98 Match A number referring to a table containing a list of sales locations. The data Security Table No. 183 in this record only applies if one of these sales locations is used to sell the accountable document. Byte 99 FILLER Bytes 100-108 Match Specifies that the data in this record only applies when the ticket is issued in Point of Ticketing – a specific geographic location. Geographic Specification

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Byte Location Match / Action Definition / Processing Bytes 109-117 Match Specifies that the data in this record only applies when the service is Point of Delivery – delivered in a specific geographic location. Geographic Specification Note that this field only applies to Optional Services – Merchandise, and Optional Services – Ticket Related Byte 118 FILLER Byte 119 Match Specifies whether the data in the Journey Geo Spec - Loc 2 field (bytes 129- Journey Geo Spec – 137) identifies the journey turnaround point, or journey destination. Indicator Bytes 120-137 Match Indicates that the data in this record only applies when the journey origin Journey Geo Spec – and/or the journey turnaround points and/or journey destination are in the Loc 1/Loc 2 specified locale(s). Bytes 138-146 Match Indicates that the data in this record only applies when the journey contains Journey Geo Spec – travel including the specified locale(s). Journey Includes Bytes 147-155 Match Indicates that the data in this record only applies when the journey is wholly Journey Geo Spec – within the specified locale(s). Travel Wholly Within Byte 156 Match Defines whether travel from the previous point into the point matching to Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) (for a departure tax), or travel from the point Loc 1 Adjacent matching to Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) to the next point (for an arrival tax) must International/ Domestic be international or domestic. The value defines whether next/previous point means “any point” or “next/previous stopover” i.e.

Next/Previous point domestic Next/Previous point international Next/Previous Stopover domestic Next/Previous Stopover international

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Byte Location Match / Action Definition / Processing Byte 157 Match Defines whether the transfer at the point matching to Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) Tax Point Geo Spec – is interline (change of marketing carrier), online (no change of marketing Loc 1 Transfer Type carrier but can change flight number), online with change of gauge (no change of marketing carrier or flight number but change of equipment type), or online with no change of gauge (no change of marketing carrier, flight number, or equipment type) Byte 158 Match Indicates whether the point matching to Loc 1 (byte 159-167) must be a Tax Point Geo Spec – stopover, a connection, a fare/fee/tax break point, not a fare/fee/tax break Loc 1 Stopover Tag point, or has no restriction. Bytes 159-167 Match Indicates that the Tax Point must match either the specified arrival point or Tax Point Geo Spec – a departure point, depending on the value in the in the Tax Point Tag field Loc 1 (byte 11). The point matching to Tax Point Geo Spec Loc 1 is always the point upon which tax is being assessed for departure and arrival taxes, and therefore the point being processed into the Record X1 for tax application or exemption. Byte 168 Match Specifies whether the point matching to Loc 2 must be in the same Tax Point Geo Spec – (domestic) or different (international) country as the point matching to Loc Loc 2 1. International/Domestic Byte 169 Match Specifies whether the point matching to Loc 2 must be the same as the Tax Point Geo Spec – preceding city to the point matching to Loc 1 (departure tax) or the same as Loc 2 Comparison the subsequent city to the point matching to Loc 1 (arrival tax). Byte 170 Match Indicates whether the point matching to Loc 2 must be a stopover, a Tax Point Geo Spec fare/fee/tax break point, the furthest Ticketed Point Miles from the point Loc 2 Stopover Tag matching to Loc 1 (bytes 159-167), or a point adjacent to Loc 1. Bytes 171-179 Match Indicates that the point matching to Loc 2 must match either a preceding Tax Point Geo Spec – point to the point matching to Loc 1 (arrival tax), or a subsequent point to Loc 2 the point matching to Loc 1 (departure tax), depending on the value in the in the Tax Point Tag field (byte 11). Alternatively, if the Loc 3 Type indicates that Loc 3 is the next stop, Loc 2 must match a via point between the point matching to Loc 1 and the next stop.

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Byte Location Match / Action Definition / Processing Byte 180 Action This field specifies when Loc 3 must match to the first stopover or point Tax Point Geo Spec – subsequent or prior to the point matching to Loc 1 Loc 3 Type Bytes 181-189 Match Indicates a further geographic match either to a prior point to the point Tax Point Geo Spec – matching to Loc 1 (Tax Point Tag = D) or the subsequent point to the point Loc 3 matching to Loc 1 (Tax Point Tag = A), or alternatively the next stopover after the point matching to Loc 1 (Tax Point Tag = D) or the prior stopover to the point matching to Loc 1 (Tax Point Tag = A). Bytes 190-207 FILLER Bytes 208-210 Match Specifies the maximum amount of time at the point matching to any of the Tax Point Geo Spec – Tax Point Geographic Specification fields (bytes 156-210) before it is Stopover Time Tag considered a stopover. Byte 211 Match Defines the units in which Stopover Time is expressed. Tax Point Geo Spec – Stopover Time Unit Bytes 212-218 Match Defines exceptions to stopover and connection definitions in Stopover Time Tax Point Geo Spec – (bytes 208-210) and Stopover Time Unit (byte 211). Connection Tags Further edits define how these connection tags can be used in conjunction.

Byte 219 Match A tag indicating whether the Service and Baggage Table (bytes 220-227) is Service and Baggage coded to match to the taxable unit being processed, or is coded to match to Table Application Tag other taxes, fees and charges which have been assessed on the same itinerary or service pricing transaction. Bytes 220-227 Match A table number which specifies to which of the specific services, taxes, and Service and Baggage baggage charge details the Record X1 applies. Table No.168

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Byte Location Match / Action Definition / Processing Bytes 228-235 Match A number referring to a table that specifies to which carriers and flight Carrier/Flight Table No. number combinations on a specific sector the Record X1 applies. The data 186 in this record only applies when travel on the following sector of travel being validated is on the specified carrier(s)/flight(s):

Departure Tax Point: Flight from point preceding the point matching to Loc 1 into the point matching to Loc 1 Arrival Tax Point: Flight from the point matching to Loc 1 to subsequent point. Bytes 236-243 Match A number referring to a table that specifies to which carriers and flight Carrier/Flight Table No. number combinations on a specific sector the Record X1 applies. The data 186 in this record only applies when travel on the following sector of travel being validated is on the specified carrier(s)/flight(s):

Departure Tax Point: Flight from the point matching to Loc 1 into subsequent point Arrival Tax Point: Flight from point preceding the point matching to Loc 1 into the point matching to Loc 1. Byte 244 Match A tag indicating whether the sector detail table is coded to match to all Sector Detail Application sectors between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point matching to Loc Tag 2, every sector in the itinerary, the first international sector, or to any sector between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point matching to Loc 2. Bytes 245-252 Match A number referring to a table that specifies the sector or itinerary details to Sector Detail Table No. which the Record X1 applies, either between the point matching to Loc 1 167 and the point matching to Loc 2 or for the whole itinerary, depending upon the value in the Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 243). Bytes 253-262 FILLER Byte 263 Match Indicates to which amounts (on the ticket) the Ticket Value Minimum Ticket Value Application (bytes 264-274) and Ticket Value Maximum (bytes 275-285) fields apply. Bytes 264-274 Match The minimum accountable document value to which the Record X1 applies, Ticket Value Minimum in the currency specified in bytes 286-289.

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Byte Location Match / Action Definition / Processing Bytes 275-285 Match The maximum accountable document value to which the record X1 applies, Ticket Value Maximum in the currency specified in bytes 286-289. Bytes 286-288 Action The currency of the Ticket Value Minimum (bytes 264-274) and Ticket Ticket Value Currency Value Maximum (bytes 275-285) fields. Byte 289 Action The currency decimal of the Ticket Value Minimum (bytes 264-274) and Ticket Value Decimal Ticket Value Maximum (bytes 275-285) fields. Bytes 290-292 Match The currency of sale of the passenger itinerary or service required for the Currency of Sale Record X1 to apply. Byte 293 Match Indicates whether a government form of payment or frequent flyer miles Paid by 3rd Party Tag must have been used to purchase the passenger itinerary or service in order for the Record X1 to apply. Bytes 294-297 Match The effective first date of the Revenue Accounting Tax Database to which RATD Date the sequence applies. Bytes 298-306 FILLER Bytes 307-312 Action Indicates a past dated sales effective date which could not be coded in the Historic Sale Effective First Sale Date (bytes 36-41). This data has no application in initial pricing Date but has application to audit and repricing processes. Bytes 313-318 Action Indicates a past dated sale discontinue date which could not be coded in the Historic Sale Discontinue Last Sale Date (bytes 42-47). This data has no application in initial pricing Date but has application to audit and repricing processes. Bytes 319-324 Action Indicates a past dated travel effective date which could not be coded in the Historic Travel Effective First Travel Date (bytes 49-54). This data has no application in initial Date pricing but has application to audit and repricing processes. Bytes 325-330 Action Indicates a past dated travel discontinue date which could not be coded in Historic Travel the Last Travel Date (bytes 55-60). This data has no application in initial Discontinue Date pricing but has application to audit and repricing processes. Bytes 331-345 Action The amount resulting when a match is made to the Record X1. Tax Amount/Currency/ Decimal Bytes 346-352 Action The percentage to apply when a match is made to the Record X1. Tax Percent

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Byte Location Match / Action Definition / Processing Bytes 353-363 Action The minimum tax when Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) is non-zero. Minimum Tax Bytes 364-374 Action The maximum tax when Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) is non-zero. Maximum Tax Bytes 375-377 Action The currency of the Minimum Tax (bytes 353-363) and the Maximum Tax Min Max Currency (bytes 364-374) fields. Byte 378 Action The currency decimal of the Minimum Tax (bytes 353-363) and the Min Max Decimal Maximum Tax (bytes 364-374) fields. Byte 379 Action An indicator showing whether the Tax Amount (bytes 331-341) is inclusive VAT Inclusive Indicator or exclusive of applicable VAT or other designated sales tax for that Nation. Bytes 380 Action Specifies the base amount to which the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) Tax Applies to Tag applies. Byte 381 Match/Action Expresses a limitation on application of the tax, where the tax cannot be Tax Application Limit freely applied to each matched occurrence within a given itinerary or portion of the itinerary. The taxable unit must also match to the type of journey expressed in the Tax Application Limit. Byte 382 Action Specifies whether the percentage should be applied to the sell fare amount Net Remit Application in the event of the transaction being priced with a sell fare level as well as Tag the gross (published) fare Byte 383 FILLER Byte 384 Action Specifies the rounding unit applicable to the resulting tax amount. Tax Rounding Unit Byte 385 Action Specifies whether rounding on a resulting tax amount shall be performed Tax Rounding Direction up, down, or to the nearest rounding unit, in case standard IATA rounding rules do not apply. Byte 386 Action Specifies a reference to an additional set of data or rules which are coded Alternate Rule Reference outside of the record. Tag Bytes 387-394 Action A number referring to a table containing free-form text regarding this Text Table No. 164 record. The information within this table is not priceable data.

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Byte Location Match / Action Definition / Processing Bytes 395-396 Action Indicates that automated tax data application cannot be applied, and that the Tax Processing tax rules for processing are further documented in Appendix A of this Application Tag document. Bytes 397-398 Action Indicates that automated tax data application cannot be applied, and that the Tax Matching tax rules for matching are further documented in Appendix B of this Application Tag document. Byte 399 Match Indicates whether the record is intended to be TTBS data, RATD data, both Output Type Indicator TTBS and RATD, or neither TTBS nor RATD. Byte 400 Action Specifies that the tax point for the passenger itinerary or the service is Exempt Tag exempt from the Tax Code (bytes 5-6) and Tax Type (bytes 7-9) defined in this record.

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For the purposes of this documentation the following processing order of fares, ATPCO service fees, and taxes will have been performed:

(1) pricing of fare (2) pricing of fees (i.e. Carrie-Imposed (YQ/YR) Fees and Optional Services included in ticket price) except Ticketing Fees (3) pricing of flat amount taxes on fare and fees priced in (1) and (2) (4) pricing of percentage taxes on fare and fees priced in (1) and (2) (5) pricing of percentage taxes on taxes priced in (3) (6) pricing of percentage tax on taxes priced in (4) (7) pricing of Ticketing Fees (8) pricing of taxes on Ticketing Fees (9) pricing of tax on tax on Ticketing Fees

Further details on processing of tax on tax, including an example, are shown below.

An example of the above items is as follows:

(1) Fare priced 2000.00 (2) Carrier-imposed Charge 200.00 (3) Departure Tax (XX) 15.00 (4) Sales Tax (ZZ) at 20% of fare and fee 440.00 (20% of 2200.00) (5) Sales Tax (VV) at 20% of Tax XX 3.00 (20% of 15.00) (6) Value Added Tax at 5% of ZZ 22.00 (5% of 440.00) (7) Handling Fee 50.00 (8) Sales Tax (ZZ) at 20% of Handling Fee 10.00 (20% of 50.00) (9) Value Added Tax at 5% of ZZ 0.50 (5% of 10.00) (10) Transaction TOTAL 2740.50

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Processing this data in a different order may be possible but critical data elements required for accurate collection may be missing and will need to be re-evaluated once this information is known.

The first step in tax processing will be to determine all tax points in the transaction which will be processed into the Record X1. These have the following attributes, expressed in terms of their related Taxable Unit (bytes 24-33):

Taxable Unit Description Taxable Ticketing Method Established Tax Points Unit Tag Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Fees 1 YQ/YR on ticket face Point of Sale, each departure, each arrival Charge Ticketing Fees 2 OB on passenger receipt Point of Sale Optional Services - Flight Related 3 3 A/N sub code on EMD face Point of Sale or Each departure, each arrival Optional Services – Ticket 4 Other carrier defined Point of Sale, delivery Related Each departure, each arrival (when applicable) Optional Services – Merchandise 5 Point of Sale, delivery Optional Services – Fare Related 6 OC reported as Carrier Fee Point of Sale Baggage Charges 7 3 A/N subcode on EMD face Point of Sale, each departure, each arrival Tax 8 2 A/N IATA-assigned code on Each individual tax code/tax type charged with ticket face individual sale, ticketing, departure, and arrival details Itinerary 9 Reported on ticket face Point of Sale, each departure, each arrival Change Fee 10 per subscriber preference Point of Sale

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A tax point is either:

(1) Sale of an accountable document at a location (2) Departure from a location (all ticketed and unticketed will be considered as candidates prior to processing) (3) Arrival into a location (all ticketed and unticketed will be considered as candidates prior to processing) (4) Delivery of a service at a location

The following can never be tax points and should not be considered for processing into the Record X1:

(1) Departure from the destination of the itinerary or service (2) Arrival into the origin of the itinerary or service (3) Departure from a point which is the origin of a surface/void sector i.e. no travel or service is departing that point (4) Arrival into a point which is the destination of a surface/void sector i.e. no travel or service is arriving into that point

There are a number of other geographic locations (e.g. point of ticketing, point of origin, point of turnaround) which can also be specified within the Record X1 and are related to the tax point, but are not Tax Points in their own right. Application of the tax is limited to the four types of tax point stated above.

Note that when a tax point is being priced which does not have an individual charge associated with it (for example, a carrier-imposed (YQ/YR) charge assessed for a portion of travel), all tax points within that portion of travel should be assessed to find out whether the entire portion has the same tax rate applicable (matching to different sequences may result in application of a consistent rate). If so, the percentage can be applied to the entire portion charge. If not, the percentage must be applied to a prorate of the taxable unit to the sector level. Proration will be based on Ticketed Point Mileage and is described in Section

Processing will validate Record X1 for each Tax Point. Processing will attempt to match the Record X1 based on the match fields identified in the previous section. The relationship among all match fields is AND. Processing must match all match criteria in order to match the record. Blank in any data field, unless otherwise defined, means ‘no restriction’ and is considered to be matched. The data will be coded from most specific to least specific. For details on coding conventions, see Section 6.

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The following chart defines (indicated by a Y) the type of geographic locale that should be derived from the itinerary as part of the Taxable Unit, and it may be needed in order to possibly match a tax for the type of item being assessed:

GEO Taxable Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Point of Sale Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Point of Ticketing Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Point of Delivery Y Y Itinerary: Journey level geographic locations Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Itinerary: Individual sector depart/arrive geographic locations Y Y Y Y Y Service (misc doc): Journey level geographic locations Y Y Y Y Y Service (misc doc): Individual sector depart/arrive geographic locations Y Y Y Y Y

Taxable Units:

1 = Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Fees 2 = Ticketing Fee 3 = Optional Services – Flight Related 4 = Optional Services – Ticket Related 5 = Optional Services – Merchandise 6 = Optional Services – Fare Related 7 = Baggage Charges 8 = Tax on Tax 9 = Itinerary 10 = Change Fee

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The following processing applies for each tax point:

For each tax point, process all matched Record X1s in sequential order within each unique data key (Nation, Tax Code, Tax Type). A Record X1 sequence set (for a given Nation, Tax Code, and Tax Type) must be processed for every tax point in the itinerary, and then discarded. Processing should never return to the same X1 Nation, Tax Code, Tax Type sequence set for the same itinerary once all tax points have been validated against the data.

a. If the Tax Point being validated matches a Record X1: i. Apply the Tax data in the matched record. Do not continue processing to any other records with the same Tax Code/Tax Type. ii. Continue processing other Record X1s with a different Tax Code/Tax Type. b. If the Tax Point being validated does not match a Record X1 for the Tax Code/Tax Type: i. That Tax Code/Tax Type does not apply to the Tax point. ii. Continue processing other Record X1s with a different Tax Code/Tax Type.

There are certain processing conventions which can be used to minimize processing of the data in order to find a match:

1) At the point the taxable unit tag (1-10) of the tax point is known, the pricing system only needs to process through any record X1 with that matching field (bytes 24-33) set to the same tag. For example, when tax pricing for a carrier-imposed (YQ/YR) charge, the only relevant Record X1 sequences to process will be those with byte 24 = ‘X’. (Note that in some instances, the sequence will direct the system to process other Taxable Units against ‘Itinerary’ taxation, in which case the system will pick up sequences as directed by the match. Refer to Section on page 213 for details.) 2) At the point when all of the geography of the passenger transaction is known, the pricing system only needs to process through any record X1 with matching Nation (bytes 3-4). For example, if the transaction point of sale is Japan and the journey is wholly within Japan, the pricing system only needs to process any record X1 with Nation (bytes 3-4) = ‘JP’. If the transaction is sold in the US, and has departures and arrivals in US, CA, GB, and DE, then any Record X1 with Nation Code US, CA, GB, or DE will be processed and matched by Nation, and will attempt to match based on all other fields within the Record X1 sequence. 3) The following rules apply to Tax Point Tag: Only the following X1 sequences will be interrogated for possible match to the transaction/journey: a) All X1 sequences that contain Tax Point Tag = ‘S’ and Nation = ‘XX’, where XX is any nation in the transaction (including points of sale and ticketing and all ticketed and unticketed departure and arrival points on the journey). b) All X1 sequences that contain Tax Point Tag = ‘D’ and Nation = ‘XX’, where XX is any departure point, ticketed or unticketed, on the journey.

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c) All X1 sequences that contain Tax Point Tag = ‘A’ and Nation = ‘XX’, where XX is any arrival point, ticketed or unticketed, on the journey.

All tax points in the itinerary must be processed individually independently of the matching results for any other tax points within that same itinerary. Therefore all of the following must be considered:

- the transaction as a whole, referred to in this document as the sale tax point (must always exist) - all points of departure and arrival as applicable, potentially including unticketed points as driven by coded data in the Record X1 - all points of delivery as applicable (only applies to ‘Optional Services – Merchandise’ taxation) The following example shows the initial steps for processing:

For the itinerary – sold in the United Kingdom, travel PAR – MUC (surface) FRA – PAR:

(1) establish all Nations in the passenger transaction: GB (Great Britain), FR (France), DE (Germany) – all Record X1 with these nations are potential matches (2) establish tax points: a. Sale (will need to process against all Record X1 with Tax Point Tag = S and Nation = GB or FR or DE) i. in this case only X1 records with Point of Sale = ‘GB’ or blank will be matched ii. X1 records coded with Tax Point Tag = S and any other Point of Sale are not candidates for matching to this tax point b. Depart PAR (will need to process against all Record X1 with Tax Point Tag = D and Nation = FR or DE) i. in this case only X1 records with Tax Point Loc 1 coded as ‘PAR’ (or other higher level GEO which includes Paris such as Area 2, Nation FR) will be matched ii. X1 records coded with Tax Point Tag = D and any other Tax Point Loc 1 are not candidates for matching to this tax point c. Arrive MUC (will need to process against all Record X1 with Tax Point Tag = A and Nation = FR or DE) i. in this case only X1 records with Tax Point Loc 1 = ‘MUC’ (or other higher level GEO which includes Munich such as Area 2, Nation DE) will be matched ii. X1 records coded with Tax Point Tag = A and any other Tax Point Loc 1 are not candidates for matching to this tax point d. Depart FRA (will need to process against all Record X1 with Tax Point Tag = D and Nation = FR or DE)

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i. in this case only X1 records with Tax Point Loc 1 coded as ‘FRA’ (or other higher level GEO which includes Munich such as Area 2, Nation DE) will be matched ii. X1 records coded with Tax Point Tag = D and any other Tax Point Loc 1 are not candidates for matching to this tax point e. Arrive PAR (will need to process against all Record X1 with Tax Point Tag = A and Nation = FR or DE) i. in this case only records with Tax Point Loc 1 coded as ‘PAR’ (or other higher level GEO which includes Paris such as Area 2, Nation FR) will be matched to this tax point ii. X1 records coded with Tax Point Tag = A and any other Tax Point Loc 1 are not candidates for matching to this tax point f. Note that based on the rules above, the following are not eligible to be tax points: i. Arrival into journey origin PAR ii. Departure from surface sector origin MUC iii. Arrival into surface sector destination FRA iv. Departure from journey destination PAR (3) Matches will be determined by geography and other criteria included in the Record X1 as specified in this data application.

Once processing has attempted to match Record X1s for every tax point and taxable unit determined prior to processing, apply all matched sequences to the itinerary.

It is critical to processing that any given Tax point must only match a maximum of one time (0 or 1 matches) to a given Tax Code and Tax Type combination. This avoids double taxation on any given Tax Point.

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The unique elements of the data key will be the Record Type, Nation, Tax Code, and Tax Type. This unique combination must contain all of the same values for the Tax Remittance ID, Tax Point Tag, and Percent/Flat Tag. For example:

Record Nation Tax Code Tax Type Tax Tax Point Percent/ Flat STATUS Type Remittance ID Tag Tag Bytes 1-2 Bytes 3-4 Bytes 5-6 Bytes 7-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 X1 DE RA 001 S D P Coded first X1 FR RA 001 S D P ALLOWED (different Nation) X1 DE DE 001 S D P ALLOWED (different Tax Code) X1 DE RA 002 S D P ALLOWED (different Tax Type) X1 DE RA 001 U D P NOT ALLOWED (different Tax Remittance ID) X1 DE RA 001 S A P NOT ALLOWED (different Tax Point Tag) X1 DE RA 001 S D F NOT ALLOWED (different Percent/Flat Tag)

For a given combination of Record Type, Nation, Tax Code, and Tax Type, edits prevent the Tax Remittance ID, Tax Point Tag, and Percent/Flat Tag from changing.

In some percentage taxes, ordering of the application of the tax is important. Canadian taxation has been raised as one of the primary examples.

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The basic rules for ordering taxes are as follows:

As per the data application, all percentage taxes should be held until it has been determined whether there is one or multiple taxable units on the same passenger document which are taxable for the same tax code and tax type. In this case, the base amounts are added up prior to applying the percentage so that correct rounding can be applied.

In order to facilitate this process, a Percent/Flat Tag has been added to the data application of the Record X1 in the data key in order to direct the order of processing.

Flat rate taxes (where Percent/Flat Tag = F) should be calculated first in anticipation of the application of a further percentage tax being applied.

For example: tax on fare = 20.00

Percentage taxes (where Percent/Flat Tag = P) for any Record X1 where the Taxable Unit Tag has any or all of bytes 24-30 and bytes 32-33 populated, in other words for tax code and tax type combinations where there is no application to Taxable Unit Tag 8 (Tax on Tax), should be applied after flat rate taxes.

For example: tax on fare = 10% of 1000.00 = 100.00

Percentage taxes (where Percent/Flat Tag = P) for any Record X1 where the Taxable Unit Tag has byte 31 populated with ‘X’ should be calculated next; in other words, for tax code and tax type combinations where there is an application to Taxable Unit Tag 8 (Tax on Tax). Calculations should only be performed where the percentage tax on tax applies to a pre-calculated flat rate tax.

For example: tax on tax = 15% of 20.00 = 3.00

Final calculations should be performed for percentage taxes (where Flat/Percent Indicator = P) for Tax on Tax (byte 31 = ‘X’, Taxable Unit Tag = 8) where the percentage is applicable to a calculated amount from another percentage.

For example: tax on tax = 10% of 3.00 (calculated as 15% of 20.00)

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Many tax rules state that connected tickets must be accounted for in establishing the applicability of a tax, for example:

AKL-WLG-AKL issued in connection with a separate ticket SIN-AKL-SIN

Tax Code NZ has the following exemption: Apply 12.5% to domestic departures, except domestic journeys purchased prior to arrival in New Zealand which at the time of original issue are issued in conjunction with international travel and/or cross referenced as such.”

It is generally noted that pricing systems are not equipped to link the two itineraries at time of pricing. Unless some manual intervention occurs by the selling , the above two connected tickets would be considered to be two separate itineraries:

AKL-WLG-AKL (domestic NZ and therefore charged at 12.5%) SIN-AKL-SIN (international)

This is a system limitation for the correct business application of taxes, which generally requires that such tickets are treated as one itinerary.

Processing should fail and require a manual tax calculation in the following case:

(1) the coded tax has any sequence coded with a requirement for any journey geography (e.g. Wholly Within, Journey Origin) and (2) the “in connection with” data element of the itinerary is known (i.e. it is a known connected ticket) and (3) the details of the connected ticket are not known

The ordering for the X1 file shall be nation, tax code, tax type, sequence, create timestamp.

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Match Processing for Service Taxable Units

Service Taxable Units are defined as:

(1) Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) charges (2) Ticketing Fees (3) Optional Services: a. Flight Related b. Ticket Related c. Merchandise d. Fare Related (4) Baggage Charges

The application of the Record X1 to these taxable units is determined by the Taxable Unit Tags (bytes 24-30).

When the taxable unit being processed is not an itinerary or a tax on tax, there are some different factors to consider in matching including how to establish journey information (origin, destination, includes, wholly within), and how to process departure and arrival tax points when the service may be only a portion of the full passenger itinerary.

In the following table, the following codes apply:

P = Passenger Itinerary – the intended journey characteristics of the passenger S = Service Itinerary – the intended consumption of the service, which may be a subset or a superset of the passenger itinerary N/A = not applicable

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The following shows at summary level where the matching information should be established from when processing service itineraries:

Section Carrier-Imposed Ticketing Optional Services Baggage (YQ-YR) Fees Fees Flight Ticket Merchandise Fare Related Related Related Sale Dates P P S S S P S Travel Dates P P P P N/A P P Carrier Application Table No. 190 P P S S S P S Return to Origin P P P P N/A P P Passenger Type Table No 169 P P S S S P S Point of Sale/Security Table/Point P P S S S P S of Ticketing Point of Delivery – Geographic N/A N/A N/A S S N/A N/A Specification Journey Geography Fields P P P P N/A P P Tax Point Geography Fields S N/A S N/A N/A N/A S Service and Baggage Table No.168 S S S S S S S Carrier/Flight Table No. 186 S N/A S N/A N/A N/A S Sector Detail Table No. 167 P P P P N/A P P Ticket Value P P S S S P S Currency of Sale P P S S S P S Paid by 3rd Party Tag P P S S S P S

In the event that the information is unknown for a service taxable unit being processed, processing shall refer back to the related itinerary to attempt to derive the information for matching purposes. In the case that the information cannot be derived, processing can only match to non-specific (i.e. blank) fields for the Record X1 sequence.

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Exceptions to Standard Record X1 Processing

There are two fields in addition to the process and match application tags, which instruct special processing within the Record X1 (either different calculation, or direction to a different set of attributes for matching):

(1) Alternate Rule Reference (byte 386) a. Application of US prorate percentages requires processing to ignore the percentage value expressed in the matched Record X1, and processing must check the prorate percentage value to be applied between the point matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2 from the US prorate percentage table (provided separately). b. Treatment of the service as an itinerary for matching purposes requires processing to ignore values coded in the matched Record X1 sequence, and to re-start match processing for that Nation, Tax Code, and Tax Type, treating the service as an itinerary taxable unit (and therefore applying the same rules as for an itinerary) based on the Taxable Unit Tag. (2) Output Type Indicator (byte 399) a. Initial pricing and fare audit processing should only match to sequences coded indicating that the Record X1 applies to the TTBS, both the TTBS and RATD, or neither the TTBS and the RATD (in the case of a service) b. Revenue Accounting processing for interline billing should only match to sequences coded indicating that the Record X1 applies to the RATD or both the TTBS and RATD.

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Matching Fields for Revenue Accounting and Audit Processing

Processing may occur at a later stage than initial pricing, for example any revenue accounting processing (fare audit, interline billing) which may be dependent upon Sales Data to match to the applicable tax.

In all cases, the best solution is to obtain the original passenger information to completely re-price the tax, but on the understanding that this will not always be possible, the following data can be used as an alternative for revenue accounting (note that this table is based on sales data, however the information may be derived from other sources available to the revenue accounting system, such as (but not limited to) flight reporting, Electronic Ticket databases, or the PNR):

Field Name Match / Action Revenue Accounting Processing Sale Dates Match Date of Issue. Travel Date Application Tag Match Travel Dates included in the itinerary record. Travel Dates Match Carrier Application Table No. 190 Match Validating carrier included in the Ticket Number (bytes 1-3). Return to Origin Match Derived from the Fare Calculation Area, when journey origin is the same as journey destination. Passenger Type Table No 169 Match Passenger Type Code may be available in the sales data, or

PTC listed in the Passenger Name Field, or

PTC may be derived from the Ticket Designator of the fare in the itinerary record (e.g. Y/CH50).

Ticketed Point Tag Match Unticketed points can be derived from flight numbers in the itinerary record if the system has access to schedules information. Unticketed points are not reported in sales data. Point of Sale – Geographic Specification Match Agency Location Number, use the first three bytes to derive the country of sale as required.

Point of Sale field can be used if available.

Otherwise can be assumed to be the same as the journey origin in the fare calculation area (not accurate).

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Field Name Match / Action Revenue Accounting Processing Security Table No. 183 Match Agency Location Number, use the first three bytes to derive the country of sale as required, else

Pseudo City Codes may also be present in the sales record, else

Otherwise can be assumed to be the same as the journey origin in the fare calculation area (not accurate). Point of Ticketing – Geographic Match Point of Issue field can be used if available, else Specification Can be assumed to be the same as the Point of Sale, which in turn can be assessed as follows:

Agency Location Number, use the first three bytes to derive the country of sale as required, else

Can be assumed to be the same as the journey origin in the fare calculation area (not accurate). Point of Delivery – Geographic Match No match available. Specification Journey Geo Spec – Loc 1/Loc 2 Match Can be derived from the Fare Calculation Area, except for unticketed Journey Geo Spec – Journey Includes Match points, which can be obtained from flight schedules data if available. Journey Geo Spec – Travel Wholly Within Match Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Adjacent Match International/Domestic Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Transfer Type Match Marketing Carrier and Flight Number are available in sales data.

Operating carrier may not be available but can be obtained from schedules data if available.

Equipment Code is not available in sales data but can be obtained from schedules data if available.

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Field Name Match / Action Revenue Accounting Processing Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Stopover Tag Match Stopover status is based on the local time of flight arrival and departure in order to accurately match the time. If either of these times is not available, the revenue accounting system may depend upon the Stopover Indicator in the itinerary record.

This data may also be obtained from schedules data if available. Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Match Fare Calculation Area and the itinerary record give all of the departures in the itinerary. Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Match Can be derived from the Fare Calculation Area. International/Domestic Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Comparison Match Tax Point Geo Spec - Loc 2 Stopover Tag Match Stopover status is based on the local time of flight arrival and departure in order to accurately match the time. If either of these times is not available, the revenue accounting system may depend upon the Stopover Indicator in the itinerary record.

This data may also be obtained from schedules data if available. Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Match Fare Calculation Area and the itinerary record give all of the points in the itinerary. Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 3 Match Fare Calculation Area and the itinerary record give all of the points in the itinerary. Tax Point Geo Spec – Stopover Time Tag Match Stopover status is based on the local time of flight arrival and Tax Point Geo Spec – Stopover Time Unit Match departure in order to accurately match the time. If either of these times is not available, the revenue accounting system may depend upon the Stopover Indicator in the itinerary record.

This data may also be obtained from schedules data if available. Tax Point Geo Spec – Connection Tags Match Where the connection is not based on a time, the status of each point can be derived from the Fare Calculation Area.

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Field Name Match / Action Revenue Accounting Processing Service and Baggage Table No.168 Match Services charged with the itinerary can be found either: (1) In the Tax Miscellaneous Fee Type fields in the sales data for ticketed fees or (2) In the itinerary record of the EMD if ticketed separately

Carrier/Flight Table No. 186 Match Marketing Carriers and Flight Numbers are available in the itinerary Carrier/Flight Table No. 186 Match record. Operating carrier information may also be obtained from schedules data if available. Sector Detail Table No. 167 Match The ticketed RBD is available in the itinerary record.

The ticketed Fare Basis Ticket Designator is available in the itinerary record.

Fare and Passenger Type Code can be derived from the Fare Basis Code. Other sector details are not available within sales data. Ticket Value Minimum Match The Ticket Document Amount and the Fare or Equivalent Fare Ticket Value Maximum Match Amount are used depending upon whether the match is to the value including taxes, fees, and charges, or excluding taxes, fees, and charges.

If the fare numeric field is blank, either the ticket document amount less taxes can be used as a substitute, or alternatively the NUC or local currency value presented in the fare calculation area. Currency of Sale Match The currency of sale is available either as the currency type associated to the Fare, or as associated to the Equivalent Fare. Paid by 3rd Party Tag Match Limited information may be available by deriving mileage payment from the fare basis ticket designator, and government forms of payment in the form of payment type field.

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4.1 Application of Data for Record X1 This section provides a detailed explanation of the data application for each field in Record X1.

All references to Loc 1 or Loc 2 throughout the data application refer to Tax Point Geo Spec - Loc1 (bytes 159-167) or Tax Point Geo Spec - Loc2 (bytes 171-179) unless specifically stated otherwise by citing byte location and/or complete field name.

4.1.1 Record Type (bytes 1-2) The Record Type is a part of the data key, and will always contain the value ‘X1’ to denote that this record relates to automated tax data subscriptions.

4.1.2 Nation (bytes 3-4) This is a match field used with all geographic locations (ISO Country Codes) included in the passenger transaction (i.e. the passenger intended itinerary and/or the intended services as applicable) as defined in section 1.1, so that the pricing system can establish all potential matches at a very high level to quickly ignore all records which will have no application. This allows the pricing system to be selective about the records to be processed for matching purposes.

This information is likely to be coded at a much more detailed level later in the record. For example, a tax coded with a Nation of US may contain different sequences applicable depending on whether the departure is out of WAS (Washington) or out of FAR (Fargo).

For an itinerary: IAD (US) – NRT (JP) – BJS (CN) – SIN (SG) – LHR (GB) – MAN (GB) – PAR (FR) Sold and ticketed in Canada - CA

Processing must determine the point of sale, ticketing, and (if applicable) delivery, as well as all points of departure and arrival.

Record X1 with the following Nations coded would be potential matches for tax points in this itinerary: CA, US, JP, CN, SG, GB, FR

All other Record X1 could not be potential matches because no other nations are involved in the itinerary.

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4.1.3 Tax Code (bytes 5-6) The Tax Code field specifies the code for the tax being applied to the tax point. This field will be populated with an IATA assigned tax code where this is available (itinerary taxes). When the tax does not have an IATA assigned code (tax on services or non-ticket tax), ATPCO will assign a code for reference purposes in this field. This code will be the ISO Country Code of the jurisdiction imposing the tax. This field is used for information for the pricing system to reference the tax, in conjunction with the Tax Type field (see Section 4.1.4).

Where IATA-assigned, the tax code will be used on the associated accountable document and reported in sales data feeds to identify the type of tax if the Accountable Document Tax Tag field (byte 33 in the Record X2) is coded as ‘Y’ or ‘Z’. Any ATPCO-assigned codes are for reference only and must not be used for passenger display purposes as they will not be considered official (Accountable Document Tax Tag field (byte 33 in the Record X2) will be coded with ‘N’ or ‘U’).

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4.1.4 Tax Type (bytes 7-9) This field is a reference which will be assigned by ATPCO to each tax code in ascending numerical order from 001 – ZZZ (all combinations of alphanumeric) to ensure that different taxes with the same tax code can be processed separately. A unique Tax Type will be assigned for each business application for a given Tax Code. Any given business application of a tax will have a set of sequence numbers assigned under the same data key combination.

Values 001 through 099 will refer to taxes whose applications are defined in IATA TTBS.

Values 100 through ZZZ will refer to taxes whose applications are not defined in IATA TTBS.

Value 000 will not be allowed in this field.

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4.1.5 Tax Remittance Identifier (byte 10) This field is for information purposes only and has no implication on the pricing application of the taxes and determines whether the tax is defined as:

Sale: Means that the taxing authority has designated that the tax is applicable for Sales, which generally means that the taxes are to be remitted to the taxing authority by the carrier selling the accountable document (ticket or miscellaneous document).

Use: Means that the taxing authority has designated that the tax is applicable at the time of use, which generally means that the taxes are to be remitted by the carrier transporting the passenger (itinerary taxes) or delivering the service (service taxes).


S Sales tax U Use tax

A given Tax Code and Tax Type combination must always retain a consistent value in the Tax Remittance Identifier, in other words:

FR 001 S 0000005 FR 001 U 0000010 NOT ALLOWED FR 001 S 0000010 ALLOWED FR 002 U 0000005 ALLOWED

Sales taxes are listed as “non interlineable” in the IATA TTBS. Use taxes are listed as “interlineable” in the IATA TTBS.

Taxes not included in the TTBS (i.e. pure service fee taxation) will require the carrier advising the exception to set the Tax Remittance Identifier.

Value blank will not be allowed in this field.

4.1.6 Tax Point Tag (byte 11) This is a match field used to establish the primary driver for the tax rule being applied to the tax point. Tax points being processed into the Record X1 will have a Tax Point Tag attached to in order to match to this field.

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There are four distinct ways of applying tax to a point:

Value S tax on the entire transaction Value D tax on the point of departure Value A tax on the point of arrival Value X tax on the point of delivery of the service (applies to Optional Services – Ticket Related and Optional Services – Merchandise only)

For example: Itinerary Sold in US, Ticketed in GB: LON – PAR – JNB 1000.00 YQ150.00 (charged on PAR-JNB)

When applying tax to the YQ, there are three tax points:

Sold US, Depart PAR, Arrive JNB

When attempting to match the sale in the US, match logic would apply as follows for these Record X1s coded with the following characteristics:

Tax Point Tag = S (sale), Nation = US – eligible for matching (because the sale is in US) Tax Point Tag = S (sale), Nation = DE - not eligible for matching (because the itinerary has no characteristic relating to DE) Tax Point Tag = S (sale), Nation = GB – eligible for matching (because the journey includes GB) Tax Point Tag = S (sale), Nation = FR – eligible for matching (because the journey includes FR) Tax Point Tag = S (sale), Nation = ZA – eligible for matching (because the journey includes ZA) Tax Point Tag = D (depart), Nation = CA – not eligible for matching (because the itinerary has no characteristics relating to CA) Tax Point Tag = D (depart), Nation = US – not eligible for matching (because there is no departure from the US) Tax Point Tag = D (depart), Nation = FR – eligible for matching (because there is a departure from FR in the itinerary) Tax Point Tag = A (arrival), Nation = GB – not eligible for matching (because there is no arrival into the UK) Tax Point Tag = A (arrival), Nation = ZA – eligible for matching (because there is an arrival into ZA in the itinerary)

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4.1.7 Percent/Flat Tag (byte 12) This field is for information purposes only and has limited implication on the pricing application of the taxes and determines whether the tax is defined as:

Value P: Percent Tax a percentage is to be applied to a base to derive the tax value

Value F: Flat Tax the tax value is a flat amount

Processing will use this tag to determine the hierarchy in which taxes will be applied to the transaction, which will be in the following order:

(1) apply all flat tax amounts (2) apply percent taxes which do not have a taxable unit tag of ‘Tax on Tax’ (byte 31 not equal to X) (3) apply percent taxes which apply on top of taxes which are flat amounts (byte 31 = ‘X’) (4) apply percent taxes which apply on top of taxes which are percentages (byte 31 = ‘X’)

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4.1.8 Sequence Number (bytes 17-23) This field specifies the order in which the records should be processed within each unique data key combination. Once a match is made to a sequence, processing will apply the data in the sequence and will not read on to another sequence for the same unique data key for the tax point being assessed. Processing will continue to other sequences with a different data key for the tax point being assessed.

As a coding convention (see Section 6.0), sequences will be coded from the most specific (lowest sequence) to the least specific (highest sequence).

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4.1.9 Taxable Unit Tags (bytes 24-33) These fields match to the type of taxable unit being processed. The taxable unit being processed is determined by the pricing system based on the service type being taxed. A description of the ticketing method for each taxable unit is shown in the table below:

Description Taxable Unit Tag Reference Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Charge 1 Ticketing Fees 2 Optional Services – Flight Related 3 Optional Services – Ticket Related 4 Optional Services – Merchandise 5 Optional Services – Fare Related 6 Baggage Charges 7 Tax on Tax 8 Itinerary 9 Change Fee 10

The tax point being processed must be in a taxable unit that matches to at least one of these coded fields.

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The reference to the taxable unit will be in one of the ten one-byte fields denoting the Taxable Unit Tag, each taking a relative position as follows. Application is denoted by the presence of the value ‘X’.

Taxable Unit Byte Location Value Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Fees 24 X = applies, blank = not applicable Ticketing Fee 25 X = applies, blank = not applicable Optional Service – Flight Related 26 X = applies, blank = not applicable Optional Service – Ticket Related 27 X = applies, blank = not applicable Optional Service – Merchandise 28 X = applies, blank = not applicable Optional Service – Fare Related 29 X = applies, blank = not applicable Baggage Charges 30 X = applies, blank = not applicable Tax on Tax 31 X = applies, blank = not applicable Itinerary 32 X = applies, blank = not applicable Change Fee 33 X = applies, blank = not applicable

So, for example, a Record X1 which applies to itinerary, carrier-imposed fees, and flight related optional services would be coded as follows:

Taxable Unit Tag Byte 24 Byte 25 Byte 26 Byte 27 Byte 28 Byte 29 Byte 30 Byte 31 Byte 32 Byte 33 X X X

The processing of this field is first to determine the type of item being processed against the Record X1 (carrier-imposed (YQ/YR) fee, ticketing fee, etc.), then to check the corresponding value in the Taxable Unit Tag fields. If blank for all sequences for a given tax code and tax type, the tax does not apply to any Tax Points with that taxable unit, and processing will read on to the next tax code and type. If the corresponding Taxable Unit Tag is coded with the value ‘X’ then the tax does apply, and processing will continue to check all of the other match fields.

The above example denotes that the Tax Point matches the sequence (subject to all other matching criteria) if the Tax Point is from a Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) charge (Taxable Unit Tag 1), an Optional Service – Flight Related (Taxable Unit Tag 3), or an Itinerary (Taxable Unit Tag 9). The fields are matched as AND/OR criteria, in other words it is possible for processing to check and store all four of these Taxable Units in one pass of the data, although they must be processed in a specific order as noted above for the purpose of percentage tax calculation.

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Edits prevent data being coded in bytes 25 (Ticketing Fee), 27 (Optional Services Ticket Related), 28 (Optional Service Merchandise), 29 (Optional Service Fare Related), and 33 (Change Fee) when the Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D or A. This is because these service types do not have associated departures or arrivals, and so taxes must be assessed at the journey level.

Edits require that at least one of bytes 24-33 contain value ‘X’.

If Service and Baggage Table 168 (bytes 220-227) = 00000000, then a match is made to the X1 record when the tax point is any kind of charge/fee/tax within the taxable unit being processed, without regard to the tax code/tax type of that charge/fee/tax, provided all other match fields are met.

If Service and Baggage Table 168 (bytes 220-227) ≠ 00000000, then a match is made to the X1 record provided a match is made to the table 168 for the service being processed and all other X1 match fields.

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4.1.10 Calculation Order (byte 35) This field specifies the order in which the tax defined in this X1 record will be calculated relative to other taxes on the transaction.

Valid values are:

1 Apply this tax before applying taxes defined in X1 records where Calculation Order = 2 or 3, except if byte 219 = C, in which case apply this tax after applying the tax matched in the X1 sequence’s Service & Baggage Table 168. 2 Apply this tax after applying taxes defined in X1 records where Calculation Order = 1 and before applying taxes defined in X1 records where Calculation Order = 3 3 Apply this tax after applying taxes defined in X1 records where Calculation Order = 1 or 2

There is no prescribed order in which to calculate taxes defined in X1 records that contain the same value in Calculation Order (byte 35).

ATPCO will populate Calculation Order (byte 35) as follows:

1 When the tax defined by the X1 record is a flat amount tax on a fare, fee, or tax 2 When the tax defined by the X1 record is a percentage tax on a fare or fee or tax (except a percentage tax applied to percentage tax) 3 When the tax defined by the X1 record is a percentage on percentage tax

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4.1.11 Sale Dates (bytes 36-47) These fields specify the First and/or Last Sale Dates for the record. The sale date in this context is exactly the same in meaning as the term “ticketing date” for the purposes of tax data. These dates are also the maintenance dates for the record, meaning that a subscriber will receive a new record for the data key and will need to evaluate the dates on this new record and make any required adjustments to the dates on the subscriber database for this same data key. A valid date must be present in the First Sale Date (bytes 36-41).

When Taxable Unit Tag ≠ Change Fee (byte 33 ≠ X), validation of Sale Dates (bytes 36-47) is against the intended sale date for the itinerary or service being issued as specified below. When Taxable Unit Tag = Change Fee (byte 33 = X), validation of Sales Date (bytes 36-47) is against the intended sale date for the new itinerary or service as specified below.

Processing will match the record if the intended itinerary or service issue date is on or after the First Sale Date and on or before the Last Sale Date. Processing will no match the record if the intended ticket or miscellaneous document issue date is before the First Sale Date or after the Last Sale Date.

Coding for sales effective on the same day (today’s date) and future effective dates will be allowed.

Same day records are applied as follows:

X1 Seq 1000 Effective 02Jan 2009 Disc 999999 Update to X1 Seq 1000 Effective 10Jan2009 Disc 999999 (sent on 10Jan09)

After processing the update the database would look like the following:

X1 Seq 1000 Effective 02Jan2009 Disc 10Jan 2009 (down date is the same as date of receipt of update) X1 Seq 1000 Effective 10Jan2009 Disc 999999

In this case the 1st sequence should no longer be used as soon as this update is applied.

Note: this first sequence would have been updated with 1 minus effective date (or 09Jan2009) if the updated sequence was sent on the 09Jan2009 with an effective date of 10Jan2009).

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Sale Date for tax points will be validated as follows:

Sale date of ticket: Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Charges (1) Ticketing Fees (2) Optional Services – Fare Related (6) Tax on Tax (8) where such tax is applicable to the itinerary Itinerary (9)

Change Fee (10) when the fee is reported on the new ticket

Sale date of miscellaneous document: Optional Services – Flight Related (3) Optional Services – Ticket Related (4) Optional Services – Merchandise (5) Baggage Charges (7) Tax on Tax (8) where such tax is applicable to the service

Change Fee (10 when the fee is reported on the miscellaneous document

Value 999999 may be present in Last Sale Date (bytes 42-47) and signifies there is no restriction on the Last Sale date.

Standard down dating logic will apply when canceling or updating an existing record.

Date maintenance is further described in the ATPCO Service Fee Overview document.

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4.1.12 Travel Date Application Tag (byte 48) This tag indicates the matching criteria for the First and Last Travel Dates in bytes 49-60. Processing is as follows:

Values: J Process travel dates against date of journey commencement

T Process travel dates against date of departure from the Tax Point for departure taxes, and date of arrival into the tax point for arrival taxes

Blank Travel dates are not applicable to the record

When the Tax Point Tag = S or X, edits prevent the Travel Date Application Tag from being coded with value T (i.e. must be J or blank).

When the Taxable Unit Tag contains X in bytes 25 (Ticketing Fee), 27 (Optional Service Ticket Related), 28 (Optional Service Merchandise), 29 (Optional Service Fare Related), and/or 33 (Change Fee), edits prevent the Travel Date Application Tag from being coded with value T (i.e. must be J or blank).

When the Taxable Unit being processed has no related travel or the related travel is unknown, processing will automatically no match the record and continue processing the next available Record X1 which does not have a requirement for travel dates.

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4.1.13 Travel Dates – First/Last (bytes 49-60) Travel dates are not mandatory in this record because the taxable unit may not involve any travel, or have a related itinerary (in some instances when Taxable Unit Tag has an X coded in byte 28 (Merchandise) and some instances of Taxable Unit Tag = 8 (Tax on Tax)).

Taxes on sale and delivery will not have travel directly related to the taxable unit, but coding of travel dates is allowed in case of restrictions on related passenger travel. In such cases, edits require Travel Date Application Tag (byte 48) = J.

When the taxable unit has no related passenger travel – for example, the purchase of a T-shirt from an airline online store – and the Record X1 contains first and last travel dates, then processing automatically no matches the record. In other words, a match cannot be made where travel dates are positively coded and no related travel exists in the passenger transaction. Taxable units with no related travel can only match to records with Travel Dates = 999999999999.

Seasonal Travel Dates will be allowed in the Record. For example, for travel allowed between 01 April and 30 September of any year, the data will be coded:

First Travel Date = bb0401 (1st April any year) Last Travel Date = bb0930 (30th September any year)

Where bb = blank For travel allowed between15 March of any year and 15 September of the same year, the data would be coded:

First Travel Date = bb0315 (15th March any year) Last Travel Date = bb0915 (15th September of the same year)

For travel allowed between 15 September in any year and 15 March of the following year, the data would be coded:

First Travel Date = bb0915 (15th September any year) Last Travel Date = bb0315 15th (March of the next year)

These fields specify the First and/or Last Travel Dates for the record. Validation of these dates is against:

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(1) the departure date from the point matching to Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) if the tax point tag (byte 11) is D and Travel Date Application Tag (byte 48) is T (2) the arrival date into the point matching to Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) if the tax point tag (byte 11) is A and Travel Date Application Tag (byte 48) is T (3) the departure date from itinerary Journey Origin (where applicable) in all cases if the Travel Date Application Tag (byte 48) is J

Processing will match the record when:

(1) Tax Point Tag = D and Travel Date Application Tag = T, and the departure date from the tax point being assessed is on or after the First Travel Date and is on or before the Last Travel Date (2) Tax Point Tag = A and Travel Date Application Tag = T, and the arrival date into the tax point being assessed is on or after the First Travel Date and is on or before the Last Travel Date (3) Tax Point Tag = D and Travel Date Application Tag = J, and the departure date from the journey origin is on or after the First Travel Date and is on or before the Last Travel Date (4) Tax Point Tag = A and Travel Date Application Tag = J, and the departure date from the journey origin is on or after the First Travel Date and is on or before the Last Travel Date (5) Tax Point Tag = S and Travel Date Application Tag = J, and the departure date from the journey origin is on or after the First Travel Date and is on or before the Last Travel Date

Processing will no match the record when:

(1) Tax Point Tag = D and Travel Date Application Tag = T, and the departure date from the tax point being assessed is before the First Travel Date or is after the Last Travel Date (2) Tax Point Tag = A and Travel Date Application Tag = T, and the arrival date into the tax point being assessed is before the First Travel Date or is after the Last Travel Date (3) Tax Point Tag = D and Travel Date Application Tag = J, and the departure date from the journey origin is before the First Travel Date or is after the Last Travel Date (4) Tax Point Tag = A and Travel Date Application Tag = J, and the departure date from the journey origin is before the First Travel Date or is after the Last Travel Date (5) Tax Point Tag = S and Travel Date Application Tag = J, and the departure date from the journey origin is before the First Travel Date or is after the Last Travel Date (6) Dates are coded into the First and Last Travel Dates and the Tax Point has no related travel e.g. Optional Services Merchandise

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It should be noted that the principle of Optimistic not Unrealistic processing should apply to dates in the itinerary. In the case of an open dated segment being assessed for the Tax Point, the date will be adopted from the previous and next flight segments to match to applicable travel segments. Processing will validate all known information pertaining to the tax point and taxable unit, and must not match the Record X1 if there is enough information to ascertain that the date could never comply with the coded Travel Date requirements. However, if it is possible for the date to match to the coded Travel Date requirements, then processing will be optimistic and will not mismatch to the Record X1 on the basis of Travel Date.

An example would be as follows:

Point A departs 01JAN09 Point B departs OPEN (and therefore is possible to match to travel dates starting 01JAN09 through 03MAR09) Point C departs 03MAR09

Point B would be applicable to match to a record with any First Travel Date between 01JAN09 and 03MAR09 and any Last Travel Date greater than the First Travel Date

Travel from point B could never occur before 01JAN09 or after 03MAR09

Point B would not be applicable to match to a record with First Travel Date 04MAR09 or later and any Last Travel Date Point B would not be applicable to match to a record with Last Travel Date 31DEC08 or earlier and any First Travel Date

Where there is no previous sector to refer to (i.e. all travel dates are unknown), the travel date shall be assumed to be on or after the sale date, and on or before the date of first known travel on the itinerary. If no travel dates are known or can be derived, processing automatically no matches the record when travel date requirements are coded.

Both the First and Last Travel Date fields may contain a specific date or may contain 999999 signifying there is no restriction on the date.

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4.1.14 Tax Carrier (bytes 61-63) This is an action field which is used for information only and has no application to automated processing by the subscriber.

Values YY IATA supplied information (itinerary taxes only)

ZZ Trade organization supplied information, not approved by IATA

2-byte carrier code Non-IATA supplied information (used for airline exception coding not approved by IATA)

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4.1.15 Carrier Application Table No. 190 (bytes 64-71) This field points to the table number for Carrier Application Table No. 190. This table specifies one or more carriers that must be the validating carrier (or intended validating carrier) of the document on which the itinerary or service is sold in order to match the record. If the intended validating carrier is unknown, processing must no match the sequence if this field is positively coded (i.e. not 00000000).

Carrier data within Table 190 may be expressed positively (must be the validating carrier) or negatively (must not be the validating carrier). Edits require that when a negative entry is present, there must be a positive entry with carrier code $$ signifying “any carrier except the negative carrier(s).” If the validating carrier validates against a positive entry in Table 190, then processing matches Record X1 (provided a match is also made to all other match fields). If the validating carrier does not validate against any entry in Table 190 or validates against a negative entry in Table 190, then processing no matches Record X1.

The meaning of validating carrier depends upon the Taxable Unit Tag, as follows:

Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Charges Validating carrier of the ticket Ticketing Fees Validating carrier of the ticket Optional Services (flight, ticket, merchandise) Validating carrier of the miscellaneous document Optional Services (Fare Related) Validating carrier of the ticket Baggage Charges Validating carrier of the miscellaneous document Tax on Tax Validating carrier of the document on which the initial tax was reported Itinerary Validating carrier of the ticket

Change Fee Validating carrier of the document on which the change fee was reported

When the Tax Point is not issued on an accounting document (and therefore has no concept of a validating carrier), processing automatically no matches the X1 record when Carrier Application Table No. 190 (bytes 64-71) is any value other than 00000000.

When Carrier Application Table No. 190 (bytes 64-71) is value 00000000 (i.e. does not contain data), there is no restriction on the validating carrier.

Additionally, refer to Data Application for Carrier Application Table No. 190.

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4.1.16 Return to Origin (byte 72) This field specifies whether travel on the journey must or must not return to the journey origin or whether the matched tax point must be the first or the second chargeable point of a continuous journey1 .

Valid values are:

Value Y: Specifies that travel on the journey must return to the journey origin in order to match the record. • When the journey is wholly domestic, then the destination point of the journey must be the same point (same city or co-terminal point (as defined in the ATPCO PFC Product co-terminal record)) as the origin point (origin city) of the journey in order to match the record. • When the journey is international, then the destination point of the journey must be in the same country as the origin point of the journey in order to match the record.

Value N: Specifies that travel on the journey must not return to the journey origin in order to match the record. • When the journey is wholly domestic, then the destination point of the journey must not be the same point (same city or co-terminal point (as defined in the ATPCO PFC Product co-terminal record)) as the origin point (origin city) of the journey in order to match the record. • When the journey is international, then the destination point of the journey must not be in the same country as the origin point of the journey in order to match the record.

Value C: Specifies that the tax point must be the first tax point in a continuous journey* to attract a non-zero Canadian Air Travellers Security Charge tax. If the tax point is not the first tax point in a continuous journey or not part of a continuous journey, then no match the sequence.

Value D: Specifies that the tax point must be the second tax point in a continuous journey1 to attract a non-zero Canadian Air Travellers Security Charge tax. If the tax point is not the second tax point in a continuous journey or not part of a continuous journey, then no match the sequence.

Value Blank: No Application.

1See section for definition of continuous journey.

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Edits permit values C and D only when Tax Code (bytes 5-6) = CA.

The entire passenger itinerary must be examined in order to apply Return to Origin (byte 72), including when the passenger itinerary is ticketed on connected tickets.

This field only has application to itineraries and to services which are related to an itinerary (that is, when byte 28 = blank). This field has no application to Merchandise or to Tax on Tax related to Merchandise (that is, when byte 28 = X). When the Taxable Unit Tag contains byte 28 = X and Return to Origin (byte 72) = A, B, C or D, processing will automatically no match the record and continue processing the next available Record X1.

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4.1.17 Passenger Type Code Table No. 169 (bytes 73-80) This field points to the table number for Table No. 169. Table No. 169 identifies a passenger type and related attributes which must match to the input PTC of the transaction in order to match the record as a primary source. If the input PTC is not available to the pricing system, the ticketed Passenger Type will be used as a secondary alternative for matching purposes.

A value of 0000000 in this field means that no Passenger Type Code Table No. 169 is applicable to the sequence and all passenger types can match to the Record X1.

The following fields exist within each record in Table 169: • Application Tag (Table 169 byte 16) • Passenger Type Code (Table 169 bytes 17-19) • PTC Minimum Age (Table 169 bytes 20-21) • PTC Maximum Age (Table 169 bytes 22-23) • Passenger Status (Table 169 byte 25) • PTC Geographic Restrictions Location Code (Table 169 bytes 26-34) • PTC Match Type (Table 169 byte 35)

Fields within a Table 169 record are associated with an “and” relationship. Records within a Table 169 are associated with an “and/or” relationship. If there is not a match to all match fields (bytes 17-35) within any record of the Table 169, then the Record X1 will be no matched.

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These fields are processed as follows:

Application Tag (byte 16)

This mandatory field specifies the positive or negative application of the data in this Table 169 record. Processing will attempt to match the passenger to the data in Table 169 bytes 17-35 and apply the application tag. When Table 169 is a value greater than 00000000, processing attempts to match Table 169 records in the order they are received. Once a match is made to a Table 169 record, interrogate the Application Tag to determine if the matched passenger (bytes 17-35) is permitted or not permitted (based on byte 16) and do not attempt to match another Table 169 record. If a match is not made to any Passenger Type Code Table 169 record, no match Table 169 and no match Record X1.

Valid values of this field are:

X Not Permitted. If a match is made to the remainder of the data in Table 169, value X indicates the matched passenger type is not permitted. Processing will no match the Record X1 sequence (processing will not attempt to match another Table 169 record in this Record X1 sequence). Continue processing to the next Record X1 sequence. Y Permitted. If a match is made to the remainder of the data in the record on the Table 169, the matched passenger type is permitted. Match Table 169 and match Record X1 (provided a match is made to all other Record X1 match fields).

Edits dictate that the occurrence of a Table 169 record with a negative application (value X) requires at least one Table 169 record (with the same table number) to contain a positive application (value Y).

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X CNN Y Blank (to which all PTC codes map) Min Age 18

Matching is based on PTC and not the application tag, therefore:

If the PTC input is SRC age 65, processing will no match to the first record in the table as it is not CNN. The application tag is not relevant. Processing will match to the second record in the table as it maps to blank and meets the minimum age requirements. The application tag “permitted” causes this to be a match, and allows processing of the Record X1 to continue.

If the PTC input is CNN, processing will match to the first record in the table as it is CNN, and negative application instructs processing therefore to no match the Record X1.

If a negative application is coded in the Table 169, there must be at least one positive application. When the Application Tag is value ‘Y’ and all other fields are blank, the data indicates that all is permitted.

When Table 169 is value 00000000, there are no restrictions on the passenger applicable to the Record X1 being processed (subject to the remainder of the data in Record X1). Processing assumes an automatic match to Table 169.

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Passenger Type Code (bytes 17-19)

This field specifies the Passenger Type Code (PTC) to which the Tax applies. Validation of this field depends upon the PTC Match Type (byte 35), and can either be against the passenger in the input command that priced the itinerary or service, or the output (resulting) PTC of the fare. If the PTC Match Type (byte 35) specifies that the input PTC is coded, if the data in this field matches the input command for the passenger, then processing matches the record (provided a match is also made to all other match fields). If the input PTC is not available to the pricing system, or the PTC Match Type (byte 35) specifies that the output PTC is coded, the output (ticketed) Passenger Type is used as a secondary alternative for matching purposes. If data in this field does not match either the input command or the output passenger type code, then processing no matches the record and continues to the next record.

PTC mapping applies. The PTC of the entry must exactly match the PTC of the Record X1 being processed (when present) or map up to the Record X1 PTC using hierarchy. For example, Record X1 value CNN matches to any child/infant passenger type in the input command. Edits prevent PTC ADT in this field.

When this field is value blank, there are no passenger type code restrictions for the sector/portion of travel being validated (subject to the remaining data within the record). All PTCs match (map up to) value blank in Table 169. Note that other passenger type restrictions may be coded (e.g. Passenger Status and Geographic Restrictions) with a blank PTC to convey that certain restrictions apply to all passenger types of a certain characteristic (e.g. all residents of Panama).

PTC Minimum Age (bytes 20-21) The minimum age as specified for the passenger type for the itinerary or service being processed. The passenger age must be greater than or equal to the minimum age at the time of the passenger being at the Tax Point.

The passenger age of the tax point for matching purposes will be taken as follows based on the Tax Remittance ID (byte10):

Sales Tax: Passenger age at time of pricing of the itinerary or service Use Tax: Passenger age at commencement of the itinerary, or planned first service consumption if there is no related itinerary (e.g. Merchandise)

Blank means that there is no restriction on the passenger minimum age for this record.

Note that a Senior Citizen over 60 years would be coded with a minimum age of 61.

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PTC Maximum Age (bytes 22-23)

The maximum age for the passenger type for the itinerary or service being processed. The passenger age must be less than or equal to the maximum age at the time of the passenger being at the Tax Point.

The passenger age of the tax point for matching purposes will be taken as follows based on the Tax Remittance ID (byte10):

Sales Tax: Passenger age at time of pricing of the itinerary or service Use Tax: Passenger age at commencement of the itinerary, or planned first service consumption if there is no related itinerary (e.g. Merchandise)

Blank means that there is no restriction on the passenger maximum age for this record.

There are many examples of this in the exemption categories, as follows:

Infants Under 2 Infants Under 3 Children under 12

Note that an infant under 2 would be coded with a minimum age of zero and a maximum age of 1. Note that an infant under 3 would be coded with a minimum age of zero and a maximum age of 2. Note that a child under 12 would be coded with a maximum age of 11.

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Passenger Status (byte 25)

A code requiring that the PTC for the itinerary or service being processed relates to a National, an Employee, or a Resident. A match will be made on the basis of the status (resident, employee, national, none) identified by the pricing system when the transaction is being priced for tax.

Values shall be coded as follows:

R Resident: The passenger must be a resident of the geographic location coded E Employee: The passenger must be an employee in the geographic location coded N National: The passenger must be a national of the geographic location coded Blank No restrictions

When the residency and/or employee and/or nationality associated to the itinerary or service is not known, nationality, residency, and/or employee status can be assumed to be the same as the country of sale. If the country of sale is not known either, processing will automatically no match the Record X1 and read the next sequence.

PTC Geographic Restrictions Location Code (bytes 26-34)

This field is used in connection with the Passenger Status to determine a passenger type which must match to a certain geographic area, for example residents of Bolivia.

The location code must be coded as a specific geographic location type and code.

This field will be matched to the derived Location Code of the Geographic Restriction on the PTC according to the details entered at time of pricing.

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PTC Match Type (byte 35)

This field indicates whether the data row in the table should be matched to the Passenger Type Code Input – used to generate the pricing result – or the Passenger Type Code of the Fare – returned after the pricing result has been generated.

Values I Match row to the Input PTC O Match row to the PTC of the selected fare (ticketed PTC)

The input PTC means the passenger type in the input command that requested pricing for the service fee (the requested passenger type).

The output PTC means:

(1) The PTC of the applicable Category 19-22, if such a discount has been applied (2) If not applicable, the PTC of the Fare By Rule (Category 25) used in pricing if applicable, or the Record 1 of the Fare used in pricing


Application Passenger Type PTC Minimum PTC Maximum PTC PTC Geography PTC Match Tag Tag Code Age Age Status Byte 16 Bytes 17-19 Bytes 20-21 Bytes 22-23 Byte 25 Bytes 26-34 Byte 35 N CNN O Y CNN I

If the transaction has a PTC input of CNN which prices a fare which is also CNN, a match is made to the first row and the Application Tag advises that the PTC Table must be no matched, and therefore the Record X1 will also be no matched.

If the transaction has a PTC input of CNN which prices a fare which is ADT (i.e. not CNN), no match is made to the first row. A match is made to the second row and the Application Tag advises that the PTC Table is positively matched.

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4.1.18 Geography Fields (bytes 81-200) The Geography fields are described in detail below.

When the Tax Point Tag (byte 11) specifies a Sale Tax Point (S) at least one journey geographic location (Journey Loc 1 (120-128, Journey Loc 2 (129-137), Journey Includes (bytes 138-146), or Wholly Within (bytes 147-155)) and/or the Point of Sale (bytes 82-90) (using a Security Table No. 183 (bytes 91-98) if multiple points of sale are required), and/or the Point of Ticketing (bytes 100-108) must be coded. Refer to the cross edits in Section 7.0 for applicable Geography based on the Tax Point Tag (byte 11).

When the Tax Point Tag (byte 11) specifies a Delivery Tax (X), at least the Point of Delivery (bytes 109-117) must be coded

When the Tax Point Tag (byte 11) specifies a Departure or an Arrival Tax (D or A), at least Tax Point Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) must be coded.

For processing to assess taxes on services which are fundamentally linked to the passenger itinerary, and are intended to be reported on a passenger ticket, journey geographic matching will be on the basis of the entire passenger itinerary (i.e. from origin to destination of the journey) and on the sale of the passenger itinerary. These are Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Charges (1), Ticketing Fees (2), Optional Services – Fare Related (5), Taxes (8) (if appearing on passenger ticket), Itinerary (9), and Change Fee (10).

For processing to assess taxes on services which appear on a miscellaneous document or other non-ticket form of reporting, journey geographic matching will be on the following basis:

Flight and Ticket Related Optional Services and Baggage – intended itinerary on related passenger ticket

Merchandise and Tax on Miscellaneous Document – journey geography if there is a related itinerary, and if no related itinerary, journey geography is not applicable – if requirements are coded (i.e. non blank), processing must no match the record.

The Miscellaneous Document will never be used to establish journey geography for matching purposes. The relationship between these fields will be AND.

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Departments, Territories, and Possessions

There are a number of geographic regions which involve processing of specific territories, departments and possessions. Examples of these are Guam and American Samoa, which are listed under their own separate Country ISO Code (GU and AS respectively). Further examples are seen in French Overseas Departments (e.g. French Guyana (GF),) and French Overseas Territories (e.g. New Caledonia (NC) and also for the Netherlands (Netherlands Antilles (AN)). In all cases these will be listed as separate Nation (ISO Country Code) entities for matching purposes within the automated tax application, and departure, arrival, delivery, or sale from any of these points will always point to the ISO Country Code of the specific territory or possession. It is noted that territories, departments and possessions as mentioned above generally apply the tax of the host nation (e.g. French Guiana and France itself both apply Tax Code FR) but these are listed separately under the individual country ISO code. In summary, there are no special rules for territories, departments and possessions when matching to the Record X1 on geographic data. The particular territory, department, or possession will be listed as a separate Record X1 as all have a separate country ISO code within the tax database.

All points with a separate country code – including territories and possessions – will be considered to be international for processing purposes in the Record X1.

Note that this rule is specific to the Record X1 and may differ from rules applied to the fare record.

Geographic locales will be coded based on IATA directory data and as such values are not edited against ATPCO directory data.

Page E.03.X1.77 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) This field is used to denote whether the geographic match fields – at both the Journey and the Tax Point level - should be processed against ticketed points only, or against all ticketed and unticketed points. An unticketed point is defined as an arrival and departure within the itinerary which does not appear within the fare calculation ladder (it may be within the good for passage portion of the ticket).

Following is an explanation of the applicable fields/values:

Value U: Match must be made to ticketed and unticketed points.

Value Blank: Match must be made to ticketed points only

It is possible for different sequences with the same record key (Nation, Tax Code, Tax Type) to have different Ticketed Point Tag values in order to express different rules for unticketed vs. ticketed points.

This tag directly affects matching for the following other fields in the record X1:

- Journey Geo Spec – Travel Wholly Within (bytes 147-155) - Journey Geo Spec – Journey Includes (bytes 138-146) - Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Adjacent International/ Domestic (byte 156) - Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Stopover Tag (byte 158) - Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) - Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Comparison (byte 169) - Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170) - Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 3 Type (byte 180)

Note that journey origin (Journey Loc 1) and journey destination/turnaround (Journey Loc 2) can never be an unticketed point.

For example, for the following journey:

CDG – PPT (including an unticketed stop in LAX)

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If attempting to match Loc 2 to apply a departure tax from CDG – it is necessary to determine how far to look for the next point in the itinerary (LAX or PPT). When the Tax record is coded as follows:

Ticketed Point Tag = blank, then the next point (Tax Point Loc 2) is PPT as processing must ignore unticketed points When Ticketed Point Tag = U, then the next point (Tax Point Loc 2) is LAX as processing must consider ticketed and unticketed points.

If LAX is the Departure tax point:

When Ticketed Point Tag = blank, LAX will not be considered as Loc 1 for matching purposes (i.e. it is not a valid tax point for this tax).

When Ticketed Point Tag = U, LAX can be considered for match as Loc 1 for matching purposes (i.e. it is a valid tax point for this tax).

In addition, processing will match the following where the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is coded with value ‘U’:

- Journey Includes coded Nation US

Further examples of the application of this tag in processing are documented under each Geographic field which this tag can influence.

Page E.03.X1.79 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Point of Sale (bytes 82-90) This field identifies any sales location requirements for Tax collection. The actual point of sale is defined as the location (point) of purchase, determined by the subscriber, at the time that payment is collected for the sold itinerary or service (quoting the fare or fee).

It is recognized that in the era of electronic ticketing and internet purchase, the actual point of sale may not be obvious, and as such there are no generic rules for establishing the point of sale, for example in the cases of:

(1) A ticket purchased through a website or using a smart phone when location of the user is unknown (2) A carrier electronic ticket server which “issues” the ticket but is located in a country which is neither the home country of the consumer nor the validating carrier (for example passenger purchase the ticket in Europe from a validating carrier which has a home base in the US, but the Electronic Ticket Server of the carrier is physically located in South America)

These rules will be documented as they become available.

This field specifies that in order for the tax to be applicable, the ticket must be sold in a specific geographic location. Anyone selling the ticket within the specified geographic location will match the record (e.g. any carrier, any travel agent, etc.). The geographic location may be defined as an Area, Zone, Country, State, City, Airport. Expression of multiple points of sale will not be expressed with a User Zone Table No. 178, but will instead be expressed in a Security Table No. 183 (bytes 91-98), which permits the specification of multiple locations to create a user defined zone.

The document to be used for point of sale matching will depend upon the taxable unit, as follows:

Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Charges Ticket Ticketing Fees Ticket Optional Services (flight, ticket, merchandise) Miscellaneous Document Optional Services (Fare Related) Ticket Baggage Charges Miscellaneous Document Tax on Tax Ticket/Miscellaneous Document on which initial tax was reported Itinerary Ticket

Change Fee Ticket or Miscellaneous Document on which the change fee was reported

Edits prevent the Point of Sale field and the Security Table No.183 to be positively coded in the same Record X1.

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When this field is blank, there are no restrictions on the geographic location of the sale. The Tax will be collected regardless of point of sale (subject to the remainder of the data in the record).

Page E.03.X1.81 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Security Table No. 183 (bytes 91-98) Security Table No. 183 specifies at which locations the sale can occur in order to match the record X1. Refer to Data Application – Security Table No. 183 for details.

When multiple Points of Sale are to be coded in the Record X1, the Point of Sale field (bytes 82-90) cannot be used. Multiple locations must instead be coded into a Security Table No. 183.

Edits prevent the Point of Sale (bytes 82-90) field and the Security Table No.183 to be positively coded in the same Record X1.

The document to be used for Security Table 183 matching will depend upon the taxable unit tag, as follows:

Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Charges Ticket Ticketing Fees Ticket Optional Services (flight, ticket, merchandise) Miscellaneous Document Optional Services (Fare Related) Ticket Baggage Charges Miscellaneous Document Tax on Tax Ticket/Miscellaneous Document on which initial tax was reported Itinerary Ticket

Change Fee Ticket or Miscellaneous Document on which the change fee was reported

When Table 183 is a value greater than 00000000, process Table 183 according to the Data Application – Security Table No. 183 document. Processing will attempt to match the sales location to determine a match to the Record X1. If the sales location matches at least one of the referenced Table 183 records, then processing matches the X1 record (provided a match is also made to all other match criteria). If the sales location does not match any of the referenced Table 183 records, then processing no matches the X1 record.

When Table 183 is value 00000000 and bytes 82-90 are blank, there are no restrictions on the sales location. Processing will match the record for any sales location (provided a match is also made to all other match criteria).

Page E.03.X1.82 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Point of Ticketing – Geographic Specification (bytes 100-108) This field specifies that the tax applies when document completing the sale of the itinerary or service is issued in a specific geographic location. The actual point of ticketing is defined as the geographic location (point) determined by the CRS/GDS that is actually generating a ticket or miscellaneous document for the taxable unit being processed in the Record X1. Anyone issuing the ticket or miscellaneous document within the specified geographic location will match the record (e.g. any carrier, any travel agent, etc.). The geographic location may be defined as an Area, Zone, Country, State, City, Airport, or via use of User Zone Table No. 178 which permits the specification of multiple locations to create a user defined zone.

The document to be used for point of ticketing matching will depend upon the taxable unit tag, as follows:

Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Charges Ticket Ticketing Fees Ticket Optional Services (flight, ticket, merchandise) Miscellaneous Document Optional Services (Fare Related) Ticket Baggage Charges Miscellaneous Document Tax on Tax Ticket/Miscellaneous Document on which initial tax was reported Itinerary Ticket

Change Fee Ticket or Miscellaneous Document on which the change fee was reported

When this field is blank, there are no restrictions based upon the geographic location where the ticket is issued. The tax will be collected regardless of point of ticketing (subject to the remainder of the data in the record).

Page E.03.X1.83 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Point of Delivery – Geographic Specification (bytes 109-117) This field specifies that the tax applies when the service is delivered in a specific geographic location. The actual point of delivery is defined as the geographic location (point) determined by the CRS/GDS that is pricing the service that constitutes a delivery point for the service being sold. The geographic location may be defined as an Area, Zone, Country, State, City, Airport, or via use of User Zone Table No. 178 which permits the specification of multiple locations to create a user defined zone.

When this field is blank, there are no restrictions based upon the geographic location where the service is delivered. The tax will be collected regardless of point of delivery of the service (subject to the remainder of the data in the record).

This field has limited application (and edits prevent coding outside of these parameters), to the following two taxable units only:

Optional Services – Ticket Related Optional Services - Merchandise

When the point of delivery is not known by the pricing system and data is coded in the Point of Delivery field, processing automatically matches the Point of Delivery and continues processing to validate all other fields in the Record X1.

A Point of Delivery can be specified even when the tax is on a Tax Point other than the Point of Delivery.

Page E.03.X1.84 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Journey Geographic Specification (bytes 119-155) The Journey Geographic Specification fields consist of the following fields: • Indicator (byte 119) • Loc 1 – Journey Origin (bytes 120-128) • Loc 2 – Journey Turnaround/Destination Point (bytes 129-137) • Journey Includes Loc (bytes 138-146) • Travel Wholly Within (bytes 147-155)

These fields identify the geographic restrictions for the journey. Validation of these fields is against the entire journey (if applicable). The relationship among the Journey Geographic Specification fields is AND. Processing must match all conditions in order to match the record.

For the assessment of Taxable Units which relate to services which have a connected itinerary, the itinerary (journey origin to journey destination) is used for matching purposes within the Record X1. An example of a ticket related service which does not have an associated segment but may have a connected passenger itinerary is the purchase of lounge access (ticket related optional service), or a fee (ticketing fee).

These fields are not applicable when the taxable unit does not have a related itinerary (e.g. Merchandise and Tax on Tax related to Merchandise). If the Taxable Unit being processed does not have a related itinerary, and any of the Journey Geographic fields are coded, processing automatically no matches the record.

The information which the system must bring into the process to determine if it matched the Tax record varies by Taxable Unit Tag. Passenger Itinerary is the geographic information from the full passenger itinerary which is on or is intended to be on the passenger ticket, and Service Itinerary is the geographic information relating to all services sold with the transaction.

Journey Geographic Specifications always refer to the passenger itinerary where present. Where no passenger itinerary is present, and only a service itinerary is present (i.e. the miscellaneous document), locations within the service itinerary will be used for matching to Journey Geographic Specification (for example, an Excess Baggage itinerary issued where the pricing system can make no automatic linkage to the passenger itinerary).

Note that the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) also affects the Journey Geographic Specification. Checking of Journey Includes and Journey Wholly Within must be validated against ticketed and unticketed points if the Ticketed Point Tag is set to U.

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Journey Geo Spec – Indicator (byte 119) This field specifies the journey turnaround or the journey destination application of the location specified in the following Journey Geo Spec - Loc 2 field (bytes 129-137). Note that Loc 1 is always the journey origin. Valid values for this field are:

A Indicates that Journey Loc 2 specifies the journey destination point for a one way, open jaw, or round trip journey Blank Indicates that Journey Loc 2 specifies the journey destination point for a one way journey or the journey turnaround for an open jaw or round trip journey.

The point of turnaround is defined as follows:

The furthest stopover (as listed in Definitions in Section 2.0) or fare break point on the journey measured from journey origin as determined by indicators in the good for passage area. This does not apply to One Way journeys. If there are multiple candidates for journey turnaround (e.g. equidistant points or the same point appearing twice on the itinerary), the first candidate will be taken as the point of turnaround. For international journeys (i.e. more than one ISO Country Code in the itinerary), the Journey Turnaround must be outside the country of origin.

NOTE: Determination of whether a point is a stopover or fare break point for the purposes of determining journey turnaround is based on the designation in the fare calculation. In the case of plus ups which may apply higher intermediate fares, the ticketed fare break points in the fare calculation area (and not the designated plus up points) will be deemed to be the fare break points.

Other fields that determine the meaning of a stopover (Stopover Time and Unit (bytes 208-211) and Connection Tags (bytes 212-218)) never affect the designation of the point of turnaround, which is established based on the fare (assuming a 4 hour stopover for US domestic fares and 24 hour stopover for international journeys).

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Journey Geo Spec – Loc 1 / Loc 2 (bytes 120-137) These are match fields specifying the journey origin and turnaround/destination points (depending upon whether the journey is RT or OW and the coding of the Journey Geo Spec – Indicator) which must be present to match the Record X1. Data in the Indicator field (byte 119) specifies whether Loc 2 is a journey destination point or either a journey turnaround or destination point (defined above).

**The journey turnaround point is defined as the furthest stopover or fare break point, measured from the origin of the journey. Processing should measure using the following steps:

• Measure using the non-stop TPM (Ticketed Point Mileage) between the origin of the journey and the stopover/fare break point.

o When a single TPM exists between the points being measured, use the TPM regardless of the global. o When multiple TPMs exist between the points being measured, apply Global direction in determining the correct TPM to use. o When more than one global direction applies to the points being measured, use the highest TPM that applies for one of the global directions.

• If there are no TPMs, calculate TPMs as MPM (Maximum Permitted Mileage) divided by 1.2 (MPM/1.2). o When a single MPM exists between the points being measured, use the MPM regardless of the global. o When multiple MPMs exist between the points being measured, apply Global direction in determining the correct MPM to use. o When more than one global direction applies to the points being measured, use the highest MPM that applies for one of the global directions.

• If MPMs do not exist, use GCM (Great Circle Mileage).

**NOTE: TPM changes effective September 2013

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The geographic location data in Loc 1 and Loc 2 may be defined as an Area, Zone, Country, State, City, Airport, or via use of User Zone Table No. 178 which permits the specification of multiple locations to create a user defined zone.

When these fields are blank, there are no restrictions on the journey origin and turnaround/destination points, subject to the remainder of the data in the record.

For the following itinerary: WAS (Origin) – TYO – BJS (Turnaround) – TYO – WAS (Destination)

The following Journey Geo Spec fields will match when the journey GEO specification indicator is blank, and:

- Loc 1 = WAS, Loc 2 = BJS - Loc 1 = WAS, Loc 2 = blank - Loc 1 = blank, Loc 2 = BJS - Loc 1 = blank, Loc 2 = blank

The following Journey Geo Spec fields will no match when the journey GEO specification indicator is blank, and:

- Loc 1 = NYC, Loc 2 = WAS - Loc 1 = NYC, Loc 2 = blank - Loc 1 = WAS, Loc 2 = WAS - Loc 1 = WAS, Loc 2 = TYO - Loc 1 = blank, Loc 2 = WAS

The following Journey Geo Spec fields will match when the journey GEO specification indicator is ‘A’, and: - Loc 1 = WAS, Loc 2 = WAS - Loc 1 = blank, Loc 2 = WAS - The following Journey Geo Spec fields will no match when the journey GEO specification indicator is ‘A’ and: - Loc 1 = WAS, Loc 2 = BJS - Loc 1 = NYC, Loc 2 = WAS - Loc 1 = WAS, Loc 2 = TYO - Loc 1 = blank, Loc 2 = BJS

Page E.03.X1.88 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1

Journey Geo Spec – Journey Includes Loc (bytes 138-146) This field specifies a point that must be included in the journey in order to match the record – in other words the passenger itinerary or the service itinerary must include the location specified in this field. Validation is against any ticketed or unticketed point on the journey (depending upon the population of the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81)), including the journey origin, journey turnaround, journey destination, and intermediate points. If at least one point on the journey matches the Journey Includes Loc data, then processing matches the record (provided a match is also made to all other match criteria). If no point on the journey matches the Journey Includes Loc data, then processing no matches the record and continues to the next record.

The geographic location data may be defined as an Area, Zone, Country, State, City, Airport, or via use of User Zone Table No. 178 which permits the specification of multiple locations to create a user defined zone.

When the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is coded ‘U’, processing must evaluate all ticketed and unticketed points when validating geography included in the journey. When the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is blank, processing must ignore unticketed points when validating geography included in the journey.

For the following itinerary: WAS (origin) – (LON) – BJS (turnaround) – (LON) – WAS (destination) London (LON) is unticketed in both directions

Processing will match the record when the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is blank, and:

Journey Includes = N US Journey Includes = N CN Journey Includes = A1 Journey Includes = A3 Journey Includes = C WAS Journey Includes = C BJS

Page E.03.X1.89 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1

Processing will no match the record when the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is blank, and:

Journey Includes = N GB Journey Includes = N FR Journey Includes = A2 Journey Includes = LON Journey Includes = PAR

Processing will match the record when the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is ‘U’, and:

Journey Includes = N US Journey Includes = N CN Journey Includes = N GB Journey Includes = A1 Journey Includes = A2 Journey Includes = A3 Journey Includes = C WAS Journey Includes = C BJS Journey Includes = C LON

Processing will no match the record when the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is ‘U’, and:

Journey Includes = N FR Journey Includes = PAR

When this field is blank, there are no Journey Includes Loc restrictions (subject to the remainder of the data in the record.)

Page E.03.X1.90 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1

Journey Geo Spec – Travel Wholly Within (bytes 147-155) This field specifies that all points on the journey must be within a specified location in order to match the record. Validation is against all ticketed and unticketed points on the journey (depending upon data in the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81)), including the journey origin, journey turnaround, and journey destination points. If all points on the journey match the Travel Wholly Within data, then processing matches the record (provided a match is also made to all other match criteria). If at least one point on the journey does not match the Travel Wholly Within data, then processing no matches the record and continues to the next record.

The geographic location data may be defined as an Area, Zone, Country, State, City, Airport, or via use of User Zone Table No. 178 which permits the specification of multiple locations to create a user defined zone.

Entries within a User Zone Table 178 for Travel Wholly Within have an and/or relationship. For example:


Means that the journey must be:

Wholly Within the USA Wholly Within Canada Wholly Between the US and Canada

When the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is coded ‘U’, processing must evaluate all ticketed and unticketed points when validating whether the journey is wholly within the coded geography. When the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is blank, processing must ignore unticketed points when validating whether the journey is wholly within the coded geography.

For the following itinerary: IAD – (YUL) – SEA Montreal (YUL) is unticketed

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Processing will match the record when the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is blank, and:

Travel Wholly Within = N US Travel Wholly Within = A1 Travel Wholly Within = Table 178 – IAD, YUL, SEA Travel Wholly Within = Table 178 – N US, N CA

Processing will no match the record when the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is blank, and:

Travel Wholly Within = N CA Travel Wholly Within = A2

Processing will match the record when the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is ‘U’, and:

Travel Wholly Within = A1 Travel Wholly Within = Table 178 – IAD, YUL, SEA Travel Wholly Within = Table 178 – N US, N CA

Processing will no match the record when the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is ‘U’, and:

Travel Wholly Within = N US Travel Wholly Within = N CA Travel Wholly Within = A2

When the Table 178 is coded as wholly within IAD, SEA, and the itinerary is IAD (YUL) SEA:

Processing will match the record when the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is blank (because YUL is not considered) Processing will no match the record when the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) is U (because YUL does not match the table)

When this field is blank, there are no Travel Wholly Within restrictions on the journey (subject to the remainder of the data in the record.)

Page E.03.X1.92 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Tax Point Geographic Specification (bytes 156-218) The Tax Point Geographic Specification fields consist of the following: • Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic (byte 156) • Loc 1 Transfer Type (byte 157) • Loc 1 Stopover Tag (byte 158) • Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) • Loc 2 International/Domestic (byte 168) • Loc 2 Comparison (byte 169) • Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170) • Loc 2 (bytes 171-179) • Loc 3 Type (byte 180) • Loc 3 (bytes 181-189) • Stopover Time Tag (bytes 208-210) • Stopover Time Unit (byte 211) • Connection Tags (bytes 212-218)

These fields are only populated when the Tax Point Tag is D (departure) or A (arrival). Edits prevent data being coded in any of these fields when the Tax Point Tag is value S (Sale) or X (Delivery). In addition, when the Taxable Unit Tag contains X in bytes 25 (Ticketing Fee), 27 (Optional Service Ticket Related), 28 (Optional Service Merchandise), 29 (Optional Service Fare Related), and/or 33 (Change Fee), edits prevent data from being coded in any of these fields.

In summary, these fields must be blank in their entirety for all of the following coding situations:

(1) Tax Point Tag = S (2) Tax Point Tag = X (3) Taxable Unit Tag = X in bytes 25, 27, 28, 29 and/or 33

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At least Tax Point Loc 1 must be coded for the following situations:

(1) Tax Point Tag = D and Taxable Unit Tag = X in bytes 24, 26, 30, 31, and/or 32 (2) Tax Point Tag = A and Taxable Unit Tag = X in bytes 24, 26, 30, 31, and/or 32

When the Taxable Unit being processed is not an itinerary (subject to the edits noted above), processing attempts to match the record in exactly the same manner for the geographic fields. The only exception is that the service itinerary may be a subset of passenger travel, in which case points of connection in the passenger itinerary may be considered to be points of stopover for the service, because they are the start or the end of the service taxable unit.

For example, on the following itinerary:

Passenger Itinerary BJS X/TYO X/WAS LON X/WAS X/TYO BJS Service Itinerary (YQ) TYO X/WAS LON Service Itinerary – Meal WAS TYO

Assume that all taxes that apply in this case are coded as:

Tax Point Tag = D Loc 1 Stopover Tag = S (must be a stopover) Loc 2 Stopover Tag = S (must be a stopover)

The points are treated in the following way:

Tax Point Tag Loc 1 Tax Point Loc 1 to Loc 2 (Byte 11) (Bytes 159-167) Passenger Itinerary Service Itinerary (YQ) Service Itinerary (Meal) D BJS BJS - LON N/A N/A D TYO N/A (not a stop) TYO - LON N/A D WAS N/A (not a stop) N/A (not a stop) N/A D LON LON – BJS N/A N/A D WAS N/A (not a stop) N/A WAS – TYO D TYO N/A (not a stop) N/A N/A A TYO N/A (not a stop) N/A N/A A WAS N/A (not a stop) N/A (not a stop) N/A

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Tax Point Tag Loc 1 Tax Point Loc 1 to Loc 2 (Byte 11) (Bytes 159-167) Passenger Itinerary Service Itinerary (YQ) Service Itinerary (Meal) A LON BJS-LON TYO-LON N/A A WAS N/A (not a stop) N/A N/A A TYO N/A (not a stop) N/A WAS-TYO A BJS LON-BJS N/A N/A

In some instances, the order of points within the service itinerary will need to be established with a further processing step in the case of services which are ticketed in a non-contiguous format. For example:

Coupon 1 LHR – ORY OC 0FD (Meal) Coupon 2 LHR – ORY OC 0CP (Pillow) Coupon 3 ORY – NCE OC 0FD (Meal)

The passenger paid 20.00 GBP for the meals on a portion of travel basis. The passenger paid 10.00 GBP for the pillow. Processing shall establish the points for tax processing as follows:

LHR – ORY – NCE 20.00 Taxable Unit = Optional Service – Meal (Depart LHR, ORY, Arrive ORY, NCE) ORY – NCE 10.00 Taxable Unit = Optional Service – Pillow (Depart ORY, Arrive NCE)

When services are issued on a document by document basis (e.g. vMPD), processing will require a service itinerary to be established prior to processing. In the event that no such itinerary can be established, processing will treat each individual service coupon as a taxable unit for processing into the X1 (i.e. leg based processing).

The meaning of these fields can be affected by other values coded in the record, namely the Tax Point Tag (byte 11) and the Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81). The following meanings apply:

Data Field Tax Point Tag = D Tax Point Tag = A Ticketed Point Tag = blank Ticketed Point Tag = U Ticketed Point Tag = blank Ticketed Point Tag = U Loc 1 Adjacent Previous qualified ticketed Previous qualified ticketed or Next qualified ticketed point Next qualified ticketed or International/Domestic point or stop before Loc 1 unticketed point or stop before or stop after Loc 1 unticketed point or stop after Loc 1 Loc 1 Loc 1 Transfer Type Relationship of the flight into Loc 1 compared to the flight out of Loc 1 Loc 1 Stopover Tag Qualifies the departure being matched in Loc 1 Qualifies the arrival being matched in Loc 1

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Data Field Tax Point Tag = D Tax Point Tag = A Ticketed Point Tag = blank Ticketed Point Tag = U Ticketed Point Tag = blank Ticketed Point Tag = U Loc 1 Ticketed Tax Point departure Ticketed or Unticketed Tax Point Ticketed Tax Point arrival Ticketed or unticketed Tax departure Point arrival Loc 2 International/ Qualifies the relationship between Loc 1 and Loc 2 as either international or domestic Domestic Loc 2 Comparison Qualifies whether Loc 2 must Qualifies whether Loc 2 must be Qualifies whether Loc 2 must Qualifies whether Loc 2 must be the same as the preceding the same as the preceding ticketed be the same as the next be the same as the next ticketed point to Loc 1 or unticketed point to Loc 1 ticketed point after Loc 1 ticketed or unticketed point after Loc 1 Loc 2 Stopover Tag Qualifies Loc 2 as a ticketed Qualifies Loc 2 as a ticketed or Qualifies Loc 2 as a ticketed Qualifies Loc 2 as a ticketed point in the itinerary after unticketed point in the itinerary point in the itinerary before or unticketed point in the Loc 1 after Loc 1 Loc 1 itinerary before Loc 1 Loc 2 A qualified ticketed point A qualified ticketed or unticketed A qualified ticketed point A qualified ticketed or after Loc 1 point after Loc 1 before Loc 1 unticketed point before Loc 1 Loc 3 Type Qualifies Loc 3 as the next Qualifies Loc 3 as the next Qualifies Loc 3 as the Qualifies Loc 3 as the ticketed stop after Loc 1 or ticketed or unticketed stop after previous ticketed stop before previous ticketed or the prior ticketed point before Loc 1 or the prior ticketed or Loc 1 or the next ticketed unticketed stop before Loc 1 Loc 1 unticketed point before Loc 1 point after Loc 1 or the next ticketed or unticketed point after Loc 1 Loc 3 A qualified ticketed point in A qualified unticketed point in the A qualified ticketed point in A qualified unticketed point the itinerary itinerary the itinerary in the itinerary

Examples will be used throughout the following fields to illustrate processing of these fields.

These fields identify the geographic restrictions for the departure out of or arrival into the tax point being validated (depending upon the Tax Point Tag coded in byte 11 and the Ticketed Point Tag coded in byte 81. Validation of all of these fields is against points, either ticketed (if the Ticketed Point Tag is blank) or both ticketed and unticketed (if the Ticketed Point Tag = U). When processing the Record X1, processing will attempt to validate the geography built around the tax point (Loc 1) – the specific point being taxed.

The relationship among the Tax Point Geo Spec fields is AND. Processing must match all conditions in order to match the record.

Processing identifies tax points which are being evaluated for tax application. As determined in Section 4.0, the following can never be considered to be tax points for matching to the Tax Point Geographic Specification fields.

(1) An arrival into the journey origin (2) A departure from the journey destination

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(3) A departure from an airport which is the origin of a surface sector (4) An arrival into an airport which is the destination of a surface sector (5) Any other point which is not a departure or an arrival point in the passenger or service itinerary

Void and Surface Sector Processing

There are specific rules which must be applied to void and surface sectors which are not priced, booked, or ticketed with a flight number or a flight coupon. Processing will first identify the surface segment as a segment between two airports which has no flight information or flight coupon information. Examples of such void or surface segments are as follows:

Surface between London Heathrow and London Gatwick – constructed in the fare calculation as LHR /- LGW Surface between Miami International and Atlanta – constructed in the fare calculation as MIA /- ATL

Examples of itineraries containing the above two void/surface sectors are as follows:


Processing for void and surface sectors will be as follows:

Note: where reference is made in the rules below to “same city” and “different city”, the IATA City Code Directory (CCD) will be the source of information to determine whether the airport is in the same city or a different city.

(1) For void or surface sectors which occur directly after the tax point, the tax point can never be considered to be a Departure (Tax Point Tag = D)

For example:


MAN – LHR is identified as the surface sector in this case.

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CDG can be a departure tax point which incorporates the surface sector (e.g. CDG to MIA) There is no departing flight from MAN and so this is never considered to be a departure tax point MAN can be an arrival tax point The next departure tax point is LHR

(2) For void or surface sectors which occur directly before the tax point, the tax point can never be considered to be an Arrival (Tax Point Tag = A)

For example:


MAN can be an arrival tax point There is no arriving flight into LHR, so LHR cannot be an arrival tax point The next arrival tax point is MIA

(3) For void or surface sectors where the points on either side are in different cities, both points are always considered to be stopover for processing and matching purposes in the Record X1.

For example:

LHR XX IAD – arrive in IAD 14:00 local time BWI XX FAR – depart from BWI 16:00 local time

For a departure tax point out of LHR, particularly if looking for the next stopover (Loc 2 Stopover Tag = S), IAD and BWI would both be considered stopovers because the airport codes are in different cities.

For all tax processing – tax point, next stop etc – both IAD and BWI are considered to be stopovers on the above basis. When processing requires identification of the “next stop” from the tax point for a departure tax, and a surface segment exists where

Page E.03.X1.98 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 points either side are stops, the next stop will always be the first one encountered in the sequence of travel (i.e. in this case, the origin point of the surface sector).

There is never a case when the airports on each side of a surface or void sector, when they are in different cities as defined by the IATA City Code Directory, can be a mix of stopover and connection. Either both of the points are stops (where the points on either side are different cities), or both of the points are connections (where the points on either side are in the same city and time factors determine that the passenger has not stopped over at the tax point).

(4) For void or surface sectors where the points on either side are in the same city but are at different airports, the status of both of the points on either side of the void or surface sector will be calculated based on:

• arrival into the first airport in the void or surface segment • departure from the last airport in the void or surface segment • any stopover requirements in the Record X1 in the Stopover Time Tag and Unit

For example:

LHR XX JFK – arrive in JFK 14:00 local time LGA XX LAX – depart from LGA 16:01 local time

For a departure tax point out of LHR, particularly if looking for the next stopover (Loc 2 Stopover Tag = S), JFK and LGA would both be considered connections because the departure from LGA is only 2 hours and 1 minute after the arrival into LGA.

This is subject to further data coded in the Record X1 which can override this rule, namely:

a. Stopover Time Tag and Unit define a stopover as 2 hours between arrival and departure, in which case this example would become a stopover. b. Connection Tag G is populated which indicates that same city different airport void or surface sectors are always to be considered stopovers regardless of the time spent.

(5) For the purposes of surface sectors in their application to a Record X1 with a “Wholly Within” matching requirement, points which are not included on the ticket but are visited by the passenger – i.e., passenger travel within the surface or void segment – are not considered for processing the Record X1.

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For example:

Record X1 wholly within US requirement Passenger itinerary is FAR – SEA /- ANC – FAI Passenger crosses Canada in between SEA and ANC However this itinerary is still assumed to be wholly within the US as there is no point outside the US either ticketed or unticketed.

This itinerary meets the requirement of wholly within US, despite implied surface travel in CA.

(6) For the purpose of determining the next/previous international or domestic point or stopover when the point being assessed is an end point of a surface sector, the end points of the surface sector are considered to be one point and, as such, processing shall look beyond the surface sector endpoints to identify the next or previous point or stopover. That is, an endpoint of a surface sector is never considered the next/previous point or stopover when compared to the other endpoint of the surface sector.

For example:DEN – X/IAD – LGW /- LHR – X/MAN – SVO (the stops are DEN, LGW/LHR, and SVO)

For departure from LHR: IAD is the previous point, DEN is the previous stopover

For arrival at LGW: MAN is the next point, SVO is the next stopover

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic (byte 156) This field specifies whether travel adjacent to the point matching to Loc 1 must be international or domestic in order to match. Application for this field is as follows:

Tax Point Tag = D (departure): compare between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point or stopover prior to the point matching to Loc 1 Tax Point Tag = A (arrival): compare between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point or stopover subsequent to the point matching to Loc 1 Tax Points S, X (sale, delivery): no application, edits prevent coding in these cases

Valid Values are: I International Stopover. Indicates that the travel between the point matching to Loc 1 and the stopover point prior/subsequent must be international When the point matching to LOC 1 is in the United States, the stopover point prior/subsequenct must not be in the Canadian or Mexican buffer zone in addition to not being in the US D Domestic Stopover. Indicates that the travel between the point matching to Loc 1 and the stopover point prior/subsequent must be domestic J International. Indicates that the travel between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point prior/subsequent must be international E Domestic. Indicates that the travel between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point prior/subsequent must be domestic Blank No restriction on adjacent point or adjacent stopover

Values J and E validate against ticketed points only or ticketed and unticketed points depending on the value in Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) . Stopover points, by definition, are ticketed points. Ticketed Point Tag (bytes 81) has no impact when validating values D and I. Refer to Section 2.1 for stopover definition.

For example:

Loc 1 = US, Adjacent Point/Stop = GB International Loc 1 = US, Adjacent Point/Stop = US Domestic Loc 1 = US, Adjacent Point/Stop = CA International Loc 1 = XU, Adjacent Point/Stop = RU Domestic Loc 1 = RU, Adjacent Point/Stop = XU Domestic

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When Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D and the point matching to Loc 1 is a departure from a point which is the destination of a surface sector, the origin and destination points of the surface sector are deemed to be one point, and so Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic (byte 156) is validated by comparing the point matching to Loc 1 and the previous flown departure point.

When Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A and the point matching to Loc 1 is an arrival at a point which is the origin of a surface sector, the origin and destination points of the surface sector are deemed to be one point, and so Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic (byte 156) is validated by comparing the point matching to Loc 1 and the subsequent flown arrival point.

Value I: International Stop

Example: LON-PAR, where PAR is the departure tax point, is international. Example: NYC-X/MAN-LON, where LON is the departure tax point, is international Example: LON-PAR, where LON is the arrival tax point, is international Example: NYC-X/CHI-LON, where NYC is the arrival tax point, is international

Value D: Domestic Stop.

Example: PAR-NCE, where NCE is the departure tax point, is domestic. Example: NYC-X/YUL-SFO, where SFO is the departure tax point), is domestic. Example: PAR-NCE, where PAR is the arrival tax point, is domestic Example: NYC-X/YUL-SFO, where NYC is the arrival tax point, is domestic

Value J: International

Example: LON-PAR, where PAR is the departure tax point, is international. Example: NYC-X/MAN-LON, where LON is the departure tax point, is not international Example: LON-PAR, where LON is the arrival tax point, is international Example: NYC-X/CHI-LON, where NYC is the arrival tax point, is not international

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Value E: Domestic

Example: PAR-NCE, where NCE is the departure tax point, is domestic. Example: NYC-X/YUL-SFO, where SFO is the departure tax point, is not domestic. Example: PAR-NCE, where PAR is the arrival tax point, is domestic Example: NYC-X/YUL-SFO, where NYC is the arrival tax point, is not domestic

Example: given the following example with an itinerary of: MAN(GB) – X/LON(GB) – X/PAR(FR) – NCE(FR) – (BCN*)(ES) – MAD(ES) *where BCN is an unticketed point assumed to be a connection, the following data produces a match or no-match as shown:

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Tax Point Tag Ticketed Point Tag Loc 1 Adj D/I Loc 1 Prior/Subsequent Outcome (Byte 11) (Byte 81) (Byte 156) (Bytes 159-167) Point/Stopover is D U or Blank I PAR MAN Match D U or Blank I NCE MAN Match A U or Blank I LON NCE Match A U or Blank I NCE MAD Match D U or Blank D LON MAN Match A U or Blank D PAR NCE Match D U or Blank I LON MAN No Match A U or Blank I PAR NCE No Match D U or Blank D PAR MAN No Match D U or Blank D NCE MAN No Match A U or Blank D LON NCE No Match A U or Blank D NCE MAD No Match D U or Blank J PAR LON Match A U or Blank J LON PAR Match A Blank J NCE MAD Match D U or Blank E LON MAN Match D U or Blank E NCE PAR Match A U or Blank E PAR NCE Match D U or Blank J LON MAN No Match D U or Blank J NCE PAR No Match A U or Blank J PAR NCE No Match D U or Blank E PAR LON No Match A U or Blank E LON PAR No Match A U or Blank E NCE BCN No Match D U I BCN NCE Match D U D BCN NCE No Match D U J BCN NCE Match D U E BCN NCE No Match A U I BCN MAD No Match A U D BCN MAD Match A U J BCN MAD No Match A U E BCN MAD Match D U or Blank I,D,E or J MAN None No Match A U or Blank I,D,E or J MAD None No Match D or A U or Blank Blank Any Varies Match

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Transfer Type (byte 157) This field specifies the type of transfer required at the point matching to Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) in order to match the record X1. This field is always validated against the flight(s) into and the flight out of the point matching to Loc 1 (bytes 159-167), so Tax Point Tag (byte 11) and Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) have no impact. Operating carrier has no impact on the processing of this field.

Valid values are: A Interline (inbound flight is a different marketing carrier to the outbound flight) B Online with change of flight number (inbound flight is the same marketing carrier but different flight number to the outbound flight) C Online with change of gauge only (inbound flight is the same marketing carrier and flight number as the outbound flight, but the equipment codes are different or are both CHG) D Online with no change of gauge (inbound flight is the same marketing carrier and flight number as the outbound flight, and the equipment codes are the same but are not both CHG) Blank No application

If the point matching to Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) is the journey origin or journey destination point, and Loc 1 Transfer Type (byte 157) = A, B, C or D, then no match this field.

For Example: Value Loc 1 Inbound Flight Operated By Loc 1 Outbound Flight Operated By Match/No Match A XX123 XX ZZ567 ZZ Match A XX123 XX ZZ567 XX Match A XX123 XX XX123 ZZ No Match A XX123 ZZ XX123 ZZ No Match B XX123 XX XX456 XX Match B XX123 XX XX123 XX No Match B XX123 XX ZZ567 ZZ No Match C XX123 (757) XX XX123 (767) XX Match C XX123 XX XX567 XX No Match C XX123 XX ZZ567 ZZ No Match C XX123 (757) XX XX123 (757) XX No Match D XX123 (757) XX XX123 (757) XX Match D XX123 (757) XX XX123 (767) XX No Match D XX123 XX XX567 XX No Match D XX123 XX ZZ567 ZZ No Match Blank Any Any Match

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Stopover Tag (byte 158) This field specifies whether the point matching to Loc 1 must be a stopover point, a connection point, a fare/fee/tax break point or not a fare/fee/tax break point. If the tax point being validated does not match the criteria in this field, processing no matches the record. The valid values for this field are:

C The point matching to Loc 1 must be a connection point S The point matching to Loc 1 must be a stopover F The point matching to Loc 1 must be a fare/fee/tax break point N The point matching to Loc 1 must not be a fare/fee/tax break point Blank No application

Values C and N validate against ticketed points only or ticketed and unticketed points depending on the value in Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81). Stopover points and fare break points by definition are ticketed points, so Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) has no impact validating values S and F. Refer to Section 2.1 for the definitions of stopover and connection.

Determination of whether a point is a fare break point is based on the designation in the fare calculation. In the case of plus ups which may apply higher intermediate fares, the ticketed fare break points in the fare calculation area (and not the designated plus up points) will be deemed to be the fare break points.

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Examples of the use of this field are as follows:

Itinerary: WAS – X/LON – PAR – FRA 1000.00 X/LON – WAS

Tax Points determined in pre-processing:

Departure tax points: WAS, LON, PAR, FRA, LON Arrive tax points: LON, PAR, FRA, LON, WAS

Loc 1 Stopover If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A Tag Value then Loc 1 Stopover Tag matches then Loc 1 Stopover Tag Matches To C LON (1), LON (2) LON (1), LON (2) S WAS (1), PAR, FRA PAR, FRA, WAS (2) F WAS (1), FRA FRA, WAS (2) N LON (1), PAR, LON (2) LON (1), PAR, LON (2)

Blank WAS (1), LON (1), PAR, FRA, LON (2) LON (1), PAR, FRA, LON (2), WAS (2)

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) This field describes a point that must appear on the itinerary in order to match the record X1. If Tax Point Tag = D, Loc 1 must match to a departure point. If Tax Point Tag = A, Loc 1 must match to an arrival point. Validation of this field is against ticketed points only or ticketed and unticketed points depending on the value in Ticketed Point Tag. In all cases, the point matching to Loc 1 constitutes the Tax Point.

Valid values for Loc 1 are P+Airport Code, C+City Code, S+State Code, N+Country Code, and U+User Zone Table 178. A User Zone Table 178 referenced by this field may contain only locations that have the same country code. A+Area Code and Z+Zone Code are not valid values for this field.

Tax Point Tag = D (Departure)

The data in Loc 1 of the Tax Point Geo Spec field must validate against tax points designated as departures in pre-processing.

Tax Point Tag = A (Arrival) The data in Loc 1 of the Tax Point Geo Spec field must validate against tax points designated as arrivals in pre-processing.

The determination of a match to Loc 1 coded data is affected by the following tags:

Tax Point Tag (byte 11) – specifies whether Loc 1 is based on departure out of a point or arrival into a point.

Loc 1 Stopover Tag (byte 158) – specifies whether the point matching to Loc 1 must be a stopover, must be a connection, must be a fare/fee/tax break point, must not be a fare/fee/tax break point, or has no restriction.

Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) – specifies whether the point matching to Loc 1 must be a ticketed point, or may be a ticketed or an unticketed point.

Edits require that Loc 1 must be coded when Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D or A.

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Examples of the use of this field are as follows:

Itinerary: WAS – X/LON – PAR – FRA 1000.00 X/LON – WAS

Loc 1 Value Departure Tax Points Matching Arrival Tax Points Matching Nation US WAS WAS Nation GB LON (1), LON (2) LON (1), LON (2) City LON LON (1), LON (2) LON (1), LON (2) Table 178 – FRA, BER, MUC FRA FRA Nation AU NONE NONE

Determination of ‘the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2’

If Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) is coded and Loc 3 Type (byte 180) ≠ N, the point defined by Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170) is considered the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2 provided that: • the point defined by Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170) matches to Loc 2 (bytes 171-179) and • a match is made each of the following: o Loc 2 International/Domestic (byte 168) o Loc 2 Comparison (byte 169)

If a match is not made to one or more of these of these data elements, then processing will no match the X1 record.

If Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) is coded and Loc 3 Type (byte 180) = N, Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170) has no application and the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2 is determined as follows:

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If Then A match is made to each Otherwise of these data elements

The first connection point Prior to the point matching to Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) that is subsequent to the stopover Tax Point Tag point matching to Loc 3 (bytes 181-189) is considered the (Byte 11) = A point matching to Tax Point Loc 2 provided that that point • Loc 2 matches to Loc 2 (bytes 171-179) and International/Domestic (byte 168) Processing will no match the X1 record The first connection point Subsequent to the point • Loc 2 Comparison matching to Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) that is prior to the (byte 169). Tax Point Tag stopover point matching to Loc 3 (bytes 181-189) is (Byte 11) = D considered the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2 provided that that point matches to Loc 2 (bytes 171-179) and

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 International/Domestic (byte 168)

This field specifies whether the point matching to Loc 2 when compared to the Tax Point must be a domestic point or an international point. Intermediate points between the Tax Point and the point matching to Loc 2, if any, are not relevant to matching to this field. Refer to the definitions of “domestic” and “international” in Section 2.1 and to “Determination of ‘the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2”. Edits require that this field be blank when Loc 2 (bytes 171-179) contains a non-blank value.

Valid values for this field are: . D When compared to the Tax Point, the point matching to Loc 2 must be a domestic point I When compared to the Tax Point, the point matching to Loc 2 must be an international point Blank No application

Example: Given this itinerary: BJS (CN) – TYO (JP) – (LAX*) (US) – SEA (US) – FAR (US): *where LAX is an unticketed point assumed to be a connection, the following data produces a match or no-match as shown:

Tax Point Tag Ticketed Point Tag Loc 1 Loc 2 D/I Point Matching to Loc 2 Byte 11 Byte 81 Bytes 159-167 Byte 168 D Blank or U BJS D No Match D Blank or U BJS I TYO D Blank or U BJS Blank TYO D Blank TYO D No Match D Blank TYO I SEA D U TYO I LAX D Blank TYO Blank SEA D U TYO Blank LAX D U LAX D SEA D U LAX I No Match D U LAX Blank SEA D Blank or U SEA D FAR D Blank or U SEA I No Match D Blank or U SEA Blank FAR A Blank or U TYO D No Match A Blank or U TYO I BJS

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A Blank or U TYO Blank BJS A U LAX D No Match A U LAX I TYO A U LAX Blank TYO A Blank SEA D No Match A U SEA D LAX A Blank or U SEA I TYO A U SEA Blank LAX A Blank SEA Blank TYO A Blank or U FAR D SEA A Blank or U FAR I TYO A Blank or U FAR Blank SEA

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Comparison (byte 169) This field specifies whether the point matching to Loc 2 must be a different city from the preceding point or preceding stopover to the point matching to Loc 1 (in the case of a Departure tax), or the point matching to Loc 2 must be a different city from the subsequent point or subsequent stopover to the point matching to Loc 1 (in the case of an Arrival tax). Refer to “Determination of ‘the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2’” .

Valid values for this field are:

The point matching to Loc 2 must be different city from the preceding If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D point to the point matching to Loc 1 X The point matching to Loc 2 must be different city from the subsequent If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A point to the point matching to Loc 1 The point matching to Loc 2 must be different city from the preceding If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D stopover to the point matching to Loc 1 Y The point matching to Loc 2 must be different city from the subsequent If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A stopover to the point matching to Loc 1 Blank No application

Value X validates against ticketed points only or ticketed and unticketed points depending on the value in Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81). Stopover points, by definition, are ticketed points. Ticketed Point Tag (bytes 81) has no impact when validating value Y. Refer to Section 2.1 for stopover definition.

As an example of the use of the wording “different city”:

Full itinerary: IAD – LHR – X/AMS - CDG – LGW - IAD

Loc 1 = CDG Loc 2 = LGW Previous stop to Loc 1 = LHR

If Loc 2 Comparison is coded with value X, processing matches the record. LGW (Loc 2) and AMS are in different cities If Loc 2 Comparison is coded with value Y, processing no matches the record. LGW (Loc 2) and LHR are in the same city (LON) If Loc 2 Comparison is coded with value blank, processing matches the record as there is no restriction on the Loc 2 Comparison.

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For a further example of application, Singapore Tax SG exempts: “Transit/Transfer passengers scheduled to depart within 24 hours of arrival for a destination other than the last place of embarkation.”

In this case:

Loc 1 = SIN Loc 1 Stopover Tag = C Loc 2 Comparison = X Stopover Time Tag and Unit = 024H (the default, so these fields would actually be blank) Exempt Tag = X

Given this itinerary: FRA – X/LON – (CHI*) – SFO – LON – FRA *where CHI is an unticketed point and assumed to be a connection, the following data produces a match or no-match as shown:

Tag Point Tag Tktd Point Tag Loc 1 Loc 2 Comparison Loc 2 Prior/Subsequent Outcome (Byte 11) (Byte 81) (Bytes 159-167) (Byte 169) (Bytes 171-179) Point to Loc 1 D Blank LON Outbound X SFO FRA Match D Blank LON Inbound X FRA SFO Match A Blank LON Outbound X FRA SFO Match A Blank LON Inbound X SFO FRA Match D Blank LON Outbound Y SFO FRA Match D Blank SFO Y LON FRA Match D Blank LON Inbound Y FRA SFO Match A Blank LON Outbound Y FRA SFO Match A Blank SFO Y FRA LON Match A Blank LON Inbound Y SFO FRA Match D U LON Outbound X CHI FRA Match D U CHI X SFO LON Match D U SFO X CHI LON Match D U LON Inbound X FRA SFO Match A U LON Outbound X FRA CHI Match A U CHI X LON SFO Match A U SFO X LON CHI Match A U LON Inbound X SFO FRA Match D U LON Outbound Y SFO FRA Match

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Tag Point Tag Tktd Point Tag Loc 1 Loc 2 Comparison Loc 2 Prior/Subsequent Outcome (Byte 11) (Byte 81) (Bytes 159-167) (Byte 169) (Bytes 171-179) Point to Loc 1 D U CHI Y SFO FRA Match D U SFO Y LON FRA Match D U LON Inbound Y FRA SFO Match A U LON Outbound Y FRA SFO Match A U CHI Y FRA SFO Match A U SFO Y FRA LON Match A U LON Inbound Y SFO FRA Match D Blank FRA X Any None No Match D Blank SFO X LON LON No Match A Blank SFO X LON LON No Match A Blank FRA X Any None No Match D Blank FRA Y Any None No Match A Blank FRA Y Any None No Match D U FRA X Any None No Match A U FRA X Any None No Match D U FRA Y Any None No Match A U FRA Y Any None No Match

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170)

This field specifies whether the point matching to Loc 2 must be the first point, first stopover point, the first fare or fee break point, or the furthest point in the fare component or fee component – before or after the point matching to Loc 1.

Valid values are:

If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D The point matching to Loc 2 must be the first stopover point after the point matching to Loc 1 S If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A The point matching to Loc 2 must be the first stopover point before the point matching to Loc 1 If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D The point matching to Loc 2 must be the first fare/fee/tax break point after the point matching to Loc 1 F If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A The point matching to Loc 2 must be the first fare/fee/tax break point before the point matching to Loc 1 If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D The point matching to Loc 2 must be the furthest point in the fare/fee/tax component (measured using TPM) after the point matching to Loc 1 T If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A The point matching to Loc 2 must be the furthest point in the fare/fee/tax component (measured using TPM) before the point matching to Loc 1 The point matching to Loc 2 must be the first If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D If Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 3 point after the point matching to Loc 1 Type (byte 180) ≠ N The point matching to Loc 2 must be the first Blank If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A point before the point matching to Loc 1 If Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 3 No application Type (byte 180) = N

Validation of this field is against ticketed points only or ticketed and unticketed points depending on the value in Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81). Refer to the definition of Stopover in Section 2.1 and to “Determination of ‘the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2’” .

Determination of whether a point is a fare break point is based on the designation in the fare calculation. In the case of plus ups which may apply higher intermediate fares, the ticketed fare break points in the fare calculation area (and not the designated plus up points) will be deemed to be the fare break points.

Examples of the use of this field are as follows:

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Itinerary: WAS – X/LON – PAR – FRA 1000.00 X/LON – WAS

Tax Points determined in pre-processing:

Departure tax points: WAS, LON, PAR, FRA, LON Arrival tax points: LON, PAR, FRA, LON, WAS

Loc 1 (Tax Loc 2 Stopover Itinerary Point Attempting to Match Loc 2 Itinerary Point Attempting to Point) Tag Value Tax Point Tag = D Match Loc 2 Tax Point Tag = A WAS S PAR N/A F FRA T FRA





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Loc 1 (Tax Loc 2 Stopover Itinerary Point Attempting to Match Loc 2 Itinerary Point Attempting to Point) Tag Value Tax Point Tag = D Match Loc 2 Tax Point Tag = A Blank LON PAR LON S WAS FRA F WAS FRA T WAS WAS


Blank LON

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 (bytes 171-179) This field defines the required geography, if any, of the point matching to Loc 2. If this field is blank there is no restriction to the location of the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2. Refer to “Determination of ‘the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2’” .

Example 1: Itinerary is GDL  X/MEX  LAX

Sequence Tax Point Tag Loc 1 Loc 1 Stopover Tag Loc 2 Loc 2 Stopover Tag Outcome Byte 11 Bytes 159-167 Byte 158 Bytes 171-179 Byte 170 No match because the first stopover 1 D N MX S N MX S subsequent to GDL (LAX) is not there is no stopover in Mexico 2 D N MX S blank S Match (the point matching to Loc 2 is LAX)

Example 2: Itinerary is GDL  MEX  LAX

Sequence Tax Point Tag Loc 1 Loc 1 Stopover Tag Loc 2 Loc 2 Stopover Tag Outcome Byte 11 Byte 159-167 Byte 158 Bytes 171-179 Byte 170 1 D N MX S N MX S Match (the point matching to Loc 2 is MEX) 2 D N MX S blank S Match (the point matching to Loc 2 s MEX)

Processing of a match to a taxable unit which involves a service on part of the itinerary is more complex. The following examples demonstrate this process:

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Example 3: itinerary is IAD  X/NRT  BJS  SIN YQ charged on IAD  NRT

Taxable Unit Tax Point Tag Loc 1 Loc 1 Loc 2 Loc 2 Outcome YQ/YR Stopover Tag Stopover Tag Byte 24 Byte 11 Bytes 159-167 Byte 158 Bytes 171-179 Byte 170 X D IAD S NRT S Match (NRT is considered a stopover because it is the service destination point.)

Example 4: itinerary is IAD  X/NRT  BJS  SIN YQ charged on NRT  BJS

Taxable Unit Tax Point Tag Loc 1 Loc 1 Loc 2 Loc 1 Outcome YQ/YR Stopover Stopover Tag Tag Byte 24 Byte 11 Bytes 159-167 Byte 158 Bytes 171-179 Byte 170 X A BJS S NRT S Match (NRT is considered a stopover because it is the service destination point.)

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 3 Type (byte 180) This field indicates the type of match location required by Loc 3 (bytes (181-189).

Valid values for this field are:

If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D Loc 3 must match to the first stopover point subsequent to the point matching to N Loc 1 If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A Loc 3 must match to the first stopover point prior to the point matching to Loc 1 If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D Loc 3 must match to the first point prior to the point matching to Loc 1 P If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A Loc 3 must match to the first point subsequent to the point matching to Loc 1 Blank No application

Value P validates against ticketed points only or ticketed and unticketed points depending on the value in Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81). Stopover points by definition are ticketed points, so Ticketed Point Tag (byte 81) has no impact when validating value N.

When Loc 2 Stop Tag (byte 170) is value S, the Loc 3 Type must not be value N. This is because such data would introduce conflicts, as both Loc 2 and Loc 3 would mean next stop.

When Loc 3 type is value P, processing must match requirements of Loc 3 (bytes 181-189) as well as the Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic (byte 156). For example, for the following itinerary:


Loc 1 (for this purpose) = TYO (departure) Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic = I Loc 3 Type = P Loc 3 coded in the Record X1 = JP (conflicting information)

Processing can never match to this record for a TYO departure because the prior point must be both international (not JP) and JP.

Loc 1 (for this purpose) = TYO (departure) Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic = D Loc 3 Type = P

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Loc 3 coded in the Record X1 = JP (conflicting information)

Processing no matches the record because the prior point is not domestic, and is not in JP.

Loc 1 (for this purpose) = TYO (departure) Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic = D Loc 3 Type = P Loc 3 coded in the Record X1 = US (conflicting information)

Processing can never match to this record because the prior point must be both domestic (JP) and US.

Loc 1 (for this purpose) = TYO (departure) Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic = I Loc 3 Type = P Loc 3 coded in the Record X1 = US

Processing matches the record because the prior point is both international and in the US

Loc 1 (for this purpose) = TYO (departure) Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic = blank Loc 3 Type = P Loc 3 coded in the Record X1 = US

Processing matches the record because the prior point is in the US and there is no adjacent point requirement.

Loc 1 (for this purpose) = TYO (departure) Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic = I Loc 3 Type = P Loc 3 coded in the Record X1 = blank (conflicting information)

Processing matches the record because the prior point is international and there is no specific prior point requirement.

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 3 (bytes 181-189) This is a match field which specifies either the previous/next stop geography, or the prior/subsequent point, which must match to:

(1) for a departure tax, the next stopover or prior point from the point matching to Loc 1 (2) for an arrival tax, the previous stopover or subsequent point to the point matching to Loc 1

Refer to the definitions of Stopover and Connection in Section 2.1.

Some examples of matching to Loc 3 when using the Loc 3 Type “N” (next stop) are as follows:


When taxing a departure tax point FRA:

Tax Point Tag = D and Loc 2 Stop Tag = blank Loc 1 = FRA Loc 2 = ROM Loc 3 = JNB (next stop after FRA) Loc 3 Type = N

If Loc 2 Stop Tag = S

Loc 1 = FRA Loc 2 = JNB Loc 3 = blank (always match) When taxing an arrival tax point JNB:

Tax Point Tag = A and Loc 2 Stop Tag = blank Loc 1 = JNB Loc 2 = ROM Loc 3 = LON Loc 3 Type = N

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If Loc 2 Stop Tag = S

Loc 1 = JNB Loc 2 = LON Loc 3 = blank (always match)

An example of the use of this data is the coding of US taxes, which require exemptions for uninterrupted international travel. This means that the point matching to Loc 1 may be in the US, the point matching to Loc 2 may be in the US, but as long as the next stop after the point matching to Loc 1 is outside the US and the 225-mile buffer zone, the domestic tax cannot be charged. Loc 3 would be used to code “all except Nation US and the 225 mile buffer zone” and a positive tax value would be coded. Alternatively, Loc 3 would be used to code “Nation US and the 225 mile buffer zone” and the exempt tag would be set.

If the Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170) is set to S (stopover), then Loc 3 must be set to blank.

The geographic location may be defined as an Area, Zone, Country, State, City, Airport, or via use of User Zone Table No. 178 which permits the specification of multiple locations to create a user defined zone.

When Loc 3 is value blank, there are no requirements on the next stop, or the next stop has already been coded in Loc 2.

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For the following itinerary: MOW – X/STO – AMS – X/LON – (REK*) – NYC

* Where REK is an unticketed point assumed to be a connection

Tax Point Tag Ticketed Point Tag Loc 1 Loc 3 Type Value Geography Matching to Loc 3 Byte 11 Byte 81 Bytes 159-167 Byte 181 D Blank MOW N AMS D Blank STO N AMS D Blank AMS N NYC D Blank LON N NYC D Blank REK N No Match A Blank NYC N AMS A Blank REK N No Match A Blank LON N AMS A Blank AMS N MOW A Blank STO N MOW D Blank MOW P No Match D Blank STO P MOW D Blank AMS P STO D Blank LON P AMS D Blank REK P No Match A Blank NYC P No Match A Blank REK P No Match A Blank LON P NYC A Blank AMS P LON A Blank STO P AMS D U MOW N AMS D U STO N AMS D U AMS N NYC D U LON N NYC D U REK N NYC A U NYC N AMS A U REK N AMS A U LON N AMS A U AMS N MOW

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Tax Point Tag Ticketed Point Tag Loc 1 Loc 3 Type Value Geography Matching to Loc 3 Byte 11 Byte 81 Bytes 159-167 Byte 181 A U STO N MOW D U MOW P No Match D U STO P MOW D U AMS P STO D U LON P AMS D U REK P LON A U NYC P No Match A U REK P NYC A U LON P REK A U AMS P LON A U STO P AMS

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The following are examples of the use of via points which must match when Loc 3 Type = N.

Itinerary: MOW – X/STO – AMS – X/RTM - X/LON – (REK*) – NYC *where REK is an unticketed point assumed to be a connection

Tax Point Ticketed Point Matching Loc 3 Point Matching Loc 2 To Loc 2 Meaning Match Tag Point Tag To Loc 1 Type To Loc 3 Intl/Dom Result

Byte 11 Byte 81 Bytes 159-167 Byte Bytes 181-189 Byte 168 Bytes 171-179 180 D Blank MOW N AMS I Blank Travel between Match MOW and AMS (STO) must not include any stopovers and must include a ticketed connection not in the same nation as MOW D Blank MOW N AMS D Blank Travel between No Match MOW and AMS must be via a ticketed point in the same nation as MOW D Blank MOW N AMS blank N SE Travel between Match MOW and AMS (STO) must be via a ticketed point in nation SE D Blank MOW N AMS blank N US Travel between No Match MOW and AMS must be via a ticketed point in nation US

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Tax Point Ticketed Point Matching Loc 3 Point Matching Loc 2 To Loc 2 Meaning Match Tag Point Tag To Loc 1 Type To Loc 3 Intl/Dom Result

D Blank AMS N NYC I Blank Travel between Match AMS and NYC must (LON) not include any stopovers and must include a ticketed connection not in the same nation as AMS D Blank AMS N NYC D Blank Travel between Match AMS and NYC must (RTM) be via a ticketed point in the same nation as AMS D Blank AMS N NYC Blank N SE Travel between Mo Match AMS and NYC must be via a ticketed point in nation SE D Blank AMS N NYC Blank N US Travel between No Match AMS and NYC must be via a ticketed point in nation US A Blank NYC N AMS I Blank Travel between Match NYC and AMS must (LON) be via a ticketed point not in the same nation as NYC A Blank NYC N AMS D Blank Travel between No Match NYC and AMS must be via a ticketed point in the same nation as NYC

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Tax Point Ticketed Point Matching Loc 3 Point Matching Loc 2 To Loc 2 Meaning Match Tag Point Tag To Loc 1 Type To Loc 3 Intl/Dom Result

A Blank NYC N AMS Blank N SE Travel between No Match NYC and AMS must be via a ticketed point in nation SE A Blank NYC N AMS Blank N US Travel between No Match NYC and AMS must be via a ticketed point in nation US A Blank AMS N MOW I blank Travel between Match AMS and MOW (STO) must be via a ticketed point not in the same nation as AMS A Blank AMS N MOW D blank Travel between No Match AMS and MOW must be via a ticketed point in the same nation as AMS A Blank AMS N MOW Blank N SE Travel between Match AMS and MOW (STO) must be via a ticketed point in nation SE A Blank AMS N MOW Blank N US Travel between No Match AMS and MOW must be via a ticketed point in nation US

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Tax Point Ticketed Point Matching Loc 3 Point Matching Loc 2 To Loc 2 Meaning Match Tag Point Tag To Loc 1 Type To Loc 3 Intl/Dom Result

D U MOW N AMS I Blank Travel between Match MOW and AMS (STO) must be via a point not in the same nation as MOW D U MOW N AMS D Blank Travel between No Match MOW and AMS must be via a point in the same nation as MOW D U MOW N AMS blank N SE Travel between Match MOW and AMS (STO) must be via a point in nation SE D U MOW N AMS blank N US Travel between No Match MOW and AMS must be via a point in nation US D U AMS N NYC I Blank Travel between Match AMS and NYC must (LON) be via a point not in the same nation as AMS D U AMS N NYC D Blank Travel between Match AMS and NYC must (RTM) be via a point in the same nation as AMS D U AMS N NYC blank N SE Travel between No Match AMS and NYC must be via a point in nation SE

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Tax Point Ticketed Point Matching Loc 3 Point Matching Loc 2 To Loc 2 Meaning Match Tag Point Tag To Loc 1 Type To Loc 3 Intl/Dom Result

D U AMS N NYC Blank N FI Travel between Match AMS and NYC must (REK) be via a point in nation FI D U AMS N NYC Blank N US Travel between No Match AMS and NYC must be via a point in nation US A U NYC N AMS I Blank Travel between Match NYC and AMS must (REK) be via a point not in the same nation as NYC A U NYC N AMS D Blank Travel between No match NYC and AMS must be via a point in the same nation as NYC A U NYC N AMS Blank N SE Travel between No Match NYC and AMS must be via a point in nation SE A U NYC N AMS Blank N FI Travel between Match NYC and AMS must (REK) be via a point in nation FI A U NYC N AMS Blank N US Travel between No Match NYC and AMS must be via a point in nation US

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Tax Point Ticketed Point Matching Loc 3 Point Matching Loc 2 To Loc 2 Meaning Match Tag Point Tag To Loc 1 Type To Loc 3 Intl/Dom Result

A U REK N AMS I Blank Travel between Match REK and AMS must (LON) be via a point not in the same nation as REK A U REK N AMS D Blank Travel between No Match REK and AMS must be via a point in the same nation as REK A U REK N AMS Blank N SE Travel between No Match REK and AMS must be via a point in nation SE A U REK N AMS Blank N FI Travel between No Match REK and AMS must be via a point in nation FI A U REK N AMS Blank N US Travel between No Match REK and AMS must be via a point in nation US A U AMS N MOW I Blank Travel between Match AMS and MOW (STO) must be via a point not in the same nation as AMS A U AMS N MOW D Blank Travel between No Match AMS and MOW must be via a point in the same nation as AMS

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Tax Point Ticketed Point Matching Loc 3 Point Matching Loc 2 To Loc 2 Meaning Match Tag Point Tag To Loc 1 Type To Loc 3 Intl/Dom Result

A U AMS N MOW Blank N FI Travel between No Match AMS and MOW must be via a point in nation FI A U AMS N MOW Blank N SE Travel between Match AMS and MOW (STO) must be via a point in nation SE A U AMS N MOW Blank N US Travel between No Match AMS and MOW must be via a point in nation US

Page E.03.X1.133 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Stopover Specifications (bytes 208-218)

This section contains the following fields:

Tax Point Geo Spec – Stopover Time Tag (bytes 208-210) Tax Point Geo Spec – Stopover Time Unit (byte 211) Tax Point Geo Spec – Connection Tags (bytes 212-218)

The Stopover Specifications affect data coded within the following fields:

Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic (byte 156) Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 1 Stopover Tag (byte 158)

Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 International/Domestic (byte 168) Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Comparison (byte 169) Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170)

Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 3 Type (byte 180) Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 3 (181-189)

Stopovers and connections are very common components of tax rules, generally for (but not limited to) the following types of application:

(1) if the passenger is connecting at the tax point, no tax is applicable (2) if the passenger is connecting at the tax point, pay a reduced rate of tax (3) tax is assessed from the tax point up to the next point of stopover instead of the next point

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Coding of the times which constitute a stopover can be varied at the sequence level. Minutes are the lowest level of detail which can be coded. No consideration is given to seconds as units of time in assessing a stopover or transfer. The following hierarchy applies, for the Stopover Time Tag and Stopover Time Unit:

(1) The general assumption is that a stopover occurs when the passenger spends more than 24 hours (i.e. > 24 hours) at an intermediate point on the journey/service. With no other data coded, if the passenger stops for more than 24 hours at the intermediate point, it will match only if the point is required to be a stopover or has no restriction. The same point cannot match a connection requirement. (2) A specific time and unit can be coded in the Stopover Time Tag and Unit (bytes 208-211) fields to override the general assumption, for example stopover > 6 hours. This means that if the passenger stops for more than the coded time at the tax point, it will match only if the point is required to be a stopover or has no restriction. The same point cannot match a connection requirement. This same field can be used to code a non-standard override, such as the UK arrival before/after connection rules. (3) Connection Tags (bytes 212-218) can be added to specify a general override, such as “point of turnaround is always a stopover”. In this case, if the point assessed matches the description in the connection tag, it will match only if the point is required to be a stopover or has no restriction. The same point cannot match a connection requirement. This overrides any data coded in the Stopover Time Tag and Unit fields (bytes 208-211).

To summarize, intermediate points are designated stopovers according to the following hierarchy:

(1) per Tax Point Geo Spec – Connection Tags (bytes 212-218); if none then (2) per Tax Point Geo Spec – Stopover Time and Unit (bytes 208-211); if none then (3) per default 24 hour rule

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An example of the use of this data is as follows:

Passenger itinerary: AKL – SYD – AKL Passenger remains in SYD for 5 hours on the same day

By the default rule, SYD is a connection point (5 hours is less than 24 hours) and so matches only as a connection.

However, within tax code AU AU, the transit time tag and unit states 000 D (same calendar day = connection). In this case, SYD is also now a connection, because the passenger is at the Tax Point for less than one day – returning to AKL within the same calendar day.

However, within tax code AU AU, there is also a connection tag (value = B) which states that if SYD is the point of turnaround, it must always be treated as a stopover. As SYD is clearly the point of turnaround, it must be treated as a stopover as this takes precedence.

Therefore, if tax code AU AU:

(1) exempts connections on the same day (2) taxes anything else at 47 AUD

The departure from SYD must be taxes at 47 AUD because it will not match to a connection point exemption, and will instead match to a charge applied to all other departures from Australia.

AKL – SYD (arrive 23:00, depart 02:00 following day) – SYD is a connection by time (3 hours), but a stopover because it runs over 1 calendar day.

AKL – SYD (arrive 23:00, depart 23:01 following day) – SYD is clearly a stopover as it is more than 24 hours.

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Some points within the itinerary are always considered to be stopovers:

(1) the starting point of the itinerary or the service (2) the ending point of the itinerary or the service

Note that the starting and ending points of the service may be different from the starting and ending points of the itinerary, in the instance that the service is covering only a portion of travel in the passenger itinerary, for example:

Passenger Itinerary BJS TYO WAS LON WAS TYO BJS Service Itinerary (YQ) TYO WAS LON Service Itinerary – Meal WAS TYO

When processing the itinerary Taxable Unit: The starting point of the passenger itinerary is BJS, which is always assumed to be a stopover The ending point of the passenger itinerary is BJS, which is always assumed to be a stopover

When processing the Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Taxable Unit: The starting point of the service itinerary (YQ) is TYO, which is always assumed to be a stopover The ending point of the service itinerary (YQ) is LON, which is always assumed to be a stopover

When processing the Optional Service – Flight Related Taxable Unit: The starting point of the service itinerary (meal) is WAS, which is always assumed to be a stopover The starting point of the service itinerary (meal) is TYO, which is always assumed to be a stopover

The values expressed in bytes 208-218 in no way affect the establishment of the point of turnaround of the journey, which is pre- determined at time of pricing of the itinerary or service.

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Stopover Time Tag and Unit (bytes 208-211)

These fields define the maximum amount of time allowed at the points matching to the Tax Point Geographic Specification fields (bytes 156-210) before the point is considered to be a stopover.

The stopover determination is defined by the physical time at the point processed against the data held within these values, regardless of the fare calculation, how the good for passage is indicated (X/O), or if a stopover charge was assessed or not.

The only exception to this rule is over surface or void segments, where a change of city over a surface sector always makes the points on either side of the void or surface sector a stopover. Further details of surface and void segment processing can be found in Section

Data in the Connection Tags (bytes 212-218) can always override these specifications to define whether the point matching to Loc 1 (the tax point), the point matching to Loc 2, and/or the point matching to Loc 3 are stopovers.

The first and last points in any itinerary are always considered to be stopovers (i.e. time is not considered in the assessment).

Following is an explanation of the applicable fields/values:

Time (bytes 208-210): Specifies the maximum amount of time at a point (including fare break points) before the point becomes a stopover (note that this field can also contain alpha values to express exceptional stopover conditions).

Unit (byte 211): Specifies the unit in which the Time data in bytes 208-210 is expressed, as follows: Value N = Minutes Value H = Hours Value D = Days Value M = Months Value P = Hours within the same calendar day

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Expression of “same calendar day” is achieved by coding 000 in the stopover time field, and D (days) in the stopover unit field.

Expression of hours within the same calendar day is achieved by coding the number of hours in the stopover time field, and P (hours within the same calendar day) in the stopover unit field, for example: 006 P means that if the passenger spends more than 6 hours in the same calendar day, or crosses calendar days, the point is considered to be a stopover. If the passenger spends 6 hours or less in the same calendar day, the point is considered to be a connection.

There is no consideration of seconds in the publication of flight schedules, and therefore there is no consideration of seconds as a unit of stopover time in the tax data application.

“Months” for the purpose of determining stopover time will be a period of time from a given date in one month to the corresponding date in a subsequent month, for example:

001M One Month Must be greater than e.g. 01 January – 01 February to be a stopover 002M Two Months Must be greater than e.g. 15 January – 15 March to be a stopover 003M Three Months Must be greater than e.g. 30 January – 30 April to be a stopover

Where the corresponding date does not exist in a shorter subsequent month, then the month(s) shall mean from a given date in one month to the last day of the shorter subsequent month e.g. one month stopover 30 January – greater than 28 or 29 February

When the given date is the last day in one month, then the corresponding date in a subsequent month will be the last day of the subsequent month(s), for example:

001M One Month Must be greater than e.g. 31 January – 28 or 29 February to be a stopover 002M Two Months Must be greater than e.g. 28 or 29 February – 30 April to be a stopover 003M Three Months Must be greater than e.g. 30 April – 31 July to be a stopover

When numeric data is present in Time, edits require data in Unit. A stopover occurs when there is an arrival at the point matching to Loc 1/Loc 2/Loc 3 that is scheduled to depart (local time) later than the specified Time and Unit after the arrival time (local time). A connection occurs when there is an arrival at the point matching to Loc 1/Loc 2/Loc 3 that is scheduled to depart (local time) in the specified Time and Unit or less after the arrival time (local time).

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Example: Time (bytes 208-210) = 010 Unit (byte 211) = H Result: If departure from the point is scheduled more than 10 hours after arrival (local time) into the point, then the point is a stopover. If departure from the point is scheduled 10 hours or less after arrival (local time) at the point, then the point is a connection.

When Time is value 000 and Unit is value D, this signifies “same calendar day.” A stopover occurs when there is an arrival at The point that is scheduled to depart (local time) later than the day of arrival (local time). A connection occurs when there is an arrival at The point that is scheduled to depart (local time) on the same day as the arrival (local time). When Time is Value 000, edits only permit value D in the Unit field.

When Time is a given value, for example 006, and Unit is value P, this signifies “hours within the same calendar day”. A stopover occurs when there is an arrival at The point that is scheduled to depart (local time) more than 6 hours within the same day as arrival (local time), or later than the day of arrival (local time). A connection occurs when there is an arrival at The point that is scheduled to depart (local time) on the same day as the arrival (local time) and less than 6 hours from the time of arrival (local time).

When Time and Unit are value Blank, these fields have no application.

The following exceptions can also be coded in the Stopover Time Tag field instead of a numeric value, where the Unit will be blank:

A Non-standard domestic (stopover means greater than 6 hours when arriving before 17:00 local time and departing on a domestic flight, or departing on a domestic flight after 10:00 on the next day if arriving at or after 17:00) D Stopover means standard domestic transit of greater than 4 hours at the tax point (domestic US/CA journeys) and greater than 6 hours for all other country domestic tax points

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The Stopover Time Tag applies:

(1) when determining if the point matching to Loc 1 and/or Loc 2 is a stopover or connection in order to process the data in Loc 1 Stopover Tag (byte 158) and/or Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170). (2) to determine what cities/airports can match to the Loc 3 field (bytes 181-189) when the Loc 3 Type (byte 180) is set to N (next stop). (3) In the application of the Loc 1 Adjacent International/Domestic (byte 156)

The Stopover Time Tag and Unit can be supplemented or overridden in any record by data coded in the Connection Tag fields (bytes 212-218).

The Stopover Time Tag and Unit fields modify the definition of Stopover (see definition in Section 2.1) by defining an alternate maximum time period required between the scheduled times of arrival and departure at an intermediate point before that point is defined as a stopover.

These fields do not impact the designation of stopover to the following points, which are always considered stopovers: • journey/service origin point • journey/service destination point • the end points of surface sectors where the points on either side are in different cities (further details of surface and void segment processing may be found in Section

Data in the Connection Tags (bytes 212-218) takes precedence over data in Stopover Time Tag and Unit (bytes 208-211). That is, if Connection Tags (bytes 212-218) defines a point as a stopover, it is considered a stopover and any data in Stopover Time Tag and Unit (bytes 208-211) is ignored.

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Tax Point Geo Spec – Connection Tags (Bytes 212-218)

These tags indicate the type of attributes of an itinerary which constitute a connection or a stopover when they are not based on specific times. In order to provide flexibility, the space has been given for up to 7 connection type characteristics to apply to a single record which will all be treated as ‘or’ statements. In other words, as long as at least one of the connection tag qualifications applies to the point being assessed, then the status of the point being assessed is set based on the instruction.

These tags override any other assumptions about the constitution of a connection or a stopover point, and will be considered prior to evaluating geography within the record, as these tags will influence the point being matched.

Before the connection tags can be processed, assumptions around connections and stopovers must be applied to the geography in the itinerary or service based on the standard stopover definition or the stopover time tag and unit. Processing these connection tags then applies any special rules to the definition of connection and stopover, and may change the status of certain points in the itinerary from a connection to a stopover based on the rules detailed below. When applying these tags, the processing is first to mark all points based on the default assumption (24 hours, then to apply the Stopover Time Tag and Unit (bytes 208-211), and then changing or overriding any points to stopover as defined by the specific value below.

Edits in the Record X1 – Cross Edits document define which Connection Tags can be coded together.

The specific connection types are given below. When Bytes 212-218 are all blank, they have no application.

Turnaround Point Considered Stop for Connection Itineraries (A)

If the point matching to Loc 1 or Loc 2 (the tax point or the preceding/subsequent point) or Loc 3 (next stopover) is also the point of journey turnaround and the entire itinerary is made up of connection points (transfers), the journey turnaround is always considered to be a stopover for the purposes of matching. This does not change the definition of journey turnaround. Value A cannot be coded if value B is coded as a Connection Tag in the same sequence.

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Turnaround Point Considered Stop for Most Itineraries (B)

If the point matching to Loc 1 or Loc 2 (the tax point or the preceding/subsequent point) or Loc 3 (next stopover) is also the point of journey turnaround, the journey turnaround is considered to be a stopover for the purposes of matching except when either of the following is true: • the point of journey turnaround is a stopover or fare break point on the itinerary more than once or • one or more stopovers or fare break points exist between (a) the point of journey turnaround and (b), disregarding the point of journey turnaround, the stopover or fare break point that is furthest from journey origin This does not change the definition of journey turnaround. Value B cannot be coded if value A is coded as a Connection Tag in the same sequence.

Fare Breaks Considered Stop (C)

If the point matching to Loc 1 or Loc 2 (the tax point or the preceding/subsequent point) or Loc 3 (next stopover) is also a fare break point, the fare break point is always considered to be a stopover for the purposes of matching. Value C cannot be coded if value D is coded as a Connection Tag in the same sequence.

Furthest Fare Break Considered Stop (D)

If the point matching to Loc 1 or Loc 2 (the tax point or the preceding/subsequent point) or Loc 3 (next stopover) is the furthest fare break point in the itinerary, the furthest fare break point is always considered to be a stopover for the purposes of matching. Value D cannot be coded if value C is coded as a Connection Tag in the same sequence.

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Ground Transport to Air Considered Stop (E)

If the point matching to Loc 1 or Loc 2 (the tax point or the preceding/subsequent point) or Loc 3 (next stopover) is a connection with ground transportation (e.g. train) coming into the point and departing the same point using , the change from ground to air is always considered to be a stopover for the purposes of matching.

Ground Transportation equipment codes can be found in ATPCO Automated Rules And Footnotes Subscription Service Appendix F.

Offline Connection Considered Stop (F)

If the point matching to Loc 1 or Loc 2 (the tax point or the preceding/subsequent point) or Loc 3 (next stopover) is a connection coming into the point and departing the same point with a different marketing carrier, the offline connection is always considered to be a stopover for the purposes of matching.

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Different Airport Code Same City Code Considered Stop (G)

If the point matching to Loc 1 or Loc 2 (the tax point or the preceding/subsequent point) or Loc 3 (next stopover) or Loc is a connection and is part of a surface (void) sector when the preceding point is the same city but a different airport (for example, LHR /- LGW), the change of airport is always considered to be a stop for the purposes of matching.

Domestic to International gateway Considered Stop (H)

If the point matching to Loc 1 or Loc 2 (the tax point or the preceding/subsequent point) or Loc 3 (next stopover) is a gateway point from a domestic flight into the point to an international flight out of the same point (in other words when the country code of the previous point is the same as the country code of the point, and the next point is different to the country code of the point), the gateway is always considered to be a stopover for the purposes of matching.

International to Domestic gateway Considered Stop (I)

If the point matching to Loc 1 or Loc 2 (the tax point or the preceding/subsequent point) or Loc 3 (next stopover) is a gateway point from an international flight into the point to a domestic flight out of the same point (in other words when the country code of the previous point is the different to the country code of the point, and the next point is the same as the country code of the point), the gateway is always considered to be a stopover for the purposes of matching.

International to International gateway Considered Stop (J)

If the point matching to Loc 1 or Loc 2 (the tax point or the preceding/subsequent point) or Loc 3 (next stopover) is a gateway point from an international flight into the point to an international flight out of the same point (in other words when the country code of the previous point is the different to the country code of the point, and the next point is different to the country code of the point), the gateway is always considered to be a stopover for the purposes of matching.

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The following are examples of the application of the Stopover Time Tag, Stopover Time Unit, and Connection Tags. For the following itinerary:

WAS – LON - X/FRA 1000.00 - LON - WAS 1000.00

Passenger is in Frankfurt for 10 hours and 59 minutes on the same calendar day (i.e. arrives at 10:00 a.m. and departs at 8:59 p.m.) Both London departures are stopovers.

Passenger flies into FRA on airline XX and departs FRA on airline ZZ.

Passenger flies into FRA (1) and departs from FRA (2) i.e. change of airport same city

Stopover Stopover Time Connection Status of Reason Time Tag Unit Tags FRA 000 blank blank Connection Stay <= 24 hours 011 H blank Connection Stay <= 11 hours 010 H blank Stopover Stay > 10 hours 006 H blank Stopover Stay > 6 hours 659 N blank Connection Stay <= 659 minutes 000 D blank Connection Depart same day 006 P blank Stopover Stay > 6 hours and depart same day 001 M blank Connection Stay <= 1 month 000 blank A Connection FRA = turnaround, but itinerary contains other stops, so A does not apply 006 H A Stopover FRA = turnaround, but itinerary contains other stops, so A does not apply, but stay > 6 hours 000 blank B Stopover FRA = turnaround 006 H B Stopover FRA = turnaround 000 blank C Stopover FRA = fare break point 006 H C Stopover FRA = fare break point 000 blank D Stopover FRA = furthest fare break point 006 H D Stopover FRA = furthest fare break point 000 blank E Connection FRA is not ground to air transportation. Stay <= 24 hours 006 H E Stopover FRA is not ground to air transportation. Stay > 6 hours

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Stopover Stopover Time Connection Status of Reason Time Tag Unit Tags FRA 000 blank F Stopover FRA = offline connection 006 H F Stopover FRA = offline connection 000 blank G Stopover FRA = change of airport in the same city 006 H G Stopover FRA = change of airport in the same city 000 blank H Connection FRA is not a gateway. Stay <=24 hours 006 H H Stopover FRA is not a gateway. Stay > 6 hours 000 blank I Connection FRA is not a gateway. Stay <=24 hours 006 H I Stopover FRA is not a gateway. Stay > 6 hours 000 blank J Connection FRA is not a gateway. Stay <=24 hours 006 H J Stopover FRA is not a gateway. Stay > 6 hours 000 blank E,H, I, J Connection FRA does not meet any of the criteria of E, H, I, or J. Stay <=24 hours 006 H E,H, I, J Connection FRA does not meet any of the criteria of E, H, I, or J. Stay > 6 hours 000 blank B, E, H, I, J Stopover FRA does not meet the criteria of E, H, I or J. FRA is the point of turnaround 000 blank B, C, D, F, G Stopover FRA meets the criteria of B, C, D, F, and G. At least one has been met.

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4.1.19 Service and Baggage Table Application Tag (byte 219)

This field can be used either: • to indicate that the X1 record may be matched only if another tax applies to the same transaction, or • to limit the applicability of the X1 record to a subset of the services within the taxable units defined by the coded Taxable Unit Tags (bytes 24-31, 33). Refer to the definition of “service” in Section 2.1.

The valid values are:

A match may or may not be made to the X1 record being validated if the service being processed is subject to a different C tax (from another X1 record), and that tax is contained in the Service and Baggage Table 168 (bytes 220-228) of the X1 record being validated.

A match may or may not be made to the current X1 record if the service being processed is part of a taxable unit coded in E Taxable Unit Tags (bytes 24-33) and is contained in Service and Baggage Table 168 (bytes 220-228).

Blank No application

Examples of when byte 219 could be used are: • Value C - The US Flight Segment Tax (ZP) is levied on transportation that is subject to the US Domestic Transportation Tax. • Value E – Canadian Harmonized Sales Tax (RC) is levied on domestic transportation as well as on Canadian Airport Improvement Fees (i.e. Tax on Tax)

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Value C Processing

When byte 219 = C, processing performs the following steps for each service that appears on the itinerary/service pricing solution and that is part of the taxable units coded in bytes 24-33 for the tax point being processed.

STEP 1 STEP 2 (starting with the first Tbl 168 sequence)

Identify all X1 records that, in the current If Tbl 168 Appl (byte 16) = Y: transaction, result in the assessment of a nonzero tax amount (or a zero tax amount • If the tax code and tax type in the TBL 168 sequences matches to one of the X1 records calculated using the deduct method byte 380 identified in step 1, a match is made to the TBL 168 and the X1 record for the service value E) on the itinerary/service being being processed, provided a match is made to all other X1 match fields; do not process processed, to be recorded on the same any further TBL 168 sequences accountable document, and in which:

• If the tax code and the tax type in the TBL 168 sequence do not match to any of the X1 • Tax Point Tag = S, or records identified in step 1, ignore the TBL 168 sequence and continue to the next one; if

no further TBL 168 sequences exist, no match the TBL 168 and the X1 record for the • Tax Point Tag = D or A, and the portion service being processed of service between the points matching to

Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 is the

same as or wholly encompasses that of the

X1 record being validated, or If Tbl 168 Appl (byte 16) = X:

• Tax Point Tag = X, and the point • If the tax code and the tax type in the tbl 168 sequence match to one of the X1 records matching to Point of Service Delivery identified in step 1, no match the Tbl 168 and the X1 record for the service being (bytes 109-117) is the same as that of the processed; do not process any further Tbl 168 sequences X1 record being validated

• If the tax code and the tax type in the tbl 168 sequence do not match to any of the X1 If there are no such X1 records, ignore Step 2 records identified in step 1, ignore the Tbl 168 sequence and continue to the next one; if no and no match the Table 168 and the X1 record further Tbl 168 sequences exist, no match the Tbl 168 and the X1 record for the service for the itinerary/service being processed. being processed

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Value C Example 1

X1 Record Nation Tax Code Tax Tax Point Sequence Taxable Unit 9 Journey Geo Spec – Type Tag Number Itinerary Travel Wholly Within Bytes 3-4 Bytes 5-6 Bytes 7-8 Byte 11 Bytes 17-23 Byte 32 Bytes 147-155 US ZP 001 D 150000 X US

Tax Point Service & Baggage Service & Baggage Specified Tax Loc 1 Tbl Application Tag Tbl 168 Bytes 159-167 Byte 219 Bytes 220-227 Bytes 331-345 US C 00000226 USD4.00

Service & Baggage Table 168 #00000226 Appl Tax Code Tax Type Sequence Reference Byte 16 Bytes 20-21 Bytes 22-24 1st Y US 003 2nd Y US 004

The data indicates that a match is made to the X1 record and a US/ZP/001 tax of USD4.00 applies to Taxable Unit Itinerary on the departure from the tax point being processed when the tax point is in the US and the itinerary is wholly within the US, provided that a match is made to a different X1 sequence in which each of the following three conditions is true: • Tax Code (bytes 5-6) = US and Tax Type (bytes 7-9) = 003 or 004 • either o Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D and the points matching to Tax Point Loc1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are the same as or encompass those in the X1 sequence being validated or o Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = S • a nonzero tax (or a zero tax calculated using the deduct method - byte 380 value E) is assessed on Taxable Unit Itinerary (byte 32 = X) – that is, on the same service as that of the X1 sequence being processed

Value C Example 2

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X1 Record Nation Tax Code Tax Tax Point Sequence Taxable Unit 1 Cxr Taxable Unit 3 Optional Taxable Unit 8 Type Tag Number Imposed Fees Scvs - Flight Related Tax on Tax (YQ/YR) Bytes 3-4 Bytes 5-6 Bytes 7-8 Byte 11 Bytes 17-23 Byte 24 Byte 26 Byte 28 MY MY 009 D 1325000 X X Blank

Taxable Unit 9 Tax Point Tax Point Loc Tax Point Service & Baggage Tbl Service & Baggage Specified Tax Itinerary Loc 1 2 Stop/Cnx Loc 2 Application Tag Tbl 168 Byte 32 Bytes 159-167 Byte 170 Bytes 171-179 Byte 219 Bytes 220-227 Bytes 331-345 X MY blank AE C 24242424 USD15.00

Service & Baggage Table 168 #24242424 Sequence Reference Appl Tax Code Tax Type Byte 16 Bytes 20-21 Bytes 22-24 1st Y MY 002 2nd Y ZZ 004 3rd X PP 003 4th Y PP blank The data indicates that a match is made to the X1 record and an MY/MY/009 fee of USD15.00 applies to each of the following services: • all carrier imposed fees (YQ/YR) fees and • all optional service – flight related fees and • itinerary (fares(s)) that are priced in the current transaction on • the same portion of service matched to by the current X1 record (Malaysia to UAE) or • a portion of service that wholly contains the portion of travel or service matched to by the current X1 record and to which – by means of a different X1 record – a nonzero amount of one or more of the following taxes is assessed: • tax code (bytes 5-6) = MY, tax type (bytes 7-9) = 002 or • tax code (bytes 5-6) = ZZ, tax type (bytes 7-9) = 004 or

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• tax code (bytes 5-6) = PP, tax type (bytes 7-9) = any value except 003

Value C Example 3

X1 Record Nation Tax Code Tax Tax Point Sequence Taxable Unit 1 Cxr Taxable Unit 3 Optional Taxable Unit 8 Type Tag Number Imposed Fees Scvs - Flight Related Tax on Tax (YQ/YR) Bytes 3-4 Bytes 5-6 Bytes 7-8 Byte 11 Bytes 17- Byte 24 Byte 26 Byte 28 23 XX XX 001 S 1325000 X X blank

Taxable Unit 9 Journey within Service & Baggage Tbl Service & Baggage Specified Tax Itinerary Application Tag Tbl 168 Byte 32 Bytes 147-155 Byte 219 Bytes 220-227 Bytes 331-345 X N XX C 24242424 USD15.00

Service & Baggage Table 168 #24242424 Sequence Reference Appl Tax Code Tax Type Byte 16 Bytes 20-21 Bytes 22-24 1st Y MY 002 2nd Y ZZ 004 3rd X PP 003 4th Y PP blank

The data indicates that, if the entire itinerary (on the ticket) is within country XX, a match is made to the X1 record and an XX/XX/001 fee of USD15.00 applies to each of the following services: • all carrier imposed fees (YQ/YR) fees and • all optional service – flight related fees and • entire base itinerary fare that are priced anywhere on the ticket or on the EMD and on which – by means of a different X1 record – a nonzero amount of one or more of the following taxes is assessed on the same document:

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• tax code (bytes 5-6) = MY, tax type (bytes 7-9) = 002 (without regard to the tax point tag of the X1 sequence that applied the MY tax) and/or • tax code (bytes 5-6) = ZZ, tax type (bytes 7-9) = 004 (without regard to the tax point tag of the X1 sequence that applied the ZZ tax) and/or • tax code (bytes 5-6) = PP, tax type (bytes 7-9) = any value except 003 (without regard to the tax point tag of the X1 sequence that applied the PP tax) provided a match is made to all other X1 match fields.

Value E Processing

When byte 219 = E, processing performs the following steps for each taxable unit coded in bytes 24-31 and 33:

For each service charged at the tax point being processed that is part of the taxable unit, apply the table 168 as follows:

For each Tbl 168 Sequence in the Record X1:

If Tbl 168 Appl (byte 16) = Y:

• If the tax code and the tax type in the tbl 168 sequence match to the service being processed, a match is made to the Tbl 168 and the X1 record for the service being processed, provided a match is made to all other X1 match fields; do not process any further Tbl 168 sequences

• If the tax code and the tax type in the tbl 168 sequence do not match the service being processed, ignore the Tbl 168 sequence and continue to the next one; if no further Tbl 168 sequences exist, no match the Tbl 168 and the X1 record for the service being processed

If Tbl 168 Appl (byte 16) = X:

• If the tax code and the tax type in the tbl 168 sequence match to the service being processed, no match the Tbl 168 and the X1 record for the service being processed; do not process any further Tbl 168 sequences

• If the tax code and the tax type in the tbl 168 sequence do not match to the service being processed, ignore the Tbl 168 sequence and continue to the next one; if no further Tbl 168 sequences exist, no match the Tbl 168 and the X1 record for the service being processed

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The value E processing steps are not followed and Service and Baggage Table Application Tag (byte 219) is ignored when the taxable unit being processed is Itinerary (byte 32 = X). Value E Example 1: Record X1 Nation Tax Code Tax Type Tax Point Sequence Taxable Unit 8 Tag Number Tax on Tax Bytes 3-4 Bytes 5-6 Bytes 7-8 Byte 11 Bytes 17-23 Byte 31 CA RC 004 D 102500 X

Tax Point Service & Baggage Service & Baggage Tax Percent Loc 1 Tbl - Appl Tag Tbl 168 Bytes 159-167 Byte 219 Bytes 220-227 bytes 346-352 PE CA E 00000486 014.0000

Service & Baggage Table 168 #00000486 Sequence Reference Appl Tax Code Tax Type

Byte 16 Bytes 20-21 Bytes 22-24 1st Y SQ blank

The data indicates that a match is made to the X1 record when the tax point being interrogated is a departure from a point in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island and that point is assessed with, per a different X1 sequence, a tax with Tax Code (bytes 5- 6) = SQ and with any Tax Type (bytes 7-9). If a match is made, a CA/RC tax is assessed equal to 14% of the SQ tax amount.

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Value E Example 2: Record X1 Nation Tax Code Tax Type Tax Point Sequence Taxable Unit 1 Cxr Taxable Unit 3 Optional Scvs Tag Number Imposed Fees (YQ/YR) -Flight related Bytes 3-4 Bytes 5-6 Bytes 7-8 Byte 11 Bytes 17-23 Byte 24 Byte 26 MY MY 009 D 1325000 X X

Taxable Unit 9 Tax Point Tax Point Loc Tax Point Service & Baggage Service & Baggage Specified Tax Iitinerary Loc 1 2 Stop/Cnx Loc 2 Tbl - Appl Tag Tbl 168 Byte 32 Bytes 159-167 Byte 170 Bytes 171-179 Byte 219 Bytes 220-227 Bytes 331-345 X MY blank AE E 56565656 USD30.00

Service & Baggage Table 168 #56565656 Sequence Reference Appl Tax Code Tax Type

Byte 16 Bytes 20-21 Bytes 22-24 1st X OC 0BE 2nd Y OC 3rd Y YQ I The data indicates that a match is made to the X1 record for the service being processed and an MY/MY/009 fee of USD30.00 is assessed if the service being processed is: • an optional service – flight related fee whose subcode is not 0BE or • a carrier imposed fee with tax code YQ and subcode I or • itinerary [fare(s)] on a portion of service with a departure point in Malaysia when the next ticketed point is in the United Arab Emirates, provided a match is made to all other X1 match fields.

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Value E Example 3:

Record X1 Nation Tax Code Tax Type Tax Point Sequence Taxable Unit 1 Taxable Unit 3 Tag Number Cxr Imposed Fees (YQ/YR) Optional Scvs-Flight related Bytes 3-4 Bytes 5-6 Bytes 7-8 Byte 11 Bytes 17-23 Byte 24 Byte 26 MY MY 009 S 1325000 X X

Taxable Unit 9 Journey Service & Service & Baggage Specified Tax Itinerary within Baggage Tbl - Tbl 168 Appl Tag Byte 32 Bytes 147- Byte 219 Bytes 220-227 Bytes 331-345 155 X N MY E 56565656 USD30.00

Service & Baggage Table 168 #56565656 Sequence Reference Appl Tax Code Tax Type

Byte 16 Bytes 20-21 Bytes 22-24 1st X OC 0BE 2nd Y OC Blank 3rd Y YQ I The data indicates that, if the entire itinerary (on the ticket) and/or if the entire service itinerary (on the EMD) is within Malaysia, a match is made to the X1 record for the service being processed and an MY/MY/009 fee of USD30.00 is assessed if the service being processed is: • an optional service – flight related fee whose subcode is not 0BE or • a carrier imposed fee with tax code YQ and subcode I or • itinerary [fare(s)] anywhere on the entire itinerary/service itinerary, provided a match is made to all other X1 match fields. that is to say, if it is a ticket that is being processed • assess $30 on each YQ I on the ticket being processed, if such exist, and

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• assess $30 on itinerary on the ticket being processed itinerary and if it is an EMD that is being processed, • assess $30 each not-0BE optional service ,if such exists on the EMD

4.1.20 Service and Baggage Table No. 168 (bytes 220-227) This table allows for a match to a specific tax or service code for the tax point.

If byte 219 = E (Service and Baggage Table Application Tag = Service and Baggage Table is matched to the taxable unit being processed), this table only has application to automated processing of Taxable Unit Tags 1-8. Itinerary Taxes (Taxable Unit Tag 9) and Change Fee (Taxable Unit Tag 10) have no application and will automatically match to the Service and Baggage Table in all cases.

If byte 219 = C (Service and Baggage Table Application Tag = Service and Baggage Table is matched to all other taxes, fees, and charges in the pricing transaction), this table has application to automated processing of Taxable Unit Tags 1-10.

These fields specify Tax, Service and Baggage Charge details which are required to match in order to match the Record X1 for the tax point. This data validates against specific Service Fee and Tax information which has been derived from the following previously matched records for the tax point and can be coded with details of:

Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Fees – Records S1 and S2 Ticketing Fees (OB and sub code) – Record S4 Optional Services (OC, Sub Code, Service Type, Attribute Group, and Attribute Sub Group) – Records S5, S6, and S7 Baggage Charges (OC and sub code) – Records S5, S6, and S7 Tax on Tax (Tax Code and Tax Type) – Records X1 and X2 Change Fee (OD or CP) = Category 31

The following fields exist within each record in Table 168: • Application Tag (Table 168 byte 16) • Fee Owner Carrier (Table 168 bytes 17-19) • Tax Code (Table 168 bytes 20-21) • Tax Type (Table 168 bytes 22-24) • Service Type (Table 168 byte 25)

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• Attribute Group (Table 168 bytes 26-28) • Attribute Sub Group (Table 168 bytes 29-31)

Fields within a Table 168 record are associated with an “and” relationship. Records within a Table 168 are associated with an “and/or” relationship. If there is not a match to all match fields (bytes 17-31) within any one record of the Table 168, then the Record X1 will be no matched.

If this field contains ‘00000000’, then there are no restrictions on the Service or Baggage Types in the record.

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These fields can be described as follows:

Application Tag (byte 16)

This mandatory field specifies the positive or negative application of the data in this Table 168 record. Processing will attempt to match the service to the data in Table 168 bytes 17-31. When Table 168 is a value greater than 00000000, processing attempts to match Table 168 records in the order they are received. Once a match is made to a Table 168 record, interrogate the Application Tag to determine if the matched service is permitted or not permitted and do not attempt to match another Table 168 record. If a match is not made to any Table 168 record, no match Table 168 and no match Record X1.

Valid values of this field are:

X Not Permitted. If a match is made to the remainder of the data in Table 168, value X indicates the matched service is not permitted. Processing will no match Table 168 and no match the Record X1 sequence (processing will not attempt to match another Table 168 record in this Record X1 sequence). Continue processing to the next Record X1 sequence. Y Permitted. If a match is made to the remainder of the data in Table 168, the matched service is permitted. Match Table 168 and match Record X1 (provided a match is made to all other Record X1 match fields).

Edits dictate that the occurrence of a Table 168 record with a negative application (value X) requires at least one Table 168 record (with the same table number) to contain a positive application (value Y).

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X OC 1FJ Y OC blank

Matching is based on service details and not the application tag, therefore:

If the service being processed is OC 2ZK, processing will no match to the first record in the table as it is not OC 1FJ. The application tag is not relevant. Processing will match to the second record in the table as it matches OC and has no sub code requirements. The application tag “permitted” causes this to be a match, and allows processing of the Record X1 to continue,

If the service being processed is OC 1FJ, processing will match to the first record in the table as it is OC 1FJ, and negative application instructs processing therefore to no match the Record X1.

If a negative application is coded in the Table 168, there must be at least one positive application. When the Application Tag is value ‘Y’ and all other fields are blank, the data indicates that all is permitted.

When Table 168 is value 00000000, there are no restrictions on the service applicable to the Record X1 being processed (subject to the remainder of the data in Record X1). Processing assumes an automatic match to Table 168.

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Fee Owner Carrier (bytes 17-19)

This field denotes the owning carrier of the fee which is coded in the sector. For change fee, this will be the validating carrier of the new ticket or miscellaneous document. For an optional service, this will be the owner of the service as coded in the record S5. Processing will match to the fee owner carrier as filed with the fee being taxed.

Any carrier (Tax Carrier) requesting an exception to be coded in the Service and Baggage Table No. 168 must match the Fee Owner Carrier, or be nominated as representative for coding for that fee owning carrier. This rule has no restriction on processing of the field and is for ATPCO edit information only. No such restriction applies to data coded for generic carriers (i.e. when Tax Carrier does not equal YY or ZZ).

Tax Code (bytes 20-21)

This field will be coded with different values depending upon the applicability of the sector:

Tax on Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Fees: Code YQ or YR Tax on Ticketing Fees: Code OB Tax on Optional Services: Code OC Tax on Baggage Charges: Code OC Tax on Tax: Code the actual tax code of the Tax, Fee, Charge which requires further taxation Tax on Change Fee: Code OD or OP

Processing will match to the designated code of the fee or tax for the tax point.

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Sub Code/Tax Type (bytes 22-24)

This field will be coded with different values depending upon the applicability of the sector:

Tax on Carrier-Imposed (YQ/YR) Fees: Code F or I Tax on Ticketing Fees: Sub code matching to the record S4 Tax on Optional Services: Sub code matching to the record S5 Tax on Baggage Charges: Sub code matching to the record S5 Tax on Tax: The Tax Type (001-ZZZ) as recorded in the Record X1 Tax on Change Fee: Blank

Processing will match to the service fee sub code (also known as the reason for issuance sub code) of the service being taxed. Alternatively, if a tax on tax is being processed, a match will be made to the Tax Type of the original tax applied.

Flight/Ticket/Merchandise Tag (byte 25)

This field is only applicable for taxes related to Optional Services and Baggage Charges, and will be coded with the following values:

F = Flight Related T = Ticket Related M = Merchandise R = Fare Related

Processing will match to the Flight/Ticket/Merchandise tag coded in the Record S5. This field only has application to Optional Services and Baggage Charges being taxed.

Attributes – Group (bytes 26-28)

This field only applies to taxes related to Optional Services and Baggage Charges, and denotes the grouping for the sub code in the record S5. Processing will match to the Attributes – Group coded in the Record S5 for the service being taxed.

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Attributes – Sub Group (bytes 29-31)

This field only applies to taxes related to Optional Services and Baggage Charges, and denotes the sub grouping for the sub code in the record S5. Processing will match to the Attributes – Sub Group coded in the Record S5 for the service being taxed.

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4.1.21 Carrier/Flight Application Table No. 186 (bytes 228-243) – Tables 1 & 2

These fields point to tables which specify the carrier/flight matching requirements for:

Table 1: For departure tax, the flight on the sector into the point matching to Loc 1 For arrival tax, the flight on the sector out of the point matching to Loc 1

Table 2: For departure tax, the flight on the sector out of the point matching to Loc 1 For arrival tax, the flight on the sector into the point matching to Loc 1

For example, for itinerary WAS – LON – PAR – FRA – WAS, where PAR is the Tax Point for Departure:

Table 1 must match the carrier and flight details on the flight LON-PAR Table 2 must match the carrier and flight details on the flight PAR-FRA

This table applies to flight details into and out of the point matching to Loc 1, and therefore does not apply to the following Taxable Unit types:

(1) Ticketing Fees (2) Optional Services – Ticket Related (3) Optional Services – Merchandise (4) Optional Services – Fare Related (5) Change Fee

Edits prevent this table from being coded when the Tax Point Tag is S (sale) or X (delivery).

Even when multiple points exist between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point matching to Loc 2 (i.e. tax is occurring over a portion of travel), these tables only relate to single sectors based around the Tax Point (Loc 1).

Each table must be matched to allow a match to the sequence.

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When validating a departure tax (based on Tax Point Tag byte 11 = D): The carrier/flight requirements validate the sector into the tax point (table 1), and the sector out of the tax point (table 2). If the carrier/flight on each applicable sector matches the data in each Table 186 respectively, then processing matches the record (provided a match is also made to all other match fields). If the carrier/flight on at least one sector does not match the data in its respective Table 186, then processing no matches the record and continues to the next record.

When validating an arrival tax (based on Tax Point Tag byte 11 = A): The carrier/flight requirements validate the sector out of the tax point (table 1), and the sector into the tax point (table 2). If the carrier/flight on each applicable sector matches the data in each Table 186 respectively, then processing matches the record (provided a match is also made to all other match fields). If the carrier/flight on at least one sector does not match the data in its respective Table 186, then processing no matches the record and continues to the next record.

These relationships can be described as follows, using itinerary LHR (1) IAD (2) NRT (3) BJS (4) SIN


If the Tax Point is LHR and the Tax Point Tag is D, and Table 1 is coded, processing will automatically no match the record. If the Tax Point is SIN and the Tax Point Tag is A, and Table 1 is coded, processing will automatically no match the record.

Relationships between the two occurrences of the Table 186 is AND.

Table 186 is used to indicate carriers and/or flight numbers/ranges that must be on the travel being validated. The table consists of up to 150 recurring segments. The relationship among the fields within a single segment is AND. The relationship among the different segments in the table is OR. Processing must match one segment. A match of any one segment within the table is a match for the Tax Point being validated (provided a match is also made to all other match fields in the Record X1).

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The following fields exist within each recurring segment in Table 186: • Marketing Carrier (Table 186 bytes 16-18) • Operating Carrier (Table 186 bytes 19-21) • Flight No. 1 (Table 186 bytes 22-25) • Flight No. 2 (Table 186 bytes 26-29)

Marketing/Operating Carrier Fields The carrier code in the Marketing Carrier validates against the carrier code on the flight coupon(s) for the travel being validated. Edits require that the marketing carrier must always be entered whenever a Table 186 segment is entered.

The carrier code in the Operating Carrier field validates against the carrier that provides flight service for the travel being validated. The operating carrier for the specified travel may be the same or different from the marketing carrier for that same travel. For example, in a schedule that shows a flight published under an ‘LH’ code from FRA to WAS, LH will appear on the flight coupon; however, UA may actually provide the flight service from FRA to WAS, in this case LH is the marketing carrier, and UA is the operating carrier. There is a hierarchy in scheduling that will allow pricing systems to determine the operating carrier using Data Element Identifiers. When operating carrier is Blank, processing will assume that any operating carrier is permitted.

Flight No. 1/Flight No. 2 Fields Flight No. 1 may be a specific flight number or value ‘****’ indicating “any flight number.” Flight No. 2 may be a specific flight number or blank.

When data is present in both flight number fields, the relationship between the two fields is THROUGH (apply as a range of flights between Flight No. 1 and Flight No. 2).

Example: Flight No. 1 = 1000, Flight No. 2 = 1999 The data indicates that the sector of travel must be on flight number 1000 through 1999.

When data is present in Flight No. 1 and Flight No. 2 is blank, Flight No. 1 applies as a single flight.

Example: Flight No. 1 = 1000, Flight No. 2 = blank The data indicates that the sector of travel must be on flight number 1000.

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4.1.22 Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 244) This tag indicates whether the match fields coded in the Sector Detail Table Number 167 apply to the entire ticket, or to the sector(s) between the points matching to Loc 1 and Loc 2.

Valid values are:

A Sector Detail Table is matched to any sector (at least one sector) between the point matched to Tax Point Loc 1 and the point matched to Tax Point Loc 2 B Sector Detail Table is matched to any sector between journey origin and destination I Sector Detail Table is matched to the first international sector J Sector Detail Table is matched to every sector in the itinerary N Sector Detail Table is matched to all sector(s) between the point matched to Tax Point Loc 1 and the point matched to Tax Point Loc 2 Blank No application

When determining whether a match is made to the Sector Detail Application Table, the Fare Basis Ticket Designator, Fare Type, Tariff, Fare Owner Carrier and Rule of the sector(s) specified by the value in Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 244) are the those of the fare component(s) that contain(s) the sector(s).

Edits prevent the Sector Detail Application Tag from being value N when the Tax Point Tag is value S or X.

When the taxable unit being processed has no related itinerary (e.g. Merchandise and Tax on Tax for Merchandise), this field has no application. Processing will no match the record and continue processing the next Record X1.

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Example: Given this itinerary: LAX(BOS)FRAMUCVCENAP Where • BOS is an unticketed point, • the sectors are LAXFRA, FRAMUC, MUCVCE, and VCE-NAP, • the point matching to Tax Point Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) = FRA, and • the point matching to Tax Point Loc 2 (bytes 171-179) = VCE

If Sector Detail Application Tag Then this must be true in order to match to the Sector Detail Table 167 (bytes 245-252): (byte 244) is: Sector FRAMUC and/or sector MUCVCE must match to one of the entries in the Sector A Detail Table Sector LAXFRA and/or FRAMUC and/or sector MUCVCE and/or sector VCE-NAP must B match to one of the entries in the Sector Detail Table I Sector LAXFRA must match to one of the entries in the Sector Detail Table Sector LAXFRA and the sector FRAMUC and sector MUCVCE and sector VCE-NAP J must each match to one of the entries in the Sector Detail Table Sector FRAMUC and sector MUCVCE must each match to one of the entries in the Sector N Detail Table

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4.1.23 Sector Detail Table No. 167 (bytes 245-252)

A value other than 00000000 in this field refers to a Sector Detail Table No. 167. The fields in Sector Detail Table No. 167 specify the sector details required for matching the flight sector or sector(s) being assessed, which can be related to Loc 1 and Loc 2 (in the case of departure and arrival tax points), or to the full itinerary or parts of the itinerary. The relationship among the Sector Detail Table fields is AND. The relationship among sectors is AND/OR. When this field is value 00000000, there are no restrictions on the sector details on the Tax Point being validated (subject to the remaining data within the record X1).

A match to the Sector Detail Table 167 (bytes 245-252) is made based on the value of Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 244) as follows. If Sector Detail Application Tag Then this must be true in order to match to the Sector Detail Table 167 (bytes 245-252): (byte 244) is: A sector between the point matched to Tax Point Loc 1 and the point matched to Tax Point Loc 2 must A match to one of the entries in the Sector Detail Table any sector between journey origin and destination must match to one of the entries in the Sector Detail B Table The first international sector in the itinerary must match to at least one of the entries in the Sector I Detail Table J each sector in the ticket itinerary must match to one of the entries in the Sector Detail Table If travel between the point matched to Tax Point Loc The sector between the point matched to Tax Point Loc 1 and the point 1 and the point matched to matched to Tax Point Loc 2 must match to one of the entries in the Tax Point Loc 2 is a single Sector Detail Table sector (that is, is only one flight): N If travel between the point matched to Tax Point Loc Each sector between the point matched to Tax Point Loc 1 and the point 1 and the point matched to matched to Tax Point Loc 2 must match independently to one of the Tax Point Loc 2 is a not a entries in the Sector Detail Table single sector (that is, is more than one flight): Blank No application

Edits prevent the Sector Detail table from being present when the Sector Detail Application Tag is blank . Edits prevent the Sector Detail Application Tag from being value N when the Tax Point Tag is value S or X.

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The following fields exist within each record in Table 167: • Fare and Passenger Type Code (Table 167 bytes 14-15) • Application Tag (Table 167 byte 16) • Fare Basis Ticket Designator (Table 167 bytes 17-34) • Equipment Code (Table 167 bytes 35-37) • Cabin (Table 167 byte 38) • RBD (bytes 39-44) • Fare Type (bytes 45-47) • Tariff (Table 167 bytes 48-50) • Fare Owner Carrier (Table 167 bytes 51-53) • Rule (Table 167 bytes 54-57)

When the taxable unit being processed has no related itinerary (e.g. Merchandise and Tax on Tax for Merchandise), this field has no application. Processing will no match the record.

If there is not a match to all match fields (bytes 14-15 and 17-57) within any one record of the Table 167, then the Record X1 will be no matched..

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The fields within the sector detail table can be described as follows:

Application Tag (byte 16)

This mandatory field specifies the positive or negative application of the data in this Table 167 record. Processing will attempt to match the sector details to the data in Table 167 bytes 14-15 and bytes 17-48. When Table 167 is a value greater than 00000000, processing attempts to match Table 167 records in the order they are received. Once a match is made to a Table 167 record, interrogate the Application Tag to determine if the matched sector detail is permitted or not permitted and do not attempt to match another Table 167 record. If a match is not made to any Table 167 record, no match Table 167 and no match Record X1.

In the case of multiple sectors being matched to the Table 167 (i.e. portion of travel), if byte 244 is J or N and any of the sectors matches to a record with a “not permitted” instruction, processing must no match the Record X1.

Valid values are:

X Not Permitted. If a match is made to the remainder of the data in Table 167, value X indicates the matched sector detail is not permitted. Processing will no match Table 167 and no match the Record X1 sequence (processing will not attempt to match another Table 167 record in this Record X1 sequence). Continue processing to the next Record X1 sequence. Y Permitted. If a match is made to the remainder of the data in Table 167, the matched sector detail is permitted. Match Table 167 and match Record X1 (provided a match is made to all other Record X1 match fields).

Edits dictate that the occurrence of a Table 167 record with a negative application (value X) requires at least one Table 167 record (with the same table number) to contain a positive application (value Y).


X -/ID00S1 (i.e. any fare basis, ticket designator ID00S1) Y -/ID* (i.e. any fare basis, ticket designator ID followed by any characters)

Matching is based on sector detail and not the application tag, therefore:

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If the sector detail input is ID00B1, processing will no match to the first record in the table, as it is not ID00S1. The application tag is not relevant. Processing will match to the second record in the table as it is ID and meets all other requirements. The application tag “permitted” causes this to be a match, and allows processing of the Record X1 to continue,

If the sector detail input is ID00S1, processing will match to the first record in the table as it is ID00S1, and negative application instructs processing therefore to no match the Record X1.

If a negative application is coded in the Table 167, there must be at least one positive application. When the Application Tag is value ‘Y’ and all other fields are blank, the data indicates that all is permitted. When Table 167 is value 00000000, there are no restrictions on the sector detail applicable to the Record X1 being processed (subject to the remainder of the data in Record X1). Processing assumes an automatic match to Table 167.

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Fare Basis Ticket Designator (bytes 17-34) This field specifies the Fare Basis Code. Validation of this field is against the code that appears in the Fare Basis field on the ticket. If the data in this field matches the code in the Fare Basis field on the ticket, then processing matches the record (provided a match is also made to all other match fields in the table and on the record). If data in this field does not match the code in the Fare Basis Box on the ticket, then processing no matches the record and continues to the next record.

The value in this field must match to the Fare Basis field on one or all of the sectors between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point matching to Loc 2 or on the entire journey or on the first international sector, depending upon the value in Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 244).

In addition to alphanumerics, the following characters can also be present in bytes 17-34:

Slash (‘/’) Up to two slashes (‘/’) may be present in this field in order to identify ticket designator(s). When a single slash is present, the slash and any alphanumerics following the slash match against the last ticket designator in the Fare Basis Code (refer to Wildcards below). Match processing for a slash in bytes 17-34 against the Fare Basis Code is the same as the match processing for an alphanumeric in bytes 17-34 against the Fare Basis Code. For example, QHXAP/CH in bytes 17-34 matches QHXAP/CH in the Fare Basis Box, but does not match QHXAPCH in the Fare Basis Box. QHXAP/ID/CH in bytes 17-34 matches QHXAP/ID/CH in the Fare Basis Box, but does not match QHXAPID/CH or QHXAP/CH in the Fare Basis Box. Edits prohibit a slash as the first or last character in the field. NOTE: The presence of two ticket designators may not be supported by all subscribers. Carriers should contact subscribers directly to determine if this is supported.

Hyphen (‘-’) A hyphen is a wildcard value that is used to represent any alphanumeric characters in the fare class portion of the Fare Basis Code. Processing of the hyphen against the fare class portion is the same as processing the hyphen for the fare family match against Automated Rules Record 2. The hyphen can never be used to match a slash (never used to match the ticket designator/s).

Asterisk (‘*’) An asterisk is a wildcard value that is used to represent any alphanumeric characters in the ticket designator. Up to 2 asterisks are permitted. Edits only permit an Asterisk wildcard in bytes 17-34 when preceded (directly or indirectly) by a Slash.

Refer to the rules on the following pages for applying the wildcard match process.

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Rules for Applying the Wildcard (Hyphen/Asterisk) Match

• The hyphen will not be used to replace a number when the immediately following or preceding character in the Fare Basis Code on the ticket is also a number Examples: B-E70 does not match BE701, BE710 or BE170 BE-70 matches BEX70, BE1X70, but does not match BEX170 B-E70/CH does not match BE701/CH, BE710/CH, or BE170/CH

• When a hyphen is present with no slash, processing will only match Fare Basis Codes that have no ticket designator. Examples: -E70 matches BE70, YNWE70 and Q123E70NR, but does not match BE70/CH, BAP/E70 or BAP/E70/CH Q-CH matches QAPCH, but does not match Q/CH, QAPCH/ID90, and QAP/CH Q- matches QAP7 but does not match QAP7/ID90, Q/CH, and QAP/CH

• The hyphen represents any single or consecutive alphanumeric string, except a slash Examples: -CH matches QEECH, but does not match YAPCH/ABC or QEE/CH -E70/CH matches BE70/CH and Q123E70/CH, but does not match YAP/E70/CH or YAP/BE70/CH -/CH matches QEE7M/CH, but does not match QEE, QEE//CH, QEE/ABC/CH, or QEECH Q-/CH matches QAP7/CH, but does not match QAP/ID90/CH or QAPCH B-AP/CH matches BXAP/CH and BH123AP/CH, but does not match BXNR/AP/CH

In addition to the above rules, the following rules apply for hyphens:

• When the hyphen is in the beginning of an alphanumeric string: If there is no slash: o There is an assumed hyphen at the end. Example: –E70 matches BE70NR and BE70NR50, but does not match BAP/E70NR or BE70NR/CH o The hyphen must be replaced with at least one character and cannot be left blank Example: –HE70 does not match HE70NR

If there is at least one slash: o There is an assumed hyphen at the end, but prior to the slash. Example: –E70/CH matches BE70NR/CH but does not match BE70/CH33, BE70NR//CH, or BE70N4/ABC/CH

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o The hyphen must be replaced with at least one character and cannot be left blank Example: –HE70/CH does not match HE70NR/CH

• When the hyphen is in the middle of an alphanumeric string: If there is no slash: o There is an assumed hyphen at the end. Example: Q-AP matches QHXAP and QHXAPCH, but does not match QHEE/AP, QHAP/CH, or QEE/AP/CH o The hyphen does not have to be replaced by any characters. Example: Y-AP matches YAP and YHXAP

If there is a slash: o There is an assumed hyphen at the end, but prior to the slash. Example: Q-AP/CH matches QHXAP7M/CH but does not match QHAP/ID/CH or QAPNR/CH33 o The hyphen does not have to be replaced by any characters. Example: Y-AP/CH matches YAP/CH and YHXAP/CH

• When the hyphen is at the end of an alphanumeric string: If there is no slash: o The hyphen does not have to be replaced by any characters. Example: Y- matches Y and YR

If there is a slash: o The hyphen does not have to be replaced by any characters. Example: Y-/CH matches Y/CH and YR/CH • When a single slash is present with no asterisk, the slash and all characters after the last slash are an exact match to the ticket designator. There is no implied wildcard at the end. Example: –AP/CH matches QAPNR/CH but does not match QAPNR/CH33 or QAPNR/ID/CH

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• When two slashes are present, the last slash and all characters after the last slash are an exact match to the last ticket designator. There is no implied wildcard at the end of a slash or at the end of the ticket designator. Examples: Y–//CH matches YAP//CH and Y//CH, but does not match YAPNR/CH33 or YAP/ID/CH Y-/ID/CH matches Y/ID/CH and YAP/ID/CH, but does not match YAP/ID90/CH or YAP/ID90/CH33

• When an asterisk is present, the asterisk may be replaced by any single or string of alphanumeric characters in the ticket designator, including a slash. If the asterisk is preceded by at least one alphanumeric character, it can be but does not have to be replaced. If the asterisk directly follows the slash, it must be replaced. Examples: –AP/CH* matches QAPNR/CH, QAPNR/CH33, QAP/CH/ABC or QAP//CH, but does not match QAP/ID/CH Y/* matches Y/CH, Y//CH and Y/ID/CH, but does not match Y Y//* matches Y//CH33, but does not match Y, Y/CH, or Y/ID/CH. Y/*/* matches Y/ID/CH, but does not match Y, C/CH, OR Y//CH Y–//CH* matches YAP//CH and YAP//CH33, but does not match YAP/CH33 or YAP/ID/CH Y-/ID/CH* matches Y/ID/CH, YAP/ID/CH, and YAP/ID/CH33, but does not match YAP//CH or YAP/ID90/CH33 Y-/ID*/CH* matches Y/ID/CH, YAP/ID90/CH, YAP/ID90/CH33, and YAP/ID/CH33, but does not match YAP//CH

• The asterisk will not be used to replace a number when the immediately following or preceding character in the ticket designator is also a number Example: B-/AB3* matches BAP/AB3X, but does not match BEE/AB35

• Generic wildcard matching: o -//* matches all Fare Basis Codes with ‘//’ (slashes must be adjacent). Example: matches YAP//CH, but does not match YAP, YAP/CH, and Y/ID/CH o -/* matches all Fare Basis Codes with one or more ticket designators. Example: matches YAP/CH, YAP//CH, and YAP/ID/CH, but does not match YAP

When this field is value Blank, there are no restrictions on the Fare Basis Code (subject to the remaining data within the record).

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Equipment Code (bytes 35-37) This field specifies the equipment requirement for the travel being validated. Data in this field can consist of an ATPCO Equipment Code (refer to Automated Rules Appendix F – Equipment Codes) or blank (where “blank” signifies no restriction on the equipment for the sector/portion of travel being validated).

The value in this field must match to the equipment code on one or all of the sectors between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point matching to Loc 2 or on the entire journey or on the first international sector, depending upon the value in Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 244).

Cabin (byte 38) The cabin field allows for the coding of a specific cabin for matching within the record. The field will be validated against the six allowable cabin types. Pricing systems will need to decode the cabin from the booked RBD for the sector.

The value in is field must match to the cabin booked between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point matching to Loc 2 or on the entire journey or on the first international sector, depending upon on the value in the Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 244). If travel between the point matching to Loc 1 to the point matching to Loc 2 or the entire journey contains more than one sector, and a mixed cabin class, all cabin classes between the point matching to Loc 1 to the point matching to Loc 2 must match to an entry in the table in order to match to the record. All cabins do not have to pass to the same record, but all must pass at least one record.

In the case of upgraded passengers, this cabin should match to the cabin actually booked for the passenger.

Values are as follows:

R = Premium First F = First J = Premium Business C = Business P = Premium Economy Y = Economy Blank = No application

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The pricing system will use the RBD answer table (when available) to determine the cabin booked from the ticketed RBD which will allow a match between the ticketed RBD and the cabin class on each sector. Until this table is available from ATPCO, each subscriber will individually map RBD to Cabin codes for the sector.

RBD (bytes 39-44) This field specifies up to three Reservation Booking Designator codes which must be matched for the Sector Detail being processed against the table. The relationship between RBDs within the same segment is “OR”.

One of the values in this field must match to the RBD(s) on one or all of the sectors between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point matching to Loc 2 or on the entire journey or on the first international sector, depending upon the value in Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 244).

Fare Type (bytes 45-47) This field specifies the ATPCO Fare Type Code associated with the specified carrier and Resulting Fare Class Code. Data in this field matches against the Fare Type Code on the Record 1 or Category 25 – Fare by Rule Resulting Fare Type Code field governing the fare paid for the Sector Detail being processed against the table. Fare type is an exact match. No wildcarding is permitted in this field.

The value in this field must match to the ATPCO Fare Type Code associated with the specified carrier and Resulting Fare Class Code on one or all of the sectors between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point matching to Loc 2 or on the entire journey or on the first international sector, depending upon the value in Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 244).

Tariff (bytes 48-50) This field specifies that the fare paid for the travel on which the tax is being priced must be governed by a specific ATPCO Rules Tariff. (Refer to ATPCO Directory Level G16 to find the Rules Tariff number associated with each Fares Tariff Number. Data in this field matches against the Rule Tariff Number distributed on the Record 1 – Fare Class Application or Record 2 for Category 25 Fare by Rule. Following is an explanation of applicable values:

001-999: Specific Tariff. The fare paid for the travel on which the tax is being priced must be governed by the specified ATPCO Rules Tariff.

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PUB: Public Tariff. The fare paid for the travel on which the tax is being priced must be governed by any public ATPCO Rules Tariff.

PRI: Private Tariff. The fare paid for the travel on which the tax is being priced must be governed by any private ATPCO Rules Tariff.

Blank: No application. There are no restrictions on the tariff for the fare paid for the travel on which the tax is being priced. Processing assumes an automatic match value Blank.

The value in this field must match to the ATPCO Fare Type Code of the fare on one or all of the sectors between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point matching to Loc 2 or on the entire journey or on the first international sector, depending upon the value in Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 244)..

Fare Owner Carrier (byte 51-53) The value in this field must match to the fare owning carrier on one or all of the sectors between the point matching to Loc 1 and the point matching to Loc 2 or on the entire journey or on the first international sector, depending upon the value in Sector Detail Application Tag (byte 244).

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4.1.24 Ticket Value Application (byte 263) This field is applicable only when Taxable Unit = Itinerary (byte 32 = X) and indicates which amounts are to be included when validating the Ticket Value Minimum (bytes 264-274) and Ticket Value Maximum (bytes 275-285) fields (note that in this context, the term “service fees” only applies to those service fees that are included on the same accountable document as the taxable unit being processed; “fare” includes Category 12 surcharges). Valid values are:

A the fare excluding tax and service fees B the fare excluding taxes but including service fees Blank no application

This field must be blank when Ticket Value Currency/Decimal (bytes 286– 289) is blank. This field must not be blank when Ticket Value Currency/Decimal (bytes 286– 289) is not blank.

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4.1.25 Ticket Value Minimum (bytes 264-274) Depicts a numeric value which is matched to the total fare of the accounting document (ticket value calculation is dependent upon the Ticket Value Application Field in byte 263) and a match will be made to this field if the total fare value is greater than or equal to the value coded in this field (subject to the Ticket Value Currency in the same record). This field must be validated only after all fare and service fee amounts have been determined.

When this field = ‘00000000000’ and Ticket Value Currency/Decimal (bytes 286–289) = blank, there is no minimum total fare or fee amount required in order to match the X1 record.

When this field = ‘00000000000’ and Ticket Value Maximum (bytes 275-285) = ‘00000000000’ and Ticket Value Currency/Decimal (bytes 286–289) is not blank, the total fare amount required in order to match the X1 record is zero.

When this field = ‘00000000000’ and Ticket Value Maximum (bytes 275-285) is not ‘00000000000’ and Ticket Value Currency/Decimal (bytes 286–289) is not blank, there is no minimum total fare or fee amount required in order to match the X1 record.

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4.1.26 Ticket Value Maximum (bytes 275-285) Depicts a numeric value which is matched to the total fare of the accounting document (ticket value calculation is dependent upon the Ticket Value Application Field in byte 263) and a match will be made for the Tax Point if the total fare value is less than or equal to the value coded in this field (subject to the Ticket Value Currency in the same record). This field must be validated only after all fare and service fee amounts have been determined.

When this field = ‘00000000000’ and Ticket Value Currency/Decimal (bytes 286–289) = blank, there is no maximum amount required in order to match the X1 record. When this field = ‘00000000000’ and Ticket Value Currency/Decimal (bytes 286–289) is not blank, the maximum total fare amount required in order to match the X1 record is zero.

When this field = ‘00000000000’ and Ticket Value Minimum (bytes 264-274) = ‘00000000000’ and Ticket Value Currency/Decimal (bytes 286–289) is not blank, the total fare amount required in order to match the X1 record is zero.

When this field = ‘00000000000’ and Ticket Value Minimum (bytes 264-274) is not ‘00000000000’ and Ticket Value Currency/Decimal (bytes 286–289) is not blank, there is no maximum total fare or fee amount required in order to match the X1 record.

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4.1.27 Ticket Value Currency/Decimal (bytes 286– 289) This field defines the currency applicable to the specified ticket value minimum and maximum range to be used for comparison purposes. When the passenger ticket or miscellaneous document is sold in a currency other than the currency in this field, convert the Equivalent Fare Paid (if present) into the Ticket Value Currency in the Record X1 using the Bankers Selling Rate. If no Equivalent Fare Paid is present, the Fare should be converted into the Ticket Value Currency in the Record X1 using the Bankers Selling Rate.

For example:

Ticket issued in LON for travel from IAD Fare = USD 970.00 Equivalent Fare = GBP 500.00

Ticket Value Maximum = 980.00 USD

Equivalent Fare is present, convert GBP 500.00 at the BSR (1.97) = USD 985.00

Compare values, fare paid is higher than the maximum, so the taxable unit does not match to the record X1.

Blank indicates that there is no restriction on the Ticket Value Minimum (bytes 264-274) and Ticket Value Maximum (bytes 275-285) in the record.

When a currency and decimal exists with 00000000000 populated in Ticket Value Minimum (bytes 264-274) and Ticket Value Maximum (bytes 275-285), the data requires a match to a zero value. When no currency and decimal exists with 00000000000 populated in Ticket Value Minimum (bytes 264-274) and Ticket Value Maximum (bytes 275-285), the record has no matching restriction.

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4.1.28 Currency of Sale (bytes 290-292) This field matches to the currency of sale of the accountable document used to sell the taxable unit. The field includes the 3 alphanumeric ISO Currency Code, for example:


When the record is only applicable to accountable documents paid by frequent flyer miles, the currency code will be listed as ZZZ.

This field has application to the specific accounting document upon which the taxable unit has been issued. If the accounting document is sold in the currency coded, the tax point matches, subject to all other fields in the record X1. If the accounting document is sold in a different currency to the currency coded, the tax point no matches the record.

Where an Equivalent Fare Paid exists on the accounting document, the currency of the Equivalent Fare Paid will be used to match to the Currency of Sale field. Where no Equivalent Fare Paid exists on the accounting document, the currency of the Fare will be used to match to the Currency of Sale field.

Blank means that there is no restriction on the currency of sale of the accounting document upon which the taxable unit has been sold.

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4.1.29 Paid by 3rd Party Tag (byte 293) This tag indicates that the record can only match if it is flagged as being paid for by a 3rd Party. This functionality is not intended to apply to family tickets paid for by the head of the group, but to specific exemptions within the tax data which apply to tickets which have been ‘paid for by the Government’ or ‘paid in miles’. The pricing system should match the record to the Form of Payment Type, if available, to determine whether a government form of payment has been used to pay for the transaction.

Value G Match only if the base fare is intended to be paid for by a government form of payment

Value M Match only if the base fare has been paid for completely in Miles (may also be denoted by a Currency of Sale of ZZZ in bytes 290-292)

Value Blank No restrictions

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4.1.30 RATD Date (bytes 294-297) This field indicates the effective first date of the Revenue Accounting Tax Database to which the record X1 applies.

When an interline ticket is being assessed for billing purposes, processing shall match the month of billing (also known as the “invoice month”) of the coupon being assessed (including expired sequences) to the sequence with the most recent RATD Date up to and including the month of billing.

For example:

Sequence 0000005 Sales Effective 01/01/2011 Sales Discontinue 06/30/2011 RATD Date = 1101 A Sequence 0000005 Sales Effective 07/01/2011 Sales Discontinue 09/30/2011 RATD Date = 1107 B Sequence 0000005 Sales Effective 10/01/2011 Sales Discontinue blank RATD Date = 1110 C

Coupon billing in January 2011 – Match to A Coupon billing in February 2011 – Match to A Coupon billing in March 2011 – Match to A Coupon billing in April 2011 – Match to A Coupon billing in May 2011 – Match to A Coupon billing in June 2011 – Match to A Coupon billing in July 2011 – Match to B Coupon billing in August 2011 – Match to B Coupon billing in September 2011 – Match to B Coupon billing in October 2011 – Match to C Coupon billing in November 2011 – Match to C Coupon billing in December 2011 – Match to C”

The format of this field is YYMM. When this field = 9999, it has no application. Edits require that this field = 9999 when Output Type Indicator (byte 399) = N or T. Edits require that this field must not = 9999 when Output Type Indicator (byte 399) = B or R.

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4.1.31 Historic Sale Effective Dates (bytes 307-318) These fields are only used when the first sales date (effective date) and/or the last sales date (discontinue date or Last Sale Date) for the tax being coded is prior to the current date. This field is provided for audit and re-pricing purposes to allow systems using pricing data to determine that the tax should have applied to sales made prior to the information being distributed. When the First Sale Date (bytes 36-41) and the Last Sale Date (bytes 42-47) are the same as the officially instructed sales effective and discontinue dates in the record, these fields will not be populated.

For example:

Current date = 090604 (4th June 2009) Nation GB, announces a change which applies for tickets sold from 1st April 2009 for Tax Code UB

First Sale Date 090604 (effective today) Historic Sale Effective Date 090401

Current date = 090831 (31st August 2009) Nation US, announces a discontinue of an exemption in tax code AY for tickets sold after 1st July 2009

Last Sale Date 090831 (discontinue today) Historic Sale Discontinue Date 090701

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4.1.32 Historic Travel Effective and Discontinue Date (bytes 319-330) This field is only used when the first travel date and/or the last travel date for the tax being coded is/are prior to the date on which the X1 record is filed or amended. This field is provided for audit and re-pricing purposes to allow systems using pricing data to determine that the tax should have applied to travel planned for dates prior to the information being distributed. When the First Travel Date (bytes 49-54) and the Last Travel Date (bytes 55-60) are on or after the date on which the X1 record is filed or amended, these fields will not be populated.

For example:

Current date = 090604 (4th June 2009) Nation AU, announces a change which applies for tickets flown from 1st June 2009 for Tax Code WY

First Travel Date 090604 Historic Travel Effective Date 090601

Current Date = 090925 (25th September 2009) Nation IN announces an exemption no longer applies for tickets flown from 1st September 2009 for Tax Code JN

Last Travel Date 090925 (current date) Historic Travel Discontinue Date 090831

When these fields are used, year, month, and day of month must all be specified.

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4.1.33 Tax (bytes 331-400)

The Tax fields consist of the following fields: • Specified Tax (bytes 331-345) • Percent (bytes 346-352) • Minimum Tax (bytes 353-363) • Maximum Tax (bytes 364-374) • Min Max Currency/Decimal (bytes 375-378) • VAT Inclusive Indicator (byte 379) • Tax Applies To Tag (byte 380) • Tax Application Limit (byte 381) • Net Remit Application Tag (byte 382) • Filler (byte 383) • Tax Rounding Unit Tag (byte 384) • Tax Rounding Direction (byte 385) • Alternate Rule Reference Tag (byte 386) • Text Table No. 164 (byte 387-394) • Tax Processing Application Tag (bytes 395-396) • Tax Matching Application Tag (bytes 397-398) • Output Type Indicator (byte 399) • Filler (byte 399) • Exempt Tag (byte 400)

Once processing matches all match criteria in the Record X1 being processed, these fields identify any applicable Tax.

Page E.03.X1.189 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Specified Tax (bytes 331-345) These fields indicate a specific fee amount, decimal, and currency. If the tax is zero-rated, the data will be expressed as Amount 0000000 with currency USD and the applicable decimal (e.g. 0.00 USD indicates “zero rated”).

The tax data must be expressed in a valid currency and is converted to the currency of sale of the accountable document at the prevailing Bankers Selling Rate (BSR) at the date of sale of the service being taxed.

Limitations upon the number of times that a given specified tax can apply to an itinerary can be expressed based upon the data in the Tax Limitation Tag (byte 381).

The currency (bytes 342-344) must be blank when the Exempt Tag (byte 400) contains value ‘X’. The currency must also be blank when Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) is non-zero.

Page E.03.X1.190 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) This field indicates that the tax is a percentage of the taxable unit charge. Apply the percentage, as follows:

When Percent is value 000.0000 This field has no application. Any tax amount is found in the Specified Tax field (bytes 331-345), or alternatively the Exempt Tag (byte 400) could be coded with an X.

The basis on which to apply the percentage is specified in the Tax Applies to Tag (byte 380) and the Net Remit Application Tag (byte 382).

This field will be 0000000 when the Exempt Tag contains value ‘X’ or when the Specified Tax currency (bytes 342-344) is populated.

When the same percentage tax applies to multiple tax points on the same accountable document, the base amounts will be added together prior to application of the percentage. Base amounts will not be added together when they are for the same passenger transaction, but on different accountable documents (i.e. on a ticket and on a miscellaneous document).

For example:

7.5% tax applies to:

Fare 476.00 YQ 28.00 OB 54.00

TOTAL 558.00 41.85

Lounge Pass for same passenger 100.00 7.50 separate calculation

There may be cases where the percentage is required to be calculated on a prorated value of a fare. In these cases, the following default procedure should be used (the value in the Tax Applies To Tag (byte 380) may point to a processing tag to override this default in case specific country level rules are applied for determining prorate shares of collected or applicable fares):

As a further example of proration of amounts:

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A single YQ fee of USD 100.00 for the itinerary DFW-LAX-TYO and a US tax 7.5% is applicable to the DFW-LAX portion.

The determination on how to apply the 7.5% to DFW-LAX portion of the YQ is as follows:

1. Determine the percentage of miles for the portion being assessed compared to the portion of travel to which the YQ fee is applicable. 2. This is done by first using the TPMs of the sectors (the numbers of miles for the DFW-LAX TPM, compared to the DFW- LAX-TYO sum of sector TPM) 3. If no TPM exists for any sector then Maximum Permitted Mileage (MPM) divided by 1.2 will be used for all sectors. 4. If no TPM and no MPM exists for any sector, Great Circle Miles (GCM) should be used for all sectors. 5. The 100.00 will be apportioned over the two sectors. 6. The 7.5% US Tax will be applied to the DFW-LAX apportioned value.

Proration will occur either in the currency of the original charge, or in NUC as appropriate. The base prorate amount should be converted to the currency of payment using standard fare calculation currency conversion rules prior to applying the tax percentage.

Page E.03.X1.192 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Minimum Tax (bytes 353-363) This field represents the minimum value which must be assessed as tax on the Tax Point when the tax amount is a resulting amount (from a percentage).

When Percent is greater than 0000000, processing will sum the amounts subject to the tax and then perform the percentage calculation. If the resulting amount is lower than the Minimum Tax, then raise the resulting tax amount to the value in the Minimum Tax field. If the resulting amount is greater than the Minimum Tax, then apply the calculated (greater) value (subject to the data in the Maximum Tax field).

If the Minimum Tax is specified in a different currency to the resulting tax (from a percentage), the Minimum Tax amount will be converted at the prevailing Bankers Selling Rate to the currency of payment for the passenger transaction for comparison purposes.

When a minimum or maximum restriction is to be applied on a percentage applied to a base, the restriction will apply to all taxable units in the itinerary/service to which that nation/tax code/tax type apply. For example:

Percent = 10%

Fare 6000 INR YQ 1000 INR Fare + YQ 7000 INR Calculated tax 700 INR Minimum Tax 750 INR

The Minimum Tax is greater than the calculated tax; therefore, the Minimum Tax is assessed and the calculated tax is ignored.

Edits require that this field be 00000000000 when Specified Tax (bytes 331-341) is greater than 00000000000.

There is no lower limit on the tax to be assessed when the Minimum Tax field = 00000000000 and the Min Max Tax Currency field (bytes 375-377) = blank.

Page E.03.X1.193 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Maximum Tax (bytes 364-374) This field represents the maximum value which must be assessed as tax on the Tax Point when the tax amount is a resulting amount (from a percentage).

When Percent is greater than 0000000, processing will sum the amounts subject to the tax and then perform the percentage calculation. If the resulting amount is greater than the Maximum Tax, then lower the resulting tax amount to the value in the Maximum Tax field. If the resulting amount is less than the Maximum Tax, then apply the calculated (lesser) value (subject to the data in the Minimum Tax field).

If the Maximum Tax is specified in a different currency to the resulting tax (from a percentage), the Maximum Tax amount will be converted at the prevailing Bankers Selling Rate to the currency of payment for the passenger transaction for comparison purposes.

When a minimum or maximum restriction is to be applied on a percentage applied to a base, the restriction will apply to all taxable units in the itinerary/service to which that nation/tax code/tax type apply. For example:

Percent = 10% Maximum Tax = 154 INR

Fare 1400 INR YQ 600 INR Fare + YQ 2000 INR calculated tax 200 INR Maximum Tax 154 INR

The Maximum Tax is less than the calculated tax; therefore, the Maximum Tax is assessed and the calculated tax is ignored.

Edits require that this field be 00000000000 when Specified Tax (bytes 331-341) is greater than 00000000000.

There is no upper limit on the tax to be assessed when the Maximum Tax field = 00000000000 and the Min Max Tax Currency field (bytes 375-377) = blank.

Page E.03.X1.194 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Min Max Tax Currency (bytes 375-378) The currency of the Minimum Tax (bytes 353-363) and Maximum Tax (bytes 364-374) amounts coded in the record. In order to compare the calculated tax (from the percentage) or the Specified Tax to the minimum and maximum tax fields, the minimum and maximum tax values should be converted to the payment currency of the passenger transaction using the Bankers Selling Rate at the date of sale of the transaction.

Edits require that this field be blank when Specified Tax (bytes 331-341) is greater than 00000000000.

There is no upper or lower limit on the tax to be assessed when this field = blank.

Page E.03.X1.195 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 VAT Inclusive Indicator (byte 379) This field has no application to automated processing. This field is an indicator demonstrating whether the Specified Tax Amount (bytes 331-341) is including VAT, excluding VAT, or has no VAT application. For the purposes of this data element, a VAT is a sales tax which also applies to the Nation which has set the tax legislation, but does not include a ticketing code (i.e. it is not specific to transportation or airline services). As long as VAT can be separately defined in the X1 record, it will be defined. In general, the default will be that VAT is excluded in order to provide the most granular information possible.

Values I Specified amount includes VAT X Specified amount excludes VAT Blank No application

Page E.03.X1.196 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Tax Applies to Tag (byte 380) This field specifies the base amount to which a percentage tax will be applied. Valid values for Tax Applies to Tag (byte 380) are:

A Tax on itinerary (byte 32 = X): The tax amount will be calculated by multiplying the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) by the entire collected base fare of the ticket.

Tax on all other taxable units: The tax amount will be calculated by multiplying the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) by the collected base fee/charge. B Tax on itinerary (byte 32 = X) : If the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are both fare break points, the tax amount will be calculated by multiplying the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) by the collected base fare of the fare component delimited by those fare break points (excluding other taxes, fees, charges). If the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are not both fare break points and are both in the same country and are part of an international fare component, then the tax amount will be calculated as follows: 1. if the fare on the fare component encompassing the points matching to Tax Point 1 and Tax Point 2 is a half round-trip fare, the tax amount will be calculated by multiplying the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) by the lowest Normal half round- trip fare in the list of fares*. If no half round-trip fares are found, the tax amount will be calculated by multiplying the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) by the lowest Normal one-way fare in the list of fares*. 2. if the fare on the fare component encompassing the points matching to Tax Point 1 and Tax Point 2 is a one-way fare, the tax amount will be calculated by multiplying the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) by the lowest Normal one-way fare in the list of fares*.

If the list of fares* contains no fares, no tax is assessed.

If the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are not both fare break points, and the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are not both in the same country or the fare component encompassing the points matching to Tax Point 1 and Tax Point 2 is not international, then no tax is assessed.

Tax on all other taxable units: If the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are both fee/charge/tax break points, the tax amount will be calculated by multiplying the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) by the collected base fee/charge/tax as defined by the Taxable Unit Tag (24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 30, 31, or 33).

If the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are not both fee/charge/tax break points, no tax applies.

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C Tax on itinerary (byte 32 = X): If the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are both fare break points, the tax amount will be calculated by multiplying the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) by the collected base fare of the fare component delimited by those fare break points).

If the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are not both fare break points, no tax applies.

Tax on all other taxable units: If the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are both fee/charge/tax break points, the tax amount will be calculated by multiplying the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) by the collected base fee/charge/tax.

If the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are not both fee/charge/tax break points, no tax applies.

D Tax on itinerary (byte 32 = X): The tax amount will be calculated by multiplying the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) by the entire applicable base fare of the ticket, as further defined by the Tax Processing Application Tag (bytes 395-396) tag.

Tax on all other taxable units: The tax amount will be calculated by multiplying the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) by the base fee/charge/tax as further defined by the Tax Processing Application Tag (bytes 395-396) tag. E Base Amount Established Using Deduct Method if the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are not both fare break points. If the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 are both fare break points, no tax applies. F Full Applicable Round Trip Fare G Fare Before Discount H If Sector Detail Table No. 167 (bytes 245-252) ≠ 0000000 • The tax amount will be calculated by summing the fare on each fare component that matches to each of the match fields in the Table 167 that matches to the record X1 (without regard to Sector Detail Appl Tag (byte 244)), and then multiplying the sum by the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352). If Sector Detail Table No. 167 (bytes 245-252) = 0000000 • The tax amount will be calculated by summing the fare on each fare component on the itinerary and then multiplying the sum by the Tax Percent (bytes 346-352). Blank No application

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*The list of fares is built as follows:

1. Find all Normal (per ATPCO fare data) one-way and half round-trip fares (public fares and private fares available to the passenger, the pricing agent and the pricing system) that are valid for ticketing on the current date, and are valid for travel on the flights between the points matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 in the booked cabin. If the marketing carrier files no such fares, build the list of fares using operating carrier fares. Include only those fares with the appropriate directionality and global indicator 2. Filter the resulting list by validating footnote and rule Categories 1, 3, 13, 14, 15, 19-22, 25, and 35 (Security Table 983 only in Category 35). 3. Halve the roundtrip fare amounts. 4. Sort the resulting list by fare amount, highest to lowest. When multiple currencies exist, convert all to NUCs and sort the resulting list by NUC amount, highest to lowest.

Without regard to the value coded in the Tax Applies to Tag field (byte 380), if the currency in which the fare(s) or fee has been filed or established is different from the currency of payment, the fare(s) or fee is/are converted to the currency of payment before the percentage tax is calculated.

When the same percentage tax and the same percentage value applies to multiple taxable units within the same transaction issued on the same document (e.g. fare, YQ, ticketing fee), calculation of the percentage will be held until all such taxable units within the same document have been assessed, and the percentage will be applied to the cumulative amount (i.e. fare + YQ + ticketing fee).

Edits prevent nonblank data in this field when Tax Percent (bytes 346-352) is 0000000. Edits prevent values B and C in this field when the Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = S or X.

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In the following examples, the applicable fare = the collected fare unless otherwise noted.

↓ Tax Applies to Tag (Byte 380) ↓ Tax Point Tag (Byte 11) ↓ Tax Percent (Bytes 346-352) Itinerary Match Conditions Result Match Sale Tax Point GND – LON 500.00 – GND 500.00 S Point of Sale (bytes 82-90) = GD 10% Sold in GND Apply 10% to entire collected fare 1000.00 = 100.00 Match Sale Tax Point GND – LON Q30.00 500.00 – GND A 500.00 S Point of Sale (bytes 82-90) = GD 10% Apply 10% to entire collected fare 1030.00 = Sold in GND 103.00 Match GND (1)-LON Journey Loc 1 (bytes 120-128) = GD

GND – LON 500.00 – GND500.00 D Tax Point Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) = GD 10% Apply 10% to entire collected fare 1000.00 = Tax Point Loc 2 Int’l/Dom (byte 168) = Int’l 100.00 Match NRT (1) – HIJ HIJ – X/NRT – LHR 1000.00 –NRT – No collected fare HIJ 1000.00 D Find applicable fare

Apply 5% Match NRT (2) -HIJ HIJ – X/NRT – LHR 1000.00 – NRT Collected fare = 350.00 D 700.00 – HIJ 350.00 Apply 5% to 350.00 = 17.50 Tax Point Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) = JP HIJ – X/NRT – LHR 1000.00 – X/NRT B D Tax Point Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170) = S No match as all JP points are connections – HIJ 1000.00 5% Tax Point Loc 2 (171-179) = JP Match NRT(1)– OSA No collected fare Find applicable fare Apply 5% LAX – NRT – X/HIJ – OSA 1000.00 – D NRT – LAX 1000.00 Match OSA – NRT(2) No collected fare Find applicable fare Apply 5%

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↓ Tax Applies to Tag (Byte 380) ↓ Tax Point Tag (Byte 11) ↓ Tax Percent (Bytes 346-352) Itinerary Match Conditions Result Match NRT(1) – OSA No collected fare Find applicable fare LAX – NRT – X/HIJ – OSA 1000.00 – Apply 5% D NRT 350.00 – LAX 700.00 Match OSA – NRT(2)

Apply 5% to 350.00 = 17.50 Match ITM – NRT(2) LAX – X/NRT – HIJ 1000.00 /- ITM – No collected fare D NRT – LAX 1000.00 Find applicable fare Apply 5% Match MHD(1) – OMI. Apply 2% Match OMI – MHD(2). Apply 2% MHD – OMI 250.00 – MHD 250.00 D Apply 2% to 500.00 = 10.00

Match MHD(1) – OMI. No separate fare DXB – MHD – OMI 500.00 – MHD – collected so apply 0 D DXB 500.00 Match OMI – MHD(1). No separate fare collected so apply 0 Match MHD(1) - OMI. No separate fare collected so apply 0 DXB – MHD – OMI – 500.00 – MHD D Match OMI-MHD(1). Apply 2% 100.00 – DXB 350.00 Tax Point Loc 1 (159-167) = IR C 2% Tax Point Loc 2 (159-167) = IR Apply 2% to 100.00 = 2.00 Match MHD(1) – OMI. Apply 2% DXB – MHD 350.00 – OMI 100.00 – Match OMI – MHD(1). Apply 2% D MHD 100.00 – DXB 350.00 Apply 2% to 200.00 = 4.00 Match MHD(1) – OMI. Apply 2% DXB – MHD 350.00 – OMI Q5.00 Match OMI – MHD(1). Apply 2% D 100.00 – MHD 100.00 – DXB 350.00 Apply 2% to 205.00 = 4.10 Match MHD(1) – OMI. Apply 2% DXB – MHD 350.00 – OMI 100.00 /- OMI is not a tax point (surface). D MHD – DXB 350.00 Apply 2% to 100.00 = 2.00

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↓ Tax Applies to Tag (Byte 380) ↓ Tax Point Tag (Byte 11) ↓ Tax Percent (Bytes 346-352) Itinerary Match Conditions Result GND – LON500.00 – GND500.00 Match Sale Tax Point Sold in GND S Point of Sale (bytes 82-90) = GD 10% Applicable fare = 1200.00 (agency under Apply 10% to entire applicable fare 1200.00 = collects) 120.00 GND – LON Q30.00 500.00 – GND Match Sale Tax Point 500.00 D Sold in GND S Point of Sale (bytes 82-90) = GD 10% Apply 10% to entire applicable fare 1230.00 = Applicable fare = 1230.00 (agency under 123.00 collects) GND – LON 500.00 – GND Match GND-LON. Journey Loc 1 (bytes 120-128) = GD

D Tax Point Loc 1 (159-167) = GD 10% Applicable fare = 1200.00 (agency under Apply 10% to entire applicable fare 1200.00 = Tax Point Loc 2 Int’l/Dom (byte 168) = Int’l collects) 120.00 Tax Point Loc 1 = US Match SFO-LON Tax Point Loc 2 Stopover Tag = F (fare E SFO – DEN – IAD – LON 1000.00 D 7.5% Apply 7.5% to the calculated fare from SFO- break) IAD using the US Deduct Method Tax Point Loc 2 = blank Match BTE-BRU Applicable RT fare BTE-BRU-BTE = 2000.00 F BTE – BRU 800.00 D Tax Point Loc 1 = SL 10%

Apply 10% to full RT fare = 200.00 Match CAI-SIN CAI – SIN 50.00 – CAI 50.00 Fare Before Discount = 1000.00 (RT) G D Tax Point Loc 1 = EG 5% ID90 fare applied Apply 5% to Fare Before Discount = 50.00

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↓ Tax Applies to Tag (Byte 380) ↓ Tax Point Tag (Byte 11) ↓ Tax Percent (Bytes 346-352) Itinerary Match Conditions Result 1st X1 record: Tax Type (bytes 7-9) = 001 Journey Origin (bytes 120-128) = HN 1st Match MEX-LAX Tax Point Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) = HN X1: Apply 18% to all premium fare components Sector Detail Appl Tag (byte 244) = B 18% = 0.18 x 500.00 = 90.00 T167 Fare Type (bytes 45-47) =

TGU (Y06) – MEX 100.00 (F1) – LAX H D 500.00 (MA3) – SFO 300.00 2nd X1 record:

Tax Type (bytes 7-9) = 002 nd Journey Origin (bytes 120-128) = HN 2 Match TGU-MEX and LAX-SFO X1: Tax Point Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) = HN Apply 12% to all non-premium fare 12% Sector Detail Appl Tag (byte 244) = B components = 0.12 x (100+300) = 48.00 T167 Fare Type (bytes 45-47) = 90.00+48.00=138.00

Page E.03.X1.203 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Tax Application Limit (byte 381) This field is a match/action which dictates how the tax should be applied in the context of a limitation on the number of applications in the itinerary, at a unit larger than the sector. The units which are expressed in this field are as follows:

(1) Itinerary – defined as the portion of travel from the origin of the journey to the destination of the journey. (2) Continuous journey (Nation = CA only) – defined as a portion of travel which begins with a stopover at a Canadian city, and ends when that same Canadian city is visited in the same itinerary as a stopover or journey destination, whichever is first. a. YYZ – ORD – YVR – YYZ represents one continuous journey b. YYZ – ORD – YYZ (stopover) – YVR – YYZ represents two continuous journeys c. YYZ – ORD – YYZ (connection) – YVR – YYZ represents one continuous journey (3) Single Journey (Nation = AU only) – defined as a portion of travel which begins at the origin of the journey, and ends when that same city is visited in the same itinerary as a stopover. A new single journey begins when travel continues on from this point and continues until the same city is visited in the same itinerary as a stopover or journey destination, whichever is first. a. AKL – SYD – NAN – SYD – SIN – SYD – AKL represents one single journey b. SYD – POM – SYD – POM – SYD represents two single journeys (4) Not in use (5) US Round Trip (Tax Code = AY only) – defined as a portion of travel that: • begins at the departure from the first air sector on the ticket and • ends when that same city (may be different airport) or a coterminal point (as defined in the ATPCO PFC Product co- terminal record) is visited as a stopover1 or journey destination and • includes at least one ticketed point in the US or US territory and • includes at least one stopover1 point If these condition do not exist, no US Round Trip exists a. LAX – X/DEN – CHI – DEN - LAX represents a single US Round Trip b. LAX – X.DEN – CHI – X/DEN – LAX – PHX represents one US Round Trip plus LAX-PHX c. LAX – X/DEN – CHI – X/DEN – BUR represents a single US Round Trip (LAX and BUR are coterminal)

1 For the purpose of this definition, a stopover is defined as any intermediate ticketed point on the itinerary where scheduled departure from the point is • more than 4 hours after scheduled arrival at the point (when both the flight into the point and the flight out of the point are in the 48 contiguous US states) or • more than 12 hours after scheduled arrival at the point (in all other cases)

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Processing can only match to the Record X1 if the Tax Point being processed is within the stated unit of travel (as above 1-5). If the Tax Point is not in the stated unit of travel, processing no matches the record. If the Tax Point is within the stated unit of travel, processing matches the record and applies the limit stated within the value in this field.

When the Tax Point Tag (byte 11) is value ‘S’ or ‘X’, a match can only be made to value 1 or value blank in this field. The presence of any other value will cause processing to no match the record.

Following is an explanation of the applicable values, which are limitations at the Tax Code and Tax Type level:

Value 1: Once for the itinerary or service for that taxable unit for the matched Tax Code and Tax Type

Value 2: First two per Continuous Journey for that taxable unit for the matched Tax Code and Tax Type (edits permit this value only when Nation = CA)

Value 3: Once per Single Journey for that taxable unit for the matched Tax Code and Tax Type (edits permit this value only when Nation = AU)

Value 4: Not in use

Value 5: First two per US round trip for that taxable unit for the matched Tax Code and Tax Type (edits permit this value only when Tax Code = AY)

Value blank: Unlimited applications

NOTE: Value 4 will not be used in X1 sequences with an effective date of 21JUL2014 or later.

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In the case of conflicting information for the limitation (i.e. where more than one limitation tag is encountered for a taxable unit for the same tax code and tax type, within the defined limited journey, the following rules apply:

In the event that selection of the “highest” is required between equal values, pick the first in order of travel.

1 2 3 4 5 Blank Action Itinerary Continuous Single Not in US Round No Journey Journey Use Trip Restrictions >1 Highest >2 First two >1 First one >2 First two 1 2 First two in the continuous journey, even if it includes the “1 per itinerary” Apply all three if the “1 per itinerary” is outside the continuous journey 1 1 Highest in the single journey Apply both if the “1 per itinerary” is outside the single journey 1 2 First two in the US Round Trip, even if it includes the “1 per itinerary” Apply all three if the “1 per itinerary” is outside the US Round Trip >1 1-n Apply highest out of all matched sequences coded with value ‘1’ or blank Apply all instances of matched sequences coded with value blank >2 1-n Apply first two in each continuous journey out of all matched sequences coded with value ‘2’ or blank Apply all instances of matched sequences coded with value blank >1 1-n Apply highest per single journey out of all matched sequences coded with value ‘3’ or blank Apply all instances of matched sequences coded with value blank

Page E.03.X1.206 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1

1 2 3 4 5 Blank Action Itinerary Continuous Single Not in US Round No Journey Journey Use Trip Restrictions >2 1-n Apply first two per round trip out of all matched sequences coded with value ‘5’ or blank Apply all matched sequences coded with value blank that are outside a US Round Trip

Page E.03.X1.207 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1

Some examples of the above scenarios are as follows:

Itinerary Tax Point Match to Limitation Tag Resulting Applied BQE ZZ OXB XX BQE Depart BQE GW GW 001 (YY) = 7.00% 1 Apply 8.00% Depart OXB GW GW 001 (XX) = 8.00% 1 YYZ-YVR-xYYC-YEG- Depart YYZ CA CA 001 = 5.00 2 CA CA 001 = 5.00 YVR Depart YVR CA CA 001 = 5.00 2 CA CA 001 = 5.00 Depart YYC No match (connection) Depart YEG CA CA 001 = 5.00 2 Not in first two AKL–SYD–NAN–SYD- Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 47.00 3 AU AU 001 = 47.00 SIN–SYD-AKL Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 47.00 3 Not in first one Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 47.00 3 Not in first one BNE-POM-BNE-POM-BNE Depart BNE AU AU 001 = 47.00 3 AU AU 001 = 47.00 Depart BNE AU AU 001 = 47.00 3 AU AU 001 = 47.00

Second single journey (1)LAX – DEN – LAX Depart LAX (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 Depart DEN (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 One round trip

(1)LAX – DEN – CHI – Depart LAX (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 DEN – LAX Depart DEN (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 Depart CHI (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 Not in the first two One round trip Depart DEN (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 Not in the first two (1)LAX –DEN – CHI –DEN Depart LAX (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 – BUR Depart DEN (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 Depart CHI (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 Not in the first two One round trip (LAX and Depart DEN (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 Not in the first two BUR are considered the same point) (1RT)MIA – NYC – Depart MIA (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 (2RT)MIA – SJU – MIA Depart NYC (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 Depart MIA (2) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 Two round trips Depart SJU (2) PR AY 001 = 5.60 5 PR AY 001 = 5.60 (1RT)MIA – NYC – xMIA – Depart MIA (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 SJU – MIA Depart NYC (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 Depart MIA (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 Not in the first two One round trip Depart SJU (1) PR AY 001 = 5.60 5 Not in the first two

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Itinerary Tax Point Match to Limitation Tag Resulting Applied YYZ-YVR-xYYC-YEG Depart YYZ CA CA 001 = 5.00 2 CA CA 001 = 5.00 YVR Depart YVR CA CA 001 = 5.00 1 CA CA 001 = 5.00 Depart YYC No match (connection) Depart YEG CA CA 001 = 5.00 2 Not in first two AKL–SYD–NAN–SYD- Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 47.00 3 Not the highest SIN–SYD-AKL Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 48.00 3 AU AU 001 = 48.00 Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 47.00 1 Not the highest (1)LAX – xDEN – xWAS - Depart LAX (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 CHI – xDEN – BUR Depart DEN (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 Depart WAS (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 1 Not in the first two One round trip (LAX and Depart CHI (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 Not in the first two BUR are considered the Depart DEN (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 Not in the first two same point)

BQE ZZ OXB XX BQE AA Depart BQE GW GW 001 (YY) = 7.00% 1 Apply 9.00% (highest) OXB BB BQE Depart OXB GW GW 001 (XX) = 8.00% 1 Depart BQE GW GW 001 (AA) = 6.00% Blank Apply 6.00% Depart OXB GW GW 001 (BB) = 9.00% Blank YYZ-YVR-xYYC-YEG- Depart YYZ CA CA 001 = 5.00 2 CA CA 001 = 5.00 YUL - YVR Depart YVR CA CA 001 = 5.00 2 CA CA 001 = 5.00 Depart YYC No match (connection) Depart YEG CA CA 001 = 5.00 2 Not in first two Depart YUL CA CA 001 = 5.00 Blank CA CA 001 = 5.00 AKL–SYD–NAN–SYD- Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 47.00 3 AU AU 001 = 47.00 SIN–SYD-AKL Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 47.00 3 Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 46.00 Blank AU AU 001 = 46.00 AKL–SYD–NAN–SYD- Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 47.00 3 Not highest SIN–SYD-AKL Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 47.00 3 Not highest Depart SYD AU AU 001 = 48.00 Blank AU AU 001 = 46.00 (1)LAX – xDEN – CHI – Depart LAX (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 US AY 001 = 5.60 DEN - SLC – LAX Depart DEN (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 Blank US AY 001 = 5.60 Depart CHI (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 Not in the first two One round trip Depart DEN (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 5 Not in the first two Depart SLC (1) US AY 001 = 5.60 Blank Not in the first two

Page E.03.X1.209 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Net Remit Application Tag (byte 382)

This field is used to denote how a percentage tax must be applied in the case that the percentage applies to a Category 35 fare for the Tax Point.

Value S: Percentage applies to the Sell Fare

Value blank: No application

When this field is coded with value S and the percentage does not apply to a Category 35 fare, the percentage will apply to the gross (published) fare, in line with the instruction in the Tax Applies To tag (byte 380).

Edits prevent this field from being coded when the tax is expressed as a flat amount. Edits also prevent this field being coded unless the Taxable Unit Tag is based on an itinerary (Byte 32 = X).

Page E.03.X1.210 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Tax Rounding Unit (Byte 384) This field specifies the decimal place or power of ten to which a resulting tax amount shall be rounded. Valid values are:

Value M Rounded to million Value U Rounded to hundred-thousand Value E Rounded to ten-thousand Value S Rounded to thousand Value H Rounded to hundred Value T Rounded to ten Value 0 Rounded to zero decimals Value 1 Rounded to one decimal Value 2 Rounded to two decimals Value 3 Rounded to three decimals Value 4 Rounded to four decimals Value blank Standard rounding applies* Value N No rounding applies

Edits prevent this field from being coded when the tax is coded as a specified amount.

* as defined in IATA Resolution 024d, including footnotes

Page E.03.X1.211 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Tax Rounding Direction (Byte 385) This field specifies whether a resulting tax amount shall be rounded up, down, or to the nearest unit as specified by the Tax Rounding Unit (byte 384). Valid values are:

Value U Round up Value D Round down Value N Round to nearest Value S No rounding Value blank Standard rounding applies*

The following are examples of application of the tag, applied to the number 76.2538:

Tax Round Decimal Value U Value D Value N Value S Tag Round Up Round Down Round to Nearest No rounding applicable H 100 0 100 T 80 70 80 0 77 76 76 1 76.3 76.2 76.3 2 76.26 76.25 76.25 3 76.254 76.253 76.254 Blank 76.2538 76.2538 76.2538 76.2538

Edits prevent this field from being coded when the tax is coded as a specified amount.

* as defined in IATA Resolution 024d, including footnotes

Page E.03.X1.212 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Alternate Tax Rule Reference Tag (byte 386) This field specifies that processing must reference an alternate tax rule which has been described separately to the sequence being processed. Valid values are: A prorate must be applied to the percentage specified in the record. The resulting percentage to apply is based on the Alaskan 1 and Hawaiian Tax Table. Processing shall execute all actions fields except for Tax Percent (bytes 346-352). The percentage to apply is listed in the Alaskan and Hawaiian Tax Table*. All action fields except Alternate Tax Rule Reference Tag (byte 386) [and the action portions of match/action fields] in this record X1 are ignored and an attempt is made to find an alternate record X1 in which byte 32 = X (taxable unit = itinerary) and in which all other match fields [and the match portions of match/action fields] match to the transaction being processed. If 2 such a record X1 is found, an automatic match is made to byte 32 of the alternate record X1 and the tax to be assessed, if any, is determined using the action fields of the alternate record X1. If no such alternate record X1 is found, no tax assessed on the taxable unit. Blank no application *The Alaskan and Hawaiian Tax Table can be accessed via IATA’s extranet site.

Edits prevent value 1 from being used unless Tax Code (bytes 5-6) = ‘US’ Edits prevent value 2 from being used when Taxable Unit Tag contains “itinerary” (that is, when byte 32 = ‘X’)

Example of byte 386 value 1:

KEB-SEA matches to a departure for key US US 001, with Alternate Tax Rule Reference = 1, percentage = 7.5% Processing will match the record, ignore the percentage (7.5%) and look up the applicable US prorate percentage for KEB-SEA (1.6%).

Example of byte 386 value 2: Itinerary: MAN-SYD:

Cabin: Y C F

MAN PAR DXB SYD Point of Sale: LON YQ GBP50.00 applies to: MAN-DXB

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Record X1: Nation Tax Tax Tax Seq Taxable Taxable Point Tax Pt Tax Pt Tax Pt Sector Sector Tax Alternate Code Type Pt Nbr Unit Tag Unit Tag of Sale Loc 1 Loc 2 Loc 2 Detail Detail Percent Rule Tag = F&I = Itin Int’l/Dom Appl Tag Tbl 167 Ref Tag Bytes Bytes Bytes Byte Bytes Byte Byte Bytes Bytes Byte Bytes Byte Bytes Bytes Byte 3-4 5-6 7-9 11 17-23 24 32 82-90 159-167 168 171-179 244 245- 252 346-352 386 GB XX 001 D 11111 X blank N GB N GB I blank A 77777 0000000 2 GB XX 001 D 22222 blank X N EI N GB blank N AE blank 00000 3% blank GB XX 001 D 33333 blank blank N GB N GB blank N AE blank 00000 4% blank GB XX 001 D 44444 blank X N GB N GB blank N AE blank 00000 5% blank GB XX 001 D 55555 blank X N GB N GB blank N AE blank 00000 6% blank

Table 167: Table Number Appl Cabin Bytes Byte Byte 3-4 16 38 77777 AY C

The data in record X1 sequence 11111 indicates that, in order to match the record X1, the transaction must include a YQ or YR fee applied to travel from Great Britain to a point outside Great Britain containing at least one sector in . The intended place of sale must be in Great Britain. The transaction matches record X1 sequence 11111 and therefore the record X1 indicates that an XX tax on the YQ or YR fee is determined according to the X1 record with the lowest sequence number that contains Byte 32 = X and that otherwise matches the transaction. Record X1 sequence 22222 does not match the transaction because there is not a match to the Point of Sale (bytes 82-90) field. Record X1 sequence 33333 may not be used because Byte 32 ≠ X. Record X1 sequence 44444 matches the transaction and specifies that an XX tax of 5% applies to the transaction’s YQ of GPB50.00 = GBP2.50. Record X1 sequence 55555 is not interrogated.

Page E.03.X1.214 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Text Table No. 164 (bytes 387-394) Data in this Table is provided for text purposes only and has no impact on automated processing.

Page E.03.X1.215 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Tax Processing Application Tag (bytes 395-396) This field indicates that the tax application for processing is further described in Appendix A of this document. Automated data application as defined in the main body of this document cannot be applied to the tax.

Valid values will be assigned to taxes which require special processing logic and will be published in an Appendix A of this document.

Page E.03.X1.216 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Tax Matching Application Tag (bytes 397-398) This field indicates that the tax application for matching is further described in Appendix B of this document. Automated data application as defined in the main body of this document cannot be applied to the tax.

Valid values will be assigned to taxes which require special processing logic and will be published in Appendix B of this document.

Page E.03.X1.217 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Output Type Indicator (byte 399) This match field indicates the type of output in which the record is intended to be used. This field can be used to separate records used for interline purposes (IATA Revenue Accounting Tax Database) as opposed to records used for pricing purposes (IATA Ticket Tax Box Service).

T This X1 record applies only to the TTBS R This X1 record applies only to the RATD B This X1 record applies to both the TTBS and the RATD N This X1 record applies to neither TTBS nor the RATD

Automated pricing (including audit) can only match to X1 records in which Output Type Indicator (byte 399) = T, B, or N. Automated pricing (including audit) must not match to an X1 record in which Output Type Indicator (byte 399) = R.

Revenue Accounting processing for interline billing purposes may only match to X1 records in which Output Type Indicator (byte 399) = R or B. Revenue Accounting processing for interline billing purposes must not match to a record in which Output Type Indicator (byte 399) = T or N.

Page E.03.X1.218 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1 Exempt Tag (byte 400) This field is used to indicate that a match to all of the data in the record means that the Tax Point being processed is tax exempt for the data key combination. Processing of the Tax Point for that data key combination will stop, and restart processing at the next data key combination.

The exempt tag is used with any Record X1 which is coded for negative application of the tax – in other words when all of the criteria are matched, the Tax Point is exempt from the tax.

If this byte is blank, there is no exemption applicable, and a tax amount or tax percentage will be applicable to the taxable unit when the X1 record is matched.

Page E.03.X1.219 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1

5.0 TRAVEL SEGMENT INDICATORS Travel Segment Indicators (TSIs) are not applicable in Record X1.

Page E.03.X1.220 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1


• Record X1 sequences must be entered in order of the most specific data to the least specific data (where the more specific data has a lower sequence number than less specific data). • Travel Wholly Within (bytes 137-145) must never be coded with a city or airport reference. • Geographic coding, when applied to groupings of countries or zones which remain static (e.g. US border zone, 225-mile zone, EU) will be coded using a User Zone Table 178. • Generally, if data coding requires more than 3 entries (sequences) for a given field, the data will be coded in a table where a table is available to code that data. • In coding the tax carrier field, the following hierarchy will apply: o Within a Nation, Tax Code, and Tax Type, data is coded from most specific to most generic. If there is nothing differentiating tax data coded for YY, ZZ, or a 2-byte carrier code (i.e. each instruction is equally generic and equally specific), the following hierarchy will be applied: . Carrier exceptions will be coded as the most specific of the three as the carrier requires this to take precedence . Trade organization data will be secondary to carrier data, but considered more specific that IATA data . IATA data is considered the least specific • Table 178 holds geographic entries which are in the same format for cities and airports. • Table 164 text data only supports alphanumeric characters and the following special characters for subscription processing: hyphen (-), period (.), and slash (/). All other characters copied from the TTBS will be converted to a hyphen (-). • Where different rates are applied at the city or airport level for a country, Table 178 shall not be used to “cluster” entries with the same rate. Each city or airport will have a specific row in order to facilitate changes to the city/airport specific rate. • Where legislation does not indicate otherwise, the term “infant” shall be assumed to be all public infant PTCs for coding of the Table 169. • Where legislation does not indicate otherwise, the input PTC shall be coded in the Table 169 for matching purposes. Output PTC shall only be coded for exceptions or as advised specifically within legislation. • Where age restrictions are given with no PTC, blank shall be allowed in the PTC field in the Table 169 to allow for the expression of “all passenger types” within a certain age range. • When Tax on Tax (byte 31) is value X, the Service and Baggage Table 168 (bytes 220-227) will be provided to identify the taxes to be taxed.

Page E.03.X1.221 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1


Appendix A further describes the tax processing application when Tax Processing Application Tag (bytes 395-396) contains a non- blank value.

Value 01 – Journey Determination Tax Processing Application Tag (bytes 395-396) value 01 provides logic for determining whether certain journeys are to be considered one way or open jaws to correctly match to Journey Loc 2 (bytes 129-137) to accurately assess the US International Arrival and Departure Taxes.

Value 01 applies only when: X1 fields: Ticket/journey characteristics include: • Nation = US and • Point of sale is not in US and • Tax Code = US and • Journey origin is not in the 50 US states and journey destination is not in the 50 US states and • Journey origin and journey destination are not both in buffer zone (that is, either journey origin or journey destination may be in the buffer zone, but not both) and and • Tax Type = 005 or • Journey includes a ticketed arrival point in the 50 US states followed directly by a scheduled departure 006 12 or more hours after scheduled arrival (arrival city and departure city need not be the same) and/or • Journey includes a ticketed departure point in the 50 US states preceded directly by a scheduled arrival 12 or more hours before scheduled departure (arrival city and departure city need not be the same) In all other cases, value 01 for Bytes 395-396 has no application.

The following processing applies only when the criteria above are met:

A Journey is considered a one way journey if: The distance in TPMs Greater than the distance between the journey origin and the first stopover and between the journey point‡ in the US 50 states or

‡ Twelve hours or more between scheduled arrival and scheduled departure, without regard to Record X1 bytes 208-218 (Stopover Specifications).

Page E.03.X1.222 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1

Journey Origin country origin and journey Greater than the distance between the last stopover point2 in the US 50 states code ≠ Journey destination destination is and the Journey destination country code† or The journey contains one non-surface sector between IATA Area 1 and IATA Area 2 and one non-surface sector between IATA Area 1 and IATA Area 3, and these two sectors have different global indicators

All other journeys in which origin country code ≠ journey destination country code†, and/or that contain an interior surface sector, one or both of whose end points are in the US, are considered open jaw journeys for the purposes of matching to Journey Loc 2 (bytes 129-137).

When an open jaw journey, as defined above, contains an interior surface sector that has one end point in the 50 US states and one end point outside the 50 US states, the surface sector end point outside of the US is eliminated from consideration as point of journey turnaround for the purposes of matching to Journey Loc 2 (bytes 129-137).

Value 02 – Point of Turnaround Logic

Tax Processing Application Tag (bytes 395-396) value 02 provides an alternate logic for determining the point of journey turnaround.

When Tax Processing Tag (bytes 395-396) = 02 and each of the following statements are true: • the journey being evaluated is not a one-way journey and • the journey being evaluated contains one or more connections at fare break points • the journey being evaluated contains one or more stopovers, then the journey turnaround is defined as the furthest stopover from point of journey origination.

Determination of whether a point is a stopover or connection or fare break point for the purposes of determining journey turnaround is based on the designation in the fare calculation. Stopover Specifications (bytes 208-218) are ignored when determining Journey Turnaround.

† For the purposes of this definition, country codes RU and XU are considered the same country code. Where conflicts in country codes exist between ATPCO directories and IATA directory of nations, the IATA directory of nations will be preferred. For example, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, which are Country US in ATPCO directories, are PR and VI in IATA directories.

Page E.03.X1.223 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1

Value 03 – Intentionally Left Blank Value 04 – Intentionally Left Blank

Value 05 – Alternate Rounding Unit

If the X1 sequence being processed contains Tax Processing Application Tag (bytes 395-396) value 05 and any Tax Rounding Unit (Byte 384) value other than N or blank, then the rounding unit to be applied to the resulting tax amount as specified by byte 384 shall be multiplied by five as shown in the table below. Tax Processing Application Tag (bytes 395-396) value 05 has no application when Tax Rounding Unit (Byte 384) is value N or value blank.

Tax Rounding Unit Tax Processing Application Tag Tax Processing Application Tag Byte 384 Bytes 395-396 ≠ 05 Bytes 395-396 = 05 M Rounded to million 1000000 Rounded to five million 5000000 U Rounded to hundred-thousand 100000 Rounded to five hundred-thousand 500000 E Rounded to ten-thousand 10000 Rounded to five ten-thousand 50000 S Rounded to thousand 1000 Rounded to five thousand 5000 H Rounded to hundred 100 Rounded to five hundred 500 T Rounded to ten 10 Rounded to fifty 50 0 Rounded to zero decimals 1 Rounded to five 5 1 Rounded to one decimal 0.1 Rounded to five tenths 0.5 2 Rounded to two decimals 0.01 Rounded to five hundredths 0.05 3 Rounded to three decimals 0.001 Rounded to five thousandths 0.005 4 Rounded to four decimals 0.0001 Rounded to five ten-thousandths 0.0005

Page E.03.X1.224 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1


This appendix further describes the tax matching application when Tax Matching Application Tag (bytes 397-398) contains a non- blank value.

Value 01 Tax Matching Tag (bytes 397-398) value 01 provides logic to ensure that departure and arrival taxes that apply only to domestic fares and fees are not applied to carrier imposed fees (YQ/YR) or flight-related optional services or baggage charges or tax on tax that apply to a portion of travel priced with an international fare. For example, a tax on a MAN-LON YQ fee, applicable only to domestic fares and fees, on a ticket in which MAN-LON is priced as part of a MAN-LON-PAR fare component.

When Tax Matching Tag (bytes 397-398) = 01 and each of the following statements are true: • Tax Point Loc 1 (bytes 159-167) = [a country code or a state code or a city code or an airport code or a User Zone Table 178]

• Tax Point Loc 1 Stopover (byte 158) = F

• Tax Point Loc 2 (bytes 171-179) = [the same country code or a state code or a city code or an airport code or a User Zone Table 178 that has or contains the same country code as in Tax point Loc 1]

• Tax Point Loc 2 Stopover (byte 170) = F The X1 record will be matched only if the portion of travel between Tax Point Loc 1 and Tax Point Loc 2 is priced with a domestic fare.

Value 02 – Require International Point Subsequent to Tax Point Loc 1

Tax Matching Tag (bytes 397-398) value 02 requires that, in order to match to the X1 sequence being validated, the itinerary or service itinerary must include a point subsequent to the point matching to Tax Point Loc 1 in the same direction of travel that has a different country code than the point matching to Tax Point Loc 1.

If each of the following statements are true: • the X1 sequences contains Tax Matching Tag (bytes 397-398) value 02 • Tax Point Tag (byte 11) is value D

Page E.03.X1.225 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016 DATA APPLICATION FOR TAX RULES - RECORD X1

• the itinerary or service itinerary includes a point subsequent to the point matching to Tax Point Loc 1 that o does not have the same country code of the point matching to Tax Point Loc 1 and o is in the same direction of travel as the point matching to Tax Point Loc 1 then a match is made to the X1 sequence provided a match is made to all other X1 match fields.

For the purposes of Tax Matching Tag (bytes 397-398) value 02: • in a one-way journey, the entire itinerary is in the same direction of travel • in other than one-way journey, there are two directions of travel: o outbound (from point of journey origin to point of journey turnaround) o inbound (from point of journey turnaround to point of journey destination)

Tax Matching Tag (bytes 397-398) value 02 has no application if Tax Point Tag (byte 11) is value A or S or X.

Value 03 – Alternate Definition for Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170) Value T If an X1 sequence contains Tax Matching Tag (bytes 397-398) value 03 and Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170) value T, the definition of byte 170 value T in Section of this document shall be ignored and the alternate definition shown below shall be applied.

The point matching to Loc 2 must be the furthest point in the direction If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = D of travel (measured using TPMs) after the point matching to Loc 1 T The point matching to Loc 2 must be the furthest point in the direction If Tax Point Tag (byte 11) = A of travel (measured using TPMs) before the point matching to Loc 1

If an X1 sequence does not contains Tax Point Geo Spec – Loc 2 Stopover Tag (byte 170) value T, Tax Matching Tag (bytes 397-398) value 03 has no application.

For the purposes of Tax Matching Tag (bytes 397-398) value 03: • in a one-way journey, the entire itinerary is in the same direction of travel • in other than one-way journey, there are two directions of travel: o outbound (from point of journey origin to point of journey turnaround) o inbound (from point of journey turnaround to point of journey destination)

Page E.03.X1.226 Revised 05 November 2015 Effective 01 May 2016