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Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

9-22-2005 Arbiter, September 22 Students of Boise State University

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ASBSU gay recognition week generates student discussion

BY TESSA SCHWEIGERT support and concern for the pro- nitely. Busnardo said the wording like to take it to the student body with their thoughts on this specific News Writer posed week of recognition for the Festival go to scholarships for stu- of the resolution would likely be and have ASBSU's formal recogni- issue at [email protected]. contributions of gay, lesbian, bi- dents who contribute to the Filipino somewhat identical to the bill and tion. ASBSU senators also discussed Though not discussed at length community. sexual and transgender students, would state ASBSU's formal opinion The proposed week would be a bill concerning the upcoming The bill will be discussed again during the Associated Students of faculty and staff. regarding 'Boise State University held the week of Oct. II, and would Galing Galing Festival, which takes in its third reading during today's Boise State University meeting on Busnardo said he and other sena- GLBTQ Recognition Week.' commemorate the Oct. II March place this Saturday, Sept. 24 from Tuesday, Sept. 20, the bill proposing ASBSU meeting. tors have received e-mails from stu- "We would like it to be formally on Washington for Gay and Lesbian 4 to 10 p.m, The Boise American- ASBSU senators decided to do- a gay recognition week has initiated dents regarding the bill. recognized," said Alex Daw, vice Rights. . Filipino Relations' Club and nate their Galing Galing Festival student feedback. The bill was not addressed In de- president of BSU Bisexuals, Gays, .., Busnardo said the gay recogni- Diversity Association (BARCADA) tickets to students who couldn't af- "Students are voicing opinions tail during the Tuesday meeting be- Lesbians and Allies for Diversity tion week resolution will be dis- is sponsoring the event. The or- ford the $10 admission fee. on both sides," said Sen. Christian cause it was still in committee dis- (BGLAD). Daw said he hopes that cussed on the senate floor in its first ganization received funding from Busnardo, the chair of the commit- cussions. "We should give them straight further discussions about the rec- reading today at the ASBSU meet- ASBSU to hold the annual fund- tee sponsoring the bill. Other mem- to the students," said Sen. LaTisha Busnardo said the committee ognition week will be done in a re- ing at 4:45 p.m, raiser. Clark. Clark and other senators said bers of the sponsoring committee meets today at 4 p.rn. and will talk spectful manner. BSU students, faculty and staff BAHCADA president Amy James include Senators Sasa .Zuko, Texie because student fees support the about changing the bill to a resolu- BGLAD can hold its recognition are welcome to attend the meeting reported on the organization's event, students should have access Evans and Dang Du. tion. If it is changed to a resolution, week without the endorsement of and voice their opinions. Busnardo debt from last year's event. She said to the tickets if they cannot afford to Students are expressing both the bill will then be tabled indefi- ASBSU, but Daw said they would also said people can e-mail him the proceeds from Galing Galing pay the admission fee. School issues • • • students laptops BY KAVITA KUMAR SI. Louis Post-Dlspotch

Ire 1- 1 For many years, Northwest Missouri State University in BY TESSA SCHWEiGERT top with wireless capabilities and a ago. BSU Executive Director of Maryville has provided students News Writer user name and password, which is Information Technology David with desktop computers in their the same as their Bronco Mail ac- O'Neill mandated to have wireless dorm rooms. This year, the school count information. networking on campus by 2004. is replacing them with laptops for McDevitt said BSU now has wi-fi McDevitt said the university-fund- its 2,300 on-campus students. coverage on more than 80 percent ed program met Its goal and ex- Total enrollment is about 6,500 of the campus. The coverage isn't ceeded the expectations, students. geographic, but In terms of where 'We've covered far more than we Free laptops? Not exactly. students Would use wireless access, .thought.we would have," McDel'itt ,Like ..most thIngs In lIfe, they Iivery year the campus adds about' said. come at a cost, Residentl* ..denrs five base stations, McDevitt said, to More students are taking ado, will see a $4Slncrease in hOllsinR' further expand the coverage. vantage of the networking, too. fees each semester to help subsi- "The goal of Boise State Is al- McDevitt said when it first started dize the 3,000 Gateway comput- ways to give access to students,' two years ago, about 300 students ers the university bought In bulk: McDevitt said of wireless coverage. would access the networking daily. Add that to a current technol- BSU recognized the need for Today, more than 1,000 users log on ogy fee, and students will pay wireless Internet several years each day. about $240 toward the laptops, Local business also started hop- said Ion Rickman, vice president ping on the wi-fi band- for information services. The re- tail value of each computer is probably $800 to $900, he said. SeeWi-fi Hickman said that some private [page 3J schools charge closer to $1,000 a year for similar arrangements and that Northwest students were getting a great deal. Now, the school will be a "note- book university," Rickman said. As part of this initiative, many professors are receiving tablet computers. The school, 90 miles north of Kansas City, has called itself the "electronic campus' since 1987 by. Instituting innovations such as putting networked computers . in every dorm room. The laptops come with up-to- date software and a drive that can play DVDs or burn CDs. Because so many students will be using the computers, the school can

better support and service them t • and professors can cater more " lessons to them, Rickman said. The school plans to buy new laptops every three years, So computers won't get outdated, If -students had bought their own See Laptops [page 3J Career Center offers Boise State students more than just advice

BY RYAN MORTFNSEN reers once they have graduated. Another Important focus of the The Career Center offers a pleth- News Writer The Career Center staff works with Career Center Is their internship ora of different resources to help students from all levels from com- program. According to the Career students with their job searches. The Boise State Umvers. ity Career. lng into college to students getting Center, Boise. State places' over On-campus interviews are pro.vld- Centerprovides career PIann Ing re ady ta graduate, as.w ell..'as many'. 1.3.00. I.nterns .annually' with orga~.· ed, which allows students to check and employment services to aII alumni,' . nizations throughout the Tr. easure the Career Center's. Web. . site for em-"

Boise State students an d . aIumn I, Th'e center offers11 .career plan- Valle.v,I' T.heseorganizatlnnsfnclude ployerrequlrementsand schedule

Thepurpo. . '.' se 0f t h e Career Cen ter. -nl.n.g, w..hich] or focus of.' l&r;;s·'0 international companies, interview appointments for career Is to faciIltate partners hiIpS among the center, Students who don't know small businesses,'. state and federal openings and. internships. The cen- students; alumni and employees as whattheywanttodo can come In as' agencles.and non-profit organlza- .. ter alsooffersresumeand cover let-" well auhecampus. commun Ityan d the.C·areer Ce nterhasdlfferentself- tloIls>.Each .. acad.e mic departmen t te...iasslstariCe.fors.tudeIltstorecelve, . '. .' . I d assessments the take to hasitsowrlJnternship tlque. sthrliijg.h. s.,.har.lngid~as,ex" to .ass.....Is.,.t...... ' s.tud.. ellts in. p I'ann ng an '. studentcan .. .- . coordlna-d .h . Cri· . I'" d"ti··, . d b Impleme. ..i1tlng.' career ...o....b'lec.,tlves"'.. mat.cll.·.t.h. e.m.·...uP.W1.·.'th.. a..·.c.'a..r..e.·.e.r..•.·.s.t.u..- tor, but the .Career. Center. , oes .....t .eam .....Jl" .• .Jl~..,to. dpro..,. u..c,e.I'ette.r ... d in hi dents ~analso' talk with counsel· overall coordlnatlc>n,' . . .. looldngresutliesan cover etters; ~~:~:tut~~t ;':dln;~:;t~~~~:ors. to discuss 'and. ~lorevalues, ··,~golse State has~ne6fthe largest:.·jntemew;ft8f~ .''aM job searcK at~entjJlayment Y';":;"';,,,, ..o~~"lhteresti? afJlIiti~/aitdskillsthat Progriun~1ntheNofth\!~8t,~~tllr:1ijj,~··.'> .• , .. , 'ASsOClateDliectl)r~~lly W~g~r . ,can'" ; .';W~~~'.:~~~ ~tie~L: ,knternshIPo~furr)llllS, . ~.' .. ·".",.~,~tthe:C' "', ..'"',.; <""',' World/National/What the? stories courtesyofKRTCarnpus WirflServices unless otherwise credited. LocaIlBSU. stories are courtesy of the Boise State) Web site at wwwbolsestate.eduAlk stories are compiled by NewsWriters; .'

. State UnlversltyAlumniAssociation .0 York, London and Paris, where he world national wiII host a luau-style Bronco Bash lives with his wife, Judith.

at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in o Pisar is the founder-president North Korea deal Reopening parts of Honolulu from 7-9 p~m. on Friday, ofYad Vashem France, adminis- Sept. 30. trator of the Foundation for the in place, but much New Orleans may be The evening will feature a view of Memory of the Shoah, and a trust- work still remains delayed by Bush the Hilton fireworks. The Alumni ee of the Brookings Institution in Association will provide a great Washington, D.C. meal at a wonderful location that He has lectured. extensively BEIJING - An agreement by NEW ORLEANS - Facing the offers lush tropical gardens and throughout the world, including North Korea on Monday to scrap threat of another powerful storm waterfalls. Coach Dan Hawkins the 'Economic Forum in Davos, its nuclear weapons programs is a and besieged by. questions from will welcome fans in a prerecorded the Council of Foreign Relations in significant step toward dispelling President Bush and others, Mayor message. New York, and the Commission on a decades-old threat of war in East • Ray Nagin on Monday halted the Reservation information on the Human Rights in Paris. Asia, but not a resolution to the cri- reopening of large sections of the BSU Alumni Association's Bronco For more information about sis. .city and anyone who is holding out Bash tailgate parties is available the Frank Church Conference, Tough negotiations are' to begin on the city's east bank, the main online at http://alumni.boisestate. contact Garry Wenske, execu- in November on working out how part of the city, should evacuate, he edu/gobroncos/awaytailgate.html. tive director of the Frank Church the secretive Stalinist regime will said. Institute, at (20B) 426-2941 or disarm, including the means for . "I am urging and encouraging [email protected] verifying that it fully discloses and everyone who knows of someone Holocaust survivor dismantles all of its warheads and who may be at their homes some- facilities. where in Orleans Parish ... to call to keynote Frank Also to be settled is a timetable for them and encourage them to leave Church conference what the? 0 when North Korea will complete the the city," Nagin said. process and when the United States Within about an hour of his an- Samuel Pisar, a world-renowned Why of course it and the other nations involved in nouncement, security tightened in international lawyer and one belongs to us the talks will deliver on pledges of several parts of the city. of the youngest survivors of the trade, normal diplomatic ties and Flooding from Tropical Storm Holocaust, will be a keynote speak- Two thieves stole a washing ma- talks on supplying Pyongyang with Rita, which is expected to develop er at the 22rrd annual Frank Church chine from in front of an appliance a light-water nuclear reactor for into a hurricane, is possible be- Conference on Public Affairs. This store in Orrnskirk, Ireland. electricity production. cause the city's levees are weak and year's conference, "Global Flash They were caught because, in- The United States has insisted its pumping stations arc not operat- Points: Clash of Cultures," will stead of loading it onto a truck and that North Korea fully disarm, re- ing at capacity, Nagin said. be Thursday, Nov. 3, in the Boise driving off, they wheeled it though join the international system for Nagin made his decision after State University Jordan Ballroom. the streets of the city in an attempt halting the spread of nuclear weap- a weekend of questions about the .The daylong conference runs from to take to the train station. ons and submit to U.N. monitoring - city's readiness, raised first by the B:30 a.m-4 p.m.; Pisar will speak at A passing television news crew before a light-water reactor deal can federal commander of relief efforts 7 p.rn, The conference is free and saw them and immortalized their be considered. in New Orleans, Coast Guard Vice open to the public escapade on film. The chief U.S. negotiator, Adrn, Thad Allen, and underscored Pisar was 10 years old when Christopher lIill, repeated that po- on Monday by Bush. Hitler and Stalin invaded his native sition after the deal was reached. Poland. Uh, ma'am, could I But in a sign of what major hur- After two years of Soviet captiv- dles remain, North Korea's for- local/bsu . ity and four years in Auschwitz and borrow a bandage? eign ministry issued a statement other death camps, he emerged at Tuesday morning. age 16 as the only survivor of his !I. man, trying to break into a They arc utterly rejecting that BSU Alumni to host family and his school. woman's car in her garage in Fort Thursday Nights at '7. pIn vision of the nuclear accord, de- Plsar resumed his education in Smith, Ark., severely cut his wrist claring that that North Korea, also pre-game luau in 02 Lounge - BFCC Australia, and later earned doc- when he shattered the vehicle's known as the Democratic People's :.3 8 5 2 North Eagle Hoad Hawaii Sept. 30 torates from Harvard and the window. Republic of Korea or DPHK, will not Sorbonne. Boise, Idaho disarm until Washington provides So he went into the house, woke As part of the pre-game festivi- In 1961 he was made a U.S. citi- the woman up, and asked her to Info: 989-3141 / [email protected] it with a light-water reactor as a sign ties when the Bronco football team zen byjm act of Congress. Today, he of mutual trust. help him. plays in Hawaii (in Oct. I, the Boise practices international law in New He was arrested. 53 FL4.T M4.TE P:)4.MKINEiI AT THE ~KlNG &AiU.EiE NEXT.i'ID:1"HESKi liA5VJ Elite schools becoming less ·Correc~e~,Lati~o';...,~ritage relevant tn college students ··Mon~h;~~·~~,~~~t:\{i')c".

BY FRMIK GREVE ent colleges and universities. To study reports that their numbers Knight Ridder Tribune Socolow, this was a pleasant sur- fell sharply after 1950. .: ,-:.~'..:.:;',~'-.>.;".::. ~.',:~.~-'::'::;":i-',- c::(~;f','T' ; :{',1>: '! ;-!:~:~.\'-:~-,'.:~--::'.\~\;,r¥~~0~~·::.~:~t;i1i;::\~~~:-_::\ i';:~ .,.', Collegealumni who've won the cov- Eight winners since 2000 of gram, "Ivies now have less rele- PHOTO BY RJCHAE SWANBECMHE ARBITER eted MacArthur Foundation "ge_ MacArthur's no-strings $500,000 vance as a status marker for people Psych major Brlttney Langdon nius" grants in the past five years. grants, paid out quarterly over five who are moving up!' For more Information vJsit: uses wireless Internet with her Ditto for Yalies. And there've been years, never graduated from col- A study by Spencer Stuart, the laptop In the SUB. 119winners. lege. Five of them never attended New York-based global executive It's just one recent hint that at- one. search firm, also finds declining tending an elite college may mean But here's the real balm for Ivy League representation among Wi-:6 [frompaget) less than anxious applicants think stressed-out college applicants: chief executive officers of Standard it does. Another is a Harvard More than 30 MacArthur winners & Poor's 500,a list ofblue-chlp com- wagon. Dozens of hot SPO!smake it Business School analysisdue out graduated from schools that aren't panies traded on the NewYorkStock I easy for customers to surf the Web next month that finds the number on the latest U.S. News & World Exchange. Harvard College and the in Boise. (See list of free wi-fi loca- of alumni from prestigious under- Report ranking of the 100 top U.S. University of Wisconsin now tie for tions.) Some charge additional fees graduate schools declining among colleges and universities. the most CEOs, 15, on the list, ac- and others offer the service compli- top business leaders. The fellowships recognize what cording to Spencer Stuart. • mentary. It appears that· corporate head- the foundation calls "exceptional There are several theories, each "We saw the need for customers hunters and MacArthur judges, who.• merit and promise for continued probably partly right, about why to stay connected," said NickDavis, will confer grants on about 20 more. and enhanced creative work" in the national role of elite colleges IDAHO a spokesperson. for Starbucks. Last creative leaders in the arts, scienc- many fields. seems to be declining. downtown boile August, Starbucks invited custom- es and public policy Tuesday, are AHarvard Business School study Harvard's Mayo thinks the GI ers to use high-speed Internet at pretty democratlc when it comes to ofthe 20th century's top 1,000busi- Bill,which provided federal educa- eight of its Boiselocations. Through educational backgrounds. ness leaders, due out in October, tion grants to millions ofWorldWar 'l-Mobile, Starbucks customers are "We don't say, 'This one went to finds similar academic diversity. IIveterans, got things going by stok- charged a fee to use the Internet Harvard, great; that one didn't, too The executives, handpicked for in- ing the Ivy League's competitors. through four different types of ser- bad," said Daniel Socolow, the di- novation, management skills and "It provided a huge opening of vice plans. . rector of the fellows program at the bottom-line performance, turn out opportunities for people of differ- Chad Horne, a BSUstudent, said John D.and CatherineT.MacArthur to have attended more than 200 ent social and economic classes, I he wouldn't pay for wireless access Foundation in Chicago. "Atleast at different colleges. Among them and lessened the importance of and uses the BSUfree wireless ser- this program, it's what a person's are scores of uncelebrated ones, connections" for success in busi- vice often. doing and thinking and getting to, such as Abilene (Texas) Christian ness, he said. "I just use it on campus," Horne not their academic pedigree!' University and Muskingum College Ageneration later, the number of said. "It's free. When you pay He's not kidding. AKnight Ridder in New Concord, Ohio. talented Ph.D.s so far exceeded the BETTER INGREDIENTS $800 for a class, why not use the tally of biographies of MacArthur Moreover, while IvyLeague grad- jobs available at fancy institutions Fellows named from 2000 to 2004 BETTER PIZZA I Internet?" uates dominated U.S. businesses that talented scholars enriched As wireless Internet expands, found that they attended 82 differ- in the first half of the century, the hundreds of schools nationwide. 1323 BROADWAY AVENUE McDevitt said there's also an in- 367-9200 creased need forpeople to have up- bachelors degrees provided their dated software on their computers carrying the black laptop cases ASK FOR B.SU SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR to protect against viruses. . Laptops [lrompage lJ students with a computer, and 1.8 with Northwest and Gateway sym- "The days of friendly-Internet percent required that students buy bols on them. BOISE STUDENTS AND FACULTV are long gone, I'm afraid," McDevitt or lease computers in 2004. Students haven't complained said. computers, they might have ended Jordan Orscheln, a senior at much about the higher fees to pay $5;99 LARGE 1-TOPPING PIZZA up buying two computers to stay Northwest, hasn't had to buy her Atthe beginning ofthe year, more for the laptops, said Orscheln, who DELIVERED ANYWHERE ON CAMPUS viruses show up on user computers, current by the time they graduated, own computer since she came to is on student government. They OR CARRYOUT WITH BSU 10. and McDevitt said they spend the he said. the school. "I haven't needed to," are more upset about a $75 health first few weeks of the fall semester A small number of universities said Orscheln, who is from Moberly, fee that was instituted this year in across the country offer similar Mo. purging machines of viruses. He lieu of co-payments for visits to the said an e-mail is sent to a user-who programs, but macy of them are She said the dorm room com- health center, she said. at private schools, not public ones puters could be difficult at times is using an infected machine. There is already a waiting list such as Northwest, said Rickman. because students had to share the BSU requires students to agree for off-campus students who want According to an annual survey of computer. that they've installed virus protec- to rent laptops for $150 a semester. 890 colleges and universities by the Since school started this week, tion software on their machine be- Students can keep them over the fore logging onto the network, Once non-profit group EDUCAUSE,about Orscheln said, she has seen many summer for an extra $75. on, McDevitt said users' can be as- ..5.3 percent of Instltutlons that offeL. stud~ts w~lking around campus . sured of a clean and safe network. "Every year, we look at new soft- ware and hardware to make it safer Career Center Facts here at the university," McDevitt Career [from page lJ said. viewing skills, and to refine job r.:t 2,667 job listings McDevitt has witnessed the surge searches and discuss employment It''A were entered into in wireless Internet and its users, opportunities. BroncoJobs, a 5.5 percent. and expects to watch it expand The Career Center hosts an on- increase from last year. even more. campus Student Career/lob Fair r.:l 101 students practiced "When we talk about wireless ac- C"A their interViewing skills each year. Thisfairenables students I, cess now, it's still kind of exotic:' he to obtain career, job, and internship through "mock" interviews said. "But in another five years, it information and learn about local conducted at the Career will be ubiquitous!' and national employment opportu- Center nities. According to Metzger, about r.:l 324 student~ .received 1:".1 a resume critique , lIij 800 students were at the Career Fair, and about 30 departments through the Career Center Free wireless with over 1,500jobs were also there r.:l 1,284 students to hire qualified students. E:'J1 received academic locations The Career Center's Broncolobs credit for their internship. in Boise is a web-based system that posts student employment listings. Center will also be involved with Students can search for part-time, another event featuring BSUalum- Blttercreek Ale House - 246 N. Bth St. summer, temporary and full-time ni Mary Parks, who now serves as a Boogie Woogles - BOOW Idaho St employment where a degree is not Foreign Service Officer in Rwanda. Carl's Jr - 493 N Milwaukee Ave. required. Broncolobs also offers Parks is on leave and will come to Carl's Jr • 226 S Broadway Ave. on and off-campus jobs and in- Boise State on Sept. 15 to talk with Dawson Taylor Coffee - 219 N. Bth St. ternships. During the fall semes- students interested in jobs with the Flying M - 500 W. Idaho St. ter, the Career Center hosts a Fall Foreign Service. The event will take Java - 223 N 6th St Recruiting Day where different place in the Career Center at 4:00 Krlspy Kreme - 1525 North Eagle Rd. agencies come on campus to in- p.m. The Career Center has' many Louie's Pizza - 620 W. Idaho terview students and hire them for different resources at their disposal Moxie Java Locations open positions. and encourages students to utilize Piper Pub & Grill - 150 N. Bth St. According to the Career Center what they have tooffer. Red Feather Lounge - 246 N; 8th st. newsletter, they v..ill be hosting "That's why "ie are here, that's The Venue - 523 Broad Street Graduate and Professional School why we exist," Metzger said. Statehouse Inn - 9B1 Grove Street Day on Thursday, Oct. 27 in the The Career Center is located at University Inn - 2360 University Drive Student Union Building. This event 1173University Drive and is an excellent opportunity for stu- Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. Information from dents to meet representatives of to 5:00 p.m., and students can re- • 1 graduate and professional schools ceive more information via email at form across the country. The Career .Career Center Services Call: (208) 426·1747 to make an appointment ·or- Visitour website at

Career Planning IntervieW Training· Major Exploration Job.'~istings .. Job-Search Advising Resume;a Cover-letter . . .. . "AsM$t.alj~~:';. 41 THE ARBITER 2005

EDITOR: DrewMayas . ([email protected])

.::~~.J·..Jf . ."ft'·.-':~t1, Leave your empty symbolism~ehind

BY BR~NDON NOLT~ would seem to be a good thing at jumping on a bandwagon? the middleman and give it straight To those corner entrepreneurs, where it needs to go. Find out what OpinIon Writer first blush: after all, reaching out to The same principle is at work to the Red Cross or the Salvation who I hope are inspired by-to you cando, and do it. help those afflicted by disaster is an with Katrina efforts. It looks good Army? Hell, give it to FEMAj they steal a good line from Honest Abe Don't let it stop with Katrina, ei- honorable impulse. to put up a sign and "give back to obviously need some help. Lincoln-the better angels of their ther. Everybody who has one (or Little ribbons on !Sut, at a 'certain point,charity .the communtty," sure. It's good When disasters like this happen, natures, and their would-be and, more) of those ribbons on their cats as commonly practiced becomes PR, it gives the customers a thrill to it's always fascinating to watch once-were customers, I say: Find needs to ditch the empty symbol- your car and less of an honorable impulse than think they might be helping some warring impulses come out in a better way. Instead of giving into ism. buckets of change a knee-jerk reaction, and I think of those poor, waterlogged New Americans. Generosity of spirit vs. the knee-jerk reaction to drop a few There are many, many ways to we've reached that point, folks. It's Orleans folks and it's the American self-aggrandizement, charity vs. coins in the ubiquitous receptacles, truly support the members of the don't really help like those damn yellow ribbons way: we've. never met a cause we flattery. People seek a way to help, go directly to the agencies involved U.S. military, great and small, but people like to put on their cars, say- couldn't jump on and make a buck but pretty soon they don't want to and say, "What do you need? How . feeding your ego or burnishing Like mushrooms, the signs and ing "Support our troops" or some off. But does it help? Somebody's be inconvenienced to do It, so the can l-help?" There are so many your image with the neighbors by banners announcing support for other homily that stems from a got to collect, tally, organize all this . entrepreneurs come in, sensing an ways to help . sticking magnets on your car isn't survivors of Katrina have' sprung good idea, but became nauseating stuff. When it's coming in from ev- opportunity, and open shop on ev- Volunteer time with the relocat- one of them. up. Everywhere one goes, it seems, in execution. Sticking a magnetic erywhere, that takes plenty of peo- ery corner. Fine impulses end up ed, those driven from their homes Neither is opening your own do- there's '1 bucket one can put money ribbon to your car doesn't really do ple just to organize, which takes diluted: people get weary of seeing in the diasporaof loss Katrina has nation bucket. Let your better an- into or a place where one can de- shit for our troops, does It? Does it them away from other work they exhortations to give every time they fueled. Step in to help agencies' or- gels help you do some real good. posit goods for relief efforts, This show you care, or does it show your could be doing, Why not cut out turn around. ganize what they've got and get it to You won't regret it. Oh, you're gay? Well, do

you know my gay friend? One student's plea Blame game goes top three officials were grossly under-qualified. According to the to ASBSU both ways Times-Picayune, work stopped on the levees for the first time in 37 BY T~YLOR NEWBOLD each other than why not all Gays aren't so small in number, If you truly want to represent As Jon Stewart eloquently stated years due to budget cuts. A state of Arbiter Stoff cosmetologists? Sometimes they especially in Boise, that we all know the student body just say no to the last week: "when you accuse others emergency was declared two days are one in the same. each other. Same goes for any other homosexual recognition week. of playing the blame game, you're before the hurricane hit. Why did About two months ago I was Isn't it irritating when someone minority. Since when do we award people to blame." In Monday's Arbiter, people not receive food and water getting a manicure at a posh asks you where you're from and What makes gays different from for their sexual preferences? Brandon Stoker had no problem for another week when Federal of- downtown men's salon. then they ask if you know someone other minorities is that you can I always thought it was people finding people to blame for the ficials were in charge? The beautiful woman polishing from there? I can understand it if never be sure of who is and who who should have equal rights, poor response to Hurricane Katrina Iwould venture to say that very my nails came to , isn't. Sexuality isn't because they are people. - as long as they had no relation to few of your readers vote or pay tax- know of my sex------black and white and It shouldn't be their lifestyle they' the Federal Government. es in Louisiana. It's true that much ual orientation if you think that every Sexuality isn't black and white and get awarded for. In doing so, he used questionable of the burden of responsibility lies BSU footballplayer is through nur con- ·f··' "·h··k h"'ti"U'f" ~ II' . ... Sosenators if Iwanted-tostart poll data, which not surprisingly, with the local officials· and when a. zero on the Kinsey ve,rsatiqn. ,I ..yOUJU1...t at.every.~ ..90hli\ . a.bestiality club, could-we-have a he didn't cite. If you look at' Bush's electton.tlme rolls around, they Will ,As soon as she " ".~ ' .. ,...... ". ' ..; ". " ",;. ". , 'Scale, you are very. week of recognftton'for' thqse'who poll numbers, you'll find a major- face the music. However, we here knew i was gay, player IS a zero on the Kmsey Scale, mistaken, my dear. like to have sex with animals? ity of people disapproved of his re- do pay Federal taxes, and we do It takes a real man sheaskedrne, "Oh, youare very mistaken, my dear. Look out BSU BONS (bestiality on sponse (ABC News). It's true that vote in Federal elections. And their do you know so- to admit when he the side) club is on its way. I want a there were many things the POTUS response was unacceptable. After and-so?" What? - Taylor Newbold admires or likes an- week of recognition too. could not have fixed. But it doesn't a Republican campaign based al- Excuse me? other guy in an at- , This legislation could have major take "magic fairy dust" for a leader most entirely on our safety, it's clear As politely as tractive but not side effects, and I plead, don't pass to both prepare and respond to an that we are no more secure. possible, I responded, "No, we they ask if you know someone from sexual way. this bill emergency. There is a list of tan- As Bush said himself: "Are we homosexuals don't all know each your high school. The pervasive notion that the gible actions that could have been capable of dealing with a severe other," biblically or otherwise. That kind of narrows it down but admiration of another man is "gay" Chris Badejo made on the Federal level that less- attack or another severe storm?" If I was tempted to ask her, "Do you if you're from Seattle and you're and therefore "effeminate" is still Political Science ened this tragedy. you have to ask the question, then know an old, Japanese woman who asked if you know one person from around. Let's stop assuming so Boise,ID First and foremost, Bush ap- the answer is obvious. used to cut my hair in San Jose?" that city's entire population you much and open our eyes to how pointed people who had no busi- I mean, if all gays know should slap that person. things really are. ness running our Federal erner- Mark Owens gency response programs. FEMA's Boise,ID Team Drew Sound dating advice from two guys with very different sex lives

, \-- -

BY DREW LOWDER Keep in touch and do the occasion- BY DREW H~YES location. You my friend, unfortu- Guest OpInIon al visit to her school when you can. Opinion Editor nately have a bad location. Also, continually talk about the up- Your setting up the relationship Doesn't it always seem to happen coming summer, and how much It's simple, drop her. to fall before it even has a chance like that? You look for that special fun you will have. We all know that summertime to start. The best thing to do would someone all during the school year, Keep it open, and more of a girls are the kind we like (thanks, be to just stay in contact but not to and yet you find him or her during friendly atmosphere. This way she LFO) but there Is a reason their make any promises to each other. the most restricted time of the year. will know that she has someone to called summertime girls .. If you get lucky, real lucky, you'll It is always a hard time when you look forward to when she gets back Lets look at this rationally for just both be single when Vou're finished know that you really can't make a from school. This will make you a second. Your plan is to start a re- with school and get jobs in the same commitment since there is no way more attractive because she has to lationship with somebody you just area. .' you are going to see each other for keep herself available for someone met, barley see her for the next nine Even that is a pretty ridiculous the next couple of semesters. that she wants, but doesn't have at months, and hope it all works out? thing to hope for. A lot of the time this will make the moment. Why don't you try taking that Lucky for you, Boise is full of in- you even more attracted to the per- Just understand that when you business plan to the bank and see if telligent, hot women to help you get son, and in the long run make the hear that cheesy copout like "If it you can get a loan? oversuch a tragic event. . relationship stronger. was truly meant to be, then there . It's not your fault; it's just a bad Take the summer experience for It is my experience to not really is nothing to worry about: that it is investment. Business is a lot like what it was, a good time that gave try the whole long distance thing. the truth. love; it's all about location location you some great memories. Have questions for Team Drew? Send to [email protected]


Photo EdJlor Wabmastars The Arbiter EDlTOR·IN-CHIEF M. Grace Lucas 111051odllor@"III""II .. " m ProducllonManagar Benaral ManalJ8l' _ Harsh MantrllxlOOJ M@ AIIr~d [x1211 Francis Dslapsna (xIIOJ Brad Arendt (xlOI) 1910 University Drlve Dlltr1but~~O\II&~\IIdunn. g MANAGING EDITOR TraVIs Eslvold '1.1061 .. ",d@.;bll'",II,w m Lisa Chullg [xllJ1Jj I, the academIC: IehOOl v-or. Tht' Al&tte, Photographers - htlftdl~lnll'I"". . NEWS EDITOR Sara Bah~DD 1.1D21.... @ulll"'.II •• " .. Boise, 10 8;5725 it the offIcJot Indepllnd.m st~ , Stanlay Brewster Assl Production ManalJ8l' WHfTrRS f'MIWSPCJPW Of BoI .. Slot~ UnlV'MltV AssT.NEWSEDITOB NawHliIog!call:!:'S-82O-lfmoJrillnoInfo. Ryen Pfleger Heather English IxllOJ arid .• dotlgnaIod{>ilooC [afIHlI ...... Rtchaa Swanbsck ~'R11Or1 mea: au content. OPINION EDItOR" Draw May .. l.l06II'lI."@.rtol""ilJlllt.<, .. IiraphIc Il&ilgnen - .... - .... ~I« ';;';'declIIoni--·~ .sPDRTs EDITOR ~Ho~ Idli:ll 'pDrto@'rbll'"'I~""'" . .LeoDilEIIllworth [xl1l)", ,-of""Pao!"!I"'~- DnstID ~[xlri3J _~@i~lI~'''IW'''' ,BeDJBI#mUpcburi:b[xllJl '. ' '. • IerllmlahHagler [xll1]·. .CGPVII,....~;,..;...~""~~"""""-o._.... CULTUBEEDITOR J.i8l'laDa Bsllirld04l .. tta .. tihrbl' ;.U...... ;~;.;. .. - ...... Now B1r1Dg!cIll:l45-6204"'- ~ ' . .. ~ ..:;. :.'~"}; .> ...Dr~IJu~Jxt071~;m~;j;~.~ ..... ,', KallyIJay lxlOO]' '. ':-.. '-',':: ""-'.:;~'~~;:" '}-:'~-:"~-:; NaTtllll1l1 G~btI1.~100]·;;;7" .'- ,~.'," , l~,' ,',,' '- " '.' "_'_ '_' - ',__/ • ,.".' ...... ,_. '.' . '. r " '. ~_ _.~ • " 0" . : ~- ,,~ i'-_.~-//' '~_ij;:'~;;:/~'~"}';l~'k~~ :,':;, Y' ,;J;::~~~<,;:_,:>.;~:'~;:~L{~j~'~:i~"::~i'~~:,~." I I

;--==--=-=-__ ~ --,- __ ~'s~e~p~t--=e~m~b~e=-.~r~2=--=2-=2~O~O~.~5 EDITOR: MarianaBekksr (culture@Bl' ure


BY TRAVIS ESTVOLD school reunions. Everyone Culture Columnist prays they will look great when they head back to their alma Hey everybody, I think I've maters to size up the ol' prom found the miracle weight-loss queen, hoping desperately she's program that so many American put on a spare tire so they can • men have long been seeking. have a good laugh at her ex- So what is it? Reduced carbs? pense. (Hey, I don't make this Lower fat? Lots of exercise? stuff up! There's a reason John Tae-Bo? Pilates? Jenny Craig? Hughes has a job, yeah?) So to No, silly! Those are way too high school seniors, if at all pos- complicated! And if you know sible, grow a beard just before ' me, you know I'm about as lazy graduation - or at least for your as they come. senior picture. That way, when Gentlemen, in my simple, you come back, people will in- two-step program, you can fool sist you look great, and that you your friends and coworkers into must have lost a ton of weight. thinking you've lost weight. Another chapter will cover Yes, that's right. But lucky for online dating. Only post pic- you, I'm not going to put it on tures of yourself with a big, fur- a DVD and charge three easy ry beard all over your profiles. payments of $29.99 to find out Then, when girls finally agree what you need to do. Although, to meet you, show up beard- given today's level of gullibility, free. They will be so amazed I betcha a handful of Boiseans by your seemingly overnight would sign up. weight loss, but also by how well So are you ready for the se- you clean up, that they will be cret? Are you ready to change powerless against your magne- your life? Here goes! tism and will probably buy you Step 1: Grow a beard. dinner. Step 2: Shave your beard off. Emphasis on probably - my You believe that? I couldn't ei- book will come with noguar- ther! I'm dead serious, though. antees. I'm still in college, for I quit shaving about two weeks pete's sake, and not a licensed before the term started and de- .advtce-glver, I've barely got my j, cided to end my razor boycott driver's license! last Friday afternoon. Upon If it is actual weight loss you doffing the beard,' I think my are interested in, I can only pass cheeks look about three times on what someone once told me the size they ought to, but ap- - the quickest way to lose eight parently, I'm the only one who pounds is to remove your head. thinks so. Everyone keeps tell- Sure, turtlenecks won't hold the ing me it looks like I've lost same meaning for you, but it's weight. It's nuts! a small price to pay for a near- I'm not sure, but I think I effortless dropping of pounds. may try to get a book deal out of If you are too attached to your this. If a loopy doctor can actu- head (as I am to my own), then ally rope people into cutting the perhaps another limb will suf- carbohydrates (which are, like, fice. A gruesome topic, maybe, nature's best source of energy) but dieting is a grotesque thing -out of their diets, then I'm sure to do to oneself. my beard idea will go over like So, anyway, I hope my ad- a lemonade stand in the Mojave vice will really help some guys in the dead of summer. Plus, out. But just an FYI, most girls I'm a marketing student, which I know hate beards. So if you means you can trust, basically, get bagged on for having a fuzzy every word I say. face, don't drop my name. I I'll make sure one of the chap- have enough trouble defending ters will cover those pesky high my own facial hair. September 222005'

BY AMBER FUGER Culture Writer

Dim lighting, stiff drinks, and a comfor.table "atmosphere are set behind a classic record store. Downtown Boise offers many bars where an array of concerts can be viewed, but the Neurolux is one of the ultimate night spots where a college student can easily afford an invigorating, chill experience, Between the eclectic, fashionable mix ofloyal patrons and the diverse acts, the Neurolux offers an easy- going bar where one can converse with friends and get down to some funky jams. Allen Ireland opened the bar in 1993 and has had agents booking shows to please the crowds ever since. Last night's show depicted the varied type of music played at the 'Lux. Poke-Country Music Gone

Awry performed as an opening act PHoro BY RYAN PFLEliEIVl'HE ARBITER for Big John Bates and the Voodoo The Naurolux, located In downtown Boise, Is a venue for many local bands, like Poke, to perform. Poke has opened for headlining bands like the Voodoo Dolls. Dolls, and as usual had plenty of fans shakin' their booties and - Brad Deteau - a.k.a, "Brat" - moved didn't take long to grow on me," time." Blumenstein plays lead gui- 'Lux. Tonight, for example, Heroes most of the music played at the ec- stompin' their feet. Poke's mem- to Boise in 1994 from California. Sandmeyer said. Deteau purchased tar and is the backup vocalist. . and Villians will take the stage centric bar, the 'Lux adds an unfor- bers - Bloom, Brat, Diesel and Brian Deteau grew up in Texas and owes an upright bass from Mark Rubin at Brat, Bloom, and Diesel started for a modest three dollar cover. gettable facade and experience to - self-reportedly "perform old-style his country music education to Violins Etc. for Sandmeyer and the out as a trio, performing at pubs Tomorrow night, The New Mexican downtown Boise. ,country, country-jazz, hillbilly, Austin where he attended the two started playing together. around Boise. Just recently, Poke Revolution will play. Saturday night Most nights the cover is afford- rockabilly, surf, polka, and roots- University of Texas. Soon after Michael Blumenstein incorporated drums into the band, We're From Japan are performing able and college student-friendly. rock." After arriving in Boise, Deteau - a.k.a, "Bloom" - joined them, and and Brian Mahaney completed the and on Monday, Wolf Parade per- So those of you who are 21 and over Doghouse bass player, Dustin met Sandmeyer and the two in- said he "particularly likes play- quartet. "I love Poke, Brat's vocals forms. should check it out, but remember Sandmeyer - a.k.a, "Diesel" - said stantly clicked. Sandmeyer said the ing with Poke because the music and Diesel's thumping are a blast to The 'Lux has been a favorite spot if partaking in the plethora of alco- he likes the crowd and the people country music scene did not hold as we play is simple good 01' honest jam to," sald Mahaney. of a number of Boiseans for over holic beverages offered, budget for at the 'Lux. "They are all really much importance for him at first, American roots music that cuts On any given night a show can a decade now. With the Record a taxi and remember to throw on cool," he said. Poke started up after but after jamming with Deteau, "It through and captures a simpler deliver listening pleasure at the Exchange at the forefront selling your dancing shoes!

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Saturda~ ,OctoberS __ ~ ---"-'..,~ ~ ~S--=e=-:p~-=-t-=-e~m~b--=e~r-=2~2=--=2=--:O=--. ·-=-O-=5~. CtJ~dU!it}""~fll"lnls'~~rtinthrives on post-adolescent angst . \ , .,6YEVE;LYN MCDONNEL~ Knight RldderTrlbune

Chris Martincan make humility' an act ofhubris, and vice versa, He's as' cockyand as .insecure as rock stars come, a psychic balancing act reflected in his band 's crescendo/crash songs. ' For instance, during a recent in- terview, the handsome, -voxed says that the four hours he recently spent in a Miami studio with hip-hop producer Timbaland provided a bracing reality check -even while he acknowledges his own superstar status. "I gleaned that it doesn't matter if you're inone of the biggest bands in the world," Martin sayson a mobile phone as his car makes its way out of New YorkCity,en route to a show in Ohio, "it doesn't mean you're very good." Then Martin concedes thisisno revelation: "But 1 glean that most days." Thanks to the nagging inescapa- bility of their hummably sad songs, and of course, to Martin's rnarriage to .Hollywood' A-lister Gwyneth Paltrow, no band in recent years has pierced the celebrity stratosphere as quickly as Coldplay. When their label EMI announced earlier this year that the British group's album "X&Y"would not come out in the first quarter as originally planned, the public company's stock took a dive. The quartet's june release was then greeted with the kind of fanfare few acts get for their third album. Ad nauseam, Coldplay (Martin, guitarist lonny Buckland, ing into the bleachers and singing Coldplay is known, loved and Coldplay performs at the MTV Video Music Awards In August 2005 drummer , and to lucky audience members. mocked. Like , they are a band bassist Guy Berryman) has heen "We asked for 500 old men but with causes, particularly, fair called "the next U2." they said it would damage their rat- trade. These are educated lads It's probably all been too much ings," Martin jokes. who met at college. Their 2000 de- too fast, as Martin is the first to ad- The 28-year-old father of l-year- but, "Parachutes," was a haunting, mit: "It's funny whcn you realize old daughter Apple likens the VMAs hopeful, mournful lullaby emanat- you've become one of those people to a school track meet. ing from the fallout of Radiohead's that you always used to imagine "These things are incredibly- "OKComputer" apocalypse. It and lived on Mars." funny because there's all these peo- '02's "ARush of Blood to the Head" Martin's success may be out of ple there with all their crews. When won Grammys for best alternative this world but, like so many blue- you watch it on TVyou.feel like ev- albums. And in '03, Martin married eyed British pop stars before him, eryone must know each other- it's Paltrow. he still kneels at the altar of black all very glamorous. But the reality Having sold a whopping 737,294 American music. is ... everyone knows who everyone copies its first week of release, "It was the best fun I've ever else is, of course,' but everyone's "X&Y"solidifies Coldplay's gradu- had," Martin says of his shart' ex- t ••kind ofwary of each other." ation from alternative to main- perience with Timbaland. 'Burlier Martin says he didn't pay too stream. The album Is a beautiful, If this year, he jokingly (I think} told much attention to the onstage and ..comfortable, compendium of con- a magazine that maybe he would backstage conflicts between 50 fessed doubts and whispered assur- chuck Coldplay to be the hip-hop Cent's G Unit and Fat joe's Terror ances. Coldplay has been criticized heavyweight's assistant. He won't Squad, who insulted each other , in some quarters, condemned, for reveal what the unlikely duo was on the mikes then nearly got into a playing it too safe on the record. working on, just keeps using the brawl behind the scenes. "I've been You would think having it all: word "amazing." to a few awards show with 50 Cent," height, good looks, gorgeous wife, The studio time was the finale to he says. "It's the same as with Oasis No. I band, darling daughter would an MTVVideo Music Awards week- in London: You'reglad they're there inoculate Martin against the barbs end Martin also says was "amaz- cause something might happen." of people undoubtedly less blessed ing." Besides, speaking two days after than he. But he remains a sensitive "It was crazy. First when we got Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, Martin lad. there everyone was talking about has more important things on his "We've got to a position we've the hurricane. Then Suge Knight mind. "The reason why I didn't re- never been in before, where we're was killed, then he wasn't killed. ally notice the beefs and all that is it kind of part of the structure and Then the MTV awards is kind of seemed so irrelevant. There's these so most people have an opinion on funny. Then last night we went out big things going on so close by.The us," Martin says. "Whereas three to the studio and one of the girls arguments between a couple of years ago most people didn't have that works for us, we had to call her people at awards shows, they pale an opinion on us because most lookinulor an ambulance. It was just a crazy in significance. Increasingly in our people didn't know about us. A lot fewdays." world we're focusing on the doings ofpeople really hate Coldplay at the Coldplay, nominated for four of celebrities to distract ourselves moment. But Idon't think they real- non-sloP VMAs but winners of nonc, per- from the actual goings-on on the lyunderstand we always hear about formed at the show. They eschewed planet. Escapism isreally danger- it. It's really hard to accept. We're the production's waterworks and ous." just trying to come to terms with aClionil dancers for some simple emoting This is the sort of the fact some people really like us and playing, with Martin wander- BIG STATEMENT for which and some people really don't." Hook UP with Herpes • Recurring outbreaks of Wme Ifrompage 51 ing A New Vintage Wine Shop interview as Dudunake eyed genital sores ... forever can find it in the Meridian me from across the coun- her judgment whole-heart- Crossroads Plaza at Fairview ter. "Gettin' a little fuzzy, are • A lifetime of ointments edly," said Alvaro. "I have no Ave. and Eagle Rd., or visit it ya,''' she said with a smile. and visits to the doctor idea what I'm drinking right online at .I assured her that was not • Absolutely no curel now," she said, raising her I slyly poured the remnants the case, as I told her with wine glass for me to see. "I or- of my second helping of wine astute articulation, and a der cases from her all the time." into my accomplice's glass wink, that I'm a professional. Those interested in visit- and prepared to wrap up the Whatever you're looking fo" in adate,it isn't a sexually' transmitted disease. If you' sexually active, use a cend andtalktoyour partner a STDs. Or d9n'thave sex •./" TO(earrimore/V1slt.'.·. ' fdahol1~lt~;olJor'~aU· ••·..•e:,5·~ Idaho.·.CareLfrie··2.;1-.;K.·.··.~'.':·"i Andlloqkupwith som~ . INTERNATION.AL.PUB6~it~~ CR.I. knoWle

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Saturday @ San Jose State, Time: 7 p.rn. (PT) artJite ronl in com Women's tennis Friday BYUInvitational Provo, UT Soccer Saturday @IUPUI Cedar Rapids, lJT [SIDE LINE] Parker named WAC Player of the Week

Boise State junior goalkeeper Kim Parker was named the Xbox Live \\'estern· Athletic Conference women's soccer Defensive Player of the Week. . It is the second consecutive week that a Boise State Bronco has been named the defensive player of the Football and soccer find marital bliss at BSU week with sophomore defender Alii Tsuchida winning the honor last BY TREVOR HORN Viejo High School in Mission Viejo, week. Sports -Editor Calif. -Por-Parker it is her third WACde- "We met in high school. I. had fensive' player of the week honor in heard that he was good football her career having earned the same 1\vo are from Boise and the other player, and he heard I was a good recognition once in each of the pre- two are from a quiet community In soccer player. We just started teas- vious two seasons; Oct. 27, 2003 and Orange County ncar Los Angeles. ing each other and stuff from there. Aug. 30, 2004. Two are of LDS faith and the oth- We really started dating my last The three honors by Parker is a er two are Christian. four months of high school. So, we program career high. This week's Two are married and the other ran into each other through sports award means that the Boise State two are en- and started dat- program has received a player of gaged. , ing from there," the week honor eight times since Not very simi------James said. it's inception in 1998 and seven lar, but they do Actually, since joining the Western Athletic all sl:are one It's awesome. James and Conference in 2001. common fea- It's great being Tadman were ture-they are more than just Bengals suspended all student-ath- able to go home good athletes letes at Boise and see' her. in high school. James was Idaho State University athletics State. named the 2003 director Paul A. Bubb suspended Brad Lau, the - BSU safety Marty Tadman , Los Angeles Ierrnaine Horn indefinitely and starting full- Times Player of David Beverly for one week for back for the the Year and the their participation in a fight. Tony Boise State foot- ball team, Is married to the former LA Timesnamed Tadman the 2004 Jones and Akbar Abdul-Ahad were Brennan Erickson, a starting mid- Orange County Player ofthe Year. also suspended indefinitely for ac- fielder for the Boise State soccer "We started joking around about tions not directly related to a fight. that and started going out," Tadman Michael Harris and Jason Wright team. Marty Tadman is a starting safety said. PHOTOILLUSTRATIOn BY STANlEY BIlEWSTEM1IE ARBITER were also given one-week suspen- forthe football team and ls engaged James graduated a year be- sions for misconduct. to Nicole James-a starting defend- fore Tadman and played at Drake Drake didn't work out for me. It was some," Tadman said. since her freshman year. Horn is currently third on the er for the soccer team. University' in, Des Moines, Iowa. hard getting used to Iowa," James "We spend many of our week- Brad says that he not only enjoys team in tackles with 13 and he is the The Lau's met on October of Tadman came to Boise State right said. "When I decided to leave, I nights In Bible study and plan to do the fact that they are both athletes starting defensive tackle. Beverly is 2003 on a blind date from a mutual out of high school and played as a wanted to go somewhere closer some premarital counseling here at for the Broncos, but he also likes redshirting this season and Michael friend. They got married on June true freshman in 2004. James trans- to home, closer to Marty. BSU was the University Baptist Church In or- that the two teams play the seasons Harris is a redshirt candidate as he ferred to Boise State this summer the best place in comparison to the der to prepare for marriage," James at the same time. recovers from' a torn ACL suffered 26,2004. Brad says he enjoys the fact that and now the two of them are both. others in the area, and Ihad a good said. Tadman and James have a May "We get to enjoy the sprlngse- last season. Wright is a reserve the two of them are both athletes. sophomores. communication with (Boise State 22 wedding date set. mester and the summer we get a lot cornerback who has played in two "Surprising I think It works out "It's awesome. It's great being soccer head coach) Steve (Lucas), The Lau's are not without their of time off together. I think it would . games this season. better than if she wasn't an athlete. able to go home and see her most so It worked out beautifully. It really .own accolades on the field. Both me more difficult if her season was Just because she is practicing when nights. When I'm stressed out, it's was an answer to our prayers." are hometown kids. Brad was a 1999 spring semester because then we Women's tennis I'm practicing. She has to lift, Ihave nice to have someone that close to Both speak highly, of their reli- graduate from Capitol High School would always be on the road," Brad to lift, so It kind of works out to you to talk to and just be there for gious beliefs. . and Brennan graduated from Boise said. begins season where our time off is spent togeth- you when you come home from a "We are both strong Christians. High. And when asked if there was a with a win er. We get evenings off and we can loss," Tadman said. We do Bible studies and everyday Brad has been the starting full- chance of a little Lau on the way, spend those together," Brad said. "I went off to Drake in Iowa while we talk about Bible verses we read back for the Broncos since last sea- Brad simply said, "Weare going to or we pray together all the time. We wait until school and soccer are The Boise State University Tadman and James met when he was still in high school getting all son, and Brennan, like Brad, is a ju- do everything together. It's awe- .'nior. She has started for the Broncos over to think about it." - women's tennis team opened the they were both attending Mission his accolades for playing football. 2005-06 season by sending three freshman to represent them at the Cougar Classlc,OSept. 16-18, and the women brought home two Indivld- ual titles and a doubles title In their Broncos tie for second. at two-day tournament first event as Broncos. All three women. made It to the courtesy £ week at the Gene Miranda Falcon College. championship. match' of their reo Invitational, .where he set a tour- The shot of the week belonged to spective Individual flights; Tatlana Three members of the Boise State nament record with a three-round senior Jake Sestero .. Sestero aced Ganzha and Carolyn, Berry each University men's golfteam finished score of206 (-10). the 12th hole, a 227-yard par'3, and wenrundefeatedfn four matches, In the top 15 atthe Purple and Red Sophomore, and 2004 WAC finished with a three-round total of Winning their flights, and Ganzha Invitational 'fuesday, giving the Freshman of the Year, Mati 228(+12). and [ana Mackova went undefeated' Broncos IIshare of second place. Hastings flnlshed tied for 10th with . Asa team, the Broncos finished through the first flIghtofthe dou- Senior Graham DeLaet led the a three-round total of 214 (-2)~Jn tied for second with co-host school"': bIes tournament.'...... way for the Broncos with a three- nine career. tournaments with the Weber State; The. two schools Ganzha and· Maclcov!I·won. the round total of 212 ('::4)•.DeLaet's. fI-.Broncos, Hastings has recorded six posted athree~rOl.i~d score-oi857, '. champlonsjilpmateh In the first nal~r'ourid;5.un.der67,thesecond~ . lap 25 finishes and three top 10 fln- {lnly two strokes balik. of tourna~ fllgh~ of. the.doublestourna~ent, lowestscore~fthe .d~y,'propelled' Ishes respectively. • mentchamplortSantllClara,. and ...... • . d(!featingAD1y;rQtllai1dBlanc.ahin1tiPtlt~ieaderboilrd to~lsh' " Iunlor Kyle Daniell-Gustin, a na- '12 .strokes ah~d of the ()tberl!osi· selaruof . iislit,tgto!1:Stlite(a.~~),. tiedfor&fthplace.. . • . : tl,ve of Meridian, Idaho, finished sChool, ..Utah;' ,Roun!lihg:out-: -, . 'thtl'doubteams InDeLaet's last 25 tour~ameDts, scodng ~Qrth~;~tQ.n#:mscsen JasOnWillianiB;' . .' 'ptlSie '.' ,>'i:' ., ::~J8J,iLi~~e;~~f6~~\tOptn. 54~hbjeto" ., .' , '. ". -', ' 101 5 PORT 5 5 e pte nib e r 22 2 0 0 5 .Stampede pick former Broncos tn CBADraft

BY TREVOR HORN One advantage for Blackburn and Sports £dltor Ellls Is the attraction of playing In front of crowds that know them. 1\vo former Boise State Broncos Current Boise State guard Eric were among the four players draft- Lane even stated that it is nice to ed by the Idaho Stampede during know that he and the other players the 20th Annual CBA College Draft on the team could have a chance to Tuesday night. see both players here In Boise.' Jermalne Blackburn and Jason ·We spent the last couple of years Ellis were taken in the fifth and together," Lane said. "Knowing that • sixth rounds respectfully. they are just around the corner and . Blackburn played the last two we can go watch them, I'm exclt- seasons for Boise State. He Is cur- ed." rently playing in Australia for the The other two. players the West Sydney Razorbacks where he Stampede drafted on Tuesday night Is averaging 19.5 points per game. were Quemont Greer from DePaul Blackburn led the Broncos with University and David Simon from a 15.2 scoring average last season, Indiana University-Purdue Fort but was turnover prone at key times Wayne. during games. Greer was taken in the first round, Despite that, Stampede head the fifth overall plck He was just coach Joe Wolf said that he was the second player In DePaul history able to see Blackburn-during the to be picked to the All-Conference NBA summer league and said the USA first-team selection. Last sea- Florissant, Mo. native really im- son, Greer averaged 18.3 points a pressed him. game. "He needs to develop a lot if he ·Very strong inside-outside pres- wants to play in the NBA, and I ence. Big body, he can play the 3 or think at this point hopefully that's the 4. I think his development will what he wants," Wolf said. come throughout the year when he Wol.fwas able to get a much bet- plays for us mainly on the outside," ter look at Ellis this summer; Wolf Wolfsaid. was a coach on the Denver Nuggets Wolfis also confldentthatthe first summer league team that Ellis round pick will be in a Stampede played on. uniform this season . ."1 think Jason can play well at "He's playing iii the Philippines this level. There's no question that's right now and I spoke with his agent why I picked him. Jason has all the right before the draft and he wants intangibles," Wolf said. to play somewhere in the US in the Fcllowing his stellar career at upcoming season." Boise State, Ellis is playing for his Simon was taken in the third third pro team since April. Ellis is round by Idaho, the 21" overall currently playing for the Basket pick. Club Boncourt in Europe. Simon averaged 16.6 per game With a wife and a child, Ellis' last season for IPFW, and was chances of coming back to play in named All-Independent first team. the U.S. may be a bit more likely. Some other notable players tak- Many players drafted by the CBA en in the draft are Chris Taft and

',>i never play in the league because Chevon Troutman from Pittsburgh. the salaries for those players un- The duo played in the NCAA tour- able to make NBA rosters are better nament in the Taco Bell Arena in overseas than in the U.S., like that March and were the 16th and 17'h of the CBA. picks in the draft. But Wolf says the attraction he Gary took Tre Simmons from gives to players is the ability to play Washington in the fourth round. in front of NBA scouts on a nightly And former Fresno State Bulldog basis and the fact that some players Mustafa Al-Sayyad was taken with are unable to cope with the culture the first pick in the fifth round by FILE PHOTOS BY STAN DREWSTEJVfHE ARBITER changes. CBA newcomer Albany. Former Broncos Jermalne Blackburn (left) and Jason Ellis (top) were selected by Idaho tn the CSA Dral! Tuesd~y night. Students Volleyball team prepares for WAC play

BY SARAH JOHNSON winning percentage Was the best New Mexico State finished the wrapped up its 2004 season by ad- Sports Writer in the country. The Wahine will 2004 'season with a 30-3 record vancing to the WAC semifinals for Fly Cheaper be returning all seven starters this breaking the school record fur win- the third time in four years. The Boise State volleyball shifts the season, and are favored in the WAC ning percentage (.909) and service Bulldogs finished the 2004 season Sample roundtrip Student Airfares from Boise to: focus from preseason to confer- preseason coaches poll to take the aces (253). The Aggies completed with an over all record of 15-13 go- ence play this week. The Broncos conference again. Sacramento $124 London $528 the second consecutive undefeated ing 2-1 with the Broncos. This sea- came out on top during preseason The Broncos will leave Hawaii conference season, going 15-0 in son Fresno will return with five Wash., D.C. $240 Frankfurt $579 play with a 4-3 record. The Broncos to compete against San Jose State the Sun Belt and winning the con- upper classmen, and will be losing Grand Forks $264 Lima $729 had a slow start Winning every oth- Sept. 24. San Jose finished the 2004 ference tournament for the second three key players. er game, however they managed to season with a 15-13 overall record, straight year. New Mexico State Nevada is ranked second in a execute two very important wins going 1-1 with the Broncos. This entered the WAC with a 36-match preseason coach's poll for confer- - in Texas versus NCAA qualifying season the Spartans will have a winning streak over conference ence play after finishing last season FREE +TICKETS teams University of Georgia and fairly new team with a majority of opponents dating back to the 2002 with an overall record of 21-10 go- Texas Tech. underclassmen, returning only season. ing 0-2 with the Broncos.The Wolf The Broncos bussed to Pocatello seven letter winners from last year. Idaho joined the WAC from the Pack has participated in the NCAA Text "FLY" to 22122 on Sept. 14 and handled the Bengals Utah State, New Mexico State, Big West wlth a 17-13 record last tournament four of the last seven It's your chance to win one of ten pairs in three games, beating Idaho State and Idaho are the newest additions season. The Vandals advanced to years, last season they were one of of roundtrip tickets to London in Pocatello for the first time in 11 to the WAC. Utah State joined the the NCAA tournament in 2004 for three teams in the schools history years. WACfrom the Big West. Last season the second consecutive season to break 20 wins. The team traveled to Hawaii for a the Aggles had a losing record of 9- with an at-large bid. U1 will return Louisiana Tech will be return- , match last night to open conference 18. The Aggies attribute the cause . three top players and will lose two, ing three starters this year from the play against University of Hawaii. of the losses to the absence of six including a starting setter and cap- 2004 season. The Bulldogs had an • Last season the Rainbow Wahine . players who missed a combined 76 tain from the 2004 season. overall record of 6-30 last season finished the season with a record of matches and 300 games. Boise State volleyball will also and are ranked 9th in the preseason 30-1, winning the Western Athletic This season Utah State will have be competing against WAC vet- poll. This team will be rebuilding as Conference tournament and ad- six top returnees with just one key erans Fresno State, Nevada, and they add eight new players for the vancing to NCAA. Hawaii's .968 .loss. Louisiana Tech. Fresno State 2005 season.

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September 22 2005 SPORTS 11 --- .._------_._ .... __ ._._-_ ..- BBQ + brews + Broncos - Gameday tailgating BY DUSTIN L.APRAY I didn't' get to sample any of the "A Coming Out" Discussion Assistant Sports Editor delicacies, I had a story to write and a dealine to beat. '. . Group The most motion caught in the sponsored by Tee The row of RV's and scattered lot was of parking guru graham grills. line University Drive. The Ignoffo, who despite his avid dedi- Parking lot is filled with orange- cation to his duties, directing traf- A peer-to-peer group of people who clad Bronco Athletic Association fic and aligning 45-foot long mon- - Are thinking about coming out of the closet veterans and vendors with flags fly- strosities, was not happy to be in his - Want to understand what it means to be out ing, satellites broadcasting and ra- position. - Are questioning their own sexual identity dio/television towers erect in prep- Ignoffo is a BSU student in the - Are age 18 and older aration of kickoff. applied technology department, The charred smell of grilled burg- situated directly parallel to the sta- ers wafts in the air and the slight in- dium. His classes were all canceled sinuation of alcohol envelopes the Wednesday to avoid the hassle of When & Where crowds. parking . 1fat will meet each "You think that's enough beer?" • "I'm an academic Bronco, not s~ asked a man in passing, looking at an athletic Bronco," Ignoffosaid. Thursday at 7:00 pm the three 24-can flats in the back of The Community Center "I would bet my dollars to donuts lh his pickup. "That's plenty," laughed 919-A North 27 st, Boise that 95 percent of the students here 11l his friend. didn't come to BSU for the football (2 blocks South of 27 & State) On the cruise around the park- team. I'm paying to be here every 429-6800 ing lot, I found a Mr. Ken Reglin, a day. I came her for academics not BAA member with a Bronco blue for athletics." No roster of names will be taken Participants may use a pseudonym if desired RV.Insidewerer autographs of hun- Ignoffo .complained also about . For information call The Community Center at 336-3870 drerds of visitors to his camper in the fact that so much money was PHOTO BY Nrc,) ALHEorrHE ARBITER the lot. The dashboard was shielded spent to build onto the stadium, Boise State fan, !'ilrk Weinert, painted his van to prove his dedication. by a banner with the 2001 Broncos' when the facilities that facilitate signatures. learning on campus are left unat- the back of his red pickup, which Then there was the venerable tended. he parked on University at 1 a.m. Kirk Weinert and his Blue van. Ignoffo, though, seemed to be Wednesday morning, to assure he Weinert said that he had not missed alone in his quest for equality it and his friends a solid spot. He was a home game since the EHlO season. programs. All of the fans in the lot supposed to walk to a buddy's house He had a satellite hooked up on his were BAA members, they had to be, to crash, but just crossed the street ARE You A FUTURE TEACHER?- roof and a 28-inch TVin the back of had to have a permit, or they were for class that morning. He claimed thevan. sent back into the street to park to have not showered in days. The He had a football field aintcd elsewhere. students ate on a modest grill, burg- JOIN YOUR PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION onto the top of the van, complete Mr. Reglin said that BAA mem- ers and dogs. with yard markers and pvc pipe bers pay big bucks for those huge "It's fun to get drunk, meet new FOR FUTURE TEACHERS TODAY!! goalposts. His friend said that he parking spaces (some $575 to join people and hang out with your and his son attended the final game the BAA), which are 306 fewer this friends," Simpson said. Professional publications. New member CDROMwith practical Ups for teacher, Member discounts and that the broncos played at the old year with the construction on the Though many folks with differ- services, FREESUbscription to Instructer magazine, Career placement assistance, $1 million liability wooden stadium, against Idaho indoor practice facility. He said that entstrokes attend tailgating exer- State in 1968. eventually all the RV spaces would cises, it is clear that there is no con- pollcv, Legal services, Duell rebates after graduation. The floor of Weinert's van be moved out of the main lot. sensus as to how it should be done, 1. JOIN THE STUDENT PROGRAM AT WWW.NEA.ORG/STUDENT-PROGRAM/MEMDERSHIP , was lined with the original blue Outside the main lot resided what foods shall be provided what 2. CLICK ON "JOIN THE NEA STUDENT PROGRAM," Astroturf from Bronco stadium. the tailgaters that could not af- people should be invited or wheth- 3. ENROLL ONLINE WITH A MAJOR CREDIT/DEDIT CARD OR CALL IEA'AT 1-800-727-9922 The Stadium is on its third surface ford the spaces in the main park- er one method is better than the since Weinert came across the slab ing lot. Students and regular fans rest, or whether the event should COMPLIMENTARY STATE AND NATiONAL of shag .. parked on the street and I met an take place at all. What is clear is MEMBE.RSHIPS AVAILADLE FOR '05-06' Also were fans with mega-size exceptionally dedicated student, that these are fanatics and for Boise ~t? STUDENT TEACHERS. CONTACT lEA AT IDAHO IDUeATIO" ASSOCIATION 1-800-727-9922 grills and pots-a-boil. Unfortunately a Mr. Jared Simpson, who slept in State they cheer.

Share your space, but live on your own.

Get everything for your dorm room at and still afford tuition •. Arbitar classified adwrtlsBrn81\ts are free to students. Classified ads may be p1acsd three ways: 8IlIail: [email protected] plums: 345-8204 x tOo tClssi or stop by the uHice at 605 UnlYlll'llity Drive (across from the SUB). - THE ARBITER SEPTEMBER 22 2005

range, micro/fridge, mod- Health Care 853-5050 M- Chevy Blazer 96, LS, AC, estly furnished. All util F9am -5pm. Power DL, W, M, Tinted, included, $450/mo. 1215 Silver, 58K, $5900/0130 Koltz Fine Spirits, Wyo- Crossword N 14th, entry on Sher- Are you a future teacher? 375-5227 ming's first and only dis- man. 345-0844 lv, msg. tillary is looking for a PIT, ACROSS Join your professional or- Dell Dimension Desktop for Kim. FIT sates rep. to be part 1 Luster .ganization! Learn about System Pentium 4, 2 GHz, of our marketing team in 6 God's image benefits and how to join 640MB Ram (160GB To- Idaho. The person chosen 10 Dump giveaway at tal), $500/obo. Call 761- must be an JD resident, 14 Monarch's loyal program/membership. 2408 21 yrs of age, possess a subject Are you a future teacher? Sigma Alpha Lambda, DRESSER, Broyhill, ex- valid Drivers License and 15 Riviera city Join your professional or- National Honors & cellent condition, 8 draw- be sales driven and highly 16 Detonator cord ganization! Learn about Leadership Org. seek- ers, some blemishes on motivated. Pay depends on 17 Offsetting figures benefits and how to join ing motivated students top. $80. Call 447-1896. sales experience, but will 19 Flutter about at to serve as founding of- Full size orthopedic set. train. If you are interested 20 Zero of program/membership. ficers/members to be- Brand new in package. in joining an exciting new Broadway gin a campus chapter Sacrifice $99. Call 866- Are you America's next company with unlimited 21 Choir voice at Boise State. contact 7476 Top Personality? Premier growth potential, email 23 Singer Sayer [email protected] in-store Promotions Com- 24 Feeling poorly King size pillowtop mat- your resume and contact pany & authorized agency info at justinkoltiska@ 25 Personnel tress set, brand new in of Mass Connections, records bag ..Must sell, $225. Can You Inc., has PIT weekend po- 27 Cloth scraps Dt'1iver.866-7476 can check out our website sitions in various ID cities at www.koltiskaoriginal. 30 Gangster's gun 1975 Dodge Sport King Pool Table 31 Boorish to represent major con- com 22' motor home. Only 6'3 ft. $75 OBO sumer packaged goods 32 Gaps Parents of 8 week old 6lK actual miles, $1900/ Call 921-1845 companies as well as na- 35 Corn serving twin girls seeking respon- abo. Call 941-4776 or tional & local retailers. To 36 Like a path 362-29l\H. sible, experienced loving Queen Pillow Top mat- apply visitwww, around Earth female 10 help care for 19H7 Dodge Caravan .. tress set. Brand new, still eventsandpromotions. 37 Dictators our girls. 20-25 hrs.lwk in Seats 7. AT, AC, 113k in plastic. Must sell $129. com 41 Cow's chew our East End home. Pay original miles. Runs good. Can deliver. H66-7476 42 Descends . Clean. $500/0BO. Call is competitive and nego- 43 Indian Queen Tempurpedie tiable DOE. Candidate instrument © 2005 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 09/22105 Steve 340-7492. BOI~EAHAH All rights reserved. style visco memory foam U ! I Y I 1-\ I r , must be non smoker, have 19119 Mercury Tracer, 46 "At Seventeen" mattress set. Brand new own transportation, will- 2 door hatchback, 5spd. singer in plastic. Retail $1599. Career Center ing to do light housekeep- Great gas mileage, runs 47 Revered figure 9 Brooding spots Must sell $399 855-9688 ing. complete background Solutions okay, starts every time. BroncoJobs 48 Sang-froid 10 Not at work check, and complete first 50 ISS partner 11 "2001 ..." star S700.00/obo.331-H337 On- and aid/CPR. Parents also 52 Colony critter 12 Basketry 1990 Toyota Cellca GTS off-campus jobs looking for help through- 53 Obi willows IIOk miles, great condi- out the night a few times a #1 DORM COTTAGES and internships 54 1960s dance 13 Flip do-over tion, new parts installed. week. We look forward to ~EW, no pets/smoking, for current and 58 Property 18 "_ My $3000/obo. 859-2975 hearing from you. Please 5 min walk to BSU. Per- graduating encumbrance Children" call Danielle or Micheal 2002 Honda Civic EX, fect for one. $435 mo. students 60 Procedural 22 Academy 342-3787. Auto, Power every- Call BiiI1l50-3624. statements Awards thing. DC, 27+mpg, 4dr. 62 Poet Pound 26 Certain 3 hd/I hath, wid ill- $1O,OOO/obo.703-5434 63 Late night Jay therapeutic eluded. Live next door Chcck out 27-piece Cookwcar set. 64 Complete exposure to BStJ. TOilSof parking. 65 Quiet relaxation 27 Letter after pi Completely brand new. $750/mo. Call 322-42211 BroncoJobs il1 i 66 Perimeter 28 Broadcast Retails for $1359, but will or view Oil www.hoi- @:"'f;j')'iji'% b;fl '. sell for $X50. http://carccr.bniscSlalc.cou 67 Sleep soundly? 29 Yak Call H6U-295X. 30 Hair goo Room and bath for rent in Eagle Busters is hiring. DOWN 7-Piece Cherry Bedroom $14 33 One-eighties House 5 min from BSU Will work w/school sched- 1 Criticize harshly 34 Weepy set. Brand-new in box. next to Tablcrock. $350/ ule. Flexible hrs. Come in 2 Hawaiian port Basel Appointment, 35 Needle hole Retail $2250, sacrifice mo.' Includes all utilities and pick up an applica- 3 Conger and $450. Call 888-1464 37 2,000 pounds and internet. 336- J 836 tion at 1396 E. State St. in Flexible Schedule, moray 38 Silent 44 Convert into 51 Food seasonings 83 Honda Accord Haleh Room for rent, Bench Eagle or call 938-1800 for 4 Disagreeably agreement charged 55 Golden liule Runs. Needs carbo $175/ area. $350/mo. all utili It- more info. Sales & Service, self-assured 39 Even prime particles word obo. X7 Honda Prelude ies paid. Avail 9/31. Call Homccare aides-house- 5 Staircase post number .45 Porters 56 Cause to wither for parts. Call 463-9064 703-2470 keeping. meal prep, per- All ages 17+ 6 Quaint hotel 40 NBC classic 46 Published 57 Wight or Skye or X63-4156. sonal care services. trans- 7 Droning insects 42 Slashing deeply 49 Philly player 59 Styron's Turner Studio over detached ga- Conditions Apply 8 Spotted wildcat Cherry Sleigh Bed, solid rage. NEnd/Hyde Park. portation. Flexible hours, 43 Mountaineer 50 Ram's lady 61 Unknown Jane wood. New-in-box. Value Lots of windows. french 2 to 24 hour shifts, days, $X,)9, sacrifice $249. Call door to balcony. -Gas eves, overnights. Con- Call - 343-5092 XXX-1464. tact Shelly C£i) TLC Home horo~opes

"";;'0 ,:1ou seRve Bt..eNoeo~ By Linda C. mack Cancer (June 22·July 22) Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dcc. 21) COFFee He~1" ~'; Tribune Media Services Today isa 7 -You've read the Today is a 6 - The competition books, and now it's time to keeps you on your toes, put what you've learned into especially now. Let an Today's Birthday (09·22-05). practice. Start with an objective argumentative person introduce Be frugal, yet expansive, this evaluation of what you have, you to a wealthy crowd, year. By extra careful shopping; and what you want. you can advance quite a way Capricorn (Dec. 22·Jan.19) into unfamiliar territory, Leo (July 2:\-Aug. 22) Today is a 6 - For the next four quite successfully. To get the Today is a 6 - You're on the weeks, you'll find it easier to advantage, check the day's cusp ofa new endeavor. Sign advance toward your goals. If rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 up for a class. This will be fun you don't have any exciting the most challenging. and you'll make new friends, so ones left, better make a new list. don't just sit there. Aries (March 21·AprilI9) Aquarius (Jan. 20·Feb. 18) Today is a 6 - Once you've 9·11. "I'm tellln'ya, Myrt ... they've been fightin' Virgo (Aug. 23·Sept 22) Today is a 6 - Hurry and put decided what you want to like cats and dogs all night. Looks nke he Today is a 6 - For the next four things in order, the celebration's finally got her treed: accomplish, the next step is to weeks, you can rake in a lot about to begin. You're luckier in Two Dudes figure out how. Start by getting by Aaron Wamer of money. You're imaginative, love for several weeks, starting some books on the subject. OO\,/l7OVOU inspired and just plain lucky. tonight. ~/.l..O\lG Taurus (April20~May 20) Wl1IlYO~ Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) Pisces (Feb. 19·March 20) ItQOWMTI; Today is a 7 - Conditions Today is an 8 - The ideas will Today is a7 - Your greatest SOWQl.? are getting better for making start coming into your head, investments are artistic, \ money. You'll be happy to and the opportunities appear. even in yourself. You have a learn there are lots of creative Whatever, wherever in the natural talent that you need to opportunities to do that, and world - limitless possibilities. encourage, and-train. more coming in daily.

Scorpio (Oct. 23·Nov. 21) (e) 2005, TRIBUNE MEDIA Gemini (May 21·June 21) Today is a 7 - You should have SERVICES INC. Today is an 8 - You should Distributed by Knight Ridder. your plan pretty well worked feel pretty good about the job Tribune Information Services. out by now. Enough of that. you've recently done. Finish it Time to start doing wha,! you up, SQ you can relax and play -'pronused, and racking up the with the ones you love. points.