The American Legion Magazine [Volume 91, No. 2 (August 1971)]

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The American Legion Magazine [Volume 91, No. 2 (August 1971)] THE AMERICAN 20c . AUGUST 1971 MAGAZINE If people will buy more recycled materials, industry will recycle more. The Easiest Way to Destroy the Dump Piles —— . A barber gets $1.50 plus tip for a shave with his electric razor. straight and neat for today's new "styled" look. The high- For years he's kept the brand name hidden with adhesive tape. impact plastic housing is sculpted to fit your hand effortlessly. Removable stainless steel head rinses clean under running wa- Can you rightly blame him? For this professional instrument ter. On-off switch, plus separate switch to operate trimmer. outshaves his hand-honed straight razor! You won't find it in The specially counter-balanced drive gives you a smooth, stores. It's been a secret weapon of master barbers for years. vibration-free shave, and won't cause radio or TV interference. It delivers a barber-close shave that lasts all day long. It does it faster and with less chance of irritation than a straight It all adds up to an amazing shaving experience. An electric razor. That's why barbers use it on the toughest beards and shave that makes your face come cleaner than a hand-honed the most sensitive skin. surgical steel barber's straight razor — and in a lot less time. Now the secret is out. A blabbermouthed barber talked. We Expecting a hefty price tag? Forget it! The Oster Professional have it. The Oster Professional Electric Shaver. Shaver was designed for barbers who don't go for expensive, Contoured Head unneeded frills. The price is only $22.98, complete with carry- ing case — containing separate cord storage, cleaning brush Like a Barber's Fingers and head cover. The design is a barber's dream. Technically, the shaving head design is called a "double arch contour," because it sets up wmmmmmmm iq-DAY FREE TRIAL! like a does with his fingers. It means you whiskers just barber Treat your face to the Oster Professional Shaver for 10 every whisker at one pass— as clean as if you had drawn get days — 10 days of the smoothest, fastest, closest, most a hand-honed, surgically sharp, straight razor over your face. irritation-free shaving you've ever enjoyed . either 4,000 Comb Traps blade or electric! Then, if not completely satisfied, 152 Surgical Steel Edges return for a full refund. Four thousand comb-like perforations trap each whisker right at the skin line. Powerful 120-volt, 60-cycle motor drives the 152 surgical-sharp cutting edges to make the toughest beard BUY WITH CONFIDENCE disappear magically—without the slightest irritation to even MAIL NO-RISK COUPON NOW! the most sensitive skin. So Powerful, Whiskers Turn to Dust! 227 E. 45 Street, Dept. AK-53, New York, N.Y. 10017 ordinary electric shaver and you'll find bits and Open an Show me! I'd like to treat my face to the Oster Professional pieces of whisker. That's because these run-of-the-mill shavers Electric Shaver's barber-close shaves! If it doesn't deliver hack and chop your beard. But the Oster Professional Electric smoother, faster, closer, more irritation-free shaves than I've ever enjoyed, I understand that I can return my shaver Shaver operates at nearly twice the speed—on ordinary house- in 10 days for full refund or cancellation of charges. (22.98, hold AC current— and actually pulverizes whiskers into fine plus $1.00 postage and handling—total: $23.98.) N.Y. resi- microscopic dust. dents add sales tax. Enclosed is check money order Separate Trimmer Charge my Master Charge Other Great Features No expense was spared to make the Oster Professional Shaver Account No. to rigid, master-barber specifications. Motor-driven trimmer Signature operates independently to trim moustaches and sideburns Name (Please Print) Address City ....State Zip 227 E. 45 Street, Dept. AK-53, New York, N.Y. 10017 The American AUGUST 1971 Volume 91, Number 2 CHANCE OF ADDRESS: LEGION Notify Circulaiion Dept., P. O. Box 1954, Indianapolis, Ind, A(>206 using Post Office Form .3578. Aitacli old address label and Magazine give old and new addresses with ZIP Code number and current membership card number. .\Iso be sure to notify your Post Adjutant. CONTENTS FOR AUGUST 1971 The American Legion Magaiine Editorial & Advertising Oflites I.145 of Americas THE EASIEST WAY TO DESTROY THE DUMP PILES . Avenue the New York, New York 10019 BY PETER D. BOLTER Viibliihei- . lames F. O'Neil The outlay of millions of dollars for solid waste Uditor disposal has been largely unsuccessful, hut here's Rolx ri B. Pitkin a simple plan that can do the job and cost us .In Editor Al Marshall cent. hardly a Aifhtant to Publisher loiin Andreola ANOTHER SAD NOTE ON AMERICAN JOURNALISM . 12 ,'liiistant Editor lames S. Swartz BY R. B. PITKIN . J.<.<oeiate Editor In an article on The American Legion, The Wall Street i<oy Miller /hiiuunt Art Editor Journal presented a picture of a great organization in Walter H. Boll decline. look at the shoios otherwise. A facts ProdacLion Manager Art Uretzlicld THE EARTH FROM SPACE . Copy Ediior YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW 16 (rail S. Hanford Circulaiion Manager BY HARVEY ARDMAN Dean B. Nelson Indianapolis, Ind. Space exploration can tell us a lot about the earth Advertising Sales that living on it never could. Here's what the Roller! Redden .Associates, Inc. 121 Cedar Lane spnceboys are doing to help solve some of the Teaneck, N.J. 07666 problems on their home planet. 201-836-5755 The American Legion A LEGION ROMANCE FOR VIETNAM AMPUTEE 21 Magazine Commission: A PHOTO FEATURE lames E. Powers, Macon, Ga. (Chairman); Benjamin B. Truskoski, Bristol, Conn, {Vice C/iairman) ; James K. Kelley, Radnor, Pa. CAUSES OF TEEN-AGE AUTO ACCIDENTS 22 (National Commander's Tiepresentative); Lang BY .\rmstrong-, Spol^ane, Wash.; Charles E. Booth, JACK HARRISON POLLACK Huntington^ W. Va.; Raymond Fields, Ouy- Two studies which pinpoint causes accidents by young ifion, OliUi.; Milford .\. Forrester, Greenville, of S.C.; Chris Hernandez, Sat/annah, Ga.; Mylio S. ICraja, drivers can help teen-agers and parents alike. Youngstoiun , Ohio; Russell H. Laird, Pes Moines, loiua; Howard E. Lohman, Moor- head, Minn.; Frank C. Love, SyraciisCj N.y.; SHOULD WE ENACT A NATIONAL SERVICE PROGRAM? . .24 Arthur M. .VlacCarthy, Tallahassee, Fla.; l.o\d McDermott, Benton, Morris Meyer, TWO SIDES OF A NATIONAL QUESTION S:drhi>ille, Miss.; J. H. Morris, Baton Rouge, La.; Frank W. Naylor, Jr., Kansas City, pro: rep. JONATHAN B. BINGHAM (D-N.Y.) Kans.: Harry H. Schaffer, Pittsburgh, Pa.; George Sinopoli, Fresno, Calif.; George B. con: rep. PARREN J. MITCHELL (D-MD.) Stover, Jonestotun, Pa.; Wayne L. 'Falbert, Delphi, Ind.; J. Cornelius Tromp, Manhattan, THE THINGS WE'VE USED FOR MONEY 26 III.; Robert H. Wilder, Dadeville, Ala.; Ed- w.ird .McSweeney. Netu Yorli^, N.Y. (Consult- BY LYNWOOD MARK RHODES .1111); Ciiester K. Shore, Helena, Mont. (Con- sul i. mi). Our colonies used seashells. tobacco, corn, etc., — The .\mcrican Legion Magazine is published for money then relied on foreign coins. Later monthly at 1100 West Broadway, Louisville, paper money, hank issues and the gold standard Ky. 40201 by The American Legion. Copyright 1971 by The American Legion. Second-class plagued us with problems we aren't out of yet. postage paid at Louisville, Ky. Price: single copy, 20 cents; yearly subscription, %2.00. Here's a look at what has served us for money. Order nonmember subscriptions from the Cir- culation Department of The .American Legion, COVER: SCULPTURE BY STANLEY GLAUBACH / PHOTO BY JOSEPH REYNOLDS P.O. Box 1954, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. Editorial and .idvertising oflices: 1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10019. Departments Wholly owned by The American Legion with National Headquarters at Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. .\l(red P. Chamie, National Commander. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 2 LIFE IN THE OUTDOORS 46 NONMEiMBER SUBSCRIPTIONS VETERANS NEWSLETTER 31 PERSONAL 50 Send name and address, inclndin;; ZIP num- ber, with $2 check or money order to Circula- NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION ... .33 LEGION SHOPPER 55 tion Dept., P.O. Box 1951. Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. DATELINE WASHINGTON 41 PARTING SHOTS 56 POSTMASTER: Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a selt-nddressed, Send Form .i57<) lo P.O. Bo.x 1954 stamped envelope is included. This magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Indianapolis, Ind. 46206 THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • AUGUST 1971 1 Here's where you start LETTERS saving money. TO THE EDITOR 1^ Letters published do not necessarily ex- press the policy of The American Legion. Keep letters short. Name and address must be furnished. Expressions of opinion and requests for personal service are appreci- ated, but they cannot be acknowledged or answered, due to lack of magazine staff for these purposes. Requests for personal serv- ices which may be legitimately asked of The American Legion should be made to your Post Service Officer or your state (Department) American Legion Hq. Send letters to the editor to: Letters. The American Legion Magazine, 1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10019. THE PEACE CORPS sir: The article, "The Peace Corps Echoes Its Influence Here" (May), states a truth which The American Legion, almost alone of the big U.S. organizations, has long recognized: that Americans abroad "are wise ... in the facts of life around the world, thanks to their substituting first- hand experience for cocktail party talk on what's going on in the world." The recognition given by the Legion to its members abroad has been a profitable two-way street. The national councils have received the benefit of the experience and knowledge of thousands of veterans residing in dozens of countries, and these, in turn, have been encouraged to carry out some of the fine Legion programs in For 10 copies or more, no copier their communities.
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