Consultation Summary

Changes to red route stopping restrictions on

Archway Road

January 2017

[Type text]


1 Introduction ...... 3 2 The consultation ...... 3 3 About the respondents ...... 4 4 Overview of responses ...... 5 5 Summary and conclusion ...... 6 Appendix A – List of stakeholders consulted ...... 7 Appendix B - Consultation material ...... 9 Appendix C – Responses to issues commonly raised ...... 12


1 Introduction

We recently consulted on proposals to convert an existing, single red line restriction into a night-time taxi rank on the A1 Archway Road. The consultation ran from 27 May to 24 June 2016.

1.1 About the proposals

We proposed to create a dedicated space for two taxis to wait near Highgate station to help Tube passengers get home. The existing single red line south-east of bus stop T, as shown in the plan, would therefore be replaced by a taxi rank, which would operate between 19:00-07:00 on all days. Other vehicles would not be able to wait in the taxi rank at any time.

To allow buses to pull away from the bus stop, no vehicles would be allowed to stop at any time between the proposed taxi rank and bus stop T.

All responses were submitted via our consultation website or by email.

2 The consultation

The consultation was designed to enable us to understand opinion about the proposed changes. The consultation material was available at

The potential outcomes of the consultation are:

 We decide the consultation raises no issues that should prevent us from proceeding with the scheme as originally planned  We modify the scheme in response to issues raised in consultation  We abandon the scheme as a result of issues raised in the consultation

The objectives of the consultation were:

 Allow stakeholders and the public to easily understand information about the proposal and allow them to respond  To help understand the level of support or opposition for the change  To understand any issues that might affect the proposal of which we were not previously aware  To help us identify and understand concerns and objections  To allow the respondents to make suggestions


2.1 Who we consulted and how

We wanted to understand the views of those living and working near to where our proposals would be implemented. We sent a letter and map to approximately 4,306 properties and businesses in the area.

We also issued an email to stakeholders to inform them of our consultation. Those contacted included the Borough of Haringey, local politicians and emergency services.

A list of external stakeholders contacted is shown in Appendix A. Copies of the letter and map we sent to residents and the email we sent to stakeholders are shown in Appendix B.

The consultation was published online on our consultation website between 27 May and 24 June 2016.

3 About the respondents

3.1 How respondents heard about the consultation

How respondents heard about c Number of consultation respondents Received an email from TfL 3 Received a letter from TfL 22 Read about in the press 0 Saw it on the TfL website 17 Social media 21 Other (please specify) 14 Not Answered 8


3.2 How respondents identified themselves

The majority of respondents identified themselves as local residents or employed locally. People also had the option of ticking more than one box.

How respondents identified Number of themselves respondents

Local Resident 38 Business owner 5 Employed locally 8 Commuter to the area 15 Visitor to the area 10 Other (please specify) 7 Not Local interested in scheme 17 Not Answered 1 Stakeholder 1

4 Overview of responses

We received 86 responses to the consultation. The majority were supportive of the proposal to convert an existing single red line restriction into a night-time taxi rank on the A1 Archway Road. All responses were submitted via our online portal or by email.

We asked people one closed question about their support for the scheme and one open question asking for comments. The following tables detail the responses to the questions asked:

Do you support our proposals?

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No Not Agree Partially Not sure No opinion answered Number of responses 72 6 0 1 7 0


Main issues raised by respondents This is a much needed taxi rank to support the area 72 Can the taxi rank be 24 hour 8 Taxis should stand in the Highgate Station car park 5 Can it not be a daytime rank as well? 3 Taxis will block the lanes in hours of heavy traffic 2 Responses from stakeholders

London Suburban Taxi Coalition: Fully support the provision of a new rank in Archway road in close proximity to Highgate station wheelchair accessible vehicles duty of care and responsibility to young and vulnerable persons.

RMT Union: Asked that the hours include rush hour time so the bay operates 1700 hours to 0900.

Highgate Society: Convened a site meeting, at which we were asked to consider reducing the proposed hours of operation to times when bus provision is less frequent e.g. 9pm-6am 5 Summary and conclusion

We received 86 responses to consultation. The majority were supportive of the proposal to convert an existing single red line restriction into a night-time taxi rank on the A1 Archway Road.

Having considered all responses, we decided to go ahead and introduce the new taxi bay. However, in response to suggestions received, we have altered the operating hours so that the bay will operate between 22:00 and 07:00 instead of 19:00 and 07:00 as we had proposed. The bay was introduced in time for the introduction of the Night Tube on the Northern line.

Our response to issues commonly raised in consultation is shown in Appendix C.


Appendix A – List of stakeholders consulted

London TravelWatch AM Chair of the GLA Transport Committee AM Deputy Chair of the GLA Transport Committee Kemi Badenoch AM Member of the GLA Transport Committee Joanne McCartney AM Member of the GLA Transport Committee AM, Member of the GLA Transport Committee AM Member of the GLA Transport Committee Richard Berry Scrutiny Manager GLA Transport Committee Kemi Badenoch AM, Member of the GLA Transport Committee AM Member of the GLA Transport Committee Member of the GLA Transport Committee AM Member of the GLA Transport Committee Steve O'Connell AM Member of the GLA Transport Committee Alison Bell External Relations Manager GLA Transport Committee Catherine West MP Hornsey and Wood Green Liz Morris Highgate Ward Councillor Clive Carter Highgate Ward Councillor Bob Hare Highgate Ward Councillor Joanne McCartney AM Enfield and Haringey Assembly Member Local Authorities London Borough of Haringey

Police & Health Authorities Metropolitan Police Haringey Safer Transport Team London Ambulance Service London Fire Brigade Service

Transport Groups AA Association of British Drivers Association of Car Fleet Operators British Motorcyclists Federation Freight Transport Association Green Flag Group Motorcycle Action Group Motorcycle Industry Association Road Haulage Association London Cab Ranks Committee (Secretary) London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority


Other Stakeholders Action on Hearing Loss (formerly RNID) Age Concern London Age UK Asian Peoples Disabilities Alliance BT Campaign for Better Transport Confederation of British Industry (CBI) CTC, The national cycling charity Disability Alliance Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee EDF Energy Forum for the Elderly Guide Dogs for the Blind Association Joint Committee on Mobility of Blind and Partially Sighted People (JCMBPS) Joint Mobility Unit Living Streets London Cycling Campaign London Older People's Strategy Group MIND National Children's Bureau National Grid RADAR London Access Forum RNIB Royal Mail London TravelWatch Sense Sixty Plus Stroke Association Thames Water The British Dyslexia Association


Appendix B - Consultation material



Dear Stakeholder

I am writing to inform you of our proposal to convert an existing single red line restriction into a night-time taxi rank on the A1 Archway Road.

For more information and to let us know your views please visit our website at:

The deadline for comments is Friday 24 June 2016.

Yours faithfully

Mario Constantinou Consultation Team Transport for London


Letter distribution area


Appendix C – Responses to issues commonly raised

The Taxi rank should move into Highgate Station car park.

Space is limited in the car park outside Highgate station, and due to the NCP lease, use is only permitted for specific purposes. Changes to the contract could lead to a long delay in appointing this taxi rank. We feel that it would be better for passengers to wait on the main road rather than in the car park at night. A more visible and safe location, such as the one on Archway Road, will maximise use and improve security.

Taxis will block the lanes in hours of heavy traffic on the A1 Archway Road.

In response to concerns that the traffic will block the road, we have amended the hours of the rank to be 22:00 till 07:00 instead of 19:00 – 07:00. .

Include rush hour time 17:00 hours to 09:00 The bay will not operate in peak traffic times in order to minimise disruption for other users of this strategically-important road.