8 March 2017

Deputy Mayor for , Joanne McCartney, joins Lambeth primary school children for a mesmerizing performance of Romeo and Juliet

Download images of the Deputy Mayor’s visit here

Deputy Mayor for London, Joanne McCartney, today joined children from Archbishop Sumner Primary School in Lambeth to experience the National Theatre’s latest production for primary schools.

This spring, more than 12,000 young people will see the NT’s tour for younger audiences of Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth, with these productions visiting 27 schools across the capital and playing on stage at the National Theatre and Stratford Circus.

The NT is continuing its commitment to touring live theatre to schools across London with its latest production of Romeo and Juliet. The production is a modern twist on Shakespeare’s classic love story set against a vibrant urban backdrop with excitement, colour, dancing and live song. A company of eight present a contemporary celebration of Shakespeare's masterpiece suitable for children aged 8 – 12yrs.

Lisa Burger, Executive Director at the National Theatre said: “We believe that it is important for children and young people of all ages to have access to high quality, engaging theatre and we are committed to giving young people access to inspirational theatre and embedding the arts as a vital part of the curriculum.

In 2017, we are offering young people across London the opportunity to see Shakespeare productions in their primary and secondary schools as we realise that for many teachers, it is often the logistics of bringing a whole year group to the theatre which can be the barrier to young people accessing world-class theatre. By helping children to see great theatre, we are seeking to inspire children’s learning and create the next generation of audiences and playmakers.”

Deputy Mayor for Education and Childcare, Joanne McCartney, said: “I was delighted to join children from Archbishop Sumner School today and see how much they’ve enjoyed this wonderful production of Romeo and Juliet. It’s fantastic that the National Theatre is part of the London Curriculum, the Mayor’s programme to bring the national curriculum to life, inspired by London’s people, places, culture and heritage. The Curriculum is all about creating a childhood of opportunity for every young Londoner in the widest sense, and that’s exactly what the National Theatre is doing - providing access to world-class theatre and enriching children’s lives across London.”

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, in a new version by Ben Power, directed by Bijan Shibani.


“Sharp and funny”, Daily Telegraph.


Notes to Editors

Contact Vicky Kington for more information on 020 7452 3232 / 07832 357655: [email protected]

The National Theatre Partner for Learning is Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Shakespeare for younger audiences is supported by: The Ingram Trust, Archie Sherman Charitable Trust, Behrens Foundation, Cleopatra Trust, The Ernest Cook Trust, Jill and David Leuw, Mulberry Trust, The Royal Victoria Hall Foundation and the Topinambour Trust.

About Joanne McCartney

Joanne McCartney AM has been a member of the since June 2004. As a representative for Enfield and Haringey, Joanne has been vocal about putting the issues that matter to local people on London’s political agenda.

In May 2016, appointed Joanne to the position of Deputy . Among her duties, Joanne can act on behalf of the Mayor and can represent him at engagements across London. In the event that something should happen to the Mayor, she will stand in his place until there is a formal election.

Joanne is also Deputy Mayor for Education and Childcare. Her priorities include improving childcare and early-years education, working with to provide a good school place for every child, promoting and celebrating excellent teaching in London, and leading a London-wide effort to recruit a new generation of head teachers.

Joanne has a strong record of tackling the issues that matter to Londoners. Before becoming Deputy Mayor, Joanne chaired the London Assembly’s Police and Crime Committee. She was at the forefront of efforts to make the capital safer and led investigations into confronting child sexual exploitation, preventing extremism in London, and boosting the diversity of the Metropolitan Police. She has also been a strong voice on protecting neighbourhood policing and tackling crime on London’s transport network.

Joanne also previously chaired the Assembly’s Health & Public Services Committee. She led efforts to put the spotlight on vital issues including breast cancer screening, the decline of London’s public toilets and access to mental health services. She has also served on the Assembly’s Budget & Performance Committee.

Joanne served as a local councillor in Enfield from 1998 to 2006. During this time, she chaired Enfield’s Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership and was a Director of Millfield House & Theatre.

Before becoming an Assembly Member, Joanne also enjoyed a profession as a barrister and specialised in employment law. She worked as an adjudicator to the Housing Ombudsman, too, handling disputes between landlords and tenants.

About the National Theatre


The National Theatre is dedicated to making the very best theatre and sharing it with as many people as possible. We produce productions on the South Bank in London each year, ranging from re-imagined classics to modern masterpieces and new work by contemporary writers and theatre-makers. The National’s work is seen on tour throughout the UK, in London’s West End, internationally (including on Broadway) and in collaborations and coproductions with theatres across the country.

Across 2015-2016, the NT staged 34 productions and gave 3,134 performances in the UK and internationally. The NT’s award-winning programme had a UK audience of 2.5 million, 700,000 of which were NT Live audiences.

The NT is committed to providing programmes for schools, young people, families, community groups and adult learners, both in the Clore Learning Centre at the NT and nationally through programmes such as Connections, the NT’s youth theatre festival, and New Views the NT’s playwriting programme and competition for schools. In 2015-2016, we engaged with over 181,000 participants through the NT Learning programme nationaltheatre.org.uk @nationaltheatre @NT_PressOffice