The Process of Meaning-Making in the Intercultural Context of Museums a Corpus-Based Case Study of the Museum Aan De Ijzer

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The Process of Meaning-Making in the Intercultural Context of Museums a Corpus-Based Case Study of the Museum Aan De Ijzer The process of meaning-making in the intercultural context of museums A corpus-based case study of the Museum aan de IJzer Word count: 24.673 Tessa Behaeghe Student number: 01600017 Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Lieve Jooken A dissertation submitted to Ghent University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Interpreting Academic year: 2019 - 2020 2 Verklaring i.v.m. auteursrecht De auteur en de promotor(en) geven de toelating deze studie als geheel voor consultatie beschikbaar te stellen voor persoonlijk gebruik. Elk ander gebruik valt onder de beperkingen van het auteursrecht, in het bijzonder met betrekking tot de verplichting de bron uitdrukkelijk te vermelden bij het aanhalen van gegevens uit deze studie. 3 Preambule Tijdens de afgelopen paar maanden trof het Coronavirus niet enkel de fysieke gezondheid van de bevolking, we werden ook mentaal zwaar geraakt. Net zoals vele van mijn medestudenten had ik het moeilijk door het gebrek aan sociaal contact dat ik normaal had in de lessen en ook tijdens mijn buitenschoolse activiteiten. Gelukkig werd de onderzoeksfase van mijn masterproef praktisch gezien niet gehinderd door de genomen maatregelen. Het schrijfproces verliep gedurende de periode van lockdown erg moeizaam, maar uiteindelijk ben ik er toch in geslaagd om mijn werk af te leveren met de hulp van mijn promotor en met de steun van mijn vrienden. 4 Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following people for the continuous support they have given me during this very difficult period in my life. Without them I would not have been able to complete this research paper the way I did. First and foremost, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Lieve Jooken for her insight during the writing process and her useful feedback. Even during the difficult times, she continued to support my work with much needed patience. Secondly, I want to thank the staff of the Museum aan de IJzer, who were very hospitable when I came to visit. The staff were all very friendly and helpful and provided me with the necessary material for this study. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for the opportunities they have given my throughout my life. My parents and friends gave me their never-ending support throughout my education and certainly during this very lonely and isolated period. I would especially like to thank my mother as she was a great help during the research process and my greatest source of motivation and inspiration. 5 Abstract Museums are of great importance for the understanding of a foreign culture and history. Their function is to educate, engage and entertain their visitors. Curators accomplish this through semiotic means, by using verbal elements such as texts and their translations as well as visual elements such as interactive displays of artefacts. This paper argues that the museum’s communication is influenced by a number of factors. Therefore, it is often difficult to render information in a certain way, especially in the context of a multilingual museum. The present study defines the different text characteristics and examines how they have been translated into French and English in the Museum aan de IJzer in Diksmuide. Furthermore, the concepts of ideology and nationality are examined in the translation to the different target cultures. A corpus of parallel museum texts in Dutch as well as English and French was drawn up. Firstly, the semiotic context was investigated through the concept of spatial distribution. Next, the communicative frameworks by Ravelli (2006) were used to analyse the corpus texts. The research showed that overall, foreign visitors do not receive the same information as the Dutch visitor. The translations were not quite adapted to the foreign public, seldom giving extra explanation and often presenting language mistakes. The results suggest that English- and French- speaking visitors do not receive the same cultural connotations and that shifts have occurred in the presentation of ideological subjects. Overall, foreign visitors will not end their visit with a complete view of the Flemish warfare culture and the Flemish battle for emancipation. (256 words) 6 Table of Contents Preambule ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Chapter 1 Museum aan de IJzer: an introduction to the museum ................................................................. 11 1.1 History and purpose of the museum ........................................................................... 11 1.2 Research Questions of the study .................................................................................. 12 Chapter 2 Theoretical frameworks on museum translation ........................................................................... 14 2.1 The transition from ‘Old’ to ‘New’ museums and their educational function ......... 14 2.2 Spatial distribution in the context of the Museum aan de IJzer ............................... 16 2.2.1 Visitor-oriented attitudes in the creation and translation of museum texts ......................... 17 2.2.2 Museum texts in their complex semiotic environment ............................................................. 18 Chapter 3 The communicative frameworks by Ravelli (2006) ........................................................................ 20 3.1 The organisational framework ..................................................................................... 21 3.1.1 Micro- and macro-level analysis of the organisational framework .......................................... 22 3.1.2 Insights from Translation Studies .................................................................................................. 23 3.2 The interactional framework ....................................................................................... 25 3.2.1 Constructing meaning through interaction ................................................................................. 26 3.2.2 The continuum of style .................................................................................................................... 28 3.3 The representational framework ................................................................................. 29 3.3.1 Micro-level representation .............................................................................................................. 29 3.3.2 Cultural framing in translation ....................................................................................................... 30 The theory of narratives .................................................................................................... 31 The concepts of nationality and ideology in the memorial museums ....................... 32 7 Chapter 4 Methodology ......................................................................................................................................... 35 Chapter 5 Analysis and results ............................................................................................................................ 38 5.1 Spatial considerations ................................................................................................... 38 5.2 Distinguishing the communicative frameworks by Ravelli (2006) in the Museum aan de IJzer corpus ......................................................................................... 41 5.2.1 The organisational framework ....................................................................................................... 41 5.2.2 The interactional framework .......................................................................................................... 51 5.2.3 The representational framework ................................................................................................... 56 Chapter 6 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................. 66 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................................................... 69 Appendix 1 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 71 8 Introduction This dissertation aims to study the translations of the various texts used in the ‘Museum aan de IJzer’ (Museum at the Yser) in Diksmuide, ranging from wall panels and object descriptions to small labels. The research will identify shifts in translation from the original Dutch text into the English and French versions and will investigate whether foreign visitors
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