The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies bv Chamber of Commerce number 27245148 Lange Voorhout 16 HCSS-08-002 2514 EE The Hague The Netherlands Eyes Wide Shut? The Impact of Embedded Journalism on T +31 (70) 318 48 40 Dutch Newspaper Coverage of Afghanistan F +31 (70) 318 48 50
[email protected] Date April, 2008 Author(s) Ulrich Mans, Christa Meindersma, Lars Burema Number of pages 43 All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without the previous written permission from HCSS. This research project was financed by: Stimuleringsfonds voor de Pers The Hague, 2008 HCSS-report | HCSS-08-002 2 / 43 Executive summary Eyes Wide Shut? The Impact of Embedded Journalism on Dutch Newspaper Coverage of Afghanistan Embedded journalism has created a diversity dilemma. While more journalists write of Afghanistan, the focus has narrowed. The close interaction between military and journalists may also jeopardise the independence of reporting. Yet, journalists who travel embedded to Afghanistan are basically content with the embed policy. While individual journalists question the control on operational security prior to publication, in practice there have not been major problems with this type of compulsory review. The main concern of journalists with the embed policy remains the lack of freedom of movement and the The Dutch Ministry of Defence developed a Under the embed policy, three journalists discretion of the military commander in this policy of embedded journalism as an can travel from the Netherlands to Uruzgan regard. integral part of the communication strategy every two weeks.