Territory of Ohio
EXTRACTS FROM THE History of Cincinnati AND THE TERRITORY OF OHIO, Showing the Trials and Hardships of the Pioneers in the Early Settlement of CINCINNATI AND THE WEST. BY A. E. JONES, A. NI., M. D. CINCINNATI : COHEN & CO. 1888. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the Office of the Librarian ol Congress, Washington, D. C., 1879. -:~t.f;~}}}~;- ... : :~~r1it~:-i ---·?2~Jt??--:~:-;;;;~:\t\(?\)r_·'-_;_:~.(;ii(tIY"ti/!;-~:::1~?:_;·:t.::·,~·~~:J}/fZ.~ffili~'.l;fa\t~ .••.,.·· ._.:, 'l i •·:,:.. ,,:;.:• 'i . I ~.l·• •,• y.\ •;_fj'•.• I ••. • • ·:•.•,.. ••, .• ·,) , ·,• .. •• . ' .. ,, •'..-~l\.i• ·:· ,t}}·;:... :, ,....__ ',\ - .. I : .. ,. ·,. ·:• .. • ·•. ·--~,c't·\ ' . J,I I . ::, :,; .·: -v·· .. -~~,, . :.. ·· / / - o/f• \ ., ·1 ,. lili11A. f,{o"'es, l)lft. Tl1E CllfCINIIATI LITJI• CO, LANDING Of THE PIONEERS AT YEATMAN'S COVE FOOT or. SYCAMORE ST. DECEMBER 2at!17aa-: . Off 'CINCINNATI 100 v·EARS AGO. ,'.. .. .• . ' . PREFACE. "WHIL~ it is doubtless true that _the story of th~ settlement of Cincin- nati has been often told, yet It must be admitted that but compara tively few of our citizens have any definite knowledge of the events which first led to the exploration of the Ohio Valley, the causes which for so many years deferred its settlement, and the perils and hardships endured by the pioneers; while most of them are familiar with the more important histor ical epochs. The ancient landmarks are being swept away by the demands of an ever increasing population. The old pioneers are falling like ripe grain before the sickle. Events of purely local interest are rapidly passing fron1 memory ; and the fact that the settlement of Cincinnati marked an era In the history of our common country full of interest to all, has been lost sight of or disregarded.
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