Enhancing Railway Carbon Strip Prognostics with Data Blending through a Time-Delay Neural Network Ensemble

Alexandre Trilla1, Veronica´ Fernandez´ 2, and Xavier Cabre´3

1,2,3 R&D Services, Santa Perpetua` de la Mogoda, Barcelona, 08130, Spain [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT Energy supply for high-speed trains is mainly attained with a high-voltage catenary (i.e., the source on the infrastructure) in contact with a sliding pantograph (i.e., the drain on the rolling-stock vehicle). The friction between these two ele- ments is minimised with a carbon strip that the pantograph equips. In addition to erosion, this carbon strip is also subject to abrasion due to the high current that flows from the cate- nary to the train. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to keep the degradation of the carbon material under control to guar- antee the reliability of the railway service. To attain this goal, this article explores an accurate (i.e., uncertainty bounded) predictive method based on a robust online non-linear mul- tivariate regression technique, considering some factors that may have an impact on the degradation on the carbon strip, Figure 1. Alstom TrainScanner deployment at the Manch- such as the seasonal condition of the contact wire, which may ester Traincare Centre. develop an especially critical ice build-up in the winter. The proposed approach uses a neural ensemble to integrate all these sources of potential utility with the carbon strip data, 2017; Tsui, K. L., Chen, N., Zhou, Q., Hai, Y., and Wang, which is convoluted in time with a set of spreading filters to W., 2015). In line with this source of innovation, Alstom increase the overall robustness. Finally, the article evaluates has developed the TrainScanner, which is a track-side train the effectiveness of this prognosis approach with a dataset of monitoring system that is aimed at optimising the mainte- pantograph carbon thickness measurements over a year at the nance of brake pads (Trilla, A., Dersin, P., and Cabre,´ X., fleet level. The results of the analysis prove that it is definitely 2018), pantograph carbon strips, and wheelsets (Trilla, A., possible to deploy a fine prediction, and thus yield a new av- and Cabre,´ X., 2018), see Figure 1. This product is based on a enue for business improvement through the application of the set of computer vision technologies with lasers and 3D cam- predictive maintenance approach to pantograph carbon strips. eras that capture the degradation-related measures for each component as the trains traverse its portal. Then, it automat- 1. INTRODUCTION ically triggers the analysis of the collected data, and advises the maintenance team with data-informed prescriptions. This The railway environment in general, and the maintenance work is particularly focused on the pantograph prognostic en- of rolling-stock in particular, are recently experiencing great hancement that may be attained with the carbon strip thick- benefits with the deployment of data-driven Prognostics and ness measurements over time. Health Management (PHM) technology (Atamuradov, V., Medjaher, K., Dersin, P., Lamoureux, B., and Zerhouni, N., The Class 390 rolling stock is an electric high- speed passenger train that conducts the current collection Alexandre Trilla et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the through a pantograph. Therefore, the pantograph is an es- terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, pro- sential element of the traction chain because it provides ac- vided the original author and source are credited. cess to the power to drive the traction motors, among other





10 Thickness [mm]

5 Profile 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Figure 2. British Rail Class 390 pantograph showing the two Length [mm] carbon strips. One of them leads the contact with the catenary. Figure 3. Acquired pantograph carbon strip profile. Note that the figure is not to scale: the carbon strip is a very wide asset. systems. In order to draw the current while the train is in of the approach, and Section 4 concludes the manuscript and motion, the pantograph equips two carbon strips that are in reflects on its impact on the current maintenance plan. constant sliding contact with the , also known as the catenary, see Figure 2. Given the permanent friction 2. METHODSAND RESULTS regime of this means of power transfer, each carbon strip is This section describes process that has been followed in order subject to wear. And in addition to this main degradation to obtain a robust pantograph carbon strip prognosis method. mode, there are many other factors that may impact the con- Thus, the development is incremental and preliminary results dition of this asset, such as the amount of current flow (Bucca, are provided. G., and Collina, A., 2015; Ding, T., Xuan, W., He, Q., Wu, H., and Xiong, W., 2014), the irregular contact height relative 2.1. Carbon Strip Data Preprocessing to the rails (Shing, A. W. C., and Wong, P. P. L., 2008), the specific carbon material (Auditeau, G., Bucca, G., Collina, The carbon strip is a rectangular piece of carbon material that A., and Tanzi, E., 2011; Auditeau, G., 2016), and the ambient is mounted at the top of the pantograph. It is 20 mm thick, 30 temperature (Ocoleanu, C. F., Popa, I., Manolea, G., Dolan, mm wide and 1,000 mm long. Each pantograph equips two of A. I., and Vlase, S., 2009). The combined effect of all these these strips, and the leader always precedes the contact with phenomena may produce chips and cracks on the surface of the overhead line. Additionally, there are two cars on each the carbon strip, although the most critical degradation factor train that equip a pantograph, although only one of them is that can be directly observed is the season. active at a time (i.e., in contact with the catenary). Its rated operating voltage is 25kV AC. This work conducts a thorough analysis of the pantograph carbon strip degradation at the fleet level in order to en- The TrainScanner acquires a cloud of points for each panto- hance the performance of its thickness prediction at 30,000 graph carbon strip. Based on this data, the carbons are re- km into the actual operating life of each asset, which is ex- constructed with a triangulation technique, and a thickness pected to show a great deal of variation according to the sea- profile is extracted for each asset, see Figure 3. It can be ob- sonal weather. Given the intense mission profile of the fleet, served that the degraded area spans from 200 mm to 800 mm, this horizon for the prediction is assumed to provide enough and the most critical part is at the centre, from 400 mm to 600 notice time for the maintenance team to schedule the depot mm. The system automatically identifies this region and ex- resources effectively. The proposed model of the degrading tracts the minimum thickness value for further wear analysis. carbon thickness sequence exploits its diversity in time (or This article evaluates the effectiveness of carbon strip prog- distance) through a set of spreading convolutions. Finally, nostics with a dataset of thickness measurements at the fleet the prognosis evaluation is performed with a rolling window level, acquired between June 1 2016 and June 1 2017 at irreg- prediction technique, focusing on the uncertainty of the pre- ular intervals (the monitoring operations are not scheduled). dicted error, which is given by the maximum variability of the It comprises an amount of 224 strip elements, and each se- error distribution for a given confidence interval. quence of carbon thickness needs to be preprocessed to add The article is organised as follows: Section 2 describes the robustness to the prediction. To this end, the following issues analysis procedure that has been explored, including the de- are taken into account: scription of the data, the evaluation technique, and the prog- nosis enhancements, along with their preliminary results. 1. Asset replacement: steep positive thickness increments Section 3 discusses the overall outcomes and the limitations (greater than 5 mm) with a final value close to a new asset


Rolling window technique

measure, i.e., 20 mm, need to be segmented and treated 20 Pantograph data as different assets. Online model 18 Prediction/s 2. Acquisition failures: extreme values out of strip range Evaluation point (over 20 mm) or zeroes are regarded as invalid data and 16 History window thus they need to be discarded from the analysis by re- Horizon frame 14 moving them from the carbon thickness sequence. 3. Stability/Monotonicity: each thickness segment needs 12

to be asserted an overall monotonic negative trend ac- 10

cording to the nature of the carbon material erosion, and Carbon strip thickness [mm] a monotonic positive progression regarding the accumu- 8 Past Future lated mileage. To this end, a monotonicity index is use- 20 40 60 80 100 120 ful to quantify the amount of regularity in the evolution, Mileage [x1000 km] which is based on the difference between the number of positive and negative increments (Davydov, Y., and Zi- Figure 4. Diagram of the rolling window prediction evalua- tikis, R., 2017). tion for carbon strip data.

4. Sensor precision: TrainScanner’s rated measurement Prediction evaluation with ROLR

precision is 0.5 mm. The prediction method needs to be 25 Error robust to this inherent data acquisition system variability. Confidence

20 The resulting set of data should be smooth enough to be subject to further analysis following the ISO 13374 stan- 15 dard (ISO, 2003), which is the main PHM development guideline considered in this work, although similar structured 10 approaches have also been developed for overhead monitor- ing systems (Brahimi, M., Medjaher, K., Leouatni, M., and Number of evaluations 5 Zerhouni, N., 2016). Obviously, the primary interest here is focused on the Prognosis module and the dynamic properties 0 of the carbon strip degradation. 4 2 0 2 4 6 Target - prediction [mm] 2.2. Rolling Window Prediction Evaluation Figure 5. Histogram of the prediction error with robust on- A rolling window is a prediction performance estimation pro- line linear regression (ROLR). The 95% confidence interval cedure that is essentially based on the idea that “the past is indicates the uncertainty. used to predict the future”. It is an iterative process that frames a history window at some point in the evolution, learns order to get a baseline for this study, the model linearity is as- the trend from it in order to make a prediction over a given sumed for the carbon strips in this high-speed rail scenario, horizon frame, and finally scores the error difference with the following other carbon-based degradations like the brake remaining coming data (Hota, H. S., Handa, R., and Shrivas, pads (Trilla, A., Dersin, P., and Cabre,´ X., 2018). There- A. K., 2007), see Figure 4. fore, a robust ordinary linear regression approach (ROLR) Ultimately, the distribution of the resulting error score is used based on weighted least-squares fitting is evaluated. The re- to estimate the performance of the prediction method, which gression is applied to each window of carbon thickness his- is mainly driven by the amount of variability (Trilla, A., Der- tory after the aforementioned robust data-weighting process, sin, P., and Cabre,´ X., 2018). To this end, the maximum de- and the prediction is obtained by extrapolating the evolution viation of the error distribution around its mean value is de- over the horizon frame. It is to note that the squared-error termined for a confidence interval of 95%. This quantity is cost function of use here is very convenient to deal with the here referred to as the “uncertainty”. Obviously, the error in- data-acquisition precision instability, which may be positive creases as the prediction horizon is extended into the future. or negative. Finally, given the limited amount of data that is available at the sequence level, the history window is set to 2.3. Robust Online Linear Regression be equal to the prediction horizon, i.e., 30,000 km. Figure 5 shows the resulting distribution of this prediction error. The Class 390 tilting trains run a steady mission profile on the in the UK, featuring a It can be seen that the linear method for the baseline shows an very high availability (running 1,000 miles a day on average), uncertainty of 2.89 mm. However, the resulting distribution which leads to expect a uniform degradation behaviour. In shape is asymmetric because it displays a skewed centrality,


Seasonal wear rate distribution instead of the normal Gaussian distribution that would be ex- Winter pected with the least-squares optimisation procedure of use. 0.25 Spring This might be indicative that the linear assumption is not ad- Summer Autumn equate and perhaps it needs to the questioned. The following 0.20 sections, though, first delve into the particular bits of infor- mation that may be obtained from external context variables, 0.15 and how they may be used to enhance the prediction. 0.10 Probability density

2.4. Potential Improvement with Seasonal Context 0.05 One of the main extrinsic factors that may affect the degra- dation of the pantograph is the season. Variations of temper- 0.00 ature (Ocoleanu, C. F., Popa, I., Manolea, G., Dolan, A. I., 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 Wear rate [x 10 5 mm/km] and Vlase, S., 2009), humidity, rain, wind... may cause an unsteady wear on the surface of the carbon material of the Figure 6. Density distribution of the wear rates according to strip. It is well known that in the winter the contact wire season throughout the year. freezes with the icing temperatures, possibly causing abnor- mal degradation. The spring, instead, is the driest period (al- 2.5.1. Feature Ensemble with a Multilayer Perceptron though the rain is fairly well distributed throughout the year in the UK). The Multilayer Perceptron is a general-purpose neural net- work architecture that can seamlessly integrate extrinsic data Further insight into these issues may be displayed through from different sources in order to refine a prediction (Trilla, the seasonal wear rates, which grossly indicate the dynamic A., Dersin, P., and Cabre,´ X., 2018). It is based on a feed- behaviour of the carbon degradation (i.e., the pace of the de- forward structure with a hidden layer in the middle, which terioration) due to these factors. In order to capture this in- provides the capacity to learn non-linear relationships be- dicator, the slope parameter of the linear regression on the tween the inputs (i.e., the present features) and the output strip thickness sequence is taken. Figure 6 shows the distri- (i.e., the future thickness value). Moreover, its industrialisa- bution of wear rates throughout the year using a Gaussian ker- tion is straightforward through a series of matrix multiplica- nel density estimation procedure. It is to note that the winter tions that any platform can efficiently implement with a stan- and spring seasons are located on the extremes of the over- dard linear algebra library. all multimodal density. Winter shows the highest rates (over 12·10−5 mm/km), whereas spring shows the lowest rates (un- For the pantograph carbon strip scenario presented in this der 5·10−5 mm/km). Given that the prediction method of use work, the baseline prediction result with linear regression is here is linear (this may be interpreted as the derivative of the provided as a real-valued feature along with the rest of the wear function), the extremely different error values related to aforementioned seasonal context variables (as binary flags these two sequential seasons prove that a non-linearity is in- with one-hot encoding). Moreover, the strip thickness value herently present as seasons gradually change. Therefore, this within the 30,000 km horizon is provided as the supervised justifies the specific consideration of the seasonal factor as output target prediction, see Figure 7. The hidden neurons discrete context variables corresponding to the three modes of are designed with a Rectified Linear Unit activation function wear rate: winter, spring, and summer/autumn (note that their to learn the non-linearities (Nair, V., and Hinton, G. E., 2010). centrality conflates into the same value). The representation The neural network is ultimately trained with a stochastic of the season as a nominal one-hot encoded vector (instead of gradient descent protocol using backpropagation, an adaptive a scalar ordinal encoding) is a convenient and effective solu- learning rate with momentum (Kingma, D. P., and Ba, J. L., tion with neural networks (Hancock, J. T., and Khoshgoftaar, 2015), and considering a squared-error cost function. T. M., 2020), the use of which is explored further in the fol- In order to get the network to learn effectively, its expres- lowing sections. siveness (i.e., the capacity to represent the learnt knowledge) needs to match the complexity of the data within the objec- 2.5. Data Blending through Neural Networks tive prediction problem. To do so, the number of hidden units In order to take advantage of the seasonal non-linear con- H needs to be adjusted because they modulate this learn- text variables discussed in Section 2.4, this section explores ing ability. Note that the input dimensionality of this net- blending these different sources of information with a neural work is 4 (i.e., 3 context variables plus the result of the lin- network ensemble. Regardless of the difficulty of the predic- ear prediction), therefore, every hidden unit adds 6 new pa- tion task, the neural technique unifies the way of approaching rameters to the model (4 inputs, 1 output, and 1 bias). In this problem. order to determine the optimum size of the hidden layer so that underfitting and overfitting learning problems may be


Spreading filters G(s) with = 10 1.0 G(0) ROLR i1 G(1) 0.8 G(2)

Winter i2 h1 0.6 . Refined Spring i3 . o1 . Prediction Gain 0.4 Summer/ i h Autumn 4 H 0.2 Figure 7. Multilayer Perceptron architecture blending the Ro- bust Online Linear Regression (ROLR) with the set of three 0.0 seasonal context variables to obtain a better refined predic- 0 1 2 3 4 5 tion. Input sequence [n]

Prediction evaluation with feature ensemble Figure 9. Impulse response of the spreading filters G(s) (with α = 10) for the time-delay convolution. Bias 2.5 Variance

2.0 ment is mainly due to modelling the inherent non-linearities

1.5 in the extrinsic seasonal context variables. Nevertheless, this result is still driven by the assumed linear evolution of the 1.0 carbon thickness, which is a clear point of improvement that Error [mm] is explored in the next section. 0.5 2.5.2. Time-Delay Neural Network Embedding 0.0 This section builds upon the former feature ensemble ap- 2 4 6 8 10 12 Expressiveness [H] proach, drops the questionable linearity assumption that drives the baseline prediction from Section 2.3, and pro- Figure 8. Expressiveness analysis of the neural feature en- poses integrating the carbon thickness data directly through semble. The bias represents the mode of the error distribu- a neural structure known as a Time-Delay Neural Network tion, and the variance represents its uncertainty. (TDNN) (Peddinti, V., Povey, D., and Khudanpur, S., 2015). This approach maps the decreasing dynamic evolution of the data into a fixed spatial pattern using a weighted average op- avoided, a range of values are evaluated with Monte Carlo eration in time with a set of spreading filters G(s) defined cross-validation (Dubitzky, W., Granzow, M., and Berrar, D., by Eq. (1), where L is the size of the delay line (input data 2007), applying 10 rounds of repeated random sub-sampling buffer), α is the spreading factor, and s is the spatial shift. with a train/test split of 95%/5%. This procedure yields over Note that S is a normalisation factor that ensures that all shifts 70 evaluation points, which is a sufficient sample size to reli- may deliver the same amount of energy, see Figure 9. ably estimate the prediction uncertainty. Figure 8 shows the results of this study through a bias/variance tradeoff analy- sis using the mode and the uncertainty values of the expected L α 1 X n + 1  n  skewed error distributions, following customary descriptive G = G(s) = x[n] exp −α s S s + 1 s + 1 statistics tools. n=0 (1) It can be seen that the most interesting performance score (i.e., the variance, or uncertainty) shows a randomly decreas- In addition to empowering the system to deal with the thick- ing evolution as the expressiveness of the network grows (i.e., ness data evolution directly (i.e., an autoassociation that does H increases), until the amount of hidden neurons reaches 9. not assume any specific behaviour, like the linearity), the con- From that point forward, the uncertainty rises, so the network volution with the spreading filters exploits the local features stops generalising and begins to memorise the data, which is of the data and reduces the searchable weight space for the a sign of overfitting. Therefore, the optimum size for the hid- learning stage. Furthermore, it increases the robustness to den layer is of 9 units (it is to note that any residual bias can be uneven sampling, which is to be taken into account as the in- corrected a posteriori with this estimation). It can be seen that spections through the TrainScanner are not scheduled. This, the resulting system outperforms the previous linear approach in turn, enables the neural network that follows to handle se- as it now shows an uncertainty of 1.59 mm. This improve- quences with different lengths, which is a clear limitation of

5 ANNUAL CONFERENCEOFTHE PROGNOSTICSAND HEALTH MANAGEMENT SOCIETY 2020 the ordinary multilayer perceptron (where the input dimen- interpret. Neural networks are typically regarded as “black sionality is fixed). Also, the use of variable history lengths boxes” because of their intricate nested inner functions. may be of help to reduce the high uncertainty of strips show- In order to shed some light into the internal behaviour of the ing a faster wear rate (Trilla, A., Dersin, P., and Cabre,´ X., best-performing TDNN ensemble model, Figure 12 shows 2018; Greitzer, F. L., and Ferryman, T. A., 2001). an input-standardised sensitivity analysis based on the pro- The enhanced solution that this work suggests first builds the file method (Shojaeefard, M. H., Akbari, M. Tahani, M., and time-series embedding by applying the filters over the thick- Farhani, F., 2013). It can be seen that there are three corre- ness sequence to obtain three spatial shifts (i.e., the high, mid- lated patterns of behaviour: dle, and low parts of the evolution). It uses the spreading factor α as a modulator to adjust the bandwidth of the filters • The three physical features (low, middle, and high-parts to the length of any given sequence (applying the first filter of the thickness sequence) show a rather linear increas- G(0) to the newest thickness sample to deal with a most un- ing pattern along 8 mm of the whole output dynamic weighted value close to the prediction result), see Figure 9. range. Their likelihood can be explained by their com- And then, it assembles the resulting physical features with mon source of information (i.e., the carbon evolution), the former set of seasonal context variables that have proven which is already expected to be linearly uniform. to be useful in this modelling approach. Figure 10 shows this • The winter and spring seasons show a convex function architecture. (first negative, and then positive), with the inflection At this point, the expressiveness of the new multilayer per- point around 0.5σ, and also covering 8 mm of the out- ceptron needs to be adjusted to the new embedded features put dynamic range. These two seasons display the most following the cross-validation procedure described in Sec- extreme wear rates, see Figure 6, and the neural network tion 2.5.1. Now, each hidden unit adds 8 new parameters to seems to use them in a similar way for the refined pre- the model. Figure 11 shows the result of this expressiveness dictions. In the end, it’s in the transition from winter to analysis, which indicates that with 6 hidden neurons, the un- spring that the main nonlinearity occurs. certainty of the prediction drops to 1.39 mm. Note that for • The summer/autumn seasonal variable exhibits a kind of this richer input representation (6 variables instead of 4), the offset rectifier function with the inflection point located model has become somewhat simpler (6 hidden units instead at −0.5σ. This variable stretches up to 12 mm of the of 9), which makes perfect sense regarding the complexity output dynamic range. It is to note that the associated tradeoff between the features and the predictive learning ca- wear rate applies to six months and it is represented by pacity. one single variable, thus maybe this explains its extended range. 3. DISCUSSION This work exposes the gradual performance enhancement of While it may be difficult to assess the contribution of each pantograph carbon strip prognosis, initially relying on linear variable in terms of importance, the amount of dynamic range regression (resulting in 2.89 mm of uncertainty), then refining in the output may be indicative of their rank, leaving the sum- this prediction by accounting for non-linearities through the mer/autumn flag as the most critical variable. Further testing seasonal context information (1.59 mm), and finally dealing with an ablation study would be needed to derive stronger with the thickness evolution data directly with a set of spread- statements. ing filters (1.39 mm). What is more, if these error results are The current approach conducts a rough discretisation of the assumed to belong to a normally distributed random variable, seasonal factor with three mutually-exclusive binary vari- their incremental differences are statistically significant with ables, but seasons change gradually, and the mid-season a confidence interval of 95% using an Independent Samples nuances are possibly missed with this solution. Neverthe- t-test. In this case, the powerful Student hypothesis test with less, conducting a seasonal information blending, e.g., at the the Gaussian normality assumption is preferred over weaker month level, increases the number of extrinsic variables from non-parametric approaches like the Mann-Whitney U test, in three to twelve, and this in turn may enlarge the amount of spite of its apparent appropriateness to compare skewed dis- weights in the neural network to an excess of expressiveness, tributions. increasing the potential risk of overfitting the data. Despite the nice interpretability of the initial linear behaviour In addition to the principal seasonal information, other ex- that emulates the prominent uniform physical degradation of ternal sources of potential prognosable input have also been this asset, every step taken toward dropping this linear as- informally studied. On the one hand, there is the particular sumption has led to increasingly better results in terms of pre- location of the pantograph. Each Class 390 train equips two diction uncertainty. However, the resulting neural model has pantographs, and the decision of using one or the other de- also increased its complexity, thus becoming more difficult to pends on the driver. This arbitrary factor may affect the degra-


Thickness [n] i1

Thickness [n-1] i2 G0

Thickness [n-2] i3 G1

. . G . . 2 h1

i . o1 Thickness [n-L] L . Refined Prediction

Winter c1 hH

Spring c2

Summer/Autumn c3

Figure 10. Architecture of the Time-Delay Neural Network ensemble. Strip thickness data is convoluted with the spreading filters (shown as shaded units), and blended into the set of context variables with a multilayer perceptron.

Prediction evaluation with convolutional ensemble Neural Network Sensitivity - Profile Method

Bias 20 Lo Seq Hi Seq Spring 2.5 Variance Mid Seq Winter Summer/Autumn 18

2.0 16

14 1.5 12 1.0 Error [mm]

Output [mm] 10

0.5 8

0.0 6

4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Expressiveness [H] Input [Standard Deviation]

Figure 11. Expressiveness analysis of the TDNN ensemble. Figure 12. Sensitivity analysis of the best-performing TDNN The bias represents the mode of the error distribution, and the ensemble (H=6). The dynamic range of the inputs is nor- variance represents its uncertainty. malised to their standard deviation. The variables that display the same pattern share the same line style. dation of the carbon strips, although particular behaviours seem unlikely to be displayed because driver rota is the com- the end, neither the pantograph location not the strip position mon way of operating the rolling stock. have proven to be of much use in the prognostication of future carbon strip thickness. On the other hand, there is the position of the carbon strip in the pantograph. Depending on the sense of the trip (up- 4. CONCLUSION wards to Scotland, or downwards to England), different strips lead the contact with the catenary. But again, it’s the driver’s At present, the carbon strip replacement criterion for the decision to use one pantograph or the other, so for the same Class 390 pantographs is based on a single thickness thresh- rotation reason, a singular behaviour is unlikely to show. In old value. This inefficient approach does not take into account

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eling of Long Temporal Contexts. In Interspeech (pp. BIOGRAPHIES 3214–3218). Alexandre Trilla graduated from La Salle University of Shing, A. W. C., and Wong, P. P. L. (2008). Wear of pan- Barcelona with a M.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommuni- tograph collector strips. Proc. of the Institution of Me- cations Engineering in 2008, and a M.Sc. in IT Manage- chanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid ment in 2010. He has an academic research background in Transit (ISSN: 2041-3017), 222(2), 169–176. spoken language processing, and an industrial research back- ground in PHM. He has authored several publications in sci- Shojaeefard, M. H., Akbari, M. Tahani, M., and Farhani, F. entific conferences and journals (IEEE Transactions on Au- (2013). Sensitivity Analysis of the Artificial Neural dio, Speech, and Language Processing, Chemical Engineer- Network Outputs in Friction Stir Lap Joining of Alu- ing Transactions, and the Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit). minum to Brass. Advances in Materials Science and At present, he is a Senior Data Scientist and R&D Program Engineering, 1–7. Manager at Alstom, working on the deployment of PHM to the railway environment. He leads the development of pre- Trilla, A., and Cabre,´ X. (2018). Determining the Equiva- dictive maintenance based on Machine Learning, and he is lent Conicity for Railway Wheelset Maintenance with especially interested in the solutions with artificial neural net- Deep Ensembles. Proc. of the Annual Conference of the works. Prognostics and Health Management Society, 10(1), 1– Veronica´ Fernandez´ graduated from Universitat Autonoma` 6. of Barcelona with a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering in 2016, Trilla, A., Dersin, P., and Cabre,´ X. (2018). Estimating the and a M.Sc. in Automatic Systems and Industrial Electron- Uncertainty of Brake Pad Prognostics for High-speed ics Engineering from Universitat Politecnica` of Catalonia in Rail with a Neural Network Feature Ensemble. Proc. of 2019. At present, she is a Data Scientist working on PHM in the railway environment. the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 10(1), 1–7. Xavier Cabre´ was born in Barcelona. He graduated from Tsui, K. L., Chen, N., Zhou, Q., Hai, Y., and Wang, W. La Salle University of Barcelona with a M.Sc. in Electron- ics and Telecommunications Engineering in 1998. He has an (2015). Prognostics and Health Management: A Re- industrial research background in high-technology environ- view on Data Driven Approaches. Mathematical Prob- ments. In 2015, he co-authored a patent in image processing lems in Engineering, 2015(793161), 1–18. and computer vision for the detection of railway components. At present he is the Project/Program manager of TrainScan- ner.