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In Association With OVERTURE OPERA GUIDES in association with It is a pleasure to be able to welcome this Overture Opera Guide to The publisher John Calder began the Opera Guides series un- Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute), the eighteenth to be der the editorship of the late Nicholas John in association with published since the series in association with ENO was relaunched English National Opera in 1980. It ran until 1994 and even- in 2010. tually included forty-eight titles, covering fifty-eight operas. The books in the series were intended to be companions to the Mozart’s penultimate opera – written in the vernacular, with spoken works that make up the core of the operatic repertory. They dialogue and music that ranges from the deeply serious to the light- contained articles, illustrations, musical examples and a com- hearted – has delighted audiences since its premiere in September 1791 plete libretto and singing translation of each opera in the series, at a small theatre tucked away in the Viennese suburbs. Exploring as well as bibliographies and discographies. key issues of the Enlightenment, Die Zauberflöte is one of Mozart’s major contributions to the lyric theatre, and no opera company The aim of the present relaunched series is to make available can be without a production of it for long. This guide’s publication again the guides already published in a redesigned format with coincides with a revival at ENO of director Simon McBurney’s new illustrations, many revised and newly commissioned arti- staging of the work, a production whose innovative theatricality has cles, updated reference sections and a literal translation of the won many new admirers for the opera. libretto that will enable the reader to get closer to the intentions and meaning of the original. New guides of operas not already I hope that by delving deeper into Die Zauberflöte’s background covered will be published alongside the redesigned ones from and exploring the many aspects of its score and libretto, readers’ the old series. appreciation and understanding of this wonderful work will be enhanced. Gary Kahn Series Editor Daniel Kramer Artistic Director, ENO March 2019 Sponsors of the Overture Opera Guides Die Zauberflöte for the 2018/19 Season at ENO Wolgang Amadeus Mozart Eric Adler Overture Opera Guides Sir John and Lady Baker Series Editor Frank and Lorna Dunphy Gary Kahn Richard Everall Editorial Consultant Roger Lee Philip Reed Clémentine Koenig and Axel Scheffler OVERTURE OVERTURE OPERA GUIDES in association with Contents Overture Publishing an imprint of Die Zauberflöte and the Enlightenment 9 ALMA BOOKS LTD Nicholas Till 3 Castle Yard The Music of Die Zauberflöte 25 Richmond Surrey TW10 6TF Julian Rushton United Kingdom A Selective Performance History 42 Hugo Shirley Articles by Nicholas Till, Julian Rushton and Hugo Shirley first published in this volume © the authors, 2019 Thematic Guide 62 Die Zauberflöte, Libretto 67 This Die Zauberflöte Opera Guide first published by Overture Publishing, an imprint of Alma Books Ltd, 2019 Act One 71 Act Two 151 © Alma Books Ltd, 2019 All rights reserved Select Discography 240 Die Zauberflöte on DVD 247 Translation of libretto © Kenneth Chalmers Select Bibliography 251 Printed in United Kingdom by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon CR0 4YY Mozart Websites 253 Note on the Contributors 254 ISBN: 978-1-84749-626-3 Acknowledgements 255 All the pictures in this volume are reprinted with permission or presumed to be in the public domain. Every effort has been made to ascertain and acknowl- edge their copyright status, but should there have been any unwitting oversight on our part, we would be happy to rectify the error in subsequent printings. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), with- out the prior written permission of the publisher. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not be resold, lent, hired out or otherwise circulated without the express prior consent of the publisher. List of Illustrations Die Zauberflöte and the Enlightenment 1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 2. Emanuel Schikaneder 3. Zauberflöte summer house (ArenaPAL) Nicholas Till 4. Playbill for the first performance ofDie Zauberflöte 5. Hanswurst Theatre in Vienna 6. Masonic Lodge in Vienna (ArenaPAL) Mozart’s last surviving letter, written on 14th October 1791, was 7. Engraving by Josef and Peter Schaffer to his wife Constanze, who was taking the waters at the spa of 8. Set design by Karl Friedrich Schinkel Baden, two months before his death.1 It presents us with a vignette 9. Set design by Friedrich Christian Beuther 10. Set design by Josef Hoffman of his routines in the last months of his life. Mozart has been 11. Set design by Ludwig Sievert worried about his seven-year old son Karl’s schooling (the boy 12. Set design by Ewald Dülberg chatters too much, and does nothing but run around in the school 13. Jarmila Novotná and Alexander Kipnis (Metropolitan Opera Association, New York) garden all day long, as he had unwisely admitted to his father), 14. Joan Carlyle and Joan Sutherland (Dominic) and he has already made arrangements for Karl to be transferred 15. Fritz Wunderlich and Herman Prey (Rudolf Betz) from his present boarding school in the village of Perchtoldsdorf 16. Waldemar Kmentt and Gundula Janowitz 17. Edita Gruberová and Elisabeth Speiser as Pamina (Guy Gravett/ArenaPAL) to the Piarists’ school in the Leopoldstadt. He drives out from 18. Josef Köstlinger, Birgitta Smiding, Kirsten Vaupel and Britt-Marie Aruhn (Per B. Vienna to Perchtoldsdorf to collect Karl for a day off school. To Adolphson) the boy’s delight – as Mozart reports – he is taken to a perfor- 19. Leo Goeke and Willard White (Guy Gravett/ArenaPAL) mance of his father’s most recent opera, Die Zauberflöte, which 20. Jérôme Savary’s production at the Bregenz Festival in 1985 (Bregenzer Festspiele) had opened on 30th September at the Freihaus-Theater auf der 21. Helen Field with the Three Boys (Clive Barda/ArenaPAL) 22. Ai-Lan Zhu, Gwynne Howell and Howard Haskin (Guy Gravett) Wieden. The party includes the composer Antonio Salieri (who 23. Sumi Jo (Johan Jacob) afterwards expressed great enthusiasm for the work, describing it 24. Charles Castronovo and Albina Shagimuratova (Mike Hogan/ArenaPAL) as an ‘operone’ – a magnificent opera, ‘worthy to be performed 25. Maureen McKay and Dominik Königer (Iko Freese/ for the grandest festival and before the greatest monarch’), the 26. Ben Johnson and Devon Guthrie (Henrietta Butler/ArenaPAL) singer Catarina Cavalieri, who had performed the role of Kon- 27. Pavol Breslik Tamino and Julia Kleiter (Agathe Poupeney) stanze in Mozart’s previous German opera Die Entführung aus 28. Damiano Michieletto’s production at La Fenice, Venice (Michele Crosera) 29. Neil Armfield’s production at Lyric Opera of Chicago (Andrew Cioffi) dem Serail in 1782, and Karl’s grandmother Cäcilia Weber. After 30. Giovanni Salva and bulldozer (Alfredo Tabocchini) the performance, Mozart drives Salieri and Cavalieri home, then he, Karl and Frau Weber have supper with his sister-in-law Josefa 1 Emily Anderson (ed. and trans.), The Letters of Mozart and His Family, 3rd edn. (London: Macmillan Press, 1985), pp. 970–71. 9 thematic guiDe [3] TAMINO Larghet™to ™ œ œ j œ bb 2 œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ ‰ &‹ b 4 J œ œ œ œ Dies Bild - nis ist be-zau-bernd schön, wid noch kein Au-ge je ge s-ehn. Thematic Guide Themes from the opera have been identified by the numbers in square brackets in the article on the music, pp. 25–41. These num- bers are also printed at corresponding points in the libretto, so that the words can be related to the musical themes. [0a] Overture Adagio U ™ œ ˙ U ™ œ ˙ U ™ bb C ˙ Œ ‰ œ ˙ Œ ‰ œ ˙ Œ ‰ œ œ & b ˙ œ ˙ œ3œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ s˙f R R P œ ˙ œ œ ˙ r œ ˙ œ sœfp ˙ U ™ œ ˙ U ™ ™™ PAPAGENO ? b ˙ œ ˙ ™™ r œ r [5a] Allegro b b C Œ ‰ œ ˙ Œ ‰ Ó œ œ œ w . Ÿ œ. ˙ R œ ˙ ? ™ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ bb C ˙ ‰ R œ œ œ œ œ œ f p Hm! hm! hm! hm! hm! hm! hm! [0b] Allegro Violin I ? b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ Ó . b œ œ œ œ b . hm! hm! hm! hm! hm! hm! hm! hm! hm! b b C œ œ œ œ œ œ œœnœœ œ. œ. œ œ œ. œ. œ œ œ œœ œ œ & œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœ œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ œ œ p. f p f p f p f p . [5b] Andante Clarinets (+ violins, pizz.) THREE LADIES sotto voce Allegro ™ ™ ™ j [1a] b ˙w w œ œ œœ œ j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ (with sustained woodwind) &b C ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ œœ œ œ œ ≈œ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ˙ ˙ ˙œ œ œ œ Jœ R J J J J J J œ œ b Ó Œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ p dolce Bassoon DreiKnäb- chen, jung, schön, hold, und wei-se &b b c œ æ ‰ œ ‰ æ œ œ œ œ p wæ pœ æ f æ p œ œ œ nœ æ w w w w œ œ ? b c œ œ œ œ ˙ wæ wæ b b [6] Allegro molto [1b] TAMINO MONOSTATOS b j™ œ œ ™ œ ˙ œ # œ œ œ œ ? ? ? œ j ™ ™ b b Ó Œ ‰ ≈ œ œ œ R œ nœ œ c Œ &‰ œ œ œ œ œ &‹ wæ R œ R J & œ œ ‹ œ œ J J wæ Zu Hil - fe! zu Hil - fe! nun bin ich ver - lo - ren œ œ Du fei - nes Täub - chen nur her - œ œ PAMINA # ™ ™ & œ Œ &‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ [1c] THREE LADIES ‹ J (wind fanfare plus timps) J J (unison) ™ ein.
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    Mauricio Trejo [email protected] Mexican-Italian Tenor, Mauricio Trejo, was recently distinguished by the Wagner Society of New York as a promising Wagnerian Tenor. In August 2016 Mr.Trejo received a full scholarship to further and expand hi Wagnerian Tenor repertoire at the Lotte Lehmann Akademie where he also perform concerts in Germany. He has been hailed as "a tenor with a silver bullet top," "the possessor of a clear and powerful instrument of great beauty,” "a revelation." (Luzerner Zeitung) A Sony Classical Recording Artist as one of the original American Tenors. Mauricio has been honored with numerous awards such as the Placido Domingo Scholarship under the auspices of SIVAM, the Panasonic Scholar of the Year, a winner in the International Caruso Competition and a finalist in the Arena di Verona Turandot Competition in the role of Calaf. Mr. Trejo has also been featured in television performances in a nationwide airing on PBS and on TV Azteca in Mexico In May 2017 Mauricio made his debut in the role of Otello by Giuseppe Verdi in New York City. He is also currently expanding his repertory in preparation of Siegfried, Siegmund, Bacchus, and Florestan. Before expanding to the dramatic and Wagnerian repertoire, he performed the leading tenor roles in Tosca, Cavalleria Rusticana, Il Tabarro, Turandot, I Pagliacci, Madama Butterfly, La Boheme, La Traviata, Rigoletto, Lucia di Lammermoor, L'Elisir D'Amore and Der Rosenkavalier. Mauricio's international operatic and concert career has taken him to North, Central and South America, Europe and the Middle East. Performed with companies that include the Opera Orchestra Of New York, Bregenzer Festspiele in Austria, Opernhaus Zurich, Santa Fe Opera, Sarasota Opera, Opera Santa Barbara, Lyric Opera of Vinrginia, New Israeli Opera, The New York Grand Opera, and the Opera Nacional de Panama.
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    u 1 , 1 The Advent Mode! 201 Tape Deck is, to our way of thinking, the ideal source for playing music in the home. It combines the important characteristics of a high-performance open-reel tape recorder with the convenience of cassettes. The Advent I Model 201 wit! make recordings that are indistinguishable from most source material, including the best stereo records and FM broadcasts. Of equal importance, the Mode! 201 realizes the full potential of the new "Dolbyized" commercially recorded cassettes, the most significant source I of recorded music since the introduc­ tion of the stereo disc. The best of the "Dolbyized" pre-recorded cas­ settes are easily the equivalent of the best disc recordings, and the number of releases will be continually in­ creasing. The Mode! 201 has the ruggedness and day-to-day operating dependability of the best home recorders, and wi!I maintain its original performance over long and constant use. $2 Beverly Near North Morton Grove Oak Park 2035 W. 95 th 48 E.Oak 5700 W Dempster 7045 W. North The performance of the Model 201 337-4\50 967-6690 38'.l-7006 is the result of several important departures in the design and manu­ 1\JfS()AY. WHJN(Sl)AY FRIDA.¥ & SATURDAY JOAM- 6 PM; MONDAY & THURSDAY 1D AM-9l'M facture of a cassette recorder. "Seigneur, dans votre main''; Louis BROQUET ''Beau Chevalier''; Otto BARBLAN "Hymne a la PROGRAM HEDUlE patrie"; Robert MERMOUD "Pour toi, pays"; Carlo HEMMERLING "0 petit pays"; Gustave DORET "Priere du Ruetli"; Carlo BOLLER I fm December, 1971 "Chant du drapeau"; Emile JAQUES-DALCROZE "Los Vieux11 ; Jean APOTHELOZ "Grand Guillau­ me"; Joseph BOVET "L'Alpee"; Hermann LANG "Mon pays, rustique sejour''; Henri PLUMHOF "La chanson des etoiles"; Joseph BOVET "La montee a l'alpage"; Gustave DORET "Le peuple des bergers" - Choeurs d'homrnes remands/ Andre Charlet (Swiss Composers CT 64-28) WNIB P rog-ram Schedule is published by Radio Station WNIB, 25 East Chestnut, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
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