Fifty-Second Annual Report
FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT <® THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY O F THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH FOR THE YEAR 1870. J1NVABT, 1871. f U f o gork: PRINTED FOE, THE SOCIETY, 805 BROADWAY. OFFICERS AND MANAGERS FOR 1871. OFFICERS. Bey. BISHOP MORRIS, President. “ BISHOP JANES, 1st Vice-President. “ BISHOP SCOTT, 2d u “ BISHOP SIMPSON,, 3d it “ BISHOP BAKER, 4th a “ BISHOP AMES, 5th a “ BISHOP CLARK, 6th a Mr. Enoch L. Fancher, 7th u R ev. M. D ’C. C r a w fo r d , 8th u M r. W . B. Skidm ore, 9th u Rev. J. A. Roche, 10th u M r. James H. T aft, 11th u Mr . Ol iv e r H oyt, 12th u R ey. J. P. Durbin, D.D., Corresponding Sec. “ W. L. Harris, D.D., Asst Cor. Sec. “ Thomas Carlton, D.D., Treasurer. “ L uke H itchcock, D.D., A ssistant T reas. “ D a v id Te r r y , R ecording Sec. MANAGERS. MINISTERS. B ishop M orris, J ohn A. R oche, E d w . G. A n drew s, “ J anes, D aniel W ise, L ew is R. 1>ctnn, “ Scott, J ames M. T uttle, Jesse T. P eck, “ Simpson, C yrus D. F oss, T homas M. E ody, “ B a k er, M. D ’C. Craw fo rd, Gilb e r t H a v e ;t, “ A mes, D a n iel Cu r r y, A l b e r t D. V att., “ Cl a r k , H. B. R id g a w ay, T homas H.
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