Questionnaire for the REPORT OF BELGIUM ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONVENTION ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN A TRANSBOUNDARY CONTEXT in the period 2010–2012 Information on the focal point for the Convention Name and contact information: REGION OF FLANDERS Mr. Kristof De Cock Environment, Nature and Energy Department International Environmental Policy Division Flemish Government Koning Albert II laan 20 bus 8 B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: + 32 02 553 13 89
[email protected] REGION OF WALLONIA Département des politiques européennes et des accords internationaux, Walloon Region Îlot St-Luc, Chaussée de Louvain 14 B-5000 Namur; Belgium Tel. : +32 8164 9426 Fax : +32 8164 9444 REGION OF BRUSSELS Mr. Frédéric Foubert Attaché Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale Secrétariat général Direction des Relations extérieures – Délégation UE Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 20 – 1035 Bruxelles, Belgium Tel : +32 2 800 36 23 Fax : +32 2 800 38 20
[email protected] - FEDERAL AUTHORITY REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ESPOO CONVENTION ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN A TRANSBOUNDARY CONTEXT 1 Federal public service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment Directorate-general Environment Victor Hortaplein 40, bus 10 B-1060 BRUSSELS, Belgium Tel: +32 2 524 95 26 Information on the point of contact for the Convention Name and contact information (if different from above): Information on the person responsible for preparing the report This report was compiled by the focal points. i. Country: ii. Surname: iii. Forename: iv. Institution: v. Postal address vi. E-mail address vii. Telephone number viii. Fax number Date on which report was completed: 31/03/2013 REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ESPOO CONVENTION ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN A TRANSBOUNDARY CONTEXT 2 PART ONE – CURRENT LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONVENTION In this part, please provide the information requested, or revise any information relative to the previous report.