General Assembly

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General Assembly GENERAL ASSEMBLY Thailand APRIL 25 2018 Ronny MARGODT- President Ronny MARGODT- President The following members were present: AUSTRIA TSVO BELGIUM FEBRAS – BEFOS CYPRUS AUFC - apologized CZECH REPUBLIC SPCR DENMARK DSF FINLAND SR GERMANY VDST GREECE HFUA apologized ITALY (non voting) FIAS LUXEMBOURG FLASSA NETHERLANDS NOB NORWAY NDF PORTUGAL (?) FPAS SPAIN FEDAS TURKEY TSSF – was as new member accepted The quorum was fullfilled Ronny MARGODT- President Determination of the agenda and approval The agenda was approved unanimously Approval of the minutes last General Assembly Rome 29th of April 2017 The minutes were published See: https://www.cmas- The minutes were unanimously approved by the General Assembly Ronny MARGODT- President 2017 Official publication new statutes Submitting accounts in accordance with legislation Board meeting in Mechelen (Guests of NELOS) Appointment John Geurts as Vice president Debat with CMAS representatives concerning the value of CMAS Europe Decision not being a copy of CMAS Determination of action points 2017 - 2018 Video Conferences organized by Michael Fenzel EUF Meeting in London and Vienna Ronny MARGODT- President 2018 Video conferences Preparation general assembly 2018 Board meeting (date and place TBC) Developing better communication Increasing membership Member support Further development of current projects Evaluation new projects Participation EUF meetings Frankfurt - Vienna Ronny MARGODT- President Become CMAS EUROP member Ronny MARGODT- President Ronny MARGODT- President The Vice-President presented the idea of CMAS medical-standards John GEURTS – Vice-President The Vice-President presented the final-version of the Marine Conservation Course to be implemented by the federations – see also course John GEURTS – Vice-President Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Cooperation CMAS – CMAS-Europe Cooperation changed to a better understanding - - CMAS-President and Secretary General were always - invited to Board-meetings and were mostly present Common headline: - Do not work twice on the same item - - concentrate on themes concerning Europe - - prepare proposals for the BoD of CMAS (e.g. Medical Form, - Marine Conversation Course,…) Michael presented the advantages of being ISO certified Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General ISO-Certification - EUF CMAS-Europe is member of EUF and has a permanent seat in the BoD EUF accepts only members which are ISO-certified ISO-Certification shall become more or less an Europen law of diving Certification for CMAS-Europe-members are highliy recommended CMAS-Europe will help its members (e.g. group certification, explanation of the process, application to Austrian Standards, financial clarification and so on) Michael presented the problems with GUE Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General GUE – Global Underwater Explorers - This organization is certified according to ISO - The certification is doubtful as the process of education and training is completly different to all other Diving Organizations - GUE ist NOT a member of EUF - GUE is to be carefully observed because of their aggressive activities in various countries - The problem was already discussed in EUF – until now no conclusion as EUF is not the certifying body - Federations which are affected by activities of GUE are requested to report to BoD of CMAS-Europe Michael presented a short overview of the GDPR for information of the members Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) A short note to make you and your federation sensitive for the greatest change of data protection rules within the European Union (and outside!) since more than 20 years. Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Personal data definitions New additions: • Online identifiers • Device identifiers • Cookie IDs • IP addresses • Pseudonymised data • Sensitive includes genetic and biometric data Increased scope • Requirement for increased accountability and documentation of processing activities • Work DP concerns into design of all procedures, projects, systems Good DP compliance should be default • Privacy Impact Assessments required for new activities and undertakings Particularly for profiling, surveillance, and processing of special categories of personal data • Intensive protection of data of children Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Breach reporting and sanctions Mandatory breach notification Unless no risk to data subjects Notify ICO within 72 hours Sanctions of up to €20,000,000 or 4% of annual worldwide turnover 10 Questions, you should answer: Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General If there is only one question answered by „NO“, you are affected by the GDPR – you´ve got one month to comply with the GDPR! Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General I recommend to read this guidebook (about 20,00€): Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General Michael informed the members of the new webseite Michael FRENZEL- Secretary General New CMAS-Europe-website GUIDELINES of CMAS-Europe For a sustainable and environmentally diving For a safe diving without medical and technical risks For uniform standards in diving education in Europe For the removal of legal and bureaucratic obstacles to sport diving in Europe For a diving of all sexes, ages, but also handicapped people New website Please visit: go to website Jesper Rislov Lourenço Silveira Costas Anagnostou Marc Allemeersch Ronny Margodt John Geurts Michael Frenzel Chris Eleftheriou Michael Fenzel Secretary General – relations CMAS – Web Side - EUF John Geurts Vice President – Scientific subjects - Sustainability Chris Eleftheriou Treasurer Lourenço Silveira Communication Marc Allemeersch Relations Technical Comity CMAS Jesper Rislov Board Member Costas Anagnostou Board Member Ronny Margodt President – Official documents – EUF – Relations EU officials The financial report and audit report was recited by the president in charge of the treasurer Chris ELEFTHERIOU - Treasurer REVENU 2017 EXPENSES 2017 Membership 3.800,00 Auditors Accounts 238,00 CMAS refund 75,00 EUF Membership 500,00 Board Meeting Diner 361,00 Translation Marine 1.200,00 Conservation Course BOD Professional Cards 127,00 Flowers Funeral 150,00 Financial Costs 36,00 TOTAL 3.875,00 TOTAL 2.612,00 Profit 2017 - 1.263,00 Chris ELEFTHERIOU - Treasurer Statement of Financial Position ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Receivables 254,00 Proprietor’s Capital 36.187,00 Cash at Bank 37.434,00 Retained Earnings 1.263,00 Liabilities 238,00 Total assets 37.688,00 Total equity and liabilities 37.688,00 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR Adonis Kalopetrides Certified Public Accountant and Registered Auditor … In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Association as at 31 December 2017, and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year ended in accordance with International Financial reporting Standards as opted by the European Union and the requirements of the Articals of Association of the Associations and Foundations Law of 1972 and the Associations and Foudations regulations of 1973. Chris ELEFTHERIOU - Treasurer The treasurer and the board were discharged unanimously The Budget 2018and audit report was recited by the president in charge of the treasurer REVENU 2018 EXPENSES 2018 Membership 15/300 4,500,00 Auditors Accounts 240,00 Membership 1/100 100,00 EUF Membership 500,00 Board Meeting (refund travelcost max 8 pers) 1,600,00 Board meeting Diner 500,00 Conservation Program 800,00 Medical standards Program 500,00 Communication Program 400,00 Financial Costs 40,00 TOTAL 4.600,00 TOTAL 4,580,00 CMAS EUROPE should gain at least 3 extra members in 2018 to comply with this budget. The budget 2018 was approved unanimously The Vice-President presented the idea of a clean-up-week as follows: One week each year Proposal : week 39 In this week (Brussels on 28 September 1958) National Delegates decided to create CMAS (creation in Monaco on 9–11 January 1959) Other proposals? Member Federations launch a program in their country Collect photos and send us a list of the initiatives with the identity of the organising school/club…. We will ask CMAS to use the name ‘Bleu Helmet week’ CMAS Europe will seek for European support (fund) and publicity CMAS Europe award for best projects … The problem was presented by the Secretary General: UNCONTROLLED DISTRIBUTION OF C-CARDS Some Federation sell C-Cards to commercial entities which distribute cards out of the geographical boarder of the selling federation: Problems in - Belgium - Spain - Portugal - and other countries UNCONTROLLED DISTRIBUTION OF C-CARDS For your understanding: Some general statements Article 4 (CMAS Statues) 2. Without prejudice to the cases implying a disciplinary suspension and other sanctions which may be imposed, in accordance with the Disciplinary Code, a federation shall be suspended by the Board of Directors whenever any of the following occurs: b. A federation makes misuse or unauthorized use of CMAS 'brand, logo, trademarks and any other intellectual property or commercial rights of CMAS. UNCONTROLLED
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