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Supplementmaterial S4.Pdf Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 106 Suppl. S4 1-9 München, 15.02.2016 Systematische, revidierte und kommentierte Checkliste der Schmetterlinge Bayerns (Insecta: Lepidoptera) Alfred HASLBERGER & Andreas H. SEGERER Supplementmaterial S4 Zusammenstellungen bayerischer Schmetterlingsarten mit regional fraglichem oder irrigem Kontext (unklare Befundlage, unpublizierte Fehlbestimmungen usw.). S4.1 Fragliche Angaben für die Bayerischen Alpen und/oder das Alpenvorland (AVA) Nr. FauEu Überfamilie Familie Art 0054 431797 Nepticuloidea Nepticulidae Stigmella glutinosae (STAINTON, 1858) 0081 431905 Nepticuloidea Nepticulidae Stigmella obliquella (VON HEINEMANN, 1862) 0173 432366 Adeloidea Adelidae Nemophora prodigellus (ZELLER, 1853) 0278 432605 Tineoidea Psychidae Rebelia plumella (OCHSENHEIMER, 1810) 0408 433473 Gracillarioidea Bucculatricidae Bucculatrix artemisiella HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1855 0434 433802 Gracillarioidea Gracillariidae Povolnya leucapennella (STEPHENS, 1835) 0446 433865 Gracillarioidea Gracillariidae Micrurapteryx kollariella (ZELLER, 1839) 0567 433933 Yponomeutoidea Yponomeutidae Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus GAJ, 1954 0620 434033 Yponomeutoidea Plutellidae Rhigognostis annulatella (CURTIS, 1832) 0652 – Yponomeutoidea Argyresthiidae Argyresthia kulfani BENGTSSON & JOHANSSON, 2012 0849 435031 Gelechioidea Depressariidae Depressaria douglasella STAINTON, 1849 1158 437484 Gelechioidea Gelechiidae Caryocolum leucomelanella (ZELLER, 1839) 1165 437512 Gelechioidea Gelechiidae Caryocolum proxima (HAWORTH, 1828) 1180 437266 Gelechioidea Gelechiidae Teleiodes flavimaculella (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1854) 1341 435669 Gelechioidea Coleophoridae Coleophora juncicolella STAINTON, 1851 1492 436414 Gelechioidea Scythrididae Scythris cuspidella (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) 1504 436540 Gelechioidea Scythrididae Scythris scopolella (LINNAEUS, 1767) 1516 437879 Alucitoidea Alucitidae Alucita hexadactyla (LINNAEUS, 1758) 1752 439618 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Cnephasia longana (HAWORTH, 1811) 1780 439539 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Acleris permutana (DUPONCHEL, 1836) 2038 – Tortricoidea Tortricidae Epinotia cinereana (HAWORTH, 1811) 2163 439186 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Cydia grunertiana (RATZEBURG, 1868) 2199 439040 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Pammene gallicolana (LIENIG & ZELLER, 1846) 2982 443413 Drepanoidea Drepanidae Polyploca ridens (FABRICIUS, 1787) 3309 444133 Geometroidea Geometridae Idaea fuscovenosa (GOEZE, 1781) 3313 444176 Geometroidea Geometridae Idaea pallidata (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) 3328 444301 Geometroidea Geometridae Scopula nemoraria (HÜBNER, 1799) 3358 445054 Geometroidea Geometridae Lythria purpuraria (LINNAEUS, 1758) Nr. FauEu Überfamilie Familie Art 3405 444720 Geometroidea Geometridae Euphyia frustata (TREITSCHKE, 1828) 3470 444596 Geometroidea Geometridae Colostygia multistrigaria (HAWORTH, 1809) 3756 447014 Noctuoidea Erebidae Epatolmis luctifera (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) 4054 449063 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Periphanes delphinii (LINNAEUS, 1758) 4128 447353 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Actinotia radiosa (ESPER, 1804) 4198 447493 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Globia algae (ESPER, 1789) 4262 448041 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Mesogona acetosellae (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) 4274 447779 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Agrochola laevis (HÜBNER, 1803) 4275 447789 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Agrochola ruticilla (ESPER, 1791) 4283 447707 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Jodia croceago (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) S4.2 Fragliche Angaben für das Tertiär-Hügelland und/oder die voralpinen Schotterplatten (TS) Nr. FauEu Überfamilie Familie Art 0055 431800 Nepticuloidea Nepticulidae Stigmella alnetella (STAINTON, 1856) 0109 432196 Nepticuloidea Nepticulidae Trifurcula cryptella (STAINTON, 1856) 0121 432147 Nepticuloidea Nepticulidae Bohemannia pulverosella (STAINTON, 1849) 0173 432366 Adeloidea Adelidae Nemophora prodigellus (ZELLER, 1853) 0339 433181 Tineoidea Tineidae Nemapogon picarella (CLERCK, 1759) 0408 433473 Gracillarioidea Bucculatricidae Bucculatrix artemisiella HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1855 0428 433851 Gracillarioidea Gracillariidae Caloptilia roscipennella (HÜBNER, 1796) 0508 433587 Gracillarioidea Gracillariidae Phyllonorycter cydoniella (DENIS & SCHIFF., 1775) 0535 433701 Gracillarioidea Gracillariidae Phyllonorycter scopariella (ZELLER, 1846) 0537 433608 Gracillarioidea Gracillariidae Phyllonorycter fraxinella (ZELLER, 1846) 0588 433871 Yponomeutoidea Yponomeutidae Niphonympha dealbatella (ZELLER, 1847) 0759 434638 Gelechioidea Oecophoridae Dasycera oliviella (FABRICIUS, 1794) 0975 436890 Gelechioidea Gelechiidae Dichomeris limosellus (SCHLÄGER, 1849) 1082 437376 Gelechioidea Gelechiidae Sophronia sicariellus (ZELLER, 1839) 1084 437384 Gelechioidea Gelechiidae Mirificarma maculatella (HÜBNER, 1796) 1115 437420 Gelechioidea Gelechiidae Gelechia hippophaella (SCHRANK, 1802) 1129 437614 Gelechioidea Gelechiidae Scrobipalpa proclivella (FUCHS, 1886) 1165 437512 Gelechioidea Gelechiidae Caryocolum proxima (HAWORTH, 1828) 1253 435493 Gelechioidea Elachistidae Elachista juliensis FREY, 1870 1336 435660 Gelechioidea Coleophoridae Coleophora glitzella O. HOFMANN, 1869 1439 436225 Gelechioidea Coleophoridae Coleophora albicans ZELLER, 1849 1492 436414 Gelechioidea Scythrididae Scythris cuspidella (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) 1516 437879 Alucitoidea Alucitidae Alucita hexadactyla (LINNAEUS, 1758) 1519 437892 Alucitoidea Alucitidae Alucita desmodactyla ZELLER, 1847 1554 438222 Pterophoroidea Pterophoridae Stenoptilia graphodactyla (TREITSCHKE, 1833) 1746 439587 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Cnephasia alticolana (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1851) 1939 438540 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Argyroploce noricana (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1851) 2 Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 106 Suppl. (2016) Nr. FauEu Überfamilie Familie Art 2107 438746 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Pseudococcyx mughiana (ZELLER, 1868) 2156 439176 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Cydia conicolana (HEYLAERTS, 1874) 2179 439094 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Grapholita pallifrontana ZELLER, 1845 2308 440507 Zygaenoidea Zygaenidae Zygaena hippocrepidis (HÜBNER, 1799) 2777 442792 Pyraloidea Crambidae Ostrinia quadripunctalis (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) 3237 445943 Geometroidea Geometridae Campaea honoraria (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) 3244 446177 Geometroidea Geometridae Gnophos obfuscata (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) 3364 444477 Geometroidea Geometridae Cataclysme riguata (HÜBNER, 1813) 3415 445019 Geometroidea Geometridae Larentia clavaria (HAWORTH, 1809) 3466 444579 Geometroidea Geometridae Colostygia aptata (HÜBNER, 1813) 3545 444491 Geometroidea Geometridae Lithostege farinata (HUFNAGEL, 1767) 3569 445122 Geometroidea Geometridae Perizoma minorata (TREITSCHKE, 1828) 3633 444929 Geometroidea Geometridae Eupithecia goossensiata (MABILLE, 1869) 3646 444973 Geometroidea Geometridae Eupithecia denticulata (TREITSCHKE, 1828) 3810 446922 Noctuoidea Erebidae Eilema palliatella (SCOPOLI, 1763) 3943 449608 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Autographa buraetica (STAUDINGER, 1892) 3970 449455 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Trichosea ludifica (LINNAEUS, 1758) 4010 449322 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Cucullia campanulae FREYER, 1831 4049 449128 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Xylocampa areola (ESPER, 1789) 4200 447489 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Pabulatrix pabulatricula (BRAHM, 1791) 4274 447779 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Agrochola laevis (HÜBNER, 1803) 4275 447789 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Agrochola ruticilla (ESPER, 1791) 4478 448944 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Epipsilia latens (HÜBNER, 1809) 4518 448754 Noctuoidea Noctuidae Xestia collina (BOISDUVAL, 1840) S4.3 Fragliche Angaben für das Schichtstufenland (SL) Nr. FauEu Überfamilie Familie Art 0054 431797 Nepticuloidea Nepticulidae Stigmella glutinosae (STAINTON, 1858) 0072 431871 Nepticuloidea Nepticulidae Stigmella stettinensis (VON HEINEMANN, 1871) 0293 432506 Tineoidea Psychidae Ptilocephala plumifera (OCHSENHEIMER, 1810) 0434 433802 Gracillarioidea Gracillariidae Povolnya leucapennella (STEPHENS, 1835) 0887 434851 Gelechioidea Lypusidae Agnoea latipennella (JÄCKH, 1959) 0899 434874 Gelechioidea Lypusidae Dasystoma salicella (HÜBNER, 1796) 1119 437424 Gelechioidea Gelechiidae Gelechia rhombelliformis STAUDINGER, 1871 1130 437627 Gelechioidea Gelechiidae Scrobipalpa obsoletella (FISCHER V. RÖSLERSTAMM, 1841) 1223 435391 Gelechioidea Elachistidae Elachista obliquella STAINTON, 1854 1224 435322 Gelechioidea Elachistidae Elachista cingillella (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1855) 1268 435466 Gelechioidea Elachistidae Elachista elegans FREY, 1859 1378 435864 Gelechioidea Coleophoridae Coleophora auricella (FABRICIUS, 1794) 1554 438222 Pterophoroidea Pterophoridae Stenoptilia graphodactyla (TREITSCHKE, 1833) Mitt. Münch. Ent. Ges. 106 Suppl. (2016) 3 Nr. FauEu Überfamilie Familie Art 1570 438114 Pterophoroidea Pterophoridae Geina didactyla (LINNAEUS, 1758) 1746 439587 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Cnephasia alticolana (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1851) 1779 439538 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Acleris hippophaeana (VON HEYDEN, 1865) 1782 439542 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Acleris scabrana (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) 1805 439471 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Hysterophora maculosana (HAWORTH, 1811) 2041 438926 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Zeiraphera rufimitrana (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1851) 2060 438828 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Eucosma parvulana (WILKINSON, 1859) 2093 438781 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Epiblema simploniana (DUPONCHEL, 1835) 2121 439214 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Dichrorampha podoliensis (TOLL, 1942) 2169 439199 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Cydia leguminana (LIENIG & ZELLER, 1846) 2204 439050 Tortricoidea Tortricidae Pammene clanculana (TENGSTRÖM, 1869) 2275 440003 Cossoidea Sesiidae Chamaesphecia annellata (ZELLER, 1847) 2307 440495
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