
♦ Men should walk briskly (Raml) during first 3 circuits only, alone, without partner. To Him belongs all Sovereignty and all and Guide the remaining 4 circuits are done at a normal pace Praise. He alone gives life and causes death, He is Omnipotent completely around until 7th circuit. No particular over all things. There is none truly worthy of worship except () is essential during Tawaaf.3 alone, without partner. He has fulfilled His promise, and helped His slave, and He alone has defeated the confederates. ♦ Dua (supplication) can be made during Tawaaf, except it is to recite the following when going between Ar- 4. Shaving Head/Trimming  Ruknul-Yamani (Yemeni Corner) 4 After completing Sa’ee: Men: shaving entire head is preferable or cut hair equally from all over head; Women: cut one-third finger-length of hair. Upon leaving َر َّب َنا ِآت َنا فِي ُّالد ْن َيا َح َس َن ًة َو فِي ِاآلخ َر ِة al-Masjid ul-Haraam with the left foot, recite- َح َس َن ًة َو قِ َنا َع َذ َاب َّالنار َّ ِّ َ َ ُ َ َ الل ُھ َّم إِني أ ْسألك ِم ْن ف ْضلِك Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wa feel aakhirati hasanatan wa qinaa Allahumma innee 'as'aluka min fadhlika UMRAH O Allah, send and upon . 'adhaaban naar O Allah, verily I ask You from Your Favor. 1. – Before reaching Meeqat Before Ihram: Remove unwanted hair, trim nails, make Remove Ihram, as all restrictions are now lifted. Umrah is (bath) & wudhu (ablution) or at least wudhu. Our Lord! Give us in this world now complete and await morning of 8th of Dhul-Hijjah. Put on clothes of Ihram – 2 white that which is good un-sewn pieces of cloth for men and and in the Hereafter Footnotes regular clothes for women. Women that which is good, 1 If possible, cling to area between the corner of al-Hajarul-Aswad should not cover their faces during and save us from the (The ) and the door. 2 Ihram & men should not cover their torment of the Fire! If possible, touch The Black Stone with the right hand and also kiss it; if not, simply make a sign towards it with the right hand. heads during Ihram. 3 ♦ Once Tawaaf is complete, cover your right There is no specific Du’aa during the walk around the Ka’bah, On entering state of Ihram shoulder and offer 2 rakaats anywhere behind apart from what has been mentioned for between The Yemeni Niyyah (Intention) in any language to enter into Ihram or Corner to The Black Stone. You can therefore recite the the Station of Ibraheem – or anywhere in the or any Dua as you please. recite – : Recite Surat al-Kafirun in 1st rakaa 4 If possible, touch Ar-Ruknul-Yamani (Yemeni Corner) each time nd .and Surat al-Ikhlas in the 2 rakaa. - this is best; if not, then do not make any sign towards it َل َّب ْي َك َّالل ُھ َّم ب ُع ْم َرة Drink Zamzam water – Make Dua ♦ ِ LabbaikAllahumma bi-`Umrah Visiting Madina - Masjid-Al-Nabawi – Masjid Quba Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call) making Umrah. 3. Sa’ee (Completion of 7 rounds Safa & Marwah) Going to Masjid Al-Haram (Ka’bah), men to recite Visiting Madina is not loudly (women quietly) an obligatory act for Talbiyah Recitation (Hajj supplication): either Hajj or Umrah, but there is great value َ َّ َ َ َ َ -in visiting Al Masjid-Al ل َّب ْي َك الل ُھ َّم ل َّب ْيك، ل َّب ْي َك الَ َش ِر ْي َك ل َك ل َّب ْيك، Nabawi (the ’s إِ َّن ْال َح ْم َد َو ِّالن ْع َم َة َل َك َو ْال ُم ْل ُك الَ َش ِر ْي َك َلك ). Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk Begin Sa’ee at as-Safa. Complete walk from as-Safa to al- la sharika laka Labbayk, Innal hamda Marwah (one circuit), then al-Marwah to as-Safa (second The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) has said : wanni‘mata laka walmulk La sharika lak circuit) and continue for seven circuits, finishing at al- Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I Marwah. Upon encountering lights, men only - run "One prayer in this mosque (Madina) of mine is better am, You have no partner, here I am. Indeed all the Praise, from one light to other light. than 1,000 prayers offered anywhere else except the Grace and Sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner. At foot of as-Safa recite – Masjid Al-Haram (Makkah), and one prayer in Masjid Al- Haram is better than 100,000 prayers in any other إِ َّن َّالص َفا َو ْال َم ْر َو َة ِم ْن َش َع ِآئ ِر َّﷲِ َف َم ْن ".mosque َ َ َح َّج ْال َب ْي َت أ ِو ْاع َت َم َر َفالَ ُج َن َاح َع َل ْي ِه أ ْن َي َّط َّو َف (Umrah (Tawaaful-Qudoom He (SAW) also said: "Whoever makes ablutions at home بھ َما َو َم ْن َت َط َّو َع َخ ْيراً َفإ َّن َّﷲ َش ِاك ٌر َعلِ ْيم :Entering Masjid Al-Haram (Sacred Mosque)in Makkah Enter with the right foot and recite: َ ِ ِ ِ and then goes and prays in Masjid Quba (the first Innas-safaa wal marwata min mosque built in ), will have a reward like that of an َّالل ُھم ْاف َت ْح لِي أَ ْب َو َاب َر ْح َم ِتك ".sha'aa'irillaahi faman hajjal baita Umrah َّ Allahumma aftah lee abwaaba rahmatika 'awi`tamara falaa junaaha 'alaihi an O Allah, open the doors of Your for me. Types Of Hajj

yattawwafa bihimaa wa man tatawwa'a ♦ Make intention for the Tawaf. khiran fa'innAllaha shaakirun 'aleemun Any person intending to perform Hajj opts for either one of the Verily! As-Safa and al-Marwah are of the Symbols of Allah. So it is 2. TAWAAF (Circling the Ka’bah 7 times) three types of Hajj: not a sin on him who performs Hajj or 'Umrah of the House to perform the Tawaf between them. And whoever does good voluntarily, then verily, Allah is All-Recognizer, All-Knower. ♦ TAMATTU: Making Umrah then Hajj in the prescribed months of Each time you complete one round (Safa and Marwah) Hajj. It is considered the best of the three forms of Hajj that the recite – Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) urged his followers to perform. ♦ QIRAAN : Making Umrah and Hajj at the same time. َ َّﷲُ أَ ْك َبر، َ َّﷲُ أَ ْك َبر، َ َّﷲُ أَ ْك َبر .IFRAAD : Making Hajj only; without Umrah ♦ َّ If you select Tamattu or Qiraan you must perform the Udhiya* الَ إِ َل َه إِالَّ ﷲُ َو ْح َدهُ الَ َش ِر ْي َك َله، َل ُه ْال ُم ْل ُك َو َل ُه .(), ( in ) ْال َح ْم ُد ُي ْحيِي َو ُي ِم ْي ُت َو ُھ َو َع َلى ُكلِّ َش ْي ٍء َق ِد ْير؛ َّ الَ إِ َل َه إِالَّ ﷲُ َو ْح َدهُ الَ َش ِر ْي َك َله، أَ ْن َج َز َو ْع َده ُ Don’t forget to: Pay all debts َ Redress all wrongs َو َن َص َر َع ْب َدهُ َو َھ َز َم األ ْح َز َاب َو ْح َده Allahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Write your will - laa illaaha illallahu wahdau laa ♦ Before proceeding to the starting point of Tawaaf, Al- shareekalah - lahul mulku wa lahul For more copies: Hajarul-Aswad (The Black Stone) 1,men only - uncover hamdu - yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa right shoulder by placing Ihram underneath right arm-pit The Islamic Bulletin (this is known as Idhtiba). 'alaa kulli shai'in qadeer - laa ilaaha PO Box 410186 SF CA 94141 When beginning each circuit, make a sign with your right illallahu wahdahu laa shareekalah - USA hand towards al-Hajarul-Aswad (The Black Stone) 2, and anjaza wa'dahu wa nasara ' abdahu wa E-Mail: [email protected] recite – Web: www.islamicbulletin.org hazamal ahzaaba wahdahu َّﷲ أَ ْكبر Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the ُ َ Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest). Greatest. There is none truly worthy of worship except Allah ♦Pray Dhuhr & Asr at Arafah. to your right, throw each of the seven stones at Jamarah ♦ Perform WUQUF (stand and pray), make dua reciting – َّﷲُ أَ ْك َبر .) and seek until sunset) ♦ After sunset go to .

Stay in Muzdalifah Allahu Akbar Allah is the Greatest (after each throw)

After second Jamarah, face Qiblah (with second ♦ Pray Maghrib & Isha together at Muzdalifah. 6 Jamarah to your right), raise hands and supplicate as you ♦ In Muzdalifah or wish. Then, calmly proceed to third Jamarah (Al-’Aqabah Mina, collect 70 Upon arrival in - Make Tawaf al-Kubraa) . Facing third Jamarah, with Makkah to your pebbles for Makkah left and Mina to your right, throw each of the seven stones stoning.10 at Jamarah reciting – َّ َ 8th Dhul-Hijjah - Wearing The Ihram ♦ Spend the night in ﷲُ أ ْك َبر (worship) or Stay In Mina go to sleep until Fajr. Allahu Akbar

9th Dhul-Hijjah - Stay In Arafah 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah (Yawmun-Nahr) Allah is the Greatest (after each throw) After stoning final Jamarah, move onwards without Stay In Muzdalifah ♦ Pray Fajr in Muzdalifah. supplicating. ♦ Leave for Mina after Fajr. 10th Dhul-Hijjah - Stoning The Pillars Between the time periods of after sunrise 12th Dhul-Hijjah Performing The Udhiya until the night, calmly proceed to ♦ If Tawaf Ifaadhah 8 has still not been performed, go to (Sacrifice) Jamaratul-’Aqabah al-Kubraa  for Makkah and perform Tawaf. Pray 2 rakaats, drink from Shave Head stoning. Facing Jamarah, with Makkah to Zam Zam and perform Sa’ee. Return back to Mina. your left and Mina to your right, throw seven stones at ♦ From the time period between after Zawaal (after mid- Tawaaful-Ifaadhah Jamarah reciting- day) until the night, stone all 3 Jamarat with 7 pebbles for

each one. Leave Mina for Makkah before Sunset if َّﷲ أَ ْك َبر 11th, 12th, (13th Dhul- - Stay In Mina For .Hijjah 11) Stoning ُ possible. If you can’t leave - Stay at Mina Allahu Akbar 13 th Dhul-Hijjah Upon departure from - Tawaaful-Wadaa Allah is the Greatest (after each throw). Makkah ♦ If you didn’t leave Mina, beginning after Fajr, stone all 3 ♦ Performing the Udhiya (Sacrifice), Jamarat with 7 pebbles for each Jamarat. ♦Leave for Makkah. 8th day of Dhul-Hijjah (Yawmut-Tarwiyah) If a sacrificial ticket has been purchased, this is a permissible alternative, otherwise, calmly ♦ Before final departure from Makkah, perform Tawaaful- Enter state of Ihram. 5 proceed to slaughter house in Mina for sacrifice. Wadaa’ (Farewell Tawaf) as your last act. ♦Make intention for Hajj, reciting - Shave/Trim Hair . After the sacrifice, Men: shaving Footnotes ♦ َل َّب ْي َك َّالل ُھ َّم ب َح ّج .head is preferable, or cut hair equally from all over head; 5 From wherever you are residing - hotel, house, etc ِ Labbayk Allahumma bi -hajjah Women: cut one-third finger length of hair. 6 Pray two each for Zhuhur, ‘Asr and ‘Isha. Maghrib is not Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call) making ♦ Remove Ihram, as all restrictions are now lifted. shortened, and remains three Fard. ‘Isha to be followed by . 7 Hajj. Go to Makkah to perform Tawaaful-Ifaadhah. A place close to ‘Arafah - there is now a Masjid there. If this is not Standing, face the Qiblah recite the Talbiyah: possible, it is permissible to proceed to ‘Arafah. 8 Tawaaful-Ifaadhah (Tawaaf ul Ziyarrat in Urdu) can be performed Tawaaful-Ifaadhah on the 10th. *Women should allow extra days for Tawaf in Makkah َل َّب ْي َك َّالل ُھ َّم َل َّب ْيك، َل َّب ْي َك الَ َش ِر ْي َك َل َك َل َّب ْيك، in case of menses. 9 ْ ِّ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ َ .Go to Makkah and perform Tawaaful-Ifaadhah. Can be For an English , see page 1 ♦ إِ َّن ال َح ْم َد َو الن ْع َمة ل َك َو ال ُمل ُك ال ش ِر ْي َك لك Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk performed anytime up to sunset of 12th Dhul Hijjah. Upon 10 They are all the same in size. You can also pick the pebbles in la sharika laka Labbayk, Innal hamda entering al-Masjid ul-Haraam with the right foot, recite Dua Mina. You will need only 7 pebbles on the 10th, and 42 afterwards entering Masjid. (See Umrah section on first page). No (49 total). You will need 21 extra pebbles if you are staying for the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah (70 total).They must not be bigger than a chick- wanni‘mata laka walmulk La sharika lak Ihram required. Start at al-Hajarul-Aswad (Black Stone)1 pea. (Approximately 1cm across = 0.39 inches). ♦ Between the time period after Fajr until before Zhuhur go ♦ Once Tawaaf is complete, offer 2 rakaats 11 It is permissible to perform Tawaaful-Wadaa’ on 12th day of Dhul- to Mina (preferably in Morning) anywhere behind the Station of Ibraheem – or Hijjah (as long as you leave Mina before sunset), thus missing the Stay in Mina anywhere in the Haram: Recite Surat al-Kafirun in recommended (but not compulsory) day of stoning. nd ♦ Pray Dhuhr, 1st raka’a and Surat al-Ikhlas in the 2 raka’a. Traveling by metro train during Hajj ♦ Drink Zamzamwater – Make Du’aa ‘Asr, Maghrib and ♦ Perform Sa’ee (See Umrah section page 1) ‘Isha at Mina6. ♦ Upon the completion of the Sa’ee, all restrictions are Hajj traveling by the ♦ Engage in now lifted. metro train will board and depart Ibadah (worship) ♦ Return back to Mina. from Arafat, Muzdalifah, Mina all day. Upon leaving al-Masjid ul-Haraam with the left foot, recite and Jamarat at three tent-shaped dua of leaving the Masjid – (See Umrah section page 1) stations for each area based on 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah (Yawmu ‘Arafah) 11th Dhul-Hijjah the colored bracelet given to ♦ If Tawaf Ifaadhah 8 was not performed yesterday, go to Hajjis. (Colored bracelets will be given to pilgrims who Stay in ‘Arafah purchase them before Hajj) ♦ Pray Fajr in Mina. Makkah and perform Tawaf. Then pray 2 rakaats, drink ♦ Go to Arafat any time after sunrise. from Zam Zam and perform Sa’ee. Return to Mina. Stopover if possible at Namirah 7 (place Stay in Mina for Stoning close to ‘Arafah - there is now a Masjid Station 1 Blue Station 2 Yellow Station 3 Green there) and remain there until after Zawaal (sun at highest point - no shadow) and listen to the . If this is not possible, it is permissible to proceed to ‘Arafah, remaining Mina 1 Mina 2 Jamarat (Mina) 3 there until sunset. Stand upon the rocks at the bottom of  the Mount of Mercy (Jabalur-Rahmah); if not, then all of From the time period between after Zawaal (sun at highest ‘Arafah is a standing place. Facing the Qiblah, with raised point - no shadow) until the night, stone all three Jamarats, Arafat 1 Muzdalifah 2 Muzdalifah 3 hands, supplicate and also recite the Talbiyah – 21 required per day.11  It is encouraged to frequently recite the following – Facing first Jamarah (smallest), with Makkah to your left Muzdalifah 1 Arafat 2 Arafat (Mina) 3 and Mina to your right, throw each of the seven stones at الَ إِ َل َه إِالَّ َّﷲُ َو ْح َدهُ الَ َش ِر ْي َك َله، َل ُه ْال ُم ْلك، Jamarah reciting – و َل ُه ْالحمد، و ُھو ع َلى ُكل َشيء َق ِدير .(Hajj Mabrur (An accepted Hajj َّﷲُ أَ ْك َبر َ َ ْ َ َ َ ِّ ْ ٍ ْ La ilaha ill Allahu wahdahu laa shareeka Allahu Akbar May Allah (SWT) accept your Hajj.

lahu lahul mulk wa lahul hamdu wa huwa Allah is the Greatest (after each throw) رقم اذن بطبع ٥٢٠٩/م /ج في ٣٠ / ١٢/ ١٤٣١ 'alaa kulli shay ‘in qadeer After stoning first Jamarah, face Qiblah (with first There is none truly worthy of worship except Allah alone, without Jamarah to your right), raise hands and supplicate as you أنجليزي wish. Then, calmly proceed to 2nd (middle one) Jamarah English partner. To Him belongs all Sovereignty and all Praise, and He is www.islamicbulletin.org Omnipotent over all things. Facing second Jamarah, with Makkah to your left and Mina

-this is the best supplication to recite on this great day.